marriage and the sabbath: twin institutions which shall lead us back to eden again

Marriage and the Sabbath: Perfection, Redemption and the Eternal Weight of Glory 1.) Twin Institutions: Perfection in Eden We want to look at Eden as a type today... Yahuwah knew the whole plan of Redemption would be carried out when He created the earth... He willed that in simplicity the foundational principles of the POR would be seen in Eden as we can now trace their development through these 6,000 years. There were two twin and eternal institutions established in Eden: Marriage (between and man and a woman) and the seventh day Sabbath. Both of these institutions are Fountains of revelation which were meant to yield ever increasing light and joy through greater knowledge of Yahushuwah and His purposed Plan of Redemption. There is so much I could teach through this subject matter, but I must focus on the message I have come to share. In Eden we see the elements of Yahushuwah’s plan for the whole earth. Eden and it's perfection was lost, but here we can learn important doctrines which bring us to Eden Restored! Elohim gave these two institutions, Marriage and the Sabbath in Eden, knowing that they were of a character to leave Eden with humanity and lead us back to Eden again . Yes, there was a Marriage in Eden! Can you picture it's perfection! The perfect man with a perfect women. Their garments were garments of glorious Light! The guests were angelic and the gentlest of the earth. And the presiding Minister was our Glorious King: Yahushuwah in the form of God! One important principle I want to bring out from the first

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The sermon series of Three sermons is the Latter Rain message in which the Sabbath Proclaimed MORE FULLY is combined with the Marriage of the Lamb in heaven - which accomplishes Yahuwah's Goal of the entire Plan of Redemption! In this sermon series we will discuss the sacred appointed times of gathering that are still required within the Covenant with Yahuwah (Jehovah) we are to keep today to be His obedient people - we will see what blessings are waiting for us when we trust Yahuwah (Jehovah) and enter into HIS REST!.. Also will be revealed in these messages the great INFINITE SACRIFICE that brings us the PROMISE OF THE POWER to accomplish in us the fulfillment of the Plan of Redemption. Lastly, we will be discuss the great privilege held out before us, that we may take hold by faith and accept YAHUSHUWAH'S (Jesus') proposal of Eternal Marriage to the King of the Universe and become the Bride of Masshiach (Christ)! The titles of the sermons in this series are these:1.) Twin Institutions: Perfection in Eden2.) The POWER given us to accomplish the Plan of Redemption: as revealed through the institutions of Marriage and the Sabbath on Earth.3.) The End of the Reign of Sin (by bringing in Everlasting Righteousness): When the Marriage and the Sabbath Covenant are combined and fulfilled in Heaven.


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Marriage and the Sabbath: Perfection, Redemption and the Eternal Weight of Glory

1.) Twin Institutions: Perfection in Eden

We want to look at Eden as a type today... Yahuwah knew the whole plan of Redemption would be carried out when He created the earth... He willed that in simplicity the foundational principles of the POR would be seen in Eden as we can now trace their development through these 6,000 years.

There were two twin and eternal institutions established in Eden: Marriage (between and man and a woman) and the seventh day Sabbath.

Both of these institutions are Fountains of revelation which were meant to yield ever increasing light and joy through greater knowledge of Yahushuwah and His purposed Plan of Redemption.

There is so much I could teach through this subject matter, but I must focus on the message I have come to share.

In Eden we see the elements of Yahushuwah’s plan for the whole earth.

Eden and it's perfection was lost, but here we can learn important doctrines

which bring us to Eden Restored!

Elohim gave these two institutions, Marriage and the Sabbath in Eden, knowing that they were of a character to leave Eden with humanity and lead us back to Eden again .

Yes, there was a Marriage in Eden! Can you picture it's perfection! The perfect man with a perfect women.

Their garments were garments of glorious Light! The guests were angelic and the gentlest of the earth. And the presiding Minister was our Glorious King: Yahushuwah in the form of God!

One important principle I want to bring out from the first Marriage is that it took Adam and Eve, man and woman to bear the Image of God:

"So God created man in His Own image, in the image of God created He him; *male and female* created He them."

The image of God is His Glory, "the Divinity of His Character"... And here we learn that it is complete when the two complementary parts

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are reconciled or Married into a glorious union! (These two counterparts often seem opposed to one another - doesn't it often seem in many ways that men and women are contradictory to each other? :) )

We see this in the character of Yahuwah where Mercy and Justice are married ("have met together", "have kissed each other") to fulfill His Righteous Standard of Perfection.

We see this reconciliation in the Plan of Redemption where it takes the Law AND the Gospel to make Redemption complete. Also seen in our Christian Salvation where it takes Faith AND Works for our Salvation to be fulfilled.

This Marriage of two counterparts, which are coming from two totally different perspectives - this reconciliation of principles that seem intrinsically opposed to one another - to bring them together, to gather them to cause them to walk as one: in One Spirit - truly only the POWER of Yahuwah can accomplish...

There was great Power for Righteousness invested in the institution of marriage and for it to work properly requires Yahushuwah's

Grace... Therefore we see the great attacks upon this institution today and all through time... Yet the institution remains as a gear Power for good and I will talk more about this in my series here...

But there was another institution which was begun in Eden, which had been under attack and is still with us today... And that is the Sabbath!

At its truest foundation the Sabbath means Rest, repose... Ceasing or cessation from something.

But let us remember first and foremost the Sabbath is Yahuwah's Rest!

He made the Sabbath after His perfect work of creation, which was a perfect world created for His new and most important creation: man and woman, was finished in six days. On the seventh day the Bible says that Yahuwah rested. He was not resting because He was tired...

