march 2015 hill archive/2015/02 march...

Advertising - 01285 720 683 1 HILL VALLEY The & P A R I S H M A G A Z I N E Newsletter of the Parishes of Chedworth and District MARCH 2015 W.I. CENTENARY To mark this event a Baton is being carried round the whole country and will arrive in Chedworth from Naunton before being transported on to Bibury by a CAVALCADE OF VINTAGE AND CLASSIC CARS JOIN US FOR TEA TO CELEBRATE MONDAY 23 RD MARCH AT THE VILLAGE HALL 3pm – 5pm ATTRACTIONS IN THE VILLAGE HALL Include: Activities for children Promotion stands including The Roman Villa, The School, The Church, Hill &Valley Tennis Club, The Silver Band, Pre-School and Toddlers, The Chedworth Society, The W.I. in Chedworth Sales from The Farm Shop, Fair Trade, and the Horticultural Society stands

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&P A R I S H M A G A Z I N E

Newsletter of the Parishes of Chedworth and District

MARCH 2015

W.I. CENTENARYTo mark this event a Baton is being carried round the wholecountry and will arrive in Chedworth from Naunton beforebeing transported on to Bibury by a





Include: Activities for children

Promotion stands including The Roman Villa, The School, TheChurch, Hill &Valley Tennis Club, The Silver Band, Pre-Schooland Toddlers, The Chedworth Society, The W.I. in Chedworth

Sales from The Farm Shop, Fair Trade, and the HorticulturalSociety stands

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Dear Readers and Contributors

The production of the Hill and Valley is made possible through acombination of the articles from our contributors, our advertisers, ourprinters, finance team and a group of coordinators creating the magazine10 times each year.

In order to assist the magazine coordinators we ask that articles aresubmitted online (not by email) and conform to a standard A5-sized articletemplate. For more information please go online to the MagazineContributors area of .

Business advertisers please contact Sue Robertson - 01285 720683 [email protected] .

The magazine coordinator for March 2015 was Julie Young (01285720398) and for April 2015 will be Caroline Baker (01285 720484).

The Benefice of Chedworth and DistrictPriest-in-Charge

Reverend Stephen Goundrey-SmithThe Vicarage, Chedworth, Cheltenham, GL54 4AA

Tel: 01285 720392

Church Wardens

ChedworthRobert Young: 01285 720398Irene Catton: 01285 720515

Coln Rogers & Coln St. DenysNeil Irving: 01285 720403Ian Smallman: 01285 720676Nellie Burrows: 01285 720653

Yanworth with StowellLord Vestey: Stowell ParkDick Bradford: 01285 720517

ReaderIan Smallman: 01285 720676Priscilla Burris: 01285 720275

Local Ministry TeamIan Smallman: 01285 720676Sheila Bowley: 01285 720369Teresa Irving: 01285 720403Priscilla Burris: 01285 720275

Please submit all articles andadverts before midday on the15th of the month using theonline system - see below.

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ContentsStephen’s Letter................................................4Church Briefing..................................................5Dates for your Diary..........................................8Recycling Dates................................................9Women’s World Day of Prayer........................10Chedworth Tea Towels...................................11Talk by Peter Juggins......................................11St Andrew’s C of E Primary School.................12Chedworth Pre-School....................................15Chedworth Parish Council...............................17Chedworth Drama...........................................19Vintage Chedworth .........................................19Superfast broadband: why it matters...............20Hill and Valley Digital.......................................22Accessing Affordable Rent Housing ...............24Chedworth W.I.................................................25Chedworth Entertainments..............................26Harvest Festival at Chedworth 1930...............28Hill and Valley Tennis Club.............................30Golf Day at Monmouth....................................32Village and Community Agents.......................33Back Row Club................................................34Gardening Tips for March................................35Ballroom Dancing............................................36Cheltenham Chronicle 4th June 1910.............36Maggie’s Poem................................................37March Crossword ..........................................38Uncle Eustace.................................................40

Magazine Donations - 2015

Bringing the Hill and ValleyMagazine to over 500households is possible throughthe efforts of a group ofvolunteers who give up their timeto create articles, layout thepublication, organise printing anddistribute it throughout our localparishes.

It is funded through valued localadvertisers and the equallyappreciated contributions frommany of the households whoreceive the Hill and Valley 10times a year.

Your donations all ensure thatthe Hill and Valley remains animportant and interesting part ofour community.

Along with this year’s Apriladdition will be included anenvelope giving details of howyou are able to donate.

We are keen to make theprocess of donating as easy aspossible for you and ourvolunteers.

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Getting Away From It All?

“Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil.” Matt 4v1

At this time of year, with spring on the way – and maybe pressures of workincreasing – we begin to look forward to summer holidays, when we can get awayfrom it all. However, Lent is approaching, and our Bible reading reminds us thatJesus “got away from it all” before his work on earth began – by spending fortydays in the desert, fasting and praying.

But Jesus wasn’t alone. The devil came to Jesus in the desert and tempted him inthree different ways. Jesus was tempted firstly to turn stones into bread to relievehis hunger; secondly, to throw himself off the highest tower of the JerusalemTemple to test God’s providence; and thirdly, Jesus was tempted with all thekingdoms of the world, in return for worshipping the devil. Jesus resistedtemptation on all three counts – showing his absolute faith in God’s provision,God’s power and God’s purpose.

Jesus was confronted by the devil in the wilderness – but in those extremeconditions, with those extreme temptations, Jesus was probably confronted with awhole lot more – his hunger, his fear, his desires, his weakness – indeed, his verymortality. Getting away from it all? On the contrary, as Jesus was tempted, hewas hemmed in by pressures and anxieties of every kind. It was hardly a carefreeroad trip into the desert.

But Jesus resisted temptation, and he came back. During his ministry, he lived outhis heavenly Father’s purpose for him, and he freely went to the cross to atone forthe sin of the whole world, and decisively defeat the works of the devil.

We may have times when we feel alone and vulnerable, with the trials and painsof this world pressing in on us. Yet, because Jesus resisted temptation when hewas alone in the desert, and because he won the decisive victory over sin and evilwhen he was alone on the cross, we can be sure that God is never far from us,however alone we might feel. Wherever you go to get away from it all this year, Ihope that you have the time you need to relax and unwind. But be sure of this;you will not be alone.

Check out

With best wishes for a holy and fulfilling Lent.Stephen.

