maspa support staff conference 2013 presented by: barbara elliott, south lyon community schools

MASPA Support Staff Conference 2013 Presented by: Barbara Elliott, South Lyon Community Schools

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MASPA Support Staff Conference 2013Presented by: Barbara Elliott, South Lyon Community Schools

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Page 3: MASPA Support Staff Conference 2013 Presented by: Barbara Elliott, South Lyon Community Schools

South Lyon Community Schools

345 South Warren, South Lyon, MI 48178

(248) 573-8133 phone

(248) 437-8928 fax

SLCS WINS South Lyon Community Schools Wellness Initiative Now Stars February 1st Minutes

Businesses committed to the event – See attached Jim Brennan will contact local golf courses and canoe rental

Fair program/ schedule reviewed. Draft building tickets- Committee supported use of tickets. These

will be mailed to building representatives. Healthy lunch for building with greatest % participation.

Vendor arrangements in Commons area - This will be determined at the next meeting.

SLHS National Honor Society and East Key Club students will help with set up and take down.

Keep up the employee reminders and motivating staff to come! Food - Suggestions were made regarding contacting Sam’s Club,

Kroger’s or Costco for water bottles. Ron Morelli will contact Benito’s Pizza – donation confirmed

Lauren Bedich will contact Subway and Kroger’s Barb Elliott will contact Costco and Sam’s Club Denise Rickey will contact juice place in Milford

Donations were reviewed, to date – (2) Kensington park passes, (2)Wii Fits, $100 massage, wellness books, haircut and color.

Next Meeting is February 15 at 4:30 at SLHS in the Commons area.

Formed a Wellness Committee, made up of one representative from each school building

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SLCS WINS! South Lyon Community Schools Wellness Initiative Now Stars

Please let your building representative know if you will be attending.

Save the Date Thursday, March 1, 2012

South Lyon WINS! Employee Wellness Fair

3:00 to 7:00 P.M. at South Lyon High School

Learn from local healthcare providers ways to be healthy in 2012!

Keynote speaker Ron Morelli from The Biggest Loser shares his motivational story from 5:00 to 5:45 P.M. in the auditorium!

30 minute Zumba Class

30 minute Yoga Class

Employee raffles every 20 minutes!

Prizes include: Wii Fit, 1 Hour Massage, Golf Package, Yoga Package

and so much more! Building competition (prize awarded to the highest percentage of

employees that attend). There are 20 participating businesses from the South Lyon area that

will be handing out information and free samples. Benito’s Pizza will be there with samples of healthy pizza.

Thanks in advance for your support to be healthy in 2012!

Flyer that was sent toAll SLCS Employees

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1.   Great turnout.   We counted 235 participants, and all levels and positions in the district were well represented.  There are not a whole lot of events that bring the entire district together, and I feel that is one of the real positives that will come out of this wellness initiative.2.  Thanks to:a. Everyone who came and participated... particularly the Yoga and Zumba participants!b.  The businesses who participated.  I thought the displays were great and they were very generous with donations and freebies, which we all love.  We need to show our appreciation by frequenting these businesses whenever possible.  We'll try to make sure to post the participants in all of the lounges and make the brochure available so people can know which businesses participated.c. The NHS and Key Club members who helped set up, take down, and pretty much assisted throughout the entire session... great job.d. The wellness committee, which includes members from each of the buildings.e.  Melissa Baker and central office for getting behind the wellness initiative and really taking the lead in organizing the wellness fair.f. Barb Elliott. Barb was responsible for the brochures, tickets, organization, community liaison, etc.. she was a real driving force behind the success of the program.g.   Ron Morelli .  For those that were fortunate to hear him speak, along with his youngest son, he was truly inspirational and did a great job of sharing his journey with us.  It was great to have him share his "Biggest Loser" stories and as an employee of the district it was cool to hear it from one of our own.

Thanks again to everyone who participated,

Jim BrennanSLEA President

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I am not sure who organized and ran the Wellness Fair yesterday, but I wanted to applaud your efforts!  It was a really nice event and it was obvious that a lot of hard work, organizing, and leg work went into that project.  Thank you for taking the time to do that for us!

Thanks again for all the hard work!

Kimberly GutierrezFirst Grade TeacherKent Lake ElementaryRoom B114South Lyon Schools248-573-8350  Ext.  2628

The Wellness Fair was a great idea and a big success ... nicely done!  I think it really motivated a lot of people, including me.  I enjoyed Ron and Max's presentation (watched every episode of Biggest Loser when Ron and Mike were on), and had fun trying Zumba and Yoga.  My family doctor was there and, of course, she was glad to see I was participating.  I showed her the 3-month free membership to Health Styles I won, and she loved that!  I'm excited about my prize!

