materials characterization

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  • 8/10/2019 Materials Characterization




  • 8/10/2019 Materials Characterization


    OverviewOverviewISO10993ISO10993--1:2003(E) Section 3.31:2003(E) Section 3.3 The following should be considered for their The following should be considered for theirrelevance to the overall biological evaluation ofrelevance to the overall biological evaluation ofthe devicethe deviceMaterial(s) of Manufacturer,Material(s) of Manufacturer,

    Intended additives, process contaminants, &Intended additives, process contaminants, &and residues, Leachable substances,and residues, Leachable substances,Degradation products, other components andDegradation products, other components andtheir interactions in the final product and thetheir interactions in the final product and theproperties and characteristics of the finalproperties and characteristics of the finalproductproduct

  • 8/10/2019 Materials Characterization


    Our GoalsOur GoalsTo assist in establishing biocompatibility of aTo assist in establishing biocompatibility of a

    Medical Device by identifying and quantifyingMedical Device by identifying and quantifyingthe chemical constituents of the materialsthe chemical constituents of the materials

    Develop compliant & cost effective One ShotDevelop compliant & cost effective One Shot

    Analyses meeting multiple requirementsAnalyses meeting multiple requirementsoutlined in the ISO10993 Standardsoutlined in the ISO10993 Standards

    Minimize the number of devices for testingMinimize the number of devices for testing

    Support process control in manufacturingSupport process control in manufacturing

  • 8/10/2019 Materials Characterization


    Importance of TestingImportance of TestingDemonstrate equivalency of proposed materialsDemonstrate equivalency of proposed materialsto a clinically established materialto a clinically established material

    Demonstrate equivalency of device to aDemonstrate equivalency of device to aprototypeprototype

    Material selectionMaterial selection

    Material degradationMaterial degradationAssessment of overall biological safety of aAssessment of overall biological safety of amedical device (ISO10993medical device (ISO10993--1 & 14971)1 & 14971)

    Vendor changesVendor changesQuality control on incoming raw materialsQuality control on incoming raw materials

    Chemical correlation to physical testingChemical correlation to physical testing

    Process validationsProcess validations

  • 8/10/2019 Materials Characterization


    DefinitionsDefinitionsExhaustive ExtractionExhaustive ExtractionExtraction until theExtraction until theamount of the residues in a subsequentamount of the residues in a subsequentextraction is less than 10% of that detected inextraction is less than 10% of that detected inthe first extractionthe first extraction

    SimulatedSimulated--use Extractionuse ExtractionExtraction forExtraction forevaluating the potential risk to the patient or userevaluating the potential risk to the patient or userduring routine use of a device using andduring routine use of a device using andextraction method with an appropriate mediumextraction method with an appropriate medium

    that simulates product usethat simulates product use

    Definitions from ANSI/AAMI BE83:2006 Biological Evaluation of MeDefinitions from ANSI/AAMI BE83:2006 Biological Evaluation of Medical Devicesdical Devices

    Part 18 Chemical Characterization of MaterialsPart 18 Chemical Characterization of Materials

  • 8/10/2019 Materials Characterization


    DefinitionsDefinitionsExtractableExtractableSoluble substances removed fromSoluble substances removed from

    material when treated with solventmaterial when treated with solvent

    LeachableLeachableChemical removed from a medicalChemical removed from a medical

    device by the action of water and other liquidsdevice by the action of water and other liquidsrelated to the use of the devicerelated to the use of the device

    Definitions from ANSI/AAMI BE83:2006 Biological Evaluation of MeDefinitions from ANSI/AAMI BE83:2006 Biological Evaluation of Medical Devicesdical Devices

    Part 18 Chemical Characterization of MaterialsPart 18 Chemical Characterization of Materials

  • 8/10/2019 Materials Characterization


    Information to Collect BeforeInformation to Collect Before


    Select the appropriate analytical method to provideSelect the appropriate analytical method to provide

    the required information for toxicological evaluationthe required information for toxicological evaluationqualitative or quantitativequalitative or quantitative

    Material CompositionMaterial Composition

    -- base materialbase material-- additives and processing aidsadditives and processing aids

    Polymerization / crosslinking / curing processesPolymerization / crosslinking / curing processes

    Fabrication process and additives used to assistFabrication process and additives used to assistfabricationfabrication

