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____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ .. .. .. ..1.. .. .. .. #2/Dec/2012 MASTERMINDZ

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Mastermindz Decemberfrom the principal’s desk
WeWeWeWe have to abandon the idea that schooling have to abandon the idea that schooling have to abandon the idea that schooling have to abandon the idea that schooling
is something restricted to youth and schools. is something restricted to youth and schools. is something restricted to youth and schools. is something restricted to youth and schools.
How can it be, in a world where half the How can it be, in a world where half the How can it be, in a world where half the How can it be, in a world where half the
things a man knows at 20 are no longer true things a man knows at 20 are no longer true things a man knows at 20 are no longer true things a man knows at 20 are no longer true
at 40 at 40 at 40 at 40 ---- and half the things he knowsand half the things he knowsand half the things he knowsand half the things he knows at 40 at 40 at 40 at 40
hadn't been discovered when he was 20?hadn't been discovered when he was 20?hadn't been discovered when he was 20?hadn't been discovered when he was 20?
Keeping the above in mind, I would like to
emphasize the importance that homes play in
the schooling system. Infact, without a strong
backup from homes, schooling would be a
complete failure anywhere. The common
feeling is that once one sends a child to school,
the responsibility is over. Infact, I would say
that, that is when the responsibility actually
starts. Schools just provide a place where some
experts (teachers) meet, and where some
learners (students) gather, for about 1000
hours in a year. But what about the other
hours in the year? (about 8000). The child is
actually spending just about 12 percent of his
time in a year at school. The other, about 80
percent, is being spent outside the school and
mostly with the parents. Do you think that
Green School Drive 4
anything that one teaches in school will be of any use if it is not reinforced at home?
Do you think that the values one teaches in school have any “value”, if they are not
reinforced at home? Let me give you an example: There can be no doubt that telling
the truth is a much sought after value. Children are born truthful because telling lies
requires a lot of manipulation and children don’t normally indulge in it. We teach the
children here in school that telling the truth is sacred. These values are emphasized in
the lessons given in the books. But imagine what he/she would think about speaking
the truth when he/she sees lies being told at home. What do you do about that? Or
take another case: In schools we ask children not to burst crackers because of so many
factors but at home it’s the parents who NOT only tell the children that nothing is
wrong in bursting crackers, but themselves actively participate in it. I think this
dichotomy has to end. You can’t have children not littering the school, but littering the
roads. The parents have to tell a child what is wrong and what is right. I feel, that job
is best done when both the school and the family join hands. My son will never throw a
banana peel or a paper packet, or even used plastics. Not because he was taught that
at school – but as a family we also emphasized the need to do so. Hence, please work
in conjunction with the school. Let us decide mutually what is right and what is wrong.
And then let us not violate the rules. One can’t act like a policeman by checking
whether a child has the license to drive. The child must never leave home in a vehicle
which the law does not allow him to drive. If as parents we allow children to do that,
then we are encouraging them to do something illegal. It is unfair on the child for he is
being taught the wrong thing and being expected to do the right.
Having said all that, I request you all to be very particular about some of the basic
things that schools emphasize on – coming to school on time and in proper uniform,
explaining a child’s absence from school, having the right food so that the child can go
through the day with enough energy, following up his /her progress in class, and
coming as and when required by the school to do so. I think we need to give more of
our time for the sake of the child. No reason is good enough for not having time for our
It is this kind of cooperation that the school and I are expecting from you. Without it,
education will be absolutely inadequate. Let us get together to make learning more
meaningful as well as contemporary for our children.
Sangeeta KainSangeeta KainSangeeta KainSangeeta Kain
green school drive
Several activities were carried out as the part of Green School Drive from
August to November 2012.
ℵ Students conducted a Water Survey on Drinking Water consumption in their
surroundings and and were given tips to preserve the drinking water.
ℵ Awareness Drive against the Leaking taps in neighbourhood was done.
ℵ Awareness about the importance of trees and planting more trees to avoid the
harmful effects of Global Warming was spread.