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Services for March 2015

Sunday 1st March – Lent 2Family Communion 10.30 am – Coln St Dennis

Friday 6th MarchWomen’s World Day of Prayer Service 7.30 pm –Chedworth

Sunday 8th March – Lent 3Holy Communion (BCP) 9 am - ChedworthHoly Communion 10.30 am – Coln RogersTea Time Service 4 pm - Chedworth

Sunday 15th March – Mothering SundayHoly Communion (BCP) 9 am - Stowell

Mothering Sunday Family Service 10.30 am - ChedworthEvensong 6 pm - Coln St Dennis

Sunday 22nd March – Lent 5Holy Communion 10.30 am - ChedworthEvening Service 6 pm - Yanworth

Sunday 29th March – Palm SundayFamily Communion & Procession 10.30 am - Yanworth

Thursday 2nd April – Maundy ThursdayHoly Communion 7pm – Chedworth

Friday 3rd April – Good FridayGood Friday Walk 10 am - ChedworthLast Hour 2 pm – Coln St Dennis

Sunday 5th April – Easter DayHoly Communion (BCP) 9 am - StowellHoly Communion 10.30 am - ChedworthEaster Praise 6 pm - Coln Rogers

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Prayer HourPrayer Hour takes place monthly, 8-9 pm, at the Vicarage Room - usually on aTuesday. Phone Sally on 720285 for further details

Yanworth Family DiscoA big thank you to all who came to, and all who helped at, our Family Disco atYanworth Village Hall on 6th February. The children had a great time, and weraised £100 for the Ebola Crisis Appeal.

Lent CourseOur Lent Course this year is entitled The Road to Calvary. This course willhelp us to reflect on Jesus' journey to the cross, as we prepare for Easter, andhelp us to think about our purpose and destiny. The course will take place onWednesday evenings during Lent (4th March, 11th March, 18th March,25th March) at the Parish Room, Chedworth Vicarage. Everyone is warmlywelcome - no previous experience of Bible study is needed; just a willingnessto drink coffee, eat biscuits and talk.

Lent LunchesOur Lent Lunches will take place on Tuesdays during Lent (24th February,3rd March, 10th March, 17th March, 24th March) from 12 noon - 2 pm.Everyone is warmly welcome.

Venues are as follows:

3rd March - Stephen & Sally, The Vicarage, Chedworth (720392)

10th March - Kate & Mark Ransome, South Hill, Coln St Dennis (721067)

17th March - Paul & Ann Deamer, Cherrington Combs, Chedworth (720525)

24th March - Annette & Peter Seymour, Windsor Cottage, Chedworth(720568)

All welcome!

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Good Friday WalkOur Good Friday Walk on 3rd April will commence at the Brew House, LowerChedworth, as usual.

Yanworth Easter Egg HuntThe Yanworth Easter Egg Hunt and Family Gathering will take place on EasterSaturday (4th April) at 4pm. Meet outside St Michael’s Church, Yanworth. Moredetails from Stephen Goundrey-Smith (720392).

10 Days from Pentecost!Want to pray and read the Bible more? Look out for 10 Days from Pentecost tobe launched later this year!

Chedworth GamesThe Chedworth Games will be taking place again this year at the Village Hall andSports Field on Saturday July 11th. Please join us for an afternoon of fun for allthe family! As previous years, we are seeking business sponsorship – if yourbusiness would like to sponsor the Games, please contact Stephen Goundrey-Smith on 720392. More details to follow.

From the RegistersFunerals

"Nothing in creation can separate us from the love of God". Romans 8v39

Mary Slade - St Michael's Church, Yanworth–23rd January.

Finding out more about God in creative ways.For 4-11 year olds

Every 4th Sunday of the month10.15-11.30 am

In Parish Room at The Vicarage, ChedworthPhone Sally on 720285 to book a place

[email protected]

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Day Time Event Venue02-Mar 19:00 Ballroom Dancing – Beginners class 7pm.

Next Steps class 8.15pm. Mondays until 30March.

Village Hall

02-Mar 19:30 Whist Drive Village Hall09-Mar 19:30 Whist Drive Bibury Football Club09-Mar 19:30 Parish Council Meeting Village Hall11-Mar 19:15 WI Village Hall13-Mar 19:30 Back Row Club Village Hall

14-Mar 19:30 Chedworth Entertainments - JohnnyCoppin concert Village Hall

16-Mar 19:30 Whist Drive Village Hall16-Mar 19:30 Parish Council Annual Parish Meeting Village Hall

20-Mar 19:30 “Life as a Cotswold Stone Mason Living inChedworth” Talk by Peter Juggins Village Hall

21-Mar 14:00 WI Jumble Sale Village Hall23-Mar 15:30 WI Centenary Celebrations Village Hall23-Mar 19:30 Whist Drive (last one until October) Village Hall24-Mar Chedworth Drama auditions for “A

Midsummer Night’s Dream”Village Hall

25-Mar 09:50-11:50 Mobile Library Village Hall car park25-Mar Chedworth Drama auditions for “A

Midsummer Night’s Dream”Village Hall

26-Mar 15:00 Easter Egg Hunt organised by ChedworthPreSchool

Village Hall

28-Mar 10:00 St Andrew’s Church Spring Clean &Churchyard Maintenance

St Andrew’s Church

28-Mar 09:00 Chedworth Spring Clean & Litter Pick Village Hall08-Apr 19:15 WI Village Hall10-Apr 19:30 Back Row Club Village Hall13-Apr 19:30 Parish Council Meeting Village Hall19-Apr 10:30 Chedworth Roman Trail 10 mile run Village Hall22-Apr 09:50-11:50 Mobile Library Village Hall car park25-Apr 19:30 Chedworth Entertainments – Wishful

Thinking concertVillage Hall

See for the dates of events later in the year

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Domestic Waste &Recycling

March 2015Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

12 3 4 5 6 7 89 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21 2223 24 25 26 27 28 2930 31

April 2015Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

12 3 4 5 6 7 89 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21 2223 24 25 26 27 28 2930 31

Chedworth Area

East of the Fosseway

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7.30PM Friday 6thMARCH 2015St. Andrew’s Church Chedworth




‘Jesus said to them: Do you know what Ihave done to you?’



It's Spring again ...

Time to Clean Up on Earth

Come and lend a hand.Join our convivial cleaning

session inSt. Andrew's Church &


Saturday 28th March starting at 10:00amCoffee, Tea and Biscuits provided.Bring your own energy and tools.

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The craft group who donated the village scenes embroidery, hanging in theVillage Hall, used extracts from it to design the tea towel which has been on salerecently. There are only two left so now is a good time to thank all involved.There are those who had the initial ideas, those who developed them into reality,those who bought the finished product, those who administered and kept thebooks in order, the Village Trust who loaned the initial finance and, of course,those who sold them with a particulaur note of appreciation to the Farm Shop.

There was a booked profit of over £600, now held in the Village Trust, who's mainbeneficiaries are the School, the Church and the Village Hall.

Thank you to all who supported us.

An illustrated talk by Peter Juggins "Life as a Cotswold Stone Mason living in Chedworth"

Friday 20th March at 7.30pm.Chedworth Village Hall

Bar opens 7.00pm

Peter was born and bred in Chedworth andspent all his working life as a skilled masonworking on many prominent houses,buildings and churches including the carvingof the fine lectern in St Andrews Church .

Tickets £5 from

Sue Callard 01285 720486and Irene Catton 01285 720515.

In aid ofFriends of St. Andrew's Church (FOStA)

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We have had a very enjoyable and fun packed Spring 3, where ourchildren have continued to thrive and learn in a safe and fun environment.They are really inspirational children who show such care towards eachother. One example of this was at a Cross Country run at Temple Guiting.Theo Mitchell, Y6, was running and came across another runner fallen inthe mud. Did he just run by…NO HE DIDN’T. He stopped and helped andthen encouraged the boy around the course, to the end. I think a GOODSamaritan showing such care and consideration.

