martin - judges, lawyers and other destroyers (corrupt judicial system)(1992)


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Every state in America is facing serious problems. Specifically, there are economic hardships and various violations of peoples' rights. Rather than solving these problems, the situation continually gets worse.

When the facts are studied, it becomes clear that the prime cause of the problems facing the American people (the honest ones) falls on the shoulders of the bankers and other money-lenders.

These money-creating, money-lending thieves could not get away with their destructive schemes if it were not for the nations's corrupt system of justice.

Laws are on the books for most borrowers to save their property and stop other violations of their rights. But the laws do little good because standing in the way is the judge/lawyer gang.

Many states provide the means for people to make these characters obey the law. North Dakota is the first state where the people are taking the necessary steps.

This short booklet gives a good view of the judge/lawyer problem - and what North Dakotans are doing about it.

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Throughout history, lawyers have earned an unsavory reputa-tion. Their evil deeds have brought them to the pinnacle of power, and along with this power - corruption. About lawyers, famed political writer H.L. Menken wrote:

"All the extravagance and incompetence of our present government is due, in the main, to lawyers... They are responsible for nine-tenths of the useless and vicious laws that now clutter the statute books, and for all the evils that go with the vain attempt to enforce them. Every Federal judge is a lawyer; so are most Congressmen. Every invasion of the plain rights of the citizens has a lawyer behind it. If all lawyers were hanged tomorrow. ...we'd be free and safer, and our taxes would be reduced by almost one half."

While most lawyers would deserve such a fate, there is a more humane way then hanging to put a halt to the violation of peoples' rights by the judge/lawyer gang. That way is to return the administration of justice to the people as mandated in the constitution of the United States, and as the courts operated before these destroyers gained control.

In some states, where the people have the right of initiative, steps are being taken to curb, by law, abuses by the judge/lawyer gang who administer justice for their benefit, and for the benefit of the Big- Money Boys.


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It is difficult to find a family in America where some member of the family or close friend hasn't had a bad experience with the judge/lawyer gang. And it is safe to say that in most cases the rights of the victims have been violated by a prosecuting attorney and a person in a black robe, or by "Officers of the Court" - the lawyers.

These devious characters, along with the equally devious bankers, have caused more heartaches and destroyed more lives of decent Americans than any other group in our country's his-tory.

How do these destroyers (the bankers and the judge/lawyer gang) get away with their criminal acts? To understand why, let's review history:


Early in the formation of our country, the colonists were well aware of the evils that threatened their survival, thus they viewed one of these evils, lawyers, with contempt. In Connecticut, lawyers were allowed to represent a person in court, but were forbidden to charge for their services. Virginia barred lawyers completely. However, people with criminal mentality are usually very clever. So it is with most lawyers. Through involvement in politics, those who wished to control the court system were able to break down the barriers against lawyers.


The bankers were far ahead of lawyers in gaining influence as the country grew. When the colonies gained their independence from England and set up an alliance with each other called "The United States of America," the bankers were already powerful enough to force the establishment of a national bank under their control (1791).

When Andrew Jackson took over as president in 1833, he


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"You bankers are a bunch of vipers and I will rout you out; if the American people ever find out how you operate there will be a revolution before morning."

President Jackson did rout them out. He pulled the government's money out of the bank, then shut it down in 1836.

When Jackson left office, the banking vipers began slithering back into power, and by 1913, they were ready for the big coup -the complete takeover of our nation's monetary system, but before the banking vipers pulled off their takeover in 1913, they apparently felt they needed protection for their planned unlawful act. The logical move was to get control of the courts. So -

In 1909, four years before that year of infamy, the banking vipers took the weak lawyers union and began building it into the powerful American Bar Association which dominates our nation's courts today.


Lawyers are very active politically. It is this political action that has given the bar association its power. Take note that in the last session of Congress, 62 of the 100 senators were lawyers, and about 42% of the representatives were lawyers. The legal profession is over-represented, don't you think?

With this powerful block of legalities in Congress, they are able to enact legislation which enhances the power and financial opportunities of the judge/lawyer gang.

Besides giving them almost unlimited (though unconstitu-tional) authority in the courts, the judge/lawyer dominated legislative and executive branch of our government has put into effect thousands upon thousands of laws, rules and regulations that, in effect, provide more work for the rapidly growing number of lawyers. These laws, rules and regulations result in the drain of more money from the pockets of decent, law-abiding citizens, as well as taking away their liberties. It is almost impossible for citizens to go through a day without breaking one of these unconstitutional laws, rules or regulations. While a


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great many of these laws are not often enforced, they are on the books awaiting some corrupt lawyer to dig out and use against some unsuspecting citizen.


For lawyers to operate in the judicial branch of government is within their constitutional right (as long as they obey the con-stitution in doing so). But for a lawyer to serve in Congress (and state legislatures) or the executive branch of our government is strictly forbidden.

Our founding fathers, having experienced life under an op-pressive government, realized of placing too much power in the hands of one body. Therefore, in writing the Constitution, they made provisions for three branches with the specific intent that they should operate independent of each other, and each was to be a check on the other two.

Consequently, lawyers, operating in the judicial branch as they do, are forbidden to serve in the executive branch. But they get away with it because we weren't taught this fact in our state approved schools.

As you can imagine, when any group gets into the position where its members: (1) make laws; (2) decide on the validity of the laws; and (3) administer the laws, they are in a dictatorial position free to rob people through exorbitant (often uncon-stitutional) taxes, and to fine and even imprison people who have broken no valid law. The legal profession has achieved this position.

The only thing that has restrained them from going all the way in carrying out the goal of their masters (the bankers) is that the American people, sensing danger, have wisely refused to surrender their guns - so far.


In viewing involvement of lawyers in any government posi-tion, there is another factor to consider: most lawyers (and their patrons, the bankers), are members of what I will refer to


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as the Secret Brotherhood."