    Cleaning & washing processesCleaning & washing processes

    Packaging & storage processesPackaging & storage processes

  • 8/10/2019 Materials Characterization


    Potential Sources ofPotential Sources of

    Extractables/LeachablesExtractables/LeachablesAdditivesAdditivesStabilizers, Plasticizers, ModifiersStabilizers, Plasticizers, Modifiers

    ProcessProcessMould Release Agents, AntiMould Release Agents, Anti--staticstaticand Antiand Anti--slip agentsslip agents

    LubricantsLubricantsOils and Degreasing AgentsOils and Degreasing Agents


    Monomers and Higher MW Oligomers fromMonomers and Higher MW Oligomers fromincomplete polymerizationincomplete polymerization

    Residual SolventsResidual Solvents

    Degradation ProductsDegradation ProductsTemperature,Temperature,Absorption, Hydrolysis, Oxidation, Corrosion orAbsorption, Hydrolysis, Oxidation, Corrosion orDissolutionDissolution

  • 8/10/2019 Materials Characterization


    Examples of Qualitative &Examples of Qualitative &

    Quantitative ParametersQuantitative Parameters

  • 8/10/2019 Materials Characterization


    Qualitative Test MethodsQualitative Test MethodsIf extractables / leachables are not known,If extractables / leachables are not known,

    perform screening methods to assessperform screening methods to assessmaterialsmaterials

    -- USP Physicochemical TestUSP Physicochemical Test (NVR, Residue on(NVR, Residue onIgnition, Heavy Metals, Metals , and Buffering Capacity)Ignition, Heavy Metals, Metals , and Buffering Capacity)

    -- GCMSGCMSSearchable LibrariesSearchable Libraries

    -- FTIRFTIRLow ResolutionLow Resolution

    -- Headspace TechnologyHeadspace Technology


    FTIRFTIRHigh ResolutionHigh Resolution

  • 8/10/2019 Materials Characterization


    Physicochemical TestPhysicochemical TestGood Starting PointGood Starting Point

    A group of tests to characterize plasticA group of tests to characterize plasticcomponents of pharmaceutical containerscomponents of pharmaceutical containersand medical devicesand medical devices

    Perform extractions with polar and nonPerform extractions with polar and non--polar solvents (e.g. H2O, IPA, & heptane)polar solvents (e.g. H2O, IPA, & heptane)

    Determines presence of solubleDetermines presence of solublesubstances without regard to the identitysubstances without regard to the identity

    Volatiles are not detectedVolatiles are not detected

  • 8/10/2019 Materials Characterization


    FTIRFTIRLow ResolutionLow Resolution

    Fingerprints MaterialsFingerprints Materials

    When compared to aWhen compared to a

    known standard canknown standard can

    be used to identify abe used to identify a


    Provides QualitativeProvides Qualitative

    not Quantitativenot Quantitative

  • 8/10/2019 Materials Characterization


    FTIR Static Headspace (SHS):

    Outgassing ProfileFTIR Static HS Gas Cell

    Total Cumulative

    Outgassing vs Time

    FITR Spectra







    IR Source

    IR Detector

  • 8/10/2019 Materials Characterization


    Dynamic HeadspaceDynamic HeadspaceOven (25 oC to 250 oC)

    Sample is placed inside

    the oven manifold

    N2 Flow


    VOCs VOCs

    TD Tube

    is Analyzed

    Thermal Desorption


    Trapping Tube





    Volatile and SemiVolatile and Semi--Volatile CompoundsVolatile Compounds


    Sample is sealed in a leak free

    Teflon Sample Chamber


  • 8/10/2019 Materials Characterization


    Advantages of HeadspaceAdvantages of HeadspaceAnalytes are concentratedAnalytes are concentratedNo SolventsNo Solvents

    Ability to analyze Volatiles and nonAbility to analyze Volatiles and non--VolatilesVolatiles(including acid and bases)(including acid and bases)

    --Residuals SolventsResiduals Solvents



    Shorter testing times than solvent extractionShorter testing times than solvent extractionGood Searchable LibrariesGood Searchable Libraries

    Methods can be validated for quantificationMethods can be validated for quantification

  • 8/10/2019 Materials Characterization


    Quantitative Test MethodsQuantitative Test Methods

    If extractables / leachables areIf extractables / leachables are

    known, quantitative methods provideknown, quantitative methods provideactual concentrationsactual concentrations

    Methods must be validatedMethods must be validated-- ICH Q2(R1)ICH Q2(R1)

    -- USP USP

    Search literature for publishedSearch literature for publishedmethodsmethods

  • 8/10/2019 Materials Characterization


    Example of Extractable AnalysisExample of Extractable Analysis

    Polymer A + Chemical B YieldsPolymer A + Chemical B Yields

    Finished Product CFinished Product C

    Need to quantify the residuals fromNeed to quantify the residuals from

    polymer A and Chemical B topolymer A and Chemical B todemonstrate purity.demonstrate purity.

