master's programmes in science & technology at umeå university

Science & Technology at Umeå University Master’s programmes and Bachelor’s programme in English Faculty of Science and Technology Umeå University, Sweden

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Master's programmes in Science & Technology at Umeå University. Read more about the education programmes we offer in English on basic and advanced level.


Page 1: Master's programmes in Science & Technology at Umeå University

Science & Technologyat Umeå University

Master’s programmes and Bachelor’s programme in English

Faculty of Science and TechnologyUmeå University,

Page 2: Master's programmes in Science & Technology at Umeå University
Page 3: Master's programmes in Science & Technology at Umeå University

Umeå University was founded in 1965 and is Sweden’s fifth oldest university. Today, we have a strong international and multicultural presence with students, teachers and researchers from all over the world. As one of the leading comprehensive universities in the nation, we are alive with enthusiasm, creativity and fresh ideas.

Umeå University offers a wide range of two-year master’s programmes – taught entirely in English – where you will study in an environment rich in oppor-tunities for interdisciplinary research and instruction. Hundreds of international students from all over the world enrol in our programmes every year.

Umeå is Northern Sweden’s largest city. It is a vibrant city with a young population where culture, outdoor activities and sports are celebrated.

Umeå has been appointed the European Capital of Culture for 2014 and will treat audiences and visitors from all over the world to a challenging and innova-tive year full of cultural activities.

Umeå University has 36 000 students and over 4 000 employees. The Faculty of Science and Tec-nology has around 3 300 students, 300 doctoral students and world class research in various discipli-

nes, such as biotechnology, chemistry, environmental research, computing science and physics.

Eleven departments bring together the faculty’s research and education in natural science, mathema-tics, engineering, teacher training as well as industrial design and architecture.

Our study programmes are characterized by proxi-mity to research, excellent teachers and a relaxed at-mosphere. We offer over 20 undergraduate program-mes in Swedish for aspiring engineers, designers, architects, scientists and pharmacists. Those who wish to supplement their studies with a master’s de-gree can choose between 15 programmes in English.

The Faculty also offers a Bachelor of Science pro-gramme in Life Science where all tuition is in English.

Welcome to study with us!

Welcome to the Faculty of Science and Technologyat Umeå University

Page 4: Master's programmes in Science & Technology at Umeå University

Advanced Product Design

The Master’s programme in Advanced Product Design offers a solution-driven education that focuses on the advanced treatment of design, using user-studies, problem identification and analysis, new technologies and materials, and above all, an emphasis on innovation and new thin-king, to find the best possible solution for a given problem or identified design opportunity, based on a solid foundation of professional tools and analytical and creative work methods.

The programme is project-based and often carried out in collaboration with industrial partners, research units or local authorities. Most projects concern problems that the students identify themselves with an emphasis on problems that have not already been solved countless times by others. The programme prepares students to work as professional designers either in consultancies or in-house design departments.

Graduated students are frequently employed by international design offices and major corporations worldwide.

• A Bachelor’s degree, in industrial design or equivalent subject area which should include at least 60 ECTS credits in the Design subject.

• Proficiency in English equivalent to Swedish upper secondary course English B/6.

• Application is made in two steps: 1. Via the national online application service 2. Portfolio sent to Umeå Institute of Design. Information about appli-cation at

Contact: Thomas Degn, Programme coordinator+46907867741, [email protected]


Skills and Techniques 7,5 ECTS

Computer Aided Ind. Design 7,5 ECTS

Project 1: Design Methodology15 ECTS

Form Workshop 1 7,5 ECTS

Product Analysis & Construction7,5 ECTS

Creative Reflections on Product Design


Visual Design Prototyping7,5 ECTS

Conceptual Product Solutions15 ECTS

Form Workshop 27,5 ECTS

Thesis Project30 ECTS










iMaster’s degree

120 ECTS

Page 5: Master's programmes in Science & Technology at Umeå University


The Master’s programme in Chemistry aims to provide knowledge and skills for solving and critically assessing chemistry-related problems. You will learn how to compile, analyze, critically review, and present scientific texts and your own data. The first year includes four in-depth courses that cover tools and theories in modern chemistry that bring you to a level required for the following profile courses. The training provided in these courses focuses primarily on advanced instrumental methodolo-gies for chemical analysis, and modelling and interpretation of physico-chemical and biochemical phenomena. These courses also offer intense laboratory training to prepare you well for more advanced courses and work towards your Master’s thesis in the second year.

