marine mammal strandings active/2016 marine mammal strandin… · blue marlin at the council depot....

31 Marine Mammal & Marine Turtle Strandings (Welsh Coast) Annual Report 2016 R.S.Penrose. April 2017 Marine Environmental Monitoring Penwalk Llechryd Cardigan Ceredigion West Wales SA43 2PS e-mail: [email protected]

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Page 1: Marine Mammal Strandings active/2016 Marine Mammal Strandin… · Blue marlin at the council depot. 18 Plate 8. T2016/06 sat-tagged Kemp's ridley. 19 Plate 9. Demonstration examination

Marine Mammal & Marine Turtle Strandings

(Welsh Coast)

Annual Report 2016

R.S.Penrose. April 2017

Marine Environmental Monitoring Penwalk Llechryd


Ceredigion West Wales

SA43 2PS

e-mail: [email protected]

Page 2: Marine Mammal Strandings active/2016 Marine Mammal Strandin… · Blue marlin at the council depot. 18 Plate 8. T2016/06 sat-tagged Kemp's ridley. 19 Plate 9. Demonstration examination


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3.1 Live Animals. 7

3.2 Dead Animals. 7


4.1 Marine Mammals. 8

4.2 Bottlenose Dolphin Attacks. 13

4.3 Unusual Occurrences. 14

4.4 Live Strandings. 16

4.5 Tagging. 17


5.1 Fish . 18

5.2 Seals. 18

5.3 Sharks. 19

5.4 Marine Turtles. 19






11 TRAVEL 22






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List of Figures. page

Figure 1. Current Technical Co-ordination of the Cetacean Strandings Investigation

Programme (CSIP). 6

Figure 2. Reported bottlenose dolphin strandings on the Welsh coast. 10

Figure 3. Bottlenose dolphin strandings by month. 10

Figure 4. Bottlenose dolphin strandings averaged over 1990 to 2016. 10

Figure 5. Reported harbour porpoise strandings on the Welsh coast. 11

Figure 6. Harbour porpoise strandings by month. 11

Figure 7. Harbour porpoise strandings averaged over 1990 to 2016. 11

Figure 8. Reported grey seal mortality on the Welsh coast. 12

Figure 9. Grey seal mortality by month. 12

Figure 10. Grey seal reports averaged over 1990 to 2016. 12

Figure 11. Stranding locations of the five porpoises, recovered to the project, killed

by bottlenose dolphins in 2016. 13

List of Plates.

Plate 1. Two of the sperm whales at Skegness. 14

Plate 2. SW2016/98 showing the removed tissue. 14

Plate 3. SW2016/399 as found. 14

Plate 4. SW2016/402 showing rakemarks to head. 15

Plate 5. SW2016/402 showing the multiple impacts. 15

Plate 6. SW2016/145 attended by HM Coastguard. 16

Plate 7. Blue marlin at the council depot. 18

Plate 8. T2016/06 sat-tagged Kemp's ridley. 19

Plate 9. Demonstration examination at Bangor University. 21

Plate 10. 20th Anniversary of CBMWC at New Quay. 21

List of Tables.

Table 1. 2016 Total number of reported marine mammal strandings (Welsh

Coast). 8

Table 2. 2016 Number of live cetacean strandings (Welsh Coast). 8

Table 3. 2016 Number of animals selected for post-mortem examination. 9

Table 4. Cause of death (Cetaceans). 23

Table 5. List of scientific names used in this report. 23

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Caiff yr UK Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme (CSIP - rhaglen y DU ar gyfer ymchwilio

tiriadau anifeiliaid o deulu'r morfilod) ei gydlynu’n dechnegol gan Gymdeithas Söolegol Llundain


Teulu’r Morfilod: Derbyniodd Marine Environmental Monitoring adroddiadau am gant o anifeiliaid

o deulu'r morfil yn 2016. O’r rhain, llamidyddion a grybwyllwyd amlaf (72 ohonynt).

Cafwyd adroddiadau ynghylch anifeiliaid eraill o deulu'r morfilod wedi tirio ar lannau Cymru yn

2016, gan gynnwys tri dolffin trwyn potel, deuddeg dolffin cyffredin, naw dolffin amhenodol

rhesog/cyffredin; un dolffin rhesog; un o rywogaeth amhenodol; un morfil pengrwn ac un morfil trwyn


Daeth tri llamhidydd ac un dolffin cyffredin i'r lan yn fyw, gan farw wedyn.

Dewiswyd ugain o greaduriaid i’w harchwilio. Dau ar bymtheg o lamidyddion; dau ddolffin cyffredin;

ac un dolffin trwyn potel.

Cafwyd pum llamhidydd yn 2016 y gellid dweud eu bod ‘wedi’u lladd gan ddolffin trwyn potel’.

Gorfu i’r cynllun wneud llai o gofnodi ers 2006 a gwnaeth hyn hi’n anodd cymharu tueddiadau yn y

gweithgaredd hwn â rhai'r blynyddoedd cynt.

Samplau: Yn ogystal â'r samplau arferol a gymerwyd o anifeiliaid a gasglwyd ar gyfer archwiliad

post-mortem, cymerwyd samplau hefyd o ddau lamhidydd, un dolffin trwyn potel ac un morfil trwyn


Morloi: Derbyniodd Marine Environmental Monitoring adroddiadau am 52 morlo llwyd marw.

Crwbanod: Derbyniodd MEM adroddiadau am naw crwban wedi tirio: un crwban môr pendew

melynwyrdd a ddaeth i'r lan yn fyw (y cyntaf yn y Deyrnas Unedig ac yn dal i dderbyn gofal); pedwar

crwban môr pendew marw; dau grwban môr gwyrdd marw a dau grwban môr pendew Kemp marw.

Cafwyd tri adroddiad o weld crwban môr cefn lledr byw.

Heulforgwn: Ni chafwyd unrhyw adroddiad yn ystod 2016 am heulforgi’n tirio, ond cafwyd

adroddiad bod marlin glas wedi tirio ac fe'i cafwyd newydd farw.

Ariannu: Rhoddwyd estyniad i gytundeb Llywodraeth Cymru/Defra hyd fis Mawrth 2017.

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The UK Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme (CSIP) is under the technical co-ordination of

the Zoological Society of London (ZSL).

Cetaceans: One hundred cetaceans were reported to Marine Environmental Monitoring in 2016.

Harbour porpoise (n=72) was the most frequently reported cetacean.

Other cetaceans reported stranded on the Welsh coast in 2016 included three bottlenose dolphins;

twelve common dolphins; nine common/striped dolphins indeterminate; one striped dolphin; one sp.

indeterminate; one pilot whale and one northern bottlenose whale.

Three harbour porpoises and one common dolphin live-stranded and subsequently died.

Twenty cetaceans were selected for examination. Seventeen harbour porpoises; two common dolphins;

and one bottlenose dolphin.

Five harbour porpoises ‘killed by bottlenose dolphin’ were identified in 2016. Imposed reduced effort

in recording from 2006 has made trends in this activity difficult to compare with previous years.

Samples: In addition to routine samples taken from animals recovered for post-mortem examination,

samples have also been taken from two harbour porpoises, one bottlenose dolphin and one northern

bottlenose whale.

Seals: Fifty two dead Atlantic grey seals were reported to MEM.

Turtles: Nine stranded turtles were reported to MEM: one live-stranded olive ridley turtle (first for

UK, still in rehab); four dead loggerhead turtles; two dead green turtles and two dead Kemp’s ridley

turtles. Reports of three live leatherback turtle ‘sightings’ were received.

Basking sharks: No basking shark strandings were reported during 2016, however a blue marlin was

reported stranded and found to be freshly dead.

Funding: An extension to the WG/Defra contract has been let until March 2017.

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In 1990, the ‘Collaborative UK Marine Mammal Strandings Project’ was initiated and part-funded by

the UK Department of the Environment (now Defra). The project involves detailed pathological and

other investigations of stranded marine mammal carcasses (mostly cetacean) from UK waters. It forms

part of the Department's international obligations towards conservation agreements, including the

"Agreement on the Conservation of Small Cetaceans in the Baltic, North East Atlantic, Irish and North


Detailed pathological investigations of stranded marine turtles were included in 2001 and basking

sharks in 2007.