ℵ Origami a mirror showing activity for the children that if we’ll not realize the
importance of this gifted natural surrounding today then, that day isn’t far away
when we have to accept this artificial world created by human beings in near future.
ℵ Slogan Writing activity on the subject ‘Save Trees’ and its importance in our life
was done.
ℵ PPTs are shown frequently in the assemblies to create awareness about Green
Environment among children.
A session by YUVA in Importance of Smile
On 13/09/12, YUVA conducted a special session for VEDIC kids on importance of
smile in life. A PowerPoint YUVA volunteers also made students do activities that
brought the smile on students’ faces.
Scholar Trophy Function
On 12/10/I2, Scholar trophy function was organized for VEDIC students.
Ms. Nushrat Pathan, CSR Manager, HDFC, Mumbai was invited as Chief Guest.
4 students from class IX and X were awarded for academic performance. 21 Students
were awarded for 100% Attendance Award. Students were also encouraged with
Vocational Classes
Students of VEDIC painted and decorated Diyas for Diwali. The Diyas were sold by
DPS students and fund collected will be utilized for the noble cause.
Rangoli Competition
On occasion of Diwali, Rangoli competition was organized. Each and every student of
A session by Mr. Asutosh Dave – Head VEDIC on Various
Career Options
Parents of VEDIC students were invited in the school. Mr. Asutosh Dave, Head –
VEDIC explained the parents regarding career options for regular courses and
diploma courses. Parents also participated enthusiastically with various questions and
were made aware for the same.
organized “Hockey – Hamare
schools participated with
Annual Fine Arts and Craft
consecutive year. The theme was chosen to create awareness about Hockey among the
children. All the students from various schools from classes I to XII were divided in
four groups A, B, C, D. Group A consisted class I-II had colouring, group B with
classes III-IV had painting, group C with classes VI-VII had poster making and
group D with classes IX-XII had logo design competition resp. The works of art were
judged by Mr. E. J. Samuel, an eminent Hockey coach, and Mr. Tarun Deep Girdher,
graphic designer with NID.
26/09/12 in Delhi Public School,
Bopal campus by the students of classes
I to V. They all took the initiative to
clean each and every corner of the
school including their own belongings
and took a pledge to spread this
awareness everywhere. They realised
importance of cleanliness.
effectively other activities like watching
PPT on cleanliness and story narration
were also done. And they involved
themselves in cleaning their locality and
took the initiative to motivate their friends.
Children have done a brilliant job which
was appreciated by all. The children
proved that the energetic and enthusiastic
heart can do something extraordinary.
Grand Parents’ Day Celebration
Grandparents’ Day was celebrated on 19/10/12 in classes I & II wherein the
grandparents of the students came to the campus to share their experiences. The event
witnessed greetings from students and an audio- visual presentation being played
simultaneously. It was an apt forum for the students to express their love & gratitude
towards the elders of the family. The programme comprised of a group song and
storytelling by the young ones. The Grandparents reciprocated their feelings by
sharing their views with the students. To sum it up, it was remarkable to see such
bonding across generations.
Parents’ Interaction group organized “Khushiyon ka Tyohar-Diwali” for the parents
of class III. Many parents participated enthusiastically. They narrated stories to the
children, sang songs, taught them card-making, lantern making, rangoli making,
step-by-step drawing etc. Festivity was in the air. The children and parents both
enjoyed the programme immensely.
Navratri is a festival of Dance, Music, Colours, Holiness, Life and Religious Unity.
Children of classes of I-V celebrated this festival with gaiety on 23/10/12. All the
children came colourfully dressed, adorned with ornaments. They matched their steps
with the beats of lively tunes of popular garba songs from “Sanedo” to “Bhai Bhai”.
Their excitement was visible while teaching new Garba steps to their teachers on this
final day of Navratri.
06/08/12 and 07/08/12 for classes I
& II and classes III- V respectively to
celebrate the festival of Janmashtami. A
short story on Lord Krishna’s birth and
childhood was shown to the children
through PPT and was narrated as well.
