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  • 8/3/2019 Material Selection and FMA


    University of Cambridge

    Materials Science & Metallurgy

    Natural Sciences Tripos

    Materials Science & Metallurgy

    PART IIA and IIB



    Dr. E.R. Wallach

    Easter Term 2009

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    Materials Science Pt II Selection of Materials [C2]

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    The aims of the course, building on a basic knowledge of elementary mechanics and microstructures,are to:

    summarise the basic steps in the design process;

    show how materials, with a combination of appropriate properties, may be chosen for a givenapplication;

    reacquaint students with the range and different combinations of properties that are availableusing the Cambridge Engineering Selector (CES) software, introduced in the Michaelmas Term;

    indicate the synergy between shape and material properties to the design process and theresulting behaviour of a component;

    consider what to do if things go wrong: failure analysis and what can be learnt.

    The lectures are supplemented by practical studies, in examples classes, covering the examination ofclassical microstructures, specific household objects and actual objects that have failed in service.

    The previous examples class in the Michaelmas Term provided an introduction to the CES software

    (available on the computers in room 201) and the software can be used to underpin the conceptsintroduced in the course. The software, with its data available on a wide range of properties for manytypes of material and on fabrication methods, is useful for other courses as well as for Part III.

    L ecture 1.

    Classes of materials and types of properties.Types of design problems: original, developmental and variant.Steps in the design process: sequential and iterative progress.

    L ecture 2.

    Causes of failures in service.Specifications and standards: need and types (dimensional, quality, code of practice).Costs and cost effectiveness in design. Analysis of costs.

    L ecture 3.

    Materials data: required accuracy, sources.Combining materials properties for specific design problems (example of aircraft skin selection).Optimisation/ranking and expert systems. Use of weighting factors.Materials property charts without shape and their use in materials selection.

    L ecture 4.

    The effect of shape on materials selection. Shape factors (macro and microscopic).Performance indices which include shape, and materials property charts including shape.

    L ecture 5.

    Failure analysis: approaches to adopt when things go wrong.Reasons for failure.Analysis of failure for metals: types of failure and fracture surface examination.Introduction to examples of actual failures (to form the basis of independent study and an examplesclass to discuss the artefacts).

    L ecture 6.

    Analysis of failure for ceramics and polymers: types of failure and fracture surface examination.

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    Ashby M.F., "Materials Selection in Mechanical Design", 3rd Edition, Elsevier, 2005. As43aElectronic book via Newton search on University Library website[ enter Ashby in search field]

    Ashby M.F. & Jones D.R.H., "Engineering Materials 2", 3rd Edition, AB97Butterworth-Heinemann, 2005.[ enter Ashby in search field]

    Charles J.A., Crane F.A.A. & Furness J.A.G., "Selection and Use of Engineering Materials", As403nd Edition, Butterworth-Heinemann, 1997.

    Dieter G.E. "Engineering Design", McGraw-Hill, 1986. K114

    Ashby M.F., Shercliff H., Cebon D., Materials: Engineering, Science, Processing and Design AB208Elsevier Science & Technology, 2007.[ enter Ashby in search field]

    Failure analysis

    ASM International, "Fractography", Metals Handbook, 12, 9th Edition, 1987. R112

    ASM International, "Failure analysis and prevention", R111Metals Handbook, 11, 9th Edition, 1986.

    ASM International, "Handbook of case histories in failure analysis", Kw32Metals Handbook, 1, 1992.

    Jones D.R., "Engineering 3: materials failure analysis", Pergamon, 1993. Kw31

    Note: ASM Metals Handbooks are currently available electronically to members of the University via:

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    Materials Science Pt II Selection of Materials [C2]

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    1. Background

    1.1. Categories of materials

    To date, dealt with a variety of engineering and electronic materials. These can be classified ina number of ways, e.g.









    PE, PS, PC




    Si BASED










    PE, PS, PC




    Si BASED


    The evolution of individual, as well as classes of, material over time has been highly dependent on thetechnologies available during any period.

    Now other factors are increasingly entering materials selection and development, namely energy andenvironmental considerations.