The project is now named the ‘Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme’ (CSIP) (see Figure 1.).

Funding to ZSL/IoZ, NHM and SAC was significantly reduced through 2006/2007. Funding to MEM

by the Welsh Government and the Countryside Council for Wales fortunately remained at previous

levels, however reduced travelling expenses supported by Defra via ZSL/IoZ has had a knock-on

effect in Wales resulting in only known ‘fresh to moderate’ carcasses that can be successfully

recovered for post-mortem examination being attended. Confirmation of species of other cetacean

strandings has relied on digital photographs and known reliable sources. Where animals cannot be

identified 100 per cent, the Strandings Co-ordinator has attended at his own expense if within a

reasonable distance. Carcasses with unconfirmed species identification generally outside this area have

been entered into the database as ‘cetacean species indeterminate’. In an attempt to operate within the

reduced travelling budget two chest freezers were purchased and procedures now changed to freeze

carcasses. Although this practice results in loss of some information during the post-mortem

examination process, carcasses can now be ‘stock-piled’ and transported to London in larger numbers

thus reducing the number of journeys per year.


A single contact number for the whole of the UK has been maintained. The UK number is a free-

phone number 0800 6520333 and a stepped menu system takes the caller through whether the

stranding is live or dead and directs them to the correct organisation and the correct strandings co-

ordinator for the appropriate country. The old Welsh Strandings number 01348 875000 has now been


A network of volunteers, rangers, wardens, coastal officers, Harbour Masters etc. has been maintained

who can be contacted by the Strandings Co-ordinator to confirm the stranding, assess its condition and

Figure 1. Current technical co-ordination of the Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme (CSIP).

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secure the animal from the effects of the tide, predation etc. until it can be dealt with. In recent years

the use of digital cameras has vastly improved the quality of reporting as species, sex, and condition of

carcass can be ascertained from the e-mailed image. A dedicated email address to receive digital

photographs has been created [email protected] It is hoped this will reduce the number of

‘cetacean species indeterminate’ recorded in the database.

The following criteria are applied: -

3.1 Live Animals

(Condition code 1)1

In 1994 the Marine Animal Rescue Coalition (MARC) was formed. This consists of all the major

animal welfare and conservation bodies involved with marine mammals in the UK. It has been agreed

that in the case of a live stranding the first point of call would be the RSPCA as they support a manned

24-hour emergency phone. The RSPCA would then contact the relevant organisations, Marine

Environmental Monitoring etc.

3.2 Dead Animals

(Condition code 2a extremely fresh as if just died) 1

(Condition code 2b slight decomposition)1

(Condition code 3 moderate decomposition)1

The animal is retrieved using a 4-wheel drive vehicle and trailer. Health and safety precautions are

followed with the animal being handled only with gloved hands. The carcass is usually stored frozen

until delivery for post-mortem examination2. Live stranded animals that die or are euthanased may be

transported to London for immediate post-mortem examination, to avoid loss of information through

the freeze-thaw process.

(Condition code 4 advanced decomposition)1

(Condition code 5 mummified carcass)1

Species identified, basic measurements taken if possible. Health and safety precautions being

observed. Local council then contacted for safe disposal of remains.

The CSIP database has continued to be the UK repository for all records

with the exception of the TURTLE database which is yet to be incorporated into this web-based


Members of the CSIP are now able to enter data directly to the database. Each access point or ‘node’ is

password protected and the database automatically designates the appropriate reference number for the

species being entered.

Additional to this, the public are now able to access stranding data through regular updates to the

National Biodiversity Network (NBN) Gateway ( ). (please note this will change to

NBN Atlas sometime during 2017).

Copies of post-mortem examination reports have been continued to be sent from the Strandings Co-

ordinator to the finder and others associated with each relevant stranding.

1 Body conditions based on Kuiken, T. and Garcia Hartmann, M (1991) Proceedings of the European Cetacean Society workshop on

cetacean pathology: dissection techniques and tissue sampling. ECS newsletter 17, Special issue: 39pp 2 Large cetaceans unable to be frozen or transported are investigated at their stranding location.

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4.1 Marine Mammals

Table 1.

Table 2.

Of the 100 cetacean strandings 4 animals were found live-stranded during 2016.

2016 Total number of reported marine mammal strandings (Welsh Coast).

Species Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec TOTAL

Bottlenose dolphin 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 3

Cetacean sp. Indet. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1

Common dolphin 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 1 1 0 2 4 12

Common/striped dolphin (indeterminate)0 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 1 0 0 3 9

Harbour porpoise 2 6 1 6 9 3 8 19 8 3 5 2 72

Northern bottlenose whale 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1

Pilot whale 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Risso's dolphin 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Striped dolphin 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1

Total cetaceans 2 9 2 7 11 3 11 24 0 3 7 0 100

Grey seal 5 2 1 0 1 2 2 8 8 7 5 11 52

Total animals 7 11 3 7 12 5 13 32 8 10 12 11 152

2016 Number of live cetacean strandings (Welsh Coast).

Species Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec TOTAL

Bottlenose dolphin 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Cetacean sp. Indet. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Common dolphin 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Common/striped dolphin (indeterminate)0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Harbour porpoise 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 3

Northern bottlenose whale 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Pilot whale 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Risso's dolphin 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Striped dolphin 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total cetaceans 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 4

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Table 3.

Of the 100 cetacean strandings, 20 animals (20%) were selected or were available for examination.

The animals selected for post-mortem examination are listed, together with the cause of death, in 13.


2016 Number of animals selected for post-mortem examination.

Species Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec TOTAL

Bottlenose dolphin 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1

Cetacean sp. Indet. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Common dolphin 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2

Common/striped dolphin (indeterminate)0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Harbour porpoise 0 0 1 4 2 0 3 4 1 1 1 0 17

Northern bottlenose whale 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Pilot whale 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Risso's dolphin 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Striped dolphin 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total cetaceans 0 0 2 4 2 0 3 5 0 1 2 0 20

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Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops


Although there is a

resident population

of bottlenose

dolphins off the

Welsh coast,

strandings of this

species are

relatively unusual.

Bottlenose dolphins

are also a feature of

the relevant Special

Areas of


(SAC’s) on the

Welsh coast and are

a priority species within the CSIP, it is for this reason that any available information on strandings of

this species are included in this section.

Four bottlenose dolphins were reported stranded during 2016, one animal was collected for a full post-

mortem examination at ZSL. Numbers of bottlenose dolphin strandings are normally low and

individual cases are listed with further details under 4.3 Unusual Occurrences page 14.

Bottlenose dolphins in UK waters are large robust animals often measuring over three metres in

length, these animals have a substantial mass of muscle. It may be possible, that once dead, these large

animals become negatively buoyant only returning to the surface once gasses from decomposition

counteract this effect. This may explain why so few bottlenose dolphins are found stranded dead in a

fresh condition compared to decomposed carcasses.

Figure 2. Reported bottlenose dolphin strandings on the Welsh


Figure 3. Bottlenose dolphin strandings by month. Figure 4. Bottlenose dolphin strandings averaged

over 1990 to 2016.

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Harbour porpoise

(Phocoena phocoena).

The harbour porpoise

is the most frequently

reported stranded

cetacean on the Welsh


The black line shown

running through the

bar chart in Figure 5.,

indicates harbour

porpoise neonates3

recovered in each year.

This line has roughly

mimicked and

followed the totals for

each year however, 2004 shows a marked decline in neonates compared to the reported total of

porpoises for that year.

Due to changes in funding and restrictions placed on transport arrangements introduced in 2006/2007,

the numbers of porpoises recorded since 2006, may be lower than the actual number stranded as not all

carcasses were attended or identified to species.

In an attempt to address this deficiency, various measures have been implemented, described in further

detail in 3. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Page 6.

3 Neonate harbour porpoise classified as having a straight overall measurement from tip of upper jaw to tail notch of less than 0.90 metres.

(Lockyer 1995).

Figure 5. Reported harbour porpoise strandings on the Welsh


Figure 6. Harbour porpoise strandings by month. Figure 7. Harbour porpoise strandings

averaged over1990 to 2016.

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Atlantic grey seal

(Halichoerus grypus).

Atlantic grey seal mortality

reported to Marine

Environmental Monitoring

was below the average

figure for 1990-2016 at 52,

the average being 71.

