maryland open meetings act index of opinions - searchable

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  • 8/12/2019 Maryland Open Meetings Act Index of Opinions - Searchable


    Open Mee t i n g Comp l i a n c e Boa r d Opin ionsTOPICAL IN X

    July 1,1992 through December 31,2009Subject Vol. Opn. Page

    dmin i s t ra t i v e Func t ion so Execu t ive Func t ion Exclu s ion

    Within Exclusion, discussion of:Acting pursuant to municipal charter, selection o f clerk-treasurer 6 53Acting pursuant to statute, appointment of planning board members 6 57Briefing of school board on contract approval by superintendentsolely for informational purposes 6 145Complaint against licensee or regulatory board 5 102Co n sid eratio n o f m o t i o n t o u n se a l m i n ut e s o f clo sed session 5 10 5School board's discussions of internal school system audit 6 23School board's review of ethics panel recommendation 5 121^ Outside Exclusion, discussion of:Briefing of school board on contractual matter if board s consentsubsequently required 6 145Discussions of county department consolidation 6 180Issuance of quitclaim deed 6 35

    dv i so ry Func t i onAuthority of group derived from department head, not from law or

    Gover nor : 5 60

    Closed Se s si on Dec i si on sPublic body has discretion as to those in attendance, provided someapparent basis 6 171Final action in closed session: permitted 1 94-5 73Vote to select developer: permitted 5 126

    ppend i xF F l

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    Subject Vol. Opn. Page Closed session procedures

    ^ GeneralAfter the fact addition o f reasons fo r closed session 5 17 7Conductingclosed session in separateroompermissibleas long as anyinterestedobserverallowedaccessto observeprocessbywhich

    session closed 5 10 5Impromptuhallwaymeeting: subject to all procedural requirements 1 93-1 20Oral presentation at next open session about prior closed session: 3 03-18 340not required

    + Practices permittedSeparate closed session or closed session before or after open 3 03-4 264s e s s i on

    *b Practices in violationFailure to meet procedural requirements 3 00-6 243 0 0 1 1 5 03 01 18 1 1 55 7 05 1366 1 1 4

    Invoking exception not linked to anticipated discussion 3 03 19 345

    ^ VotingMotion to close session: must be made bymember ofpublic body 3 02-8 209Vote to close must be held immediately preceding closed session 3 00-2 4Vote to close must be held in open session 1 96 12 191

    1 97 1 2 011 9 7 4 2 1 82 99 13 7 4+ Practices permittedOpen session in smaller room 5 105

    If record reflects members present and any dissenting, voicevote permitted 6 23Vote at same meeting, shortly before closed session 6 127

    Appendix F F 2

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    Sub j e c t

    Closed session procedures Cont d.) Voting Cont d.)+ Practices in violationF ai lu re t o v o te

    P a s si v e a s s en t w i t h o u t d o c u m en t a t io nP ermitted i f i n d iv i d ua l v o t e s are reco rd edVote at one meeting to close the next: violation

    Vote during session open to the public not rendered invalid byfact no member of the public present Written Statement+ GenerallyPosting on website not required

    + Practices permittedFailure to post on InternetIdentifying topic but not discussing it in meetingInclusion of statement in agendaOmitting identity of anticipated participantsOmitting identity of appointeeOmitting identity of third party proposing action under discussionOmitting specification of reason for closing when clear fromother parts o f statementPreserving confidential information

    Reliance on written statement prepared by staffin advance asaccur ate at t i m e o f closur e

    Append i x F

    Vol. Opn. Page

    3 0 2 2 17 33 03 11 3075 1 8 93 0 2 6 1 9 71 9 4 5 7 31 9 5 8 13 35 1 6 05 1 7 75 1 8 4

    6 9

    5 165

    5 1 6 51 93 9 4 74 4 6

    1 93 9 4 76 12 75 7 2

    4 1 881 92 5 161 9 3 2 231 97 10 2 4 2

    6 7 7

    F 3

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    Subject Vol. Opn. Page Closed session procedures Cont d.)4- Written Statement Cont d.)

    + Practices permitted Cont d.)Statements providing purpose of closed session, statutory authority,and description of topics to be discussed 6 121Topic of discussion described briefly 5 165Topic of discussed described in a single phrase rather than a series

    o f items 4 18 8+ Practices in violationAltering statement during closed session 5 105Document failed to satisfy Act's requirement relating to minutes 6 96Failing to prepare written statement 1 97-5 2203 0 0 3 8