To become a member of the Secret Brotherhood, an initiate must take an oath. In it they swear to place their oath to the Brotherhood above any other - under severe penalties - even death for violating the oath.

In taking this oath, they also swear to not reveal any of the secrets of the Brotherhood. What secrets? Well, for instance, on page 183 and 184 of their handbook it says it's OK to "Cheat, wrong or defraud" others - even the government, but "be careful not to cheat, wrong or defraud" members of the Brotherhood.

It further states, "You must conceal all crimes of your brothers (members of the Brotherhood) except murder and treason, and these only at your option."

Having taken this oath, any person accepting a government position is possibly committing a criminal act by taking the oath of office which is to uphold the Constitution of the United States. After all, the oath to the Brotherhood SUPERSEDES ALL OTHERS. Few members of the Brotherhood are able to break this oath and get away with it. Remember, most lawyers (judges are lawyers, too) belong to this Secret Brotherhood.


Mark McCormick, a former lawyer and author of the book, "THE AWFUL TRUTH ABOUT LAWYERS," wrote that as of 1987, there were 800,000 lawyers in America, and he predicted that by the mid-1990s, the number of lawyers would go over the million mark.

What is especially alarming is that the number of lawyers has increased 100% (doubled) in the last 20 years while the popula-tion grew only 20%.

The famed Jackson, Wyoming lawyer, Gerrv Spence, in his book "WITH JUSTICE FOR NONE" wrote:

"With the halls of the courthouses teeming with lawyers, the skyscrapers bulging with lawyers, the streets of our cities packed with lawyers, the people are still without fighters, for they (the lawyers) have gone on to other wars for other


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causes. Like mercenaries they wrangle and scheme for money wherever money can he found.

"Nothing is more expensive to society than populating the ranks of the profession with lawyers who have NO CONSCIENCE or MORAL VALUES.

"All the lobbying in Congress, all the maneuvering and wrangling for bills, all the positive, creative, reformatory, legislative labor, is for naught - for the ultimate power rests in the HANDS OE THE JUDICIARY.

With this bastion of lawyers, we can expect more laws, rules and regulations for decent citizens to violate in order to provide enough work for this army of legalities.

Many, if not most, laws, rules and regulations are unconstitu-tional and thus not law. But the subversives in black robes enforce them as if they were law. They do so in spite of the fact that the Sixteenth Jurisprudence, Second Edition, Section 256 states, in part:

"The general rule is that an unconstitutional statute, though having the form and name of law, is in reality no law. An unconstitutional law, in legal contemplation is as inoperative as if it had never been passed."

A couple of years ago, I was discussing unconstitutional laws, rules and regulations with a retired judge in Minnesota. He said, "I agree, most of the laws, rules and regulations on the books today are unconstitutional. But if a judge didn't enforce them, he'd be without a job."

This is no excuse for judges to violate their oath of office which is to uphold the Constitution. Since these unconstitutional laws are taking from citizens their money, property and their God-given rights, judges are engaging in subversion. But the way the judge/lawyer gang has set up the legal machinery, there is little decent citizens can do about it without resorting to violence.

Oh sure, people can file charges with The States (County) Attorney, District Attorney or U.S. Attorney. But these jokers


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can sit on a case until hell freezes over - and this they usually do when the charges are against a judge, lawyer, banker or other destroyer. If a prosecuting attorney does go ahead with a case against one of the destroyers, the judge can be counted on to declare the charges "frivolous," or some other act of chicanery.

Under the present judge/lawyer dominated system, decent people have no recourse to justice when they have had their rights violated by the judge/lawyer-banker crowd. The legal vultures are guarding the legal hen-house.


The Sheriff of a county is the- only elected law enforcement official in the nation. It is the Sheriff who is the chief executive officer in a county. It is his job to keep peace in the county. No one is exempt from obeying the law (the Constitution) - including IRS agents and other government officials. After all, the Sheriff takes an oath to uphold the Constitution. But that isn't the way Sheriffs operate today.

Sheriffs are little more than errand-boys for the blackrobed dictators. Sometimes the orders given them by Judges are lawful; many times they are not.

It is the Sheriff and his deputies who have the guns. And it is Judges who point the boys and girls with the guns in the direction of chosen victims. Instead of protecting the victims from unlawful acts committed by Judges, nearly all Sheriffs obey or-ders given by these Judges like good little errand-boys.


If you think I have made some harsh statements about lawyers, you must read what decent lawyers and former lawyers have to say. For instance, Mark M. McCormick, author of "The Terrible Truth About Lawyers" wrote:

"Lawyers 'look out for their own - at the expense of the rest of us.'

"...too often; it's the lawyers who:

1. Gum up the works;


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2. Get people mad at each other;

3. Make business procedures more expensive than they need to be..."

"...bad laws and bad lawyering cost us money, as business people and as taxpayers."

Take special note of this comment by Mr. McCormick:

"I would say that probably the best way to deal with lawyers is to not deal with them at all."


People who think lawyers will help them get justice in the courts, especially when they are up against the government or the Big-Money Boys, should take note of a poll conducted by FAMILY FARM FORECLOSURE LEGAL ASSISTANCE PROJECT (FFFLAP).

FFFLAP polled 641 people who had been in court during the previous two years facing either the government, lending in-stitutions or large corporations. They found that:

98% of them lost in court; 97% of those who hired lawyers were sold out by their lawyers.

Why would the masses get such a raw deal when facing the government, lending institutions or large corporations in court? It is easy to understand when you realize that the lending in-stitutions (bankers) own Congress.

The bankers were powerful enough by 1913 to get enough members of Congress to pass the Federal Reserve Act which gave the bankers control of our nations's money system. Who picks the candidates whom we Americans vote for? Charles Lindbergh, Sr. of Minnesota (in 1914) answered that question when he said:

"The major candidates for both political parties are picked by.


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the bankers."

It could be expected that the bankers would pick, as candidates, people from their front line of protection (lawyers), or others of weak character who are willing to act and sell out their constituents for prestige, power and financial gain.