The Master’s project is a research project completed under the guidan-ce of a supervisor, defended in public, and by a written thesis. The three profiles of the master programme match the strong research areas of the Chemistry Department:

- Environmental Chemistry- Medicinal Chemistry- Protein Chemistry

• A Bachelor’s degree (equivalent to a Swedish Kandidatexamen, 180 ECTS) from an internationally recognised university. Special require-ments: 60 ECTS in Chemistry.

• Proficiency in English equivalent to Swedish upper secondary course English A/5.

• Application is made via the national online application service

Contact: Patrik Andersson, Programme coordinator+46907865266, [email protected]


Biophysical Chemical Concepts 15 ECTS

Advanced Experimental Tools in Chemistry


Chemometrics7,5 ECTS

Computational Chemistry7,5 ECTS

Optional Profile Courses in:– Environmental Chemistry– Medicinal Chemistry– Protein Chemistry 15-45 ECTS

Thesis Project30-60 ECTS






iMaster’s degree

120 ECTS

Page 6: Master's programmes in Science & Technology at Umeå University

Computational Science & Engineering

Computational Science & Engineering (CS&E) is a field of knowledge which aims at the development of methods that rely on computers and mathematics to model, simulate, and visualize various kinds of systems. CS&E combines several different disciplines such as computing science including numerical analysis, applied mathematics, physics, and techno-logy.

CS&E deals with the development and application of mathematical and computational models and simulations, often coupled with high-perfor-mance computing or management and analysis of large data sets, for the solution of scientific and engineering problems. Applications of CS&E are literally found everywhere and include image analysis, optimization of industrial processes, web-based search for information, risk analysis, pricing of financial derivatives, computer games, and special effects in games.

• A Bachelor’s or Bachelor of Engineering degree (equivalent to a Swedish Kandidatexamen or Högskoleingenjörsexamen, 180 ECTS) from an internationally recognised university. Special requirements are 15 ECTS in Computing science, with a minimum of 7,5 ECTS in Programming and 7.5 ECTS in numerical methods. 30 ECTS in Mathe-matics including single- and multivariable analysis and linear algbra, 7.5 ECTS in Mathematical statistics. For individual courses within the program additional courses may be required.

• Proficiency in English equivalent to Swedish upper secondary course English A/5.

• Application is made via the national online application service

Contact: Eddie Wadbro, Programme coordinator+4690786838, [email protected]


Modelling and Simulation 7,5 ECTS

Matrix Computations and Applications

7,5 ECTS

Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations

7,5 ECTS

Non-Linear Optimization7,5 ECTS

Eligible Courses 60 ECTS

Thesis Project30 ECTS






iMaster’s degree

120 ECTS

Page 7: Master's programmes in Science & Technology at Umeå University

Computing Science

The Master’s Programme in Computing Science is directed towards stu-dents who want to develop a deep understanding of the field, together with a scientific attitude characterized by logical reasoning and critical analysis. We want to make sure that you not only repeat and apply the facts you have learned, but also extend that knowledge by drawing your own conclusions. Our ambition is that you continue your education on a PhD programme at Umeå University or somewhere else. At the very least, you should have acquired the knowledge and skills necessary to work with challenging scientific problems in industrial research and deve-lopment. Our teachers, who at the same time are successful scientists in the areas they teach, will help you to reach this goal.

Necessary prerequisites for the programme are theoretical knowledge and practical skills regarding algorithmic problem solving, including well-developed programming skills. In particular, you must be able to program in programming languages such as C, Java, and Python and, if necessary, quickly become acquainted with further programming languages.

• A Bachelor’s or Bachelor of Engineering degree (equivalent to a Swedish Kandidatexamen or Högskoleingenjörsexamen, 180 ECTS) from an internationally recognised university. Special requirements are: a) A minimum of 75 ECTS-credits in Computer Science and of 22.5 ECTS-credits in Mathematics. b) Good theoretical and practical knowledge and skills regarding algorithms and data structures, pro-gramming in at least two programming languages such as Java and C++, and software engineering, and 7,5 ECTS credits in the Theory of Computation.