    3 02 2 1 7 33 02 13 2 3 33 03 11 3075 8 65 9 85 1 3 9

    Failure to timely disclose 5 184Omitting reason for closing 3 01-12 136

    4 4 6

    Omitting specific statutory cite 5 149Omitting topic to be discussed 1 92-1 1

    4 3 8Oral discussion of basis for closing session, later recorded in 1 92-4 13

    minutes 1 92 5 16Preparing written statement before or after meeting 3 00-2 4

    3 01 16 1 4 7

    Append ix F F 4

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    Sub j e c t

    Closed session procedures Cont d.)< - Written Statement Cont d.)+ Practices in Violation Cont d.)Topic description reiterating statutory authority

    Uninformative boilerplate

    Compl i ance Boa rd u t h o r i t yand Procedure s0> GenerallyMinutes of closed sessions considered by public body as sealed -obligation to treat as confidential ComplaintBasis: good-faith beliefthat Act was violated after reasonable

    inquiry into available factsComplaint should be limited to requirements of the ActFailure to respond in a timely mannerLimitations period of45 days inapplicableMust identifypublic bodyNeither partyprocesses burden of proofPublic body no longer in existence: complaint dismissedSufficient detail ifpublic body may identify meeting and allegations

    Append ix F

    Vol. Opn. Page

    3 0 1 6 10 13 03 17 3 3 54 1 1 44 1 424 1615 145 3 35 1 4 95 1 6 06 7 71 9 3 2 2 31 96 12 19 11 97 10 2 4 21 97 11 2455 1495 1 6 0

    6 1 9 2

    3 01 14 14 3

    6 1 276 2 0 33 03 20 3 5 26 17 16 7 74 6 6 96 7 4

    F 5

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    Sub j e c t Vol. Opn. Page Compliance Board -Authority and Procedures Cont d.)

    ^ Jurisdictional limitsDisclosure of information aboutclosed session bypublicbodymember 2 99 14 77no authority to address

    Enforcingprovisionsof Act: no authority 1 95-2 1131 97 1 201

    Interpretingjudicial review provision: no authority 4 186Interpreting quorumprovision of municipal charter: no authority 4 6Open Meetings Act issues only 2 99-14 77

    3 01 14 14 33 01 15 1455 16 1 6 4

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    Subject Vol. Opn. Page Compliance Board - Authority and Procedures Cont d.)

    ^ Response to complaintCont d.)Failure to provide requested materials: violation 3 03-20 3525 1 4

    Failure to respond: violation 3 00-1 14 1 8 65 1

    E x c e p t i o n s permit t ing c losed se ssi ons^ Business Relocation, 10-508 a 4Consideration of sale of land within county-owned business park:within exception 5 72Discussion of collateral matters expected to be addressed in evaluatingbusiness proposal: within exception 6 192Lease of governmental controlled property to private entity: withinexception 5 86Proposal by business entity to move from one site to another in 1 93-3 28Maryland: within exception 2 99-16 80Public university's relocated facility: outside exception 2 99-8 56^ Collective Bargaining, 10-508 a 9Discussion between county commissioners and school board 3 02 15 245about funds available for potential contract: within exceptionDiscussion of existing collective bargaining agreements: outsideexception 4 104^ Competitive Bidding, 10-508 a 14Advantages / disadvantages of RFP for audit services:Within exception 5 177Dispositionof municipalpropertywithout competitiveprocess: 4 76outside exception

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    Subject Vol pn Page Exceptions permitt ing closed sessions Cont d.)

    Examinations, 10-508 a llDiscussion of electrician's examination as part of process for 1 92-4 13obtaining a certificate of registration: within exception

    ^Investment ofpublicfunds, 10-508 a 5Preliminary discussion of possible project for RevenueAuthoritysupport: no opinion possible 4 114^ Legal Advice, 10-508 a 7

    + GenerallyBona fide expectation of need for legal advice justifies use ofexception even if discussion obviates need for advice 5 172Existence of attorney-client privilege not a prerequisite toreliance on exception 5 33Initiation by counsel where public body aware of generalsubject matter permissible 6 127+ Within exceptionAdvice effectively determining public body's decisions 1 96-6 169

    1 9 6 7 17 2Advice on advertisement on municipality's buses 5 146Advice on individual compliance with ethics law 1 92-1 1Consulting with counsel regarding the lack ofa lease onmunicipal propertyused by private group 5 160Contract extension 5 177Factthat issuediscussed withcounsel earlieror lackof litigation

    no t determinative 6 776 127Lease provisions 4 161Legal consequences ofprovidingquitclaimdeed 6 35Legal ramifications relating to negotiations withdeveloper 5 130Liability and related issues arising from possible agreement 3 03-8 293between townandprivate school overuse of townpark

    Appendix F F-8

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    Subject Vol. Opn. Page Exceptions permitting closed sessions Cont d.)