About political candidates, Richard Neeley, Chief Justice of the West Virginia Supreme Court, in his book "How The Courts Rule America" wrote:

"Political candidates can be sold (to the voters) like soap or toothpaste. With enough money it is possible for a good advertising firm to build a candidate an image of courage, honesty, persever ance and diligence..."

Judge Neeley's book "How The Courts Rule America" should have been entitled "How The Bankers Use The Courts To Rule America."

Now you know why people nearly always lose in court when facing the government or lending institutions. But why do people end up on the losing end when facing large corporations in court? In a letter to Albert Gallatin 200 years ago, Thomas Jefferson gives a good indication "why?" with this warning:

"If the American people allow the banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive people of all their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers occupied. The issuing of money should be taken from the banks and restored to Congress and the people to whom it belongs."

Look around and notice: small independent businesses are being replaced by large corporations, just as Thomas Jefferson predicted would happen if private bankers ever got control of our nation's money system. These large corporations are owned by, or operate under the umbrella of, the bankers. This explains why the small guy loses in court when up against a large corporation.


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The goal of the super-wealthy bankers is to weaken our country and force us into a one-world government under their domination. It would be risky for the banking clique to try and subvert the United States through the force of arms since the American people have wisely refused to surrender their guns. So the bankers are doing it through control for our nation's money.

Mayer Amschel Rothschild, the grandfather of international banking, is credited with saying:

"Let me control the issuing of money in a country and I care not who passes its' laws."

By gaining control of the judge/layer gang, these bankers have assurance that their debt-money scheme is protected. And let any farmer or other property owner try to stop an unlawful foreclosure by the money-lenders (money creators) and the judge/lawyer gang can be counted on to protect the fraudulently operating lenders.

If you wish to get a good understanding of the corrupt debt-money system operating in America today and what can happen if anyone challenges their unlawful racket, read "BASHED BY THE BANKERS" by Byron Dale, a former South Dakota rancher.


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The year 1913 was a good one for the bankers, but a disastrous one for the law-abiding, working-class American people. Besides getting Congress to pass the Federal Reserve Act which gave the bankers control of our nation's money and credit, these banking thieves succeeded in getting an income tax law passed - the Sixteenth Amendment.

It has been discovered and proved beyond doubt that not even one state lawfully ratified the Sixteenth Amendment. Yet, the Secretary of State, Philander Knox, declared the states had done so and the income tax amendment became law. But did the Sixteenth Amendment (even if it had been lawfully passed) levy a new tax - an income tax? Read the following court decisions and you decide:

In Brushaber v. Union (240 US 1) Chief Justice White, writing for the Supreme Court, stated:

"We are of the opinion that the confusion...arises from the conclusion that the 16th Amendment provides for a hitherto unknown power of taxation... That is an erroneous assumption."

In Tyee v. Anderson (240 US 103) Chief Justice White, in giving the opinion of the Court, said:

"By previous ruling, it was settled that the provisions of the 16th Amendment conferred no new power of taxation."

This alone should lead you to suspect that there is a lot more monkey business surrounding the income tax - and there is!!! Senator Bellmon of Oklahoma, testifying before a congressional committee said:

"In a recent conversation with an official of the Internal Revenue Service, I was amazed when he told me, 'If the


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taxpayers of this country ever discover that the Internal Revenue Service operates on 90% bluff, the entire system will collapse."'

What did the IRS agent mean by bluff? Well, we stupid tax-payers are led to believe that we are required to file income tax reports, but in the court case of Gamer v. US (424 US 648, the Court referred to a previous Court ruling:

"The Court held that the (5th Amendment) privilege could be exercised by simply failing to file."

Interesting isn't it? And regarding the practice of IRS asking taxpayers to produce records, the following should also foe of in-terest.

In the case of US v. Dickerson (413 Fed Rep 2nd Series), Jus-tice Cummings wrote:

"Only a rare taxpayer would be likely to know that he could refuse to produce his records to IRS agents."

In 1969, Chief Justice Earl Warren said:

"Our system of taxation is based on voluntary assessment and payment not upon distraint (oppression or force). Flora v. US (362 US 179).

There is a lot more, and you can read it in "How To Save 100% On Your Income Tax." Now this statement by former Governor J. Bracken Lee of Utah should really stir your thinking;

"There has never been anything more destructive of our form of government than the Sixteenth Amendment. Had those who brought about its passage been interested in the people, they would not have lied, cheated and tricked them into adopting anything so completely incompatible with our Constitution. When they say the government needs this money, they lie, because there are others means of collecting the needed funds without destroying the freedom, or taking away the rights, which the people had while the courts still


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honored the Constitution."

Governor Lee brought out five key points that we must keep in mind when viewing the income tax:

1. The income tax is destructive;

2. the people behind the income tax amendment lied and cheated to get it passed;

3. when the government says it needs this money, they lie:

4. the method of collecting income taxes (the IRS) destroys freedom and takes away the rights of the people;

5. the courts don't follow the Constitution.

As far as the government needing the income tax to raise money, take notice that, like the Federal Reserve, the IRS has never been audited. So we don't know how much the IRS (the bankers other arm) collects from the people, nor what it does with the money it collects.

Obviously we are the victims of the fraud and corruption sur-rounding the income tax. We are victims of IRS agents who bluff and bully people into surrendering a large part of their earnings: The scoundrels in black robes who are in bed with the IRS extorters; and the country Sheriffs who allow the IRS thieves to operate in their counties - and who in many cases aid and abet IRS agents in their crimes.


That the IRS is a subversive organization, there can be no doubt. Information revealed by Paul DesFosses, President of the "National Coalition of Whistleblowers" leaves no doubt that the IRS is a subversive organization designed to help destroy America.

The IRS Whistleblowers is an organization made up of current and former IRS agents who are well aware of IRS abuses and who are working to stop these abuses.

