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Marie Curie Individual Fellowships Dr. Jennifer Brennan Marie Curie NCP and National Delegate

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Marie Curie

Individual Fellowships

Dr. Jennifer Brennan

Marie Curie NCP and

National Delegate

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During webinar please

email queries to

[email protected]

Presentation and Q&A

report will be available


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Marie Curie Actions = People Programme

9% of FP7 Budget is for Marie Curie Actions:

€0.98 billion allocated for 2013 Calls - €240 million left to spend


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Marie Curie Actions, an Irish Success Story

• Ireland’s “Take” from FP7 to-date€438 million€438 million

• Portion of this secured via Marie Curie (2nd-Largest FP7 Income-Stream)€66 million€66 million

• MC Co-funding secured to boost national R&D budgets€16 million€16 million

• Irish Marie Curie Actions funded269269

• Irish Participants in Marie Curie IAPPs 5555

• Research Posts created in Academia and Industry by MC Funding800800

Data as of September 2012

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What are the

Marie Curie


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Marie Curie




• Intellectual Capital• Enter the Researcher


• Stay in Europe

• Attracting international


• Knowledge Transfer

• International & Inter-

Sectoral Cooperation

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• Chemistry

• Physics

• Mathematics

• Life Sciences

• Economic Sciences

• ICT and Engineering

• Social Sciences & Humanities

• Earth & Environmental Sciences

• Applications are assessed in these 8 Panels

• Budget is distributed across the Panels according to the number of proposals received in each Panel

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IEF Intra-European

Fellowships for



“Researcher moving

with Europe*”

1 - 2 year


IOF International



“Researcher moving

from Europe to

outside, and back


2 – 3 year



return year in


IIF International



“Researcher moving

from outside Europe

to Europe”

2 – 3 year


(possible co-


return year)

Marie Curie Individual Fellowships

* The Member States and Associated countries (e.g. Switzerland, Israel, Norway)

• IEF and IOF are about Career Development

• IIF is about Transfer of Knowledge

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What does the EU funding cover?

“Full-cost” fellowships

• Living Allowance (salary)

• Mobility Allowance (salary)

• Research/Training Costs

• Overheads Contribution

• Total: €86,000 or €115,000 p.a., depending on

researcher’s level of experience

• Pre-tax salary ~€57,000 or ~€85,000 p.a.

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Facts and Figures

Next Deadline:

14th August 2013

IEF: 134 M€

IIF: 44.5 M€

IOF: 44.5 M€

Project Duration

IEF: up to 2 years

IIF: 2 to 3 years*

IOF: 24 to 36 months**

Budget ~€100k p.a.

* May include a co-financed 12-month reintegration back to an International Cooperation Partner Country (ICPC)

** Includes a mandatory 12-month reintegration back in Europe

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2012 Call Stats – all Europe

Fellowship Type IEF IIF IOF

Average cut-off score

(differs for each panel)

89.4 90.4 91.1

# applications evaluated 3734 1462 962

#of fellowships funded ~600 ~190 ~150

Success Rate 16.4% 13.2% 16.3%

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Irish Performance - 2012 Call

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Panel Performance (IE) - 2012 Call



























IxF Funded

IxF Evaluated







CAR Career Restart Panel

CHE Chemistry

ECO Economic Sciences

ENG ICT and Engineering

ENV Earth & Environmental Sciences

LIF Life Sciences

MAT Mathematics

PHY Physics

SOC Social Sciences & Humanities

IEF: 710 SOC proposals

Irish proposals ranked

#3 and #5 in all Europe

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Eligible Host


applies with

How to apply for a Fellowship

Application is prepared jointly by the Researcher and the “Scientist-in-Charge”

(person in the host organisation that the researcher will work with if funded)

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Who is an eligible researcher?

