master controller scripting of the mind

Master Controller Scripting of The Mind So what is all the excitement about? This first paragraph is designed as a primer to stimulate your mind to the wonders of this incredible machine that we must have at least a minimal understanding of how our perception of life and everything that we encounter or come into contact with and experience in any way shape or form. This is accomplished through our sensory awareness faculties which are the eyes and ears and every other sensory perception vehicle our body uses to communicate with its master controller the mind. Then the master controller mind instantly within a fraction of a second searches through every experience you have ever encountered in your entire life which relates to that specific sensory perception request. To get a feel and understanding for I am explaining believe I can sum it up within two short sentences, if you can grasp the meaning behind these two short simple sentences. Then you are half way there my enlightened friend. Now that you understand the meaning behind these two simple sentences all you have to do now is gain a working knowledge of how these 10 words that make up these two sentences work together as well as independently to create an absolute controlling powerhouse that is more powerful and more controlling then any living breathing creature on this earth. These 10 words are the master controls of every mind on the planet regardless whether that mind belongs to an animal or a human being. Let’s break it down now and start to simplify how the mechanics of the mind actual works. This will give us a basic foundation and understanding of what we have to work with. The main thing to remember is that the mind is by far the most powerful recording device on earth. Your mind records everything you experience in life. A good example is your feelings & emotions. When the mind is sent a signal through a perception which is how that single emotion or feeling is communicated to the master controller the mind. When the mind receives this information on a certain feeling you have just experienced through perception it then automatically searches through your entire life’s collection of every feeling you have ever experienced. This is all done within a fraction of a second. This is because once the mind has completed its search it instantly relates and matches that feeling to the closest experiences that you have ever had in your life that will generate and deliver the appropriate response so you can experience the correct feeling that you are having in real time. Pretty simple stuff so far wouldn’t you say. Now before we move on lets think deeply for a moment. You may want to reread the paragraph we just finished several times if not many times daily until you have it memorized. The reason I say this is because this short simplistic example is the heart and soul the basic mechanics of how the master controller your mind communicates with all

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Page 1: Master Controller Scripting of The Mind


Master Controller Scripting of The Mind 


So what is all the excitement about? This first paragraph is designed as a primer to stimulate your mind to the wonders of this incredible machine that we must have at least a minimal understanding of how our perception of life and everything that we encounter or come into contact with and experience in any way shape or form. This is accomplished through our sensory awareness faculties which are the eyes and ears and every other sensory perception vehicle our body uses to communicate with its master controller the mind. 


Then the master controller mind instantly within a fraction of a second searches through every experience you have ever encountered in your entire life which relates to that specific sensory perception request. To get a feel and understanding for I am explaining believe I can sum it up within two short sentences, if you can grasp the meaning behind these two short simple sentences. Then you are half way there my enlightened friend. Now that you understand the meaning behind these two simple sentences all you have to do now is gain a working knowledge of how these 10 words that make up these two sentences work together as well as independently to create an absolute controlling powerhouse that is more powerful and more controlling then any living breathing creature on this earth. These 10 words are the master controls of every mind on the planet regardless whether that mind belongs to an animal or a human being. 


Let’s break it down now and start to simplify how the mechanics of the mind actual works. This will give us a basic foundation and understanding of what we have to work with. The main thing to remember is that the mind is by far the most powerful recording device on earth. Your mind records everything you experience in life. A good example is your feelings & emotions. When the mind is sent a signal through a perception which is how that single emotion or feeling is communicated to the master controller the mind. When the mind receives this information on a certain feeling you have just experienced through perception it then automatically searches through your entire life’s collection of every feeling you have ever experienced. This is all done within a fraction of a second. This is because once the mind has completed its search it instantly relates and matches that feeling to the closest experiences that you have ever had in your life that will generate and deliver the appropriate response so you can experience the correct feeling that you are having in real time. Pretty simple stuff so far wouldn’t you say. Now before we move on lets think deeply for a moment. You may want to reread the paragraph we just finished several times if not many times daily until you have it memorized. The reason I say this is because this short simplistic example is the heart and soul the basic mechanics of how the master controller your mind communicates with all your experience’s every single one of them. I mean anything and everything you can possibly think of. Try it for a moment. Think about it go deep get creative.