His Rest which was in the deep satisfaction He felt in dwell in the midst of the perfect, holy happiness of Adam and Eve and His Vision for the whole human Rest.

Yahushuwah's Rest is His Idea, His Vision of perfect happiness, or an endless perfect existence in Love and Righteousness - and the Bible days that Yahushuwah made the Sabbath for mankind - His Rest becomes our when we embrace the promise of Yahuwah's Idea, His Vision for humanity and we join Him in working toward the full revelation of His Vision for us all.

In these last days, the message of the Sabbath is especially an urgent call to REST, to CEASE from sin. The Biblical Christian Faith teaches us Yahushuwah has POWER to bless us to cease from sin… yet we are still

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mired in the death of sin… We are in the time when the New Covenant Promise is to be fulfilled: when sin shall be abolished from our hearts and no more sacrifice for sin is necessary… This message the Sabbath speaks to us. It is time we take hold of the full Covenant Promises by FAITH!

The Sabbath was created as a memorial of the perfection creation in Eden. It was the Seventh day He made holy, the number Seven representing perfection in completion – a reminder that "His work is perfect". The Sabbath is still today is a door through which we shall enter Eden again.

The Sabbath was set apart as holy time to be guarded by communing with our Creator. It is the principal gathering time in the worship of Yahuwah which was given in Eden... But though it is the chief gathering time of worship, it is not the only one given to mankind in Eden.

Genesis chapter One teaches us the reckoning of the days of the week is by the movement of the sun in the heavens. Elohim gave the sun and moon so that we may know the sacred times of gathering to Yahuwah for worship:

"And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years"

This word seasons is Moedim which are Yahuwah's set times for worship. In our Bible these are not explained and explicitly written until Moses recorded them for the children if Israel at Sinai... But now at the End of Time, we have the privilege of looking back over the course of Sacred history and understand all the revelations of Elohim as a whole.

In the Torah we are taught that the Sabbath is the Primary and Representative of all of Yahuwah’s Sacred appointed times of gathering and worship. In Yahuwah’s worship Calendar He has provided for Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly times of fellowship and refreshing in His presence!

This is absolutely for our blessing and restoration, to lead us back to the perfection and bliss we lost in Eden.

- Yahuwah has given us Daily times of prayer and worship at the morning and evening Tamiyd services. These “Daily” – continual times call our minds to think about Yahushuwah’s continuing, perpetual Ministry for us in Sacrifice. He has given Himself as an Infinite Sacrifice that we may have His Own Everlasting LIFE (we will explain this more in this series)- Yahuwah has given us Weekly times to gather and be refreshed with His presence in His Holy Sabbath Day. The bible tells the Sabbath is a symbol of Yahuwah’s creative Power, of our Sanctification, and of our Deliverance from the bondage of sin. - Yahuwah has also given us special monthly times of worship. The months and Yahuwah’s yearly calendar are determined by the other great light He set in the heavens at creation – the Moon. When the Moon renews her cycle, this is called the New Moon and Yahuwah has given us a special time of worship in those times. These New Moon gatherings to worship call our minds to the Covenant Yahuwah and Yahushuwah made with each other since times eternal. The New Moon calls us especially to pray for the fulfillment of the New Covenant promise and the “restoration of all things which have

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been spoken by the mouth of all the holy prophets since the beginning”.- Very significantly Yahuwah has gifted mankind with yearly sacred times of worship. These are mostly known as the Sacred Jewish worship festivals of Passover, Unleavened Bread, Firstfruits, Pentecost, Trumpets, the Day of Atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles… But we understand both that these sacred yearly times are merely Jewish but like the seventh Day Sabbath, they were given to all mankind. Also we have found that to call them feasts does not fully convey their meaning and may not be the best way to represent them to people who are learning their continuing, even perpetual nature.

The Seventh Day Sabbath was given us a Primary Door that we may understand the Rest we receive in keeping Yahuwah’s Seven Annual Sabbaths

These appointed times, which were established in the heavens since Creation week are truly appointed times of gathering and convocation. We are not to gather in the earthly Jerusalem in this time in which we live.. We gather by Faith and prayer in the New Jerusalem in heaven, where Yahushuwah is both our Presiding High Priest and our Sacrificial Lamb Offering in the Heavenly Sanctuary!

These yearly appointed times call our minds to the great events of the Plan of Redemption which our Creator Yahushuwah has undertaking to bring us salvation and secure the entire universe from future apostasy…

In the beginning of Yahuwah’s year at Passover our minds are called to Yahshuwah being of Passover Lamb and Sacrifice – and by His blood we are kept from the destruction which shall surely come upon all who are not covered by the protection of His Salvation by His blood.

The feast of Unleavened Bread calls our mind to the necessity of getting sin out of lives, by taking measures to get things that lead us to sin out of our homes. Its message is that we have a part to play in the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary and our own hearts.

Firstfruits is glorious in that is Primarily points us to Yahushuwah Who is our Example and Redeemer – the Head of humanity – Yahuwah’s glorious Idea and Vision for the human race. But also this concept taught in the Firstfruits calls our minds to remembrance that Yahushuwah wants us to follow Him in this glory. Revelation reveals that at the end of time, Yahshuwah will have a people to whom the New Covenant Promise is fulfilled in them which is Messhiach in them, the Hope of Glory!!! These once sinful humans being are also called Firstfruits unto Elohim and unto the Lamb!!