Previous highs shown in

Figure 8. occurred in 2004,

due to severe weather during

the pupping season, and

1996 and 2002. In both these

years, 1996 and 2002, there

was a high public effort in

reporting as 1996 followed

the Sea Empress Oil Spill (SEOS) and

2002 was the Phocine Distemper Virus (PDV) epizootic.

Both these years also include data from the Pembrokeshire Islands which has not been recorded in

other years. Animals retrieved for full post-mortem examination post SEOS4 and during the PDV5

epizootic showed no evidence that either of these events had any effect on the Welsh grey seal


High mortality is normally associated with the pupping season which has been around September to

November on the Welsh coast. However, this period appears to be extending earlier in the year to

include August.

4 Penrose, R. 1997. Sea Empress Oil Spill – West Wales review of marine mammal strandings from the west Wales coast 1991-1996. Report

to CCW. 5 Lerwil, J.K, G.A.P. Jones and R.S. Penrose 2003. Seals in Wales: Response to a possible Phocine Distemper Virus (PDV) outbreak. Report

to CCW.

Figure 8. Reported grey seal mortality on the Welsh coast.

Figure 9. Grey seal mortality by month. Figure 10. Grey seal reports averaged over 1990

to 2016.

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4.2 Bottlenose Dolphin Attacks.

Five harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) that had died of injuries consistent with attack by one or

more bottlenose dolphins (Jepson & Baker 1998), were found in 2016.

A neonate bottlenose dolphin was recovered in August 2016 which had injuries consistent with attack

by bottlenose dolphins (infanticide). Infanticide has been recorded elsewhere with bottlenose dolphins

in the US and Moray Firth, Scotland however, this is the first recorded infanticide case from the Welsh

coast. Further details on this animal can be found in 4.3 Unusual Occurrences page 15.

The number of harbour porpoise carcasses reported to the project, identified as being “killed by

bottlenose dolphins”, appear to have declined over time. However care should be used when

interpreting this data as not all porpoise strandings have been examined since the beginning of 2006.

The stranding locations for the animals retrieved for post-mortem examination determined as being

killed by bottlenose dolphins are plotted in Figure 11.

Figure 11. Stranding locations of the five porpoises, recovered to the project, killed by

bottlenose dolphins in 2016.

Please note the two porpoises at Cwmtydu overlap at this scale.




2 3

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4.3 Unusual Occurrences.

In January 2016 large numbers of

juvenile male sperm whales started

stranding on the Netherlands and

German coasts with six finally

ending up on UK shores. Thirty

sperm whales in total stranded

around the North Sea. Assistance

was given to the English CSIP team

by the Welsh Strandings Co-

ordinator and key volunteer Paul

Newman who travelled to Skegness,

Lincolnshire on the 24th January


SW2016/98 was a female harbour

porpoise (Phocoena phocoena)

found stranded at Ynyslas,

Ceredigion on the 14th February

2016. The carcass was in a state of

slight to moderate decomposition,

all fins and flukes were missing, a

possible indication of bycatch.

Somebody had recently removed a

substantial amount of skin and

blubber from the dorsal aspect of the

animal just behind the head.

At this point it is worth reiterating

that it is illegal to be in possession

of any part of a species listed on

Annex IV to the EC Habitats

Directive (92/43/EEC) without a

licence and we are concerned about

people potentially contaminating a

carcass that may have been useful

from a post-mortem examination

point of view.

SW2016/399 was a bottlenose

dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)

found stranded at Whiteford Sands,

Gower, Swansea on the 4th of August

2016. Original photographs sent by

the finder showed the carcass

completely intact. However, on

arrival the carcass had been opened-

up and the head removed by person

or persons unknown.

Bottlenose dolphins are a priority species within the CSIP but little could be ascertained from this

carcass other than skin for DNA due to the contaminated state of the internal organs.

As stated above, it is illegal to be in possession of any part of a species listed on Annex IV to the EC

Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) without a licence and we are concerned about people potentially

Plate 1. Two of the sperm whales at Skegness.

Plate 2. SW2016/98 showing the removed tissue.

Plate 3. SW2016/399 as found.

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contaminating a carcass that may have been useful from a post-mortem examination point of view on a

government funded research programme. The police were informed of this event.

SW2016/402 was a neonate male

bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops

truncatus) found stranded at

Ynyslas, Ceredigion on the 5th

August 2016. The carcass was

reported by Borth RNLI Lifeguards

and the carcass was recovered back

to Ynyslas Interpretation Centre by

NRW Ranger Ali Chedgy.

The carcass was later transported to

ZSL London where it underwent a

full post-mortem examination.

The neonate had deep rake-marks

on its head and several points of

impact along its body consistent

with being attacked by bottlenose


This is the first neonate bottlenose

dolphin to be examined post-

mortem from the Welsh coast to

have been found to be killed by

bottlenose dolphin. Although

infanticide in this species is well

documented within the bottlenose

dolphin population in Scotland and

other locations Worldwide this is

the first to be found from the Welsh


Both the pilot whale SW2016/094 and the northern bottlenose whale SW2016/481 stranded at Kenfig,

Bridgend on 6th February and 10th September respectively. Both carcasses were in a state of advanced


Plate 4. SW2016/402 showing rakemarks to head.

Plate 5. SW2016/402 showing the multiple impacts.

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4.4 Live Strandings.

Four live cetacean strandings were reported in 2016. These are listed below.

SW2016 /145 was a common

dolphin reported live-stranded at

Ynyslas, Ceredigion on the 18th

March 2016 while the Welsh

Stranding Co-ordinator was

returning from the European

Cetacean Conference.

The dolphin was attended by

surfers, Ali Chedgy Ynyslas

Warden and HM Coastguard.

Unfortunately, the dolphin did not

survive and was collected by Sarah

Perry and Steve Hartley of Cardigan

Bay Marine Life Centre who

managed to secure short term cold

storage at Aberystwyth University

for the carcass. The animal was

later collected and delivered to ZSL

in London where it featured in a

post-mortem demonstration celebrating the 25th anniversary of the inception of the CSIP programme

with a live feed being sent to the ZSL meeting rooms where the public were allowed to view the

examination over a video link.

The cause of death was given as: Starvation, sequel to gastric impaction (bones).

SW2016/334 was a female harbour porpoise reported live-stranded at Kinmel Bay, Conwy on the 25th

June 2016 and subsequently died after a re-float. The carcass was not recovered as the Strandings Co-

ordinator was on leave.

SW2016/390 was a male harbour porpoise reported live-stranded at Llandudno, Conwy on the 17th

July 2016. BDMLR were in attendance but the animal died on the beach, the carcass was recovered to

the RSPCA freezer at Bryn y Maen for later collection.

The cause of death was given as: Starvation/hypothermia.

SW2016/426 Pending examination.

An additional harbour porpoise was determined as live-stranded on post-mortem examination (See

Table 4).

Plate 6. SW2016/145 attended by HM Coastguard.

Photo by: Ali Chedgy

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4.5 Tagging.

Occasionally dead cetaceans are encountered at sea by various research groups undergoing surveys off

the Welsh coast. These groups are encouraged to retrieve any carcass whenever possible to enable it to

be included and examined through the ‘Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme’. If the carcass

is in a state of advanced decomposition, or cannot be recovered for any other reason, I have requested

that these groups tag the carcass and leave it at sea. Numbered tags have been supplied by Marine

Environmental Monitoring to each group, these consist of a plastic cable-tie with a unique number

allocated to each group, these have been allocated as follows.

1 Not allocated 6.

2 Cardigan Bay Marine Wildlife Group. (CBMWG).

3 Sea Watch New Quay.

4 Sea Trust.

5 Friends of Cardigan Bay (FoCB, Sarns Project).

6 Ermol 5.

The tag can be conveniently tied around the tail-stock, pectoral fin or, in the case of advanced

decomposition, any exposed rib.

The purpose of these tags is to stop animals being recorded twice but also it is of interest to record the

date/time and position when tagged and the eventual date and location of any landfall the carcass may

make. Over time this may enable a better understanding of how these carcasses are affected by tidal

currents and wind direction.