    Relative importance of four major classes of engineering material as a function of time.

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    nking: ental and generally more subjective

    figure or order of merit such as hardenability

    ng on what is regarded as different )are needed for rational choice.


    onality required


    ical and physical

    outes and dimensional tolerances


    yalties, contracts

    - social aspects, e.g. environmental concerns:

    pollution e.g. CO2 emissions


    - means of optimise and/or rank data

    f steps

    ich case, emphasis will need to be focussed

    may be limited by a simple combination of material

    can be

    ht, maximise E0.5


    duced in Pts IA andPt IB, and summarised in Section 2.2, page 4.

    1.2. Types of prop

    o major classes:

    - fundamental: can be measured directly

    - ra combination of several fundam

    e.g. formability, machinability,

    1.3. Selection criteria

    The large number of available materials (over 50,000 dependimeans that selection criteria

    ctors to consider include:

    - requirement and functi

    - design of compon

    - lifetime planned

    - properties of materials: mechanical, chem

    - availability of materials: shape and purity

    - fabrication r

    - aesthetics

    - lifetime anticipated and possible failure modes

    - cost: development, materials, fabrication,

    - legal issues: patents, ro

    - health & safety issues

    energy involved and

    Need also for

    - accurate data which is readily availab

    2. Design

    2.1. Design stagesFor a given design problem, there are typically a number oto consider, as shown on the left and on the following page.

    A given component will be especially constrained by a few of the

    bove factors, in whaon particular steps

    For instance, if a particular failure mechanism is likely to dominate,he designtproperties

    If the combination of properties can be identified, theysimultaneously optimised, see section 2.2. For example,

    f failure is by buckling, then for minimum weigi

    where Eis Youngs modulus andis density.

    This is the approach of materials selection intro

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    Design stages in going from concept to production and marketed product

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    2.2. Optimisation of a combination of material properties, performance indices

    To determine the least mass of a rod for different loading conditions.

    F Let rod length and load F be fixed by design requirement.l

    Mass m of rod of material with densityis given by

    m = r2 l [A]l

    Now consider possible failure mechanisms and hence appropriateequations which include material properties of interest in order toderive a performance index M, a ratio of material properties whichthen

    F can be optimised to identify the most suitable materials.

    2.2.1. Failure by plastic yielding

    S y =





    - radius r is the only free variable,

    - all other terms are defined for a given application (S is a chosen safety factor e.g. 0.3)

    - eliminate r between [A] and [B] to derive performance index for failure by plastic yielding

    m =




    2.2.2. Failure by buckling

    Fcrit =n






    n 4


    2 rE



    where n depends on the end constraints

    - eliminate r between [A] and [C] to derive performance index for failure by buckling

    m =





    F l

    2.2.3. Failure by fast fracture


    = a [D]

    - no apparent free variable in above equation [D] where KIc

    is fracture toughness and is ageometric factor depending on the crack location.

    - in some situations, can assume crack length a is proportional to a dimension of body, e.g. r

    - substitute for from equation [B] and eliminate r to derive performance index for fastfracture

    m =( )



    where c is a constant = l





    Note: equations [B], [C] and [D] represent constraints for different failure mechanisms.

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    2.3. Design approaches

    Three different design approaches can be defined.

    2.3.1. Original design

    New principle or material involved

    2.3.2. Developmental or adaptive design

    Refine or improve an existing principle or component

    Date Cleaner Dominant materials Exterior Fasteners Power Suck Weight Costparts W l/s kg

    1900 Hand-powered Wood, canvas, leather 50 1 10 240

    1950 Cylindrical Mild steel 11 28 300 10 6 96

    1965 Spherical Mild steel 7 4 450 5.5 80

    1985 Cylindrical ABS & PP 4 1 800 18 4 60

    1997 Centrifugal PP & PC 1200 6.3 190

    ABS = acrylonitrile butadiene styrene PP = polypropylene PC = polycarbononate

    Costs recalculated and expressed in 1998 equivalent values.

    [Adapted from Ashby M.F., "Materials Selection in Mechanical Design", 3rd Edition, Elsevier, 2005.]

