march 29, 2012 edition of the coastline

19 March 29, 2012 Volume 22 Issue 12 U.S. Naval Activities, Spain The Coastline Semana Santa (Holy Week) DGF Holds School Climate Forum Pg. 4 Processions and Traditions Pg. 18 ASECNAV Visits Rota Pg. 7 Focus on 21st Century Sailor and Marine Initiative Says No to Bullying

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Check out the March 29 edition of The Coastline


Page 1: March 29, 2012 edition of The Coastline

March 29, 2012 1C L

Page 4 29, 2012 Volume 22 Issue 12 U.S. Naval Activities, Spain

The Coastline

Semana Santa (Holy Week)

DGF Holds School Climate Forum

Pg. 4

Processions and TraditionsPg. 18

ASECNAV Visits Rota

Pg. 7

Focus on 21st Century Sailor and Marine Initiative

Says No to Bullying

Page 2: March 29, 2012 edition of The Coastline

2 March 29, 2012 C LCOMMAND

DUI CounterLast DUI: March 18, 2012 Unit: Air OpsDays Since Last DUI: 11DUIs in CY 2012: 1DUIs in CY 2011: 9

COMNAVACTS Spain Command OmbudsmanLeah Andino DSN: 727-2997 Commercial: 956-82-2997 La Pora Linsey DSN: 727-4323 Commercial: 956-82-4323 Cell: 659-90-0862E-mail: [email protected]: NAVSTA Rota Ombudsman

It is everyone’s responsibility to report fraud, waste, abuse and mismanagement in Navy activities to: OFFICEOFTHEINSPECTORGENERAL Phone: 081-568-2983–Fax:081-568-6354 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: can choose to remain anonymous.


JOINTHECONVERSATIONONLINEJoin the conversation with Naval Activities Spain leaders, service members, community members, and friends from around the world. Here you will also find more photos, see videos and hear radio news reports from AFN Rota. So check it out.


Happy Birthday Chief's MessTeam Rota,

Sunday will mark the 119th birthday of our Chief’s Mess, and I couldn’t be prouder of the work of our Chief’s

Mess right here in Rota. Making this year’s birthday even more special is the fact that the U.S. Navy Memorial Foundation (USNMF) has deemed April 1, 2012 – March 30, 2013 the “Year of the Chief.” This is to honor all chief petty officers, past and pres-ent and their contributions to our Navy. For the first time in history, the USNMF is shining the spotlight on chiefs across the United States

and around the world in seven countries. The U.S. Navy Memorial Foundation serves to pre-

serve the history of the sea services and educate oth-ers about it. As Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (MCPON) Rick West said in his Chief Birthday Message last year, “Through your leadership of our Sailors, you continue to keep our heritage alive and our Navy strong.”

Here aboard NS Rota, we’ll conduct many events throughout the Year of the Chief focusing on bringing in all chiefs – former chiefs who are now serving as officers, limited duty officers and warrant officers, retired chiefs

who continue to serve as civilians and our active duty and reserve chiefs.

The ability of the chief to serve this great Naval Sta-tion, this great Navy and our great nation does not stop when we retire the uniform with an anchor on it. Once a chief, always a chief is more than a cliché, it’s a way of life and of service. How much better can we serve as chiefs than if we build upon our relationships so we can better work for our Sailors and the Department of the Navy team?

Here, we are taking it one step further. As part of CPO-365, we are training, mentoring and shaping the chief’s mess of the future. Now, in Phase Two of CPO-365, the board eligible first class petty officers will be an integral part of the Year of the Chief aboard NAVSTA Rota.

Keep your eyes and ears open for events as we get ready to kick off this great year, the Year of the Chief!

Whether you are a retired, former or aspiring chief, you share the pride in the anchor and hat of the chief. You are or will be the gatekeeper of Navy tradition, and you are part of the great team we have here and around the world!


Sexual Assault Prevention and ResponseSexual assault victim advocates can be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling:

24/7 Contact Cell : 34-646-40-7871SAFEHELP LINE Click:www.SafeHelpline.orgLive-1-on-1 Help C a l l : 8 7 7 - 9 9 5 - 5 2 4 7 Te x t : 5 5 - 2 4 7 ( U . S . ) 202-470-5546 (outside U.S.)

E-mail [email protected] to place your classified advertisement or community announcement.

The Coastline is an authorized publication for members of the military services and families stationed overseas. Its contents do not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or the U.S. Navy, and do not imply endorsement thereof. Editorial content of Rota Coastline is edited, prepared and provided by the Public Affairs Office of U.S. Naval Station, Rota, Spain.

Commander U.S. Naval Activities, Spain

Capt. Scott Kraverathco/[email protected]

Chief Staff Officer U.S. Naval Activities, Spain

Cmdr. Patrick Moran

Public Affairs OfficerLt. j.g. Jason Fischer

Tel: [email protected]

Deputy Public Affairs OfficerMCC (SW/AW) Mikel Bookwalter

Tel: [email protected]

Writer/PhotographerMC2 (SW/AW) Travis Alston

Tel: [email protected]

Community Relations AdvisorManuel Alba Jaime

Tel: [email protected]

Writer/EditorJan Hammond

Tel: [email protected]

Volunteer Writer/PhotographerClaudia Drake

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Contact the Coastline editorial staff for announcements/classifieds:

Tel: 956-82-3786 [email protected]

The appearance of advertising in this newspaper does not constitute endorsement of products and services by the Department of Defense, the Navy, U.S. Naval Station, Rota, Spain, or its publisher. All ads in this paper shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical disability, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron.

If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. Coastline is published weekly, with a circulation of 2,500, by a private individual in no way connected with the Department of Defense or directly with the U.S. Navy, but who is under contract with the Navy. Depósito Legal S-1848-04.

Publisher and Commercial Advertising Contact:Karen Lucas • Fax: 956-54-2997 • Mobile: 607-56-4132 • [email protected]




Community News . . . . . 7FFSC . . . . . . . . . . . 9Rel ig ion . . . . . . .10 Vis ta . . . . . . . . 11 Publisher's Corner . . . 15 Activities . . . . . . . . .16 MWR . . . . . . . . .16 Movies . . . . . . . . . . 21 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . 22 Sports . . . . . . . . .23

Combine Task ForCed 68 ForCe ProTeCTion oFFiCer LT. riChard WhiPPLe brieFs assisTanT seCreTary oF The navy For manPoWer and reserve aFFairs Juan m. GarCia iii on The moTorCyCLe rider saFeTy Course durinG a visiT To navaL sTaTion roTa, sPain, marCh 23. read aLL abouT The iniTiaTive ThaT ConsoLidaTes a seT oF obJeCTives and PoLiCies To maximize saiLor and marine PersonaL readiness, buiLd resiLienCy and hone The mosT CombaT-eFFeCTive ForCe in The hisTory oF The deParTmenT oF The navy on PaGe 6 oF This ediTion oF The CoasTLine. PhoTo by mC2(sW/aW) Travis aLsTon




CmdCm (sW/aW/ss) david TWiFord

Construction Electrician 3rd Class Jose Lynne Ca-maya and Construction Electrician Constructionman Parris Battle II, assigned to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 3's Delta Company, work together to transfer concrete from a wheelbarrow to buckets in order to place the concrete on top of a bus stop they are building outside the Navy Exchange complex.

Seabees in Action


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When driving out in town after the proces-sions, use extreme cau-tion as the wax on the road makes the surface extremely slippery. Pay close attention and be careful when driving dur-ing and after Holy week.

Caution: Wax on Roadway

Page 3: March 29, 2012 edition of The Coastline

March 29, 2012 3C L NEWS

NAVSUP FLCSI-Rota Receives CNO Retention Excellence Awardby James mCCaFFrey and Ls1 (aW/sCW) zeida LuGo

On Jan. 18, Fleet Logistics Center Sigonella-Rota, Spain was recognized as a recipient of the CNIC Retention Excel-lence Award for fiscal year 2011.

The Retention Excellence Award, also known as the “Golden Anchor Award,” is awarded annually to commands that meet or exceed the retention benchmarks set forth by the Chief of Naval Operations. Along with this prestigious award, qualify-ing commands are permitted to paint their anchors gold to reflect their achievements.