SW2016/395 was a female harbour porpoise in a state of moderate decomposition found floating at

sea off Llangranog, Ceredigion on the 30th July 2016 and tagged by Sea Watch New Quay. The

carcass made landfall at Penbryn, Ceredigion the next day 1st April 2016. The carcass was recovered

by the Strandings Co-ordinator and taken for disposal due to decomposition/scavenger damage.

SW2016/437 was a female common dolphin found floating off Ynys Lochtyn, Ceredigion on the 17th

August 2016 and tagged by Ermol 5. The carcass made landfall at Gilfach yr Halen, Ceredigion on the

21st August 2016. The carcass was not recovered.

SW2016/483 was a male harbour porpoise in a state of mod/advanced decomposition found floating

off New Quay, Ceredigion on the 12th September 2016 and tagged by Cardigan Bay Marine Wildlife

Group. The carcass made landfall at Traeth Gwyn, Ceredigion on the 14th September. The carcass was

not recovered.

6 Number ‘1’ was not used as it may not have been readily identified by persons subsequently reporting the stranded carcass.

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5.1 Fish.

On Saturday morning the 3rd

September 2016 I received a report

of a 3.35metre swordfish stranded at

Freshwater East, Pembrokeshire.

The carcass was reported to be in a

very fresh condition but, as not part

of the CSIP remit, I decided not to

attend as I assumed it would

disappear into restaurant freezers

before I would arrive. I contacted

Milford Haven Coastguard and

Penbrokeshire Coast National Park

Ranger Service who could be on-

scene faster than me. The carcass

turned out to be a blue marlin

(Makaira nigricans).

On Monday morning I was

surprised to receive a call from

Pembrokeshire County Council to

say they had the blue marlin stored at their depot in Templeton and did I want it! Knowing the carcass

was now secure and knowing this was an unusual species I contacted Oliver Crimmen, Senior Fish

Curator at the Natural History Museum London, who within 24 hours drove down and collected the


This blue marlin is only the third record for the UK, previous records were of a decomposing head

on the Scillies and a decomposing carcass funnily enough close-by at Saunderfoot, Pembrokeshire.

The main hall at the Natural History Museum is soon to be updated in 2017 and unfortunately

‘Dippy’ the dinosaur is to be packed away! The replacement exhibit is to be the skeleton of the

massive blue whale suspended from the ceiling. Smaller exhibits will be placed around the hall and

if all goes to plan the Freshwater East blue marlin will be one of these taking its place in this

prestigious museum.

5.2 Seals.

Seals have not been routinely investigated by the CSIP since 1994. However records of mortality of

these species have been maintained and the figures for the Welsh coast can be found on page 12.

Following two Phocine Distemper Virus (PDV) epizootic events affecting seals in the UK in 1988 and

2002, the then CSIP (The Collaborative UK Marine Mammal & Marine Turtle Strandings Project) and

the Sea Mammal Research Unit (SMRU) were tasked to investigate the 2002 event and monitored the

Atlantic grey seal and harbour seal together with selected post-mortem examinations. In Wales, PDV

monitoring of the Atlantic grey seal was investigated by the CSIP/MEM and ran for 6 months from

13th August 2002 to 13th February 2003.

In recent years, seal carcasses have been found in England and Scotland exhibiting cuts in the skin and

blubber starting at the head and circumscribing the animal to the tail. These unusual injuries have been

named helical, spiral or corkscrew cuts.

Plate 7. Blue marlin at the council depot.

Photo by: Lin Gander.

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5.3 Sharks.

As of 2007, Defra requested that stranded basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus) investigations be

included within the project.

No basking sharks were reported during 2016.

5.4 Marine Turtles.

There were nine reports of stranded marine turtles and three reports of sightings of marine turtles

received around the Welsh coast during 2016. The stranded turtles were two green turtles (Chelonia

mydas), four loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta), two Kemp’s ridley turtles (Lepidochelys kempii) and

one olive ridley turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea). All three sightings were leatherback turtles.

These are listed below. Turtle Strandings

T2016/06 In October 2015 I

received an email from La Rochelle

Aquarium in France informing me

of a Kemp’s ridley turtle they had

released that summer.

It was originally found stranded

alive on 11th February 2014 then

released by the CESTM off La

Rochelle coast on 17th August

2015, equipped with a satellite tag.

The turtle had been making its way

north into the Celtic Sea/Bristol

Channel area where the signal had


I contacted colleagues in the south-

west in the remote chance the turtle

may have been sighted, caught or


Incredibly, much later, I received a

report of a stranded dead turtle on

my local beach, Poppit sands in west Wales on 15th January 2016 several months after the report of

the ceased transmission. This turtle turned out to be the same animal! The carcass was recovered for a

full post-mortem examination within the CSIP.

Post-mortem results were:- 45cm SOL (straight overall length) female Kemp’s ridley turtle. The turtle

had a satellite tag glued to the carapace and a PIT tag scan revealed a tag embedded in the left

shoulder, number 250229600066360. The turtle was judged to be in moderate nutritional condition at

death and had relatively reasonable fat deposits. The findings were considered to be consistent with

‘cold stunning’ as the turtle entered colder waters around the UK.

T2016/11 was a 41.5cm SOL (straight overall length) juvenile green turtle (probable male) found dead

at Hell’s Mouth, Gwynedd on the 30th January 2016. No evidence of recent feeding. Turbid contents

and fibrinous material in the coelomic cavity may indicate infectious process.

Cause of death was given as; cold-stunned.

Plate 8. T2016/06 sat-tagged Kemp’s ridley.

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T2016/12 was a 32.5cm SOL (straight overall length) juvenile loggerhead turtle (probable female)

found dead at Freshwater West, Pembrokeshire on the 30th January 2016. Poor nutritional condition,

hypostasis in lungs indicate live stranding. Some gelatinous material and a couple of amphipods in the

stomach, but nothing to indicate recent feeding.

Cause of death was given as; possible generalised bacterial infection (Pseudomonas alcaligenes).

T2016/017 was a Kemp’s ridley turtle reported stranded dead at Harlech, Gwynedd, on the 3rd

February 2016. The carcass was in a state of advanced decomposition.

T2016/18 was a 41.5cm SOL (straight overall length) juvenile female loggerhead turtle found dead at

Fairbourne, Gwynedd on the 10th February 2016. This turtle was in good-moderate nutritional

condition. Hypostasis in lungs and liver indicates possible live stranding. No significant gross

pathology noted, no plastics in stomach. One or two parasites in coelomic cavity. Bacteriology-

nothing significant.

Cause of death was given as; cold-stunned.

T2016/19 was a loggerhead turtle found dead at Saundersfoot, Pembrokeshire, on the 16th February

2016. The finder was asked to recover the turtle but nothing was found the next day, presumed taken

by tide.

T2016/20 was a loggerhead turtle found dead at Llangennith, Gower, Swansea on the 3rd March 2016.

The finder recovered the turtle to St James Vet Group in Swansea where it was recovered for pme.

Examination pending at ZSL.

T2016/022 was a green turtle reported stranded dead on Bardsey Island, Gwynedd, on the 19th March

2016. The carcass was in a state of advanced decomposition and not collected.

T2016/030 was an olive ridley turtle reported live-stranded on Anglesey Island, on the 12th November


Turtle Sightings

T2016/026 was a Leatherback turtle reported alive off Llangrannog, Ceredigion, on the 7th June 2016.

T2016/024 was a Leatherback turtle reported alive between Grassholm Island and the Smalls, on the

14th August 2016.

T2016/029 was a Leatherback turtle reported alive off Aberdaron, Gwynedd, on the 12th September


Further marine turtle reports outside of Wales can be found in the British Isles & Republic of Ireland

Marine Turtle Strandings & Sightings Annual Reports at;


The normal procedure for the taking of samples is from animals that have been taken for

post-mortem examination.

Additional to this, samples (mostly skin, muscle & teeth) have been taken from a further 4 animals

during 2016 by the Strandings Co-ordinator and volunteers. Animals sampled are listed below.

two harbour porpoises

one bottlenose dolphin

one northern bottlenose whale.

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Marine Environmental Monitoring continued to be funded in Wales by The Welsh Government (WG)

contract during 2016.

Defra, through the Zoological Society, London, continued to cover transportation costs.