CLASS 3 CONCERTOn Monday Class 3 entertained parents and the rest of the school withsongs from The Jungle Book. They had been working with Mr. Trim and,part of the New National Curriculum, in Music, is performing.‘It was really good and I very much enjoyed it. My favourite was ‘I wannabe like you’ because everyone was singing really loud and really well!Everyone read really clearly as well. Ten out of ten!!’ Emily Gresley (Y5)

Class 2 next term – Florence Nightingale Concert

NATURE QUIZCiara, Bryony, Sadie and Annabel really got me out of a fix. I had mislaidthe date and on Friday, found out it was MONDAY!!!They agreed to take part and they were BRILLIANT. I was very gratefuland also proud of them as they were confident and supportive. Well doneand you did so well.

WEB SITEMr. Hunt has been managing the site and it is looking great. If you missedthe Class 3 Concert you can see it on the Class 3 is being added so keep looking!!

Bishop’s VisitorMrs. Lock is our Bishop’s Visitor and came to visit. The purpose of hervisit is to celebrate the ways we are fostering and developing our Christian

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Values. She is a representative of the Bishop and reports back about hervisit. A Report will follow, and I will make sure you are informed.However, she did say…‘You have something very special here. Your children are welcoming,articulate and friendly. They are happy to explain their thoughts and haveno fear in feeling they won’t be respected. It was a pleasure to spend timewith the children!’

Gymnastic CompetitionWe are all very proud of the girls who went along to the gymnastics lastThursday. The girls were very committed and spent many hourspractising, both at home, and at school. They worked as a team andreally showed great support to each other. The team did a BRILLIANTjob and we must congratulate Flora Kenning, who came 3rd in theindividual Competition.

Another adult at the event also went over to Mr. Hunt and said….‘I have seen just how well behaved your children are and want tocongratulate you all. They are also so supportive towards each other, thatis clear to see!!’


We had a day to introduce The Trinity to the children. Here are theirwonderful pieces of work.

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Jesus being baptised by John the Baptist at the age of 30.


Enjoy the lovely poems by Class 4.

DAY!!In the day, the clouds are as fluffy as marshmallows.And they cover up the darkness of life while children play down below

In the day the sun glistens above us and lights up the sapphire sky.By Katy Smee – Y5

In the day the sun is brightAnd the clouds are fluffy and white, as the people work hard.As flowers grow, children play under the sun, which shines all dayAs we get fresh air, we see day has gone, night is about to begin.By Rebecca Fulford – Y5 Night!!In the night the moon glistens and shimmersEveryone peacefully sleeps inside their warm cosy bed,Until morning comes and away the moon goes without any praise for itsendless night.

In the night the stars gather in little groups,And twinkle and flicker like famous diamond jewelsWhilst love and peace reign over the slumbering land!

In the night the barn owls call to each ot

Kind regardsT. Buck 01285 720427

DAY!!In the day, the clouds are as fluffyas marshmallows.And they cover up the darknessof life while children play downbelow

In the day the sun glistens aboveus and lights up the sapphire sky.

By Katy Smee – Y5

In the day the sun is brightAnd the clouds are fluffy andwhite, as the people work hard.As flowers grow, children playunder the sun, which shines alldayAs we get fresh air, we see dayhas gone, night is about to begin.

By Rebecca Fulford – Y5

NIGHT!!In the night the moon glistens andshimmersEveryone peacefully sleeps insidetheir warm cosy bed,Until morning comes and away themoon goes without any praise forits endless night.

In the night the stars gather in littlegroups,And twinkle and flicker like famousdiamond jewelsWhilst love and peace reign overthe slumbering land!

In the night the barn owls call toeach other,And fly smoothly through thetwisting treesAs well as buzzards and eaglesfighting for their prey.

By Madeleine Francis – Y6

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The animals have arrived at Chedworth Pre-School in force! The childrenhave loved playing with jungle and zoo animals the past few weeks; we havepretended to be zoo keepers and have imagined taking the bus to the zoo.The 'Animal Boogie' dance and movement has been particularly brilliant.

We have also made some wonderful displays for our wall showing variousthemes ranging from “birds of the world” to “seasons”.

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Easter Egg Hunt – 26th March from 3 pm – Chedworth Village Hall

Join us for a fundraising Easter egg hunt, Easter bonnet competition, teas,cakes, crafts and more! Please look out for posters nearer the time. Allwelcome.

Easyfundraising Target

We are aiming to raise £100 through the websiteby Easter. Our total currently stands at £312. If you shop online, pleasego via the website first and search for Chedworth Pre-School and wereceive a percentage of your spend. Thank you!

Toddler Group

We run a busy baby and toddler group on Tuesday mornings at the villagehall from 9.30 am (term time only). All welcome! Please call Lucy on01285 720325 if you would like any more information.

We are a fantastic rural pre-school run for the benefit of children agedbetween 2 years and school age. We run a setting in Chedworth VillageHall Monday to Thursday mornings and on Fridays all day in St Andrew’sSchool. To arrange a visit or just find out more, please contact our pre-school manager, Ione McMahon, by email [email protected] or pop into see us.

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Annual Parish MeetingMonday 17th March 2014 at 7.30pm, Chedworth Village Hall

It’s that time of year again when the Parish Council chairs the AnnualParish Meeting. It is an open meeting so it is a time for all the parishionersto come and have their say about things that concern them in the parish orto make suggestions on how to improve the parish. We also ask thevarious parish charities to come and tell us what they do and how theycan help our community, for example, some are able to give grants tostudents to help with their education, so come along and see what they dofor us and what you can do for the parish.

Chedworth Spring Clean and Litter Pick

Saturday 28th March has been set as the “Chedworth Spring Cleanand Litter Pick” day. David Broad has arranged to borrow gloves andlitter grabs again from CDC, and these will be available to collect, alongwith rubbish sacks, from the Village Hall from 9.00am on the day. JohnKing will be liaising with our area wardens to ensure all areas are covered.There will be teas and biscuits being served to the intrepid pickers on theirreturn so please come along and lend your support.

Playing Field Fence

Some of you will have noticed the playing field fence along the road hasgone. This is in preparation for the new fence which is being installed laterthis month. Thanks to Rob Richmond, Tim House, Becky Miller and PaulSibbald for giving their time to take down and remove the old fence.

Chedworth’s Mobile Infrastructure

In the December Hill & Valley, Chedworth Parish Council explained theintention behind the Government’s Mobile Infrastructure Programme(MIP). This is a £150 project to improve mobile coverage in areascurrently lacking it. Chedworth had been selected to benefit from and thescheme’s consultants, Harlequin, were surveying the area to identify asuitable site for a future mast.

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The Parish Council is grateful to those who responded. Commentsreceived suggested a majority favoured a mast if it would improve mobilecoverage. We also considered the results of the recent broadband/mobilesurvey, carried out by the Parish Council’s Working Group. That showed86% of respondents lacked a reliable, effective mobile signal.

Based on this evidence, the Parish Council believes the need anddemand for a mast to serve the village is clearly stated.