To receive this award, commands must pass the annual Career Information Program Review with a score of 85 points or higher, achieve 100 percent on-time Perform-to-Serve application submissions and meet or exceed reenlistment rates of 59 percent for Zone A Sailors (0 - 6 years of service); 66 percent for Zone B (6 - 10 years of service); 72 percent for Zone C (10 - 14 years of service) and command at-trition for Zone A must be equal or less than 5.5 percent. FLCSI Rota was selected along with 38 other commands Navy-wide.

FLC Command Career Counselor Logistic Specialist First Class (AW/SCW) Zeida Lugo said she was proud of FLC re-ceiving this award, because it is a reflection of the command’s outstanding teamwork by assisting Sailors with career decisions through command development boards, training and explaining Navy programs such as the Perform-to-Serve program.

“We take the lives and careers of our Sailors seriously and we make that hap-

pen by ensuring their career paths are our priority. It is vital to keep them informed of what opportunities and benefits the Navy has to offer,” said Lugo.

Cmdr. Alessandro Stamegna, FLCSI Rota’s site director, remarked on the CNO retention excellence award, “It’s a proud moment when we reflect back on the Site’s accomplishments coupled with all the reenlistments completed this past year. Site Rota has an outstanding logis-tics team working at an outstanding duty station,” Stamegna.

As a recipient of the award, FLC Rota can now display the retention excellence award Pennant that recognizes commands and other units for achieving high levels of personal retention.

K e e p Y o u r H o m e C o o l w i t h F a n sby Ce2(sCW) dennis aLWardT

(Left to right) ABF1(AW/SW) Sherman Windley, divisional career counselor, LSCS (SW/AW) Rene Liban, NAVSUP FLCSI-Rota senior enlisted advisor and LS1 (AW/SCW) Lugo Zeida, FLCSI-Rota command career counselor.

Fans can save you a bundle on air conditioning costs if you know how to use them. Scientists, studying human comfort in the 1950s, discovered that people felt about four degrees cooler in rapidly moving air than in still air because of the windchill effect. You can create a windchill, using ceiling fans, table fans, floor fans and other circulating fans in occupied rooms of your home. Circulating fans are people coolers, so it does no good to leave them running in rooms with no people.

An upstairs hallway sometimes makes a great place to exhaust hot air out of your home.

Another way to cut air conditioning costs is to circulate cool night air with or without fans. Your home is a solar collec-tor that sucks up solar heat all day. During heat waves, the house itself just gets hotter and hotter. If the outdoor temperature gets cool enough at night, you can use the night air to carry the heat out of your home by running fans all night.

Whole-house fans and window fans are used for flushing the home with cool night air. A whole house fan is a large, specially-designed fan installed in the ceiling. The whole-house fan blows house air into the attic, where the air exits through oversized attic vents. Or instead, you can use one or several window fans. A window fan may be pointed to blow air into or out of the house. Push air in at some cool outdoor location facing the prevailing winds. Use another window fan to pull air out on the home’s

leeward side (side of the home not facing the wind). Experiment with different con-figurations of fans to see which works best.

Passive ventilation works in mild sum-mer weather. Wait until evening, when the outdoor air is cooler than the indoor air, and open doors or windows in the parts of your home that are the hottest. Try to establish a cross breeze by opening doors or windows at opposite ends of your home. Take advantage of any outdoor breeze by opening the doors or windows that will direct that moving air into your home, and remember that the outside air will be coolest on the shady side of your home or underneath trees or bushes.

Install screens on the doors or windows you find work best for ventilation to keep bugs, leaves and debris from getting into your home. You can also use fans to help move air through your home, following the same guidelines as passive cooling to de-cide when and where to ventilate. Try using a portable box fan fastened in a window or a pedestal fan near an open door.

Night flushing with fans works best in drier climates where the outdoor tempera-ture dips into the low 70s or cooler at night. Don’t worry about over cooling your home. To preserve your cooled environment in the morning, close the windows and drapes, before the outside temperature heats up.

For more information, please contact your Energy Management Office at 727-1863 or 727-2603.


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Page 4: March 29, 2012 edition of The Coastline

4 March 29, 2012 C LNEWS

DGF Takes Steps to be Bully FreeStudent council members at David Glasgow Farra-

gut High School recently held a school climate student forum to give students an opportunity to respond to how bullying impacts the learning environment of the school.

The Overseas Federation of Teachers has been working with DoDDS to raise awareness about bully-ing, which included a huge rally last month. After the rally, students were given a survey during school to look at the effects of bullying at DGF. Survey results were compiled by Tom Birch's students in Advancement Via Individual Determination. Students were then asked to review, interpret and reflect on the data.

Greg Jacobs' student council facilitated a school cli-

David Glasgow Farragut High School student council members and DGF Teacher Greg Jacobs conduct a student climate forum to examine the effects of bullying.

mate student forum where invited students responded to the survey results. Students commented the data confirmed what many had thought, that there is virtually no physical bullying, students and teachers enjoy mutual respect, and students have a clear sense of right and wrong. However, data also suggested that beneath the surface of relationships and on the Internet, students experience "mental" bullying. There also seems to be a reluctance among students to stand up for others who are experiencing this kind of bullying.

Student Council member Michaela Texidor reported that one participant responded, "If I see it, why should I stop it?" The forum made a suggestion for deeper follow-up through small group discussion where all DGF

sTory by Thomas birCh, dGF students would be able to share connections and be heard in groups outside their immediate friends. After the forum, Student Council officers Michaela Texidor, Gabriela Bastidas and Gabriela Rivera shared their findings at the faculty meeting. Staff members said they were impressed with the students' willingness to confront the issue and consider next steps with a great deal of maturity.

Whether teachers have assigned role plays, video production, poetry writing or poster creation, OFT and DGF teachers have directed students' attention to the serious issue of bullying and will continue to do so in the hope that DGF high school will be a safe and nurturing environment for all to learn in.


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N a v a l S t a t i o n R o t a ’ s N e w e s t A d d i t i o n sBryanna Leigh Hickernell, daughter of Stephen and Jessica Hickernell, born Jan. 23, 2012 weighing 6 pounds

Moriah Carrie Marks, daughter of Lonnie and Malaika Marks, born Feb. 6, 2012 weighing 8 pounds, 6 ounces

William James Hinson, son of Christopher and Shannon Hinson, born Feb. 22, 2012 weighing 9 pounds, 8 ounces

Ricardo Antonio-Vila, son of Ricardo and Anna Antonio, born Feb. 24, 2012 weighing 7 pounds, 6 ounces

Eva Sofia Mitchell, daughter of Gregory and Amber Mitchell, born Feb. 27, 2012 weighing 8 pounds

Isabella Maria Stockdall, daughter of Gregory and Amanda Stockdall, born Feb. 29, 2012 weighing 8 pounds

Jakob Nils Ballester, son of Francisco and Anna Ballester, born Feb. 29, 2012 weighing 8 pounds, 1 ounce

Arianna Rebekah Darnell, daughter of Andrew Darnell and Nazaret Navarro Poley, born March 8, 2012, weighing 6 pounds, 7 ounces

Nancy Bresell, Ph.D., DoDDS Europe director, speaks with parents during a parent forum held at the David Glasgow Farragut Elementary School. Along with Elizabeth Walker, Ph.D., Mediter-ranean District superintendent. They visited DGF to brief parents on the state of the DoDEA system and to answer questions. The forum was attended by parents from the elementary and high school. Some of the topics discussed were standards-based report cards for primary grades, concerns about high school students transferring from and to stateside schools, and amount of time given for professional development days for Continued School Improvement.

DoDDS Holds Parent Forum


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Page 5: March 29, 2012 edition of The Coastline

March 29, 2012 9C L COMMUNITY

New Military Spouse OrientationTuesday, 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (English) 2 - 3:30 p.m. (Español) This workshop provides pertinent information to new military spouses to ease their transition into military culture. “De-mystify” the military culture, address the basic of accessing installation resources and review the vast array of resources available.

Intermediate Spanish ClassTuesdays and Thursdays, 11:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. For those who have attended the beginner’s class, come and enjoy our 16-hour Spanish course for intermediate students during April. This course is useful, easy and interesting as we help you improve your Spanish speaking skills.