Paul DesFosses, a retired twenty-year veteran of the IRS


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speaking to a concerned citizens group, revealed three secret IRS projects:

"The IRS has published a little book called the 'Illegal Tax Protesters' Information Book.' And if you want to see what's going on inside the IRS, read this book.

"It talks about groups and churches that are being targeted by the IRS. In it, you will find it basically boils down to this: The IRS is targeting churches that hold spurious beliefs- and do you want to know what those spurious beliefs are? It's any church that believes in the second coming of Jesus Christ, and any church that believes in a climatic ending - or the Revelation of John.

"Let me tell you about another IRS project that we must expose. In 1984, the IRS put into effect a five-year plan. This plan had 52 secret directives. One of those directives provided for a massive computer system on every taxpayer in America - over 100 million dossiers. These dossiers are files which consist of even non-tax information. You might wonder why the IRS would be collecting information on you concerning your long distance telephone calls or your business applications. The information that was amassed is almost unbelievable - everything that is recorded anywhere at any level of government is going into your dossier.

"Did you apply for a student loan? Have any of you applied for a credit card? All of that information is going into a dossier on you. And do you want to know why five-year olds must have social security numbers? because the IRS wants to start their dossiers with their first grade record. That's what is happening here in America.

"Beginning October 1, 1987, a whole new division of the IRS had been set up. It is a division called the 'Special Compliance Division.' Their goal is to ELIMINATE ONE MILLION (1,000,000) SELF-EMPLOYED IN THIS COUNTRY A YEAR FOR THE NEXT FIVE YEARS.

"Sometimes the IRS bites off more than it can handle. The IRS plans to attack five million Americans and that's a whale of an army. We've got five million self-employed in


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this country and they are going to wake up. And you've got millions of others whose churches have been put on the IRS target list and they are going to wake up."

It appears the IRS did bite off too much in their ambitious plan to break all the self-employed. This probably can be attributed to the growing tax rebellion, and the IRS has its hands full just trying to keep the growth from exploding into a full-scale rebellion. The growth of people who have stopped paying income taxes is due to:

1. More people have learned that the income tax is destructive and have stopped paying out of patriotism.

2. Researchers have learned more about how the IRS unlawfully operates and have taken steps to help people force IRS agents to obey the law.

3. Economics have forced some people to decide whether they will pay income taxes or feed their families. Feeding the family usually comes ahead of the IRS.

While the growth in the tax resistance movement is en-couraging, more people need to learn that the income tax is un-necessary, destructive and, as administered, unlawful. If enough people learn that 90% of what the IRS does to collect money is bluff, the entire system will collapse as the IRS agent told Senator Bellmon.

While the IRS apparently will not reach its goal of eliminating five million self-employed in five years, it is quite obvious the IRS will keep nibbling away until eventually it accomplishes its goal.

The twin evils of banking with its debt-money system and the bankers left arm (the income tax with its KGB-type collection agency - the IRS) are the main tools being used by the super-rich bankers to weaken our country and force us into a one-world government. Most of the other problems faced by Americans today stem from these two sources.

Neither of these two evils could continue to make life miserable for decent Americans if it were not for our corrupt courts which operate under the dictatorial direction of judges


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who act as if the Constitution was a piece of toilet paper.


During May of 1989, the American Bar Association sponsored a seminar for trial lawyers, instructing them how to use court law against religious organizations and individuals. Evidence indicates the main targets are Christian institutions and individuals.

According to Attorney J. Shelby Sharp (Calcedon Report, October 1989), "Was has been declared and Christianity is in a fight to the death."

The attack is being carried out through our judicial system. Notice from the following number of cases involving churches how the attack against Christianity has exploded:

In 1976, there were 45 cases involving Christianity.

In 1980, there were 2100 cases involving Christianity.

In 1982, there were 4000 cases involving Christianity.

In 1985, there were 8000 cases involving Christianity.

In just ten years, the court cases involving Christian churches has mushroomed from 45 to 8000 a year. It should be obvious that the anti-Christian forces are using our corrupt courts to destroy Christianity.


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This statement will likely irritate many Christians, but it would be negligence on my part to not address it.

Most of America's clergy are failing in their duty to be true "Shepherds of their flock." They are failing to warn their flocks of the dangers confronting them and failing to lead the fight to eliminate these dangers.

This neglect is due to three factors:

1. There are clergymen who are infiltrators who use the pulpit to deceive their flock.

2. There are many who are completely ignorant of the dangers.

3. There is a large number who fail to speak out about the dangers and take action because, in their flocks, there are lawyers, judges, bankers and other destroyers. The wimp in the pulpit, with one eye on the collection plate, fears these destroyers will depart from his church, leaving the collection plate with less loot. Also, because he has allowed his church to be incorporated and thus a creature of the State, he fears losing his IRS tax-exempt status. He must obey his boss - the State, and put the State before God.

It was Christianity that built America into a great nation. Today's Christians, deceived by their "Shepherds," are sitting idle as the lawyers, judges, bankers, and other destroyers are weakening it, and thus helping lead us into a socialist, one- world government.



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A great stink is being raised about the quality of education our young people are getting in our nation's schools. Lack of basic skills is the main target of criticism. But WHAT is being taught in Social (socialist) Studies is of equal, if not greater, importance.

I have a master's degree in education and taught in public schools for 12 years. It is disturbing to me to have learned that the history books used in our state approved schools are filled with lies, distortion, and omission of important events.

If anyone wishes to try and prove what I have said is wrong, I issue this challenge:

Prove the state approved history books do not contain lies, distortion and omission of important events, and I will walk from San Francisco to Washington, D.C. carrying a sign that says:


One serious omission in state approved curriculums is the Communist Manifesto.

There are 10 planks in the Communist Manifesto. Three are of special importance to this book.

2nd plank: "A heavy progressive income tax." (There it is! By paying income taxes, people are following the Communist Manifesto instead of the Constitution of the United States. And they are helping to destroy our country.)