Harlequin has now informed the Parish Council that it has surveyed 15sites in and around Chedworth. One site has been short-listed; it meetsthe technical requirements (maximum elimination of not-spots, line-of-sightto other existing masts, outside the body of the village) and the landowneris willing. This site is at Denfurlong Farm, on Fields Road.

The MIP funding ceases at the end of March 2015. The Parish Councilbelieves – and it’s also the view of Harlequin – that MIP is a singularopportunity to improve Chedworth’s telecommunications. MIP-fundedmasts must provide coverage from all four network providers and mustalso be 4G-enabled. Currently we have neither mobile coverage,nor fastbroadband. Both are becoming necessities for modern business anddomestic life; both will be available through a new mast. If we miss thisopportunity, we may not get another.

The Council has consulted its working group about Harlequin’s plans. Atits February meeting, the Parish Council voted to support (in principle) thenew mast, subject to the full planning application, and has informedHarlequin of its decision.

That’s likely to mean that Harlequin is likely to submit its application by thetime you read this. We are hoping that Harlequin will agree to attend aconsultation at the Parish Council’s next meeting on March 9th. This will beopen to all.

The Parish Council has decided to put all the correspondence fromHarlequin in the public domain; full details of the preferred site, and othersidentified during the survey process, can be found on our website

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Promising young male actor aged 18 – 40 with some acting experiencerequired to audition for the part of Lysander/DemetriusIn Midsummer Night’s Dream. This will be performed outside inThe Manor garden on 2nd, 3rd, 4th& 5th September. Auditions 24th & 25th

March in the Village Hall.

Please contact Venetia Champniss on 01285 720548 if interested.

Seeing the photo of myself and my father in the Chedworth Panto of 1959brought back many memories of a happy childhood growing up inChedworth.I remember several of these performances - usually a collaboration betweenthe Drama Group, WI and Youth Club members - a community workingtogether.The New Years Eve family party held in the Hut was the highlight of the year,traditional games, Old Time Dancing, and delicious Turkey sandwiches.The arrival of Old Father Time though was a bit scary!Sadly one of the members in that photo - Jenny Ebsworth - died earlier thisyear. Jenny lived in the Seven Tuns, had a beautiful soprano voice, was amember of the church choir and usually took the lead role in theseproductions There may still be people in Chedworth who remember Jennyand her family.Through the Hill and Valley online I was able to make contact again withNikki, who posted the photo, to relay this news and we have since been ableto meet up.There are many of us out there who, even after more than half a century, stillconsider Chedworth to be our home.Several of us still visit Chedworth fairly frequently for special occasions ortending family graves with The Farm Shop providing an excellent place forsustenance and a trip down memory lane.Sue Gibson (nee Easter)Witney Oxford

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Other communities around the Cotswolds already have high speed broadbandbut the Hill and Valley communities (connected to the Fossebridge Exchange)continue to live with much slower speeds. The Hill and Valley Digital Team arelobbying on your behalf to correct this situation.

A real challenge for our communities is that not all householders andbusinesses may see any need for faster broadband. Having the majority oflocal households and business behind our demand for fast broadband helpsour fight enormously.

Still not persuaded? Like it or not we have entered an era in which beingreliably connected at high speed will be as significant in our lives as electricity.You can live without electricity but life is a whole lot better and easier with it!

With our current set-up of no fibre into the Fossebridge Exchange and ageingcopper wire to households, the maximum speed that anyone can get is 8Mbpsand for that you would have to live very close to the Exchange. In ourSeptember 2014 survey, the average speed reported was only 2Mbps.Nationally, the average stands at 18Mbps. Superfast starts at 30Mbps andwith fibre into each premise could be scaled up to 1000Mbps in years to come.

Faster broadband brings with it benefits that may not seem clear now, but, in avery few years time, will almost certainly seem obvious.

Multiple Devices. If you have a number of people sharing a broadbandconnection, then high speed broadband can enable several people to beonline at the same time. With a high speed broadband connection people in ahousehold/business can be reliably using different devices at the same time.Many different devices now require an internet connection includingcomputers, laptops, iPads and tablets, mobile phones, TVs, games consolesand Sky+ boxes.Communicate with friends, family and your community. Superfastbroadband can make a big difference to how you stay in touch with friends andfamily. You’ll no longer be restricted to making traditional phone calls andsending the same old standard mobile texts; instead you’ll have access to awhole world of advanced online communication that will let you say anythingyou want, however you wish to say it. With fibre to the household, you couldroute your phone calls over the internet and not have to pay for phone rental.

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Community Sustainability. Our communities benefit greatly from havingdiverse households and businesses who are attracted to living in an excellentenvironment. However the lack of what is fast becoming a vital utility almostcertainly impacts negatively on our communities; communities whose viabilityis worth fighting for.Social Networking and file storage. Social networking sites such asFacebook are getting bigger with more photos, more videos and more links toother sites. People are increasingly storing photos, documents, music andvideos online in ‘the cloud’ rather than on their home computer. Fast uploadand download speeds are therefore critical.Flexible working. High speed broadband will enable you to work from homemore efficiently, improving work/life balance and reducing the need to travel.Save money. Shop and pay bills online, pay less. According to governmentstatistics, households that do everything online can save £100’s a year.Learn something new. With online courses supported by video, audio andinteractive questions, high speed broadband can provide better access toeducation and learning opportunities.Look for employment opportunities online and have access to a greaterrange of jobs.Maintain independence. With online courses supported by video, audio andinteractive questions, high speed broadband can provide better access toeducation and learning opportunities.Online Entertainment. Whether you want to download high definition films,catch up on your favourite TV programme on BBC iPlayer, view the box set ofyour favourite comedy show through your Sky+ box, download music orstream live radio you will need a high speed broadband service. Downloadinga typical 700MB film using a 2Mbps broadband connection takes around anhour; with a 32Mbps connection, it takes under 3 minutes.Online gaming. If you, or others in your household, like playing computergames, high speed broadband can enable you to play with friends or testyourself against the greatest players from around the world.House prices. Having superfast broadband could improve the value of yourproperty. There are a variety of statistics linking the value of property with theiraccess to broadband. Broadband speeds are beginning to be listed onproperty websites. Poor quality broadband is not going to be a goodadvertisement for our communities.

Article adapted from Northumberland’s Superfast Broadband for Home andBusiness website.

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What's happened since November

We have a new name. Our primary aim to secure superfast broadband forthe premises served by Fossebridge Exchange continues unabated butthe means is not necessarily through upgrading the exchange to fibre.New possibilities including 4G wireless, bringing fibre from otherexchanges or, even, from "dark fibre" (installed but unused trunks) areopening up. Also we have added mobile services to our remit. The newname reflects our terrain and the focus on all things digital.

Lobbying. We have written to Sajid Javid, Minister of State forCulture,Media and Sport with overall responsibility for broadband roll-out,pointing out the deficiencies of the BDUK and Fastershire programme,namely that we, along with more than six thousand households in ruralGloucestershire, have yet to see any improvement in broadband. Westarted disadvantaged and remain disadvantaged. Also that the UniversalService Commitment (USC) of 2Mbps whose implementation may beclaimed by the government as job-done is totally inadequate (see theseparate article in this issue of Hill & Valley: Superfast broadband : whyare it matters).

