mariano legacy chapter 2.4

Hey, what’s shakin’? Welcome back to the Mariano legacy, where it is retroville 24/7. The last time we visited the Marianos, Makoto and Ginger adopted Joanne, who later on grew up to be a child with Judy, the baby of the family. Makoto successfully enrolled all six kids into the Bowerville Private School, and Ginger tried to burn the house down a couple times. Spencer and Orson became teenagers, and Spencer became more family- oriented despite rolling knowledge, and Orson’s friend Collin introduced him to a strange “magic plant” which he planted later. Spencer has the hots for nanny Kendal, and Ginger grew old, as you can see. Now, let’s take a look at what’s been happening lately…..

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Post on 14-Jan-2015



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The last chapter of the second generation includes addictions, rekindling the flame of love and more.


Page 1: Mariano Legacy Chapter 2.4

Hey, what’s shakin’? Welcome back to the Mariano legacy, where it is retroville 24/7. The last time we visited

the Marianos, Makoto and Ginger adopted Joanne, who later on grew up to be a child with Judy, the baby of

the family. Makoto successfully enrolled all six kids into the Bowerville Private School, and Ginger tried to burn

the house down a couple times. Spencer and Orson became teenagers, and Spencer became more family-

oriented despite rolling knowledge, and Orson’s friend Collin introduced him to a strange “magic plant” which

he planted later. Spencer has the hots for nanny Kendal, and Ginger grew old, as you can see. Now, let’s take

a look at what’s been happening lately…..

Page 2: Mariano Legacy Chapter 2.4

“Oh darling, you are so beautiful. I am such a lucky man.”

*swoons* “Makoto, you sure do know how to make an old lady feel special.”

“You are not old, just refined. Remember, I’m going to join you in elderhood very soon.”

Ever since she became elder, the PDA became intensified. Even though they are a two bolt couple, they never

really flirted with each other before she aged.

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The next morning, Orson woke up extra early to check on the “magic plant”.

“Oh wow, looks like it’s time to pick them outta the ground. Collin better tell me what this stuff is.”

After he picked them he noticed his hands smelled odd so he rushed inside to wash his hands before his

parents woke up.

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“So…all of the kids are at school, so how about we go on an overdue outing? I have the perfect place for us to


“That sounds lovely. Where were you thinking of going?”

“It’s a surprise, dear. But trust me, you will like it.”

Poor Makoto wanted a date with Ginger for the longest time, so I had to entertain him, plus he was getting

close to aspiration failure.

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The rain began to come down in buckets, but it didn’t deter Makoto from taking the love of his life out on the

town. Ginger switched on the radio and they hummed to the music of Simon and Garfunkel as they drove into


“Now watch for the potholes dear.”

“Ginger, we haven’t even left the driveway…”

“I know, but still…be careful.”


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They pulled up to small diner, where it wasn’t raining, even though it was only a couple blocks away.

“Here it is. Joe’s Café. They just opened up a couple of weeks ago, and I thought you would like to grab some

lunch here.”

“It looks nice, Makoto. And I am hungry.”

“Well, let’s go in before the afternoon rush comes.”

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A waitress with a southern accent approached the table.

“Welcome to Joe’s Café, where the special of the day is Chili Dogs with onions and Clam Chowder.”

“One moment…Honey, lets toast to 30 years of marriage, and may we have many more years ahead.”

“Oh, Makoto, how sweet!” *chink*

They then placed their order since the waitress looked like she was getting impatient.

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I guess this was payback for making her wait 20 minutes before telling her what he wanted to eat.

“And honey I was thinking-” *CRASH!*

“For pete’s sake, what is wrong with you woman! The table is right here, not on top of my friggin head!”

“Oh..oh I am so so sorry sir. Very sorry indeed!”

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“Yea, you better be sorry! My wife just pressed these clothes for me this morning!”

Makoto looked extremely pissed off, like he was about to get up and start yelling.

“Sir, your meal will be on the house for this horrible mistake. I am sorry.”

*sigh* “Now I smell like onions. Sorry, Ginger.”

“Darling, it’s ok. The Old Spice you are wearing overpowers the onion smell.”

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The waitress served them their lunch, on the table this time.

