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IN THIS ISSUE: “Footprint for the Future” by Tim Steffen Generations on the Move: “Prayer” an interview with Jane Canady, Meredith Griffin, & Thomas Spohn A Book Review by Mike Hale MARTHA BOWMAN UMC APRIL 2014 NEWSLETTER

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Page 1: MARTHA BOWMAN UMC - Clover · from every one of us that are a part of Martha Bowman Church. It is not too

IN THIS ISSUE:“Footprint for the Future” by Tim Steffen

Generations on the Move: “Prayer” an interview with Jane Canady, Meredith Griffin, & Thomas Spohn

A Book Review by Mike Hale


Page 2: MARTHA BOWMAN UMC - Clover · from every one of us that are a part of Martha Bowman Church. It is not too

Tim SteffenSenior Pastor

[email protected]

Shortly after arriving as your Senior Pastor, members representing various ministries at Martha Bowman

approached me about needed repairs, and raised the possibility of renovating existing spaces on the church property for more effective ministry. As I walked through some of the buildings and looked over the grounds, I observed what some had legitimately identified. The Historic Sanctuary has interior wear concerns, the current design of our children and youth wings limits programing, and there is a need to ensure greater security of the property, just to name a few.

Last Fall, I made a special request of the Church Council to allow the Lay Leadership Committee (Nominations) to select a Facilities Task Force. This group, representing a wide range of our congregation, was responsible for comprehensively reviewing the entire property and existing structures. They were asked to envision how we could make our current “footprint” (physical plant) ready for the future, in our continued ministry to Macon. The Task Force co-chaired by Randy Griffin and Conie Mac Darnell, along with over 60 other leaders, offered an extensive and detailed report to the Church Council last month. We discovered these recommendations to be a good starting point, with more detailed prioritizing of needs to be worked out in the planning process. It was also determined to be more cost effective to address all of these improvements at once. The Church Council overwhelmingly affirmed the general recommendations reported by the Facility Task Force. Additionally, the Church Council requested that the Lay Leadership Committee select a Design/Build (Renovate) Team.

I’m excited to inform you that the Design Build Team has been selected and is active (see the names listed at the end of this article). These team members have pledged to invest large amounts of time and energy to address the enhancements that are much needed within our current facilities (no additional buildings are being considered). They are scheduled to report to the church leadership and larger congregation this summer. As with previous building and improvement projects,

Warren Associates Inc. has been secured as the construction firm to partner with us. Final approval for any renovation improvements will occur by way of a church-wide vote. A Capital Funds Campaign will occur in the Fall, calling us as a community of faith to be generous towards this important project.

Here is what I’m asking of you:

1) Begin to pray that God will work creatively through the Design/Build Team in an effort to position our church for greater ministry to the community.2) Stay informed and open minded as this important project moves forward. Updates will be communicated in worship services, and reports will be posted in our publications. We encourage you to approach Design/Build Team members with your questions.3) This is a “God Sized” Project! Know that any effort that makes a real difference will require great faith and sacrifice from every one of us that are a part of Martha Bowman Church. It is not too early to seek the Lord about your role in making the vision a reality. These are exciting days as we seek to point this special congregation toward the future in service to Jesus Christ!

- Tim

Design/Build Team:Randy Griffin (Chair)Conie Mac DarnellDonnie DavidsonShauna DavisJeff HansonWesley HaynesStephen JonesConnie MillerAmy RaulsDave Seagle

From the Senior Pastor: “Footprint for the Future”by Tim Steffen

Page 3: MARTHA BOWMAN UMC - Clover · from every one of us that are a part of Martha Bowman Church. It is not too


Prayer ListCircle of Concern: Brittany Foster, Betty Henderson, Gladys Hollis, Tommy Martin,Julie Melvin, Lydia Moss, Guy Parrish, Clyde Rogers, John Rohde, Kenny Scruggs, James Shepard