Communication Skills Workshop (New) Wednesday, 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Communication is powerful and directly affects our quality of life and relationships. Our ability to ex-press what we think and feel without clouding our ability to listen and respect how others think and feel is the greatest factor of success in our work and home life. This workshop helps people use the power of communication to strengthen relationships at work and at home by practicing skills that build effective two-way communication.

Self Defense Class April 4, April 11, 18 and 25, 6 - 7 p.m. at the fitness center. This in-teractive empowerment class covers a variety of useful and powerful techniques including kicks, strikes, defense from grabs and weapons and defense from ground attacks. Increase your awareness and learn new skills. This four-hour intense training seminar is offered over four weeks in one hour sessions. Call to sign up.

Conflict Management Workshop (New)April 5, 4:30 - 6 p.m. Unmanaged conflict has caused many hardships. It can cause people to suffer, missions to fail and families to separate. This workshop helps people to manage conflict by examining their at-titudes and behaviors when faces with conflicting situations; practicing skills that prevent conflict from escalating; and working with others to solve problems.

Fleet & Family Support CenterCall 727-3232 to pre-register for all FFSC functions.

Every April, the Department of Defense (DoD) takes a concerted stand against sexual assault as it observes Sexual Assault Aware-ness Month (SAAM).

Sexual Assault Awareness Month is rec-ognized nationally and is symbolized through teal ribbons. The purpose of SAAM is to increase the public's understanding about sexual violence in our society and promote prevention of this crime through special events and public education. This year’s theme for SAAM is “Hurt one. Affect all.” This message focuses on the effects sexual as-sault has on the military’s mission readiness.

A sexual assault can reverberate through-out a unit and beyond, degrading readiness by harming the life of the victim and the military’s ability to work effectively as a team. “Hurts one. Affects all” not only conveys that sexual assault affects the victim, it af-fects bystanders. By educating ourselves and talking with others, we can challenge our communities to reject sexual violence. Lack of action; however, can exacerbate the crime. DoD policies address sexual assault prevention, seeking to establish a climate of

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month

confidence in which:Education and training create an environ-

ment in which sexual assault and the attitudes that promote it are not tolerated.

Victims of sexual assault receive the care and support they need.

Offenders are held accountable for their actions.

With leadership and commitment, we be-lieve that we can work together with others to create short and long-term solutions to the endemic problem of sexual violence, includ-ing unhealthy and unsafe relationships. We are asking for your help in recognizing April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Take an active stand in learning more about sexual as-sault and its prevention by participating in the NAVSTA Rota SAAM events during the month of April. Your efforts could have a long-term effect on one of your fellow service members. Prevention is the key. Make a difference.

For more information about sexual assault awareness, community prevention or the DoD’s Sexual Assault Prevention and Re-sponse Policy, please contact the Fleet and Family Support Center at 727-3232.

by FLeeT and FamiLy suPPorT CenTer

Page 6: March 29, 2012 edition of The Coastline

6 March 29, 2012 C LNEWS

21st Sailor and Marine Safety Programs Focus of ASECNAV's VisitsTory by mCC(sW/aW) mikeL bookWaLTer

Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Manpower and Reserve Affairs Juan M. Garcia III visited Naval Station Rota, Spain, March 23, marking the fifth and final stop of a three-continent tour showcasing the new 21st Century Sailor and Marine initiative.

While aboard NS Rota, Garcia con-ducted an all-hands call where he outlined the purpose of his visit: “to deliver ground truth” about program and policy changes that are affecting Sailors, Marines and their families as the Department of the Navy adapts to America’s new national defense

Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Manpower and Reserve Affairs Juan M. Garcia III conducts an all-hands call during a visit to Naval Station Rota, Spain, March 23.

strategy. He also said he came to deliver details about the 21st Century Sailor and Marine initiative and to say thank you to the DoN team in Rota.

“I wanted to say thanks and convey the message that the work you’re doing - no-where more so than Rota, the key strategic chokepoint of the way to the rest of the world - and that’s why we’re sending four destroyers out here. The work you’re doing is having global geo-political significance across the world,” said Garcia.

The Secretary continued by discussing

the 21st Century Sailor and Marine initiative which consists of five core program areas, including readiness, physical fitness, con-tinuum of service, inclusion and safety.

During his tour of the Naval Station, Garcia focused on safety, a core area of the 21st Century Sailor and Marine initia-tive, with a stop at the motorcycle safety foundation range. While there, he saw portions of the Basic Rider Course and Military Sportbike Rider Course.

“Motorcycle training has been success-ful, requiring an additional rider course has driven our numbers down, but we can do better,” said Garcia. “Last year we lost 12 Sailors, not in the war, not operating, not aboard ship, not aboard aircraft: We lost 12 Sailors riding motorcycles. And of those 12, nine had the Basic Rider Course, but had never got around to the advance bike course or the sport bike course. We’re going to close that gap. Sixty days after you’ve taken the BRC, you’ll be required to take the advanced course, so we close that loop and we don’t lose Sailors we don’t have to.”

After his stop in Rota, Garcia will return to Washington, D.C. to further DoN efforts with regard to the 21st Century Sailor and Marine initiative.

The 21st Century Sailor and Marine initiative is connecting needs with new and existing tools and resources to maximize Sailor and Marine personal readiness and safety, enhance resiliency and ensure all Sailors and Marines have the best opportu-nity to serve in the most advanced combat force in the history of the Department of the Navy.

NEXs Accept Manufacturers’ Coupons

Customers can save money every day by shopping their Navy Exchange. In addition to the average 23 percent savings and no sales tax, customers can also save money by using manu-facturers' cents-off coupons on their NEX purchases.

“Redeeming coupons provides our customers another way to save money when shopping at their NEX,” said Richard Dow, NEX Service Command senior vice president store operations. “Coupons are a great way to save even more when shopping for the necessities your family needs.”

Navy Exchanges accept current valid manufacturers' coupons for the item featured on the coupon, subject to its terms and conditions. This includes on-line Internet coupons, except for those coupons offering free products, coupons for Proctor & Gamble products or those determined to be fraudulent.

The NEX accepts scratch-off, per-cent and cents-off coupons from the Army Air Force, Marine Corps and Coast Guard Exchange Systems. These can be percent and cents-off in-store coupons, coupons presented in a coupon book, or printed from Facebook. All coupon terms and conditions apply.

In fiscal year 2011, more than 1.6 million coupons were redeemed by NEX customers worldwide

by krisTine sTurkie, nexCom Pao


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Page 7: March 29, 2012 edition of The Coastline

March 29, 2012 7C L COMMUNITY

Red Cross Babysitting CertificationThe Rota American Cross is offering a Babysitter’s Training and Infant/Child Car-diopulmonary Resuscitation Certification Saturday, 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. A $40 fee includes a two-year CPR certification, first aid kit, backpack, course materials and babysitter's training certification. Class is limited to six students. Call 727-2333 for more information or to register.

Women’s SoftballThe NAVSTA Rota women’s softball team will take on the DGF girls varsity team Friday, 6 p.m. at field one by Expeditions.

Security ClosureDue to a Spanish holiday April 6 - 7, the security department will close the following departments: pass and I.D.; vehicle registration; work and social passes; Spanish traffic tickets; firearms and translator/interpreter services. The will be no check-in or check-out services during that time. Call 727-1703 for more information.

Budget for Baby ClassThis class provides expectant parents the resources to become more aware of the costs related to the birth of a child and making better financial choices. Receive a Junior Sea Bag containing Gerber products and other free items. The next class is scheduled for April 11. Sign up at the NMCRS office in building 3293 or call 727-1614.

Volunteer Boy Scout Troop 73 Looking for VolunteersSupport the youth of our community by volunteering with the Boy Scouts. Troop 73 is looking for assistant scoutmasters and volunteers. The Scouts meet every Thursday, 7 - 8:30 p.m., at building 134 in housing. Contact Troop Scoutmaster Dave Myers at [email protected] for more information.

WIC Overseas Women, Infants and Children Overseas is a nutrition, education and supplemental food program for qualified members of the uniformed services, civilian employees, DoD contractors living overseas and their family members. Eligible participants in-clude pregnant, post-partum and breast-feeding women, infants and children up to age 5. WIC provides important benefits including: one-on-one nutrition counseling, nutrition and health screenings, breast-feeding education, breast pump loan program, infant and child feeding tips and drafts redeemable for nutritious foods at the com-missary and Nexmart. For eligibility screening and more information, call 727-2921.