    LegalAdvice,10-508 a 7 Cont d.)+ Within exception Cont d.)Monetary offers to avoid litigation 3 02-13 233Participation by non-lawyer who supplies information 1 92-1 1pertinent to counsel's formulation of legal advicePossible cancellation o f contract 3 03 19 345Presentation on compliance with open government laws 4 58

    4 1 1 4Zoning board's discussion with counsel about hearing 1 97-6 224requirements in a controversial matter+ Outside exceptionCounsel not present 3 00-5 16Instructions to counsel on how to proceed in negotiations withdeveloper on public body s behalf 5 135Policy deliberation or any other aspect of legislative process 1 95 11.... 145Pursuing the outsourcing ofmunicipal services 6 104Report fromnon-lawyer about counsel's advice; counselmust 1 93-6 35be present 1 94-5 73

    1 9 4 7 9 61 9 5 2 113

    Substantive decisionsby public body as to content of contract 6 127Topics beyond rendering of legal advice 1 92-1 11 93 11 53

    1 9 5 2 11 31 95 11 1451 9 6 6 16 91 97 1 2013 00 5 166 15 1

    Topic with incidental legal ramifications 1 93 11 53

    Appendix F F 9

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    Subject Vol. Opn. Page Exceptions permitting closed sessions cont d.)

    Litigation, 10-508 a 8+ Within exceptionEffect of adoption of legislative findings on litigation 3 00-14 61Hearing requirements in a controversial zoning matter 1 97-6 224Pending or potential litigation even if counsel is not present 1 94-5 73Pending or potential litigation, including settlement options, 1 94-1 56whether public body would be plaintiff or defendant+ Outside exceptionCitizen complaint to federal agency 3 02-13 233Litigation not yet a concrete possibility 1 93-7 38

    1 9 7 9 2 3 7Underlying policy issue not directly related to litigation 1 94-1 56

    Other Law, 10-508 a 13Preserving attorney-client privilege 1 94-5 73 Personnel, 10S08 a l

    4- Within exception, discussion of:Alleged mishandling of funds by employee 5 42Appointment of town treasurer 3 03 11.... 307Compensation for five individuals, related to specific facts 4 38

    a b ou t e a c h i ndi vi dua lCreation ofnew position linked to a specific employee 1 94-5 73Hiring of specific individual 1 94-5 73Job description and employment status of town manager 1 92-1 1Job status of particular employees under jurisdiction of anotherpublic body 4 188Licensing of specific employee 1 94-5 73Management capabilities of individuals 3 02 12.... 227

    Appendix F F-10

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    Subject Vol. Opn. Page Exceptions permitting closed sessions Cont d.)

    Personnel 10-508 a l Cont d.)Offer to job applicant 3 02-1 171Performance of particularjob responsibility 2 99-4 43Raises and promotions for specificemployees 1 94-5 73Review of city manager s performance 6 104School superintendent s change of duties 1 95-5 123School superintendent s contract 3 03-4 264Status of specific county employees in the event of transfer to 1 93-11 53city s jurisdiction+ Outside exception, discussion of:Attendance at a reception and meeting 1 94-5 73Budgetaryimpact of rising gas prices 5 42Departmentaudit 6 92Discussions of county department consolidation, severancepackages layofftiming and alternative options 6 180Fringe benefits fora class of employees 1 94 5 73Hiring classes of employees 3 00 15 67Liquor service atanofficial dinner 1 94 5 73Merging twopurchasing departments 1 97-15.... 255New position and pay increases forcategories of employees 3 03-17 335Outsourcing municipal services 6 104Pay adjustment policy 1 94 5 73Policy issues related to a town newsletter 2 99 4 43Procurement ofcall forwarding service 1 94 5 73Proposed annexation 5 42

    Appendix F F ll

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    Sub j e c t Vol. Opn. Page Exceptions permitting closed sessions Cont d.)^ Personnel, 10-508 a 2 Cont d.)

    + Outside exception, discussion of: cont d.)Retention policy 1 94-5 73Spaces at police academy 1 94-5 73

    ^ Procurement,10-508 a 14+ Within exception, discussion of:Strategy for project to be put out to bid 1 94-5 73Vote to select particular developer 5 126+ Outside exception, discussion of:Monetary offers to well owners 3 02-13.... 233Negotiation strategy not involving competitive bidding or proposals 1 97-8 233PropertyAcquisition, 10-508 a 3+ Within exception, discussion of:Possible acquisition of a portion ofproperty for public parking 2 99-16 80Possible lease ofproperty for public library 5 10Public purpose aspects of acquisition 5 172+ Outside exception, discussion of:Property acquisition if public body lacks power to acquire property 1 97-8 233under discussionSale ofvehicles and acquisition of new ones 1 94-5 73Transfer ofpublic body s property interest 6 35

    Public Security, 10-508 a 10+ Outside exception, discussion of:Procedures for handling petty cash 1 94-5 73