Extended Family: Doris Almgren (Hinton Harris’s sister),Barbara Bradberry (friend of Barbara Nolen), Steven Colley, John DeLancett (Bruce Childers’s Brother-in-law), Scotty and Chrissy Glenn (Sunnee Glenn’s daughter-in-law), Julie Henderson, Family of Nick Gergenti (family member of Becky Collinsworth), Jimmy Glenn (Sunnee Glenn’s brother-in-law), Margie Josey and family (Allen Zebell’s family), Jeni Kenny (Jim Hundley’s niece), Erica Lee (niece of Chris Wieters), The Cammie McCook Family (per Teri Hall’s request), David Moore,Tripp Poole (Rod and Cristy Holmes’s Nephew), Rob Scott’s Mother, Gayle Sheffield (Tommie Woody’s Daughter), Ron Smith (friend of Barbara Nolen’s), John Teague (friend of Jeff Hanson), Julian Zebell (Allen and Margie Zebell’s son). Active Military:Christopher Alston, Stan Fossett,Matthew Fossette, Dan and Shea Hicks, Jeff James, Jake Newberry,John Rogers, Tim Smith.

details:- this event will be on our campus in the back parking lot

- parking will be available in the church parking lot

- childcare will be provided from 10:40 am to 12:00 pm

- easily accessible restrooms

in the event of rain, we will meet in the clc

we will also have our regular 8:30 am traditional service on this day

the community is invited to Come enjoy...

- An outdoor worship service in our back parking lot

- followed by A free cookout

- & an Easter egg hunt for 2 YO-5th grade

OLDER ADULT MINISTRY - UPCOMING EVENTSBirthday Bash: April 22nd 11:45 am in the Gathering Area. Cost: $5.00.

Springtime by the Sea: May 5th-May 8th. Sign up for this great 3 night trip at Epworth by the Sea to tour historic churches in Darien, St. Simons Island, St. Mary’s and Fernandina Beach! The deadline to register is April 15th. For more information or to register for the above events, contact Kathy Griffin at the church office: 477-1901 | [email protected].

INTERESTED IN MEMBERSHIP?Then join us for the Exploring Membership Class on Sunday, April 27th, during the Sunday School hour in the church parlor. This class is not required for membership, but most who take it feel it helped them to become involved in a deeper discipleship. Tim Steffen will be our leader. Reservations are required by Wednesday, April 23rd, so we can have adequate seating, manuals, handouts, etc. Contact John Horton at 477-1901 | [email protected].

EASTER SUNDAYPlan to join us for Easter Services on Sunday, April 20th:

Sunrise Service: 6:30 am Wesleyan CollageNormal Sunday Worship Times:8:30 am | Traditional Service | Historic Sanctuary11:00 am | Contemporary Service | Christian Life Center11:00 am | Traditional Service | Historic SanctuaryNo Sunday School

Page 4: MARTHA BOWMAN UMC - Clover · from every one of us that are a part of Martha Bowman Church. It is not too

“Generations on the Move” is a feature that highlights different ways that people in our congregation are involved both within our church and our community. Each month we take a topic of interest and interview two to three people from our congregation from different generations, but that share a common interest. This month we are focusing on “prayer”, and we interviewed Jane Canady, Meredith Griffin and Thomas Spohn. The video of the full interview can be viewed in its entirety by visiting our Facebook page at This article highlights some of the key excerpts from their interview.

Anthony: What role has prayer played in your spiritual journey?

Thomas: Prayer is just so important to me, it’s important to my heart. I’ve gone through many things that most nineteen year olds have not gone through, having many operations, but knowing (that) there’s a God I can pray to (to) get through it is so important to me… just knowing that I can ask the Lord to comfort me is just amazing.

Jane: Prayer has just been a lifeline. Without prayer my spiritual life would not have gone anywhere. Of course it’s conversation with God. I’ve learned so much about trust: trusting God, (which) is incorporated into trusting others. The peace and the guidance that I have received from God through prayer has been monumental in my life.