The “ ” enactment was
amazing. The participants were very
eager to make the pyramid. They broke
the “” with great enthusiasm. The
chanting of “Krishna Dhun” by the
teachers and students gave the feel of the
festival. The children of classes I & II
danced on the song “
” and a spectacular dance
performance on Lord Krishna was
presented by the students of Class IV. To
inculcate the awareness about
GREEN” was shown to the students.
Independence Day
Special Assemblies to celebrate Independence Day were held on 13/08/12 and
14/08/12 for classes I & II and classes III- V respectively. Children had disguised
themselves as different freedom fighters like Mahatma Gandhi, Mangal Pande, Rani
Lakshamibai, Rabindranath Tagore etc. They even explained the role they had
played to fight for the freedom of our country. The patriotic songs were played to bring
the zest of Independence Day. The assembly hall was echoing with the song “Chak de
India Chak de”, on which a dance was presented. A student of Class IV gave a speech
on Independence Day. Children sang patriotic song “Chodo Kal ki bate……” to bring
“Teachers’ Day.” The children presented
different programmes. Students paid tribute to
Dr. Radhakrishnan by saying a few lines
about the great personality, in whose memory
we celebrate Teachers’ Day. The highlight of
the assembly was the prayer dance
“Hey Sharde Maa” choreographed by the
students themselves to entertain their teachers.
Hindi Week
14/09/12 is celebrated as “ ” every year ((((as on 14th September, 1949,
“” was declared official language by the Constitutional Assembly)))). Special
assemblies were held to commemorate this day on 10/09/12 for classes I & II and on
11/09/12 for classes III – V in Abhivyakti.
The assembly comprised of an introduction of “ ” , a poem on the
importance of Hindi language and the NEWS and Thought of The Day in Hindi as
well as in English. The children recited a poem “Meri Gudia” and a song “Meri Maa”
in Hindi and a Qawalli on Hindi grammar enthralled the audience. The use of
grammar in day to day life was brought out beautifully through a short skit. The
stage was brought alive with ‘ Panna Dhai’ a drama depicting the historic era. A
beautiful song was sung by a student of class V H accompanied with the guitar.
Children of class I & II also learnt a Hindi prayer to be said before break.
“ , , -,
Ganesh Chaturthi
Special assemblies were conducted on Ganesh Chaturthi on 17/09/12 for classes I &
II and on 18/09/12 for classes III –V. The assemblies began with a prayer ‘Ganpati
Mantra’. Ganesh Arti was sung by the students. A shloka was recited and its meaning
was explained. The children shared a lot of information about Lord Ganesha such as
their life and His almighty brings success, harmony, knowledge and fulfills every
body’s wishes. The children also explained the story of ‘Full Moon” and “Amavsya”
through a skit and a story based on how a Mushaka (rat) became Bal Ganesha's
means of transport was also shown in an animated video clipping. A well
choreographed dance praising Lord Ganesha was also presented. A dance
performance on “Ganesh Vandna” was also presented by Pratiksha from class 1-C.
A special assembly was held to celebrate the occasion of Navratri on 22/10/12 in
Abhivyakti for classes I & II. It started with ‘Thought for the Day’. A student shared
his views beautifully on “Care & Compassion”, the value of the month. A “Doha”
related to Navratri was presented by the students. The information about Navratri
was provided by the students disguised as nine goddesses. The assembly ended with
“Garba”, the most popular dance of Gujarat. The students clad in traditional outfits,
exhibited an electrifying performance.
English Week
A special assembly was organized by the English Department (III to V) on 23/10/12.
It started with a beautiful thought by Helen Keller along with a short skit on the life of
Helen Keller. A humorous skit ‘Kidney Buddies’ had the audience in splits. Clouds
and Waves a poem by Rabindranath Tagore came alive on the stage when the
children acted it out. One of the students shared his thoughts on ‘My role model’. He
stated that his role model was the maid servant who has been working in his house
since the time he was born and how she has overcome her situation through sheer grit
and determination. Songs like ‘There’s a hole in the bucket’ and ‘Country Roads’ were
also sung by the students. Last but not the least keeping in tune with the festival of
Navratri, there was a garba dance by the students of class III. The use of pots,
Diwali, the festival of lights, is the biggest and the brightest of all Hindu festivals.
