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SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin Version 2007 (6.2) January 2007 DMAR1-PE-200042E

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SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin

Version 2007 (6.2) January 2007 DMAR1-PE-200042E

Copyright Copyright © 2003-2007 Intergraph Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

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Warranties and Liabilities All warranties given by Intergraph Corporation about equipment or software are set forth in your purchase contract, and nothing stated in, or implied by, this document or its contents shall be considered or deemed a modification or amendment of such warranties. Intergraph believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date.

The information and the software discussed in this document are subject to change without notice and are subject to applicable technical product descriptions. Intergraph Corporation is not responsible for any error that may appear in this document.

The software discussed in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of this license.

No responsibility is assumed by Intergraph for the use or reliability of software on equipment that is not supplied by Intergraph or its affiliated companies. THE USER OF THE SOFTWARE IS EXPECTED TO MAKE THE FINAL EVALUATION AS TO THE USEFULNESS OF THE SOFTWARE IN HIS OWN ENVIRONMENT.

Intergraph is not responsible for the accuracy of delivered data including, but not limited to, catalog, reference and symbol data. Users should verify for themselves that the data is accurate and suitable for their project work.

Trademarks Intergraph, the Intergraph logo, PDS, SmartPlant, SmartSketch, FrameWorks, INtools, MARIAN, ISOGEN, and IntelliShip are registered trademarks and SupportModeler and SupportManager are trademarks of Intergraph Corporation. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners.

Table of Contents

SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin 3

Table of Contents Introduction ........................................................................................................................5 

SmartPlant Materials 2007 Highlights ............................................................................6 

SmartPlant Enterprise 2007 Integration .........................................................................7 

Load SmartPlant Materials Catalog Data into SmartPlant 3D .....................................8 Design in SmartPlant 3D ..............................................................................................9 Publish a BOM Report................................................................................................10 Browse BOM Documents ...........................................................................................12 Import BOM Data .......................................................................................................13 

View Results of an Import ................................................................................................ 14 

BOMs ................................................................................................................................15 

B.10.21: BOM Import Staging Area ...........................................................................15 Staging Area Process ........................................................................................................ 15 

B.20.03 ........................................................................................................................20 Customize View ................................................................................................................ 20 List of Values (LOV) Function ......................................................................................... 22 Attach Documents to BOM Positions and Nodes ............................................................. 22 

B.40.01 BOM Import ..................................................................................................23 

Requisitions ......................................................................................................................24 

R.30.01 Maintain Requisitions (now CWS) ...............................................................24 

Purchasing ........................................................................................................................29 

P.30.22 Commercial Evaluation .................................................................................29 Split Between Suppliers by Quantity ................................................................................ 31 

P.70.71 Expeditor Workload ......................................................................................36 P.70.74 Packages ........................................................................................................37 P.70.72 Expediting Details .........................................................................................38 

C.20.05 Prepare MRR by Package ................................................................................... 41 P.90.11 Maintain Fabrication Tracking ......................................................................44 

Administration .................................................................................................................45 

A.30.15 SmartPlant Materials Themes .......................................................................45 Example: Specifying a Theme .......................................................................................... 46 Login Screen ..................................................................................................................... 48 

A.30.14 Record Visualization ....................................................................................49 Example: Specifying a Rule .............................................................................................. 49 

A.20.11/12/13 Defaults ...............................................................................................52 A.30.01 Menus ............................................................................................................53 

Table of Contents

4 SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin

A.20.06.02 and A.30.03: Assigning Sections to Users ...............................................54 

Message Boxes ..................................................................................................................56 

Show Never Again ......................................................................................................56 

Cronacle Replacement .....................................................................................................58 

Example for B.40.01 ...................................................................................................59 Overview Screen for SmartPlant Materials Batch Jobs: A.60.84.01 ..........................60 


SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin 5

Introduction The purpose of this document is to give a technical overview of the major new features of the SmartPlant Materials 2007 (version 6.2) release. All features are included in the 2007 (6.2) Release Notes delivered with the product.

SmartPlant Materials 2007 (6.2) is a major release of the software and contains a number of interesting and valuable functions that increase productivity for SmartPlant Materials users. This document presents a screen- and feature-oriented description of the major features. It does not include workflow- or end-user-oriented information.

