mass media & money influences on justice the perception of money $$$$$$$$$

Mass Media & Money Influences on Justice The Perception of Money $$$$$$$$$

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Page 1: Mass Media & Money Influences on Justice The Perception of Money $$$$$$$$$

Mass Media & Money Influences on Justice

The Perception of Money $$$$$$$$$

Page 2: Mass Media & Money Influences on Justice The Perception of Money $$$$$$$$$


• How Mass Media Manipulates the Law

• How trials on TV effects Justice

• Mass media abuses of the law, lies

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• Mass media manipulates the law, people with money are more able to win cases.

• Trials on TV greatly effect the outcome of cases by people either having a positive or negative outlook about the individual on trial.

• Mass media can lie which leads people to have either positive or negative reactions to the individual on trial therefore deciding their fate before trial.

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O.J Simpson

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Criminal Trials

Murder 1994 California

• In this case O.J Simpson was accused of the murder of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman.

Robbery, kidnapping, coercion, conspiracy

2007, Nevada

• In this Case O.J Simpson was Accused of breaking into a hotel room and stealing memorabilia that was stolen from him at gunpoint.

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Outcomes of O.J Trials


O.J was represented by Johnnie Cochran and F. Lee Bailey. O.J was acquitted of all charges. However in a civil case O.J was found guilty of a wrongful death lawsuit.

Robbery, kidnapping, coercion, conspiracy

In this case O.J was found guilty of all charges and sentenced to 33 years in prison and the eligibility for parole after 9 years.

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Media Influences• With O.J’s murder trial the most talked about trial in U.S history everyone had their own opinion of if he was guilt or not.

O.J’s murder case was highly publicized and gave the nation the idea that he had gotten away with murder, especially after the release of his book titled “If I Did It” which was published in 2006.

• Shortly After O.J released his book “If I Did It” he was indicted in Nevada for the new robbery case in which O.J broke into a hotel room with a group of men and stole memorabilia that was stolen from him earlier. The robbery was allegedly done at gun point according to Bruce Fromong a former sports memorabilia dealer and witness.

• On Oct. 3rd 2008 O.J was found guilty exactly 13 years to the day after he was acquitted of murder charges.

• O.J Recordings as released by TMZ

• In my opinion the media influenced the decisions of this case by the former murder trial .

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Money Influences• O.J Simpson at one time was a wealthy individual he hired some of the top lawyers

in the United States which helped him to defend himself in his murder trial.

• The media had a big role in following O.J Simpsons cases because he is a celebrity and they new this was a big money deal.

• The Media obviously played a big role in hisguilty verdict and his level of sentencing, as O.Jmay now spend the rest of his life in prison.

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Bill Clinton

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Senate Impeachment Trial

• Perjury, Obstruction of Justice, Abuse of Power 1998

• In this case former president Bill Clinton was impeached by the U.S House of Representatives which arose from the Monica Lewinsky Scandal as well as the Paula Jones Lawsuit.

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Outcome of Impeachment

• Perjury, Obstruction of Justice, Abuse of Power• On February 12th of 1999 president Bill Clinton was acquitted of all charges with no

democratic senator voting for conviction and only 5 democratic reps. for impeachment.

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Media InfluencesBill Clinton was a highly favored president by the U.S.A. citizens most everybody likes him.Bill’s scandal was highly publicized by the media as he was the president of the United StatesThe media obviously played a huge role in the decisions for Bill Clinton as it just seemed as nobody really cared that the situation came up.

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Money InfluencesWith money comes power and there is no more powerful place to be then president.Bill Clinton was able to just get everybody to forget about what happened by just acting like nothing happenedWhile nothing ever happened with Bill Clinton’s case it is obvious his power and the media made it appear to the world that he did not do anything out of line as he had 0 votes for conviction and next to no votes on impeachment.Good Job Bill

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