In January, Geoffrey Clifton-Brown, MP for the Cotswolds, came to meetus in Yanworth. We argued the case for broadband to be recognised asan essential utility. He subsequently spoke in Parliament in a debate onrural broadband and mobile (you see what was said at and is going to pressthe Minister and Ed Vaizey for better service for communities like ours.Councillor Paul Hodgkinson continues to be a good ally as is CouncillorShaun Parsons.

Extension Program for F10. At last, we might be about to get Superfastbroadband. An invitation to tender for a new contract focused on the Final10% in Gloucestershire was issued in mid-February( Bids from suppliers close in earlyApril with their evaluation towards the end of the month. In order to keep

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the funding, the contract has to be let in June; this is the intention. Themaximum public subsidy fromBDUK and Gloucestershire CountyCouncil is £3 million but there areover six thousand F10 premisesscattered over the county (seemap). Two good aspects of thecontract are specific listing ofpremises to be passed by NGAbroadband and increased fundingfor the more remote. Pleasingly,results from our survey are cited.Fastershire hopes that thisspecification will attract a broadrange of suppliers and solutions. It'sa great opportunity for us. Let'shope there are suppliers who feelthe same. Pass the word around.

Mark Aveline will act as advisor to the Procurement Panel.

Mobile Infrastructure Programme (MIP). There is another pot of moneyon offer till the end of March. The Government has made available £150million to extend mobile service to "not-spots", many of which are in ruralareas like ours. You may remember that, in our survey last September,228 out of 265 respondents had poor or non-existent mobile service(number of households: 575). Our local service is very poor. TheGovernment appointed company charged with installing the necessaryinfrastructure has been evaluating many sites around Chedworth and hasdecided on the one that is both technically satisfactory and where thelandowner is willing to consent for the construction of a mast.

Elsewhere in this issue, there are details from Chedworth Parish Councilabout the proposal, their decision in principle and a public consultation. Noone wants to have masts but sometimes they are a necessary evil andenable the greater good.

Hill and Valley Digital Team

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Accessing Affordable Rent Housing or“How to rent a Bromford Home.”

I have been asked to write a few words about how vacant AffordableHomes are advertised by CDC and how to apply to rent one .

First you need to register with the Gloucestershire Homeseeker websitewhere every Wednesday morning details of available housing are posted.Searches can be refined to Districts and individual Parishes. Users thenhave until the following Tuesday, 6 days, to place a ‘Bid,’ or expression ofinterest on any of the affordable housing listed.

All the “Bids” are considered on the basis of need, both of urgency, Gold(effectively Homeless) Silver or Bronze bands and separately of the levelof accommodation needed, a single person or couple will only be offereda 1 bedroom property, a parent or couple with a child, 2 bedrooms andonly where there are two or more children of different sex with one over10 years or two same sex children with one over 21, will 3 bedroomproperties be offered. Bromford have only 1 bed and 3 bed properties inChedworth.

If a property advertised on the ‘Homeseeker’ website provides the level ofaccommodation you need and you “Bid” for it your chances of securing italso depend on any “Local Connection,” you may have. If you have livedhere continuously for the past 3 years, or if you have lived here previouslyfor 5 years continuously, or if a parent or a grandparent or child or siblinghave lived here for the past 5 years, or you yourself live or lived in anadjoining Parish, all these things can be taken into consideration. If youhave worked in the Parish for the past year this too could be relevant

You may fall foul of earnings limits, £25,000 for a 1 bed property, easilyexceeded by a couple in which case you will not be considered.

For details contact CDC Housing Allocations on 01285 623000 or

David Broad CDC ward councillor for Chedworth.

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Well a typical chilly damp evening as a goodly crew gathered for ourFebruary Meeting. We were happy to welcome two new members and avisitor and hoped they would enjoy the meeting.

The progress of the National WI Centenary Baton was reported on and thearrangements for its arrival from Naunton on 23rd March was discussed.There will be a gathering in the Village Hall for all who are interested (notjust members) with stands and of course tea. Then a cavalcade of veterancars will escort it on its way to Bibury.

Requests were made for suggestions for our August outing and for help atour jumble sale on 21st March.

After further business the meeting settled to listen to a most informativetalk on AGAs. Though the majority of us do not cook on an AGA itshistory from its invention in 1929 to the present day was most interesting.It started in Sweden but has progressed internationally through the yearsand is still very popular although it is now only manufactured in England.

After so much talk of food and cooking we were all glad to enjoy our usualsocial time with delicious refreshments.

Our next meeting is a pamper evening with wine and cheese so we lookforward to gathering on Wednesday 11th March in the Hall. See you then.

Jill Englehart.

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Chedworth Entertainments was formed last November by a small group ofChedworth residents whose aim is to try and show how we can all makethe most of our Village Hall as a venue for a variety of entertainment in thevillage. In addition any funds raised are used to help the Village Hall as itworks its way through its short term funding issues. Profits on the twoevents so far have totalled £579 and we have just agreed to purchasethree new small tables for the Village Hall at a cost of £262.

It is not cheap to hire a band with prices ranging from £600 to over £1,000for the night. Tickets are priced accordingly, so that people can have agood time at a reasonable cost and we can raise a modest amount ofmoney for the Village Hall. Chedworth Entertainments pays the normalrates for hire of the Village Hall and the entire bar profits go to the VillageHall bar fund.

If anybody has any ideas for an event or would like our advice onorganising their own event, please contact us [email protected] .

Open Mic Night

Over a hundred people attended Chedworth's first Open Mic Night at theend of November, which meant that there was not a seat to spare in thevillage hall. Ten different acts played on the night, ranging from folk toblues to rock. There was plenty of Chedworth talent in the line-up as wellas musicians and singers from further afield. The bar had a very busyevening and the food from Claire Booth Cooks was well received by thehungry audience.

The event raised a profit of £330 after paying for the hire of the village halland the organisers asked the Village Hall Committee to suggest priorityprojects on which this money could be spent.

Blues Brothers

This concert in January was sold out in advance and was a huge successwith both the band and those attending wanting a return event. The dancefloor was full all night and the band commented that it was one of the mostresponsive audiences they had ever played to. Again the bar was very

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busy and the food from Claire Booth Cooks went down a treat. This eventraised £249.

Johnny Coppin Concert on Saturday 14th March

Tickets for this event are already selling well and we expect the evening tobe a sell-out, so buy your tickets early to avoid disappointment. Purchasetickets online at .

Wishful Thinking Concert on Saturday 25th April

This group of local musicians have played in the Seven Tuns and at thebirthday party of a Chedworth resident, so they come highlyrecommended. Please put the date in your diary. Further information willfollow in the April H&V Magazine.

Future events include Rook and The Ravens in October and a return ofthe Blues Brothers, possibly in January next year.

Chedworth Entertainments - Ella and Doug Foster, Sue and RogerDuggleby, Rosie and Stephen Scott-Smith, Jackie Gumpert, Sue and IainRobertson.