Send documentation comments or suggestions to [email protected].

SmartPlant Materials 2007 Highlights

6 SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin

SmartPlant Materials 2007 Highlights The major highlights for this release are:

• Bill-of-Materials (BOM) integration with SmartPlant® 3D – For more information, see SmartPlant Enterprise 2007 Integration, page 7.

• BOM Import Staging Area – For more information, see B.10.21: BOM Import Staging Area, page 15.

• Workflows for fabrication tracking (spools) and requisitions – For more information, see P.90.11 Maintain Fabrication Tracking, page 44 and R.30.01 Maintain Requisitions (CWS), page 24.

• Material tracking using rules to show colors based on events and conditions – For more information, see A.30.14 Record Visualization, page 35.

• Joint venture executions and cross-charging – For more information, see Split Between Suppliers by Quantity, page 31.

• Latest database technology with support for Oracle 10g Release 2 – For more information, see the SmartPlant Materials Installation and Migration Guide.

SmartPlant Enterprise 2007 Integration

SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin 7

SmartPlant Enterprise 2007 Integration In an integrated environment, SmartPlant Materials 2007 (6.2) can retrieve SmartPlant 3D model data (piping material and equipment) to create the Bill-of-Materials (BOM).

The following graphic shows the publish and retrieve operations available with SmartPlant Materials. You can see the flow of data and the different types of data.

The necessary SmartPlant Materials user interaction for integration purposes has been restricted to a minimum.

All other installation and configuration steps for the SmartPlant Materials Tool for Integration (MTI) should be done by an administrator on the server. Once the software is completely configured, the retrieve operation is done automatically as a background task.

Related Documents For more information about SmartPlant Materials and integration with SmartPlant Enterprise, please also see the following documents:

• SmartPlant Materials MTI Installation Guide

• SmartPlant Materials MTI User’s Guide

SmartPlant Enterprise 2007 Integration

8 SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin

Load SmartPlant Materials Catalog Data into SmartPlant 3D

As a key requirement for this integration solution, SmartPlant 3D must import catalog data from SmartPlant Materials.

All material is previously defined in MARIAN. During the reference data upload from SmartPlant Materials to SmartPlant 3D, SmartPlant Materials creates a mapping between the SmartPlant 3D part number and the SmartPlant Materials ident code based on the SmartPlant 3D rules. With this new functionality, SmartPlant Materials works based on ident codes.

When retrieving data from SmartPlant 3D, MARIAN can identify the material by its catalog part number. You do not need to build the idents from retrieved properties because the idents already exist in SmartPlant Materials.

The interface between SmartPlant Materials and SmartPlant 3D that loads reference data into SmartPlant 3D has been available since November 2005.

SmartPlant Enterprise 2007 Integration

SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin 9

Design in SmartPlant 3D SmartPlant 3D can retrieve the Plant Breakdown Structure from SmartPlant Foundation. Within the retrieved areas and units, SmartPlant 3D users create system items such as Piping Systems, Pipeline Systems, or Equipment Systems to organize the data in a system hierarchy. After the needed systems are defined, design elements are placed in the model below the system items.

An example for such a system hierarchy is shown below for a unit named TampaU3.

SmartPlant Enterprise 2007 Integration

10 SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin

Publish a BOM Report To publish the data for a later BOM retrieve with SmartPlant Materials, the report in SmartPlant 3D must be the 3D Model Data type. An appropriate filter must be applied to determine the scope of the data published. The corresponding document type in SmartPlant Foundation is SmartPlant Review Document.

SmartPlant Enterprise 2007 Integration

SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin 11

According to the filter definition, the published file contains affected system items and their relationship to Plant Breakdown Structure items. This information is used by SmartPlant Materials to create a BOM Node hierarchy.

SmartPlant Enterprise 2007 Integration

12 SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin

Browse BOM Documents The B.40.51 SmartPlant Enterprise BOM Docs screen allows you to browse documents containing BOM data available for BOM import.