The Strandings Web-site has been maintained to provide details of the ‘UK Cetacean Strandings

Investigation Programme’, although this is intended primarily for Wales. The pages can be viewed at

A ‘Seal’ and ‘Turtle’ page have been created on the site and related information and annual reports are

posted here:- Seals: Turtles:

Posters and leaflets produced to

increase awareness of the project

have continued to be distributed

throughout the coast of Wales.

Turtle Codes have also been

distributed throughout the Welsh


The UK CSIP web-site can be

found at

Two in-tandem demonstration post-

mortem examinations were given to

Bangor University students at their

Henfaes facility on the 13th April


The British Science Festival at Swansea University was attended on the 9th September 2016.

On Saturday 24th September

Cardigan Bay Marine Wildlife

Centre (CBMWC) celebrated its 20

year anniversary. TV Wildlife

Presenter Iolo Williams officially

launched the world record attempt to

create the ‘largest gathering of

people forming the shape of a

dolphin’ on the Main Beach, New

Quay. The CSIP were invited to

participate with a display on its work

together with other marine

conservation organisations based at

the centre.

Plate 9. Demonstration examination at Bangor University.

Plate 10. 20th Anniversary of CBMWC at New Quay.

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In 2007 new legislation came in to force, the "Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c) (amendment)

Regulations 2007". This makes changes to the Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c) Regulations 1994.

It is now prohibited by regulation 39(2)(a) and (b) to posses and transport dead specimens and/or

derivatives of species listed on Annex IV to the EC Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) without a licence.

Annex IV includes all cetaceans and all marine turtles.

Please note the "50 year" date applied to "worked specimens" of CITES listed species has now

changed - from 1 June 1947 as previously used, to 3 March 1947.

For research and educational purposes the current licensing authorities are the three government

statutory conservation bodies, Natural Resources Wales, Natural England and Scottish Natural


For possession of samples for research or educational purposes, licence cover should be obtained via

the use of existing general licences or a specific licence. Information and application forms are

available from the relevant organisations listed above.


The 01348 875000 contact number is no longer maintained now and completely changed to the new

number 01239 683033. This now becomes part of the stepped menu system explained in 3.

MATERIALS AND METHODS but can still be accessed and contacted directly if needed.

The preferred method of contact for the general public is through the 0800 6520333 number which

should filter out calls on live animals directly to British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR) etc.

The Strandings phone was found to be not working correctly 7th June 2016.

The Strandings vehicle had a suspension/engine management fault en-route to the Northern bottlenose

whale 11th September 2016, fixed 22nd September 2016.

The Strandings phone was found to be not working correctly 26th – 29th September 2016.


In excess of 7,300 miles were covered on the project in retrieval and transportation of animals in 2016.

Demonstration post-mortem examinations were given to Bangor University students 13th April 2016.

The European Cetacean Society conference in Funchal, Madeira 14th – 16th March 2016 was attended.


Copies of post-mortem examination reports were posted out to finders and associated interested parties

concerning each relevant stranding.


The provisional causes of death for the 20 selected cetaceans in a suitable condition for necropsy in

2016 are given in Table 4.

These carcasses underwent a full post-mortem examination at the Zoological Society of London

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Please note these are provisional causes of death, and may change when additional laboratory analyses

have been conducted.

Table 4.


Table 5.

SW Number Family/Genus Species County Locality Cause of Death

SW2016/125 Phocoena phocoena Conwy Rhos on Sea Physical trauma, by-catch (possible).

SW2016/145 Delphinus delphis Ceredigion Ynyslas Starvation, sequal to gastric impaction (bones).

SW2016/199 Phocoena phocoena Ceredigion Cwmtydu Physical trauma, (possible bottlenose dolphin attack).

SW2016/200 Phocoena phocoena Ceredigion Cei-bach Physical trauma, acute

SW2016/201 Phocoena phocoena Ceredigion Cwmtydu Physical trauma, bottlenose dolphin attack

SW2016/202 Phocoena phocoena Ceredigion Tresaith Physical trauma, by-catch.

SW2016/210 Phocoena phocoena Gwynedd Tywyn Physical trauma.

SW2016/280 Phocoena phocoena Gwynedd Tywyn Physical trauma, bottlenose dolphin attack

SW2016/385 Phocoena phocoena Carmarthenshire Llanelli Physical trauma, acute (neonate).

SW2016/390 Phocoena phocoena Conwy Llandudno Starvation/hypothermia.

SW2016/392 Phocoena phocoena Bridgend Porthcawl Starvation/hypothermia (neonate).

SW2016/397 Phocoena phocoena Gwynedd Caernarfon Generalised bacterial infection (Streptococcus sp.).

SW2016/400 Phocoena phocoena Carmarthenshire Burry Port Starvation/hypothermia.

SW2016/402 Tursiops truncatus Ceredigion Ynyslas Physical trauma, (bottlenose dolphin attack), infanticide.

SW2016/421 Phocoena phocoena Conwy Pensarn Live stranding (possible).

SW2016/480 Phocoena phocoena Pembrokeshire Newgale beach Parasitism, multiple sites (moderate-heavy).

SW2016/502 Phocoena phocoena Conwy Porth Eirias Starvation/hypothermia.

SW2016/544 Phocoena phocoena Swansea Swansea Parasitism, gastric (heavy).

SW2016/562 Delphinus delphis Pembrokeshire Whitesands Parasitism, gastric (heavy).

SW2016/601 Phocoena phocoena Ceredigion Llangrannog Physical trauma (possible grey seal or bottlenose dolphin attack).

Common name. Scientific name.

Atlantic grey seal Halichoerus grypus

Blue marlin Makaira nigricans

Bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus

Green turtle Chelonia mydas

Harbour porpoise Phocoena phocoena

Kemp's ridley turtle Lepidochelys kempii

Leatherback turtle Dermochelys coriacea

Loggerhead turtle Caretta caretta

Long-finned pilot whale Globicephala melas

Northern bottlenose whale Hyperoodon ampullatus

Olive ridley turtle Lepidochelys olivacea

Short beaked common dolphin Delphinus delphis

Striped dolphin Stenella coeruleoalba

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Marine Environmental Monitoring wishes to acknowledge the following:

Paul Newman, Lin Gander, Sal Shipley, Steve Hartley, Sarah Perry, Cliff Benson, Dan Worth, Ron

Jones, Glyn Jones, Clive Morgan, Judith Oakley, Phil Lewis, Jenny Axon, Gemma Veneruso,

Lawrence Clark, Rhodri Dafydd, Ali Chedgy, Will Stockton, Ben Sampson, Blaise Bullimore, Katrin

Lohrengel, Kathy James, Mari Williams, Sandra Davies, John Swancott, Lyndon Lomax, Frankie

Hobro, Libby Taylor, Ceri Morris and Nia Jones for their support with the project and help in

retrieving animals.

Strandings Network volunteers, too numerous to mention for their help confirming, reporting and

securing animals for collection.

Milford Haven Coastguard, Holyhead Coastguard for reporting strandings plus the many auxiliary

coastguards who assisted in searching, securing carcasses and recoveries etc.

Welsh Government & Defra for providing funds towards the project.


Appendix 1. Cetacean stranding data 2016.

Appendix 2. Marine turtle data 2016.

Appendix 3. Seal data 2016.

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Appendix 1.