Thanks for all your hard work putting it together!

Cathy BussertCITA/Special ServicesSouth Lyon Community Schools(248) 573-8220(248) 437-8438 [email protected] -

Thanks for all the hard work. The fair was wonderful.


Angie Schmidt

Thank you to Barb, Jim, Melissa and the many others that worked to organize this event.  Everyone did a great job!  It was an informational and enjoyable end to the day.

Carolyn KruegerData Processor, Student Services

I really enjoyed and appreciate all the work involved with the Wellness Fair.

Mary McGrathMillennium Middle School

Thanks Barb. Kristin and I enjoyed your Wellness Fair. You seemed to have a great turn out! Thanks again for having us and let us know anytime you need us to return. 

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SLEA Biggest Loser Contest

Objective: Lose 10% of your body weight in 90-days (or overtime if needed) Eligibility: All SLEA members and all South Lyon employees and spouses are

eligible. No friends, neighbors, etc… This competition is not for everyone… people who do not have 10% of

their body weight to lose should not enter!!! Winner/Winners: Whoever reaches 100% or more of their target weight is a winner.

Multiple winners will split the money pool evenly.Rules:

Each contestant pays $90 for the first 90-days of the contest. Each contestant will weigh in on 1/9/13 or 1/10/13 to determine their

target weight. ( I am giving 2 days in case someone is out or can’t make the weigh-in) Target weight will be 10% below the base weight. Contestants will weigh in on first Monday of each month to chart

progress. Contest will end 4/10/12 or 4/11/12, again I’m giving 2 days to make the

weigh-in… IF one or more contestants reach their goal. A winner is defined as anyone who meets their target goal regardless of

the actual percentage of weight loss. Example: If someone has reached their weight loss goal and

surpassed it, there is no ‘bonus’. Anyone who reaches the 10% goal is a winner.

The winners will split the money evenly. Example: If 20 people enter the contest and 8 people achieve

the 10% goal, then those 8 people would each get 1/8 of the total collected.

20 entered X $90.00 = $1,800 TOTAL 1800/8= $225.00 EACH

IF no contestant has reached their goal weight by 4/8/13 the contest will move to overtime.

Overtime: Each contestant wishing to participate in overtime must pay an additional

$30 for each 30-days of overtime. IF after the first 30-days of overtime one or more

contestants reach their target weight they are declared the winner(s). IF no contestant reaches their target weight than another 30-days of overtime is started until we have a winner.

KEY POINTS Since there is $ involved, trust goes out the door. I must weigh you in on

the scale in the HS gym… that will be our official scale. We can’t have any call in weights, or ” trust me I weigh this much” type stuff… sorry.

All participants will sign off on their starting weight and weight loss goal so there is no confusion.

Myself and one designee will be the only two to know the weight of each individual. On the spreadsheet it will simply show your progress towards your 10% goal.

Example: If I lose 5 lbs in the first month weigh-in and I started at 200, I would be at 2.5% of my weight loss goal of 10%. That is all that appears on the spreadsheet, not your actual weight, starting weight, or ending weight.

I take this responsibility seriously and promise not to share your starting weight or weight loss goal with anyone… I mean this. If you choose to share your actual weight that is your choice.

If you are in, e-mail me asap and let me know, weigh-in will take place on Wednesday and Thursday afterschool in the high school training room (located in the main gym)

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For all SLCS employees, a Yoga and Zumba class is being taught one day a week at one of our elementary schools and they can attend for a discounted rate.

1.  I have received checks or cash from just about all of you, waiting on one or two who have interofficed mail, etc... Friday is the absolute cutoff, thanks to all of you for getting the money to me in a timely manner.  Checks and money will be deposited in the SLEA account tomorrow, we ended up with 79 participants for a total of $7,110.00 in the pot.

  2.  Like the rest of you, I have been pretty

busy trying to wrap up the marking period, etc.. so I haven't put together the mailing list of participants yet.  I will put that together and send it out tomorrow.   If you are not a staff member, please send me your email so I can add you to the list... hopefully this email will find its way to you.

  3.  The next weigh in will be Monday,

February 11th.  Please make yourself available afterschool that day, I would like to take care of everyone on one day if possible.  If you absolutely can't make it between 2:45-5:00 on that day, let me know so we can work something out... no call in weights!!

   Hope everyone is working out, eating

properly, and enjoying the challenge! (although in a certain sick, selfish way I secretly hope no one is working out and you all had Chicago style pizza last night.... just kidding!... kinda.)