Retrieved documents are automatically inserted by MTI and cannot be changed or deleted by SmartPlant Materials users. It is only necessary to select the documents that are candidates for BOM import. You can select these documents by selecting the Request Details check box for documents in the list that do not yet have any details retrieved.

SmartPlant Enterprise 2007 Integration

SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin 13

Import BOM Data The import operation in SmartPlant Materials is done by using the B.40.01 BOM Import screen. The screen has been enhanced with a new data source type called Retrieve BOM from SP3D. You can also select a SmartPlant Review Document to import.

On the B.40.01 BOM Import screen, create a new import job by applying a freely definable job code first.

Select Retrieve BOM from SP3D from the Data Source dropdown list. Note that the Map CCs/Idents option is checked automatically, and the Company Code field is determined by the ZI_SP3D_CO project default. These settings are necessary for this type of BOM import.

Select a node in which to place the retrieved structure.

Select the Issue Status and List Status.

To attach a document to import, click Specific Settings to open the B.40.51 screen.

SmartPlant Enterprise 2007 Integration

14 SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin

Browse through the documents and place the cursor on the desired document record.

Click OK to attach the document to the OMI job and to return to the B.40.01 BOM Import screen.

Save your changes.

Assuming the selected document has details that have been already transferred, the import job is now ready to start.

For further information regarding B.40.01 BOM Import, refer to the SmartPlant Materials Online Reference Library document titled Open MTO Interface (OMI).

View Results of an Import The SmartPlant 3D system hierarchy together with the Plant Breakdown Structure is used to create a BOM Node hierarchy that reflects the structure as designed in SmartPlant 3D.

Use screen B.20.01 Edit BOM or B.20.03 Adv. Maintain BOM to view the results. The imported node hierarchy can be found below the start node specified for the import job.


SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin 15

BOMs B.10.21: BOM Import Staging Area

The Staging Area functionality allows you to compare the last BOM data load with the current BOM. You can, depending on the existing situation, accept and continue, or reject and roll back the BOM data.

Staging Area Process First, create BOM Procedures and Macros in B.10.21 that will later be used in the Staging Area screens pre- or post-load. This allows you to use any kind of verification and CIPs.


16 SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin

After entering the procedure name, click Edit Procedure to write or amend the procedure.

Then, you can go to the B.10.12 Staging Area Category screen to create header data and select the applicable procedures and macros using the list of values (LOV).

The procedures and macros are also visible (if set as BOM procedures) on B.20.03.


SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin 17

The Staging Area Category (SAC )Code is the name available in the list of values on B.40.01.

The indicator fields can be used as triggers for CIPs; they are not mandatory and by default, will be blank.

When loading BOM data via B.40.01, an option exists to run the load using an SAC.


18 SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin

When running this job, a message appears asking if you want to complete the load or use the B.50.01 Staging Area Browser screen or the B.50.02 Staging Area Approval screen (if an approval cycle must be completed before the completion of the loading).

SmartPlant Materials opens B.50.01 or 02.

On this screen, you can see the difference between the last load and the current load and, if required, modify some of the values. Using colors, the software indicates no change (white), change (orange), or new (blue). When you are ready, you can click Continue Import, and the software completes the loading of data.

A right-click in the top block fields displays a pop-up menu:


SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin 19

Using this menu, you can run a certain procedure or macro or view the procedure log or workflow log.

On B.50.02, you can check and approve the results of the Staging Area by drawing or item. Also, the CIPs applied are shown on this screen.

Further details can be found in STO-STAR which is part of the SmartPlant Materials documentation.


20 SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin


Customize View On the B.20.03 screen, you can quickly customize a view. Right-click in window 2, and the following menu appears:

Select Customize View, and the following options are available:

This dialog box allows you to modify the view on B.20.03. These views are stored after a change has been made and you click Select.


SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin 21

When the following message appears, click Yes to create a view name.

Switch views by using the pulldown menu next to the View Name field.

On B.10.06, this looks like:


22 SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin

List of Values (LOV) Function The list of values (LOV) is filtered when the ZB_QRY_DP project default is set.

Using Setting 1 (Default), the LOVs show all data for all disciplines.

Using Setting 2, the LOVs show data as per corresponding login and assigned queryable disciplines.

Using Setting 3, the LOVs show data corresponding to the login discipline only.