STAPThe Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society offers an interest-free loan program for up to $3,000 per year for undergraduate or graduate tuition. This is an overseas only pro-gram, so take advantage while you’re here. Call 727-1614 to make an appointment today. For more information, contact the NMCRS at 727-1614.

Navy College GraduationThe Rota Navy College Office will be holding its annual graduation and recognition ceremony June 22. This ceremony is open to all adult members of the Rota com-munity who have been or will be awarded a degree from an accredited institution between Aug. 1, 2011 and Aug. 31, 2012. If you are interested in participating, contact the Navy College at 727-2785/2798 or e-mail [email protected]. The deadline to sign up is May 15.

Community News

Navy College

No School for DGF StudentsThere will be no school for DGF students April 6 for a teacher’s work day.

Raise Funds for DGF with Box TopsDid you know that David Glasgow Farragut Elementary School earns 10 cents for every Box Top they receive? Help DGF raise funds by clipping your Box Tops and returning them to school or one of the MWR donation boxes. You can also save money on your next trip to the commissary by joining the community. Just log on, select David Glasgow Farragut Elementary School PTSA as your home school and begin to receive coupons on items you buy all the time.

NEX A-OK Student Reward Program Students with a B-grade point average or better may enter a drawing for U.S. Sav-ings Bonds given each quarter. Stop by the NEX with a current report card, fill out an entry card and obtain an A-OK ID, which entitles the student to discount coupons for NEX products and services.

DGF Schools

Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings AA meetings are scheduled for every Wednesday at 7:15 p.m. at the base chapel. Call DAPA at 727-2876 for more information.

Page 8: March 29, 2012 edition of The Coastline

10 March 29, 2012 C LRELIGION

New find! Everything we ever believed proven wrong! It isn’t Easter unless some new amazing find shows up

in the media that makes Christian-ity or Judaism look fallacious. In just the last five years, we’ve had "documentaries" and articles alleg-edly debunking the Resurrection; saying that Moses' parting of the Red Sea is a myth; touting “new” Gnostic gospels that “question” Bible accounts; promising “The

Complete” (i.e. negative) story of Jesus (or Moses or Paul, etc.); speculating that Jesus (or Paul) is “gay;” finding The Lost Tomb of Jesus (no, not the one He rose from but the one He is “allegedly” buried in like his tomb in India, or the one in Japan, or North Africa, etc.) and more.

This year is kind of slow so far with the only “new” story being a feminist theologian arguing that Jesus might have been a hermaphrodite. But don’t worry, it isn’t Easter yet. Stories designed to disparage people of faith are as reliable as spring daffodils.

You might think that religious types are just touchy

Faith Will Hold Up to Scrutiny


ChaPLain PaTriCk riLey

and defensive, so they imagine attacks. The half-truth “documentaries” speak for themselves, but studies show that even the “news” articles are provocative. In the last two years, several groups have been monitoring religious stories. Some major findings: Nearly two thirds of all stories about Easter were negative, and even several positive stories still made reference to pedophilia scandal and a few had references to “apocalyptic Christian militia.”

These types of stories are not accidental. Sometimes they are put out there for the shock value to get more viewers. The more controversial, the higher the ratings! Tabloid TV sells. Sometimes the producers just don’t like religion. Others are clueless in religious things (86 percent seldom or never go to church) and may not even know those programs are offensive.

So what? So several things. First, be skeptical! Al-ways look at evidence. The faith will hold up to scrutiny. God never says have blind faith but says let us reason together. But don’t be skeptical only about religion. It amazes me how many accept the silly assertions of the media or “scholars” with no critical examination - on blind faith. We need more skeptics! When you hear of the

latest shocking discovery based on some hokey theory that so and so might have a secret something or other that shows everything everyone believed is wrong, ask for evidence. Why did all the real historians and archeolo-gists miss it? Has it been through peer review? Use a little common sense. And look for the page 12 retraction of the page one story next month.

Second, be reassured, there is nothing to fear from real history and archeology. The Bible is the most well-documented piece of antiquity out there by far. Archeology has been able to verify accuracy of the Bible, find places that “didn’t exist” (like Ur-Abraham’s home town) and even be a guide to archeologists. The more you study, the more your faith should grow.

Lastly, don’t be surprised when the faith is under at-tack. Scripture says that will happen. And who cares what the networks think. Worry about what God thinks. Take Him seriously, figure out how to get on His good side, and trust His story in history.

If you would like to speak to me or another chaplain regarding this discussion or any other issue, please call the Religious Ministries Department at 727-2161.


Tuesday-Friday, NoonSunday, 8:30 and 11:30 a.m.


Sunday, 9 a.m.


Sunday, 10 a.m.

Gospel Service

Sunday, 1:30 p.m.


Sunday, 5 p.m.


Sunday, 11 a.m.

Trusting God Bible StudyThis Bible study by Jerry Bridg-

es addresses the question, “Can we trust God?” Join us every Thursday at 6:30 p.m. at the NAVSTA Rota Chapel Fellowship Hall. The study begins with a meal, followed with a discussion from 7 - 8 p.m.

Amos Bible StudyA Bible study on Amos meets

Wednesday, 6 p.m. at the Chapel Fellowship Hall.

AnnouncementsCall 727-2161 for more information on Chapel events.

Schedule of Lent and Holy Week Services:April 5 Catholic Holy Thursday mass at 5 p.m.Maundy Thursday service at 7 p.m.

April 6 Catholic Good Friday service at 5 p.m.Good Friday Protestant service at 7 p.m.

April 7Catholic Easter vigil at 9 p.m.

April 8Lutheran service at 9 a.m.Protestant service at 10 a.m.Catholic mass at 11:30 a.m.Gospel service at 1:30 p.m.Traditional service 5 p.m.

Page 9: March 29, 2012 edition of The Coastline

March 29, 2012 11C L VISTA

Page 10: March 29, 2012 edition of The Coastline

12 March 29, 2012 C LVISTA

Semana Santa or Holy Week, together with ferias, is one of the most important tourist attractions of Andalucia. Semana Santa is also one of the most memorable weeks you can live in Spain, especially in Andalucia and in all its splendor, in Sevilla.

The story and tradition of Semana Santa dates back many centuries. It is an age-old tradition of the Catholic Church in Spain. Semana Santa can inspire reflection, no matter what your religious background is. Sevilla, Granada, Malaga, Cadiz, Jerez, etc., host some of the most popular and glamorous celebrations.

During recent years, I have witnessed and participated in the processions in Sevilla - a unique experience. I’m convinced that the Holy Week in Sevilla is different. It’s a pure feeling. People in Sevilla live it in a different way. The smell of orange blossoms in the streets, the participation of its people and the splendor of its more than 59 brotherhoods, makes Sevilla’s Holy Week, without comparison in Andalucia - different, unique and unsurpassable.

The Samana Santa in Sevilla consists of eight days of processions, the first one on being on Palm Sunday, April 1 and finishing seven days afterwards, on Resurrection Sunday. Throughout these days, approximately 59 brotherhoods will come out into the streets, from their respective parishes, churches or chapels in the direction of the Cathedral and from there return back “home.”

The shortest route takes approximately four hours, and the ones furthest away about 14 hours. As you can see, there is a plenty of time to see everything you want. Generally the first brotherhoods start their route about noon. The brotherhoods proceed, on each day, in such a way the newest or youngest ones are the first to leave and the oldest ones come out later. This is repeated, day after day, with the exception of Good Friday night (La Madruga), when the criteria used is different. My advice: get a map/holy week program of Sevilla and locate the main points and streets of the day, taking into consideration that all brotherhoods are obliged to take a common route on their way to the Cathedral. To see a “cofradia” in the street, I recommend you choose an open area to avoid being squashed.

A “cofradia” consist of one, two or three “pasos.” A paso is a proces-sional platform on which an episode of the gospel is represented. The paso moves thanks to the “costaleros” (the men under the platform) that carry the weight on their shoulders. They move little by little

following the orders of the “capataz.” Some have music, others a deep and respectful silence. All “cofradias” are accompanied by “nazarenos” wearing their tunics and “capirotes” or penitents who carry a cross on their shoulders. The “La cruz de Guia” or guiding cross leads each brotherhood.

