marsham village news (24th edition)

If you can help with fundraising or would like more information about the project please contact Nicola Hibberd on 01263 733557 or email [email protected] . Thank you Marsham Village News 24th Edition June 2014 The deadline for the next edition is Monday 23 rd June 2014. Please note that the July edition will be the last one before September. Any articles, letters or adverts should be sent to [email protected] or, if anything needs typing, to Linda and Eric at 3 Cranes Lane. News on the Defibrillator As many of you will know from previous editions of the Newsletter, there is a group of people, led by Nicola Hibberd, trying to buy a defibrillator to be located at a convenient place in the village. The Newsletter and Village Hall Committee both strongly support this very worthwhile project. It could, literally, save lives. The current target is £2500 to cover purchase of a defibrillator and a special outside heated cabinet as well as installation. There will also be additional costs for training and information sessions and it is essential that there are funds available for replacement pads and for replacement batteries. The fund is already over £500. The Defibrillator Project team will be holding a Quiz Night on Friday June 6th at 7.30pm at The Plough Inn in Marsham. All the money raised will go towards the Project so please come along and support this important venture. There will also be a raffle on the night with some fantastic prizes donated by local businesses. Teams can include up to 6 people. Tables will need to be booked in advance (there are limited numbers) by phoning or emailing Nicola Hibberd contact details below. Thank you to Lynne Phillippo and Kim Greensmith for their generous donations this month.

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Page 1: Marsham Village News (24th Edition)

If you can help with fundraising or would like more information about the project please contact

Nicola Hibberd on 01263 733557 or email [email protected]. Thank you


Village News

24th Edition June 2014

The deadline for the next edition is Monday 23rd June 2014. Please note that the July edition will be

the last one before September. Any articles, letters or adverts should be sent to

[email protected] or, if anything needs typing, to Linda and Eric at 3 Cranes Lane.

News on the Defibrillator

As many of you will know from previous editions of the Newsletter, there is a

group of people, led by Nicola Hibberd, trying to buy a defibrillator to be located at

a convenient place in the village. The Newsletter and Village Hall Committee both

strongly support this very worthwhile project. It could, literally, save lives.

The current target is £2500 to cover purchase of a defibrillator and a special

outside heated cabinet as well as installation. There will also be additional costs

for training and information sessions and it is essential that there are funds

available for replacement pads and for replacement batteries. The fund is already

over £500.

The Defibrillator Project team will be holding a Quiz Night on Friday June 6th at

7.30pm at The Plough Inn in Marsham. All the money raised will go towards the

Project so please come along and support this important venture. There will also

be a raffle on the night with some fantastic prizes donated by local businesses.

Teams can include up to 6 people. Tables will need to be booked in advance (there

are limited numbers) by phoning or emailing Nicola Hibberd – contact details

below. Thank you to Lynne Phillippo and Kim Greensmith for their generous

donations this month.

Page 2: Marsham Village News (24th Edition)

Don’t forget to let us have details of any up and coming events which we will include on this page.

Send to [email protected] or deliver to 12 Old Norwich Road.

Mobile library in Marsham

The Norfolk County Council mobile library van will be in Marsham on

Monday 9th


July and 4th

August. The stop-off points are –

Le Neve Road - 15.30 to 15.45 Wathen Way - 15.50 to 16.05

Table Top Sale

The Village Hall Committee is holding a Table Top

Sale on the morning of Saturday 18th


Contact Jennie (733940) to book a table.

Page 3: Marsham Village News (24th Edition)

Letters to the Editor

The letters in this section are published unedited and do not necessarily reflect the views of the

editing committee. We see the Village Newsletter as a channel for people in the village to air their

views – positive and negative.

Whilst the Village Hall Management Committee

are happy for people in the village to occasionally

park at the front of the hall they are also

concerned that enough parking spaces are always

available for users of the hall. The hall is in use

most evenings (usually between 6.30 and 10.00)

and therefore we would ask that people do not

park there at those times. We understand that

people may not know whether or not the hall is

being used but perhaps the default position

should be that it is being used in the evenings.

Only people using the hall should park on the car

park at the back.

