master plan and notional target architecture

LEA Master Plan & Notional Target Architecture John Chi-Zong Wu [email protected]

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Post on 15-Jan-2015




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Master plan and notional Target Architecture inherit the top down and vertical architecture theory from traditional architecture development method. It is the first architecture theory among the Light Enterprise Architecture concept of vertical, horizontal and circular architecture theory. LEA takes the light approach to conduct master plan and the notional target architecture because it is futile to design a frozen blueprint in an organic enterprise. LEA adopt the ideal of master planning comes from city planning. Master plan and notional target architecture represent the construct and the notion of enterprise target architect. However, it serve as the mean of Enterprise Architecture rather than the end. EA is not only about drawing some high level architecture drawings. It is long term guideline not only for the enterprise mechanical architecture but also used to facilitate collaboration and knowledge sharing. It is intended for both business and engineering community. It shows how business take advantage of different resources which include not only IT but also human and financial resources. It is not intended as the guideline on how to design or create these resources. EA should not be confused as the enterprise wide solution architecture. Master plan and notional architecture is delivered in architecture drawing sets and spread sheet for the purpose of intuitive and comprehension by the business community. The notional architecture drawing is not as rigid a the engineering blueprint, It is flexible and creative.


Page 1: Master Plan and Notional Target Architecture

LEAMaster Plan & Notional Target


John Chi-Zong Wu [email protected]

Page 2: Master Plan and Notional Target Architecture

Presentation Goal Distinguish EA from Enterprise wide application

development Introduce the concept of master plan and notional

architecture. Adopt the master plan concept from city planning. The notional architecture is a high level architecture on

how business community take advantage of technology evolution.

The notional architecture is a top down architecture approach in vertical direction.

It inherit the classical EA model and frame work. LEA leverage on FEA and C4ISR approach to prepare the

notional architecture drawing sets in the layers of Business, Application, Data and technology.

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The vertical alignment Architecture

It is the vertical architecture theory in the LEA architecture directions as shown on the following figure.

It is the high level Enterprise mechanical architecture to describe long term enterprise structure.

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Why master plan and notional architecture?

Master plan and notional architecture is the overall guide line and long term plan.

It is the beginning of EA rather than the end.

It is fundamental to support: Business community comprehension of EA. The light version of Enterprise Architecture. Identify the enterprise line of business. The cross cutting architecture. The collaboration. The knowledge management. Segment architecture.

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The light version of classical EA Mater plan and notional architecture is the light

version of the good old EA practice. Master plan: The holistic long term plan for the

enterprise. Notional Architecture is the high level

architecture plan Master plan and notional architecture is business

orientated. It plans how business community take advantage of

technology evolution. It should be intuitive and comprehensive without special

architecture training.

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Beyond IT Business analyst must take business, Finance,

Human and IT resources into consideration. LEA use architecture principle beyond IT

architecture. This presentation illustrate the master plan

concept from the aspect of IT. IT applies to all the following area:

Business architecture IT resources architecture. Financial resources architecture Human resources architecture.

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The level of effort Master plan and notional target architecture dose

not require significant investment of time and resources.

The goal is to establish the enterprise architecture guideline and principle rather than design the enterprise wide solution architecture blueprint.

It is a flexible practice for business community comprehension.

Master plan and notional target architecture should not take longer than six months.

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Drawing sets & spread sheets

Master plan and notional architecture is prepared in drawing sets and spread sheets.

The architecture drawing sets consist of :

The Business Architecture The Application Architecture The Data Architecture The Technology Architecture

Enterprise Architects are trained to prepare the architecture drawings as the traditional architects do.

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Adopt Master plan from city planning EA is analogy to city

planning. The enterprise master plan

is adopted from popular city planning practice as shown on the figure.

The mater plan is a holistic and long term planning which serve as the architecture principle.

It out line the plan on how business take advantage of different resources.

It is a collaborative effort.

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Enterprise Map

Enterprise Master plan use enterprise map

The enterprise master plan is prepared using the enterprise maps.

The enterprise maps does not only describe the as is environment but also the future environment.

The master plan is created on a additional layer of the enterprise map.