Age Limit

• None

Required Experience

• Experienced Researcher: PhD or 4 years’ full-time equivalent research experience (after obtaining a degree permitting the researcher to begin studying for a doctorate)

• Also open to More Experienced Researchers (with > 10 years experience after the degree permitting doctoral studies)

Mobility Rule

• At the Call deadline, the applicant must not have resided or had their main activity in the country of the host organisation for > 12 months in the last 3 years

• Can apply with current host organisation as long as Mobility Rule is satisfied

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Intra-European Fellowships


• No nationality requirements


• Researchers must move from one Member State or Associated Country (MS/AC) to another

• Mobility Rule applies

Project Duration

• 12 to 24 months

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IEF: Career Restart Option


• Applicant must not have been active in research for at least 12 months immediately prior to the Call deadline.

• Evaluated in a separate Career Restart Panel (CAR)


• Mobility Rule is relaxed: At the Call deadline, the

applicant must not have resided or had their main activity in

the country of the host organisation for > 3 years in the last

5 years

Project Duration

• 12 to 24 months

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International Incoming Fellowships


• No nationality requirements


• Researchers must move from outside Europe (Other Third

Country or OTC) to a MS/AC

• Mobility Rule applies

Project Duration

• 12 to 24 months

• Can add an extra 12 months reintegration to an International Cooperation Partner Country (sub-set of OTC) e.g. Brazil, South Africa, Armenia, Cuba,……………

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• Employed by the Irish organisation for the fellowship duration

• Seconded to the Japanese organisation for the “outgoing phase” (between 12 and 24 months)

• Return to the Irish organisation for a mandatory 12-month “return phase”

• If application is funded, the two organisations sign a Partnership Agreement



Eligible Host

Organisation in a


(e.g. Ireland)

applies with

International Outgoing Fellowships

Eligible Host

Organisation in

an Other Third


(e.g. Japan)

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International Outgoing Fellowships


• Must be nationals of a Member State/Associated Country OR

• Nationals from an OTC (Other Third Country) who have been active in a MS/AC for at least 5 years before the Call deadline


• Researchers must move from a MS/AC to a country outside Europe (Other Third Country , OTC – which includes the ICPC countries)

• Mobility Rule applies

Project Duration

• 12 to 24 months outgoing phase in an OTC

• Plus a mandatory 12-month return phase to a MS/AC

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Writing an Application

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Getting Started

Preparing to Write

• Download the call documents from

the Participant Portal*

– 2013 Work Programme

– Guide for Applicants

• Read them from cover to cover!

– Evaluation Criteria

– Overall objective of the Action (Opening

pages of GfA and 2013 Work Programme)

• Referees

– Identify up to 3 referees to provide a

reference for your application


Preparing to Submit

• All-electronic submission using Submission & Evaluation of Proposals Service (SEP)

• Register with SEP for the correct Call (IEF/IIF/IOF 2013)*

– Download Proposal Template

• Must have the Participant Identification Code (PIC) for your organisation

– Use Search Facility or ask your host

– Organisation can apply for PIC (temporary one issued to allow submission)

• The deadline is 17:00 Brussels time!

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Proposal Content

Part A


Part B


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Part A - Administrative Forms• Prepared electronically within SEP system

Form Title Content

A1 Information on the Proposal e.g. Acronym, Title, Selection of

Evaluation Panel, Project Duration………

A2 Information on the Host


e.g. PIC, legal name, contact details, name

of person-in-charge at the host

organisation (who will be contacted in

first instance)

A3 Information on the Researcher e.g. Education details, work experience,

country of location, residency for the past

5 years

A4 Funding Request e.g. Mobility allowance, Funding level

(Experienced or More Experienced


* For IOF, two A2 forms are required, one each for the outgoing host and return host organisations

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• Can (not mandatory) nominate up to 3 referees to provide an assessment of your track record and research potential

• Add their details in in SEP

• The referees each receive an email from SEP, providing access to online reference forms

• Ensure you ask their permission first!