Most of the brotherhoods have two “pasos” (floats). The first one usually shows Jesus alone, crucified, carrying the cross or together with the Apostles.

The last “paso” of each brotherhood is known as “paso palio” where we can see the Virgin Maria under a palio (a canopy) supported by

Semana Santa (Holy Week) Processions and Tradition into a Glorious Week

by manueL aLba

12 varales (bars) and always with “candeleria” used to hold the candles lighting the Virgin. Musical bands accompany some, but not all the processions.

Of course, I do no want to forget to mention that eating “tapas” and traditional holy week cakes (torrijas) is another of the traditions these days. The bars and restaurants are usually full, as most of the people of the city go out to witness the processions. Be patient, and you will always find a place.

Semana Santa shows the Spanish culture, religion and tradition. If you get the chance to attend this event, please do it!

Page 11: March 29, 2012 edition of The Coastline

March 29, 2012 13C L VISTA

Holy Week Processions

Puerto de Santa MaríaPalm SundayBrotherhood: Entrada de Ntro. Señor Jesucristo en Jerusalén y Ntra. Sra. De la Entrega; Parrish Nuestra Sra Del Carmen y San Marcos, Calle Aurora; leaves at 4 p.m. and returns at 11:15 p.m.Brotherhood: Santisimo Cristo De La Flagelación y María Santísima De La Amargura; Parrish San Joaquín; Calle Cielo; leaves at 5:30 p.m. and returns at 11:30 p.m. Holy MondayBrotherhood: Sacramental y Cofridia De Nazarenos De Nuestro Padre Jesus De Los Afligodos y Maria Santisima Del Rosario; Chapel Hospital de San Juan de Dios, Calle Micaela Aramburu; leaves at 7:15 p.m. and returns at 11:30 p.m.Holy TuesdayBrotherhood: Cofradia De Nazarenos Del Santisimo Cristo De la Mesericordia y Nuestra Senora De La Piedad; Mayor Prioral Church; leaves at 7 p.m. and returns at 1:10 a.m.Brotherhood: Nuestro Padre Jesús Cautivo y María Santísimo Del Dolor y Sacrificio; Mayor Prioral Church, Plaza de España; leaves at 8:30 p.m. and returns at 12:20 a.m. Holy WednesdayBrotherhood: De la Sagrada Oración de Nuestro Señor Jesucir-sto en el Huerto y María Santísima de Gracia y Esperanza; Pri-oral Church; Plaza de España; leaves at 7:30 p.m. and returns at 12:15 a.m.

Holy ThursdayBrotherhood: Santísimo Cristo de la Humildad y Paciencia y Ntra. Señora Del Desconsuelo; Chapel Ntra. Señora del Rosario de la Aurora; C/ San Sebastián; leaves at 7:30 p.m. and returns at 1:15 a.m.Good FridayBrotherhood: Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno y María Santísima de los Dolores; Prioral Church, Plaza de España; leaves at 5 a.m. and returns at noon.Brotherhood: Santísimo Cristo de la Vera-Cruz, Nuestra Señora del Mayor Dolor, San Juan Evangelista y María Santísimo de Con-solación y Lágrimas; Parrish San Joaquín; Calle Cielo; leaves at 7:30 p.m. and returns at 12:15 am.Brotherhood: Nuestra Senora De La Soledad y Santo Entierro De Nuestro Señor Jesucrist; Prioral Church; Plaza de España; leaves at 8:00 p.m. and returns at 12:30 a.m.Easter SundayBrotherhood: Jesuscristo Resucitado y Nuestra Señora de la Alegría; Prioral Church; Plaza de España; leaves at 10 a.m. and returns at 2:15 p.m.

Semana Santa (Holy Week) Processions and Tradition into a Glorious Week

12 varales (bars) and always with “candeleria” used to hold the candles lighting the Virgin. Musical bands accompany some, but not all the processions.

Of course, I do no want to forget to mention that eating “tapas” and traditional holy week cakes (torrijas) is another of the traditions these days. The bars and restaurants are usually full, as most of the people of the city go out to witness the processions. Be patient, and you will always find a place.

Semana Santa shows the Spanish culture, religion and tradition. If you get the chance to attend this event, please do it!

RotaPalm SundayBrotherhood: Nuestro Padre Jesús De La Paz en su Triunfante Entrada en Jerusalén; Capilla De San Roque; Plaza San Roque; leaves at 6 p.m. and returns at 9:30 p.m.Holy MondayBrotherhood: Santísimo Cristo Del Amor y Ntra. Sra. De La Esperanza Del Calvario; Parroquia de Ntra. Sra. Del Carmen; Calle Calvario; leaves at 8:30 p.m. and returns at 1:30 a.m.Holy TuesdayBrotherhood: Nuestro Padre Jesús Cautivo y Rescatado; Parroquia de Ntra. Sra. De La O; Plaza Bartolomé Pérez; leaves at 10:30 p.m. and at 2 a.m.Holy WednesdayBrotherhood: Nuestro Padre Jesús de la Salud en sus Tres Caídas, María Santísima de la Caridad y San Juan Evangelista; Capilla de San Juan Bautista “La Caridad;” Plaza de Andalucía; leaves at 8:30 p.m. and returns at 1:30 a.m.

Holy ThursdayBrotherhood: Nuestra Señora de los Dolores y Santísimo Cristo de la Caridad; Capilla de San Juan Bautista “La Caridad;” Plaza de Andalucía; leaves at 7:15 p.m. and returns at 12:30 a.m.Good FridayBrotherhood: Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno, María Santísima de la Amargura y San Juan Evangelista; Parroquia de Ntra. Sra. De La O; Plaza Bartolomé Pérez; leaves at 2 a.m. and returns at noon.Brotherhood: Cristo De La Veracruz y María Santísima de las Angustias; Capilla De San Roque; Plaza San Roque; leaves at 6:45 p.m. and returns at 12:30 a.m.Brotherhood: Santo Entierro de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo y Soledad de María Santísima; Parroquia de Ntra. Sra. De La O; Plaza Bartolomé Pérez; leaves at 8 p.m. and returns at 1:30 a.m.Easter SundayBrotherhood: Nuestro Padre Jesús Resucitado en su Divina Misericordia; Parrish Ntra. Sra. Del Carmen; Calle Calvario; leaves at 10:30 a.m. and returns at 2:30 p.m.

Page 12: March 29, 2012 edition of The Coastline

14 March 29, 2012 C LCOMMUNITY

Morón Air Base Holds National Prayer LuncheonsTory by James boWden, seviLLa eLemenTary/middLe sChooL

MORÓN AIR BASE, Spain – “Chaplain Henry,” Mrs. Pridemore declared as she entered the sanctuary of his first parish church, “Just remember this . . . the mind can only absorb what the behind can absorb.”

Pridemore was a petite, prim, stern and proper local high school speech teacher who attended one of Chaplain (Col.) G. Scott Henry’s first parishes. Henry must have taken Pridemore’s words to heart, because his message at the 2012 National Prayer Luncheon at the Club Andaluz at Moron AB, March 22, was short, clear and concise and full of the Christian wisdom that comes with the 26 years of experience he has had as a chaplain since he was first commissioned in July of 1986.

Henry’s presentation centered around three words, and those words just hap-pened to be the three words that a 2-year-old is most likely to say, “No, mine,” and “Why?” In fact, his address was entitled “Taming the Terrible Twos.” The message was simple, but applicable to our lives in our families, our jobs and as leaders, and that is where the emphasis of his message was directed.

Henry pointed out how the “why” in our lives is something God has given to us “in His image.” God has given us the ability to create, to question, and to be part of His creation. This is reflected in how we build our environment, trying to shape the world and make it a better place.

The “no” in our lives, the Chaplain point-ed out, is the negative force that is evident in every human life. It often shows up in our stubbornness, or our need for power. Power, Henry said, is like a bar of soap, “the more you use, the less you have.”

Life is all about relationship, Henry con-tinued, emphasizing how we use what we

have, which comes from that third word of emphasis, “mine.” The Methodist Church and the Air Force and the people he has met in those institutions, have been the most influential forces in his life. Henry believes as Methodist leader John Wesley believes, that one should “do no harm,” “do as much good as you can,” and make sure you have God in your life.” God will accept what we offer Him, but we must always remember how much more blessed it is to give than to receive.