5th plank: "Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly." (By creating a central bank, the super-wealthy bankers knew they would soon gain total control of it.)



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10th Plank: "Free education for all children in public schools." (This one is of great importance to those destroyers who advocate one- world government.)

A school where students would be given books from all sour-ces relative to history would be disastrous to the super-wealthy bankers and their flunkies. There are many books, magazines, newspapers and newsletters that tell the truth about banking, the income tax and other important facts of history. But teachers who dare bring them into the classroom would likely find themselves without a job. Only state approved history books and state approved resource materials are allowed in state approved schools.

If you took the time to read the Constitution, you would find there is nothing mentioned about education. In fact, Article X of the Bill of Rights reads:

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to. the States respectively, or to the people "

When it comes to forcing parents to surrender their children to be educated in State schools, the question arises: Who do the children belong to, the parents or the State?

When our country was founded, there were no such things as public schools. All schools were church-run. It wasn't until about 1837 when Horace Mann and his cotiere of Socialists began pushing for public schools that the government got its foot in the door of education and began grooming the thinking (brainwashing) of students along the socialist, one-world line.

With the bankers picking the candidates for both political parties as revealed by Representative Charles Lindbergh, Sr., the bankers and their socialist flunkies, like Horace Mann, were able to get legislation passed establishing public schools. From this has evolved what is correctly referred to as government or State schools - completely controlled.

In some states, parents who wish to teach their own children, or operate Christian schools without state approval (meaning


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state control), soon feel the heavy hand of a judge who points the Sheriff in their direction. In doing so, both the Judge and Sheriff are guilty of violating the parent's God-given rights. But the Big-Banker Boys who dominate our government want it that way, and the weak-spined judges and Sheriffs obey like good little puppets.

It isn't concern that students will not receive adequate teaching in a home school or Christian school that has stirred the government to suppress these types of schooling. (Studies show that students in home or Christian schools are, on the average, far ahead of those in state approved schools.) The prime reason for suppressing home or Christian schools is fear that the students will learn the truth about history and upset the Big-Banker Boys' one-world plans.

Our state approved schools are one of two sources of misin-formation. The other is the news-media. Two hundred years ago, Thomas Jefferson said:

"Those who never read a newspaper are better off than those who do, for it is better to be uninformed than misinformed."

It's the Big-Money Boys who are behind the two sources of information. They own or otherwise control all major news out-lets (TV, radio, newspaper and magazines), and they own the companies that print the textbooks used in our state approved schools. As could be expected, they aren't going to allow any-thing to be printed in the textbooks or given out through their news outlets that would expose their evil schemes and actions.

Comparing the Communist Manifesto with the constitution of the United States proves that the bankers' puppets in our government have formulated policies and enacted laws that are more in line with the Communist Manifesto than the Constitution. It is no wonder our country and its citizens are in deep trouble.

The Communist Manifesto was not written to help the proletariat (the working class people), but as a platform designed to destroy a country and force it into a one-world government under the big-time bankers domination.


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Our teacher-training institutions attempt to brainwash teachers for the state-approved schools, and virtually force them to teach the one- world concept. In the book, "Teaching Strategies for Social Studies" used in teacher-training colleges, the terms world society, global society, post industrial world society, etc. are mentioned sixteen (16) times in the first two pages of Chapter One.

Paralleling this one-world government brainwashing in our state approved schools, is a new brainwashing program - Mock Trials.

In this extra-curricular activity, students are taught the sub-versive court procedures used in today's Admiralty/Maritime courts and not the common law on which our country was founded.

In talking with the retired Minnesota judge, whom I mentioned earlier, I asked, "What is the basis of common law?"

He replied, "Common law was what our country was founded on. It was the law until the judges and lawyers screwed it all up."

Instead of operating under common law as our founding fathers mandated, the judge/lawyer gang has, in recent years, been operating under Admiralty jurisdiction, and they use deceit, trickery and even threats to drag victims into their jurisdiction.


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Americans should understand that the Body of the Constitution and its first ten Amendments (Articles), are an expression of the "common law," which is the development and codification of individual rights, freedoms and protections during a 750 year period since the Magna Carta in 1215 A.D.

The common law and admiralty law are incompatible at many points. The laws that govern one's conduct aboard a ship on the high seas, for example, do not allow many of the freedoms guaranteed on the land by the common law of the United States.

The Captain of a ship needs nearly dictatorial powers in order to maintain the safety of his vessel and its passengers, and to assure its safe arrival at the proper destination. Few of the rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights may be claimed by the passengers.

As a passenger aboard ship, one cannot claim any freedoms of speech, for example, that might incite the crew to disregard the Captain's authority to govern the ship's route, safety and general operation. Some thought, will uncover many other "rights" we have on the land under the common law that are canceled or greatly weakened when we leave the land to travel by sea or air.

Our government has gradually imposed admiralty jurisdiction on the land area of the United States by many devious techniques. The result has been that most Americans have come to accept these gross violations as normal.

Jurors, who should protect these rights by nullifying unlawful statutes, are not aware of their power to do so. All the jurors would have to do is vote "not guilty." Instead, juries act like rubber stamps for the courts, and blindly follow instructions by the judge even if it means depriving the defendant of his common law rights.

Sadly, most people do not even know their constitutional,


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common law, rights. They have been brainwashed into obeying any law, rule or regulation because "It's the law."


The next time you visit a federal courtroom, notice the flag that is always located at the front of the room near the judge's seat. In every federal courtroom, that flag will be edged by a gold fringe. That is the tipoff. The gold fringe tells you that the court operates under "Admiralty" jurisdiction.

If you will check Title 4 of the U.S. Code, you will find that the flag of the United States is precisely described and does not include a fringe. The fringed flag is properly displayed on military bases, on federal property (provided that jurisdiction has been ceded to the federal government along with the property), and on ships at sea where Admiralty jurisdiction prevails. But it has no place in the courts of the land, because the law of the land is COMMON LAW - the Body of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Therefore, a defendant in any court, observing a fringed flag, should continuously challenge the court's jurisdiction and demand that the trial not proceed until a U.S. Flag, in accordance with Title 4 U.S.C., is displayed instead. Then, demand that the court proceed under common law jurisdiction.