• Proficiency in English equivalent to Swedish upper secondary course English A/5.

• Application is made via the national online application service

Contact: Frank Drewes, Programme coordinator, +46907869790, [email protected]


Computer Organization and Architecture

7,5 ECTS

Efficient Algorithms and Problem Complexity

7,5 ECTS

Student Conference in Computing Science


Eligible Courses60 ECTS

Thesis Project30 ECTS





iMaster’s degree

120 ECTS

Page 8: Master's programmes in Science & Technology at Umeå University


If you have a bachelor degree in biology and wish to get a more advan-ced knowledge in ecology to increase your possibilities to get an ad-vanced job within companies and governments or the merit yourself for future studies as a PhD student, the Master’s programme in Ecology is something for you.

The programme will give you advanced knowledge of ecological theory necessary for planning and executing research and nature conserva-tion. The education is closely linked to the research conducted at the department of Ecology and Environmental Science. Most of the practical exercises have their focus on northern ecosystems but the education is still highly international since general theory and global environmental problems like overfishing, forestry, river regulations, pollution and climate change are central themes in many courses.

The programme gives skills to identify and characterize ecological pro-blems plan and execute investigations and determine and study biologi-cal material. You will also learn how to analyze data statistically and how to present and interpret the results in a report. All courses in the master programme are given in English.

• A Bachelor’s degree (equivalent to a Swedish Kandidatexamen, 180 ECTS) from an internationally recognised university with a major in Biology, including at least 90 ECTS in Biology, of which 30 ECTS in Ecology.

• Proficiency in English equivalent to Swedish upper secondary course English A/5.

• Application is made via the national online application service

Contact: Johan Olofsson, Programme coordinator+46907867704, [email protected] Stenman, Study Advisor+46907866319, [email protected]


Forest Ecology or Aquatic Ecology


Ecology Dynamics 15 ECTS

Analysis of Ecological Data15 ECTS

Ecosystem Management15 ECTS

Eligible Courses30 ECTS

Thesis Project30 ECTS






iMaster’s degree

120 ECTS


Thesis Project60 ECTS


Page 9: Master's programmes in Science & Technology at Umeå University


The Master’s programme in Geoecology integrates the fields of geo-sciences and ecology. With an emphasis on the Nordic landscape, you will study natural earth processes, climate change and the effects of anthropogenic impact, such as resource utilization and pollution. These processes result in a more dynamic environment than what is generally recognized, and you will develop an awareness of environmental changes on timescales from years to millennia.

The programme is very flexible with a large possibility to choose cour-ses freely. For example you can concentrate on Geographic Information Systems, Ecology or Arctic Geoecology.

Most graduates are working with environmental issues or environmen-tal problems in private companies or for the authorities. A number conti-nue with PhD studies and are aiming at a career as a scientist.

• A Bachelor’s degree, (equivalent to a Swedish Kandidatexamen, 180 ECTS) from an internationally recognised university with a ma-jor in Earth science or a Bachelor’s degree with 60 ECTS in Biology, Chemistry or Environmental science and 30 ECTS in Earth science.

• Proficiency in English equivalent to Swedish upper secondary course English A/5.

• Application is made via the national online application service

Contact: Rolf Zale, Programme coordinator+46907866781, [email protected] Stenman, Study Advisor+46907866319, [email protected]


Field Methods in Geoecology15 ECTS

Eligible Courses75 ECTS

Thesis Project30 ECTS



iMaster’s degree

120 ECTS

Eligible Courses45 ECTS

Thesis Project60 ECTS




Page 10: Master's programmes in Science & Technology at Umeå University

Immediate Architectural Intervention

The Master programme in Immediate Architectural Intervention is struc-tured around the idea of architectural intervention, explored in relation-ship to its duration and effects in and around the community where it takes place. While the programme’s approach can be related to certain artistic practices, it is rooted in an understanding of spatial conceptuali-zation and production as the architect’s most important skill.