    Append i x F F 12

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    Subject Vol. Opn. Page Execu t ive Func t ion Exc lus ion

    so Adminis t ra t ive func t ion

    ^ it in Exclusion, discussion of:Administration of existing leave policy 1 96-5 166Administrative and budgetarymatters by community college board 4 28Administrative and housekeepingmatters concerningschoolsystem 3 00-10 39Administrative matters by municipal planning commission 1 92-3 10Administrative matters by Wicomico County Council 3 02-10 218Agreement to dismissal of lawsuit filed against county council, 4 67absent any reconsideration of council s prior policy decisionsAppointment by county commissioners to fill planning 2 99-5 45commission vacancyAppointment by school board of interim superintendent 1 95-5 123Appointment by town council to fill council vacancy 1 97-14 252Audit report, manner in which it would be released 3 00-15 67Budgetary administration not involving proposal to amend budget 1 93-2 23Budget preparation and department headmeetings byWicomico 3 01-1 74County CouncilBudget preparation, financial oversight, and investment decisions 3 01-10.... 122by Pratt Library Finance CommitteeChoice of newspaper for legal advertising 1 96-13.... 195Complaint against electricianby regulatoryboard 1 92-4 13Complaint against licensee by regulatory board 5 102Construction ofbarrier between elementary school grounds and 3 00-12 53adjacent retail propertyDismissal of employee 1 96-5 166Effect o f cuts in state a id t o counties 1 93-2 23

    Appendix F F-13

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    Subject Vol. Opn. Page Executive Function Exclusion cont d.)

    ^ Within Exclusion, discussion of: cont d.)Evaluation of school superintendent s performance 1 95-5 1233 01 18 . . . . 159

    Exercise of supervisory authority over town manager s preparation 2 98-7 24of compensation and benefit plansExisting collective bargaining agreements 4 104Future budget options 2 99-10 64Hearing bymunicipal ethics commission on complaint ofalleged 1 93-4 30

    ethics violat ionHospital management issues when county commissioners have 1 92-2 6oversight responsibility over hospitalInterview process for filling school board vacancy 4 182Management issues under existing program and information briefing 3 02-9 211on possible future budgetary impactsMerging of county and city purchasing departments under current law 1 97-15 255Open Meetings Act procedures 5 33Oversight of election board performance 2 98-1 1Payment ofbill under current budget 4 197Personnel grievance hearing 4 76Preliminary budget matters between department heads and Wicomico 1 97-16 261County CouncilPress release about a controversial city event 1 95-8 133Procedure to regulate public comments by members of a public body 1 97-8 233Proposed development on border ofmunicipality 3 00-4 13Relationship between existing sewer connection ordinance and prior 3 00-7 26sewer maintenance agreement with landownerRemedies for breach of franchise agreement 5 7Remedies in enforcing loan agreement 1 95-7 129

    Append ix F F 14

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    Subject Vol. Opn. Page Executive Function Exclusion cont d.)

    r WithinExclusion, discussion of: cont d.)Request for appointment of counsel and payment of fee 4 197School Board s review of its ethics panel recommendation 5 121Solicitation of advice from colleagues by town council member whohad certain administrative responsibilities 2 98-6 21Specific schools eligible for reconstitution by State Board ofEducation 3 01-11 127

    OutsideExclusion, discussion of:Amendment to inter-governmental agreement 3 02-10 218Changes in law to achieve merger of county and city purchasing 1 97-15 255departmentsComposition of local management board 3 02-3 182Cont rac t amendment 1 95-5 123Contract negotiation 4 127Developer s proposal to buy property and convert it to low-income 2 99-16 80housingDiscussion with potential contractor 4 168Effect of annexation agreement on proposed zoning ordinance 4 127Franchise reassignment 5 7Law enforcement matter beyond public body s jurisdiction 5 42Mission of library 3 01-10.... 122Municipal governance - general topics 3 02-12 227Municipal governance issues in wake of charter amendment 3 02-11 224Pay adjustment process 5 76Personnel matters within jurisdiction of another public body 4 188Petition drive within special tax district 1 94-7 96Policy about attendees desire to address public body 1 95-2 113

    Appendix F F 15

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    Sub j e c t

    Executive Function Exclusion (cont d.) Outside Exclusion, discussionof: (cont d.)Preliminary aspects ofpolicy and contractual mattersProcedures for school board s recommendation to Governor aboutboard vacancyResigning school superintendent s waiver ofpart of salaryTown council s position on General Assembly bill to authorize

    county taxTransportation issues not administered by public body

    Leg i s la t iv e f u n c t io n^ it in function, discussion of:Briefing about proposed city ordinanceCounty council s position on General Assembly bill to authorize

    county tax^ Outsidefunction, discussion of:Making an appointment, rather than approval of a proposedappointmentTown council s position on General Assembly bill to authorize

    county tax

    Licens ing ma t t e r sRegulatory body s conduct ofoccupational licensing examination