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    2.3.3. Variant design

    Change of scale from model or pilot plant.

    Design will proceed iteratively until model or pilot plant built and tested. Then need to scale up.

    Consider variant design for three different failure modes.

    a) plastic collapse for which dominant material property likely to be y (or, possibly, UTS)

    neither affected as greater area when scaling up enables greater load to be carried

    b) fast fracture


    = y a

    - critical crack length a can be related to a dimension of the component, e.g. r

    - hence y will have to be reduced to avoid brittle failure

    - let the scaling factor be when changing scale, and so assume aa which can arise as

    crack detection can be more difficult in thicker sections (depends on detectiontechnique)

    larger volume statistically more likely to contain a larger defect

    - hence y will decrease by 1/

    Cases (a) and (b) can be optimised by plotting stress against size versus scaled thickness t




    thickness t

    Ideal thickness or size

    - most efficient use of material since optimises both properties

    - safest design as find some plasticity can occur rather than catastrophic fast fracture

    - flaws may be detected by leakage (e.g. pressure vessels) or

    deformation (e.g. beam sagging)

    c) corrosion

    - want to make 1/6 scale model of traction engine with boiler of 10 mm thick mild steel plate

    - require original model

    to contain pressurised steel 6 mm 1 mm

    for corrosion over lifetime 4 mm 4 mm

    total thickness required 10 mm 5 mm

    - in practice, to both minimise weight and improve aesthetics, may change boiler material

    - use copper in model (too expensive for original) and, possibly, too low strength

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    3. Lifetime of components

    3.1. Factors to consider

    Lifetime of object affected by:


    properties of the materials used

    dominant failure mechanism


    Planned lifetime involves knowledge of time-dependent properties particularly, for example




    data obtained from accelerated tests

    Unexpected failure can arise from:

    design errors - under design leads to premature failure

    over design overloads other component (plus unnecessary expense)

    material or fabrication defects - standards / quality control

    deterioration in service - misuse, change in expected use or loading.

    3.2. Standards and specifications1

    Invariably imposed on - materials: composition, heat treatment (temper) & extent of working

    fabrication methods and tolerances on dimensions

    inspection methods

    Various types: dimensional or quantitative

    quality: expectation from manufacturing process

    specification of level of performance

    code of practice: installation and/or measurement procedures

    4. Cost

    Components can be classified between extremes of

    performance emphasis - space, military, medical

    cost emphasis - domestic appliances, cars

    Use terms such as

    cost - price paid

    value - extent to which performance criteria are satisfied for the cost

    based on life expectancy

    social expectations, e.g. increasing emphasis to conserve world resources

    cost effectiveness - extent to which savings can be made by downgrading a property

    - achieve by design changes

    material selection

    Examples of price per unit weight for different materials or complex products are shown in the

    figure on the next page.

    1Primo Levi, Periodic Table, Penguin Press,1975, Chapter on Chromium, page 152.

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    Price per unit weight versus complexity of materials and products

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    Breakdown of costs for fabricated components:

    Total cost to consumer

    Purchase price Cost of ownership

    Costs of production Fixed costs Manufacturers (a) maintenanceprofit

    (b) repairs(a) basic materials (a) factory overheads

    - abundance - rent and rates (c) insurance- supply/demand - heating & light- quantity needed (d) amortisation- purity (b) administration- contract duration- exchange rates (c) sales & marketing

    (b) manufacture costs (d) research & development- labour- equipment needed- equipment lifetime- quantity to make- energy demands

    5. Materials data and sources

    5.1. Accuracy of data

    structure insensitive density


    thermal expansion

    specific heat


    engineering polymers (E/50)

    thermal conductivity

    electrical conductivity

    hardness of ceramics


    and UTS

    for metals

    structure sensitive KIc for all materials

    10% error

    50% error


    depends on processingheat-treatment

    5.2. Data sources

    Books e.g. ASM Metals Handbook

    Manufacturers data sheets

    On-line manufacturers data and collated data

    Databases: need to know and select relevant properties plus how to combine/weight propertiesfor given projected use

    do not necessarily show data reliability, e.g. structure insensitive versus those that

    are highly dependent on, say, composition and/or processing history

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    6. Materials selection approaches

    6.1. Expert systems: data optimisation/ranking

    Expert systems are based on computerised selection with ranking/ weighting factors.