The continuing feast of Pentecost calls our mind to the fact that another great outpouring of the Holy Spirit is promised and being that the first Pentecost that we have a written record of was at the gathering of the children of Israel when the Torah was given… Pentecost speaks to us that the next great outpouring of the Holy Spirit was again be connected to and empowering the Proclamation of the Torah afresh!

The feast of Trumpets is an urgent call we all must hear to get ready for the soon coming day of judgement. And in eternity the reoccurring feast will announce with trumpets the Triumphs of the great Plan of Redemption for the whole universe, when the kingdoms of this world have become of the kingdoms of our Lord and Saviour Yahushuwah ha’Masshiach!

The Day of Atonement is the solemn time which calls upon us to look upon the Lamb Whom we have pierced and Who shall forever bears the wounds of His piercing for all eternity. We are forever to guard this solemn meeting because in the atonement of the Lamb we are called to remember than only by keeping freshly in our minds His Infinite Sacrifice is the universe kept secure from future apostasy.

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The Feast of Tabernacles, which we are celebrating this week, is the joyous gathering that calls our minds the finished work of the Plan of Redemption when “the tabernacle of Elohim shall be with Him and Yahuwah Himself shall dwell with them and they shall be His people and He shall be their Elohim!” – “and they shall see His face and His name shall be in their foreheads”!!!

So we see that all Yahuwah’s sacred appointed times teach us glorious things and have a role in bringing about the goal of the Plan of Redemption – to restore us to Eden and secure the universe from future apostasy by the revelation and understanding of this great and perpetually expanding outpouring of Love and Sacrifice by our Redeemer Yahushuwah.

I wanted here to build a foundation for the other talks in this series. We will learn many more wonders and glorious important things about these Twin Institutions, which were instituted in Eden and which are ordained for to lead us back to the perfection of Eden. These great principles: The Sabbath, (which is Rest and Cleansing through Sanctification) and Marriage, (which is Reconciliation and Union) are glorious in their own merits – but wait until you see the exceeding glory when these two institutions combine in these last days to create the Loud Cry Message – the POWERFUL last message of Salvation to the inhabitants of earth! Let us all join in earnest prayer for ourselves, for our hearts to be open to receive Yahushuwah, and for the messages that are to come to us while we are gathered together here.

2.) The POWER given us to accomplish the Plan of Redemption: as revealed through the institutions of Marriage and the Sabbath on Earth.

The institutions of Marriage and the Sabbath are immediately connected with our little planet. These were created in connection with the creation of the earth. Yea, our whole world was created in the immediate context of winning the Great Controversy between Yahushuwah and ha'satan.

"A rebellion exists. Lucifer revolted from his allegiance and makes war on the divine government. Christ is appointed to put down the rebellion. **He makes this world His battlefield.** He stands at the head of the human family. He clothes His divinity with humanity and He passes over the ground where Adam fell and endures all the assaults of Satan’s temptations, but He does not yield in a single instance." – {4BC 1163.4}

In the Plan of Redemption it was decreed that the Promised POWER which was determined on oath to come to us, should be revealed before the entire universe on the earth.

Today, we will speak about the "Mystery of mysteries" - The Incarnation of Yahushuwah.This doctrine is most effectively taught through the Twin institutions of Marriage and the Sabbath.

Let us begin with a quote from the SOP, from the Book, “Christ's Object Lessons”:

"The parable of the wedding garment opens before us a lesson of the highest consequence. **By the marriage is represented the union of humanity with divinity**; the wedding garment represents the character which all must possess who shall be accounted fit guests for the wedding." – {COL 307.1}

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We see here that inspiration tells us that the institution of Marriage is a symbol of the union of humanity with Divinity... This is called in scripture "the mystery of Godliness, that God was manifested in the flesh..."

The other day, shortly after I received the invitation to speak to you at this event, Lightning came down and stuck near my house with such power and force I was completely in awe and afraid! That is how doctrine of the incarnation of Yahushuwah seems to me - Like lightning coming out of heaven down to the earth with great power and majesty!!!

Many people do not understand the great, even Infinite Sacrifice Yahushuwah undertook that He should be incarnated to stand as the Head of Humanity - to be our Exalted Example in all things. Isn't it amazing that humanity is capable of, and the conditions and situations on earth exist that, the Great and Might Yahuwah could come down to earth and by His living in humanity: His choices, His Faith, His Love, His Sacrifice - reveal the HIGHEST Glory of the Character of Divinity that the Almighty Elohim could devise for even the heavenly hosts to comprehend? Here on earth and in humanity was manifested a revelation of which is Higher than anything else possible?!! That speaks wonders for the great Idea Yahushuwah has invested in us all!

In the incarnation of Yahushuwah we are brought the Great Power to accomplish the Goal of the Plan of Redemption... But many Christians do not understand that Yahushuwah had to pour out His Omnipotent Power, His Omniscience and His Omnipresence to be become our Example and Redeemer...

Yes, the marriage represents the *union* of Divinity with humanity, but this Divinity is the Divinity of His character which was indeed in Messhiach:"“It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are *LIFE*” (John 6:57, 63). Christ is not here referring to His doctrine, but to **His person, the divinity of His character**." – {1SM 249.3}

He is the eternal "Word made flesh". We can see a symbol of this in the first miracle that Yahushuwah performed at the marriage in Cana... There He made the water turn into wine... Water is a symbol of the Holy Spirit and Wine is a symbol of the atoning blood of Yahushuwah... In the incarnation Yahushuwah, Who was "in the form of God" and was a Spirit Being, represented by the clear Water, was changed into a human being, represented by the dark wine "the pure blood of the grape": "For verily he took not on him the nature of angels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham... Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of **flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same**; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil"

To be partaker of the flesh and blood of the children of men, by necessity Yahushuwah was cumbered with humanity and could not be everywhere present. He was required to give up His Omnipresence to be our Sacrifice and Redeemer... He was required in the Promise of the Everlasting Covenant to divest from Himself those Omnipotent Powers He wielded by virtue of being He Who has existed forever, having His Own Divine Life, original unborrowed, and underived".