“Enjoy your meal!”

“Yea, thanks….so as you were saying, honey?”

“Oh yes, I was thinking of throwing a small party for Betty and Gene, since they will be teenagers soon. But

let’s have them invite their friends. I don’t think our co-workers would be interested.”

“Yes, that’s a good idea. We will let the kids know later. But for right now, lets talk about us.” *grins*

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Their favourite song came on the jukebox, and they just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to dance to it. Makoto

took Ginger into his arms, shyly at first, but as they danced, he became more comfortable.

“Remember the first time we danced like this? We were only living in a small house, with nothing to our


“Yes, I remember. This brings back so many memories…it was as if it was yesterday.”

Ginger felt a tear go dwn her face. “Now look at me, Makoto. I am old. People probably think I’m your mother.”

“Oh hush about that! And don’t worry about what other people think. If you want I will stand on top of the pool

table and announce my love for you.”

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“Don’t do that, please. I think I will die of embarrassment. I don’t there is a ghost colour for that anyways.”

Ginger hugged him tight. “Just stay here with me, and dance.”

So they danced for a long time, just enjoying each other in silence.

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“Did you enjoy yourself?” Makoto said as they got into the car.

“Yes. I did. We should do this more often.”

“I am sure we will, since soon the kids will all be going to college.”

The mention of college just made Ginger feel even more old.

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“Hey, babe how you doin’?.....Who is this? This is Spencer Mariano, Ginger’s son. Remember me?....No?

Oh…well I sure do remember you…so how about this….you, me and a romantic walk in the park?....Hello?

Man I think we got disconnected. I will call her again….Hello? Yea it’s me again…..”

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Time passed and soon it was time for Betty and Gene’s birthday. Betty wanted to go first, since she was the

first girl bon in the family. She just wanted all of the attention.

“I wish..for ponies! Since no one else did.”

“Look at my baby girl! She’s growing up!”


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Next was Gene, who took the whole growing up affair pretty seriously, especially since he got his hair cut for

the occasion.

“Mom, why isn’t Gene happy about his birthday?”

“Hush Judy, not everyone likes to dance around that’s all. I am sure he is still happy about growing up.”

“I wish to be successful and rich!” *seriously blows out candles*

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And here is Betty all grown up! Here’s her stats:

Aspiration: Romance

10-10-8-6 (Who ever heard of a shy romance sim?! lol)

LTW: Become Celebrity Chef

Turn ons/offs: Athletic men with black hair, but please, no hats

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And here is Gene…looking very serious. He inherited Makoto’s eyebrows.

Aspiration: Family (big surprise!)

5-0-8-6-6 (he’s the sloppiest of all the kids, but still cleans up after himself)

LTW: Raise 20 puppies or kittens

Turn ons/offs: Logical women that wears perfume but hates to clean

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This is what they do when the kids are around! All by themselves! Poor kids are going to be scarred for life.

Spencer: If I just ignore whats going on behind me, it will be as if it never happened…*hums*

“Oh baby you are so hot!”

Oh, Makoto, you are hotter than me!” *kisssmoochkiss*

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Spencer made his first meal for the family, and he sure does look proud. I think he’s trying to make himself

look good for the coming heir election.

“No, I just love doing things for my family!” *snickers*

Fortunately, he didn’t inherit Ginger’s burnt food syndrome.

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Every night, Makoto and Ginger always find time to go stargazing with each other.

“You see that blue looking star?”

“Uh huh…”

That’s the planet PolliNation. I heard there were aliens there.”

“I am sure that’s just a myth dear.”

Page 22: Mariano Legacy Chapter 2.4

While his parents were admiring the stars, Orson invited Collin over. He wanted to know what those “Magic

plants” really were.

“Ok, I got that strange plant in my pocket. You promised to tell me what it is, so what is it?”

“Hmmm…well you are right I did promise. But let’s go to the backyard. I don’t want anyone to hear us talking.”

“Ok, no problem.”

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Orson watched Collin roll up pieces of the plant into some paper and light it up. Collin handed one to Orson

and gestured him to light it up as well.

“This, my friend, is the famous cannabis. Very good for you..and natural. Go on, take a puff.”