Meredith: Prayer has been a very essential part of my life. It’s what my passion is. I didn’t always have it, I actually asked God for that passion… Over the years I’ve grown and matured in my prayer life, and God has done a lot of amazing things through my prayer life.

Anthony: Was there someone in particular who shaped your interest in prayer?

Meredith: I can’t just point out one person, there are probably several people. One is Wendee Goodman who was a former staff member here, and she led a lot of the Bible study courses that I took on prayer, and I really learned a lot through her. Jane also has helped grow my prayer life by drawing me into the prayer ministry.

Jane: Well Wendee and I walked a long path together in prayer ministry, and I would say she definitely was one of those people. We had a Tuesday morning prayer group, a study group that Meredith was a part of, and that was a great time of growth for all of us. Different ages, different stages in life, and God just grew us.

Thomas: I would say definitely my parents. They’ve always been my biggest prayer warriors through everything I’ve been through.

Anthony: How has prayer shaped your understanding of God?

Jane: Just the faithfulness. The word that God has just been pressing on me lately is trust... God is just always ready to listen, but also ready to answer.

Thomas: Prayer in the past couple of years definitely became essential to my everyday; I just wake up in the morning and pray. If I don’t do that, you can tell by 10 o’clock I’m like the Lord is tugging on my heart… The Lord also really has been showing me that he works on his time, not my time.

Meredith: My understanding of God through prayer has (come) through spending time with him first thing in the morning. I’m filled with his peace, when you give yourself fully to him, and you’re quiet before him.

Anthony: How does prayer relate to your participation within the church?

Jane: My participation within the church in relationship to prayer, for me it’s just all in one. Anything I’m doing related to the church has a prayer aspect to it. Yesterday (referring to March 23rd) the handbells were playing, and prior to the 11 o’clock service I was standing with one of them, and he was telling me all the handbells that he had to play, and he said, “it’s really a difficult piece and I’m really anxious. If I get one of them wrong it’s hard to catch up.” It was like a divine appointment, and we just stood there and prayed. Then later on he told me after the service, “you know, I was at peace, I was able to do what I needed,” and that’s just the way God does us, just so sweet.

Anthony: What are some practical things that people can do to grow in their prayer life?

Generations on the Move: “Prayer”by Anthony McPhail

Page 5: MARTHA BOWMAN UMC - Clover · from every one of us that are a part of Martha Bowman Church. It is not too

Meredith: Starting off (with) prayer every morning really helps my day; it just flows better.

Jane: A good devotional book, there are several that I’ve used over the years that are really good devotional books to give me a jump-start. And of course scripture… The scripture is the foundation on which I build my prayer time.

Anthony: What are some ways that people can get plugged in with prayer in the church?

Jane: Immediately right now, we have a prayer shawl ministry. Anyone that can crochet or knit that wants to make shawls, we knit them or crochet them, put them in the prayer room in a basket, and they are given to whoever needs them... We have the prayer room, which is just a wonderful place, a quiet place to go and pray. The prayer garden is another place that people are open to use. The prayer chain, one of our members Ed Gibbs leads the prayer chain, and that is when people need emergency prayer they email Ed and it goes out to over a hundred people that are going to pray for them, and you can join and be a part of that (signup at get-involved/prayer-chain). Sunday worship intercessors, we’re revitalizing that ministry, but it is praying for the worship

services that are going on Sunday mornings, and we need more people to be taking part in that. (Also) 3 Mile Mission, we’re going to be revitalizing that.

Thomas: We also have prayer for the (Contemporary) Service, prior to it at 10:30 am up in the CLC. We ask the Lord to move on our service, and move the hearts of the people, and it is an important time set apart for prayer.

