material or other document at the end of a book

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Appendix. Material or other document at the end of a book. Inform. To give or show information to . Persuade. To do something by advising or urging. I persuaded my parents to buy me a phone. Flashback. I had a flashback when I was looking at an old family photo album. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Material or other document at the end of a book


InformTo give or show information to

2PersuadeTo do something by advising or urging

I persuaded my parents to buy me a phone.FlashbackAn event or scene taking place before the present time in a movie,novel,etc.

I had a flashback when I was looking at an old family photo album.SynthesizeDefinition: to create something by mixing other substances. ex. The scientists synthesized a new medicine.

Falling ActionDefinition: a series of literature that follows the highest point of the story, and after the problem of the story.

Ex. The falling action of the movie was terrific!

Rushing like the wind.She was as quick as a cheetah. They were like two pinecones on one twig.Definition:Compares one object to another ; suggesting they are alike.Uses: Like or As Examples:


SimileTry to light the fire. He gave a nod to the officer with the pocket. fleet feet sweep by sleeping Greeks. Hayden plays a lot.

A vowel rhyme, A rhyme when the same vowel sounds are used with different consonants.Examples:Assonance

Effect Noun

What happens because of the cause.The earthquake made the volcano erupt effect

Contrast verbContrast is when you compare 2 things and find there differencesOne example is a city is more crowded than the country but the country is more open

This is where the differences areAnd Here for the 2nd categoryExaggeration verb An exaggeration is when you enlarge something more than what it isOne example is of a person saying he did 1,000 problems in math but he only did 20

In this picture the caveman paints a picture of him stabbing a dinosaur but in real life he only stabbed a lizardSUMMERIZE

Definition:The definition means to state or express in a concise way.In some reading assignments you will have to summarize a story in your own wordsEXPOSITIONThe act of expounding, setting forth, or explaining.A form of exposition is an instruction manual.

Dang instruction manuals!!!

Present TenseA verb tense that expresses actions or states at the time of speaking.

Yesterday our teacher taught us about present tense.JustifyVerbTo be right or do what is right.The boy wanted to justify his statement

MetaphorDefinition: A metaphor is a figure of speech which compares two objects using words like is, was, ect.


Definition : Directions ; teaching or an order

Example: The teacher instructed the students on how to do the assignment.


to give facts or details to confirm your answer is correct. to uphold or defend as valid or rightExample: Support your answer with details from the story. OxymoronWhen opposites are used together in a sentence or phrase.

Ex. Friendly Enemy, Same Difference, The Living Dead.Irony

Irony - a way of speaking in which the ordinary meaning is the oppositeExample: The gummy bear is rock hard!


SceneScene the place where something happens or takes placeExample: The scene of the accident was at the school.

MoodMood is the feeling you get from a story after you read it.Ex: happy endings make you happy.Ex: Sad stories make you feel sad.The mood of the story was so sad it made Kate cry.

Taking for granted, when you dont realize how lucky you are to have something because you are so used to having it always used having it there.

Josh didn't realize that having water to drink and use all the time was so lucky and that other kids around the world dint have the access to water everyday.AssumptionSonnetA poem or complete idea or thought.

The sonnet was a lovely poem about a fish and her friend.The sonnet was a lovely poem about a fish and her friend.Infer

To infer is to guess or come up with a conclusionExample: She was crying.I would infer that she was sad.

Another name for infer is, smart guess!Debate A debate is an argument based of facts. The debaters may also have a bias towards something and are trying to persuade the audience that he or she is right.

Example: Jeff said, I think we should make macaroni. But we still have some left over pizza, so I think we should finish that before we make more food. said mom.but all we have had for the past two nights was pizza. Im sick of pizza. Jeff said.paradoxParadox is used for situations that are surprising.

EXAMPLE: A boy had a dream about monkeys jumping out at him. A the next day at a zoo a monkey escaped from its pen and jumped on the boy.

Analyze Definition: to examine in detail to identify key factors, causes, and possible results.

Examples: finding the main idea and understanding the authors purpose.


Definition: what a story or article is mainly about.Example: The main idea. Compare Definition: To Examine two or more objects and find similarities and differences.

Some of the main tools you can use to compare are using a Venn diagram, a t-chart, or compare by writing a paragraph.

This is an example of comparing using a Venn diagram which compares one object (A) to another (B) showing similarities (A&B) and differences. (Shown in the picture above)IdiomDefinition:An expression or saying whose meaning is not predictable from the usual meaning.

Example : Idioms are widely heard all over. One example is That is a piece of cake which means something is easy. Another example is A penny saved is a penny earned which means you save money by not spending it.

Above is an example of the idiom That is a piece of cake. The boy in the picture is eating a piece of cake stating 1+2 is an easy problem.ViewpointThe place something is watched, position of observation.