SW Number PM Family/Genus species Sex Length Condition Date County Locality Grid

SW2016/092 N Phocoena phocoena M -9 slight decomposition (code 2b) 07-Jan-16 Pembrokeshire Broad Haven SM 859 137

SW2016/093 N Phocoena phocoena M 101 moderate decomposition (code 3) 16-Jan-16 Ceredigion Tresaith SN 278 517

SW2016/094 N Globicephala melas U advanced decomposition (code 4) 06-Feb-16 Bridgend Kenfig SS 778 834

SW2016/096 N Phocoena phocoena U -9 slight decomposition (code 2b) 08-Feb-16 Bridgend Trecco Bay SS 831 765

SW2016/095 N Phocoena phocoena U -9 unknown 08-Feb-16 Gwynedd Black Rock Sands SH 525 375

SW2016/097 N Phocoena phocoena M 105 slight decomposition (code 2b) 13-Feb-16 Pembrokeshire Barafundle Bay SR 991 950

SW2016/098 N Phocoena phocoena F -9 moderate decomposition (code 3) 14-Feb-16 Ceredigion Ynyslas SN 604 930

SW2016/099 N Tursiops truncatus M 280 moderate-advanced decomposition (code 3-4) 18-Feb-16 Gwynedd Dinas Dinlle SH 435 567

SW2016/122 N Phocoena phocoena F -9 advanced decomposition (code 4) 19-Feb-16 Anglesey Cable Bay SH 332 707

SW2016/123 N Unknown ? U advanced decomposition (code 4) 24-Feb-16 Carmarthenshire Pembrey SS 434 996

SW2016/124 N Phocoena phocoena U -9 moderate decomposition (code 3) 27-Feb-16 Pembrokeshire Marloes Sands SM 785 073

SW2016/125 Y Phocoena phocoena F -9 slight decomposition (code 2b) 05-Mar-16 Conwy Rhos on Sea SH 844 806

SW2016/145 Y Delphinus delphis F -9 freshly dead- died on beach (code 2a) 18-Mar-16 Ceredigion Ynyslas SN 625 924

SW2016/196 N Phocoena phocoena U -9 unknown 02-Apr-16 Vale of Glamorgan Llantwit Major SS 955 673

SW2016/197 N Phocoena phocoena U -9 freshly dead (code 2a) 06-Apr-16 Ceredigion Borth SN 606 889

SW2016/198 N Delphinus delphis U -9 moderate decomposition (code 3) 09-Apr-16 Anglesey Llanddwyn Island SH 390 630

SW2016/200 Y Phocoena phocoena M -9 slight decomposition (code 2b) 24-Apr-16 Ceredigion Cei-bach SN 410 598

SW2016/199 Y Phocoena phocoena M -9 slight decomposition (code 2b) 24-Apr-16 Ceredigion Cwmtydu SN 355 576

SW2016/201 Y Phocoena phocoena M -9 slight decomposition (code 2b) 26-Apr-16 Ceredigion Cwmtydu SN 355 576

SW2016/202 Y Phocoena phocoena M -9 slight decomposition (code 2b) 27-Apr-16 Ceredigion Tresaith SN 277 516

SW2016/211 N Phocoena phocoena F -9 slight decomposition (code 2b) 01-May-16 Gwynedd Harlech SH 566 318

SW2016/210 Y Phocoena phocoena F -9 slight decomposition (code 2b) 02-May-16 Gwynedd Tywyn SH 578 001

SW2016/276 N Phocoena phocoena U 130 freshly dead-slight decomposition (code 2a-2b) 05-May-16 Anglesey Red Wharf Bay SH 550 803

SW2016/275 N Phocoena phocoena M -9 moderate decomposition (code 3) 09-May-16 Swansea Swansea SS 629 905

SW2016/277 N Delphinus delphis U -9 freshly dead (code 2a) 16-May-16 Pembrokeshire Newgale beach SM 846 220

SW2016/278 N Phocoena phocoena M -9 advanced decomposition (code 4) 17-May-16 Gwynedd Aberdovey SN 585 965

SW2016/279 N Phocoena phocoena U 120 moderate decomposition (code 3) 17-May-16 Swansea Swansea SS 655 922

SW2016/280 Y Phocoena phocoena F -9 slight decomposition (code 2b) 18-May-16 Gwynedd Tywyn SH 577 006

SW2016/282 N Delphinus delphis M -9 advanced decomposition (code 4) 20-May-16 Carmarthenshire Pembrey SN 380 015

SW2016/281 N Phocoena phocoena M -9 moderate decomposition (code 3) 20-May-16 Ceredigion Ynyslas SN 606 940

SW2016/283 N Phocoena phocoena U 130 moderate decomposition (code 3) 21-May-16 Gwynedd Black Rock Sands SH 524 373

SW2016/284 N Phocoena phocoena F 130 moderate decomposition (code 3) 01-Jun-16 Denbighshire Prestatyn SJ 060 839

SW2016/333 N Phocoena phocoena U advanced decomposition (code 4) 11-Jun-16 Gwynedd Harlech SH 565 320

SW2016/334 N Phocoena phocoena F freshly dead (code 2a) 25-Jun-16 Conwy Kinmel Bay SH 994 813

SW2016/384 N Unknown ? U -9 advanced decomposition (code 4) 03-Jul-16 Swansea Llangennith SS 410 910

SW2016/335 N Phocoena phocoena U -9 advanced decomposition (code 4) 04-Jul-16 Bridgend Porthcawl SS 806 753

SW2016/385 Y Phocoena phocoena F -9 moderate decomposition (code 3) 10-Jul-16 Carmarthenshire Llanelli SS 497 989

SW2016/386 N Phocoena phocoena F moderate decomposition (code 3) 14-Jul-16 Denbighshire Frith Beach SJ 043 831

SW2016/387 N Stenella coeruleoalba F 152 advanced decomposition (code 4) 16-Jul-16 Pembrokeshire Tenby SN 135 001

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Appendix 1.

SW Number PM Family/Genus species Sex Length Condition Date County Locality Grid

SW2016/389 N Tursiops truncatus U -9 advanced decomposition (code 4) 17-Jul-16 Bridgend Southerndown SS 885 730

SW2016/390 Y Phocoena phocoena M -9 freshly dead- died on beach (code 2a) 17-Jul-16 Conwy Llandudno SH 800 822

SW2016/391 N Phocoena phocoena U advanced decomposition (code 4) 20-Jul-16 Neath Port Talbot Aberavon SS 747 892

SW2016/392 Y Phocoena phocoena F -9 moderate decomposition (code 3) 21-Jul-16 Bridgend Porthcawl SS 814 765

SW2016/393 N Phocoena phocoena U slight decomposition (code 2b) 26-Jul-16 Gwynedd Dyffryn SH 560 250

SW2016/394 N Phocoena phocoena U 75 slight decomposition (code 2b) 29-Jul-16 Swansea Caswell Bay SS 591 876

SW2016/395 N Phocoena phocoena F 110 moderate-advanced decomposition (code 3-4) 01-Aug-16 Ceredigion Penbryn SN 291 525

SW2016/397 Y Phocoena phocoena F -9 freshly dead- died on beach (code 2a) 03-Aug-16 Gwynedd Caernarfon SH 450 600

SW2016/396 N Phocoena phocoena U advanced decomposition (code 4) 03-Aug-16 Ceredigion Tanybwlch SN 577 798

SW2016/399 N Tursiops truncatus U -9 slight decomposition (code 2b) 04-Aug-16 Swansea Whiteford Sands SS 430 942

SW2016/400 Y Phocoena phocoena M -9 slight decomposition (code 2b) 04-Aug-16 Carmarthenshire Burry Port SN 430 001

SW2016/398 N Phocoena phocoena M 120 advanced decomposition (code 4) 04-Aug-16 Gwynedd Harlech SH 565 325

SW2016/402 Y Tursiops truncatus M -9 freshly dead (code 2a) 05-Aug-16 Ceredigion Ynyslas SN 604 931

SW2016/401 N Phocoena phocoena U -9 freshly dead (code 2a) 05-Aug-16 Denbighshire Rhyl SJ 005 816

SW2016/403 N Phocoena phocoena U -9 slight decomposition (code 2b) 06-Aug-16 Gwynedd Tywyn SN 583 990

SW2016/404 N Phocoena phocoena U -9 unknown 07-Aug-16 Gwynedd Tywyn SN 590 970

SW2016/420 N Phocoena phocoena U -9 advanced decomposition (code 4) 09-Aug-16 Swansea Rhossili SS 413 885

SW2016/421 Y Phocoena phocoena U -9 slight decomposition (code 2b) 10-Aug-16 Conwy Pensarn SH 950 790

SW2016/422 N Phocoena phocoena M 120 advanced decomposition (code 4) 10-Aug-16 Ceredigion Morfa Bychan SN 563 772

SW2016/423 N Phocoena phocoena U -9 moderate decomposition (code 3) 12-Aug-16 Ceredigion Cribach bay SN 250 522

SW2016/424 N Phocoena phocoena U -9 unknown 13-Aug-16 Gwynedd Tywyn SH 565 025

SW2016/425 N Phocoena phocoena M 77 moderate-advanced decomposition (code 3-4) 14-Aug-16 Ceredigion Tresaith SN 280 518

SW2016/426 Y Phocoena phocoena U alive- refloated (code 1) 14-Aug-16 Vale of Glamorgan Lavernock Point ST 189 680