    Utilise stored databases which are interrogated by programs which poses questions to a user toobtain answers and hence information to define the problem and appropriate weighting factors.

    Generally will combine several sets of properties, suitably weighted, in order to provide anoverall optimised index to advise the user.

    Can be fast and efficient for simple problems.


    - limited by skill of programmer to have foreseen all possible situations;

    - may be limited by data in database although on-line systems can minimise this;

    - reliant on weighting factors, the basis of which may not be seen by the user;

    - may always attempt to provide an answer even when inappropriate to do so.

    6.1.1. Example of choosing a casting mould material

    a. Go / no-go approach, based on simple acceptability

    a = acceptable, U = underprovision, O = overprovision, E = excessive__________________________________________________________________________________

    Material Heat Rigidity Resistance to Mouldability Cost Decisionresistance stress cracking

    __________________________________________________________________________________M1 a a a a E RejectM2 a a a a aM3 O a U U a RejectM4 U U a a a RejectM5 a O U a aM6 a a O a a


    b. Degree of merit, based on numerical rating of 1 (worst) to 5 (best)__________________________________________________________________________________

    Material Heat Rigidity Resistance to Mouldability Overall ratingresistance stress cracking (maximum =20)

    __________________________________________________________________________________M1 4 3 3 3 13 = 0.65M2 2 3 4 3 12 = 0.6M3 5 4 1 1 11 = 0.55M4 1 1 4 3 9 = 0.45M5 4 5 1 3 13 = 0.65M6 3 2 5 5 15 = 0.75


    3. Weighting factors__________________________________________________________________________________

    Material Heat Rigidity Resistance to Mouldability Overall ratingresistance stress cracking (maximum =75)

    x 5 x 5 x 2 x 3__________________________________________________________________________________

    M1 20 15 6 9 50 = 0.67M2 10 15 8 9 42 = 0.56M3 25 20 2 3 50 = 0.67M4 5 5 8 9 27 = 0.36M5 20 25 2 9 55 = 0.73

    M6 15 10 10 15 50 = 0.67__________________________________________________________________________________

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    Limitations in above example are:

    - real data are not shown so extent to which different properties are markedly different is not seen

    - weighting factors are somewhat arbitrary

    - very subjective approach.

    6.1.2. Example of selecting a metallic alloy for civilian aircraft wing material

    a. Data for possible materials.

    b. Potential problem is units are dissimilar so normalise with respect to highest value for eachproperty and then average to obtain overall rating.

    c. Can also include weighting factors although somewhat subjective choice of values.





    + ++

    Note that temperature limit introduced. Even if highest speed is Mach 2, overall skin temperature willbe < 200C. Hence stainless steel and titanium both are clearly over design but for different reasons

    (density is problem for steel while cost is for titanium).Aluminium alloy 2 is to be avoided due to poor fracture toughness.

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    6.2. Materials selection charts

    6.2.1. Approach

    Use simple combinations of material properties to optimise design for a given problem

    Approach as in section 2.2, page 4:

    - set up equations combining material properties and geometry of problem;

    - identify free variable not specified by constraints of problem and eliminate from equations;

    - resulting equation includes a performance index, a ratio of material properties for optimisation.

    6.2.2. Summary of minimisation of weight for different forms of loading____________________________________________________________________

    minimise weight for a given- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------- - - - - - - - -

    mode of loading stiffness ductile brittlestrength strength


    tie (slender column)





    bending of rod/tube






    buckling of rod/column

    2/1E- -

    bending of plate







    For minimum cost, replace withCR

    where CR

    is relative cost per unit weight of material =steelmildkgpercost



    Above shows that same key materials properties are relevant to similar modes of loadingalthough material property exponents alter

    Example: consider stiffness where

    n1/E= k where k is a constant

    hence log (E) = n log () + k'

    Graphs of log(E) versus log() will give straight lines of gradients 1, 2 or 3corresponding to the modes of loading above.