Now you know why judges today violate peoples' God-given rights with impunity. They are captains of the dry-land ships -the courts.


Realizing that governments tend to become oppressive, the writers of the Constitution of the United States included restraints on the government formed under the constitution. The final decision on whether laws passed by Congress or state legislatures were good or bad was placed in the hands of the people - through juries.

All a jury has to do to nullify a bad law is to find a person who has been charged with violating a bad law "Not guilty." In fact, just one person on a jury, voting "Not guilty," can cause a hung


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jury and thus protect a person from a law the juror considers to be a bad law. At least four court decisions, one as recent as 1972, support the power of the jury to judge the law as well as the facts,.

"The common law of the jury to determine the law as well as the facts remain unimpaired" Georgia v. Brailsford (1794) and State v. Coteau (1849).

In the Georgia v. Brailsford case, former U.S. Supreme court Justice, John Jay, said to the jury:

"It may not be amiss... to remind you of the good old rule that on the question of fact, it is the province of the jury, and on the question of law, it is the province of the court to decide. But, it must be observed that by have nevertheless a right to take it upon yourselves to judge BOTH, in controversy... BOTH OBJECTS ARE LAWFULLY WITHIN YOUR POWER OF DECISION."

If that isn't enough to convince you that juries have the final say to decide the law as well as the facts, here are a few other court decisions:

"...the jury has the power to bring the verdict in the teeth of both law and facts." Oliver Wendell Holmes, Horning v. DC (1920).

The jury possesses "...the undisputed power to acquit even if its verdict is contrary to the law as given by the judge and contrary to the evidence" U.S. v. Moylan (1969).

The jury has the "...unreviewable and irreversible acquit in disregard of the instructions on the law given by the trial judge." U.S. v. Dougherty (1920).

As you can see, a jury has the ultimate power in deciding the fate of a defendant. Unfortunately, most Americans do not know this. Our state approved schools are failing to teach these important facts, and, of course, the big-banker-controlled news-media, also, keeps the American people ignorant of their power and duty when on a jury.


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Actually, in a jury trial, it is the jury that is the judge: the judge is supposed to be nothing more than that of a chairman whose duty it is to keep court proceedings moving smoothly, nothing more.

But today, it is common practice for a judge to order the jury to decide a case based on the law as he interprets it. Some judges go so far as to require jurors to take an oath to follow his interpretation of the law. This is nothing less than jury tampering - a criminal act.

No matter how a judge instructs a jury, when the jurors go into the jury room, to decide on the guilt or innocence of the accused, the juror can vote "Not guilty" and doesn't need to give a reason why. ,

Congress can pass a law; the President can sign it; and the Supreme court can uphold it. But one lone juror, who feels the law is unjust, can protect the accused by voting "Not guilty" and cause a hung jury.


The Constitution of many states gives to citizens of the state the right to initiate and pass a law. In some of those states, people who have become aware of the corrupt manner by which the courts operate are preparing laws to be initiated by the people. In North Dakota, there has been prepared such initiative. It is too lengthy to reprint in this short book, so I will give you a condensed version:

* The jury must be picked by lottery in full public view:

* Defendants have the right of counsel of choice ~ either from the general citizenry, or the bar association;

* The jury must be informed that they have the right to judge the law as well as the facts;

* All proceedings must be recorded on an electronic record-ing device if requested by either party. Duplicates must be made in the presence of both parties and copies given to the parties before leaving the courtroom.

* The judge must allow all evidence to be presented, and all


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lines of questioning to be pursued;

* Jury members have the right to question witnesses.

Another initiative prepared for North Dakota will really shake up judges, as well as other lawbreaking government officials, is the 'Citizens Investigative Council.'

The Council, to be made up of 12 members, will be picked by lottery. Its purpose is to investigate complaints against govern-ment officials. No official is allowed immunity.

Government officials who are against this initiative must be suspected of having something to hide.


After reading this far, whom do you think will oppose an in-itiative to "Return Justice to the People?" Let's speculate:

1. No doubt the judge/lawyer gang will use every means at its disposal to discredit and stop passage of this law, for certainly, it would put a stop to the lawyers' extortionist racket and take from judges their unlawful dictatorial powers. (There are a few lawyers who have said they do not like what is taking place in the courts and would like to see the system returned to constitutional principles.)

2. It can be expected that bankers will oppose it. Certainly, if the administration of justice is taken from the bankers' puppets (the judges) and returned to the people, the bankers will have lost the protection of the legal hatchet gang.

3. Government employees who are of devious mentality -especially those who have something to hide - will use their positions to try and defeat the initiatives. But honorable government employees who want North Dakota to prosper will favor passage of the initiatives.

4. Candidates for public office who must depend on money from the Big-Money boys for their campaigns will likely join their patrons in fighting the initiative. (Those rare candidates who support the initiative can expect no financial support from


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the Big-Money Boys.)


There is a wide variety of groups, made up of decent, law-abiding citizens, that individually are working to enhance the interests of their group. While they have different interests, they all have one thing in common - they are the targets of prosecutors who bring charges against members of the groups, and the characters in black robes who point the Sheriffs in the direction of the victims.

The main areas of concern where the initiative would be helpful are:

1. People who have property mortgaged by banks, FmHA, PCA and the Federal Land Bank would gain protection against unlawful foreclosure. Reliable economists point out that contracts with the above mentioned lending institutions are fraudulent; thus the contracts are null and void.

At present, farmers are in particular jeopardy in many parts of the country. Because of the drop in production due to the drought, it is expected that a significant number of farmers will face foreclosure. Any effort by farmers to fight foreclosure in court will almost certainly lose as shown in the FFFLAP survey cited earlier.