Chedworth Entertainments

(Primitive Methodist Harvest) Festival at Chedworth (Newspaper dated 4 October 1930)

Primitive Methodists at Chedworth celebrated the harvest festival onMonday and on Sunday. The chapel, prettily decorated with flowers andfoliage in autumnal shades by the local ladies, was flanked by numerousofferings of fruit and vegetables. The Rev T.D. Watkins, Pastor of theLower Chedworth Congregational Church, conducted the afternoonservice on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. S.D. French, of the Coxwell StreetBaptist Chapel, Cirencester, presiding in the evening. Yesterday a brightservice was taken by Mr. Robert Lawrence, and subsequently an auctionof the gifts was held by Mr. Jack Lawrence, from the proceeds of which anappreciable sum was raised for the benefit of the general fund.

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By now members should have received the Annual Newsletter for 2015which cover all the club activities and includes a detailed report of our2014 activities and plans for the coming year. We would be grateful ifmembers could pay this year’s fees at an early date.

If you are not a member and would like a copy of the Newsletter pleasering Fred Shaftoe on 01285 720074 or [email protected]. We are always pleased to welcome newmembers and our fees for the facilities we provide are probably the bestvalue in Gloucestershire.

2015 Tennis CoachingAdult courses are now underway on Tuesday and Thursday mornings09:30 to 11:00am with Hilary Swan. Junior coaching by Dave O’Hanlon isalso underway with teenagers on Mondays from 5 to 6pm and all otherjunior groups on Thursday afternoons. Starting with the Reds (7 andunder) and Oranges (8-9 yrs) together at 3:30pm and the Greens(10+yrs) from 5 until 6pm.

Details can be found on posters in the notice board and in the clubhouse.Otherwise please contact Dave O’Hanlon for all Junior coachingenquiries. You can also contact Hilary for adult sessions for moreinformation. All other sessions, including the Saturday morning Cardiotennis, followed by the adults afterwards, will be announced in duecourse.Hilary Swan 01242-890213Dave O’Hanlon 07790-962932

Sunday Club MorningSunday morning from 10-12 is proving popular, so do come along andjoin in.

Coln Valley Mixed Doubles Tournament 2015The date you need for your diary is Saturday 13th June. Thistournament is the major fundraiser for the club and the local churches towhich in total we raised over £2100 last year, so we look forward toanother successful year. Here’s to warm sunshine, good fun, good foodand a good turn out!

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Summer LeaguesWe will soon be starting our planning for the summer league matches forboth men’s and ladies’ teams. If you are interested in playing in any ofthe teams, then please contact Allison or Graham Stock on 01451860903 or [email protected] or [email protected]

Mixed Doubles Winter LeagueTen matches have now been played with 5 wins, 1 draw and 4 losses.We have two matches still to complete as a result of snow and frost. Weare currently sitting in 5th position, so hope not to slide down any further!

Valentines DanceA fantastic night was had by all who attended the Valentines Dance onSaturday 14th Feb in the Village Hall. After an excellent workshop byNatasha, learning the basics of the Waltz and inspired by the brilliantJade & Cam along with Bas & Jennifer, everyone danced the night away.Thank you to all those who organized and provided the refreshments.

Date For Your Diary

Tuesday 19th May 2015 at Chedworth Village Hall, 6.30 o’clockreception, followed by:

“Russia and the Russians: A Riddle Wrapped in a Mystery inside anEnigma”

A Talk by Major General Peter Williams CMG, OBE

Sponsored by Chedworth & District RBL

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Golf Day at Monmouth- Friday 11th September 2015

It’s getting to that time of year now when preparation for the annual golf daycommences. Firstly, I’d like to thank Pete Heaps for all of his work inorganising the day for the past nine years and raising so much money forlocal causes. I shall endeavour to do the same and your support would bevery much appreciated.

For those who don’t know, the day runs as follows: leave Chedworth VillageHall at 6:30am by minibus and convoy, arrive at Monmouth golf club forbacon bap and tea/coffee approx 8:00am, play 18 holes of golf, have lunch(sandwiches and chips), play a further 18 holes of golf and then have a twocourse meal. I haven’t got the choices for the meal yet, but will release themin a future edition of the Hill & Valley.

The day costs £60.00 plus travel, if you are going on the minibus, and acontribution towards golf buggies as 36 holes is too much to walk. A depositof £30.00 will be required from each person wishing to attend to be paid byAugust 16th 2015. All money raised will go to local good causes, which willbe announced later.

Anyone interested in coming on the golf day, which always turns out to bea most enjoyable day (as anyone who has been on one will confirm),donating a raffle prize, or sponsoring a hole (£10.00 per hole), please ringme on 01285 720775 or email [email protected]

Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you,

Chris Miles

A woman was confiding in her neighbour just how hard it was for her toget her teenagers out of bed in the morning. The neighbour replied thatshe never had any trouble at all with her son. “I just open the door andthrow the cat on the bed,” she explained. The woman was puzzled, andasked how that might help. “Easy. My son sleeps with the dog.”

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The Village Agents Social Lunch

No date has been set for March at the time of going to press, but I willcontact everyone who usually attends before hand.

ENERGYS BEST DEAL. Everyone would like the best energy deal and sooften it is very difficult to compare differences between the differentprovider’s. Use one of the online price comparison services listed

If you do not have access to the internet, you can call the Citizens Adviceconsumer service on 03454 040506 for text phone, dial 18001 followed bythe helpline number.

GRCC’s’s IN TOUCH project is offering free tuition for Groups to learnabout using a computer. Also on offer is a teach how to use a tablet oriPad ect. for anyone who is a carer in their own home, these classes areavailable to the 50+ age group.Contact Julie Prichhard on 01452 528491.

Best Wishes


Village and Community Agent for the Hill and Valley Villages

07776 245780

[email protected]

The grave of Christopher Chapman in Westminster Abbey, bearing thedate 1680, says:

What I gave, I have,

What I spent, I had,

What I left, I lost

By not giving it.

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13 March2015 Chedworth Village HallDoors open 7.30 pm

The film dates for the remainder of 2015:

10 Apr8 May12 Jun10 Jul21 Aug11 Sep9 Oct13 Nov11 Dec

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By the middle of this month spring should have arrived and the warmerweather should inspire those who have not already started to prepareseed beds and sow seeds under cover, to get on with those tasks that willbring forth a healthy crop of flowers and vegetables later in the year.

● Plant shallots, onions and early potatoes, if the ground is not toosoggy

● Start brassicas and lettuces off in doors● Plant summer flowering bulbs● Protect new spring shoots from slugs● Check plants for aphids and remove by hand● Tackle the early emergence of weeds. I will be using my new flame

thrower!● Lift and divide overgrown lumps of perennials● Sow sweet peas outside● Feed roses as they come into growth● Trim winter flowering heathers with shears to prevent them becom-

ing leggy● Late March is the time to apply a high nitrogen fertilizer to your

lawn, after raking out the dead grass and moss.

Simon ColbeckChairman Chedworth & District HORTSOC

Mother’s reward

A man was decorating his new den and decided it was a good place todisplay all the awards he and his two sons had won at various athleticcompetitions. When he had filled two whole walls, he remarked to hiswife that it was a shame she had no awards to contribute.