• Discuss what topics they should refer to in their assessment – refer to Evaluation Criteria

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• Research and Technological Quality (8 pages)B1B1

• IEF and IOF: Training (2 pages)

• IIF: Transfer of KnowledgeB2B2

• Researcher (7 pages)

• Including CV and list of achievementsB3B3

•Implementation (6 pages)B4B4

• Impact (4 pages)B5B5

• Ethics Issues (No page limit)B6B6

Proposal Content

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Evaluation of your Application

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Evaluation Process

11• Eligibility Check

22• Remote Evaluation*

33• Consensus Meetings in Brussels

44• Selection of Proposals**

55• Results Announcement (includes Feedback)

~ 3 months

* Evaluated by at least 3 international experts

** Distribution across 8 panels proportional to # of proposals received

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Criterion Threshold

(Marks out of 5)

Weighting Priority


Researcher 4 25 1

IEF and IOF: Training

IIF: Transfer of Knowledge

3 (IEF and IOF)

n/a (IIF)

15 2

R&T Quality 3 25 3

Impact 3.5 20 4

Implementation* n/a 15 5

Evaluation Criteria

Overall threshold of 70%

* For IOF, split where appropriate between outgoing and return host

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“Charter & Code”

• 40 principles

• Charter: framework for

career management for


• Code: promotes open and

transparent recruitment

and appraisal

• Embedded in Evaluation

Criteria for all MC Actions

(look for the * in the table

of Evaluation Criteria)

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Human Resources Strategy for Researchers

• “Next-step” - encourage mainstreaming of C&C in research entities’ policies

• 5-Step Procedure

• Results in Commission acknowledgment (permission to use HR Excellence logo)

• Irish HEIs awarded the logo to-date are UCD and UL.

• 4 other universities, 6 IOTs, Teagasc, DIAS and RCSI are also working with the Commission to earn the logo

• If applicable to your host, information on this should be included in B4 - Implementation

List of institions:

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• Statistics show that in the case of resubmission, scores tend to improve, and in many

cases, resubmissions are funded

• But…..resubmitting does not guarantee success

• Each proposal is evaluated on it’s own merits, in comparison with the other proposals in

that Call

• Resubmissions are handled as follows:

• In the A forms, in the section provided, indicate that the proposal is a resubmission

• The evaluators are not given access to the previous proposal

• Evaluation Summary Report from previous proposal is placed in a sealed envelope

• After the Consensus Meeting is over and the ESR and score for the new proposal has been

finalised, the sealed envelope is opened

• In the case where there is any marked difference in score between the new proposal and

the old one, the new ESR should be clear about the deficiencies of the new proposal

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Advice from Marie Curie

Individual Fellowships Evaluators and the

PeopleNetwork+ Project

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General Comments - 1

• Use a self-explanatory title

• A memorable acronym is helpful

• Use the proposal template:

• It matches the evaluation criteria and makes it easy for the evaluators to find what they are looking for.

• It helps you to put the right information in the right place for the evaluators to find it.

• Some evaluators use a “checklist” approach to marking – if the information is not in the correct section, they will give you “zero” for that sub-criterion.

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General Comments - 2

• Use Diagrams, Charts, Tables or Figures where possible

• Easy to evaluate

• Minimise scientific jargon and write in a clear readable style

• For resubmissions, don’t just use Evaluation Summary

Report from previous submission to help you revise

• Look at the proposal as a whole to find room for improvement

• Be aware of the overall weighting of each criterion

• You need to score well in all sections in order to be funded – don’t

spend all your time writing the S&T section!

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Provided to evaluators to help them choose the proposals they will evaluate

• Be concise

• Reflect the whole proposal including career objectives, proposed impact

• Identify precise & concrete objectives for the whole proposal, not just the research

• Provide enough technical/research information to help an evaluator with knowledge of the field to select it

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Layout of Proposal


• Use the Correct Template

• Use the Template sub-headings (provides good structure)

• Provide a Table of Contents with page numbers

• Use the Full Page Limits

• Put the proposal acronym in the Header

• Put Page Numbers (format Page X of Y) in the Footer


• Use charts, diagrams, tables, text boxes, figures.