There are many ways to be involved in the prayer ministry, and the good news is you do not have to be a prayer expert to get involved! We have been known as a praying church for years, and we look forward to continuing that special ministry in the years to come. Stay tuned for updates on how you can be involved in prayer ministry, as we look to revitalize our praying efforts over the course of the next few months.

“Without prayer my spiritual life would not have gone anywhere.”

Anthony McPhailAssociate Pastor

[email protected]

The Reason for God, by Timothy KellerBook Review by Mike Hale Rita and I first became acquainted with Timothy Keller and his book, The Reason for God, through our son Tony. Tony lived in New York City for eight years and attended Timothy’s church, The Church of the Redeemer. For years we kept hearing about Timothy and his church and the effective ministry that he offered. So when we learned of this book, it became a must read. Two years later, The Reason for God was chosen by our Francis Asbury Sunday School class as a basis for a series of fourteen lessons.

Together we have read The Reason for God three times over the past two years. Each time Keller’s messages have had a greater impact on our lives and our walk with Christ. Each chapter is very convincing and serves as building blocks for our faith.

Let me give you a taste of some of the ideas in his book. As an introduction, the book is divided into two parts. Part one, made up of seven chapters, is best described as a work of apologetics, meaning “a reasoned defense” of the

Christian faith. Keller answers questions such as “how could a good God allow suffering?”, “why isn’t Christianity more inclusive?”, and “How can a loving God send people to Hell?” Keller presents answers that he has developed over the past 30 years while ministering in his downtown Manhattan church, whose members have included young skeptics and critics who began their walk with very cynical mindsets. But Keller “applied traditional Christian teachings by respectfully helping the skeptics to look at their own faith-foundations while at the same time laying bare his own foundations to their strongest criticisms.” And it has worked.

However, it is the second half of the book, the section titled “The Reasons for Faith” that has had such a lasting impact on us. This section contains seven chapters with explanations to puzzling questions that have confounded us for years and we believe have confounded many Christians. In chapter ten, Keller puts to rest the question of the nature of sin, by simply defining sin as our “separation from God and our desire to serve ourselves instead of God”. He ends the chapter by saying “everybody has to live for something. Whatever that something is becomes ‘Lord of your life,’ whether you think of it that

way or not. Jesus is the only Lord who, if you receive Him, will fulfill you completely, and if you fail him, will forgive you eternally.”

It is Chapter 14, “The Dance of God” where Keller makes such a meaningful observation. He states that “nothing makes us more miserable than self-absorption, the endless unsmiling concentration on our needs, wants, treatment, ego and record.” His solution is “a community of people who could loose their self-centeredness, begin a God-centered life, and, as a result, slowly but surely, have all other relationships put right as well.”

It is probably clear how strongly we feel about the value of this book. Keller gives us answers to questions we have carried in our minds for years, answers in very simple terms, but answers that relate to us personally, and are illustrations of the truths and lessons of the scriptures. I would even place The Reason for God alongside CS Lewis’s Mere Christianity as a first choice read for new Christians wishing to establish some basic building blocks for a personal faith and a life’s calling.

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EASTER HOLIDAY SCHEDULE April 13th, Palm Sunday: We will meet for Holy Moly Sunday School only 9:40 am-10:40 am.April 20th, Easter Sunday - No Sunday School or 11 am kids worship. (Nursery and Preschool care provided for both)

SAVE THE DATES: Jungle Safari VBS Sunday evening June 22nd 5:00-7:00 pm Jungle Jam Kickoff and DinnerMonday-Thursday June 23rd-26th 9:00 am-12:00 pm

Kid CampJuly 18th-July 20th at Camp Kaleo in Forsyth, GA. Registration and details will be on our website ( on April 1st.