The following day, she produced, neatly framed, the birth certificates oftheir two sons, and added them to the display.

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Ballroom dancing classes started in the Village Hall in January with adozen or so intrepid beginners. Encouraging lessons with Natassia havemeant great progress has been made in Waltz and Cha Cha and we areready to start a Next Steps class after half term.

The new Beginners sessions will start on Feb 23rd (7.00pm) with a triallesson for anyone to join.

Following that there will be 5 more weeks to complete the course. Thecost is £7 per person per session.

This is a great opportunity to learn a new skill and enjoy a lively activity ina relaxed environment with terrific music!

Come and join us on Monday evenings at the village hall, 7.30pm.

Penny Mitchell

Geological “Find” at Chedworth transcribed by Mike Tovey.

Some ladies who have taken a week-end cottage at Chedworth have justpresented to the British Museum (Natural History Department, SouthKensington) a rare specimen of an old world crocodile, whose fossil remainswere found by Mr. Dayment in a quarry on the railway line near Foss CrossStation. Whereas Saurian fossils are fairly abundant in certain blue rocks,which owe their origin to mud deposits they are exceedingly rare in theOolite, which is deep-sea deposit. When this crocodile and its fellow reptileswere in existence, there were no birds or animals on the earth, they nothaving yet been created. The museum authorities will probably exhibit thefossils in Gallery 18 (which is the ground floor) and in wall case 3, or possibly5 or 13. In the museum is a cast of an American relation of theChedworthStencosaurus, which measures 80 feet in length. This cast waspresented by Mr. Andrew Carnege. Some of the fossil remains were returnedto Mr. Dayment by Mr. J.D. Tombs, of Chedworth School House, in orderthat every fragment should be at the service of the Museum professors.

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Time Gone By

January and February have passed us byCloud, no snow, some sun and blue skyVery cold winds have been there as well

We have been lucky, no misfortunes to tell

So many birds to brighten our dayQuite a few strange ones pass on their waySnowdrops and daffodils are lovely to see

Soon will be buds and leaf on the tree

Winter has not yet passed on its wayCould be a change, no one can say

Woodpeckers are here sharing food with the restBright red head, red bottom, with white vest

All of these things are sent from aboveThank you Lord for beauty, caring and love

Maggie Scrivens

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February Solution

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Across1 The earth is one (6)4 ‘On a hill far away stood an old — cross’ (6)7 ‘I am the — vine and my Father is the gardener’ (John 15:1) (4)8 The Caesar who was Roman Emperor at the time of Jesus’ birth (Luke 2:1) (8)9 ‘Your — should be the same as that of Christ Jesus’ (Philippians 2:5) (8)13 Jesus said that no one would put a lighted lamp under this (Luke 8:16) (3)16 Involvement (1 Corinthians 10:16) (13)17 Armed conflict (2 Chronicles 15:19) (3)19 Where the Gaderene pigs were feeding (Mark 5:11) (8)24 What jeering youths called Elisha on the road to Bethel (2 Kings 2:23) (8)25 The Venerable — , eighth-century Jarrow ecclesiastical scholar (4)26 8 Across issued a decree that this should take place (Luke 2:1) (6)27 Come into prominence (Deuteronomy 13:13) (6)

Down1 Where some of the seed scattered by the sower fell (Matthew 13:4) (4)2 Sexually immoral person whom God will judge (Hebrews 13:4) (9)3 Gospel leaflet (5)4 Physical state of the boy brought to Jesus for healing (Mark 9:18)5 Tugs (anag.) (4)6 To put forth (5)10 Nationality associated with St Patrick (5)11 Leader of the descendants of Kohath (1 Chronicles 15:5) (5)12 ‘After this, his brother came out, with his hand grasping — heel’ (Genesis 25:26) (5)13 At Dothan the Lord struck the Arameans with — at Elisha’srequest (2 Kings 6:18) (9)14 ‘Peter, before the cock crows today, you will — three times that you

know me’ (Luke22:34) (4)15 Spit out (Psalm 59:7) (4)18 ‘When I — , I am still with you’ (Psalm 139:18) (5)20 Concepts (Acts 17:20) (5)21 Thyatira’s dealer in purple cloth (Acts 16:14) (5)22 Does (anag.) (4)23 The second set of seven cows in Pharaoh’s dream were this (Genesis 41:19) (4)

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On the perils of parking near church

My dear Nephew Darren

I cannot be wholly sympathetic because your church car park is now inadequate,only having space for 100 cars. Your solution of advising members of thecongregation to park in the adjoining supermarket car park may not have beenwise. The maximum time people can stop there is 90 minutes, and as yoursermons alone often reach that length, returning to find their cars clamped maynot make you universally popular – although it may give your congregation theopportunity of practising Christian forgiveness.

Since the medieval architect who built St. James the Least was not overlyconcerned with car parking, the only space we have is along the road by thechurch. Inevitably, it gets blocked, which causes us all immense satisfactionwhen those not attending church but intending to have a morning shopping, findthemselves unable to get out of the village until Mattins is over.

I did once encourage people to walk to church across the fields, but when thepresent Earl of Stowe started to get his staff to lay waterproof sheeting along thepaths so he could avoid getting mud on his shoes, I decided the idea was bestdropped.

For most, the inconvenience of parking only makes attending church more of apleasurable challenge; we so enjoy having something to complain about. MajorHastings, however, who has complained endlessly about parking problems,made a point last Christmas by leaving his car in the middle of the vicaragelawn. I was so pleased he happened to park just where I had had a garden pondfilled in only the previous week. He returned to find that the car had sunk up thewindscreen and needed a crane to remove it. And it would have made acharming garden feature; I could even picture it with garden gnomes on its roof.

For weddings, a farmer allows us to use the field adjoining the church. While herarely attends church on Sundays, he is always there the week before – Isuspect praying for heavy rain, so he can make a fortune charging to tow outwith his tractor those who have got stuck. Perhaps the greatest act of witnessyour church could perform would be to get everyone attending church to park onthe ring road, bringing the entire town to a halt until your three hour Sundaymorning Service is over.

Your loving uncle,Eustace

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Classified AdvertsThese adverts are available to residents of the Hill & Valley Parishes at a

cost of £2.00. Please email your advert text to [email protected]

Business AdvertsPlease send all enquiries or

submissions to:[email protected]

or call 01285 720683

Advertising rates for 2015:Full Page £30Half Page £15

Third of Page £10Sixth of Page (box) £5

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Decorator available…

25+ years experience.Friendly, reliable, reasonable

rates.Please phone

Lindsey James Cookon 01451 860610

Acoustic Guitar Lessonsfor beginners of all ages

£10 per half hour session withinNorthleach, £13 outside.

Please phone Lindsey James Cookon Northleach 01451 860610

At Regency, we design, makeand install hand-made countrykitchens turning your perfectvision into a reality.Call us today for a designconsultation in the comfort ofyour own home.