Loss of small independent farmers, of course, means less in-come for the businesses up and down the streets of the local towns and cities.

The initiative to "Return Justice to the People" would go a long way toward protecting farmers from the fraudulently operating money- lenders and the judge/lawyer gang that protects them.

2. The various destroyers of freedom are continually pushing to disarm the American people and deny them the last defense against our growing oppressive government.

It is true, as the gun-controllers say, if all law-abiding people were to surrender their guns, a few accidental deaths would be prevented. But it would leave us at the mercy of criminals who


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will always be able to obtain guns; and even more dangerous: it would leave us at the mercy of the band of corrupt individuals who have captured our government.

It would be wise to keep in mind this statement by Thomas Jefferson:

"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."

3. Parents who have become disgusted with our public school system are wisely turning to home schooling or small Christian schools. The number of these two types of schooling are growing rapidly.

The destroyers who are determined to control the minds of our young people in school have backed off in many states. In Nebraska, it was due to the admirable stand of Rev. Everett Siliven. However, the presence of the mind-controllers is ever threatening. The initiative would protect parents from state control of their children.

4. Fraud committed by insurance companies against hapless victims is common practice in the insurance industry. Key figures in this fraud are lawyers who work for the insurance companies. Even if a person is fortunate enough to get a just settlement, he still loses, because his lawyer gets a big chunk of the insurance money.

When insurance lawyers set out to deprive a policy holder of all or part of an honest claim, it is an apparent case of collusion between the insurance company officials and their lawyers who do the dirty work for them. This is a violation of U.S.C. 241 and 242 - CONSPIRACY!

By returning the administration of justice to the people, the guilty parties would be more likely to be punished, and the policy holders treated justly.

5. Senior citizens and their children and grandchildren (this includes just about everyone) have an interest in the newest in-dustry engaged in corruption - the nursing home industry. In many cases, taxpayers' money is going to line the pockets of un-


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scrupulous operators while the aged who fill their beds are abused and neglected. To a great degree, the fault lies with our elected officials who are supposed to oversee the agencies which, in turn, are responsible for overseeing the homes. The main government culprits are prosecuting attorneys who fail to bring charges against this army of greedy, unscrupulous nursing home operators. The initiative would go a long way toward correcting this crime against many of our aged.

6 The power to tax is the power to destroy. While revenue is necessary to carry out the legitimate functions of governments, it is abuse of power that is dangerous. Currently, IRS agents break laws with impunity in their endeavors to harass people and extort money from decent citizens. The initiative would help make these devious, corrupted IRS agents obey the law.

7. Cancer is one of the nations's leading killers. Convention al cut, burn and poison cancer treatment only prolongs life for short time, but fails to cure the inflicted person. Many people have gone to Mexico or Germany where natural cures are permitted. Such natural treatment is not permitted in any state in our country. Some of the honorable doctors would like to use natural methods of treatment, but are prohibited from doing so because —

The American Medical Association and the Federal Drug Administration has conspired to prohibit natural treatment. Why? Because doctors make big money with their cut, burn and poison type of treatment.

There is nothing in the Constitution (the supreme law of our country) that permits the government to meddle in peoples' choice of medical treatment. If a person chooses to go to a therapist who uses natural treatment, that is their choice. The initiative would go a long way toward giving people of a state that choice. From what I have observed, it is my opinion that people who are stricken with cancer would live longer and heal-thier if they chose a natural treatment.

8. The seat belt law has become a bitter point of contention by those who see the law as another erosion of the Constitutional right of free choice. In viewing the seat belt law, consideration must be given to the value of the law, even if it were


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Constitutional. In talking with an insurance adjuster with 17 years experience, he said:

"There are cases where seat belts do save lies, but it has been my experience that seat belts kill and cripple more people than it saves."

9. The motorcycle helmet law is another obvious infringement of the right of free choice. The cyclists are not fighting the wearing of helmets; they are fighting the helmet law. Few cyclists would ever mount their cycles without first putting on a helmet. Their concern is the right of choice - and concern about what new law "to protect the people from themselves" will be next.

While opposition to the helmet law is widespread, one cyclist said:

"There are a few stupid cyclists who do not use a helmet, and there needs to be a law to make them protect themselves."

Following this line of logic, how long will it be before those who are out "to protect people from themselves" will pass a law allowing government officials to enter a home and give the cook a citation for serving non-nutritious food? After all, the poor food we put into our stomachs has killed millions more people than not wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle.

10. Earlier you read how the IRS has targeted churches and how the number of court cases involving churches has mush-roomed in the last few years. This should stir every true Christian (especially the clergy) to go all out to pass a law to "Return Justice to the People."

While the concerns of the many interests are widely varied, there is one common thread - it is prosecuting attorneys who bring charges against them, and it is the character in a black robe who points Sheriffs in the victims' direction. Involved in this whole sordid mess are lawyers who (for a fat fee) do little to protect the victims, while people who understand and support the Constitution are barred from representing a victim.



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Part of the Declaration of Independence states:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

The Preamble to our Constitution reads, in part:

"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect the Blessings of Liberty..."


Liberty is the birthright of all individuals to do anything they choose, that does not threaten or harm another individual.

It is an axiom of law that unless there is a victim fan injured party) there can be no crime. Unless a person has injured another person (physically, financially or mentally), or presents a clear-cut threat, he cannot lawfully be charged with a crime. So what are the courts doing these days?

Our courts today are clogged with cases where people have been charged with what the judge/lawyer gang calls "victimless crimes." Obviously, there can be no such thing as a victimless crime under the Constitution.

For the Judge/lawyer gang to charge and convict a person with a victimless crime is a clear-cut violation of a person's liberty.



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The wholesale violation of peoples' rights and property by today's dictatorial administrator: of justice has reached alarming proportions.