    Mee t i n g^ Generally:Participation by commissioners in party central committee meetingPublic body s consideration ofpublic business in meeting of entitythat is not a public body

    Append ix F

    Vol. Opn. Page


    4 1633 01 18 . . . . 1594 12

    5 60

    1 93-6 354 12

    1 95-5 123

    4 12

    1 92-4 13

    03 6 . . . . 27892 2 694 9 1 0 495 4. . . 1 2 095 10.. 1 4 296 3 1 5796 10.. 1 8 398 8 7

    F 16

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  • 8/12/2019 Maryland Open Meetings Act Index of Opinions - Searchable


    Sub j e c t

    Meeting Cont d.)^ Determined not to be a meeting: Cont d.)Conference in which each board member participated in a

    separate small group discussionConversation among quorum limited to personal information or

    social sma l l ta lkDinner at which quorum attended but discussion limited to social

    mat t e r s

    E-mail canvass o fmembersGathering limited to effort at improving interpersonal relationsInformal gathering before a meeting or during a break, so long asno discussion occurs about meeting topicsMembers-elect not considered in determining presence of

    a quorumPrivate entity s session at which members ofpublic body didnot convene to discuss public businessQuorumnot present or convened

    Retreat limited to discussion of interpersonal relations andsocial conversation

    School Board s attendance at County Council meeting for solepurpose of answering questions

    Append ix F

    Vol. Opn. Page

    3 01-17. . 150

    1 95 7. . . 1292 99 5 . . . 453 02-11.. . . 2 2 44 582 99-15. . 783 03 5 . . . . . 2 7 41 94 6 . . . 921 95 6 . . . . . 1 2 71 96 3 . . . . . 1 5 75 93

    3 03-12.. . . 3 1 094 8. . . . . 1 0194-10.. . . 1 0795-10. . . . 1 4 296 1 . . . . . 15197 4. . . . . 21897-12.. . . 24897-13. . . . 2502 99 5 . . . 45

    2 99 6 . . . 493 01 4 . . . 923 02 5 . . . . . 1 914 54 1145 936 57

    6 63

    6. . . 77

    F 18

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    Subject Vol. Opn. ge Meeting Cont d.)

    ^ Determinednot to be a meeting: Cont d.)Social event with general topical presentation 1 97-7 227Social event at which public business is mentioned only briefly 2 98-2 5and in passing and is not discussed 2 99-13 74

    2 99-16 80Training session limited to general topics 5 33

    Minu t e s^ GenerallyAccess to sealed minutes by individual member ofpublic body inpublic body s discretion 5 105Level ofdetail required 6 164Method by which minutes are prepared or amended, within public 1 94-2 63body s discretionPosting on public body s website, not required 3 03-18 340

    6 18 76 203

    Preparation following all meetings, required 4 744 120

    Preparation following session without quorum, not required 5 1Preparation via alternative method required when unusualcircumstances preclude preparation through customary means 4 24Preparation within reasonable time, required 2 99-18 87

    6 16 16 164

    Public body that meets only periodically responsible for ensuringminutes available within reasonable t ime 6 16 4

    Public entitled to assume approved minutes accurate 6 145Tape recordings not required but ifmade, must be retained for at 4 74

    least one year

    Appendix F F-19

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    Subject Vol. Opn. ge Minutes Cont d.)

    ^ losed ession tatement

    + GenerallyMeeting recessed for closed session under administrative functionexclusion - Required disclosures 6 171Written statement prepared in closing meeting and subsequentdisclosure as part ofminutes distinct requirements 5 165+ Practices permittedPreserving confidentiality justifying closed session 1 92-5 16

    1 94-5 731 95-1 110

    Protecting identity ofbusiness considering relocation 2 99-9 60+ Practices in violationChanging justification for closed session 5 177Failure to cite authority for closing a session or to list the topic of 1 94-2 63discussion and the persons presentFailure to identify attendees and to provide other required 1 94-3 67

    information 3 02 15. . . . 2456 16 9

    Failure to identify certain attendees involved in business locationdiscussion even by generic description 5 86Failure to include description of any action taken during closed 4 38

    sessionFailure to include statutory citation 6 23Failure to prepare minutes of closed sessions or to disclosesummary about closed sessions 3 03-20 352

    5 98Failure to report required informationas single item 6 127

    Appendix F F 20

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    Subject Vol. Opn. Page Minutes (Cont d.)

    f losed ssion Statement (Cont d.)+ Practices in violation (Cont d.)Inadequate description/information 3 02 2..... 1734 76