Orson examined the odd shaped joint, but puffed on it anyways.

*coughcoughcough* “man, this stuff tastes foul!”

“Don’t worry about that, you will get used to it.”

Orson looked at it again, but was instantly hooked on the buzzing feeling that was all over his body. Little did

he know that this was the beginning of a tough road ahead.

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“Where did you find this stuff anyways?”

“Oh, there’s this hippie kid in the neighborhood. His dad grows it in his backyard and gives it to him all the

time. I think his name is River. He gives it to me in exchange for homework help. Good deal I think.”

“So this is what hippies do? My mom always tells me not to become a hippie, but if this is a part of being one,

then I am so in!”

They smoked in silence for a little while, keeping watch for any adults.

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Orson started giggling uncontrollably. He didn’t know what was so funny but he laughed anyways.

“Hey man, do you think you could keep giving me a stash? I’m supposed to be going to college soon, and this

would probably come in handy.”

“yea sure. Just give me a call when you need more seeds.”

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A little while later, Orson felt the need to eat the whole house so he came in and ate dinner. Ginger looked at

him with concern and sat down as he gobbled down his food.

“Orson, are you feeling ok? You look a little red in the face.”

“Yea ma I’m alright. Just hungry.”

“Um..ok. Make sure you get some rest then.”

Ginger thought she smelled something odd, but brushed it off as she went to bed.

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“Dude….I feel funny. Kind of like I’m floating.”

“Yea, this stuff will do that too you. That, and make you want scooby snacks ahahahaha.”

Collin leaned in closer and started whispering.

“Make sure your old man doesn’t find out about your stash. I am sure he will rat you out big time.”

“No problem, bro, I got it under control.”

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Betty grew up to be pretty conceited, as you can see.


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It looks like Orson is trying to get ahead in the heir election. But its sweet anyways, even if he is high out of his


“Sweet dreams, Judy. Sleep well.”

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Then he goes over to Joanne, even though it is morning now, he has been up all night buzzing and eating all

the food in the house.

“Night-night Joanne, even though you are going to be waking up soon.” *giggles for no reason*

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Betty’s first day as a Romance sim, and she’s already getting attention.

I think the boy’s name is Arthur but I don’t remember lol.

“Whoa, you are smokin’!”

“Thank you. You aren’t so bad yourself.” She sure has confidence.

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“Yea, so like I think I can come at you like a speeding ship, a ship full of woos and hoos and all sorts of stuff!”

“That’s cool! I like that idea!”

Makoto: I can hear what you two are talking about ya know!”

“Sssh…my dad can hear us.”

“I heard that too!”

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“So…you’re straight right? I wanna make sure before I pull any moves on you.”

“Oh yea I am! Straight as an arrow!”


As soon as she talked to him she rolled the want for a first kiss. He doesn’t look to bad so why not.

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“Hey, getoffame!”

“Nope, not until I give you a headache!”

No one has done this in the house before…so I am surprised. I hope it doesn’t turn into a trend.

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Betty is more interested in practicing her moves on her new target.

“So, uh, I found this rose outside today and it had your name written all over it. So this is for you babe.”

“Oh..really? Wow this is the sweetest thing anyone has every done for me.” *inhales rose*

Gene: Man that line is so lame…I’m going to go noggie someone now.

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This is technically their second kiss but lets pretend it’s the first ok? (yea I missed the first one I suck lol)

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After working as a mime, Orson rushed to the backyard and lit up a joint. He practiced making them the night

before so he was sure he got it right.

“Aaaaah….this is the stuff. I am ready to float to cloud nine!”

His priorities became mixed up, letting his homework pile up for the sake of getting a buzz. He also lost two

scholarships and he became depressed, using his newfound addiction as a reason for drowning out his


Page 38: Mariano Legacy Chapter 2.4

Makoto decided to write the family’s history, so that it can be passed down throughout the generations.

Since he had three days off, he sat at the typewriter for hours, jotting down all the things that happened in the

33 years he had shared with Ginger.

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“I am so glad school is over! Now I can go and have a little fun!”

“Hey Orson can I come with?”

“No man, this a 1 person invitation.”

He had even locked out his best friend/brother….he was slipping fast but he just didn’t realize it.