In considering an initiative "To Return Justice to the People," the position of Sheriff is of importance because, at present, Sheriffs, in general, have neglected their sworn duty, and are little more than errand-boys for states (county) attorneys, and judges. Further, in most cases there is a cooperative relationship between Sheriffs, states attorneys and judges.


If my observations and testimony received are correct, there is in virtually every county a cotiere of unsavory characters who form what can rightfully be referred to as the county mob. Key to the success of the mob is mob-control of the States Attorney, Sheriff and at least one Judge. These county officials may be actively involved in the mob's activities, or just receive benefits for cooperating with the mob.

Since illegal drugs produce big profits, one of the county mob's activities is drug distribution; and testimony leads to the conclusion that involved in the drug trade are the mob's three key figures - the States Attorney, Sheriff and at least one Judge.


The Posse Comitatus has been portrayed as an outlaw, vigilante-type group by those people in the county who have bad intention, and the news-media usually cooperates by parroting the line.

But is the Posse really an outlaw, vigilante-type group? The following excerpt from "Moscow on the Prairie" will show that the Posse Comitatus is a legitimate group whose function is to


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help the Sheriff keep peace in the county:

"In the early days of America's history, Posse Comitatus units were made up of male residents of a county. The duty of Posse units was to help the county Sheriff enforce the law. Before some counties had elected a Sheriff, the Posse was the law en forcement body in those counties.

"After a Sheriff was elected, the Posse remained ready to help the Sheriff if needed. And if the Sheriff failed to uphold the law, the Posse would step in and act to enforce the law.

"In those days, people worked hard just to survive in this virgin territory, so there was little time and energy left to engage in lawlessness. As a result, the Posse Comitatus, as a law enforcement body, faded away.

"Since few Posses were in existence after the early history of our country and the people became less 'on guard' against unlawful acts in the county, Sheriffs became 'the law.'

"It is a quirk of human nature that power breeds the desire for more power." This tends to lead to corruption. This is no less true of county Sheriffs and States Attorneys. The temptation to engage in corrupt acts is ever present.

"Since Sheriffs, along with States Attorneys, have become the. law, in too many cases (maybe most cases) they have used their positions of power to their advantage, and to the advantage of the 'big-shots' in their counties.

"Except for a few good Sheriffs, they have gone so far as to allow state and federal officials to come into their counties and impose a myriad of illegal laws, rules and regulations — resulting in the theft of citizens' earnings, theft of property and subjecting them to government control — all in violation of the Constitution — and often with the cooperation of the Sheriff.

"If strong Posse Comitatus units would have been activated in all counties of the United States, government corruption would not have become as rampant as it is today."

To support this background, let's check some accepted sour-


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ces and documentation:

Webster's Third New International Dictionary, 1981:

"posse comitatus" the power of a county" the entire body of the inhabitants who may be summoned by the sheriff to assist in preserving the public peace...every male inhabitant who is above 15 years of age and not infirm."

Black's Law Dictionary, Fourth Edition, 1951:

"Posse Comitatus - Lat. The power or force of the county. The entire population of a county above the age of fifteen. which a Sheriff may summon to his assistance in certain cases; as to aid in keeping the peace, in pursuing and arresting felons, etc. 1 Bl. Comm 343; Com v. Martin, 7 Pa. Dist. R 224."

If there are still a few skeptics, here is the official word taken from the NORTH DAKOTA LAW REVIEW, Volume 61, Number 1 (1985);

"The term "Posse Comitatus" means the entire population of a county above the age of 15, which a sheriff may summon for assistance in the performance of his duties.


"Early Americans despised standing armies and relied upon a militia system until 1789, when Congress authorized a small army. In 1789, Congress also passed the first legislation in the form of the Judiciary Act of 1789, which authorized the federal marshals to command all necessary assistance in the execution of (their duties).

"...federal marshals regularly summoned military troops as a posse comitatus.

"To prohibit using the military in a civilian enforcement roll, Congress passed and President Hayes signed the legislation June 18, 1878, and the Posse Comitatus Act became law."


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Did you get that? - :and the POSSE COMITATUS ACT BECAME LAW! You just read how the Act forbids using the military in civilian affairs; and that it is reserved for civilians. As stated in all sources quoted above, that means the people of a county above age 15 - the "Posse Comitatus." So why don't Sheriffs use the Posse to help them enforce the law?

Obviously, a Sheriff who is involved in shady activities doesn't dare activate the Posse in his county. There are many Sheriffs who are ignorant of their real duties and powers, so it is possible that an honest Sheriff hasn't activated the Posse in his county out of ignorance. How can you find out if your Sheriff has honorable intentions, or is involved in corruption? Read on.


The only way corruption and other crimes can be curbed in a county is for the Sheriff to enlist the help of people in his county - the Posse Comitatus.

To find out if your Sheriff is an honorable person who desires to cut down on crime in the county, you and some of your friends must meet with the Sheriff and urge him to activate the Posse. If he shows no interest, circulate a letter around the county explaining the Posse. (We have prepared such a letter and you may receive it by sending a Self Addressed, Stamped Envelope (SASE) to: SCRAP, P O Box 628, Mandan, ND 58554.

If the Sheriff still doesn't activate the Posse, it is obvious, or at least suspect, that he is involved in shady activities, and needs to be replaced with someone who will activate the Posse to help rid the county of drug distributors and other criminals ~ and act to stop IRS agents and other government officials from violating the rights of the county's citizens.

You, the voters, are the Sheriff's boss. If he doesn't do his duty and protect you, replace him with someone who will.



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Two quotes by attorney Garry Spence of Jackson, Wyoming, sums up the justice system as it relates to most of us:

"We live in an over-lawyered society, but ONLY THE RICH HAVE LAWYERS. The other ninety-five percent, all the rest, are locked out of the courts."

"There is little chance that the vast reforms we require for a prompt and efficient justice can ever be accomplished by the bar (the legal profession)... Nor will our legislatures bring about change. Change comes only from the implacable DEMANDS of an INFORMED PEOPLE."