    4 1145 1395 1655 1896 16 966 17 1

    Reusing written statement prepared prior to closing session 3 02-7 202 ont nts

    + Pract ices permittedBriefdescription of required elements 4 46Omitting confidential information from summary of topics 1 95-1 110

    discussed and actions taken at c losed session 2 98 5 18Transcriptdisclosure as minutes 1 96-4 162Transcriptnot required 6 110+ Pract ices in violationAction and votes taken, failure to include 3 01 19 164Administrative function disclosure, no detail beyondadministrative matters 6 96Dissenting votes failure to include 1 96-2 155Information about topics discussed, failure to include 1 95-1 110

    2 98 5 18Item ofbusiness conducted, failure to include 1 94-2 63Required elements, failure to include 3 00-3 8

    3 01 5 963 02 13 233

    Specific statutory authority for closing a session failure to include 1 94-5 73Tape recordingdisclosure in lieuofminutes 2 99-18 872 99 19 92

    Appendi x F F-21

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    1 Subject Vol Opn Page Minutes Cont d.)

    ^ Procedures

    + Practices permittedAtypical, brief delay in availability ofminutes attributable tounusual workload 6 47

    Delay in approval of closed session minutes 4 1Disclosing minutes of a meeting closed to discuss a specific 2 98-4 16personnel matterPreparing closed session minutes by the time of the public body s 1 95-3 117body s next regularly scheduled meetingPreparation time beyond 10 days after meeting 3 01-3 85Preparation time of five weeks 3 03 18 340Taking a reasonable amount of time to review draft minutes for 2 98-3 11accuracy and to approve them 2 99-18 87Prohibiting inspection of draft, unapproved minutes 2 98-3 11Relatively brief delays in preparingminutes, attributable to 2 99-19 92staffing constraints+ Practices in vi ol at i onFailure to approveminutesof closed sessions 5 105Failureto approve minuteswithoutunduedelay 3 01-5 964 1

    5 146 118

    Failure toprepare formeeting limited to proceduralmatters only 5 50Failure to prepareminutes 5 50

    5 705 985 1055 182

    Failure to produce 6 203

    Appendi x F F-22

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    Sub j ec t Minutes Cont d.)Procedures Cont d.)

    + Practices in violation Cont d.)Failure to review and approve minutes

    Failure to timely discloseLag time of nearly 4 months in approving minutesRequiring member of public to submit written request for open

    session mi nut es

    Not ice requ iremen tsv ApplicabilityFailureto provide notice: violation

    Notice of cancelled meeting: may be omitted if notice of meetinghad not been given originallyNotice required in advance of conference calldependent on whetherquorum could be anticipated or in fact occurredNotice required of scheduledmeeting even if quorumdoes not in

    fact c onv e ne ontentAgenda information: not required

    Anticipated closed session: should be included

    Append ix F

    Vol. Opn. Page

    3 00-3 83 03 10 3034 1206 4 76 1875 1846 85

    3 01-3 855 14

    3 01-5 965 13 01 19 164

    6 173 03 13 3145 1

    1 92-5 161 94-4 691 95-1 1102 98-9 312 99-7 523 02-2 17 33 03-4 2643 03 10 3034 16 85 11 76 11 06 1963 00-3 8


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    Subject Vol. Opn. Page Notice requirements Cont d.)

    Content Cont d.)Closed session not anticipateduntil shortly beforemeeting:Failure to reflect in notice not violation 5 165

    Explanationofwhymeeting is expected to be closed: not required 3 02-6 1975 105

    Omission ofname ofpublic body and place ofmeeting: violation 4 51Omission of time or place ofmeeting or both; violation 4 155

    4 168One-time publication of schedule of anticipated meeting times, if 1 94-4 69coupled with posted notice of each meeting: permittedPrince George s CountyCouncil: role as district council need notbe specified 2 98-9 31Revision ofprior meeting notice: not required for immediately 3 03-9 297

    scheduled closed sessionVariation from published agenda does not violate Act 5 117 e tho+ Practices permittedAnnouncement of future meeting at open meeting attended by 1 93-5 33press 4 28

    4 155

    Announcement at public meeting coupledwith written notice to 3 02-4 188pressInformation provided to public via generally distributed newsletter 3 02-6 197and posted agendaMultiple channels ofdistribution 3 03-4 264Newspaper advertisement and public posting 3 01 14.... 143Notice via cable television ifpublic is informed and if a written 1 96-5 166

    ver sion i s ava il ableNotice to press and others at open session of intention to hold 3 02 15 245

    unanticipated closed sessionNotice via some legally sufficient method no less legally valid evenif it differs from method routinely used 6 9

    Appendix F F-24

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    Sub j e c t Vol. Opn. Page Notice requirements Cont d.)

