marriage in the new testament


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Page 1: Marriage in the new testament


CO 620-W

Page 2: Marriage in the new testament

Introduction Established in the

beginning (Gen 1-3) Jesus’ words on the

subject Peter’s writings Paul’s writings

Page 3: Marriage in the new testament

Jesus’ Teachings Jesus directly

addressed few words about marriage, but affirmed its permanent nature as God intended it from the beginning

Matt 5:31-32 Mark 10:6-12 Luke 16:18

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1 Peter 3:1-7

In verses 1-6 wives are admonished to “be submissive” whether he is an unbeliever or a believer. Wives will win the heart of their husbands through godly behavior rather than through manipulative, controlling, fleshly mechanisms.


In verse 7 husbands are to display compassionate understanding; not dominance that issues forth from physical strength or from authoritarian attitudes.

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Paul’s Writings Wives-be

submissive Husbands-be loving

and compassionate

See chart, p. 62

1 Corinthians 7 1 Timothy 2 and 4 Ephesians 5:21-33

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Teachings from Ephesians Marriage is designed for Christians who live in

dependence on the Holy Spirit. Wives must be filled with the Holy Spirit to submit

to their husbands and husbands must be filled with the Holy Spirit in order to demonstrate unconditional, sacrificial love to their wives.

Male headship implies authority and female (wifely) submission is part of God’s design not merely a result of the Fall.

Marriage is part of God’s end-time purposes in Christ, part of the Spirit’s operation, and part of spiritual warfare.

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Marriage Viewed As

Sacrament (rejected as church tradition)

Contract (rejected as merely modern cultural view)

Covenant (implied in Scripture: a biblical view)

Köestenberger defines a covenant marriage as “a sacred bond between a man and a woman instituted by and publicly entered into before God, normally consummated by sexual intercourse” (2010, p. 73)

Review chart on p. 75

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A Theology of SexKöstenberger stated:

From a strict worldly perspective “sex exists for man’s pleasure and fulfillment” (2010, p.79).

From a biblically-informed perspective sex is procreational, relational/social, publically good, and pleasurable (2010, pp. 80-82).

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References Kostenberger, A. (2010).

God, Marriage, and Family: Rebuilding the biblical foundation, 2nd ed. Wheaton: IL, Crossway.

Cobb, R. Lecture Notes: Marriage and Family in the OT, Marriage and Family in the NT, 2010. From CO620-W, Luther Rice Seminary