But when Yahushuwah incarnated to become a helpless Babe in Bethlehem - when He "emptied Himself" to take upon Him the form of a Servant... What happened to that Omnipotent, Omnipresent Power that was His prior to His incarnation?

"Cumbered with humanity, Christ could not be in every place personally; therefore it was altogether for their advantage that He should leave them, go to His father, and send the Holy Spirit to be His successor on earth. The Holy Spirit is Himself

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divested of the personality of humanity and independent thereof. He would represent Himself as present in all places by His Holy Spirit, as the Omnipresent." – {14MR 23.3}

We noted earlier that the marriage represents the union between Divinity and humanity. If this humanity was to be our humanity (and not other kind) then it was necessary that Yahushuwah empty out of Himself His “OMNI” Powers so that He might be truly human. For while cumbered with humanity He could not be Omnipresent. The Divinity that was “married to His humanity was His Divine character – in all the Brightness and full Glory of the Almighty Yahuwah – His Glory in character is the Highest revelation of Himself that He desired to make to the universe. Ought not we accept the Father’s testimony that His Righteous Character is more fundamental to what makes Him Ruler of all even than His Mighty Power?!

“Thus saith the LORD, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich manglory in his riches: But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth Me, that I am the LORD which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the LORD.” Jeremiah 9:23,24

“Righteousness and justice make up the foundation of your throne; gracious love and truth meet before you.” Psalm 89:14

But this glorious marriage of Divinity and humanity at the Incarnation of Yahushuwah, was also an Infinite Sacrifice. It was a Sacrifice required to meet the terms of the Everlasting Covenant. This Sacrifice of Marriage on earth also released to us the Great POWER promised to fulfill the Plan of Redemption! This Marriage is what brought us the HOLY SPIRIT: Yahushuwah’s Own Everlasting Life sent into our hearts crying “Abba, Father”!

The Promise of the Spirit“Christ declared that after his ascension, he would send to his church, as his

crowning gift, the Comforter, who was to take his place. This Comforter is the Holy Spirit,—the soul of his life, the efficacy of his church, the light and life of the world. With his Spirit Christ sends a reconciling influence and a power that takes away sin.” {RH May 19, 1904, par. 1}

This “Promised Gift” of the Holy Spirit, “The Soul of His Life” – Yahushuwah calls “The PROMISE OF MY FATHER”. It is the fulfillment of the New Covenant Promise:

“And, behold, I send the promise of My Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with POWER from on high.” Luke 24:49

“That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the PROMISE of the Spirit through faith.” Galatians 3:14

“This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them ; And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more.” Hebrews 10:16,17

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“To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you , the hope of glory !” Colossians 1:27

When the Divinity of Yahushuwah’s character was married to the body of humanity that

Elohim had prepared for Him – His Omnipresent – Omnipotent POWER was “diversted” or

separated and has become the Mighty Third Person of the Godhead! But when, He comes

to you, the Spirit of Truth – it is our Own Precious savior Who died for us Who is coming

to live in our hearts and not another!

“And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.” John 14:16-18

“Behold, I stand at the door (of your heart), and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me.” Revelation 3:20 

Yes, and because Yahushwah will forever be cumbered with humanity, this was an Infinite Sacrifice on His part…

When Yahushuwah incarnated to take upon Himself human flesh forever – His estate of being “in the form of God” ceased to exist FOREVER!!! This met the requirement of the penalty for transgression of the Law of Yahuwah: Eternal Death!

“When Jesus was awakened to meet the storm, He was in perfect peace. There was no trace of fear in word or look, for no fear was in His heart. But He rested not in the possession of almighty power. It was not as the “Master of earth and sea and sky” that He reposed in quiet. That power He had laid down, and He says, “I can of Mine own self do nothing.” John 5:30. He trusted in the Father’s might. It was in faith—faith in God’s love and care—that Jesus rested, and the power of that word which stilled the storm was the power of God.” {DA 336.1}

But it was the necessary first step for Him to take in following the path to become our Redeemer:

“In His incarnation He had reached the prescribed limit as a sacrifice, but not as a Redeemer.”12MR 409.1} (even though He made an Infinite Sacrifice from the very moment

He became of human forever, he still had the Cross before Him – there His humanity

must die so that He might become our Redeemer)

As we finish up this these thoughts in this message, I want to share with you how this

Infinite Sacrifice that brings us Yahushuwah in the Holy Spirit are taught wonderfully

through the institution of the Sabbath.

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We see in Hebrews chapter 4, Paul speaks about the spiritual meaning of the Seventh

Day Sabbath. This passage has been a stumblingblock for many want to make this

spiritual application of the Sabbath to replace our duty to obey the fourth commandment

to “remember the Sabbath day and keep it set apart as holy”. We understand that we

are to obey Yahushuwah’s commands and also understand and reflect upon their

spiritual application. Even as we eat the Yahushuwah’s supper of unleavened Bread and

grape juice during His sacred set apart times, while at the same time we reflect on the

deep spiritual meaning of those ordinances.