    4> Method Cont d.)+ Practices permitted Cont d.)Notice via state agency s press release 2 98-8 27Notice by task force affiliated with State agencyvia agency s

    website calendar 6 15Notice to newspaper that is the primary source for reportingon government activities in community 6 32Omitting notice ofmeeting cancellation when meeting is 3 02-4 188cancelled because quorum fails to attendOmitting notice to reporters if another means ofnotice has 1 97-9 237been providedOral announcement of legislative committee s immediate meetingduring last few daysofGeneralAssembly session 4 147Posting in a single location ifpublic is told of the practice 1 92-3 10

    1 93 4 302 98 5 182 99 17 84

    Posting outside of town hall 6 196Properwrittennotice satisfiedAct notwithstandingmisinformationallegedly provided bystaffmember toone member ofpublic 5 117Public body hasdiscretion in selecting appropriate media outlet 6 164Publicbodythat hadpreviously providednoticeviawebsitedidnot incur newobligations under 2007 legislation 6 41+ Practices in vi ol at i onFailure to deliver notice to news media 4 88Failure tonotify public ofcanceled meeting 1 96-11 186Failure toprovide notice of continued meeting 5 184Failure to retain copy foroneyear 6 89Informed verbal notice 4 140Noticeto publicbodymembers only 3 01-4 924 178

    Append i x F F - 2 5

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    Sub j e c t Notice requirements Cont d.)fMethod Cont d.)

    + Practices in violation Cont d.)Posting in a location not described previously to publicStaffs clerical error resulting in failure to post notice

    Timing GenerallyOriginal and revised notices must be timelyPrompt scheduling ofmeeting does not excuse failure to provide

    noticePublic must be informed when time ofmeeting is changedScheduling ofmeeting on short notice requires best public noticefeasible under the ci rcumstances

    + Practices permittedDeciding that meeting is needed on short notice

    Late notice t o n ews med ia when other forms of notice madeavai lable ear l ier

    Meetingcontinued followingnight - announcedduringprior day ssession and posted next dayNotice advertised two business days in advance ofmeetingif promptly provided on scheduling ofmeetingNotice given soon after scheduling ofmeeting for next dayNotice ofTuesday meeting posted n preceding FridayNotice ofWednesdaymeeting posted on preceding FridayNotice provided 5 days before meeting, absent any evidencesuggesting intentional delayNotice posted 6 daysbeforemeeting, absent any evidenceof

    intentional delayNotice to press and others at open session of intention to holdunanticipated closed session

    Append i x F

    Vol. Opn. Page

    4 881 93 8 44

    3 01 3 581 96 10 183

    2 99 7 521 93 7 382 98 3 112 99 3 39

    4 515 139

    3 00 13 58

    5 139

    5 834 124 992 98 5 18

    6 85

    6 1103 02 15 245

    F - 2 6

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    Sub j e c t N otic e r e quire m e nts (Cont d.)^ Timing Cont d.)

    + Pract ices permitted Cont d.)Oral announcement of legislative committee s immediate meetingduring last few days of General Assembly sessionSame-day notice ofurgently called meeting

    Posting notice 6 days before meeting, coupled with announcementat prior meeting+ P r a c t i c e s in vi ol at i onFailure to give timely public noticeProviding notice only 24 hours before meeting ifpublic bodywas aware of relevant statutory deadline requiring action

    Open sessio n r e q u i r e m e n t enerallyAccommodation ofpeople with disabilities

    Manner in which a public body makes decisions at an open session:o u t si d e t h e A c t

    Entire discussion ofopen session matter, from beginning to end,must be in open sessionOpen meeting must be conducted in a manner that, as a practicalmatter, does not exclude public

    Reopeningmeeting following erroneous closing required good-faitheffort to notify public and press of changed situationfPractices permittedBriefdelay in permitting access by camera crewCeasing discussion immediately ofnewly raised topic that is notpermitted to be discussed in closed sessionChoice of conference room for meeting

    Append ix F

    Vol. O p n . Pa g e

    4 1 4 715

    96- 11.. 1 8 64?

    6 1

    6 47

    4 6

    5 1 3 9

    397 997- 11..02- 13..

    2 3 7 2 4 5 2 3 3

    92 5 6

    94 596 473

    1 6 2

    694 696 4

    92 1 6 2 1 2 7

    3 01 8 1 1 5

    1 96 8 1 7 5

    1 95 3 1 1 7

    3 01 9 1 1 8

    F 27

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    Subject Vol. Opn. PageOpen session requirement Cont d.)