Special assemblies were organized on 09/11/12 and 06/11/12 for classes I & II and
III- V resp. to celebrate Diwali in Abhivyakti. A talk on the significance of this festival,
a joyful song and a dance celebrating the spirit of Diwali were the part of the
assembly. Children also enjoyed the Ramayana and got a message -that Diwali
symbolizes the victory of good (Ram) over evil (Ravan). The song of saving the trees
was to make them aware the preciousness of trees in the day to day life. Aarti of
Goddess Lakshmi was done by our H.M Ms. Sabina Sawhney and the staff which left
everybody’s hearts aglow with joy and happiness. A message of an Eco-Friendly and
safe Diwali was also conveyed by our H.M.
The assemblies ended with the Diwali message that “light will conquer darkness,
good will overcome evil and that goodness always prospers”.
Intra School CompetitionsIntra School CompetitionsIntra School CompetitionsIntra School Competitions
Poems Come Alive "Poetry is simply the most beautiful, impressive and widely effective mode of saying things"
'Poems come alive' competition was held on 21/08/12 for class II and on 23/08/12 for class I at Abhivyakti. The enactment of the poems was presented
by the individual sections.
Mathemind Competition
Mathemind competition was held for class I on 18/09/12 and for class II on
29/09/12 at Abhivyakti. Four interesting rounds in both the competitions were held.
Spatial Round (visual), Get the pattern, Quick thinker and Rapid round were the part
of the programme in class I and Optical, Brain-o-Brain, Google Search and
Supersonic in class II. A quiz round was also planned for the audience.
Class I : Shakuntala Devi Team Class II: Varahmihira Team Participants Participants Lavanya Sharma I- G Raghav Dhupar II- C
Aniket Khaitan I- G Pratik Patel II- D
Vishwa Patel I- H Dev Jain II- E
Dev Patel I- H Aayush Jha II- F
Sahi Shabd Batao
“Sahi Shabd Batao” a Hindi Quiz Competition was held on 25/10/12 and on
29/10/12 in Abhivyakti for classes I and II respectively. The teams for class I were
named after some Hindi story books such as Champak, Nandan, Tinkle and
Gupshup. This served two purposes: introducing children to the names of Hindi story
books and encouraging them to read the same. Class II teams were named as Khann-
Khann, Runn-Jhun, Tip-Tip, Chamm-Thamm and Tin -Tin…. Some different
sounds… The competitions had different rounds which were played by the teams very
Name of the Students Section Name of the Students Section
Ritika Tyagi A Sanyam Gupta A
Harshvardhan E Avik Kashyap B
Khushi Thakkar F Mahi Shah I
Haryshwa Raval G Aayushi Shah J
Anushka Saini J
Inter House Solo Dance competition
Inter House Solo Dance Competition for the classes III, IV & V was held on
30/08/12, 27/08/12 & 29/08/12 respectively. Children with their colourful
costumes danced elegantly to a variety of numbers and made the competition a
spectacular event.