Contact: Drew – 07515 935427; Mark – 07807 072080;Office – 01452421685 or email [email protected]

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Top Marks

Carpentry andMaintenance

All aspects of carpentry atcompetitive rates

contact Mark Hughes on 07779227538

[email protected]

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01285 720350 [email protected]

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Your Local Arborist

14 The Hemplands, Chedworth

Nr Cheltenham, Glos, GL54 4NH

01285 720629 Mobile: 07717 716444

Established 1978

All aspects of tree work undertaken by fully trained


Free quotations – Fully insured

R J HANDYYour local log merchant

supplying seasoned hard wood logssince 1963

logs cut to required size

01285 720629 or 07771 716444

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Northleach Mower ServicesCirencester RoadNorthleachGloucestershire01451 860392 - 01451 860427


A local family run business with over 40 years experience of gardenmachinery maintenance

Large selection of Brush Cutters / Strimmers and Lawn Mowersalways available

Please ring us - we collect and deliver to your homeHayter • Lawn King • Castel • Honda •Mountfield • Westwood • Atco

Qualcast • Wheelhorse • Murray • Toro • Flymo

Eric Loving & SonCirencester Road Garage



Now operating Tow Truck recovery servicesOur car repair workshops are offering while you wait

M.O.T. testing £39.95Car & Van Servicing, Repairs, Welding, Cam belts, Brakes,

Exhaust, Batteries, Etc.Free collection from Local Area To book an appointment please

call01451 860392

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ERIC & PAM DUKES 01285 831853

Bread, Pastries, Cakes, Baguettes & Rolls freshly baked on the premises.Freshly cut filled Baguettes and Sandwiches. Hot & Cold Drinks.

Fresh Milk, Eggs, Yoghurt & Butter from the local farm.Selection of Wines & Spirits, Beers & Lagers, etc.

We are Agents for Dry Cleaning and Repairsand also have a laminating and colour photo copying service.

Please phone if you would like to order our freshly baked bread.

Shop Open Mon - Fri 7.30am - 5.30pm Sat 7.30am - 4.30pm

Post Office Open Mon - Fri 8.00am - 5.00pm Sat 8.00am - 1.00pm

jb projects

Decorating, property maintenanceand enhancement—inside and out

Handyman projects around the home with attention to detail

John Bougheyt: 01285 721218 m: 07545 802002 e: [email protected]


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Kay PooleEquine &

GardeningAll aspects of horse careand garden maintenance

07854 68950701285 720625

CALL 01285 720069Email: [email protected]


· One off or Contract work

· Local family run business

· 20 Years experience

· All work guaranteed

· Free advice23 Hemplands Chedworth Cheltenham

Gloucestershires GL54 4NH

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Do you have a mole problem?

With over 30 years experience in traditional mole control I can

effectively, discreetly and humanely remove the culprit(s)!

No gas, chemicals or poisons used and completely safe to

children and pets.


Fully insured and references available

Telephone: 07766 132934 (Days)

01285 770968 (Evenings)

Member of the British Traditional Molecatchers Register

Member of the Guild of British Molecatchers

BPCA/RSPH level 2 certificate in pest control

Call now for a free, no obligation site survey and quote

Lucy Farmiloe

Bookkeeping, administration,

project management

Please contact me to discuss

your requirements

Tel: 01242 890259Mob: 07827 015488

Email: [email protected]

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PC & network sales, repairs & upgradesBroadband installation

Virus removalWireless & Powerline networking

Printers & accessoriesCall Ian Ellison on 01451 860749Email [email protected]

Ben Stevens

painter and [email protected]

01285 67149207584 126881



Deliveries to Chedworth,Withington and Compton Abdale

Seven days a week

DB NEWSDavid Edelsten Gérard Veuve

01285 720190 01285 720459

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Total Body ConditioningHealth - Fitness - Therapy* IMPROVED GENERAL HEALTH




Classes at Chedworth Village Hall Tuesday 7.30pm & Friday 9.30amFor enquiries please contact STEVE DOOLAN – 07701 072935 or visit

Bed and BreakfastAvailable at Shrove Cottage, Pancake Hill

Self-contained,detached studio

Accommodationwith new bathroom,

kitchen/bedroom area

Beautiful views up the

Chedworth Valley

Contact Ros and Hugh on


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ISLE OF JURAHoliday Cottage

Traditional Scottish farmhouse withoutstanding views, minutes fromthe sea.Sleeps 8 (+2)Available for self-catering holidays.

For more details ring Sally on 01285 720247


Domestic, Commercial, AgriculturalLighting Design and Installation

NICEIC Approved Including Part PPeriodic Testing and Certification

Fire Alarms and Emergency LightingCALL GARY SEE ON 07976 268928 01285 740167

email: [email protected]

Norman, Trotman & Hughes(Formerly of J W Sly & Sons)

Funeral DirectorsAlbert Collins

Funeral Director

Private Chapel of Rest - Independent Family Business24 hour Personal Service - Golden Charter Funeral Plans

Walton House Barn, Northleach, Glos. GL54 3EYTel: 01451 860288 Email: [email protected]

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THE COTSWOLD PHARMACYMarket Place, Northleach


NHS Services: Prescriptions andadvice, FREE Stop Smoking Service,

FREE Chlamydia Screening &Treatment.

Private Services (No prescriptionneeded): Anti-Malarial tablets, ErectileDysfunction tablets. We we also do:

Passport photos, Digital photo printing,Cards, Gifts & Dry cleaning.

Dickenson LandscapingLandscape Design & Construction

Paving, Fencing, Driveways,Walling, Tree & Hedge Work.Mini Digger for Excavations,

Levelling Ponds etc.

With Over 20 years Experience inCotswold Gardens

Contact: Philip DickensonTel: 01285 644701

Mob: 07976 [email protected]

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Specialist CarpentryServices

Extensions : RefurbishmentLoft Conversions : Kitchens/

BathroomRoofing : Carpentry/Joinery

Tel: 01242 890329Mobile: 07973 226384

Email: [email protected] 1983


With competitive rates for



Phone JASON on07871 695651References available

Allister Bickley07866 857041

+ heating + plumbing ++ bathrooms + leaks +

j u s t a d d w a t e r

If you would like toadvertise

in this spaceplease phone

Sue on 01285 720683

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Baldwin House

b e d a n d b r e a k f a s t

Family run, dog friendly, B&B inChedworth, lovely views, ideal base for

walking or exploring the Cotswolds.

Contact Caroline Baker on01285 720484 or 07733

HOLIDAY LETEmma’s Cottage, Bleakmoor

Sleeps Four, Lovely Views

Contact:Myra Bye

01285 851605email: [email protected]

For details see property ref. NO5

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Little Owl Logs

Top quality seasoned logs and kindling fromyour local firewood merchant.

For more information contact Neil on01285 721055 or 07778 629079 or visit

Oil Tank Replacements“From a new gauge to a complete installation”

• Disposal of old oil tanks • Steel & plastic storage tanks• Fuel transfers to suit all budgets• 24hr leaking tank service • New gauges, valves & fittings• New bases • Replacement pipe work• Fire walls • Annual Maintenance• Relocations • OFTEC Registered

Please contact Calves Hill Ltd on 24HR 01285 720200for a quotation and site survey without obligation

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