SW2016/436 N Phocoena phocoena F -9 moderate-advanced decomposition (code 3-4) 17-Aug-16 Swansea Crymlyn Burrows SN 703 927

SW2016/437 N Delphinus delphis F -9 slight decomposition (code 2b) 17-Aug-16 Ceredigion Off Ynys Lochtyn SN 315 559

SW2016/438 N Phocoena phocoena F 80 slight decomposition (code 2b) 18-Aug-16 Pembrokeshire Amroth SN 171 071

SW2016/435 N Unknown ? M -9 advanced decomposition (code 4) 20-Aug-16 Neath Port Talbot Aberavon SS 725 915

SW2016/460 N Phocoena phocoena U -9 advanced decomposition (code 4) 28-Aug-16 Vale of Glamorgan Gilestone beach ST 020 660

SW2016/461 N Unknown ? U -9 advanced decomposition (code 4) 29-Aug-16 Vale of Glamorgan Ogmore SS 861 749

SW2016/462 N Phocoena phocoena U -9 unknown 30-Aug-16 Denbighshire Rhyl SJ 010 820

SW2016/480 Y Phocoena phocoena M -9 slight decomposition (code 2b) 04-Sep-16 Pembrokeshire Newgale beach SM 852 212

SW2016/482 N Phocoena phocoena U -9 unknown 10-Sep-16 Carmarthenshire Llansteffan SN 355 104

SW2016/481 N Hyperoodon ampullatus U 530 advanced decomposition (code 4) 10-Sep-16 Bridgend Kenfig SS 782 816

SW2016/495 N Phocoena phocoena U -9 unknown 12-Sep-16 Gwynedd Tywyn SH 561 030

SW2016/483 N Phocoena phocoena M -9 moderate-advanced decomposition (code 3-4) 14-Sep-16 Ceredigion Off New Quay SN 395 600

SW2016/496 N Phocoena phocoena M 140 moderate-advanced decomposition (code 3-4) 15-Sep-16 Ceredigion Cei Bach SV 024 255

SW2016/497 N Unknown ? U -9 indeterminate (code 5) 19-Sep-16 Bridgend Newton beach SS 855 765

SW2016/498 N Unknown ? U -9 advanced decomposition (code 4) 21-Sep-16 Carmarthenshire Pembrey SN 363 062

SW2016/499 N Delphinus delphis M 182 advanced decomposition (code 4) 22-Sep-16 Pembrokeshire Manorbier SS 061 975

Marine Environmental Monitoring Cetacean 2016 Page 2

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Appendix 1.

SW Number PM Family/Genus species Sex Length Condition Date County Locality Grid

SW2016/500 N Phocoena phocoena F -9 moderate decomposition (code 3) 25-Sep-16 Pembrokeshire Marloes sands SM 782 075

SW2016/501 N Phocoena phocoena F 60 moderate decomposition (code 3) 26-Sep-16 Pembrokeshire Broad Haven SM 860 136

SW2016/502 N Phocoena phocoena U -9 freshly dead (code 2a) 30-Sep-16 Conwy Porth Eirias Colwyn Bay SH 853 794

SW2016/544 Y Phocoena phocoena M slight decomposition (code 2b) 16-Oct-16 Swansea Swansea SS 650 922

SW2016/543 N Phocoena phocoena F -9 moderate decomposition (code 3) 16-Oct-16 Pembrokeshire Amroth SN 163 070

SW2016/561 N Phocoena phocoena U -9 advanced decomposition (code 4) 20-Oct-16 Gwynedd Criccieth SH 494 376

SW2016/562 Y Delphinus delphis M -9 freshly dead (code 2a) 04-Nov-16 Pembrokeshire Whitesands Bay SM 733 268

SW2016/597 N Phocoena phocoena U -9 unknown 12-Nov-16 Bridgend Porthcawl SS 823 765

SW2016/598 N Phocoena phocoena U -9 advanced decomposition (code 4) 12-Nov-16 Ceredigion Borth SN 607 900

SW2016/599 N Phocoena phocoena U -9 advanced decomposition (code 4) 13-Nov-16 Ceredigion Castell Bach SN 359 580

SW2016/600 N Delphinus delphis U -9 moderate-advanced decomposition (code 3-4) 15-Nov-16 Anglesey Trearddur Bay SH 257 787

SW2016/602 N Phocoena phocoena M -9 freshly dead-slight decomposition (code 2a-2b) 19-Nov-16 Ceredigion Llanrhystud SN 524 691

SW2016/601 Y Phocoena phocoena M -9 freshly dead (code 2a) 19-Nov-16 Ceredigion Llangrannog SN 310 543

SW2016/603 N Delphinus delphis M -9 slight decomposition (code 2b) 03-Dec-16 Swansea Lambswell Bay SS 610 872

SW2016/635 N Phocoena phocoena M -9 freshly dead (code 2a) 06-Dec-16 Pembrokeshire Freshwater West SR 884 999

SW2016/636 N Phocoena phocoena M 90 freshly dead (code 2a) 08-Dec-16 Ceredigion Aberystwyth SN 581 819

SW2016/637 N Delphinus delphis U 140 freshly dead (code 2a) 22-Dec-16 Pembrokeshire Bullslaughter Bay SR 941 943

SW2016/638 N Delphinus delphis F -9 freshly dead (code 2a) 26-Dec-16 Pembrokeshire Nolton Haven SM 857 184

SW2016/639 N Unknown ? U -9 advanced decomposition (code 4) 27-Dec-16 Pembrokeshire Nolton Haven SM 856 180

SW2016/640 N Unknown ? U -9 advanced decomposition (code 4) 27-Dec-16 Swansea Oxwich Bay SS 520 877

SW2016/641 N Delphinus delphis U -9 moderate decomposition (code 3) 29-Dec-16 Pembrokeshire Tenby SS 130 998

SW2016/642 N Unknown ? U -9 advanced decomposition (code 4) 30-Dec-16 Carmarthenshire Pembrey SN 365 040

Marine Environmental Monitoring Cetacean 2016 Page 3

Page 29: Marine Mammal Strandings active/2016 Marine Mammal Strandin… · Blue marlin at the council depot. 18 Plate 8. T2016/06 sat-tagged Kemp's ridley. 19 Plate 9. Demonstration examination

Appendix 2.

RecordKey PMSpeciesCodeSightStrandAliveDead StartDate County Location GridReference Notes ReportBy

T2016/006 Y KR ST DEAD 15/01/2016 PEMBROKESHIRE Poppit Beach SN150489 Sat-tagged, PIT tag number 250229600066360

T2016/011 Y GT ST DEAD 30/01/2016 GWYNEDD Hells Mouth SH268272 Recovered by Mrs Kim Dewsbury to her home. Collected by MEM. Kim Dewsbury

T2016/012 Y LOG ST DEAD 30/01/2016 PEMBROKESHIRE Freshwater West SR883996 Retreived by John Bird, Collected by MEM. John Bird

T2016/017 KR ST DEAD 03/02/2016 GWYNEDD Harlech SH573308 Damaged Shell only, found behind sand dunes. Andrew

T2016/018 Y LOG ST DEAD 10/02/2016 GWYNEDD Fairbourne SH608123

T2016/019 LOG ST DEAD 16/02/2016 PEMBROKESHIRE Saundersfoot SN138042 Finder left carcass at site. Finder asked to recover the turtle but nothing found next day. Briony

T2016/020 Y LOG ST DEAD 02/03/2016 SWANSEA Llangennith SS410914 Finders recovered turtle to St James Vet Group in Swansea.

T2016/022 GT ST DEAD 19/03/2016 GWYNEDD Bardsey Island SH114209 not recovered Ben Porter

T2016/024 LBT SEA ALIVE 14/08/2016 PEMBROKESHIRE between Grassholm and Smalls Seen from wheelhouse.....big LBT surfaced for breath and dived. Ross Bullimore

T2016/026 LBT SEA ALIVE 07/06/2016 CEREDIGION 7681 metres off Llangrannog Seen from boat at approx 150 metres.breathed three times before diving. Sonia Doblado

T2016/029 LBT SEA ALIVE 12/09/2016 GWYNEDD 120metres west from headland , Aberdaron. SH115227 Seen for 10 mins by diver/snorkler. Appeared to be eating something. Ieuen Bryn

T2016/030 OR ST ALIVE 12/11/2016 ANGLESEY MENAI STRAIT Tan-Y-Foel beach SH476648 Recovered to Anglesey Sea Zoo for rehab. Phil Lewis RSPCA / Frankie Hobro

Marine Environmental Monitoring Turtles 2016 Page 1

Page 30: Marine Mammal Strandings active/2016 Marine Mammal Strandin… · Blue marlin at the council depot. 18 Plate 8. T2016/06 sat-tagged Kemp's ridley. 19 Plate 9. Demonstration examination

Appendix 3.