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    6.2.3. Use of materials selection charts


    - allow visual comparisons of properties and combinations of properties;

    - materials on the same line of the appropriate gradient for a given loading have the same normalisedproperty, i.e. are equivalent in terms of the ratio of the two properties;

    - allows fast evaluation of suitable materials, including relative merits from position on graph;- on-line version allows interactive manipulation of diagrams to see details;

    - on-line version enables more than one combination of properties per graph;

    - on-line version shows progressive elimination of materials as additional constraints used.

    Problems remain that:

    - need independent knowledge to assess dominant properties for a given design and application,similarly to estimate weighting factors;

    - structure sensitive data still not catered for (though can use lowest values)

    - still have to assume likely failure mechanism from simple tests or assessments, yet it is not alwaysreliable to extrapolate from short to long term as different mechanisms may be involved.

    Schematic Youngs modulus versus density chartsshowing (a) primary constraints and (b) lines of different gradient

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    6.3. Multiple constraints

    For aircraft wing material (section 6.1.2., page 10), weight must be minimised but simultaneously needgood stiffness, strength, toughness.


    an be difficult to handle if more constraints than free variables - sometimes called overconstrained.


    a) Sequential performance indices (iterative approach as used in CES)- exercise judgement by identifying most two important constraints (e.g. mass and yield strength);

    - using these two constraints (and ignoring others), eliminate the free variable;

    - hence derive a performance index and identify subset of possible materials

    - use remaining constraints repeatedly to eliminate free variable(s)

    - derive further indices and hence refine existing subset of materials (may have to enlarge originalsubset of materials in light of other indices)

    b) Use of coupling equations

    As an example, consider a rod length lwhich while having a low weight must be both

    strong (to support a load F) and

    stiff (not extending its original length lmore than u),.

    As previously, m =A l andstrength = F / A then eliminating free variableAl

    m = F ( / ) [X]l

    Similarly for the elastic stiffness constraint, using E = / = (F/A) / (u/l)

    m = (F / u)2

    (/ E) [Y]l

    Since these two expressions for mass are for same rod, then [X] & [Y] can be equated to give:


    uE l or

    uE l

    // =

    Best material is that which maximises (E /) and also ( / ) coupled in the way shown by equation.

    Plot lines of the specification (l/u) on appropriate selection charts as coupling lines

    Best material will be: on the coupling line and as high as possible (to optimise both E/and /)

    In the search box, i.e. the area defining optimal values for both above ratios.

    Index 2,


    Index 1, /

    coupling line:gradient = ul /

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    7. Effect of shape on materials selection

    7.1. Shape factors

    Occasionally, section shape is not a factor in designing a component anddesign optimised solely by material choice.

    More generally, design combines section shape with material choice and so

    shape factors are required.

    Need to consider macroscopic shape factors: overall bulk shape of a section

    microscopic shape factors: structural anisotropy within a bulk section

    7.2. Macroscopic shape factors

    Macroscopic factor: is dimensionless quantity e.g. elastic bending of beammodefailureLOADINGOFTYPE


    twisting of beam to failure fT

    - measures the structural efficiency of a section shape relative to a solid round bar of the samecross-sectional area, under equivalent loading;

    - equals 1 for solid bar of circular cross-section and increases to 10 for I-beam section, hencerecognises the mass distribution around a central axis for different geometries;

    - depends on shape solely and, as it is a ratio, is independent of size or scale.

    7.2.1. Determination of macroscopic shape factor

    For elastic bending, the stiffness or bending resistance is determined both by the material propertiesand also by the second moment of area, I, about the axis of bending, where Ihas dimensions of length


    Shape factor =e

    B areasectional-crosssameofbeamsolidcircularofstiffness








    hence = 1 for a solid circular cross-section bareB

    Consider a rectangular bar and a circular bar


    3b hI = oI


    rI ===



    Hence =e

    B 4



    Note that there will be different expressions for different loading conditions or failure modes.