The programme explores the possibilities of architectural practices which conceive and articulate diverse processes of community develop-ment and transformation. The ”sites” of these interventions in the public sphere are in general, not given, and their ’construction’ includes invol-vement with other institutions, governmental agencies and other actors. The projects are often developed in non-western environments, which makes cultural understanding and research also essential to the program-me.

• A Bachelor’s degree, in Architecture, at least 180 ECTS or its equiva-lent international education of similar length and portfolio.

• Proficiency in English equivalent to Swedish upper secondary course English A/5.

• Application is made in two steps: 1. Via the national online application service 2. Portfolio sent to Umeå School of Architecture. More information about application and portfolio can be found at

Contact: Alberto Altes Arlandis, Programme coordinator+46907866751, [email protected]


Advanced Constructions and Processes

of Architectural Design 20 ECTS

Advanced Architectural Design 3 ECTS

Technology of Constructions and Optimization


Technology of Material and Resources


Advanced Architectural Design3 ECTS

Technology of Constructions and Optimization


Theory of Communication2 ECTS

Architecture as Acupunctural Strategy


Architectural Intervention;Realization and Consequeces


Thesis Project30 ECTS










iMaster’s degree

120 ECTS


Theory of Architecture and Sustainable Arch. Design


Project Management and Innovation Design


Strategic Planning2 ECTS



Page 11: Master's programmes in Science & Technology at Umeå University

Interaction Design

The Master programme in Interaction Design deals with the relation bet-ween people and information technology with particular focus on the in-teraction between product and user. We see the discipline of Interaction Design as the ability to design both the cognitive and physical interface and integrate them into a successful whole. Our aim is to enable desig-ners to create sustainable, comprehensible and pleasurable information based products, services and environments.

Courses are given in a range of subjects including Human-Computer Interaction, Graphic Design, Contextual Enquiry and Experience Proto-typing. Interface prototyping tools, scenario techniques and user studies are consistently applied in project work. Experienced designers present case studies.

This study programme is about people rather than technology. Scan-dinavia has a long tradition of user-centered research focusing on the relationship between people and technical systems. Actively involving users in design projects is a central feature of the Interaction Design Pro-gramme. Emphasis is placed on user involvement in the design process and iterative prototype evaluation.

• A Bachelor’s degree, in industrial design or equivalent subject area which should include at least 60 ECTS in the Design subject.

• Proficiency in English equivalent to Swedish upper secondary course English B/6.

• Application is made in two steps: 1. Via the national online application service 2. Portfolio sent to Umeå Institute of Design. Information about appli-cation at

Contact: Niklas Andersson, Programme director+46907867034, [email protected]


Skills and Techniques 7,5 ECTS

Graphic Design 1 7,5 ECTS

Project 1: Professonal user15 ECTS

Form Workshop 1 7,5 ECTS

Graphic Design 27,5 ECTS

Project 2: Service Design15 ECTS

Experience Prototyping7,5 ECTS

Project 3: Interaction Concept


Creative Reflections7,5 ECTS

Thesis Project30 ECTS










iMaster’s degree

120 ECTS

Page 12: Master's programmes in Science & Technology at Umeå University

Molecular Biology

Present-day molecular biologists now have at their disposal an extensive molecular toolbox capable of taking on and answering most biologi-cal problems. If your wish is to enter a master programme that is in the forefront of presenting exciting scientific discoveries, the Master’s pro-gramme in Molecular Biology at Umeå University is for you.

The programme is guaranteed to train in a wide variety of tools neces-sary for state-of-the-art molecular biology research. Our courses typically include lectures and group discussions as well as seminars, report writ-ing, data production and analysis exercises. To maximize your educatio-nal experience, training is purposely held in small class sizes and are lead by internationally distinguished scientists. The majority of the courses place important emphasis on relevant hands-on experimental training in modern molecular techniques. The curriculum includes advanced courses in Molecular biology and Molecular genetics and several optional courses within related disciplines such as Biochemistry, Plant molecular biology, Infection biology and Tumor biology.