Village Hall Management Committee

NEWS FROM MARSHAM PARISH COUNCIL An update from Marsham Parish Council

Smell pollution from Wood Farm Composting, Marsham

On the afternoon of Friday May 16th 2014, David Harrison (our local County Councillor) attended a meeting with

senior managers at The Environment Agency headquarters in Norwich. A Marsham Parish Council representative was

also present.

At this meeting it was announced that the Environment Agency has formally and legally required the operator at

Wood Farm (NEWS) to make a number of structural improvements to the Marsham site in the hope that this will

make the composting operation compliant with the terms of its licence by the end of May 2014.

If the smell nuisance from the site continues after this date (this includes complaints from the public continuing into

June and beyond), The Environment Agency state that they will consider applying legal sanctions to the operation.

We know from the April EA bulletin, which was circulated in the previous Village Newsletter, that this could mean

anything from “…reducing the amount of waste that can be received to permit suspension”.

The Environment Agency has re-emphasised the importance of reporting distress or nuisance caused by odour from

the site through the usual channels:-

Freephone: 0800 80 70 60 (anytime day or night - and at any location)

We now have a unique opportunity to make our complaints count. It is obviously doubly important that the

residents of Marsham report each and every time they are bothered by the foul smell. Action now could bring about

real improvements to our environment.

Exercise your right to breathe clean air! Please help stop this terrible blight on our village.

Page 4: Marsham Village News (24th Edition)

Salad Days Fresh fruit & vegetables and plants

Fruit baskets a speciality Now taking card payments

Dennis Carroll

The Fruit Stall

Outside the town hall


T: 07788 133741

E: [email protected]

Free delivery to Marsham for orders

over £5.

Shoe Box T.Rayner

Shoe & Leather Repairs Bags, Backpacks, Polishes, Cleaners etc.

Blofield Loke, AYLSHAM

Independent Funeral Homes Ltd. We are a traditional family run funeral directors offering the

highest standards of personal service at competitive rates.

* Private Chapel of Rest * Pre-paid plans Available *

* Floral Tributes, Memorials and Catering Supplied *

* Home Visits at No Extra Charge *

We offer a wide and varied range of services and strive to ensure

that we fulfil and hopefully surpass your expectations whatever

they may be.

Tel: 01263 735161 (24 Hours)

The Old Bank, 2-4 Norwich Road, Aylsham, NR11 6BN










01263 731555 Mobile 07780604279


New builds Extensions Renovation

Roofing Drainage

Damp Proofing works Timber Treatment

Dry Rot Tanking

Free Surveys and Reports

01263 732763

Unit 6 Home Farm Business Park, Norwich Road, Marsham,

NR10 5PQ

If you would like to advertise in the newspaper, space is available at the following rates per year – 1/8 page £25, ¼ page

£40, ½ page £75. Contact Adrian at [email protected] if you are interested.

G.C.BOND est. 1920

01263 732259 Butcher

- Fishmonger - Fried Fish & Chips

Best quality local meat

Fresh fish from Lowestoft

Free delivery to Marsham - Tuesdays and Fridays

Page 5: Marsham Village News (24th Edition)


6th October 10.45am Harvest Festival

13th October 10.45am Holy Communion

20th October 10.45am Family Service

27th October 10.45am Family Service


1st June 10.30am Benefice Holy Communion at BURGH

8th June 11.30am Holy Communion

15th June 11.30am Family Service

22nd June 11.30am Family Service

29th June 11.30 am Family Service


28th June a concert by NORVIC CONCORDIA

an accordion band at 7.30pm admission £6


5th and 6th JULY 10am - 5pm both days. Admission Free.

Donations Welcome. Food available including bacon rolls.





13th May - 19th May sponsored by MR and MRS MEEKS in memory


Have you visited the Bric-a-brac shop in the Church yet?

You haven't? You must. You'll be surprised at what we sell.

Carer’s Week 9th to 13th June 2014 In support of Carer’s Week the Patient Participation Group at the Market Surgery in Aylsham has arranged for an information morning to be held at the surgery on Monday 9th June. An adviser from Norfolk Carers will be on hand to answer any questions, offer advice and signpost to support organisations. A private room will also be available for personal consultations. If you are a carer, or know someone who is, you might find it useful to see what help and support is available for people doing such a valuable job. The session will take place from 10am to 12pm. There will be information leaflets available and all are welcome.