Class III
1st Consolation Chunrry Nevatia H Sabarmati
2nd Consolation Layaa Chandramouli D Narmada
1st Consolation Haley Darji D Mahi
2nd Consolation Sanjali Pramanik A Ganga
2nd Consolation Alaukika Meht F Mahi
Class V
1st Consolation Gaurvishika Dhing A Kaveri
2nd Consolation Viena Jain D Tapti
Inter House Tableau Competition
Inter House Tableau Competition for classes III-V was held at Abhivyakti on
Each House was given a state to represent. They presented a vivid dramatization of
the history and culture of that state along with the pictorial powerpoint presentation
depicting the same along with the mouth watering delicacies of the respective states
and their handicrafts. Children came dressed as famous personalities of each state -
politicians, poets, emperor, religious leaders etc. Children presented folk dances of each
state. The stThe stThe stThe states represented wereates represented wereates represented wereates represented were----
Ganga HouseGanga HouseGanga HouseGanga House-Manipur; Kaveri HouseKaveri HouseKaveri HouseKaveri House-Bihar; Mahi HouseMahi HouseMahi HouseMahi House- Jammu and Kashmir-
Paradise on earth
Tapti HouseTapti HouseTapti HouseTapti House- Madhya Pradesh- Heart of India; Prerna- “Aapnu Gujarat”
Inter House Math Quiz Competition
Inter House Math Quiz Competition for classes III to V was held on 29/10/12,
30/10/12 & 01/11/12 respectively. It was a team event. Four children from each
House were selected. The quiz had four crisp and interesting rounds-- Multiple choice
Question, Puzzle, Visual and Rapid fire round. There were few questions for the
audience also, which kept them alert and involved in the programme.
Sabarmati House turned out to be the winner for class III. Narmada House was the
winner for class IV and Narmada House bagged the first position in class V.
Class III: Sabarmati
Raj Chauhan A
Muskan Chirania D
Tanay Shah H
Kaushal Shah J
Topic: Know Your India
Project based learning helps students to actively involve themselves in getting in-depth
knowledge of the things they are learning. To facilitate this, students of Class II were
given an EE project on the topic-“Know your country”. Each class was assigned a
state. They had to obtain information regarding its famous personalities, places to
visit, food habits, costumes etc. and present it in pictorial form. They also had to dress
up in traditional costumes of the state they were assigned and bring handicrafts and
Class IV: Narmada
Vishnuvardhan. K A
Tulsi Patel B
Vedant Kokate C
Akshat Khanna F
Class V: Narmada
Swayam Awasthi B
Aanshita Chaudhary C
Anshul Dalal D
Pratham Sharma H
famous food items of that state. All the children did this project with great enthusiasm.
Classes were decorated with handicrafts brought by them and they presented a
beautiful picture dressed in traditional costumes. Children also spoke about the culture
and traditions of their state.
workshops attended by teachers
ℵ A session on Mindspark Programme was organised on 08/08/12 by
Ei Educational Initiatives in A.V. Room of DPS Bopal. The Mindspark
Programme is a customised learning tool based on adaptive self learning for
students for Math. It features adaptive logic based questions. The session was
attended by Ms. Saminder Kaur, Ms. Deepa Mody, Ms. Meena Bhatt,
Ms. Seema Desai, Ms. Tejal Vyas, Ms. Anju Pachchigar, Ms. Kiran Pamnani,
Ms. Sunita Daniel, Ms. R. Vidya, Ms. Pubali Bhattacharya, Ms. Renuka Pillai,
Ms. Deepa Rajaram and Ms. Shweta Chauhan.
ℵ A workshop on teaching ‘How to Write Rhymes’ was conducted on 01/09/12 at
AMA by Mr. Narendra Pandya, Author and Trainer. It was attended by
Ms. Priyanka Kanwar and Ms. Meenu Chakradhar. The purpose of the workshop
was to teach students how to write rhymes and how to use language in speech and
ℵ A workshop on ‘Education and Dharma Yoga’ was conducted on 07/09/12 at
DPS Bopal by Mr. Charles M Savage. It was attended by Ms. Bharti Singh,
Ms. Nidhi Sharma, Ms. Anju Pachchigar and Ms. Kiran Pamnani. Its aim was
finding ways to discover how education should be imparted in the new economy.
ℵ A workshop on ‘Soft Skills Resource’ was conducted on 08/09/12 at AMA by
Mr. Hiren Vakil, Management Consultant and Corporate Trainer. It was attended
by Ms. Harvinder Kaur and Ms. Pooja Singh. Its objective was how to make
education entertaining through class room activities. Soft skills are about good
manners, etiquettes, behavioural differences, different listening skills, etc.
