marketing company teams up with intonation to add value to ... synerg… · press releases,...

Markeng company teams up with Intonaon to add value to services - website translaon creates ‘add-on’ to markeng company’s offering Tel: 0800 0966 825 (UK only) Tel: +44 (0)1329 828438 (outside UK) Email: [email protected] Meeng a client’s needs is at the top of the list for every business - and markeng companies are no excepon. Tri-Synergy – a digital markeng company based in Hampshire designed and built a 500-page ecommerce website for Vero Technologies, a leading UK supplier to the professional electronics market. Vero Technologies’ clients are primarily in the UK and Germany, but with Germany proving to be a lucrave market for some of the company’s key products, Vero Technologies wanted to ensure it didn’t miss major opportunies available to them. Natalie Kramer, Tri-Synergy’s Associate Operaons Director said “Vero Technologies’ exisng customers and those working through distributors in Germany were very accommodang using a website wrien in English”. “However Vero knew that if it wanted to increase both its penetraon in the German market and its distribuon, it would need to provide a German language version of the website,” said Natalie. “Having worked with Intonaon for many years, we didn’t hesitate in recommending them. We were certain that the company’s experience in technical translaons meant that they would be ideal for Vero Technologies. Intonaon is also used to handling projects of this size,” said Natalie. Over 100 key pages on the Vero Technologies website were translated and now due to the success of the inial translaons and the ease of working with Intonaon, Vero Technologies are now looking at translang the product pages too. Dan Peachey, Intonaon’s Commercial Director said that joining forces with markeng companies is mutually beneficial. “We work with a number of markeng companies and it provides an opportunity to generate more work - for both pares”. “From translang websites, brochures, adverts, press releases, assistance with keyword research for SEO and PPC, videos and social media, we can help with any aspect of a markeng project”. “In turn, this can help bolster a markeng company service offering by providing their clients with the ‘complete package’ and add value to their services” added Dan.

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Post on 30-Jun-2020




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Page 1: Marketing company teams up with Intonation to add value to ... Synerg… · press releases, assistance with keyword research for SEO and PPC, videos and social media, we can help

Marketing company teams up with Intonation to add value to services - website translation creates ‘add-on’ to marketing company’s offering

Tel: 0800 0966 825 (UK only)Tel: +44 (0)1329 828438 (outside UK)

Email: [email protected]

Meeting a client’s needs is at the top of the list for every business - and marketing companies are no exception. Tri-Synergy – a digital marketing company based in Hampshire designed and built a 500-page ecommerce website for Vero Technologies, a leading UK supplier to the professional electronics market.

Vero Technologies’ clients are primarily in the UK and Germany, but with Germany proving to be a lucrative market for some of the company’s key products, Vero Technologies wanted to ensure it didn’t miss major opportunities available to them.

Natalie Kramer, Tri-Synergy’s Associate Operations Director said “Vero Technologies’ existing customers and those working through distributors in Germany were very accommodating using a website written in English”.

“However Vero knew that if it wanted to increase both its penetration in the German market and its distribution, it would need to provide a German language version of the website,” said Natalie.

“Having worked with Intonation for many years, we didn’t hesitate in recommending them. We were certain that the company’s experience in technical translations meant that they would be ideal for Vero Technologies. Intonation is also used to handling projects of this size,” said Natalie.

Over 100 key pages on the Vero Technologies website were translated and now due to the success of the initial translations and the ease of working with Intonation, Vero Technologies are now looking at translating the product pages too.

Dan Peachey, Intonation’s Commercial Director said that joining forces with marketing companies is mutually beneficial. “We work with a number of marketing companies and it provides an opportunity to generate more work - for both parties”.

“From translating websites, brochures, adverts, press releases, assistance with keyword research for SEO and PPC, videos and social media, we can help with any aspect of a marketing project”.

“In turn, this can help bolster a marketing company service offering by providing their clients with the ‘complete package’ and add value to their services” added Dan.

Page 2: Marketing company teams up with Intonation to add value to ... Synerg… · press releases, assistance with keyword research for SEO and PPC, videos and social media, we can help

“When dealing with foreign markets, having a professionally translated website shouldn’t be underestimated. Your website needs to rank highly in search engines but more importantly you are wanting to give your website visitors a good user experience that encourages them to convert, come back and tell others.

Intonation’s skilled translators were an excellent match to translate Vero Technologies’ products; due to their technical nature, accurate and careful translation was essential. At Intonation we only use mother tongue translators which ensures all our translations are both grammatically correct and take cultural differences into consideration. The result was professionally translated web pages, which has been reflected in greater market share for Vero Technologies.”

Rachael Cox

“The translation process was very professional and straightforward. We provided Intonation with the text, they clarified questions over the phone or on email and then presented us with the translated information which was in a usable format. That’s why we’ve decided to roll out the translation of the individual product pages,” said Vero’s Sales Manager.