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    7.3. Microscopic shape factor eB

    Various structural materials have in-built shape factors, many of which mimic structures found innature, e.g.

    honeycombe wood

    fibre composite palm wood

    concentric cylindrical plant stems

    layered structures cuttlefish shell

    Effects often shown by anisotroic properties.

    Can treat microscopic shape in similar fashion to macroscopic shape using eB








    microscopic macroscopic overall structure (multiply shape factors)

    7 .3 Summary: use of shape

    May optimise a design by choosing sections with higher values of second moment of area, which canthen help to reduce weight.

    However, need to be aware that might introduce a different failure mode, e.g. thin wall tubes may failby buckling when under compressive load rather than by plastic yielding.

    8. Selection based on fabrication methods and environmental factors

    Materials can be selected according to their properties, as has been shown in many of the examplesused above.

    However, the design stages (see section 2.1, page 2) need to consider many other criteria, as aresummarised in section 1.3 (page 2) including fabrication methods (shaping, surface treatment and

    joining) and environmental factors such as embodied energy and CO2 emissions.

    The CES software allows selection using such criteria in combination with material properties orseparately.

    8.1. Fabrication methods

    A summary of bulk fabrication methods is given on the next page, followed by two CES charts showingpossible fabrication methods, the second as a function of the mass of the possible components.

    8.2. Environmental factors

    Representative CES charts, showing the embodied energy and CO2 emissions associated with themaking annually of different materials, are provided on page 20.

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    ------> Casting: polycrystaline

    single crystal

    directional solidification


    Bulk: rolling




    Consolidation: powder routes

    liquidvapour solid

    C.V.D. or P.V.D.



    Milling Turning

    Drilling Grinding

    Spark erosion

    Ultrasonic drilling

    Laser machining




    Plasma spray

    Ion coating

    Laser coating




    Brazing & soldering

    Fusion welding

    Solid-state welding



    Summary of bulk fabrication methods

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    Embodied energy per mass for different materials

    [Ashby M.J., Materials and the environment, Elsevier, Chapter 6, p 117, 2009]

    Annual carbon dioxide emissions to atmosphere from material production

    [Ashby M.J., Materials and the environment, Elsevier, Chapter 6, p 119, 2009]

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    Possible material fabrication routes for different classes of material

    [Ashby M.F et al, Materials: Engineering, Science, Processing and Design, Elsevier, p 414, 2007]

    Possible material fabrication routes for different classes of material

    [Ashby M.F et al, Materials: Engineering, Science, Processing and Design, Elsevier, p 414, 2007]

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    9. Failure analysis

    9.1. General approach

    Aimfind the primary cause of failure

    initiate corrective action to prevent repetition.


    field assessment: obtain samples & controls

    record background data (plus service history)

    preliminary examination of failed part

    reconstruction of events

    initial assessment: non-destructive evaluation

    macroscopic examination (fracture surfaces, cracks)

    microscopic examination (including microhardness)

    collection of information on (history of) suspect components

    detailed assessment: mechanical testing

    chemical analysis (bulk, local, surface, corrosion/wear products)

    test under simulated service conditions

    diagnosis: ensure data are self consistent

    report: analysis of all data

    suggestions for the future

    action: implementation of report (no action, modifications, withdrawal)

    Reasons for failure

    design deficiency

    material's problem

    overload (abuse)

    failure to observe specification.

    History of component

    design criteria: specifications - codes of practice

    safety factor

    materials selection: specifications


    manufacturing practice: codes of practice


    service history: loads



    environmentstatistical data.

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    10. Analysis of failures metals

    10.1. Types of failure


    Unusual as earlier plastic deformation generally detected and classed as failure.

    Ideally would neck to a point but triaxial stress state occurs in sample centre leadingto failure initiation, often at inclusions.

    Final failure at edges gives characteristic shear lips.


    Transgranular as insufficient slip systems available due to:

    crystal type - e.g. hcp compared to fcc strain rate

    temperature below ductile brittle transition TDBTT stress concentration

    Intergranular a. 70:30 brass b. H in steel

    Due to segregation to grain boundary (gb), e.g. H, P, Sn, Sb, S in steels.

