mark 1:14-3:6

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Mark 1:14-3:6. Jesus has all authority and power. ‘The Nations’ @ ACC. Zimbabwe Zambia Sweden Denmark Nigeria Iran Germany India Sri Lanka Poland West Indies Hungary Romania Australia Sierra Leone etc. Culture Workshops. 3 rd March and 24 th March - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Mark 1:14-3:6

Jesus has all authority and powerMark 1:14-3:6The Nations @ ACCZimbabweZambiaSwedenDenmarkNigeriaIranGermanyIndiaSri LankaPolandWest IndiesHungaryRomaniaAustraliaSierra Leoneetc

Just started a series in Mark.Second in series.Turn to Mark 1 in you Bibles.

What countries outside British Isles are typically represented at ACC?This is very recent, very rich and very biblical. Why?But we mustnt take it for granted we have to work hard at understanding each other.

2Culture Workshops3rd March and 24th MarchLunch together after church 12:30 1:30 pmCulture Workshops for all 1:30 2:30 pm(DVD will be provided for children upstairs)

So were running two culture workshops.Please get the dates down in your diaries and show your commitment to each other by making a point of attending.Well start with lunch together after church.Then fun, interactive and hopefully helpful workshops suitable for all not just those already interested/experienced/more inclined that way. Everyone.What is culture? Why is it important? What is my culture? What is biblical culture?Kids will be entertained during the 1 hour workshop.2:30 pm youll be going home.

3Jesus has all authority and powerMark 1:14-3:6Returning to todays topic, Jesus has all authority and power.Mark 1:14-3:64Last weekWho was Mark?Mark 1:1-13 (Marks introduction to his book)

Last week we heard that this book was written by a young man named Mark, a companion of Pauls and Peters. Its thought that Mark wrote down Peters story of Jesus.Last week Harald taught us from Marks introduction, Mark 1:1-13, where Mark sets out what his book is all about. He tells us up front what he is going to tell us. Mark didnt have a typewriter or word processor and wrote by hand, in Greek on paper made from reeds. It would have looked something like this.5Last WeekMark 1:1Gospel = Good News

The very first thing Mark wants to say, in Mark 1:1, is that this story isnt just like any other old biography, its a good news story. The Greek word he used, euangelion, which we translate as Gospel, is great news.Its great news because its the story of how Gods beloved son, Jesus Christ, came down to earth to save us.We learned last week that Mark describes his story as good news because Jesus himself is good news.6Marks GospelTwo halves

Football fans often get sick of hearing commentators describing a match as A Game of Two Halves. Marks Gospel story is often said to be in two halves too.But not halves that dont seem to belong together or mis-matched halves that are bolted together artificially, but halves that belong together perfectly and are seemlessly and wonderfully woven together.7Mark 1-8Jesus Identity

The first half of the book is all about Jesus identity. It asks and answers the question, Who is this Jesus?Once weve read the whole book we begin to understand that Jesus is exactly who Mark says he is in the very first verse (Mark 1:1), the Son of God, the Christ. Jesus reveals himself as fully man and fully God. The promised saviour of the world.8Mark 9-16Jesus Mission

The second half of the book is all about Jesus mission. It asks and answers the question, Why did Jesus come to earth? By the end of the book its clear that Jesus mission when he came to this earth was a very unusual one; he came to die. His mission was a rescue mission of profound love; he came to die on a cross to save us from our sins and rise on the third day, defeating death forever.9

Mark 1:14-3:6Ten Stories Jesus Calls the first disciplesDrives out an impure spiritHeals manyPrays in a solitary placeHeals a man with leprosyForgives and heals a paralysed manCalls Levi and eats with sinnersAnswers questions about fastingIs Lord of the SabbathHeals on the Sabbath

So much for what we learned last week, what about this weeks passage.We are covering a lot of ground this week as we skim from Mark 1:14, right through Mark 2 and into Mark 3:6. Because we dont have enough time to read and study all of that, of course, it will be a bit like skimming a stone on a lake; well bounce over the surface, touching down in one or two places only.The record number of times Ive managed to skim a stone is about 10, so here are the ten stories Mark records in todays passage about what Jesus does: You can follow along in your bibles by looking at the sub-titles. Jesus Calls the first disciples/Drives out an impure spirit/Heals many/Prays in a solitary place/Heals a man with leprosy/Forgives and heals a paralysed man/Calls Levi and eats with sinners/Answers questions about fasting/Is Lord of the Sabbath/Heals on the SabbathRead the rest at home; it wont take you long. But today we will be looking at the story where Jesus forgives and heals a paralyses man. Thats at the beginning of Mark chapter 2.10Mark 2:1-12Jesus forgives and heals a paralysed man

This story is one of the most beautiful stories in the whole Gospel and people have talked about it, preached on it, written songs about it and painted pictures of it all over the world. Lets have a closer look at what happens.11