Marsham Belles As part of the belated celebrations of 30yrs of the Marsham Belles, we are performing at two charity

strawberry teas.

Firstly, at the home of founder member Ann Eglington, Wheatsheaf House, Corpusty, on Saturday 5th

July starting at 2.30, raising money to help equip a school in Nepal.

The second event will be at the Village Hall Marsham on Sunday 20th

July, also at 2.30 in aid of the

Marsham Community Defibrillator Fund. Admission charge for both will be £3.50 which includes

some refreshments.

Page 6: Marsham Village News (24th Edition)

It has been a busy year to date.

We celebrated Valentine’s Day by decorating heart shaped biscuits which the children then gave to their parents

and we also made a card to give to the mums for Mothering Sunday. We also held an Easter Raffle to raise funds

for the group where many of the prizes were won by family and friends, including vouchers for the cinema in

Cromer, Family Membership for the Puppet Theatre, £10 gift voucher to be spent in the Theatre Royal, Norwich

and not forgetting the Easter Eggs.

This term we are going to Stompers in North Walsham on the 22nd May as the hall is being used for elections and

then after the half term break we will be making a card to mark Father’s Day. We are planning to hold a ‘fun

event & barbeque’ in the school summer holidays for past and present members, invites will be sent out in due


In the meantime the children have enjoyed painting, playing with the playdough, the varied toys that are

available to encourage learning plus listening to stories and playing the musical instruments during circle time.

We are a very small group at present and would love to welcome more families into the group. So if you have

young children under 5 years of age, please do come and join us on any Thursday morning between 9.15 – 11.30

am during term time.

A very warm welcome awaits you from all of us.

For further details please contact Corinne Houlden on 01263 733047

Page 7: Marsham Village News (24th Edition)

Marsham WI

In April Ruth Smith was our speaker with her talk entitled “Life with Nanny”. She read excerpts from her

book about her memories of being brought up by her Grandmother and talked about everyday items from

her childhood days.

In May 6 of our members went to the Woodforde Group meeting which this year was held in Reepham

Town Hall. The speaker on this occasion was a Consultant Anaesthetist from the Norfolk & Norwich

University Hospital. He gave an amusing presentation on the history of anaesthetics entitled “Life’s a Gas”,

and is obviously a man who loves his job as well as talking to WIs in his spare time.

If you go to the Royal Norfolk Show in June look out for the WI marquee where you will see many displays

and WI information which might be of interest to you.

Our June meeting is on 25th

when our speaker will be Mr Brian Hedge with his talk entitled “Cradle to the

Grave” New or returning members are very welcome to come along and join our meetings, transport need

not be a problem as we could arrange for you to be picked up if you need to be – call me on 01263 732606

or email at [email protected]. Meetings are usually held on the 4th

Wednesday of the month in

the Village Hall at 7.30pm. Details of our programme for the rest of 2014 are posted on our board to the

left of the kitchen entrance.

Dorothy McCall

News from Marsham Primary School

Last half term, Class 1 had some visitors for a few weeks… eggs which hatched in to little ducklings! The

children loved watching them grow and develop and were sad to see them go.

The children have been enjoying listening and responding to traditional tales such as “Jack and the

Beanstalk” and “The Gingerbread Man”. They have planted their own beans and some are now very tall!

Children in Years 3 and 4 had a great time visiting Norwich City Football Club. We saw the changing

rooms, the interview areas and the trophy cabinet. However, the children were most fascinated by the size

of the pitch (“I didn’t realise it was going to be so HUGE”) and the icebath.

Children in Years 3 and 4 have also had a day trip to the Dinosaur Adventure Park where we all had a

lovely time socialising and learning fascinating facts about dinosaurs. The children were absolute stars and

behaved impeccably. I felt very proud!

Children in Year 6 have had an intense few weeks preparing for SATs but they are now over so the

children are looking forward to a stress free end of year.

Date for your diary: Friday 18th July (pm) Marsham Primary School Summer Fayre

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