National Reference Species Date Location Local Authority Grid_ref Sex Length Condition

SS2016/083 Halichoerus grypus 09/01/2016 Newborough Anglesey SH 400 634 U 152 slight decomposition (code 2b)

SS2016/084 Halichoerus grypus 25/01/2016 Gelliswick Bay Pembrokeshire SM 887 056 U -9 unknown

SS2016/085 Halichoerus grypus 25/01/2016 Abergele Conwy SH 909 788 U -9 unknown

SS2016/086 Halichoerus grypus 27/01/2016 Aberystwyth Ceredigion SN 583 820 U -9 unknown

SS2016/087 Halichoerus grypus 28/01/2016 Freshwater West Pembrokeshire SR 884 999 U -9 moderate decomposition (code 3)

SS2016/088 Halichoerus grypus 06/02/2016 Barmouth Gwynedd SH 605 163 U -9 unknown

SS2016/089 Halichoerus grypus 10/02/2016 Gwbert Ceredigion SN 160 487 U -9 unknown

SS2016/099 Halichoerus grypus 05/03/2016 Abergele Conwy SH 950 790 U -9 unknown

SS2016/165 Halichoerus grypus 09/05/2016 Porth Bach Abersoch. Gwynedd SH 324 265 U advanced decomposition (code 4)

SS2016/201 Halichoerus grypus 20/06/2016 Aberaeron Ceredigion SN 456 633 U -9 unknown

SS2016/202 Halichoerus grypus 29/06/2016 Poppit Sands Pembrokeshire SN 158 485 U -9 moderate decomposition (code 3)

SS2016/203 Halichoerus grypus 03/07/2016 Aberystwyth Ceredigion SN 583 820 U -9 advanced decomposition (code 4)

SS2016/232 Halichoerus grypus 10/07/2016 Abereiddy Pembrokeshire SM 796 313 U -9 unknown

SS2016/233 Halichoerus grypus 02/08/2016 Aberystwyth Ceredigion SN 583 820 U -9 advanced decomposition (code 4)

SS2016/234 Halichoerus grypus 04/08/2016 Rhosneigr Anglesey SH 316 736 U advanced decomposition (code 4)

SS2016/235 Halichoerus grypus 06/08/2016 Tywyn Gwynedd SN 585 985 U -9 slight decomposition (code 2b)

SS2016/243 Halichoerus grypus 12/08/2016 Porthcawl Bridgend SS 806 773 U -9 advanced decomposition (code 4)

SS2016/253 Halichoerus grypus 15/08/2016 Off Church Bay Anglesey SH 295 895 U -9 freshly dead (code 2a)

SS2016/264 Halichoerus grypus 24/08/2016 Fairbourne Gwynedd SH 612 120 U -9 unknown

SS2016/265 Halichoerus grypus 26/08/2016 Llanrhystud Ceredigion SN 525 697 U -9 unknown

SS2016/274 Halichoerus grypus 30/08/2016 St Ishmael Carmarthenshire SN 365 074 U -9 unknown

SS2016/275 Halichoerus grypus 02/09/2016 Porth Colmon Gwynedd SH 200 343 U -9 unknown

SS2016/276 Halichoerus grypus 06/09/2016 Kenfig Bridgend SS 780 835 M -9 advanced decomposition (code 4)

SS2016/289 Halichoerus grypus 16/09/2016 Dolau beach New Quay Ceredigion SN 389 602 U -9 unknown

SS2016/290 Halichoerus grypus 19/09/2016 Cwmtydu Ceredigion SN 355 576 -9 freshly dead (code 2a)

SS2016/291 Halichoerus grypus 28/09/2016 Rhoscolyn Anglesey SH 273 750 U -9 unknown

SS2016/292 Halichoerus grypus 28/09/2016 Aberdaron Gwynedd SH 173 263 U -9 unknown

SS2016/293 Halichoerus grypus 28/09/2016 Aberdaron Gwynedd SH 184 258 U -9 unknown

SS2016/294 Halichoerus grypus 29/09/2016 Newgale beach Pembrokeshire SM 848 218 U -9 unknown

Marine Environmental Monitoring Seals 2016 Page 1

Page 31: Marine Mammal Strandings active/2016 Marine Mammal Strandin… · Blue marlin at the council depot. 18 Plate 8. T2016/06 sat-tagged Kemp's ridley. 19 Plate 9. Demonstration examination

Appendix 3.

National Reference Species Date Location Local Authority Grid_ref Sex Length Condition

SS2016/315 Halichoerus grypus 07/10/2016 Tenby Pembrokeshire SN 134 011 U -9 unknown

SS2016/316 Halichoerus grypus 09/10/2016 Watwick Bay Pembrokeshire SM 817 040 F -9 freshly dead (code 2a)

SS2016/344 Halichoerus grypus 24/10/2016 Penmon Anglesey SH 640 810 U -9 unknown

SS2016/345 Halichoerus grypus 21/10/2016 Castell Bach Ceredigion SN 300 536 U -9 freshly dead (code 2a)

SS2016/346 Halichoerus grypus 21/10/2016 Colwyn Bay Conwy SH 850 795 U -9 unknown

SS2016/347 Halichoerus grypus 26/10/2016 Aberavon Neath Port Talbot SS 740 900 F -9 freshly dead (code 2a)

SS2016/348 Halichoerus grypus 28/10/2016 Newgale Pembrokeshire SM 848 217 U -9 unknown

SS2016/349 Halichoerus grypus 04/11/2016 Broad Haven Pembrokeshire SM 860 139 U -9 freshly dead (code 2a)

SS2016/423 Halichoerus grypus 07/11/2016 New Quay Ceredigion SN 391 600 U -9 freshly dead (code 2a)

SS2016/424 Halichoerus grypus 12/11/2016 Borth Ceredigion SN 607 905 U -9 advanced decomposition (code 4)

SS2016/425 Halichoerus grypus 17/11/2016 Settlands Pembrokeshire SM 857 132 U -9 advanced decomposition (code 4)

SS2016/426 Halichoerus grypus 18/11/2016 Aberffraw Anglesey SH 360 680 U -9 unknown

SS2016/427 Halichoerus grypus 04/12/2016 Harlech Gwynedd SH 573 303 U 60 advanced decomposition (code 4)

SS2016/496 Halichoerus grypus 09/12/2016 Ffrith beach Prestatyn Denbighshire SJ 040 830 U -9 unknown

SS2016/497 Halichoerus grypus 10/12/2016 Dinas Dinlle Gwynedd SH 435 567 U 121 advanced decomposition (code 4)

SS2016/498 Halichoerus grypus 14/12/2016 Llanon Ceredigion SN 505 668 U -9 unknown

SS2016/499 Halichoerus grypus 15/12/2016 Freshwater East Pembrokeshire SS 020 979 U -9 unknown

SS2016/500 Halichoerus grypus 16/12/2016 Swansea (Black Pill) Swansea SS 620 905 U -9 unknown

SS2016/501 Halichoerus grypus 16/12/2016 Langland Swansea SS 610 873 U -9 advanced decomposition (code 4)

SS2016/502 Halichoerus grypus 24/12/2016 Llangrannog Ceredigion SN 310 543 U 100 freshly dead (code 2a)

SS2016/503 Halichoerus grypus 24/12/2016 Llansteffan Carmarthenshire SN 355 105 U -9 unknown

SS2016/504 Halichoerus grypus 27/12/2016 Borth Ceredigion SN 607 900 U -9 advanced decomposition (code 4)

SS2016/505 Halichoerus grypus 27/12/2016 Borth Ceredigion SN 607 900 U -9 unknown

Marine Environmental Monitoring Seals 2016 Page 2