• Use appropriate font size, line spacing, page margins

• Ensure any colour diagrams etc. are understandable when printed in black and white

• Use highlighting where appropriate (bold, underline, italics) but don’t overdo it!


• Avoid jargon

• Explain any abbreviations

• Simple clear text

• Avoid long sentences

• Get rid of repetitions (refer to other parts of proposal if necessary)

• Don’t copy text from other documents or websites

• Be consistent with language (UK/US English)

• Can use either 1st (I, me) or 3rd person (the researcher) but be consistent

Not evaluated but it makes life easier for the evaluators

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B1: R & T Quality - 1

• Educate the Evaluator• The majority of evaluators will not be expert in the specific subject

area of the proposal so….

• Write in a style that is accessible to the non-expert using figures/tables/charts/diagrams to illustrate where appropriate

• R&T objectives• Make them clear, focused and up front

• Relate them to the state-of-the-art and the researcher’s background

• Make sure the ‘state of the art’ is up to date• Include a list of bibliographic references

• Highlight originality and innovative aspects of the proposal• Use a list, table, text box etc. to make them stand out

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B1: R & T Quality - 2

• Provide a clear, focused description of the research methodology (use diagrams to explain/illustrate your point)• You must include a description of any risks associated with the research and

contingency plans in case any of those risks occur

• Clearly demonstrate, with hard evidence, the research quality of the host supervisor(s) and their expertise in the area of the proposed research• References from the host supervisor should be included in the Bibliography

• Timeliness & Relevance: Why Now? Why is this research needed?

• From a “scientific” point of view AND

• From a European point of view: why is the research important in terms of the European Research Area (ERA), Horizon 2020, Innovation Union, any relevant European research roadmaps, gendered innovation etc. etc.

• You can find many relevant EU Policy Documents at

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B2: Training (IEF and IOF) - 1

• Spell out the training objectives

• Clearly describe what you are trying to achieve (what – why- when)

• Link to your overall short and long term career goals

• Include a training schedule with well-defined timeframe

• Must include the preparation and use of a Personal Career

Development Plan

• Include any opportunities for exposure to other sectors (industry,

charity, national archive etc.) but be specific about why and when

these will happen

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B2: Training (IEF and IOF) - 2

• Need to demonstrate potential acquisition of three kinds of skills:1. Research Skills core to your research project

2. Additional Research Skills (to diversify your competencies)

3. Transferable & Complementary Skills (also consider skills useful in non-academic


• Clearly demonstrate, with hard evidence, the quality of the

research supervisor(s)/institution(s) with regard to the training of


• Can be useful to include number of PhDs graduated, numbers of postdocs

mentored, number of Marie Curie Actions they participated in

• If your host has a researcher career development programme, then spell out

precisely how you will incorporate relevant aspects of it into your personal

training plan

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B2: Transfer of Knowledge (IIF)

• Precisely what knowledge will be transferred• Provide a bulleted list or a table of objectives – easy for the evaluators

to follow

• How will you transfer it?• What specific measures will you use to embed this knowledge into the

host organisation and the wider Europe

• Examples: mentoring students, delivering workshops, attending conferences, building collaborations with other European research organisations.

• Be creative!

• IOF: No ToK plan in IOF proposal, but do have to demonstrate how knowledge gained during outgoing phase will be embedded in Europe during reintegration year.

