mastering change: essential skills to transform yourself and others


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By Bill Bayer

Copyright William W Bayer 2013

TV HistoryDate Milestone

1939 Black & White TV Exhibit at World’s Fair

1948-1959 Community Antenna Television in US & Canada

1952 UHF Broadcasting allowed by FCC (70 channels)

1954 Color Television – Rose Bowl Parade

1956 Wireless TV Remote Control

1962 Satellite TV Transmission

1971 First Cable TV converter

Copyright William W Bayer 2013

TV History (Continued)Date Milestone

1972 HBO – First Pay TV network in US

1975 VHS (and Betamax) videotaping formats

1995 DVD’s and DVD Players

1998 High Definition TV

1999 Digital Recorders – TiVo, PVR, DVR

1999 Plasma and LCD Displays

2010 3D TV at Consumer Electronics Show

Copyright William W Bayer 2013

Office EquipmentDate Milestone

1869 Remington Typewriter

1945 Army – Electronic Numerator, Integrator, Analyzer, and Computer (ENIAC)

1950’s Electric Typewriters

1950’s Univac – first commercial computer system

1970’s Typewriter competes with Word Processors

1976 Wozniak and Jobs found Apple Computer

Copyright William W Bayer 2013

Office Equipment (Continued)Date Milestone

1960’s Copiers use ordinary paper

1970’s Facsimile (Fax) machines in common use

1981 IBM personal computer (DOS)

1985 Windows – makes computer “easy to use”

1990’s Computer networks in most offices

1990’s Email, internet, connecting personal computer

2000’s Cell Phones, Tablets, Mobile Internet Access

Copyright William W Bayer 2013

Family Demographics Changes

196072% married5% Divorced9% Widowed15% Never Married

201051% married14% Divorced6% Widowed28% Never Married

Copyright William W Bayer 2013

Family Demographics Changes

196011% of children live apart from their father4% live apart from MomAvg. hours Dads spend with children = 2.6Moms = 10.6

201027% of children live apart from their father8% live apart from MomAvg. hours Dads spend with children = 6.5Moms = 12.9

Copyright William W Bayer 2013

Stock Market Returns - Dow Since 1900, Total Dow = 9.4%.(P=4.8%; Div=4.6%) Since 1929, before the crash, total return of 8.8% Since end of 1932 (after the crash), 11.1% 25 years from 1987 through 2012, 10.6% 13 years since 1999 (Dot Com bubble peak) 3.4% Since 2007 - 2.6% Total return in 2012 – 10.1%

Copyright William W Bayer 2013

Stock Market Returns - NASDAQ Price in 1978 – 99.77 Peak in 1987 – 455.20, avg. annual gain of 18% 1994, before internet boom – average of 14% Peak in 2000 – average 19.5% To low in early 2009 – average 8.5% To end of 2012 – average of 10.5%

(Excludes dividends)

Copyright William W Bayer 2013

Realities About Change Change happens continuously Change is occurring at a faster pace Instant access to information today accelerates

change Recent social changes (divorce, married women

working, single parent homes, abortion, gay rights, children raised by unmarried couples, etc.) have occurred at a higher pace than any time in history.

Copyright William W Bayer 2013

The Ultimate Reality About Change

If we do not learn to deal with change in a timely and effective manner, our ability to succeed is impaired and our ability to survive is threatened.

Copyright William W Bayer 2013

Conclusion The ability to deal effectively with

change is critical to success in all phases of life.WorkplaceFamily and RelationshipsPersonalWealth Creation

Copyright William W Bayer 2013

The Challenge

How do we equip ourselves to consistently be able to adapt to change more efficiently than others do?

Copyright William W Bayer 2013

Why do we Resist Change?

Security Fear of Loss Influence of and Resistance from Others

Behavioral Style

Copyright William W Bayer 2013

Impact of Behavior Styles DISC

High D’s and High I’s Enjoy Change (32%)

High S’s and High C’s Resist Change (68%)

Copyright William W Bayer 2013

Keys to Mastering Change

Attitude Information Goals Plans Actions

Copyright William W Bayer 2013

Attitudes About Change Limit Change

Cultural bias for the status quo Workplace and school rules and traditions emphasize structureExample – Medicating those who are inattentive in school

Copyright William W Bayer 2013

Attitudes About Change(Cont.)

Change is seen as threatening Change is often associated with pain

Most people are pessimists Change requires strong self-belief

Copyright William W Bayer 2013

First Change your Attitude Make a decision to equip yourself for change

Become pro-active about change

Embrace change as an opportunity when it comes

Copyright William W Bayer 2013

Timely Information is Critical

Change that surprises is difficult to deal with and emotionally damaging

Information allows us to anticipate change

Copyright William W Bayer 2013

Increase Your Information

Timely Accurate Dependable Different point of view Learn from experts

Copyright William W Bayer 2013

Identify Exceptional Sources

Publications Blogs Internet and other Newsletters Pay for quality information from experts

Copyright William W Bayer 2013

Information Ideas

Barron’s WSJ The Economist Industry newsletters Books

Copyright William W Bayer 2013

More Information Ideas

Good internet sites Blogs

Copyright William W Bayer 2013

Information Ideas – Social Trends

Pew Research Gallup Polls Political Trends – RealPolitics NY Times

Copyright William W Bayer 2013

Information Ideas on the Edge

Magazines at the library Shopping Mall Research New Music - The Lyrics Talk to your Kids (Or someone else’s)

Copyright William W Bayer 2013

When Change Happens . . .

Or when you initiate itWhat is the threat or reason for the change?

What is the Goal?Why is it important to Change?

Copyright William W Bayer 2013

Set Clear Goals for the Change

What is the specific expected result?

How will you measure success? How will you measure progress?

Copyright William W Bayer 2013

Develop a Plan

Step by step list of everything that needs to be done.

If others are involved, list what they need to do.Also develop a plan to educate and motivate the team

Copyright William W Bayer 2013

Actions – Individual Change Take Action Taking the first step is key Your plan should include specific scheduled time on a regular basis to work on the changes

Measure progress daily vs. plan

Copyright William W Bayer 2013

Actions Needed to Lead Others

Initiate Personal Action Communicate the Plan Clearly Lead by Example Continuously Communicate & Encourage

Copyright William W Bayer 2013

Leading Change - Initiate

If you are to successfully lead change, the team needs to visibly see you taking action to implement the change – esp. at the beginning

Copyright William W Bayer 2013

Leading Change - Communicate

Meet with team to discuss the reasons for the change and why it is critical

Go over the plan and modify the plan based on feedback – But not the goal!

Copyright William W Bayer 2013

Leading Change - Example

Initiate action Set an example by doing the hard stuff

Be cool under pressure or when obstacles are encountered

Copyright William W Bayer 2013

Leading Change - Encourage

Be visible throughout the process

Anticipate obstacles and resistance and respond to them like they were expected

Over-communicate if necessary

Copyright William W Bayer 2013

In Closing Change happens continuously Change is occurring at a faster pace Instant access to information today

accelerates change Expect more social changes Successful people must master the skills

required to change quickly and effectively.

Copyright William W Bayer 2013

Final Point

People who become proficient at dealing effectively with change have a sustainable advantage throughout their life.