Try this just to show you how wonderful that thing on your shoulders you have been calling a head all your life. Come on you call it a simple head. Think? go along with me. Say out loud if you can (my head) in your regular tone of voice. What did you just experience? Try it again and think. What you are looking for is your perception of that experience you just had. The senses you are looking for here can be very unique to each person. How this works and is tied into this is depending upon each persons association of the collection of senses that were triggered and brought to the service by past experiences you felt through emotions when those two words you just spoke out loud. Quick questions to ask to help you self analyze. How many times have you said the word my? How many times have you heard or read the word my? Now ask yourself the exact same questions using the word (head). Now repeat the exact same

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process .Same questions for (my head) flip the words, same questions. (Head my) the master controller your mind is very fair and does not discriminate, judge or question your methods. Trust me this is just to give you a basic idea of how much work the mind does to give you meaning, interpretation of you simply saying two simple words (my head) the two basic senses you used to deliver those two words to the master controller was probably one auditory depending upon the voice inflection used and the tonality you used when saying those two words will have a great impact on how the mind runs it’s scripts.


Remember the mind uses the same mechanics, scripts to process the information it has been given. What changes everything and determines what the mind finds in your mental database of life so to speak is how your sensory perception interprets your auditory delivery of those two little words. Because the interpretation of the sensory perception of the delivery of the auditory. This is exactly what instructs, commands, directs and dictates how the master controller does it’s research so to speak without this direction from the senses it would not have a clue! All it would have is completely empty, hollow, nothings. Seriously your senses are what give everything you experience in life feelings and emotions. Wait a minute was that backward? Think! Well your answer is based on your past experiences in life you know that. The answer is yes it’s backwards but I bet you’re saying it sounds better this way. I also bet if you ever use those two words in the same sentence you will automatically write them the same way I just did.  


Conditioning my friend! Oh yes! This is powerful. Guess what you have been conditioned. What does that mean? Well another word for it how about trained behavior. Force control without your knowledge. No free will. What do you think?  That sucks! Sounds like prison doesn’t it? Don’t like the way all that sounds do you? No one does!


Wait maybe it does sound good? Think? Curious aren’t you? How about a power trip? How does that sound? Are you thinking? Come on use that Master Controller! Ok now were getting some where. Sounds a hell of a lot better then saying my head doesn’t it? How about using the word mind? That has a nice refined feel to it. What about brain? Has a surgery kind of hospital feel to it. Truthfully and remember this for the rest of your like. This one sentence is all it takes to completely change your life and the way you experience every single day of your life. Damn that’s heavy!


Now if I would have came out and said that very early on I bet your first response would have been what ever dude. Later! I’m out of here. (Gone) now that you are starting to get a feel for this stuff, wait that’s not the word we are looking for is it? We can do better then that can’t we? Stuff that sucks! Sounds like the kind of word someone with low mentality and an under achiever would probably use. Yea that sounds about right. :>) Are you thinking? Always! OK times up. First we have made a new rule. For now on we have our word we will always use to describe what we are practicing. The word is Psychology! I bet that felt a heck of a lot better didn’t it. What have we been doing for the last hour or so? Say it out loud anyway you want. Think first! Always think first Doctor! Practicing Psychology!