    ^ Practices permittedDenying public access to document distributed to members at meeting 2 99-15 78Disallowing public comment on public body s decisions 1 97-7 227

    4 1 4 0Open meeting in conference room after closed session 1 97-6 224Open meeting in conference room prior to open session in regularmeeting room 5 50Posting ofnotice that legislative committee is holding a voting

    sessio n 4 147Regulating location of cameras set up in hearing rooms 5 154Rescheduling ofmeeting to larger site 4 155 ractices in v iolat ionConducting discussion after announcing adjournment o f open session 1 96-4 162

    1 96- 9 1785 145 7 6

    Conducting discussion during announced recess 4 63Conducting discussion in advance of scheduled meeting 5 81Discussing matters beyond those identified in closing a meetingviolated open session requirements 6 1Excluding reporters from meeting open to the public 2 99-11 67Failure to provide notice to general public 4 178

    6 3 2Meeting in a room off-limits to the general public 4 147Prohibiting audiotaping of discussion by advisory group 5 60Prohibiting videotaping by individual not affiliated with the news

    m e d i a 5 22

    Prohibiting videotaping of audience at meeting 1 95-9 137Prohibiting videotaping even if public bodymakes transcript of 3 03-21 356meeting available

    Append i x F F - 2 8

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    Subject Vol. Opn. PageOpen session requirement Cont d.)

    ^ Practices in violation Cont d.)Session of county council held without notice and in an unusual 1 93-8 44meeting place

    ubl i c body f GenerallyReceipt ofpublic funds: irrelevant to public body status 1 96-11 186

    1 9 7 - 3 2 1 2^ Determined to be a public bodyBoard of legislatively created corporation, intended by the General 1 97-3 212Assembly to be a governmental entityCommittees comprising residents appointed by resolution of 1 94-4 69

    city councilP a n e l o f Cr itical A r e a C o m m i s s i o n 5 1 89State Biosolids (Sewage Sludge) Task Force 5 182Town council members despite their role as heads of departments 3 00-7 26^ Determinednot to be a public bodyAdvisory committee appointed by county parks director 3 03-15.... 325Advisory group to county planning 4 132B o a r d o f B a l ti m o re A r e a C o n v en t io n a n d V i s i to r s A s s o c i a t io n 1 96 14 196

    3 0 3 - 7 2 8 4Board of directors ofprivate, non-profit hospital 1 92-2 6City, county, or school board staffmembers 1 92-2 6

    2 9 8 - 8 2 72 9 9 - 2 3 7

    Committee that carries out pre-application review process identified 3 00-9 36i n local la w

    County department County department heads and countycommissioners in a county in which commissioners are executivehead of county government 1 93-10 50

    Environmental Assessment Committee of the Baltimore County 4 84P u b l ic S c h oo l s

    Append ix F F-29

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    Subject Vol. Opn. ge Public Body Cont d.)

    ^ Determinednot to be a public body cont d.)Individual hearing examiner holding hearing on behalfofzoningb o a r d 1 96-8 17 5

    Informally created committee consisting of two jurisdictionsofficials 2 9 8 -2 5

    Informally created subgroup established by single council member6 1 5 5

    Management Committee formed pursuant to memorandum ofagreement 5 194Management committee informally established by executivedirector of the Baltimore Metropolitan Council 6 17Maryland Public Secondary Schools Athletic Association 4 43Municipal officials and individual members of city council 1 93-6 35Political party central committee 3 03-6 278Private, voluntary association ofpublic officials and others 1 95-4 120Student government association at public college 2 99-1 35Subcommittees not formally created 1 94-4 69

    2 99- 12 7 0Subcommittees ofMaryland Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory

    C o m m i t t e e 6 140Wicomico County Council and county department heads 1 97-16 261

    Quasi-judicial f u n ctio n f Within the functionAnimal control commission proceeding to determine dangerousness 3 03-3 260of do gAppellate role of city council in dispute over referendum petition 2 98-1 1Personnel grievance hearing, if subject to certain judicial review 4 76provisions

    A p p e n d i x F F- 3 0

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    Subject Vol. Opn. Page Q u a s i -l e g is l a ti v e f u n c t i o n

    Within the functionAmendment of employment contract 1 95-5 123Budget review by county legislative body 1 93-8 44

    1 97- 2 2 0 6Franchise reassignment 5 7

    5 2 0 0Review of staffs proposed budget by library board committee 1 97-7 227^ utside thefunctionPresentation on topic with likely fiscal implications but not involvingbudget amendment itself 4 104

    Re co rd sAct does not govern access to records not required under provisions ofth e A c t 6 5 7

    Public access to recordings ofmeetings governedby Public InformationAct ,rather than Open Meetings Act 6 164

    Scope o f c tActivity by public body that falls within none of the defined 1 94-7 96functions: covered by the Act 1 94-10 107

    1 95- 2 1 135 6 0

    Individual actions ofpresiding officer: not covered by the Act 2 99-12 70Library board: covered by Act in addition to provision about meetings

    in Ed u catio n Ar ticle 5 7 0Pen Mar Development Corporation: exempt from some, but not all,provisions of the Act 4 88Survey ofmembers without convening a quorum : not covered by

    Act 6 5 7

    Append ix F F-31

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