  • 8/10/2019 Materials Characterization


    ApproachApproachSearch literature, which reveals that aldehydes, organicSearch literature, which reveals that aldehydes, organicacids, oligomers, and polymer may be present asacids, oligomers, and polymer may be present as

    residualsresidualsScreened samples using FTIR (high resolution)Screened samples using FTIR (high resolution)

    Extract finished product at 37Extract finished product at 37ooC for 24 Hours in Water,C for 24 Hours in Water,IPA, and Heptane (ISO10993IPA, and Heptane (ISO10993--12)12)

    Develop GCDevelop GC--ECD method for residual aldehydesECD method for residual aldehydesDeveloped Static GCMS method for residual organicDeveloped Static GCMS method for residual organicacidacid

    Run GelRun Gel--permeation chromatography GPC to look forpermeation chromatography GPC to look for

    MW distribution of residual polymerMW distribution of residual polymerRun LCMS to look for high MW oligomersRun LCMS to look for high MW oligomers

    Total time ~2 to 3 weeksTotal time ~2 to 3 weeks

  • 8/10/2019 Materials Characterization


    Database of MaterialsDatabase of Materials

  • 8/10/2019 Materials Characterization


    Example of Leachable AnalysisExample of Leachable AnalysisA proposal to reduce the allowable limit ofA proposal to reduce the allowable limit of

    ethylene oxide residuals by a factor of 5ethylene oxide residuals by a factor of 5was made to the ISO community.was made to the ISO community.

    Current analytical challenge: The currentCurrent analytical challenge: The current

    analytical technology is not sensitive toanalytical technology is not sensitive tosupport the limit changesupport the limit change

    Current technology will increase theCurrent technology will increase the

    analysis cost to manufacturer by up to 5Xanalysis cost to manufacturer by up to 5Xfor devices alone.for devices alone.

  • 8/10/2019 Materials Characterization


    ApproachApproachEvaluated sensitivity Static of FTIREvaluated sensitivity Static of FTIR

    Demonstrated equivalency of GCDemonstrated equivalency of GC--FIDFID

    SPEMI and FTIR (SS,SPEMI and FTIR (SS, PeBaxPeBax,,





    Performed exhaustive and simulated usePerformed exhaustive and simulated use


    Presented to AAMI for approvalPresented to AAMI for approvalCurrently validating the methodCurrently validating the method

  • 8/10/2019 Materials Characterization


    FTIR AdvantagesFTIR AdvantagesFTIR Provides simultaneous analysis EO,ECH, EG (ISOFTIR Provides simultaneous analysis EO,ECH, EG (ISO1099310993--018)018)

    Increased sensitivityIncreased sensitivity EO sensitivity to ~3ugEO sensitivity to ~3ug

    ECH sensitivity to ~8ugECH sensitivity to ~8ug

    Reduced testing time for exhaustive analysisReduced testing time for exhaustive analysisRate of release can be measured, calculatedRate of release can be measured, calculated

    Other leachables are quantifiable in gas phaseOther leachables are quantifiable in gas phase

    NonNon--destructive, vapor can be purged from system fordestructive, vapor can be purged from system for

    further analysis, and Device may be used for additionalfurther analysis, and Device may be used for additionalextractions.extractions.

    Minimal handling and the entire device is sampledMinimal handling and the entire device is sampled

  • 8/10/2019 Materials Characterization


    Analytical CapabilitiesAnalytical CapabilitiesGCMS, GCFID, GCECD, GCTCDGCMS, GCFID, GCECD, GCTCD

    HPLCHPLC--UV,UV,--RI,RI,--DAD, LCMS, LCMSMSDAD, LCMS, LCMSMSFTIRFTIRLiquid and Gas PhaseLiquid and Gas Phase

    HeadspaceHeadspaceDynamic and StaticDynamic and Static

    Ion ChromatographyIon ChromatographyInherent ViscosityInherent Viscosity


    Permeability TestingPermeability TestingDissolutionDissolution