Henry closed with the story about the little girl who wanted her mother to stay with her in bed at night when she said good night. Each night, her mother assured her that God was with her, and would always be with her. Finally, after several nights of this, and not feeling any better, the little girl said, “Momma, I need someone with skin on.”

In a nutshell, we need each other; we need someone “with skin on.”

The luncheon prelude was given by Tech. Sgt. Keith Kirkland, followed by the Spanish and American national anthems.

The invocation was given by Father Pedro Jimenez Barros, and introduc-tions by event emcee Master Sgt. Jeffrey Stockwell, followed by a delicious lunch provided by Elena Sanchez de Ruiz from the base bowling alley. Many thanks were offered after lunch by Stockwell, not only to Ruiz, but also to an Air Force spouse Anna Liwanag, who provided the delicious cake for dessert, and to overall event organizers Tech. Sgt. Vicki Kendricks and Tech. Sgt. Terry Todachine. Final thanks were given to Tech. Sgt. Lisa Brooks and the entire services staff who handled set up and tear down of this event.

After lunch, the Prayer for the Nation was given by Tech. Sgt. David Garcia,

followed by scripture read-ings, from Jewish Scripture Leviticus 19:18 by Sevilla fourth and fifth grade teach-er Anita Medeby, then from Christian Scripture Luke 10:27 by Tech. Sgt. Vicki Kendricks and finally from Muslim Scripture Koran chapter four, An-Nisa, verse 35 by Master Sgt. David Varner.

After the scripture readings, the Com-mander, 496th Air Base Squadron Lt. Col. James Romag introduced Chaplain Col. G. Scott Henry who delivered the keynote

address.The luncheon was closed with the

benediction by Chaplain Capt. Kyle Roehrig.

Chaplain (Col.)G. Scott Henry gives the keynote address during a National Prayer Luncheon at Moron Air Base, Spain March 22.


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Friday, April 6th, 2012

Wounded EOD Warrior FoundationGolf Tournament

Wounded EOD Warrior FoundationGolf Tournament

Wounded EOD Warrior FoundationGolf Tournament

Captain Jake Dennis Memorial Golf Course

Friday, April 6, 2012Cost: $50 per playerRegistration72 Golfers - 36 Teams two person scramble format.

This year will feature two divisions of play:

Championship Flight and Recreational Flight

We encourage all competitive golfers to enter the Championship Flight but if you’re simply interested in enjoying a great day of golf to support a great cause please enter the Recreational Flight.

Enjoy a complete program of special events, 18 holes of golf, door prizes, and much more!

Cost is just $50 / player and $10 per player for golf cart (Limited number available)Caddies will be available for $20• Longest drive contests• Closest to the pin challenge• Proximity Hole(s)

For information, contact Brian Farris, tournament director, @ 727-2025 or [email protected]

Tournament Supporters:- Bands for Arms- Tactical Electronics- Surefire

Tel: 727-1872

2st Annual Wounded EOD Warrior Foundation - 2 Man Scramble

This event will be held Friday, April 6th at the Captain Jake Dennis Memorial Golf Course in Rota, Spain.

Registration begins 9 am, with shotgun tee-off at 12 pm.

The cost for this event is only $50. This price includes entry into all events, 18 holes of golf, and awards.

Tee up and support the Wounded EOD Warrior Foundation, a non-profit organization that provides assistance to our Wounded EOD Warriors and their families in the form of financial relief.

There will be an awards presentation directly after all teams have concluded their rounds and the score cards have been submitted outside the Pro-shop.

To help us properly plan for this event, please pre-register by contacting Kaila Snaza at 727-1872 or e-mail [email protected].

Page 13: March 29, 2012 edition of The Coastline

March 29, 2012 15C L PUBLISHER'S CORNER


By Karen Lucas, Coastline [email protected]

Last Friday I took advantage of the op-portunity to return to Arcos Gardens in or-der to try their restaurant and see the prop-erties that they have for sale and for rent

since on my p r e v i o u s visit there wasn’t time e n o u g h . The res -taurant is

located in the Club House which is the authentic social and leisure center of the complex, and in my opinion, it lives up to its reputation as a top-level culinary refer-ence. The meal was superb; everything was done just right and nicely served. We shared a salad and some goat cheese crispy delights followed by main courses of sea bream and beef tenderloin. Everything was delicious. In the Club House, you will also find the golf shop, day spa, lounge area, bar and member’s room.

After this wonderful meal, Nuria Ber-rojo, the commercial director, took us to see the properties and what fun that was! It is always pleasant to view beautiful homes. Arcos Gardens is a low-density community, designed exclusively for up-market luxury living. Attention to detail, first-class service and world-class ameni-ties are complemented by the area’s natu-ral beauty and diversity of experience. The 440-acre development in a former olive grove has been transformed into a lead-ing golf destination, featuring a champion 18-hole course that was recently named one of Europe’s Top 100. Townhouses and Villas are situated on the front line of the award-winning championship golf course; however they don’t interfere with the golf course, and on most holes you hardly see them at all.

The properties available fall into three categories: townhouses and two types of villas. The townhouses are called Fairway Gardens and the villas are named Graza-lema and Jacaranda, the latter being the largest.

Fairway Gardens consists of 80 spa-cious (135 m2), luxury townhouses with two en suite bedrooms overlooking the first and ninth holes. The exterior of the properties are finished in a traditional Andalusian style, and all properties have a private garden and use of a large com-munal swimming pool. There are currently three units available for sale, and Arcos Gardens operates the Fairway Gardens Rental program, so if you don’t live there full time they will take care of renting it out for you if you so choose. Their goal is to offer a system that is fair to all with a consistently high-quality service to both owners and clients.

The residential area known as Villas Grazalema is comprised of 27 villas on plots of between 1,250 - 2,000 m2, 15 of which are on the front line of golf along the twelfth hole, and 12 of which are second line of golf. Here, there are six different villa styles and all these villas also enjoy spectacular views across the golf course to Arcos de la Frontera and the surrounding countryside. Sizes here range from 219 m2 to 276 m2, with three to four bedrooms; all with private gardens and swimming pools. With a variety of styles and sizes,

the villas in Grazalema boast the ultimate in luxury living, lifestyle, space and views.

The residential area known as Vil-las Jacaranda is comprised of 16 plots of between 1,900 - 3,300 m2 each, all frontline golf, along the tenth and sev-enteenth Fairways. The Amapola Villas within Jacarandas are the largest villas at Arcos Gardens with four bedrooms spread throughout 381 m2. These villas have private swimming pools and large landscaped gardens. The interiors are spacious and have open-plan living and dining areas with plenty of outside ter-raced areas for dining “al fresco,” state-of-the-art kitchens and a Bang & Olufsen music system. All enjoy golf and coun-tryside views, and many also have views of the town of Arcos, perched on the top of a steep cliff face which is illuminated at night. All properties come with an exceptional standard of specifications.

Arcos Gardens is pleased to an-nounce that they have just launched a special campaign exclusively for the last remaining properties available with the objective of attracting new families to the community. Given this situation and taking into account the existing market conditions, they are presently offering special deals of 20-percent discounts on the remaining villas and 15-percent discounts on the townhouses. Just in case you haven’t heard, the Spanish government has reduced the tax (IVA) on all new properties from eight percent to four percent, effective immediately. This only applies to new properties, and it is only an “exceptional and temporary reduction” until the end of 2012. The special campaign launched by Arcos Gardens and the new property sales tax reduced by half make this an excellent and unique opportunity to purchase a dream property at Arcos Gardens.