Here is what Paul wrote about the Sabbath in Hebrews chapter 4:

“For Elohim spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, “And God did rest the seventh day from all His works”. And in this place again, “If they shall enter into My rest.” Hebrews 4:4,5

In this passage we are reminded of something I spoke to you about in the first talk… The Sabbath is primarily Yahuwah’s REST. And I also shared with you that the Hebrew word for Sabbath, Shabat, means Rest, repose, TO CEASE, a cessation…

Let us see further what Paul teaches Yahuwah’s Rest meant in practical terms:

“There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. For he that is entered into Yahuwah’s rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God   did   from His .” Hebrews 4:9,10

Here the Bible teaches us that Yahuwah ceased from His works… He willingly put aside His Own Ways therefore He asks that we do the same…

Can you see how this Sabbath Rest so wonderfully describes what Yahushuwah did for us in His incarnation? He ceased from His Own ways of Omnipotence and Omnipresence so that He might truly become a Man and depend upon the Father’s POWER as we read in the Desire of Ages quote earlier… But in Him RESTING from His Own ways, give us REST by sending His Own Spirit, “The Soul of His Life” to Live in our hearts!

The Holy Spirit is the Power that comes into our hearts to write the Law of Yahuwah there and seals us in His Righteousness:

“The Spirit was to be given as a regenerating agent, and without this the sacrifice of Christ would have been of no avail. The power of evil had been strengthening for centuries, and the submission of men to this satanic captivity was amazing. Sin could be resisted and overcome only through the mighty agency of the Third Person of the Godhead, who would come with no modified energy, but in the fullness of divine power. It is the Spirit that makes effectual what has been wrought out by the

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world’s Redeemer. It is by the Spirit that the heart is made pure. Through the Spirit the believer becomes a partaker of the divine nature. Christ has given His Spirit as a divine power to overcome all hereditary and cultivated tendencies to evil, and to impress His own character upon His church.” {DA 671.2}

The Sacrifice of Yahushuwah in His Sabbath Rest of laying aside His Own ways for the blessing and Salvation of us has many practical benefits as we seek to follow His example of Sacrifice (this is His character the Holy Spirit comes into our hearts and gives us the POWER to live out)… Listen how especially practical and important the counsel of this doctrine of Sabbath Rest is to have a blessed and holy Marriage as well!:

(read this with much POWER, telling them this is Sabbath REST!)

“Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.

Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But HE EMPTIED HIMSELF, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: 8And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.” Philippians 2:3-8

I hope you all now understand that this is the true spiritual meaning of Yahuwah’s Rest! It means a Rest, an entire cessation from sin and selfishness – its bring joy and Love to all, the others in our lives – it is following Yahushuwah’s Example – and this Rest, this Sacrifice which He has undertaken brings us the POWER to bring it about.

This was done through the Marriage: “the union of Divinity with humanity” – This Marriage at His incarnation brings us the POWER that we also may enter into Yahuwah’s REST!

“There remaineth therefore A REST (means, a keeping of the Sabbath) to the people of God. For he that is entered into Yahuwah’s rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God   did   from His .” Hebrews 4:9,10

Please prayerfully consider these things. The incarnation of Yahushuwah, The marriage of His Divinity and humanity, took place here on earth. We still want to see what is decreed to come when the Marriage takes place, and the Sabbath Rest is fulfilled, IN HEAVEN! Pray for these messages as I prepare to share with you that POWER which is

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to come to us when the Marriage and the Sabbath combine in these Last Days, even as prophesied!

3.) The End of the Reign of Sin (by bringing in Everlasting Righteousness): When the Marriage and the Sabbath Covenant are combined and fulfilled in Heaven.

This proclamation of the Marriage and the Fulfillment of the Sabbath Rest in heaven is a message the enemy of all righteousness has sought to hinder from ever coming to your ears…

Though there have been many dangers, toils and snares, this message shall, by Yahushuwah’s Grace, come to you today… Pray that we receive the Latter Rain today – which comes to us as a message of Righteousness fulfilled: even Messhiach in us the HOPE of Glory!

Our movement started under the POWER of what came to be known as the Midnight Cry! They were announcing the coming of the BrideGroom to the Marriage of His beloved Bride. But they understood at the time, that this message meant that Yahushuwah was coming to the earth at that time to rescue His bride… They didn’t understand at that time that the Marriage of the Lamb and His bride takes place in heaven!

“The proclamation, “Behold, the Bridegroom cometh,” in the summer of 1844, led thousands to expect the immediate advent of the Lord. At the appointed time the Bridegroom came, not to the earth, as the people expected, but to the Ancient of Days in heaven, to the marriage, the reception of His kingdom. “They that were ready went in with Him to the marriage: and the door was shut.” *They were not to be present in person at the marriage; for it takes place in heaven, while they are upon the earth*. The followers of Christ are to “wait for their Lord, when He will return from the wedding.” Luke 12:36. *But they are to understand His work, and to follow Him by faith as He goes in before God*. It is in this sense that they are said to go in to the marriage. {GC 427.1}

In the parable it was those that had oil in their vessels with their lamps that went in to the marriage. Those who, with a knowledge of the truth from the Scriptures, had also the Spirit and grace of God, and who, in the night of their bitter trial, had patiently waited, searching the Bible for clearer light—these saw the truth concerning the sanctuary in heaven and the Saviour’s change in ministration, and by faith they followed Him in His work in the sanctuary above. And all who through the testimony of the Scriptures accept the   same truths , following Christ by faith as He enters in before God to perform the last work of mediation, and at its close to receive His kingdom—all these are represented as going in to the marriage.” {GC 427.2}

We are to follow Yahushuwah into the Holiest of All and meet with Him there and stand by

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His side that we may be sealed and Married to Him in His Love!