ℵ A workshop on ‘Teaching Through Parables’ was conducted on 18/09/12 at
AMA by Mr. B. N. Dastoor. It was attended by Ms. Pubali Bhattacharya and
Ms. Nilima Sinha. Its aim was to motivate and encourage the children through
short stories and parables.
ℵ A workshop on ‘Building Competitiveness Beyond School Education’ was
conducted on 22/09/12 at AMA by Mr. Hiren Vakil. It was attended by
Ms. Sushma Saini and Ms. Meena Bhatt. Its aim was how to develop great
personality and the emphasis was on communication skills and building self
ℵ A workshop on ‘Dynamics of Effective Teaching’ was conducted on 29/09/12 at
AMA by Mr. Vikas Arora. It was attended by Ms. Ruchika Sobti and
Ms. Reena Jha. The purpose of the workshop was how to make the teaching
learning process very effective with full involvement of the children.
ℵ A workshop on “Non violent communication” was conducted by Sura Hart on
31/10/12 and was attended by Ms. Sabina Sawhney, Headmistress.
sports achievement
Name Class/Sec 300 Mts 500 Mts 1000 Mts Road Race
Yuvrajsinh Gol IV G Bronze Silver Bronze Bronze
Harsh Shah III D Fourth ---- Fourth ----
Tanay Shah III H Silver Gold Gold Gold
Kashish Patel IV Gold ---- Gold Gold
Vrund Patel III J ---- Third ---- Fourth
Ayush Patel V B Gold Gold Gold Gold
TotalTotalTotalTotal: 10 gold medals, 2 silver medals and 3 bronze medals.
VenueVenueVenueVenue: Eklavya Sports Academy, Ahmedabad.
DateDateDateDate: 24/11/12 to 26/11/12.
CoachCoachCoachCoach: Mr. Indrajeet Rajput
Children of class IV had gone for a trip to Jaisalmer, the city of Golden Fort, from
21/09/12 to 24/09/12. The children went to see sand-dunes of Sam. The ripples on
the wind-caressed dunes created an enchanting mirage were surely a delight for the
children. They enjoyed the various cultural programmes organized against the
backdrop of these sand-dunes. Exciting camel safaris allowed to get the real feel of the
desert. It was a trip full of excitement and the children got to know a lot about the life
of the people in a desert.
class III from 13/10/12 to 15/10/12.
During their stay at Udaipur, they
visited Haldi Ghaati, City Palace and
Moti Magri. Students were fascinated
and enthralled by the glorious history of
these places. It was a fun-filled
educational trip which students enjoyed
The annual outstation trip for class V was to the ‘Golden City’ Jaisalmer from
26/10/12 to 29/10/12. The trip included visits to the ruins of ‘Kuldhara’, which had
been a group of 84 villages, ‘Sand dunes’, the historical fort ‘Sonar Quilla’, built of
yellow sandstone, the ‘Patwa Havelli’ and ‘Gadisar’ lake, where the children fed the
large cat fish. The other fun elements were the camel ride, an open air cultural
programme and the puppet show.
Street Smart- Making Ahmedabad a Child Friendly City
number, wherein secondary students came up with a patriotic group song! Even the
tiny tots of pre- primary section did a wonderful job by presenting a patriotic group
dance! Many other schools had participated in the event. The children's efforts were
appreciated by one and all present there. Ms. Pinki Basu, Ms. Monika Somaiya,
Mr. Shardul Brahmachari, Ms. Pubali Bhattacharya, Mr. Mihir Kapaliya and
Mr. Bikash Singh Rawat remained present there to facilitate the show.
Performance at an old age home
Value of the month of October was “Care & Compassion”. To inculcate that value,
students of class V visited Savarna Mandir Vruddhashram, an old age home run by
Help Age India on 31/10/12. They presented traditional ‘garba’. It was a colourful
show with an emotional feeling. Everybody enjoyed a lot. Children performed very
enthusiastically and enjoyed spending time with the elderly people.