PRESCHOOL AND NURSERYEASTER EGGS NEEDED The Preschool and Nursery Ministries and iKids are collecting candy filled Easter eggs for our Easter egg hunt on Palm Sunday, April 13th. If you would like to donate eggs, please drop them off at the Connection Corner by April 10th. Please tape your Easter eggs shut so that they will not come open. (April 13th, Palm Sunday - childcare provided for 11 am worship). SUMMER & FALL MOTHERS MORNING OUTMMO Registration is still open for our Summer and Fall Sessions. Our MMO summer session will meet from June 2nd-July 31st. We will not meet during the week of VBS (June 23 or 26). Our 2014/2015 school year session will start August 4th. LOOKING AHEADMom’s Night Out: May 9th | Jungle Safari VBS: June 22nd-26th, Preschool Science Camp: July 7th-10th For more information about our upcoming events or MMO, please contact April. Like us on Facebook to stay connected:

YOUTHTIJUANA MISSION TEAM The youth team that will be traveling to Tijuana, Mexico June 7-15, 2014 are: Ashley, Meredith, Jake and Ansley Griffin, Jordan Steffen, Brenley Martinez, Chambers English, Tom Spohn, Elizabeth Charlton, Austin Samuelson, Jane Gibson, Wesley and Brooks Hanson, Hayden Spohn, Chandler Peavy, David Denson, Mary Mullis, Spencer Williams, Ellie Cape and Hagan Randolph.

Please pray for team growth and unity, God’s will to be done during the entire trip, God to prepare our hearts and the hearts of those we will be ministering to, and Spectrum Ministries and Staff.

Age-Level Ministries

Weekly ActivitiesPRESCHOOL & NURSERYSunday

9:40 AM Sunday School - PreK Wing

11:00 AM Worship - PreK Wing


9:00 AM Mother’s Morning Out -PreK Wing


5:15 PM PreK Choir - Rm 124

6:00 PM Fellowship Supper - CLC

6:30 PM Bible Time - PreK Wing


9:00 AM Mother’s Morning Out - PreK Wing


9:40 AM Sunday School - Reef

11:00 AM iKid’s Worship - Reef


5:15 PM iPraise Choir - Rm 103

6:00 PM Fellowship Supper - CLC

6:30 PM iConnect - Reef


9:40 AM Sunday School -Youth Area

5:15 PM Youth Choir - Choir Room

6:15 PM Student Pursuit (HS)* - Youth Room


6:45 AM Wake-Up! Middle School Breakfast - Chick-fil-A


5:30 PM Fellowship Supper - CLC

6:15 PM Underground (MS)** - Youth Area

7:00 PM Small Groups (MS)** -Various Locations

*HS - High School, **MS - Middle School

Ashley Griffin, Director of Youth [email protected] | 477-1901 ext. 116

Elizabeth Hammock, Director of iKids [email protected] | 477-1901 ext. 115

April Foster, Director of Preschool and Nursery [email protected] | 477-1901 ext. 121


Page 7: MARTHA BOWMAN UMC - Clover · from every one of us that are a part of Martha Bowman Church. It is not too

8:30 Traditional 11:00 Traditional 11:00 Contemporary

Worship Leader Charles Lewis Worship Leader Charles Lewis Host Brad Harrison

UshersLarry Defore, Jimmie Powell, Diane Prewett, John Rohde

Ushers John Higgison, Richard Norton, Ellen Phillips Scripture Reader Rachel Fortuna

Greeters Gretta Duncum, Jim & Rhonda Lidstone Greeters (9:40) Merrilyn Farmen,

Sherry Scruggs Prayer Table Susan Haney

Intercessory Prayer Intercessory Prayer Ushers

Kathy Geeslin, Andy Greenway, Dendy McCuen, Kent & Pat Moorhouse

Greeters (10:55) Harold & Carolyn Lemley, Joyce Lasater

Communion Servers

Carolyn Bradley, Charles & Nancy Kellum, Dianne Sapp

Communion Servers

Patrice Hancock, Winnie Hinton, Harold & Carolyn Lemley

Worship Leader Jimmie Powell Worship Leader Combined Service Host Combined Service