Attach Documents to BOM Positions and Nodes Use the B.20.03 screen to attach documents to BOM nodes and positions.

Right-click to activate the menu for this functionality.


SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin 23

B.40.01 BOM Import The Transfer Site Quantities check box has been added. To use loaded quantities in the Site module, check the option. The Transfer Site Quantity is checked by default.


24 SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin

Requisitions R.30.01 Maintain Requisitions (now CWS)

The R.30.01 screen has been changed into a Core Workflow Screen (CWS).


SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin 25

The tree structure has been removed. For those users who still want to use the tree structure for requisition selection, there is a column named Req Node Path.

When in query mode, use the LOV to see the following window.

Here, select a node and click OK.

Then, the screen displays only the selected requisitions:


26 SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin

The other feature added is the Go to Item field. With this field, it is possible to quickly jump to the requested field.

The other functionality of this screen is the same as that on the other existing Core Workflow Screens.


SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin 27

Double-click the requisition to go to the requisition details.

This screen also has been changed to a Core Workflow Screen (CWS) with tabs for attachments to Requisition, CIP executions, and Account Summary.


28 SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin

Double-click the position to open the following window for the position.

On this window, we see attachments to requisition line items, trace records, trace history, clipboard history, and assembly trace.

Another new feature is the cut and paste functionality of requisition positions. When a position is cut from a requisition and pasted onto another requisition, the link to that new requisition is maintained for the duration of the project or until you change it. This means that with the next MTO job, the quantity changes to that ident are applied to the requisition on which that item resides.


SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin 29

Purchasing P.30.22 Commercial Evaluation

The new features on this screen include the display of selected alternate prices and the ability to split between suppliers.

Select Alternate Price In this version, when an alternate has been selected, the price of this alternate shows as the selected price and not the original price.


30 SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin

As shown above, the selected alternate that had a lower price is now shown as the selected price for this item. The alternate indicator has turned Fuchsia to indicate that it has been selected. Double-click this indicator to show the alternate details.


SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin 31

Split Between Suppliers by Quantity At the award stage of the evaluation, you can split a line item between two suppliers.

First, the split is made in the quotes of the suppliers; here, you define which portion goes to which bidder.

Now the split can be assigned to the two bidders on the Awarding tab.


32 SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin

To assign a split partly to a bidder, double-click the Split check box, and mark Sel in the second window (window 5).


SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin 33

As you can see, the split has been awarded in two parts (three and four pieces) with two different bidders.

The split can only be assigned if:

• The commercial evaluation has been completed for this bidder.

• Technical evaluation is not required or has been passed.

• The quote has not been rejected.

• The bid has been returned.

• The final approval process has not started.

• The quote has not been approved.

• The line item has not been awarded to a different bidder whose quote has already been approved or for whose quote the approval process has been started.

If the corresponding line item of a split has already been assigned completely to any other bidder, this assignment is automatically revoked when saving the changes. Only partly selected splits are kept.


34 SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin

If a split has been assigned partly to a bidder, the background color of the Split check box is set to Cyan in the Awarding folder and in the window showing the alternates.

Enhancements Facilitating Execution of Joint Venture or Large Projects SmartPlant Materials is currently serving as the materials management solution in several joint venture projects, and enhancements have been made to facilitate the execution of these and other large projects:

• Parallel BOM loading (available in 6.1) allows parallel BOM imports within a single project, which enhances the joint venture and/or high-demand project executions.

• New cross-charging capabilities (available in 6.1) via SmartPlant Materials usage details enable fair business exchange between different partners.


SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin 35

• A new SmartPlant Materials Batch Job Module – see Cronacle Replacement, page 58. In earlier versions of SmartPlant Materials, batch execution was enabled by using Cronacle, a third-party product. This functionality has now been replaced by the new SmartPlant Materials Batch Job Module. This module will allow scheduling of huge batch jobs during the nights and weekends, allowing customers to run batch jobs during times of low usage and reduce the CPU workload during peak times.


36 SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin

P.70.71 Expeditor Workload The Avail. For Suppliers check box has been added to the P.70.71 screen. With this indicator, you can control whether a supplier is able to enter data or not when using the supplier logon.