• A Bachelor’s degree, or Bachelor of Engineering degree (equiva-lent to a Swedish Kandidatexamen, 180 ECTS) from an internatio-nally recognised university. Additional requirements are 60 ECTS in Bioscience (including Genetics, Microbiology, Cell biology, Molecular biology, Animal- and Plant physiology) with a minumum of 7,5 ECTS Genetics, 7,5 ECTS Microbiology, 30 ECTS Chemistry (with a minu-mum of 7,5 ECTS Biochemistry) and 30 ECTS practical experience of laboratory work.

• Proficiency in English equivalent to Swedish upper secondary course English B/6.

• Application is made via the national online application service

Contact: Anders Byström, Programme coordinator,+46907866764, [email protected]


Advanced Molecular Biology 15 ECTS

Molecular Genetics 15 ECTS

Eligible Courses60 ECTS

examples:• Biochemistry - Protein structure and Function• Pharmacology• Functional Genomics• Experimental Infection Biology• Techniques in Immuno-chemistry• Tumor Biology• Plant Cell and Molecular Biology • Medicinal Chemistry

Thesis Project30 ECTS




iMaster’s degree

120 ECTS

Page 13: Master's programmes in Science & Technology at Umeå University


The Department of Physics is well-known for high quality in both re-search and education and we have recieved extra financial support for several young and promising researchers. The study atmosphere is very international and interested students have good opportunities to locate some part of the MSc programme studies in another country.

The Master’s programme in Physics gives you the opportunity to acquire wider and deeper knowledge and abilities within one or several subareas in physics and is fully adapted to the Bologna structure of hig-her education in Europe. The programme offers you freedom to specia-lize according to your own interests and ambitions. We especially recom-mend the following profiles:

- Computational Physics- Photonics: Advanced Materials Profile- Photonics: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Profile

The programme is finished off with an individual (at least) 30 ECTS credits project, presented in the form of a written Master’s thesis. The project is an independent work done under supervision of an active re-searcher. The project can be chosen from among any of the current fields of research at the department.

• A Bachelor’s degree in Physics or a Bachelor of Engineering Physics degree (equivalent to a Swedish Kandidatexamen, 180 ECTS) from an internationally recognised university, including at least 60 ECTS in physics.

• Proficiency in English equivalent to Swedish upper secondary course English A/5.

• Application is made via the national online application service

Contact: Roger Halling, Programme coordinator,+46907866356, [email protected]


Elective Coursesor the recommended profiles:• Computional Physics Profile• Photonics: Advanced Materials Profile• Photonics: Atomic, Molecularand Optical Physics Profile


Thesis Project30 ECTS


iMaster’s degree

120 ECTS

Page 14: Master's programmes in Science & Technology at Umeå University

Plant and Forest Biotechnology

The Master’s Programme in Plant and Forest Biotechnology offers stu-dents a specialized competence and skills to recognize, understand and find solutions to these challenges. The programme is based upon a set of coordinated courses which together amount to 80 credits (120 ECTS credits) spread over two years.

Up-to-date knowledge is provided about plant cell and molecular biology as well as plant growth and development. This is applied in the fields of plant breeding, biotechnology and functional genomics. The programme is organized by the Department of Plant Physiology (Umeå University) and the Department of Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) which together form the Umeå Plant Science Centre (UPSC). The education is anchored around the various research topics of UPSC.

The programme provides students with theoretical and practical knowledge about plant physiology, molecular biology, biotechnology and functional genomics; together with an understanding of the ethical, eco-logical and legal aspects of plant biotechnology. Advanced knowledge is given in plant cell and molecular biology as well as plant growth and development. This knowledge is then applied in the fields of plant breeding, biotechnology and functional genomics.

• A Bachelor’s degree, from an internationally recognised university containing 60 ECTS biology, 30 of which should be plant biology and cell and molecular biology and 15 ECTS in chemistry.

• Proficiency in English equivalent to Swedish upper secondary course English A/5.