To truly appreciate the beauty of Arcos Gardens and the surrounding areas, a visit to this beautiful resort is a must. You can try a round of golf on the champion-ship course, explore the winding streets of the typical Spanish “pueblo” Arcos de la Frontera or simply relax in the day spa

and indulge yourself in one of the treat-ments offered. In addition to the special offer for base personnel advertised in The Coastline, there are special “Discover Trip” offers that are only available on request to qualified clients interested in the residen-tial community for inspection visits. For more information, call 965-70-1694, e-mail [email protected] or visit the Web site:

Trintiy School Monday, Trinity School will be start-

ing a beginner’s class, so if you have no knowledge of Spanish, this one is for you. Regardless of your level, new classes start every Monday, so you should not have to wait too long for a class at your level. Trin-ity School was established in 1986 and has a good track record in language instruction. It is certified by the Cervantes Institute and offers preparation for the Diploma of Span-ish as a Foreign Language. Hotel Playa de la Luz

With spring here and Holy Week next week, Hotel Playa de la Luz is getting ready for summer. The Beach Club opens tomorrow, and it will remain open the rest of the season. There are still a couple of days remaining to get a season pass at a 10-percent discount. Also, their buffet dinners for 22 euros will be starting this Saturday evening, and Bar La Gaviota will be open from April 5 - 8 as well as every weekend in April and May. Chucky Bar

Chucky Bar on Avenida Sevilla in Rota announces that they now open at 4 p.m. every day and will have free food for their customers on Thursdays.

Anything you want me to pass along? Let me hear from you about your favorite places or coming events. I do like hearing from you! Send me an e-mail to [email protected] or give me a call at 607-56-4132. Support your paper by supporting the advertisers.

Jacaranda Property

A Return to Arcos Gardens

The beautiful pool at Los Jándalos

Townhouse Property Interior

Page 14: March 29, 2012 edition of The Coastline

16 March 29, 2012 C LACTIVITIES

Ruta de los Sentidos, a guided tour in El Puerto de Santa Maria, Saturdays at 10:15 a.m. and Juega con los Sentidos, a guided tour in El Puerto de Santa Maria, Saturdays at 6 p.m., 956-85-3960

Ruta por El Puerto y Bodegas Osborne, a guided tour, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11 a.m., tickets 5 euros (children) and 10 euros (adults), 697-34-5807

Sevilla Bullring guided tours, daily, 9:30 a.m. - 8 p.m.

Sevilla, Reales Alcazares (Moorish Fortress) guided tours, Monday - Sunday, 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m., tickets 7.50 euros

Sevilla, Cathedral and Giralda guided tours, Monday - Saturday, 11 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Sunday, 2:30 - 6:30 p.m.

Flea Market, Ramon y Cajal Street, Sanlucar, Sundays and holidays, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Flea Market, Alameda Vieja (by the Castle), Jerez, Sundays, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Flea Market, Picabarro, Rota, Sundays, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Castillo de Luna, Rota, weekend guided tours at 1 and 5 p.m., request tickets in advance at the tourist office, Calle Cuna 2

Como Bailan los Caballos Andaluces, (How Andalusian Horses Dance), Tuesdays and Thursdays at noon, Rec-reo de las Cadenas, Avda. Duque de Abrantes, Jerez, tickets 19 - 25 euros, 956-31-8008,

Visit Doñana National Park,

Ara Malikiam Emsemble, April 27, 8:30 p.m., Real Teatro de Las Cortes, San Fernando, tickets 15 - 30 euros

Bruce Springsteen in concert, May 13, Sevilla

Lenny Kravitz in concert, May 27, Coliseo Atarfe, Granada

40 Años de Doñana photo and painting display until March 28, Centro Cultural La Victoria, Sanlucar

Handcrafts display by Sisters of Belen, Tuesday - Saturday, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. and 4:30 - 6:30 p.m., La Cartuja Monastery, Jerez

Nuevo Amanecer, a recital by Jose Merced, May 10, 9 p.m., Gran Teatro Falla, Plaza de Fragela, Cadiz

Flamenco show, Jerez, Fridays and Saturdays, 10 p.m., El Lagar del Tio Parrilla, Plaza del Mercado, 956-33-8334

Flamenco show, Sanlucar, Fridays at 10:30 and 11:30 p.m., Bodega de Arte “A Contratiempo,” Calle San Miguel 5, tickets 12 euros, 653-07-1099

Costa de La Luz Half Marathon, Rota - Chipiona, April 15

Bay of Cadiz Half Marathon, Cadiz - San Fernando, April 22,

Villa de Puerto Real Half Marathon, April 29,


Activities Sports



Artisian Cheese Festival, Saturday - April 1, Villaluenga del Rosario, Cadiz

Ruta de la Tapa, until April 26, Chipiona

Gonzalez Byass Bodega - Jerez, Monday - Saturday at noon, 1, 2, 5 and 6:30 p.m., tickets 11 euros

Sandeman Bodega – Jerez, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 11:30 a.m., 12:30 and 13:30 p.m.

Barbadillo Bodega – Sanlucar, Tuesday – Saturdays at 11 a.m., tickets 3 euros

Eat/DrinkMotorcyc l ing Wor ld Championsh ip April 27 - 29, Jerez

Page 15: March 29, 2012 edition of The Coastline

March 29, 2012 17C L LOCAL

Sailor in the Spotlight

A native of Atlanta, Ga., Yeoman 2nd Class Demetrius Thrasher enlisted in the Navy in 2006. After completing basic training in Great Lakes, Ill., he attended Yeoman A-School at Naval Technical Training Center Meridian, Miss. His first duty station was USS John F. Kennedy (CV 67).

He reported to Naval Station Rota, Spain’s Ad-ministration Department Oct. 13, 2010. Here, he provides administrative support to 4,000 NAVSTA personnel and dependents, United States National Support Elements and transiting North Atlantic Treaty Organization Forces. As a petty officer third class, Thrasher obtained the 9190 NEC for Special Security Officer Navy Technical Advisor and attained a personal goal of advancing to the rank of petty officer second class.

"There are no mistakes. The events we bring upon ourselves, no matter how unpleasant, are necessary in order to learn what we need to learn; whatever steps we take, they're necessary to reach the places we've chosen to go."

YN2 (SW) Demetrius Thrasher Story and Photo By MC2(SW/AW) Travis Alston

Page 16: March 29, 2012 edition of The Coastline

20 March 29, 2012 C LOUT AND ABOUT




To celebrate “Read Across America” week, Ava, a sure-start student, wears her crazy hat while holding fish jello she made in class to go along with the Dr. Seuss book, One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish.

(Left) The Adult Jazz/Hip Hop team has audience members bouncing to the beat as they conclude their dance number at "Joy's Dance Explosion" Sunday at the DGF Multi Purpose Room. (Above) Rota Fusion Dance Team performs at the recital "Joy's Dance Explosion" Sunday at the DGF Multi Purpose Room.



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(Above) Abigail shows off the Leprechaun trap she made. Dana Dufka’s second grade class spent a week studying the geography of Ireland, reading Irish folktales and creating their own books about l e p r e c h a u n s a n d making traps to catch them.

(Left) The USAFE Brass Quintet paid a visit to DGF Elementary in honor of “Music in our Schools Month.”

Joy Naik and her dancers receive a round of applause after their recital "Joy's Dance Explosion" Sunday at the DGF Multi Purpose Room. This concert concludes Joy's 3-years as a dance instructor at Naval Station Rota where she trained hundreds of dancers of all ages.


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Page 17: March 29, 2012 edition of The Coastline

March 29, 2012 23C L SPORTS

106 million – The number of viewers for the 2009 Champions League final,

which surpassed that year’s Super Bowl.

53.2 million – The amount paid in euros to Manchester United, last year’s runner up. Teams are awarded prize money based on how they finish in the

tournament and the TV market they play in. That’s why Man U made a couple mil-lion more than Barcelona, the team that

Champions League by the Numbersactually won the tournament.

1955 – The first year of the European Cup which is the predecessor to the cur-rent Champions League format. Real Madrid won the cup that year thanks in part to two goals from legendary Alfredo Di Stefano.

1990 – The last time a team repeated as champions.

76 and 52 – Number of teams and countries, respectively, that participated in this year’s Champions League. Some non-traditional European countries such as Russia, Israel, Turkey and Kazakh-


yuvaL FLeminGsPorTs WriTer

stan participate in the competition.

28 – The date th i s pas t June that the qualifica-tion stage of the competition began. Tre Fiori (San Ma-rino) lost to Val-letta (Malta) 1 - 5. After the qualifica-tion rounds, the field was narrowed to 32 teams. On Sept. 13, the group stage of the com-p e t i t i o n b e g a n with the remaining teams placed into eight groups of four teams. The top two teams in each of the groups advanced to the knockout stage of the competition.

19 – The date in May that the Allianz Arena in Munich, Germany will host this year’s Champions League final. The site of the world's biggest annual soccer game rotates around Europe. Two years ago Madrid was the site of the final, and Barcelona beat Manchester United in London this past season.