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B3: Researcher - 1

• Need excellent publication/conference participation

record appropriate to career stage

• If your experience includes teaching, include it

• Consider using Europass CV format or parts of it

• The sections on Personal Skills and Additional Information are

well laid out

• Need to provide a clear statement that the Researcher is

a good match to the proposed research but need to

demonstrate that they will learn something new

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B3: Researcher - 2

• Link the 250-word major achievements section to the

information provided in your CV

• Provide good evidence of the candidate’s ability to

think/act independently and show leadership

• If you really have no examples from your research career, you

can include some from your personal life (e.g. student body

president, captain of football team, secretary of gardening


• Reference letters can help – can have up to three but they

should be of good quality and personal to you. Generic

reference letters are not helpful to evaluators.

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B4: Implementation - 1

• Need to clearly describe necessary infrastructures for the project, technical (if applicable)

and other such as office space, access to library and IT facilities etc.

• Be careful not to cut and paste text from host’s websites or documents – need to personalise it

• Has your host endorsed the Charter & Code – if yes, say so!

• List at

• Is your host working towards earning the “HR Excellence in Research” logo? If yes, say so!

List at

But….don’t assume that evaluator knows what this means. Explain it to them.

• Provide clear information about who will help with practical aspects of moving country

• Is your host part of a EURAXESS network? Most Irish HEIs are members of

• Make a clear statement that the fellow will receive an employment contract with social security

coverage and any other employee benefits like pension etc. Seems obvious, but may not be the

case in all European countries.

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B4: Implementation - 2

• Must have a clear management plan for the fellowship

• Who will do what and when

• Need to include specifics relating to frequency of supervisor/researcher meetings etc.

• Clarify the role of other members of the group as well as the supervisor

• Clearly state who in the host will e.g., manage financial aspects of fellowship, who will

be in charge of reporting to the European Commission, who will help with IP issues

• You can use a PERT chart to illustrate who will be responsible for what - templates

available at

• Include a detailed and well thought out fellowship implementation plan

• Use the standard EU format of Work-Packages, Deliverables and Milestones (lots of

useful guides on this topic available on the web)

• A good Gantt Chart to illustrate timelines is a must

• Templates available at

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B4: Implementation - 3

• Include in this plan (not exhaustive):

• Research Activities

• Training Activities (including preparation/monitoring of Personal Development Plan)

• Fellowship Management (admin, financial, interim and final reports to Commission)

• Dissemination & Outreach

• Make sure the work plan is feasible

• Must include a Risk Management Plan (a table is useful)

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B5: Impact - 1

• In all sections, be specific: provide details of how the impact will be achieved.

• IEF & IOF: Emphasise the potential impact of the fellowship on the candidates’ career development• Elaborate on transferable skills gained and their impact on

overall career goals

• Clearly state short and long-term goals. How will the fellowship bring you towards those goals

• Benefit of Mobility to ERA:• Elaborate on genuine mobility in terms of working environment

and its impact on career

• NB if you are already working at your host institution

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B5: Impact - 2• The case for the benefits to European excellence and

competitiveness (ERA) needs to be a) specific to the proposal and b) convincing• Excellence: is the research innovative? How? How will this help

European excellence?

• Need to understand the relevant policy documents, most NB are:• Innovation Union

• ERA Memorandum of Understanding (2012); 5 key priorities

• List of documents at

• Don’t simply cut and paste from them or “pay lip service” by naming them in the document

• Present an analysis of how your fellowship fits with the objectives in the documents

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B5: Impact - 3

• Dissemination• Refer to your Dissemination plan in B4 Implementation

• Ensure you target multiple audiences, e.g. other researchers, policy makers (can link to European excellence), industry, government science advisors, “think tanks”, legislative bodies…..

• Clearly state the proposed Impact of these activities

• Outreach• Do not underestimate the importance of Outreach activities – see Outreach

Guidelines doc at for details.