There will be a remnant of Yahuwah’s people who will go in by FAITH into the Most Holy Place of the Heavenly Sanctuary and become the bride of Yahushuwah.In them the Vision of and Goal of the Plan of Redemption will be finally fulfilled. They will as the Bible says, “grow up into Messhiach” in a very significant way – in a way no other human being has fulfilled accept for Yahushuwah Himself.

After the Marriage in heaven takes place, 144,000 firstfruits of Yah’s people will be sealed never to sin again, for they will receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit and the Law of Yahuwah will be written in their hearts… This will happen while sin and Satan still reign on earth… But at that time after the 144,000 are sealed, the judgment of the dead and the living will have been completed by Yahushuwah in heaven, and the Lamb will then be freed from His Sacrificial ministry in heaven and He can return as King of kings and Lord of lords!

Then the earth will be plunged into one last conflict called “the great time of trouble” , worse than anytime time of trouble that had been on earth. At this time, the firstfruit 144,000 married bride of Messhiach will have to do something only Yahushwah has done so far: live in the direct sight of holy Yahuwah without a Mediating Intercessor in between! !!

And during this time, though severely temped by Satan, the 144,000 firstfruit married Bride of Yahushuwah will not sin – they will vindicate the character of Yahuwah against Satan’s lies for so many years when he said that man cannot obey the Law of Yahuwah, and that man cannot walk even as Yahushuwah walked…! But their testimony, which will be as a second witness to the testimony of Yahushuwah, will bring an end to the reign of sin and cause Satan’s kingdom to fall – this is the reason this message is coming to us last, at the end of the world.

When marriage takes place in Heaven and Messhiach is married to His bride: that is the same time that the “mystery of Elohim shall finished” in the hearts of a remnant of His believers! This is when the Yahuwah’s Vision of desire in the Plan of Redemption shall be reached!

“But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.” Revelation 10:7

So we have seen that the Most Holy Place of the sanctuary in heaven is become a sacred wedding chamber! This Yahuwah has been looking forward to for many years!

But when the bride of Yahushuwah enters in she discovers more in these sacred enclosures (as the prophet was shown in vision):

“It was represented to me that the remnant followed Jesus into the most holy place and beheld the ark and the mercy seat, and were captivated with their glory. Jesus then raised the cover of the ark, and lo! the tables of stone, with the ten commandments written upon them. **They trace down the lively oracles, but start back with trembling when they see the fourth commandment among the ten holy precepts, with a brighter light shining upon it than upon the other nine, and a halo of glory all around it.** They find nothing there informing them that the Sabbath has been abolished, or changed to the first day of the week. The commandment reads as when spoken by the voice of God in solemn and awful grandeur upon the mount, while the lightnings flashed and the thunders rolled; it is the same as when written with His own finger on the tables of stone: “Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work: but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God.” They are amazed as they behold the care taken of the ten commandments. They see them placed close by Jehovah, overshadowed

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and protected by His holiness. They see that they have been trampling upon the fourth commandment of the Decalogue, and have observed a day handed down by the heathen and papists, instead of the day sanctified by Jehovah. They humble themselves before God and mourn over their past transgressions.” {EW 255.1}

My friends, I am commanded to speak plainly to you. I have a message from heaven to deliver unto you today…You see, I hope that your utmost souls have been aroused and awakened by the Holy Ghost to accept the glorious invitation to be married unto the Lamb forever. But you must understand the character of FAITH that it take to follow Yahushuwah into the Most Holy Place to stand at His side for the marriage ceremony… You are going to have to accept and follow New Light which He has purpose to send and pour out to the last generation of people who shall live upon the earth…

Our movement has come this far by following what was at that time New Light at the beginning of our movement and our pioneers had to accept and follow the Light by FAITH.. Now Yahushuwah is ending us MORE LIGHT streaming from the Most Holy Place above – and accepting this New Light, which verily is the last full, REVELATION of Yahushuwah Messhiach – is how we shall show if we are indeed the bride of Messhiach…

In the quote above, Ellen G. White was shown in Vision that the remnant entered into the Most Holy Place by Faith and Yahushuwah opened the ark of the Covenant in heaven and they were surprised to learn, “They find nothing there informing them that the Sabbath has been abolished, or changed to the first day of the week. The commandment reads as when spoken by the voice of God in solemn and awful grandeur upon the mount, while the lightnings flashed and the thunders rolled; it is the same as when written with His own finger on the tables of stone”

This happened at the beginning of our movement. We were coming out of the dark ages and out of Babylon of Romish doctrines which obscured the Torah and the ministration of Yahushuwah in heaven…Here we learned that just what Yahuwah commanded at Mount Sinai, was the same from the beginning in Eden and that He certainly still required obedience to the same Righteousness as HE has in all ages.

The New Light we are to receive in this time of Marriage and Sealing is that the Sabbath commandment was to us a door, through which we were to advance and walk in the Light which continues to stream from the same place where we saw the Sabbath. We now see that the Sabbath is the primary Holy set apart time of gathering to the heavenly sanctuary. We are to keep and jealously guard all of Yahuwah’s sacred appointed times for gathering… His morning and evening times of prayer, His monthly times of gathering and renewal, and His yearly sacred Sabbaths along with the Weekly Seventh Day Sabbaths… this is truly the Sabbath Proclaimed MORE FULLY! As Sister White prophesied would come…

But there is more my friends. Please pray as you continue to hear the message…

When Yahuwah gathered the children of Israel before at Mount Sinai to proclaim to them His Torah, they did not realize at the time that they were hearing and agreeing to His Marriage contract!