    May also arise due to second phases forming at gb, or precipitate distribution.

    Embrittlement (gas, liquid metal): characteristic intergranular as above, e.g. H in steel (b above)

    Stress corrosion require susceptible alloy, e.g.

    stainless steels (as shown)

    Al-Zn-Mg alloys (7xxxseries),

    brasses in ammonia

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    Surface oxide debris evident

    Pitting and crevice corrosion is especially common


    Al 7178 varying loads (beach marks)

    See characteristic striations associated with stage 2

    Stage 3 can be ductile or brittle failure


    Voiding and gb sliding may be observed in stage 3

    No coarse microstructural changes in stages 1 & 2 (could observe in tem)

    High-temperature degradation. Signs of oxidation, gb local melting, grain growth

    Wear erosion solid particles carried in a fluid

    adhesion transfer of one solid (softer) to another

    abrasion cutting of softer solid by harder so material removed

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    10.2. Fracture surface examination non-destructive

    presence of colour or texture changes

    temper colours


    corrosion products

    presence of distinctive features on surface

    shear lips

    beach marks

    chevron marks

    river lines

    gross plasticity

    large voids or inclusions

    secondary cracks

    direction of fracture propagation

    fracture initiation site

    nearby stress raisers

    mode of loading

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    Beach marks: distinct regions on a fracture surface which indicate a change in the fracturemechanism or rate of crack propagation


    A typical example is illustrated above for fatigueshowing the three areas corresponding to

    crack initiation,

    crack propagation and

    fast failure

    Chevron marks: arise when a crack in a steel initiates along the centre line of a plate (so may beassociated with inclusions at which cracks initiate) and then runs to the surface of the plate.

    The marks point in the direction away from that of crack propagation and so can be used totrace the direction of crack growth and ultimately the source of origin of fracture.

    River lines occur especially in relatively inclusion-free steels.

    Brittle failure (cleavage) results in roughly flat surfaces which are normal to the applied(tensile) stress and which often are on a particular set of planes.

    When the crack crosses a grain boundary, especially tilt, many small parallel cracks can formwith steps between them.

    These then continue to grow and run into each other to form a single crack with a larger step.

    The characteristic pattern is the river pattern or river lines. Hence can show the direction ofcrack propagation and is a clear sign (with the characteristic failure surface) of brittle failure.

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    10.3. Fracture stages

    local degradation: wear

    fretting corrosion



    crack initiation: cracks < 100 m hence difficult to see optically

    cracks either grow to be catastrophic or may be stable

    cracks often initiated externally at stress concentrators

    internally at inclusions as shown below in steel

    slow crack growth: ductile tear



    stress corrosion cracking

    spend high proportion of life time growing crack hence can

    [can define suitable quality control or inspection period

    can evaluate risk of leaving other parts in service]

    fast crack growth: onset of instability at critical crack length and leads to

    brittle failure

    ductile tearing

    plastic collapse

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    11. Analysis of failures ceramics and glasses

    11.1. Types of failure

    brittle (generally) from

    design deficiency

    defects introduced during fabrication or machining

    service damage - impact especially

    thermal shock

    oxidation & corrosion related

    ductile at high temperature for

    glasses (viscous flow and so strain rate dependent)

    crystalline ceramics where slip systems thermally activated

    11.2. Fracture appearance

    Frequency of cracks is measure of: energy introduced and residual stresses in the body

    Little branching in thermal shock see below for crack in glass

    Crack direction reflects type of loading and magnitude of stresses applied


    Direction of crack/s also affected by near stress raisers such as

    machining marks

    change in section thickness

    hole or internal porosity

    internal defect, impurity

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    Fracture generally radiates out from a single point or small area

    Branching occurs when:vcrack > vs where vcrack is crack velocity

    vs is speed of sound in the ceramic or glass


    A B

    fracture origin

    Crack patterns also can be determined from fragments and/or "witness mark" - smallarea with debris or burnished appearance

    11.3. Fracture initiation site

    Fracture site appearance changes as vcrack increases, leads to mirror, mist and heckle.