Wow now that rules doesn’t it! Try this if you are still with me and have been since the beginning. What I’m saying is if you have been with me all this time you should start to have a pretty good feel for what’s going on. Remember how the Master controller works? What helps direct and guide the master controller on what type of information it is looking for? Well information is simply information nothing more. What is the secret ingredient the master controller needs in order to do its job correctly? Emotion! That comes from where? You are

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correct Doctor. Our senses! Our senses are what helps determine almost everything we experience in life. Think? Site! Sound! Taste! Feel! Hear! Of course we can play big and use mush more sophisticated words for those four senses. I guess it just depends on how we wish to make ourselves feel. I like Auditory & Visualization much more then site & sound. How about you? They sound much more important and professional. It literally gives me a completely different perspective & interpretation of the meaning of those words. They don’t even sound like they come close to meaning the same thing. But they do. Why is that? Simple! Go back to that early exercise and ask yourself the exact same questions. This time do it for these four words. You know all this. These four words are easy to differentiate aren’t they? Yet they are the same.

Are you starting to understand how it works? It certainly works for words doesn’t it? Damn right it does! Wow it sounded like I meant that! Also it sounded like I said it with Authority. I guess if I actually said those words out loud it would even reinforce the meaning behind them. I bet it would. What if I added an aggressive tone when I said it and elevated my voice at the same time? I bet it would even have a more dynamic impact.


Now if a single word can have such a strong dynamic impact on our interpretation. Think? Site! Visualization! Auditory! Sound! Big time and that’s just two easy words we came up with. You may even come across people and definitions that swear there different. Nope! There not. Real quick two things I want to touch on.


If those four little words can have such a dramatic impact on our senses! Which in turn will determine how our master controller receives it’s instructions on how to investigate and go and get our response for us. Remember almost everything we have covered explains the relationship and the mechanics of how the mind works. Did I just relax the boss by saying mind works instead of Master controller! Why yes, yes I did. Yes that person who is actually in charge of our life. Our real Boss. That person that tells us what to do and when to do it every second of the day! That S.O.B! I bet he even tells us how we are supposed to feel about what he is making us do! Mean! Wait a minute I thought we were in control Damn it! Ok I’m just about finished for this session! Now remember when I touched on conditioning earlier? You were thinking damn that sounds like good stuff! Maybe not! I’m going to tell you a secret you may already know!




Let’s take it just a little bit further shall we? Those scripts we are running on, you know who installed them? You didn’t! I didn’t! That’s not entirely true. The scripts we are all running on are completely different for every single person on earth. Our scripts were installed by who ever raised us and brought us up! Now relax. Did I touch a nerve? I bet I did! I can go as deep as you want me to go. Let me tie it all together now. Remember that recorder our mind uses and tapes everything. Yea the one the master controller manages. That dude knows where every single secret is hidden. You don’t do you? Neither do I! No one does! The master controller does though. And he isn’t going to tell us. Did you know the master controller is being run on that DAMN SCRIPT! All those secrets that nobody will ever know accept you. I’m talking about the ones you haven’t completely buried yet. You tucked them away pretty DAMN deep haven’t you. Hey I don’t blame you; I have done the same my friend. We all have.


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Do you ever wonder why you behave the way you? Why you feel the way you do sometimes? Why do some people make it and some don’t? Why do some people have great jobs and some don’t? Why do some people have nice families and some don’t? What makes us do what we do? What makes us behave the way we do? Why do we react the way we do? Should I touch on sex? How about marriage? I know what about kids? Our own kids? Think? Scripts, conditioning. Yes the same well almost, a little different. If you have a child or children. You my friend are writing their scripts. I mean as we sit here there scripts are being written. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. It just depends on how yours was written. You are almost guaranteed to install the same copy pretty close to the same one anyway.


These scripts I’m talking about were installed without knowledge from anyone. No one says I’m going to install this kind of script in my child. Well you have that choice now, not really it depends on how much you are willing to learn about human behavior and psychology. Here is the deal. Scripts are simply a learned behavior that you were taught as you were being raised and brought up. As time passed and you were raised in whatever environment and home life you were brought up in it takes on a form of conditioning. So if your given a lot of love, brought up in a good environment. You were always told how good you were at this and that. Parents showed they cared about your education, simply showed a little interest will do. Your parents had a job that helps a lot. Parent got along ok. My friend if these sounds like you consider yourself lucky. That’s a damn good script!


Sincerely Yours,

Keith R Startz

[email protected]


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