The default setting is on.

This indicator is always set on the Order level regardless of how many requisitions might be combined under this Purchase Order.


SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin 37

P.70.74 Packages

The split tag functionality has been added to this screen. Splits that are created in traffic do not show on the P.70.72 Expediting Details screen.


38 SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin

P.70.72 Expediting Details The Heat Numbers tab and screen have been added to the P.70.72 Expediting Details screen.

The Heat Number and Certificate Number fields have been removed from the Item Shipments folder and replaced by two check boxes:

• Heat - Shows whether any heat number information has been entered

• Heat Complete - Shows whether all heat number information has been completed


SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin 39

The Heat Number information on an item shipment is complete if, for an item shipment quantity, a heat number has been entered in the folder for the heat number.

The Create Heat Number button is used to create a second (or subsequent) row for heat number information.

This information is now translated in the check boxes in the item shipment.

If materials such as valves require more than one heat number (heat 1 and 2), the ZP_HTWHERE project default can be set. This setting allows you to use all “where” conditions from the A.60.06 screen for the P.70.72 module.

If an item is covered by the criteria of the where condition, then two heat numbers must be entered. If the project default has not been set, it is assumed that only one heat number will be entered.


40 SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin

When the Heat Number folder is opened by using the tab on P.70.72, all item shipments appear. If you activate the screen by double-clicking the Heat check box, only the selected item shipment appears.

If this screen is activated by double-clicking an MCS, IRC, or Release Note in the Item Shipments folder, then only the item shipments of that MCS, IRC, or Release Note appear.

A revised Excel template is delivered to support this new functionality.


SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin 41

C.20.05 Prepare MRR by Package A new screen has been created to allow you to receive multiple packages using one Material Receiving Report (MRR). This new screen includes the functionality so any Heat Number assigned to a Line Item Shipment on the P.70.72 Expediting Details screen is received automatically with the MRR receiving this Line Item Shipment.

Example 1. Create an MRR Header.

2. Put the cursor in the second block, and select the Packages using the LOV in the

second Block.


42 SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin

3. After selecting the Packages to be received, click Fill In, and the Packages that have been marked SEL are returned in the first window.


SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin 43

Using fast-call, you can go to the C.20.08 Received Heat Numbers screen to directly see the heat numbers that are received with the Line Item Shipments.


44 SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin

P.90.11 Maintain Fabrication Tracking The P.90.11 Maintain Fab Tracking screen has been converted into a Core Workflow Screen (CWS).

Unlike the other Core Workflow Screens, this screen changes with the selected fabrication type (as set on P.10.91). This means that the assigned attributes from a fabrication type define the visible fields.

When you add or delete an attribute from the fabrication type, the screen automatically adjusts.

Up to 30 attributes are supported.

The fast-call functions on this screen are as follows:

• Double-click a tag number to activate the B.20.01 screen.

• Double-click a hold code to activate the P.10.92 screen.

• Right-click to activate the P.60.01 and P.60.05 screens.


SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin 45

Administration A.30.15 SmartPlant Materials Themes

This new screen allows you to modify a color scheme at the company level, project level, discipline level, or user level.

By using the LOV function, you can set the different colors for canvas, field, buttons, and so forth. When done, you can then (depending on your privileges) set the theme. There are two standard themes delivered with 6.2: Blue and Standard.


46 SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin

Example: Specifying a Theme

You can select from many different colors.

First, you select the color of the canvas.


SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin 47

Next, you select the required item color.

When done, you can then assign the created theme to the level required (allowed) by roles and privileges. After you save this assigned theme, users see this new theme as their standard screen theme.


48 SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin

Login Screen On the login screen, you can now see the description of a project or product group. The NLS and USID have been removed to create the space for this field. The NLS and USID are now on the second login screen. The other functionality on the login screen remains unchanged.

A noticeable change is the color of the login screen. This color is similar to the blue theme delivered with the software. Themes are a new feature in this version.


SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin 49

A.30.14 Record Visualization

On this screen, you can specify color changes in any field depending on company rules. The rules can specify one specific value or a range of values.

Example: Specifying a Rule We will set a color change for the Item Price field on P.50.07.