    mirror: crack accelerates from initiation site (often surface defect, inclusion or stress raiser)

    crack initially proceeds on one plane

    estimate size of mirror (indicated by diameter AB in above sketch

    (i) = Kcr 0.5

    where = 3.5 0.3

    equation is reasonably material independent but is more complex if defectspresent, then have to introduce stress intensity factors;

    note similarity to fracture toughness KIc = f(a)0.5

    (ii) fr0.5 = constant - value of the constant is material dependent: glass 2.3Al2O3 9Si3N4 14

    Hence can estimate critical defect size cby;

    ln f


    - running controlled tests and plot f against r

    - later can estimate f for any observed rvalue

    - use Griffith to estimate defect size c

    f = A (E /c)0.5

    or can use Evans & Tappin

    f = Z/Y (2E /c)0.5

    - Y is dimensionless term (1.7 2.0), depends on flaw depth & test geometry

    - Z is dimensionless term (1 2), depends on flaw configuration.

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    mist: as crack velocity increases, may intersect inclusion or shift in direction of principal stress

    slight deviation from original plane

    small radial ridges (although generally not seen on crystalline ceramics)

    hackle: - larger ridges than mist and transforms to crack branching- if abrupt change in stress field, points in new direction of crack movement,

    100 m

    Fracture initiation in silicon nitride Fracture in glass[]

    11.4. Wallner linesSimultaneous propagation of crack front & elastic shock wave

    ||- as each wave overtakes the primary fracture crack

    principal stress momentarily deviated/disturbed

    - curvature

    approximate shape of crack front (assuming wave intersects with entire fracture front)

    direction of crack propagation and indication of stress distribution (distance of eachpart of line from crack origin).

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    12. Analysis of failures polymers


    ome phenomena apparently similar to metals although mechanisms quite different, e.g.

    ductile-brittle transition


    ness & fracture mechanics


    stress corrosion.


    racture behaviour influenced by:

    type of bonding and extent of cross-linking

    chain pack

    ing (amorphous versus crystalline polymers)

    extent of crystallisation and average crystallite size.

    12.1. Deformation catagories

    (i) dilational: crazes, voids, microcrackscrazing: - principally in amorphous polymers, brittle in tension

    e.g. polystyrene (PS), polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA)

    Crazing ahead of crack in PS Fibrils in crazes in polystyrenelow molecular with 1% of higherweight molecular weight

    - limited extent in semi-crystalline

    e.g. polycarbonate in tensile-fatigue loading c.f. tension failure by shearbanding.

    - slit-like microcracks spanned by oriented fibrils as illustrated above

    o width 1-2 m and up to several mm in length

    o grow normal to applied stress

    o fibrils strength & density depend on molecular weighthigher molecular weight have fewer, longer stable crazes

    - precedes crack, c.f. plastic zone ahead of crack in metals

    - abs

    orbs energy so improves toughness

    - whitening effect (especially if associated voiding) due to scattering of light

    (ii) non-dilational: shear bands.

    most polymers in compression exhibit this behaviour

    microscopic localised deformation along shear planes

    at 45 to applied compressive load

    strain magnitude ~ 2-3 locally

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    12.2. Types of failure

    ductile due to: mechanical overload

    effects of liquids

    particlulate fillers

    brittle failure in ductile material (often) associated with

    choice of polymer

    design - stress concentration

    mould design

    poor joining

    processing - inhomogeneous melt

    degraded melt

    surface defects

    non-uniform dispersion of additives

    non-uniform cooling - coarse spherulites

    high chain orientation

    imperfect internal welds

    service factors -prolonged loading


    thermal degradation

    photochemical degradation


    stress corrosion

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    In addition to the following specific questions, see also questions in the essay parts of the papers asthese often have a materials selection bias.

    1998 1j, 9, 28

    1999 1b, 8

    2000 1b, 3, 25

    2001 10i, 11, 36

    2002 10j, 17

    2003 10d, 14

    2004 1j, 7

    2005 10b, 25

    2006 1e, 18

    2007 5, 10j

    2008 10b, 38