• Application is made via the national online application service

Contact: Laszlo Bako, Programme coordinator,+46907867970, [email protected]


Plant Cell and Molecular Biology 15 ECTS

Plant Growth and Development 15 ECTS

Plant Biotechnology and Molecular Breeding


Biology and Biotechnologyin Forest Production Systems


Computational and Systems Biology


Functional Plant Genomics15 ECTS

Thesis Project30 ECTS







iMaster’s degree

120 ECTS

Page 15: Master's programmes in Science & Technology at Umeå University

Robotics and Control

The Master’s Programme in Robotics and Control is interdisciplinary with courses that cover important aspects of modern robotics such as auto-nomous systems, field robotics, artificial intelligence, computer vision, mobile robots, embedded systems, modeling and control systems. Lectu-res, lab work, projects, and assignments are closely connected to ongo-ing research at the university.

The programme provides teaching by lectures, group exercises, semi-nars, laboratory work, assignments, and projects. It consists of courses from the Department of Computing Science and Department of Applied Physics and Electronics.

Many courses contain a large portion of laboratory work to provide hands-on experience using state of the art software and hardware. The study focus may be put on artificial intelligence related robotics or con-trol related robotics, depending on the student’s interests.

• A Bachelor’s degree or Bachelor of Engineering degree (equiva-lent to a Swedish Kandidatexamen or Högskoleingenjörsexamen, 180 ECTS) from an internationally recognised university. Special require-ments are 15 ECTS in Computing Science, 7.5 ECTS in Electronics, 30 ECTS in Mathematics and 7.5 ECTS in Mathematical Statistics.

• Proficiency in English equivalent to Swedish upper secondary course English A/5.

• Application is made via the national online application service

Contact: Sven Rönnbäck, Programme coordinator,+46907865342, [email protected]



120 ECTS

Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence

7,5 ECTS

Artificial Intelligence-methods and applications

7,5 ECTS

Linear Systems7,5 ECTS

Robotics and Control Systems Basics

7,5 ECTS

Optimal Control for Linear Systems

7,5 ECTS

Control Methods for Robotic Applications


Elements of Iterative Learning and Adaptive Control

7,5 ECTS

Project Course in Machine Vision

7,5 ECTS

Thesis Project30 ECTS









iMaster’s degree

Eligible Courses30 ECTS



Emergent Systems7,5 ECTS


Page 16: Master's programmes in Science & Technology at Umeå University

Transportation Design

Transportation is an essential and integral part of any society. Population growth and environmental problems create challenges that the trans-portation industry must address with new and innovative solutions. The Master’s Programme in Transportation Design at Umeå Institute of De-sign is unique in covering general transportation problem areas and their relation to the transport industry worldwide.

The study programme is based on the Scandinavian design tradition, which emphasises the understanding of the users’ interests and needs as a key to successful products. The studies convey the ability to work with conceptual ideas, genuine knowledge of work development in the auto-motive industry, and a good comprehension of the use of modern methods and aids in transportation design. During the two years educa-tion at Umeå Institute of Design students can develop specific knowled-ge in areas like presentation techniques, strategic design, visual storytel-ling, physical and digital development. A great deal of time is devoted to project work in collaboration with external partners like research institu-tions or design department from different companies.

• A Bachelor’s degree, in industrial design or equivalent subject area which should include at least 60 ECTS credits in the Design subject.

• Proficiency in English equivalent to Swedish upper secondary course English B/6.

• Application is made in two steps: 1. Via the national online application service 2. Portfolio sent to Umeå Institute of Design. Information about appli-cation at

Contact: Demian Horst, Programme director,+46907869782, [email protected]


Skills and Techniques 7,5 ECTS

Computer Aided Ind. Design 7,5 ECTS

Vehicle Design15 ECTS

Vehicle Design Theory 7,5 ECTS

Strategic Design 15 ECTS

Storytelling in Design 7,5 ECTS

Form Workshop 7,5 ECTS

Vehicle Interior Design15 ECTS

Future Mobility 7,5 ECTS

Thesis Project30 ECTS










iMaster’s degree

120 ECTS

Page 17: Master's programmes in Science & Technology at Umeå University

Sustainable Architectural Production

The Master’s programme in Sustainable Architectural Production explo-res sustainable architecture in a holistic way including cultural, social and economic sustainability. In design studio we propose that all spatial deci-sions, at all architectural scales, are connected in a consistent way: from urban planning to building design, to material decisions in architectural details, advanced testing and simulation analysis, to client participation and post occupancy studies; then we can start to discuss architecture as sustainable. The conceptualization and development of new structures in cooperation with industry and the development of innovative and radical strategies towards sustainability are an important part of the educational programmes and supplement to the theoretical basis.