Mark 2:1-12The scene was set (Vs 1-2)The 4 friends came (Vs 3-4)Jesus saw their faith (Vs 5a)Jesus prioritised forgiveness (Vs 5b)The religious teachers objected (Vs 6-7)Jesus knew their thoughts (Vs 8)Jesus demonstrated his authority (Vs 9-12)

The scene was set (Vs 1-2) Jesus was teaching in a house in his hometown of Capernaum. The house was full to over-flowing.The 4 friends came (Vs 3-4) a paralysed man had 4 great friends. They brought him to Jesus to have him heal their friend. Because they couldnt get in they went up on top of the flay roof and made a hole in it big enough to lower their friend down right in front of Jesus.Jesus saw their faith (Vs 5a) Jesus heard and saw all their activity but didnt comment on their ingenuity or effort. He commended them for their faith. It was their absolute certainty that Jesus was the answer to their pressing need that Jesus responded to.Jesus prioritised forgiveness (Vs 5b) What Jesus said next would have been a complete surprise to everyone; the 4 friends, the man on the man and all the other people there. The man had been brought there to be healed, but Jesus says something that seems completely unrelated, Son, your sins are forgiven. What must the man have been thinking, waiting, as he was, to be healed?The religious teachers objected (Vs 6-7) Now the poor paralysed man on the mat is left hanging there as the spotlight moves away from him and onto some religious leaders sitting there. They dont say anything but they start thinking things. They begin to make judgements about what Jesus has just said and they right him off in their minds as a blasphemer; a person who speaks against God. The irony of the story, however, is that they are perfectly right in saying to themselves, Who can forgive sins but God alone? Thats the whole point of this story; its not just about the man getting healed, its about Jesus identity as the divine son of God.Jesus knew their thoughts (Vs 8) And another thing that marks Jesus out as divine in this story is his ability to read their thoughts. He knows exactly what they were thinking, their reasoning, which was right, and their conclusion, which was not.Jesus demonstrated his authority (Vs 9-12) Then Jesus asks them a telling question, Which is easier? To say or to do? Now his healing of the paralysed man in front of him become much more than an acts of deep compassion, it also becomes a demonstration of Jesus divine credentials. This Jesus isnt just a great teacher and a healer; he has the power and authority to deal with the sin of the human heart. As only God can do this, this healing demonstrates that Jesus is God.Notice also the priority Jesus puts on spiritual healing and physical healing; probably the opposite of how wed prioritise the two. Jesus heals this man spiritually first and physically second; he deals with his sin first, then addresses his physical needs.Finally and fittingly, at the end of the story, as the man walks off with his mat under his arm, all the people praise God.12Marks FocusJesus Power and Authority

In telling this story, and the other nine stories weve skimmed over, Mark is showing his readers that Jesus has divine power and authority. What, exactly, does Jesus have authority over?13

Jesus has authorityTo call people (1:16-20)To teach (1:21-22)Over evil spirits (1:23-28)Over sickness (1:29-31)To forgive sins (2:1-12)Over nature (4:35-41)Over death (5:35-42)

The stories in the first half of Marks Gospel show us that Jesus has authority in the following areas:To call people (1:16-20) when he called people to follow him they come without hesitation, even leaving behind their livelihoodsTo teach (1:21-22) the people realised that he taught with a special kind of authority, not like the teaching they were used toOver evil spirits (1:23-28) when Jesus rebuked evil spirits they came out of the people they were possessingOver sickness (1:29-31) when Jesus touched people, with various kinds of illnesses, they were healedTo forgive sins (2:1-12) from the story weve just look atOver nature (4:35-41) when Jesus rebukes a storm on the Sea of Galilee the winds and the waves obey himOver death (5:35-42) when Jesus tells Jairus little daughter to get up, even though the professional mourners had already started wailing because everyone knew she was dead, she got up.These are the things that Marks stories demonstrate Jesus power and authority over. Jesus had divine authority because he was, of course, divine. And he still has the same absolute power and authority today because Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and for ever (Hebrews 13:8).

14Our problem

The problem with people, though, is that they dont like authority when other people have it. Especially in the modern generation, we are taught to question authority. (Phoebes parents evening illustration.) Maybe you find yourself agreeing with this sentiment.15Dubious authorities make us distrustful

Obviously we sometimes have bad experiences with people in authority and there have been countless people in history who have abused their power and authority. Maybe you have fallen foul of some of them in your life from time to time?Why wouldnt we question authority?16Human authority is often a joke

And sometimes human authority is so obviously mis-guided and cant be taken seriously.17Opposition to Jesus authorityMark 2:6-7 teachers of the law object to Jesus saying he can forgive sins

Mark 2:16 teachers of the law and Pharisees complain that Jesus eats with tax collectors and sinners

Mark 3:2-6 some people in the Synagogue accuse Jesus of breaking the Sabbath when he heals a manThere were plenty of people who questioned Jesus power and authority, even though they saw the miraculous things he was doing:Mark 2:6-7 teachers of the law object to Jesus saying he can forgive sins