“And Moses went up unto God, and the LORD called unto him out of the mountain, saying, Thus shalt thou say to the house of Jacob, and tell the children of Israel; Ye have seen what I did unto the Egyptians, and how I bare you on eagles' wings, and brought you unto myself. Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people : for all the earth is mine: And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel.” Exodus 19:3-6

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“Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:32Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which My COVENANT they brake, although I was an husband unto them , saith the LORD: 33But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people. 34And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.” Jeremiah 31:31-34

But the Ten Commandments were not the entire Marriage Covenant. The Ten Commandments are, as it were, the major Section headings of the entire Covenant – the rest of the Torah is the full Covenant!

To keep and fulfill the entire Marriage Covenant the Israel of Yahuwah must abide by all its terms…

Here is the New Light we must see and understand… Many of you are thinking, what about the Ceremonial Law which comprises a large portion of the Marriage Covenant… Yes, even that is still binding today and must be fulfilled!!!

Some of you may say, the Ceremonial Law was fulfilled at the Cross!!!Please listen friends and pray!It was the system of animal sacrifices and oblations offered by earthly priests in the earthly temple that passed away, but the Law Ceremonies itself, did not pass away until all be fulfilled!!!

The result of when the Ceremonial Law, yes, the entire Marriage Contract is fulfilled is expressed plainly in scripture:

“This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put

my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them; And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more. Now where remission of these is, Sacrifice for sin is no longer necessary.” Hebrews 10:16-18

Until the remnant are sealed and married to the Lamb, Sacrifice for sin is still necessary…

This is what was caused to cease when Yahushuwah died on the Cross:

“And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease…” Daniel 9:27

Listen how plainly inspiration reveals what this is saying:

““In the midst of the week He shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease.” Daniel 9:27. In the spring of A. D. 31, Christ the true sacrifice was offered on

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Calvary. Then the veil of the temple was rent in twain, showing that the sacredness and significance of the sacrificial service had departed. The time had come for the   earthly sacrifice   and oblation to cease .” {DA 233.2}

And while the earthly sacrifices of animals and oblations offered by priests on earth in an earthly sanctuary Yahushuwah caused to cease on earth, these ceremonies are clearly taken up by Him in the heavenly sanctuary:

“The typical shadows of the Jewish tabernacle no longer possess any virtue. A daily and yearly typical atonement is no longer to be made, but the atoning SACRIFICE through a mediator is essential because of the constant commission of sin. Jesus is officiating in the presence of God, offering up His shed blood, as it had been a lamb slain. Jesus presents the OBLATION offered for every offense and every shortcoming of the sinner.” {1SM 343.4}

Yahushuwah is “A minister of the sanctuary, and of the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, and not man. For every high priest is ordained to offer gifts and sacrifices: wherefore it is   of necessity that this Man have somewhat also to offer .” Hebrews 8:2,3

“And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission. It was therefore necessary that the patterns of things in the heavens should be purified with these; but the heavenly things themselves with BETTER SACRIFICES than these.” Hebrews 9:22,23

Paul draw this these principles from his knowledge of the Torah, which is the Marriage

Covenant… Paul teaches us by the Holy Ghost that until the sins of Yah’s people are

blotted out and the remnant are sealed and married to Yahushuwah, never to sin again,

this principal of the Ceremonial Law MUST OF NECESSITY still be binding and enforced:

“without shedding of blood is no remission”

We have a part to play in hastening the Marriage to come. We are to agree to the terms

of the Marriage Contract. Accept this Light by principal.. Do not consult what may seem

to you as difficulties in keeping Yahuwah’s sacred appointed gathering times for you to

meet with Him in heaven by faith. Accept the message as the Spirit of Truth… He will

guide you, bless you and teach you all things, whatsoever your Husband has commanded


Then once you accept the terms of the Marriage Covenant, which is verily the Sabbath

proclaimed MORE FULLY, then by faith you are to enter into the Most Holy Place, which is

the Marriage chamber, to stand by the side of the heavenly BrideGroom!:

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“Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, By a NEW and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh.” Hebrews 10:19,20

They way into the Holiest of all is through the veil, as Paul said which is Yahushuwah’s


The word Paul used to describe the NEW Way into the Holiest is the Greek word

Prosphatos: it means: newly slaughtered, freshly killed…

Don’’t fear or draw back! Yahushuwah has sent you this message to cleanse you, to

prepare you for the Marriage!!!

Listen, as we enter into the Most Holy Marriage chamber by FAITH... at first we saw the

Ark of the Covenant and the Law of Ten Commandments inside.. Next, as we understood

more we saw that not only the Sabbath but all of Yahuwah’ Sabbaths are still binding and

to be kept as part of His Marriage Covenant…

We now understand that as the children of Israel were to gather to the temple at

Jerusalem on earthly anciently, now we are to gather to the New Jerusalem in heaven – to

the temple which is there in heaven… it is here that WE ARE TO LOOK AND LIVE!! Where


This was prophesied to take place at the end of time when Yahushuwah would pour out

the fulness of “The Soul of His Life” – The Holy Spirit upon us:

“And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: AND THEY SHALL LOOK UPON ME WHOM THEY HAVE PIERCED, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn.” Zechariah 12:10 

Yahushuwah has been waiting a long time.. The time has come for His Desire of all ages

to be consummated! That is why He is sending these messages to you… These messages

are to work in our hearts cleansing and obedience, by ceasing from sin:

“If we would come to him, let us fix our eyes upon him; for he is full of grace and truth, and he will let all his goodness pass before us while he hides us in the cleft of the Rock. Then we shall endure as seeing him who is invisible, and by beholding him, we shall be changed into his image. The reason that we carelessly indulge in sin is that we do not see Jesus. We would not lightly regard sin, did we appreciate the fact that sin wounds our Lord.” {YI February 10, 1898, par. 3}

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“And they also which pierced Him.” These words apply not only to the men who pierced Christ when He hung on the cross of Calvary, but to those who by evil-speaking and wrong-doing are piercing Him today.Daily He suffers   the agonies of the crucifixion. Daily men and women are piercing Him by dishonoring Him, by refusing to do His will.” {ST January 28, 1903, par. 8}

“Christ as high priest within the veil so immortalized Calvary that though He liveth unto God, He dies continually to sin, and thus if any man sin, he has an advocate with the Father.” {1SM 343.1}

“Children of the Lord, how precious is the promise! How full the atonement of the Saviour for our guilt! The Redeemer, with a heart of unalterable love, still sheds his sacred blood in the sinner’s behalf.” {RH January 9, 1883, par. 21}

“Still bearing humanity, he ascended to heaven, triumphant and victorious. He has taken the blood of his atonement into the holiest of all, sprinkled it upon the mercy-seat and his own garments, and blessed the people. Soon He will appear the second time to declare that there is no more sacrifice for sin.”

The message that has come to you today was to awaken you to come to the Marriage…

To cause within you a great desire to follow the conviction of FAITH, the conviction from

the Spirit of Truth – to accept this Gracious Revelation from Heaven and determine

TODAY that you are ready to be married, that you are ready to free the Lamb from His

ministration for us, having to serve with our sins… waiting until He can fill us with His


In this context now hear this dream Sister White was given, that the wise of the last days

should understand:

“I dreamed of seeing a temple to which many people were flocking. Only those who took refuge in that temple would be saved when time should close. All who remained outside would be forever lost. The multitudes without, who were going their various ways, were deriding and ridiculing those who were entering the temple, and told them that this plan of safety was a cunning deception…

In my anxiety to reach the temple I did not notice or care for the throng that surrounded me. On entering the building, I saw that the vast temple was supported by one immense pillar, and to this was tied a Lamb all mangled and bleeding. We who were present seemed to know that this Lamb had been torn and bruised on our account. All who entered the temple must come before it and confess their sins. {EW 78.4}

Just before the Lamb were elevated seats upon which sat a company of people looking very happy. The light of heaven seemed to shine upon their faces, and they praised God and sang songs of glad thanksgiving that seemed to be like the music of angels. These were they who had come before the Lamb, confessed their sins,

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been pardoned, and were now waiting in glad expectation of some joyful event. {EW 79.1}

Even after having entered the building a fear came over me and a sense of shame that I must humiliate myself before these people. But I seemed compelled to move forward, and was slowly making my way around the pillar in order to face the Lamb, when a trumpet sounded, the temple shook, shouts of triumph arose from the assembled saints, an awful brightness illuminated the building, then all was intense darkness. The happy people had all disappeared with the brightness, and I was left alone in the silent horror of night. {EW 79.2}

Sister White in her dream was caused to feel the great horror that will come to those, who while desiring to be in the great Marriage ceremony in heaven, they delay in going into the sacred chambers by faith to FACE THE LAMB, WHO IS ALL MANGLED AND BLEEDING ON OUR ACCOUNT…

The Trumpet of the Great Jubilee will soon sound, announcing that the Judgment of the Great Day Atonement has been completed. The remnant will have been sealed and the Marriage consummated! The mystery of Elohim will have been fulfilled in them! They are prepared to live a trophies to the Triumph of the Plan of Redemption through the days of the great time of trouble until their BrideGroom shall come to deliver them after their POWERFUL TESTIMONY which end this present world shall be given. And Satan’s kingdom of Babylon will fall and be defeated in that day!

Do not delay my friends… Accept the revelation… Yes, there is much to learn, but the Spirit of Truth is hear today convicting hearts… Receive ye Yahushuwah is the fullness of His revelation that we may all go home with our BrideGroom very soon!

This is the Sabbath Proclaimed More FULLY! We are to jealously guard all of the Yahuwah’s Sacred set apart times of gathering to be with Him by faith in heaven, even His Daily meetings, His monthly times of refreshing and renewal, as well as His sacred weekly and yearly Sabbaths. We are to enter into His REST – which is the cease from sin…. BEHOLDING THE LAMB shall help us with this – by beholding what our sins still today do to our Lamb – we shall cry out to Him more fervently for that Promised POWER so that WE TRULY CEASE FROM SIN – this is entering into His Rest.

This is the POWER of the Marriage Covenant of the Lamb – that brings us Final Sabbath Rest:The Holy Spirit from Yahushuwah’s Infinite Sacrifice and His on-going ministration by His blood in the Heavenly Sanctuary – The Marriage of Sanctification and Justification which produces the Final Atonement – the Refreshing from the Presence of Yahuwah… This is the New Midnight Cry: “BEHOLD THE BRIDEGROOM COMETH GO YE OUT TO MEET HIM”!

Revelation 19:7-9: 

“Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is

come, and his wife hath made herself ready.And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints. And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God.”

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Revelation 19:17

“And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, COME AND GATHER YOURSELVES TOGETHER UNTO THE SUPPER OF THE GREAT EL”

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