13 – Number of times a club from Spain has won the Champions League, nine for Real Madrid and four for Bar-celona.

5 – Most goals ever scored in one Champions League game, Lionel Messi owns that record thanks to his perfor-mance against Bayer Leverkusen in February.

4 – Number of teams that qualify for Champions League from Spain, England, and Italy. UEFA (Union of European Football Associations) uses a complicated formula to determine how many teams from each country qualify

(Times are local)

Sunday*Athletic Bilbao at Barcelona 5 p.m.These two teams will face one another in late May in the final of the Copa del Rey. For now Barcelona will try to keep pace with Real Madrid, and Athletic will attempt to move into the fourth spot in La Liga.

Tuesday*Barcelona at Sevilla: 8 p.m.AC Milan at Barcelona 8:45 p.m. The second leg of a Champions League quarterfinal.

Wednesday*Apoel at Real Madrid 8:45 p.m. The second leg of a Champions League quarterfinal.

Games of the Week

for the Champions League. 2 – Number of games a team plays in

each round of the knockout stage. One game is hosted by each team and the combined score is used to determine which team advances. If the combined score is a tie, the tiebreaker is the team with the most away goals. If after regu-lation of the second game the fixture is still tied, 30 minutes of extra time is played, and then penalty kicks are used to decide the winner.

1 – A one-game, winner-take-all final is played in a neutral site to determine which team will hoist the Champions League trophy.

0 – Points Spanish side Villarreal finished with this season in the group stage. The Yellow Submarine failed to win or draw in any of their six group stage games.

Yuval Fleming is a biased sports fan who lives in Rota, Spain and writes a weekly sports column for The Coastline. Please send comments and article ideas to [email protected].

Page 18: March 29, 2012 edition of The Coastline

Thursday, March 29th 7 p.m. One for the Money (PG13), 91’ 9:30 p.m. Woman in Black (PG13), 96’

Friday, March 30th 5 p.m. Journey 2: The Mysterious Island (PG), 98’ 7:30 p.m. Underworld Awakening ☻ (R), 89’ 10 p.m. Chronicle (PG13), 84’

Saturday, March 31st 2:30 p.m. Big Miracle (PG), 107’ 5 p.m. Woman in Black (PG13), 96’ 7:30 p.m. One for the Money (PG13), 91’ 10 p.m. Safe House (R), 115’ DRIVE-IN 9 p.m. The Hunger Games (PG13), 142’

Sunday, April 1st 2:30 p.m. The Hunger Games (PG13), 142’ 5 p.m. Red Tails ☻ (PG13), 125’

Monday, April 2nd CLOSED

Tuesday, April 3rd 7 p.m. The Grey ☻ (R), 117’ 10 p.m. The Hunger Games (PG13), 142’

Wednesday, April 4th CLOSED

Thursday, April 5th 7 p.m. Safe House (R), 115’ 9:30 p.m. For Colored Girls ☺ (R), 133’

Friday, April 6th 12 p.m. Alice in Wonderland ☺ (PG), 108’ 2:30 p.m. One for the Money ☻ (PG13), 91’ 5 p.m. Man on a Ledge (PG13), 102’ 7:30 p.m. The Hunger Games (PG13), 142’

Saturday, April 7th DRIVE-IN 9 p.m. Wrath of the Titans (PG13), 99’

Man on a Ledge (PG13) 102’. Action, Adventure, Romance, Thriller. Starring: Sam Worthington, Elizabeth Banks, Anthony Mackie. Nick Cassidy makes a desperate and life-threaten-ing move to prove his innocence after he is framed for the theft of a rare, prized diamond. Recently escaped from prison and with nowhere else to go, Nick climbs onto the ledge of a towering skyscraper, inviting the eyes of New York City to anxiously watch as one wrong step could mean plunging to his death.

Big Miracle (PG) 107’. Drama, Family, Starring: Drew Barrymore, John Krasinski, Dermot Mulroney. Based on the true story of a small town news reporter and a Green-peace volunteer who are joined by rival world superpowers to save a family of majestic gray whales trapped by rapidly forming ice in the Arctic Circle.

One for the Money (PG13) 91’. Action, Adventure, Comedy, Crime. Starring: Katherine Heigel, Jason O’Mara, Daniel Sunjata. A proud, born-and-bred Jersey girl, Stepha-nie Plum’s got plenty of attitude, even if she’s been out of work for the last six months and just lost her car to a debt collector. Desper-ate for some fast cash, Stephanie turns to her last resort: convincing her sleazy cousin to give her a job at his bail bonding company as a recovery agent.



As a reminder to all movie patrons, COMNAVACTSPAINST 1754.3 requires that all minors must have supervised transportation from the theater movies that end after sunset. Minors are prohibited from walking home from the Drive-In after dark.

MWR’s Movie Info Line: 727-2624. Theater Phone Number: 727-2328Check for full listing.

G – General Audiences.PG – Parental Guidance Suggested.PG-13 – Parents Strongly Cautioned.R – Restricted.


If no patrons arrive within 30 minutes after showtime, movies will be cancelled. Movies are subject to change without notice.

The Hunger GamesDrive-In,March 31st, 9 p.m.Gateway Theater,April 1st, 2:30 p.m.April 3rd, 10 p.m.April 6th, 7:30 p.m.

One for the MoneyGateway Theater,March 29th, 7 p.m..March 31st, 7:30 p.m.April 6th, 2:30 p.m.

☺Free Showing // ☻Last Showing // Adult Movie

The Hunger GamesStarring: Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hems-worth, Elizabeth Banks(PG13) Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, 142’

Every year in the ruins of what was once North America, the nation of Panem forces each of its twelve districts to send a teenage boy and girl to compete in the Hunger Games. Part twisted entertain-ment, part government intimidation tactic, the Hunger Games are nationally televised event in which “Tributes” must fight with one another until one survivor remains.

Wrath of the TitansDrive-In,April 7th, 9 p.m.

Man on a LedgeGateway Theater,April 6th, 5 p.m.

Wrath of the TitansStarring: Sam Worthington, Rosamund Pike, Liam Neeson, Ralph Fiennesn(PG13) Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, 99’

A decade after his heroic defeat of the monstrous Kraken, Perseus-the demigod son of Zeus-is attempting to live a quieter life as a village fisherman and the sole parent to his 10-year-old son, Helius. Meanwhile, a struggle for supremacy rages between the gods and the Titans. Dangerously weakened by humanity’s lack of devotion, the gods are losing control of the imprisoned Titans and their fero-cious leader, Kronos, father of the long-ruling brothers Zeus, Hades and Poseidon.

Page 19: March 29, 2012 edition of The Coastline


The egg huntswill begin at 11 a.m.Bring your camera for photos with the Easter Bunny.Call 727-1100 for more information.

Saturday, March 31st

10 a.m. - 12 p.m. At the Galley Lawn.Ages 0 -12.

TEI card holders Free.

Missoula Children's Theater is now taking sign-ups for auditionsto participate in their production of "Red Riding Hood."The production will be premiered on April 13th. All rehearsals for this event will be held during the week of Spring Break. This is a one week production from start to finish from April 9th - 13th.Call 18-727-1104 or 690-399-785 for details.

Sign up by April 1stat CDC, SAC or Youth Center. Ages K-12.


Join MWR on Easter Sunday to welcomeThe Front Men of Country to Rota.

Call 727-1410 for more information.April 8th, 7 p.m. at La Plaza

SAC Spring Camp

April 9th - 13th, 6:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.We are excited to invite you to a week long adventure at the School Age Care Center. The camp has many field trips, games, activities, clubs and projects planned for the children. There will be rock climbing, swimming,

golfing, trips to the Flight Line, the Library and the Fire Department.Sign up now and don’t miss out on the fun! Camp fees apply and

space is limited. All meals are included.Call SAC at 727-2839 for more information.

April 2nd - 4th & 16th - 18th,11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. $42.At La Plaza. Ages 13 & above. Instructor: Carolina.

Sevillanas Express, for people who want to learn the basics or review the dance, all the fun without the the details. Learn the basics or brush up on your skills before Sevilla’s Feria de Abril!Call 727-2527 for more information.


RcomMunity classes

SevillanasExpressSession I