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“Mmmm is this for me? Ginger is so sweet! I love my little honey bunny.”

Actually that’s Betty’s letter. I won’t ruin the moment for him though.

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Ginger scored another promotion…looks like being elder has its perks! And of course, her trademark

promotion stink comes with the celebration.

“Hey ! Look at me! I am fabulous! I made the Vice Squad!”

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“Dad? Can you teach me how to dance? Judy says I have two left feet.”

“Of course. Just stand on my feet and move with me.”

Ok!” *jumps hard on feet”

“OW! I mean..gently hun. Don’t break my toes.”

“Sorry daddy.”

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Spencer had Orlando Bertino come over for dinner and he made a turkey for everyone. Even Ginger can’t

make turkey yet. Show off.

“I do hope you like it, I put a cranberry glaze over it.”

“Smells good! My mom never makes stuff like this at home!”

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Gene decided to practice his music skills on the guitar that was collecting dust in the garage.Jeremiah was a bullfrog, he was good friend of mine.I never understood a single word he said but I helped him drinkhis wine. He always had some mighty fine wine. Sing it!Joy to the world...all the boys and girls now , joy to the fishies in the deep bluesea, and joy to you and me.

*Creedence Clearwater Revival*

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“I think your sister is hot. Do you think you could…like..let me meet her?”

“Ew! What do you think I am? The Dating Game? Go meet her yourself, you square!”

Gene always looks like this when he is talking, I have no idea why. They were actually having a good

conversation lol.

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Another smoke break for Orson, even though he has five days worth of homework to finish.

“I need to grow some more of this stuff. I am going to run out soon, and I can’t have that. I wont be able to


Ginger: Orson! Where are you?”

“Oh crap! I better put this out before she sees me!”

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*Later that night*

“Hmm….I wonder what would happen if I flash this light into the sky? It looks cool I think…yoohoo? Any aliens

out there?”

Page 48: Mariano Legacy Chapter 2.4

“Mmmm is this for me? Ginger is so sweet! I love my little honey bunny.”

Actually that’s Betty’s letter. I won’t ruin the moment for him though.

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Really…you are trying too hard to be cool with your shy dancing lol.

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“Don’t be angry Gene, it’s supposed to be a happy song.”

“I’m not angry, just…really concentrating on my moves. I’m trying to learn this dance I saw on Soul Train.”

“No offense bro, but you have no dance skills at all. But..there might be hope for you. Maybe.”

“Aww thanks sis.” *hugs*

All of a sudden……….>

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Ginger: What the sam hill is that thing in the sky? Wait…..that’s an alien ship! I knew it was true! Makoto!

Come Look!

Makoto: Hold yer horses I’m coming!

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Everyone: My goodness that thing is loud! Go away!

Judy: Spencer! You ok?

That landing had to hurt.

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“Oh dear, I hope they didn’t hurt my little boy. Oh my, what am I going to do? Aliens took my little Spencer, oh

my poor boy…”

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“Man…..that was a horrible landing…..but that was cool to see aliens! I gotta tell everyone about what

happened! And..and I want mom to meet them too!”

He really rolled the want for Ginger to meet aliens lol….i don’t think that will happen though.

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A few days later, and Makoto was ready to join his beloved wife in elderhood.

“Honey, thanks for the cake but, did you have to put so many candles on here? It looks like I’m turning 100.”

“Oh dear it’s not that many candles, just 50. blow them out before the house catches fire.”


Makoto made his wish..and said goodbye to adulthood.

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And five hundred game crashes later, Makoto became a handsome elder.

“My name is Makoto. Makoto Bond. Don’t I look good?”

Yes, he is a very handsome elder. His eyes look more squinty though.

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“C’mon Gene. I want to see if you can punch harder than me.”

“Oh I know I can. But you go first since you are going to lose anyways.”

Spencer: Yea stay riiiiight….there! Perfect shot!

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*Eye of the tiger music in the background*

I will conquer this punching bag! Hiyah! Take that you criminal punching bag you!

Ginger is preparing for another promotion. She may be older, but she’s not one to mess with.

Page 60: Mariano Legacy Chapter 2.4

And yet again, I missed another birthday. This time it was Joanne’s.