Given the fact that architecture is an international discipline the career of an architect is borderless. There is a need for knowledge about sustaina-ble architectural strategies in various places in the world. As an architect educated at Umeå School of Architecture (accordingly to the EU Direc-tive of Professional Qualifications) you will have skills to work with pri-vate and public organizations, local companies and industries in various countries and cultures.

• A Bachelor’s degree, in Architecture, at least 180 credits or its equiva-lent international education of similar length, and portfolio.

• Proficiency in English equivalent to Swedish upper secondary course English A/5.

• Application is made in two steps: 1. Via the national online application service 2. Portfolio sent to Umeå School of Architecture. Information about application at

Contact: Jüri Soolep, Programme coordinator,+46907867107, [email protected]


Architectural Intervention and Cultural Consequences


Advanced Architectural Design 3 ECTS

Technology of Material and Resources


Technology of Construction and Optimization


Architecture as Acupunctural Strategy


Advanced Architectural Design3 ECTS

Technology ofConstruction and Optimization


Communication Theory2 ECTS

Architectural Intervention,Realization and Consequences


Thesis Project30 ECTS










iMaster’s degree

120 ECTS

Theory of Architecture and Sustainable Arch. Design


Project Management andInnovative Design


Strategic Planning2 ECTS




Page 18: Master's programmes in Science & Technology at Umeå University

Life Science – Bachelor’s programme

Knowledge in chemistry and molecular biology is crucial for develop-ment of pharmaceuticals and vaccines, novel diagnostics and forensic techniques as well as within exercise and health sciences. The Bachelor of Science Programme in Life Science covers a broad spectrum in the fields of chemistry and molecular biology where course content and teachers have a close link to leading research within fields such as biological chemistry, infection medicine, microbiology and environmental chemistry. The programme provides both the theoretical and practical skills needed for a promising and interesting future career.

After you have attained a Bachelor of Science degree, you can conti-nue your studies on a Master’s programme. Then you will study five years in total.

• Biology 2, Physics 1a/1b1+1b2, Chemistry 2, Mathematics 4, or Biology B, Physics A, Chemistry B, Mathematics D

• Proficiency in English equivalent to Swedish upper secondary course English B/6.

• Application is made via the national online application service

Contact: Henrik Antti, Programme coordinator,+46907865359, [email protected] Larsson, Programme coordinator+46907866785, [email protected]


Biological Chemistry 15 ECTS

Basic Chemistry 15 ECTS

Biochemistry 15 ECTS

Bio-organic Chemistry 15 ECTS

Microbiology and Basal Molecular Biology


Basal and Molecular Genetics15 ECTS

Cell Biology 15 ECTS

Animal- and PlantPhysiology 15 ECTS

Eligible Courses 45 ECTS

Thesis Project15 ECTS










iBachelor’s degree

180 ECTS

Page 19: Master's programmes in Science & Technology at Umeå University

Top 10 reasons to choose Umeå University

More information at











Sports minded. Home of Europe’s largest training and fitness facility, IKSU Sport, and many elite local sports teams.

Accomodation. Guaranteed for exchange and tuition fee paying stu-dents.

Support services. Our International office, Service centre and study advisors are dedicated to help you.

City of culture. Music festivals, theatre, opera and more. Umeå is the 2014 European Capital of Culture.

Breathtaking nature. Experience the northern lights, arctic landscape, endless summer nights and beautiful open countyside.

Highly international. Students, faculty and staff from all corners of the globe. Over 52 languages are spoken in Umeå.

Satisfied students. 1st in Sweden and 3rd in Europe for overall student satisfaction rating according to the International Student Barometer.

Wide selection. Over 500 courses and 30 degree programs available with English as the language of instruction.

First-class facilities and modern campus. Featuring the stunning new Umeå Arts Campus, IKSU Sport centre, University Library and high speed WiFi.

Academic excellence. Well-trained and dedicated teachers along with first-class research.

Page 20: Master's programmes in Science & Technology at Umeå University