UshersSteve Alford, Ed Burns, Shirley Burns, Donnie Davidson

Ushers Mike & Maureen King Scripture Reader

Greeters John Rohde, Susan Fuerniss Greeters (9:40) Hank O’Neal,

Bobbie Googe Prayer Table

Intercessory Prayer Kim Noegel Intercessory Prayer Jimmie Powell Ushers

Kevin Adams, Kent Elliott, Lynn Faulkner, Mark Friar, Camille Wilson

Greeters (10:55) Anna Jones, Sally Morgan

Worship Leader J.C. Daniel Worship Leader Andrew Strickland Host Anthony McPhail

UshersDavid Becker, Bob Delancey, Bruce Gerwig, Richard Mines

UshersPaul Firth, Bernard & Wende Meyer Von Bremen

Scripture Reader Walt Miller

Greeters Laurie Gerwig, Ken & Kim Tyson Greeters (9:40) Brenda Chapman,

Melba Wilkinson Prayer Table N/A

Intercessory Prayer Kim Lanford Intercessory Prayer Ushers

Lee Oliver III, & IV, Becky Oliver, Jeff, Joshua & Stephanie Surles

Greeters (10:55) Shauna Davis, Sara Forehand

Communion Servers N/A (Easter Sunday)

Worship Leader Jeff Hanson Worship Leader Jeff Hanson Host Ashley Brown

UshersMerrilyn Farmer, Jimmy Melvin, Cathie Resseau

Ushers Norm Zerkus Scripture Reader Sam Huggins

Greeters Larry Freels Greeters (9:40) Lynn Faulkner, Carol Alford Prayer Table Sam Huggins

Intercessory Prayer Sunnee Glenn Intercessory Prayer Virginia Tyndall Ushers Randy & Betsy Griffin,Smokey Sutherland

Greeters (10:55) Dona Reid, O’teria Seagle









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Server Schedule

Page 8: MARTHA BOWMAN UMC - Clover · from every one of us that are a part of Martha Bowman Church. It is not too

Calendar of Events

Finance Report

Martha Bowman United Methodist Church500 Bass Road Macon, GA 31210P: (478)477-1901 F: (478)

Sunday ServicesTraditional | 8:30 a.m. | Historic SanctuaryContemporary | 11:00 a.m. | Christian Life CenterTraditional | 11:00 a.m. | Historic Sanctuary

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

























25 26

For a complete list of weekly calendar events, please go to

APRIL 2014

sermon archives

27 28 29 30

Alzheimer’s Support Group/ 10:00 am/Rm 142

SPRC Mtg/ 6:30 pm/Rm 110

MMO Field Trip/ 9:30 am/Off Site

Easter Cantata/ 7:30 pm/Sanctuary

Spring MBU Ends *Supper and Age-Level

Activities continue until May 14th

YTD 2/28/2014 YTD 3/27/2014

Sources of Funds 167,631 252,997

Uses of Funds** (169,808) (253,889)

Sources Over (Under) Uses 2,177 892

Memorial Gifts

Gift to the Prayer Ministry in honor of Barbara Keene by Kim Lanford

Gifts in memory of Cherie Rowell, Debora Chambless’s sister by: Rosa Shaheen, Glenna Meyer

Gift to the Music Ministry in memory of Inez Gladney Owens, Dorthy Tyde’s aunt, by Bill and Becky Wells.

**Prepaid Jan-April budgeted apportionments in the amount of $38,112

Without Walls/11:00 am/Back parking lot

EasterFishers of Men/

6:00 pm/CLCOlder Adult

Birthday Bash/ 11:45 am/Gathering Area

Exploring Membership/ 9:40 am/Parlor

Roberta Gardiner Circle/ 7:00 pm/Home of Zeta Chambless

Joy Circle/ 10:00 am/Rm 110

Confirmation Mission Retreat/ Off-Site