1. Select the Menu Item (screen) using the LOV. 2. Select the Block Name using the LOV. 3. Run Query.

4. Now, define a rule name, Item Name (field), and priority.


50 SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin

5. Specify the color that needs to be used with the rule. 6. Specify a Remark and a possible Message that the user will see when this trigger

is applied.

7. Save. 8. In the bottom block, select the Block Name and Item Name 9. Select the Operator.


SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin 51

10. Set the desired value and a possible second value if you are working with a range between two values.

Now, on the P.50.07 screen, you can see that the values that are greater than 100 will show up Pink.


52 SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin

A.20.11/12/13 Defaults It is now possible to track the changes of the defaults by double-clicking the Parameter field.

If you double-click, the following window appears: A.60.64 Project Default History.

Here, you can see when and how the default settings were changed, and who changed them.


SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin 53

A.30.01 Menus A new default called ZX_REP_FMX has been created. This default gives you the ability to define a new Start Reports Form. You should enter the form name without a suffix or extension.

On the A.30.01 screen, the Alt.Start Rep check box has been added. Select this option for all reports that should be part of the Start Reports Form.


54 SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin

A.20.06.02 and A.30.03: Assigning Sections to Users

On the A.20.06.02 User Security screen, you can assign a section to a user.

One or more sections can also be assigned on the A.30.03 Roles/Menus screen.

This section is now used when working with applicable requisitions.

This assignment works on the following screens:

• P.30.01 Requisition Workload

• P.30.11 Inquiries

• P.50.01 Orders

• P.50.07 Maintain Orders

• P.70.61, P.70.62, P.70.71, P.70.72, and P.70.73 Expediting screens


SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin 55

If no sections have been entered on A.20.02.06 or A.30.03, you can see all the requisitions. The possible entered sections against requisitions, inquiries, and orders are not relevant.

If sections have been entered on A.20.06.02 or A.30.03, the user with an assigned section can only see those requisitions, inquiries, and orders that have that same section assigned or no section assigned at all.

To make sure this functionality works properly, you should ensure that all users (MSCM) are assigned sections and that all requisitions are assigned the appropriate sections.

Message Boxes

56 SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin

Message Boxes Show Never Again

A new Show never again button is available on informational message boxes.

If you click the Show never again button, the message will not appear anymore when you are logged in. The message can be brought back by going to the A.60.31 screen.

Message Boxes

SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin 57

A Red message means the Show never again button was clicked. If you double-click this code, you can see who clicked this button and when.

By deleting this entry, the message will reappear on the screen at the next login.

Cronacle Replacement

58 SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin

Cronacle Replacement The purpose of this task is to have an alternative for Cronacle. This is related to batch jobs on the following screens:

• B.40.01 BOM Import (OMI)

• R.20.01 MTO (Requisitions)

• C.30.01 Forecast Run

• C.30.11 Reservation run

This new functionality does not apply to reports.

For the screens mentioned above, the Start Online button was renamed to Start. If the ZX_BTH_OPT project default is set to CHOICE, then you can choose the job execution for the OMI MTO, Forecast, and Reservation jobs. There are three options: Online, Batch, and Schedule, as explained in the following example.

Cronacle Replacement

SmartPlant Materials Release Bulletin 59

Example for B.40.01

The Start Online button was renamed to Start. If the ZX_BTH_OPT project default is set to CHOICE, then you can choose the job execution for the OMI import. There are three options: Online, Batch, and Schedule.

Online The job execution will run online.

Batch The job execution will run in the background immediately. The SQL-Loader will load the data online; the import job will be created and run in the background immediately.

Cronacle Replacement

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Schedule Enter schedule details such as Date, Time, and optionally, a comment, and then click OK. The SQL-Loader will load the data online; the import job will be created and run in the background at the scheduled date and time.

If you have set the ZX_BTH_OPT project default to ONLINE, then the job will run in online mode after you click Start. If you have set the project default to BATCH, then the job will run in the background immediately after you click Start.

Overview Screen for SmartPlant Materials Batch Jobs: A.60.84.01

This screen shows an overview of all the started batch jobs. This only applies to the jobs started with this new batch job functionality.