Mark 2:16 teachers of the law and Pharisees complain that Jesus eats with tax collectors and sinners

Mark 3:2-6 some people in the Synagogue accuse Jesus of breaking the Sabbath when he heals a man

18Rebellion against GodIgnoring himBreaking his lawsGoing our own way

Not everybody accepted Jesus authority even when they could see him and see how his words and ctions clearly demonstrated his divine power and authority. Why not?The problem, of course, is the human heart.In our heart, we want to be king, we want to be queen, we want to be boss, we want to control our own destinies, we want to be the ultimate authority in our own lives.But the Bible calls that rebellion; rebellion against the proper authority, rebellion against God himself.When we:Ignore himBreak his lawsGo our own wayIts like we are shaking our fist in the face of God. If God was a tyrant, a despot or a cruel task mater then our rebellion might not be so embarrassing, but God has demonstrated clearly, in Jesus, that he is a kind, generous, forgiving and loving God. Why would we want to rebel against him. Yet we do. All of us have done so . And some of us are still rebelling against Jesus divine power and authority in our lives.This is the sin that Jesus forgave the paralytic man for.

19What we need to doJesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God, The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news! Mark 1:14-15

If we know that we are rebelling against Gods authority, what should we do? How should we respond? What does God want from us?In Mark 1:14-15, back at the beginning of our passage today, Jesus starts his ministry by giving the exact answer to this question. And its the same answer today as it was 2,00o years ago when he said it to the people living around the Sea of Galilee.He didnt tell them to be more religious. He didnt tell them to go to the place of worship more, to go on pilgrimages, to give more money to the poor. He said this to them.Repent and believe the good news!20Repent

Repent means to turn around and walk away from our sin, our rebellion, our cutting ourselves off from God. It means being sincerely sorry for trying to shake off his authority and going our own way. It means an about turn.Let me ask you, if you know you are running from God today, if you know that you are a sinner and if you are effectively ignoring his power and authority in the way you are living, are you willing to repent?Maybe you think that youre too far gone for Jesus, that hed only like fairly good people to repent and believe in him, people who arent as bad as you.Have no fear on that account.21Did Jesus come for good people or bad people?On hearing this, Jesus said to them,It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but those who are ill. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.Mark 2:17Jesus himself said it beautifully in mark 2;17;

It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but those who are ill. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.

Being a sinner isnt something that stops you coming to Jesus in repentance; its one of the qualification. Being good enough is irrelevant. Being sorry is what counts.22Believe

But there are two things Jesus commanded people to do; repent and believe.

Remember how Jesus saw and responded to the 4 friends faith in the story we looked at. Faith, trusting, belief are what Jesus wants.

My wife and I highly value trust; you cant have a proper relationship with another person if there isnt a high level of trust.And having a relationship with God is no different; we have to trust him. We have to trust ourselves to him. We have to throw ourselves, our futures, our families, our fortunes, our everything into his loving arms.

If you know you are trusting in anything else today, maybe in family, money, status, career, prospects, or just trusting in yourself, then hear the words of Jesus clearly. Repent and Believe.Only he can save you from your sins will you believe in him?23Reminders for ChristiansBecause Jesus has all power and authority and has demonstrated it with power ..

1) Theres no need to fret or be anxious

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.Philippians 4:6-7And what if youre already a Christian; you have already repented of your sins and trusted fully in Jesus.Thats great . but we have to start as we mean to go on.Sometimes we loose sight of Jesus divine power and authority and we start to live like it isnt really true again.Here are three reminders to us of the importance of Jesus 100% power and authority.

1) Theres no need to fret or be anxiousPhilippians 4:6

24Reminders for Christians2) Are there areas of your life where Jesus has less than 100% authority?the way you spend you timethe way you spend your moneywhat you do when you are aloneyour thought lifethe way you speakyour relationshipsyour attitudesyour commitment to churchyour passion for evangelism and missionSecondly, a challenge. Sometimes, as Christians, were very good at welcoming Jesus into our lives and then gradually growing to ignore him in certain areas of our lives. Let me ask myself, as I ask you today, is Jesus exercising 100% authority in:the way I spend my timethe way I spend my moneywhat I do when I am alonemy thought lifethe way I speakmy relationshipsmy attitudesmy commitment to churchmy passion for evangelism and missionIs there anything I need to re-submit to him today?25Reminders for Christians3) Jesus authority gives us our confidence in our missionThen Jesus came to them and said,All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.Therefore go Matthew 28:18-19

And finally, an encouragement. We have a mission as individuals. We have a mission as a church. We have a community, a town, a country and a world that need to be reached. Its a daunting mission; we cant face it in our own strength.

Matthew 28 contains the Great Commission. But before Jesus commands his disciples to Go into all the world making disciples , he reminds us of the power and authority backing them as they were to go.

Then Jesus came to them and said,All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.Therefore go

Because Jesus Christ has all power and authority, and has demonstrated it clearly, we to, like countless disciples before us, have confidence to Go.