The master plan layer use different legend to indicate the master plan.

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The Notional Target Architecture Notional Target architecture elaborate the master

plan. The notional target architecture inherit the

classical EA model and framework. The notional target architecture consist of the

following products The business architecture The Application architecture The data architecture

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The Alignment Architecture

Notional architecture is an alignment architecture. The alignment framework orderly arrange how

business takes advantage of technology evolution. It is not the solution architecture to design the

applications. In a layman’s term, It only concerns about how to

use the vehicles instead of how to build a vehicle. Notional architecture have exclude the technology

architecture design.

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Leave the detail for solution architecture

Notional Architecture is the long term architecture plan and guide line.

It is not a real architecture blueprint for construction and making transition plan.

Segment architecture elaborate the notional architecture plan to close business performance gaps.

Solution architecture design the detail architecture blueprint for construction.

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The notional architecture model


ss Knowledge




Human Resources IT Resources

Financing Resources




The notional target architecture inherit the classical EA approach at the very high level.

EA apply architecture principle not only on IT but also on human, financial and industrial resources.

Use IT to illustrate the notional architecture approach.

The same architecture principle applies to every area.

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The notional target architecture framework

Notional Target architecture elaborate the master plan. The notional target architecture inherit the classical EA

model and framework.

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Recommended architecture drawings

LEA recommend the following diagrams in preparing the notional architecture drawing sets.

Many EA projects have created useful architecture drawings which serve good examples in preparing the notional target architecture.

The diagrams are parallel to the products define in the US DoDAF (Department of Defense Architecture Framework).

Although each architecture drawing appears to be a simple graphic, It is the result of architects hard work.

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Notional Business Architecture

The notional business architecture

Concepts of operation. The business function. The location. The organization.

The enterprise activities and business processes are modeled in the Enterprise master plan.

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Concept of operation

Many EA approaches use concept of operation drawing to communicate with business community.

Concept of operation is creative and flexible illustration of business operation.

Leverage on C4ISR OV-1 High Level Operational Concept Graphic.

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Business function diagram

The notional architecture conduct high level business function decomposition.

The example drawing shows business function diagram the business function in tree structure.

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The Business organization

The organization type.

The organization structure.

The organization internal logical node connectivity.

The external node connectivity.

Business reorganization

Similar to C4ISR OV-4 Organizational Relationships Chart

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The Business locations

The location types.

The location structure.

The organization distribution.

The location connectivity.

Business location consolidation.

Similar to C4ISR OV-4 Organizational Relationships Chart

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Notional Application Architecture

The notional application architecture

Enterprise Application concepts.

The business process/application components spread sheets.

Application system catalog spread sheets.

Application system interface diagram.

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Process/ Application matrix

The process/application matrix in spread sheet describe the relation between business process and application components.

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The Notional Data Architecture The notional data

architecture describe how business utilize information.

The business/information matrix in create, read, update and delete

The conceptual data subject area.

The high level data entities.

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Enterprse Data Architecture

LEA practice to design the business architecture drawing set.

Information description

Information concept.

Information flow

Information entity relation.

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The enterprise subject area modeling Prepare the

Subject Area Model. It identifies the organization’s high-level business

key business entities,

key relationships between the business entities,

key business entity to key business process relationships (i.e., map).

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Process/data matrix The

process/date matrix in spread sheet describe the high level relation between business process and data.

It is also know as the CRUD matrix to show Create, Read, Update.

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Human Resource Enterprise Architecture

Human Resources EA aligns human resource to business architecture.

The human resource EA model consist of the following layers:

Knowledge Ability Skills.





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Financial Enterprise Archtiecture Align financial

resources to business architecture.

The financial Enterprise Architecture model consist of the following layers.

Financial knowledge Financial execution. Financial



Financial execution

Financial Information

Financial Skills

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Apply architecture principle not only to IT but also to human resources and financial.

Mater plan and notional architecture in vertical architecture theory.

It is a matter of how to take advantage of technology rather than how to design the technology.

Master plan and notional architecture is the long term guide line rather the enterprise solution architecture blueprint.

Master plan and notional architecture is flexible based on need.