“Whoa…I have this weird urge to spin around! It tickles!”

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“Wow look at all the sparklies!”

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And here is Joanne after a makeover. I have been wanting to use this hair for ages! *yay!* She grew up to be

very pretty…too bad she can’t be heir.

Aspiration: Family


LTW: Become Captain Hero

Turn ons/offs: Logical men who wear cologne but not jewelry

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That evening, Judy’s birthday came around.

“I wish…..I wish to have lots and lots of friends!”

And with that, the baby of the family grew up.

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And she is pretty! Awwwww. She is a perfect mix of Makoto and Ginger.

Apiration: Popularity


LTW: Become media magnate

Turn ons/offs: Men with black or grey hair but not charismatic

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Since she maxed cooking, she decided to put it to good use. It’s funny how all of the kids volunteer to cook.

Maybe they are tired of the kitchen being on fire.

“Wow…I’m almost grown up. I…I hope they like this food I am making.”

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“Umm…Judy, what is this dish called? And where is the meat?”

“It’s cabbage wraps mom. I found it in your cookbook. And I didn’t put meat into it because, well I decided that

eating meat would be cruelty to our animal bretheren.”

*Yes, Judy is a vegetarian. The first one in my game. Let’s see how that goes*

“Oh..I see.”

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“I’m surprised mom didn’t yell at you about that outfit. She’s all conservative and stuff you know.”

“Yea, I am surprised too, but maybe she was so distracted by dinner that she didn’t notice it.”

“That, or she just didn’t want to make a big deal about it on your birthday.”

“Yea, you might be right.”

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Spencer came out of his parents’ bathroom and instantly felt sick. I wonder why….is she stinky? Are they

doing the woohoo?

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No, they are just cuddling. But I guess this was more than his fragile mind could handle ehehehe.

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“I hope you like breakfast. Mom’s still sleeping so I made it instead.”

“Whoa! Sis, put some clothes on! You are still in your underwear!”

“uhhm, Orie, I do have clothes on. Be quiet.”

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“Look at what Gene taught me how to do! Isn’t this awesome?”

“Oomph- No it isn’t! Get your stinky hippy armpits outta my hair!”

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Joanne bumped into this nice guy while she was hunting butterflies. He is a playable too, but it’s ok.

“Hi, my name is Walter.” *thinks about marrying her*

“I’m Joanne. But you can call me Jo-Jo.”

“Nice to meet you.”

*Thinks Walter is hot*

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“Yea, so I grew up last night.”

“That’s so cool man! I have been a teen for about six months because someone hasn’t sent me to college yet

but that’s alright.”

“maybe you can come to college with me. I could use a friend or two while I’m there.”

“That would be nice.” *hint hint*

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“I gotta run, but hopefully I will see you again?”

“Yes, of course. Where do you live anyway?”

“Just around the corner. Look me up in the book if you want to chat.”


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…..And this is what happens when everyone wants to play Punch-You-Punch-Me in a teeny bathroom. Orson,

that looks painful.

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Looks like Walter decided to stay. He made a beeline to Betty. That seems to be what every teen boy does

when they come over.

“….and I just love chocolate milkshakes, especially with whipped cream. Maybe we could get one sometime.”

“Oh wow, I would love to even though I was just chatting up your sister Joanne just a few minutes ago!”

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“Sssh, don’t say anything, but Orson has this bad odor that just won’t go away!”


“Yes, I don’t know what it is but he is pretty foul!”

Shame on you Ginger. Gossiping about your own child. She seriously did this all day.

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A few weeks later, and all of the kids are ready for college. They have high skills and lots of scholarships, so

they won’t need anything for awhile.

“”Have fun in college, Spencer. Don’t study too much or else you will miss all that college life has to offer.”

“I won’t dad. Promise.”

“Oh, and stay away from the Cow. That Cow is bad news, you hear?”

“Uhh….yea ok dad.”

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And so all of the Mariano kids said goodbye, and eagerly left to finally live the life of an adult, and to find out

who will be taking over the Mariano house.

Thank you all for reading this chapter. Look for the heir poll on As always, thanks goes to the

cool creators at MTS2, All About Style, TSR, and all the millions of sites I visit everyday.