• Refer to your Outreach plan in B4 Implementation

• Outreach is communicating with the general public – not other researchers

• Include specifics (what – who – when) in a readable format (e.g. table)

• Try to target different groups (students at all education levels and the general public)

• Clearly state the proposed Impact of these activities

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B6: Ethics Issues -1

• Ethics is considered essential by the Commission in the research activities that it funds

• The Commission will not fund:1. Research on Human Embryo/Foetus

• In proposals where the following are involved, the Commission may carry out their own ethical review:

2. Research on Humans

3. Privacy

4. Research on Animals

5. Research Involving Developing Countries

6. Dual Use (possibly military or terrorist use)

• Every funding application must include a completed Ethical Issues Table• The table is divided into sections using the 6 headings above

• Indicating ethical issues in the table does not automatically lead to an ethical review – it helps the Evaluators to decide if one is needed

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B6: Ethical Issues -2

• If there are Ethical Issues with your research:• It’s not sufficient to complete the Ethical Issues table

• Clearly describe how Ethical Issues will be managed

• Who will oversee the project’s ethical aspects? E.g. institutional ethics committee, Data Protection Officer

• Provide sample consent forms etc.

• There is no page limit, so provide as much relevant information as possible

• For IOF, need to reassure the evaluators that FP7 Ethical Principles will be obeyed, even if the work is done outside Europe

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Final Advice from your NCP!• Most NB: ensure you include all the information requested in the

proposal template (Annex 4 of the Guide for Applicants)

• Add a short “Executive Summary” at the beginning of the S&T


• Ensure to keep within the page limits

• In all sections, be specific and provide as much detail and concrete

plans as possible

• Use the VITAE Researcher Development Framework to get training

ideas. Four Domains:1. Knowledge and Intellectual Abilities

2. Personal Effectiveness

3. Research Governance and Organisation

4. Engagement, Influence and Impact

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More Advice from your NCP

• Ask colleagues to read through your proposal and do a

“mock evaluation”

• If in doubt, ask your Research Officer or National Contact

Point for clarification!

• If you want to avail of a pre-submission proposal check by

your Research Office, allow enough time for feedback.

• Regularly upload preliminary versions of your proposal,

and don’t forget to hit “submit”!

• Keep the deadline - 5pm Brussels time means 4pm Irish


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The times they are a changing…….

2007 - 2013 2014 - 2020

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Excellent Science

Industrial Leadership

Societal Challenges

Horizon 2020

• Innovation in SMEs

• Access to Risk


• Leadership in

Enabling Industrial


• European Research Council

• Marie Curie Actions

• Research Infrastructures

• Future and Enabling


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Research networks supporting

doctoral training

Action 1


Training Networks”


Action 2



Support for experienced

researchers undertaking mobility

Action 3

“R&I Staff


International and inter-sector cooperation

through the exchange of research and

innovation staff

Action 4


Co-funding of regional, national and

international programmes covering actions

1, 2 and 3

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How the MC Office can help

• Keeping you informed

• Email Distribution List

• Dedicated website

• Marie Curie Office Ireland on Linkedin

• Supporting your application

• Training Webinars for specific Calls

[email protected]

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[email protected]

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• ‘One-stop-shop’ centralised support on issues related to mobility

• For ALL researchers

• Linked to central EU EURAXESS Site

• Advertise job opportunities (linked to Nature Jobs)

• Listing of Marie Curie and ERC positions

• Hosting Agreement: Fast-track immigration procedure for non-EU researchers

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What does the EU funding cover?


Researcher (p.a.)

More Experienced

Researcher (p.a.)

Living Allowance*, & €58,000 €87,500

Mobility Allowance*,$

(€700 or €1000 per month for those with family)

€8,400 or €12,000 €8,400 or €12,000

Research/Training Costs

(€800 per month to the host organisation)

€9,600 €9,600

Overheads Contribution*

(€700 per month to the host organisation)

€8,400 €8,400

TOTAL €84,400 or €88,000 €110,900 or €114,500

*Correction Coefficients apply; IE = 109.1& Is taxable and includes employer’s social costs (PRSI, pension contribution)$ May also be taxable (and in that case, includes employer’s PRSI)

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Final Calls of FP7

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