Example: On one side of the Xcel Energy Center you can see the TV screen on the other side you cant

OmniscientHaving complete or unlimited knowledge.

Example: Albert Einstein seemed to be omniscient.ConcludeTo find out something about a story based on clues the author has provided.Example: Using the books description of Minnesota, I can conclude it took place long ago.

Synonyms : infer, analyze, deduce

ClassifyTo separate objects or ideas into different categories based on their characteristics. Example: My teacher has asked me to classify the books in our classroom library as either fiction of non-fiction. Different things to classify could be books, movies, shapes, animals, and many more.

ConflictAn argument among the characters or forces in the literary work that shapes the action of the plot.

36Chronological orderDefinition: In sequence, the events of a story ordered first to last.Example: We had to put our symbols in chronological order for Ms. Benker.

PersuasiveDefinition: To tell someone what or how to do something.

Example: That salesman was very persuasive.

PunDefinition:To make a play on words (funny use of language) or the funny use of a word or phrase to suggest its different meaningsPun examples:Old owls never die, they just dont give a hoot.Pun used in a sentence:I used to look for gold, but it didnt pan out.The comedian said lots of puns during his show.

39stanzadefinition: The number of lines, groups, or verses that make up one part of a song or poem. Usually has 4 or more lines and agrees in meter and rhyme. Example:The song Mary had a Little Lamb has 5 stanzas in it.


CredibilityCapable of being believed.To be trustworthy.

HomophoneA word pronounced the same as another but with a different meaning such as plane and plain.

Definition: a stereotype is a belief about a group of people, a person, or something else. Example: I believe that a group of people in our school are aliens. That is a stereotype. Stereotype

Definition: Interpret means to give the meaning of something.Example: I need someone to interpret the meaning of a word.


a person or thing that happens that makes some thing happen as a result.ExampleThe reason for something to occur. The reason Ali fell is because she tripped over a rock. She had to go to the Doctor because she got cut when she fell.

CauseTaleA story, or myth that claims to explain a reason for why thing happen the way they do.Definition

ExampleThe Mississippi River was made by a wolf that cried it there when she had lost her pup, and her family. She cried so long and hard that I had formed into a very long river.

To determine what something is worth EvaluateWhen first meeting, people shouldnt evaluate each other on how they look.

SymbolismTo represent something using something else.The boy used symbolism to represent the United States, using an eagle.Main IdeaDefinition:The point that the author is trying to make

Ex. Planes are so great. You can fly anywhere you want very fast. You can even have dinner on some of them.The main idea would be that planes are great HeadlineA title that is usually at the top of a newspaper

Ex. Obama is our presidentBlah blah blah blah blah blah blajfkds;ghjdfghjsxskjl;gjklf;gjkdlgjkdflgsdio;gjkh;kjds;jkfygfdugvnhjvklxdzusuhgjelgvjifsdzdvjghlj;gihsjbgkhjs;hjkbmkfl;ghjkrl;nvjcxak;gfjkgndf;jhgjds;gijdfsgh;kjnhsiudfhgiuoejrhi;sdkjigs;jrhiyesjngfklsng,dsvnkjufkjgkslfjjgksl.vjdxl;gjski;gjklr;dfsbgjds;gjw;nw;rprjtklhk;lgjklwjm;lehije[ohjhlrnh.,jmdk.jhthToneThe style of writing that the author uses

Poetic ElementProperties or essence of flowing writing

BiasYour opinion on something.Example: This man likes the New York Times the librarian does not.

consonanceRepeating of a letter at the end of a word.Example: will, wall, and fall.:

54Outline The outline is when you give someone pretty much the details of the story or what the story is about.(comparison to a summary.)

She gave the outline of her story to her partner in reading class.ResolveTo solveShe resolved her problem

OpinionDefinition: Your own idea of something.Example: My teachers opinion was an F but I thought It was at least a B.


SuspenseTo be excited or surprised for something thats going to happen.

I had a lot of suspense during the scary movie.58ConflictAn argument among the characters or forces in the literary work that shapes the action of the plot.

59CharacterizeTo describe a characterExample:

Linda was a kind, good, curious girl. something resolved or determined; decision

ResolutionExample: People write down New Years Resolutions to help them get better at something they werent.

SPEECHthe faculty or power of speaking; oral communication; ability to expressone's thoughts and emotions by speech sounds and gesture: Losing her speech made her feel isolated from humanity.People give speeches at important meetings

AlliterationDefinition: Alliteration is repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words.Example: Alice ate apples and asparagus around August.Reasoning: In this sentence the consonant A is being repeated.

Definition: A source used to find certain types of information ;directions.Example: Jon needed a reference tool to find his information.Reasoning: In this case, the reference is being used to find information.
