mathematical modeling of chemical reactions kinetics€¦ · chemical reactions kinetics simone...

Mathematical modeling of Chemical Reactions Kinetics Simone Rusconi Supervised by Elena Akhmatskaya 1 and Dmitri Sokolovski 2 1 Basque Center for Applied Mathematics 2 UPV/EHU, Leioa, Basque Country July 16, 2014 Simone Rusconi CRK

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Page 1: Mathematical modeling of Chemical Reactions Kinetics€¦ · Chemical Reactions Kinetics Simone Rusconi Supervised by Elena Akhmatskaya1 and Dmitri Sokolovski2 1Basque Center for

Mathematical modeling ofChemical Reactions Kinetics

Simone Rusconi

Supervised by Elena Akhmatskaya1 and Dmitri Sokolovski2

1Basque Center for Applied Mathematics

2UPV/EHU, Leioa, Basque Country

July 16, 2014

Simone Rusconi CRK

Page 2: Mathematical modeling of Chemical Reactions Kinetics€¦ · Chemical Reactions Kinetics Simone Rusconi Supervised by Elena Akhmatskaya1 and Dmitri Sokolovski2 1Basque Center for


1 Examples of Chemical Reactions Kinetics

2 Stochastic Memoryless Kinetics

3 Controlled Radical Polymerization

4 Memoryless Kinetics Model

5 A Kinetics Model with Memory:

I Analytical SolutionsI MC Approach

Simone Rusconi CRK

Page 3: Mathematical modeling of Chemical Reactions Kinetics€¦ · Chemical Reactions Kinetics Simone Rusconi Supervised by Elena Akhmatskaya1 and Dmitri Sokolovski2 1Basque Center for

Examples of Chemical Reactions Kinetics

I Irreversible Isomerization or Radioactive Decay

Xc→ products

d [X ]

dt= −c[X ] ⇒ [X ](t) = X0e


I Irreversible Two Components Decay

A + Bk→ products

d [A]

dt= −k[A][B] ⇒ [B]

[A](t) =



[Rem] Memoryless Equations and Exponential Function

Simone Rusconi CRK

Page 4: Mathematical modeling of Chemical Reactions Kinetics€¦ · Chemical Reactions Kinetics Simone Rusconi Supervised by Elena Akhmatskaya1 and Dmitri Sokolovski2 1Basque Center for

Events Based Kinetics

I Chemical Reaction: events based kinetic process

I The process is a sequence of events built choosing among n differentcompetitive reactions

I Aim: choose the sequence of events and their occurrence time

Simone Rusconi CRK

Page 5: Mathematical modeling of Chemical Reactions Kinetics€¦ · Chemical Reactions Kinetics Simone Rusconi Supervised by Elena Akhmatskaya1 and Dmitri Sokolovski2 1Basque Center for

Stochastic Memoryless Kinetics

[HP] Given a fixed configuration of the system, or once the first j eventsof the sequence are realized, the n competitive reactions are independentand their rates are constant

I Let λk be the rate of the kth reaction that can be (j + 1)th event

I Let T̂k be its required time (k = 0, .., n − 1)

[HP] ⇒ T̂kind.∼ Exp(λk) ∀k = 0, .., n − 1

[Rem] The Exponential distribution is the only memoryless probabilitydistribution with respect to the Lebesgue measure

T̂k ∼ Exp(λk) ⇔ P(T̂k > s + t|T̂k > s) = P(T̂k > t) ∀s, t ≥ 0

Simone Rusconi CRK

Page 6: Mathematical modeling of Chemical Reactions Kinetics€¦ · Chemical Reactions Kinetics Simone Rusconi Supervised by Elena Akhmatskaya1 and Dmitri Sokolovski2 1Basque Center for

Stochastic Memoryless Kinetics

I Let Xj+1 be (j + 1)th event of the sequence that builds the fullprocess:

Xj+1 = k with k ∈ {0, .., n − 1}I Let Tj+1 be the occurrence time of the (j + 1)th eventI The way to choose (j + 1)th event of the sequence is the following:

{Xj+1 = k} ⇔{T̂k < T̂i : ∀i = 0, .., n − 1 ∧ i 6= k

}⇒ From the previous assumptions, it can be proved that:

Tj+1 − Tj ∼ Exp




P (Xj+1 = k) =λk∑n−1i=0 λi

∀k = 0, .., n − 1

Simone Rusconi CRK

Page 7: Mathematical modeling of Chemical Reactions Kinetics€¦ · Chemical Reactions Kinetics Simone Rusconi Supervised by Elena Akhmatskaya1 and Dmitri Sokolovski2 1Basque Center for

Controlled Radical Polymerization

Figure: An emulsifier where ControlledRadical Polymerization can take place

Figure: Cuccato, Dossi, Moscatelli, Storti (2012)

Quantum Chemical Investigation of Secondary Reactions in

Poly(vinyl chloride) Free-Radical Polymerization

“Sensors, Process Control and Modeling in Polymer Production”

Simone Rusconi CRK

Page 8: Mathematical modeling of Chemical Reactions Kinetics€¦ · Chemical Reactions Kinetics Simone Rusconi Supervised by Elena Akhmatskaya1 and Dmitri Sokolovski2 1Basque Center for

Controlled Radical Polymerization

Controlled Radical Polymerization (CRP) is mainly made by the successiveoccurrence of events chosen from these competitive reactions:

I PROPAGATIONnext monomer is linearly added with occurrence rate p

I BACKBITINGthe free radical changes its position with occurrence rate r

I FREEZINGa freezing agent pauses the growth of the chain with rate f

I TERMINATIONthe chain stops growing with occurrence rate q

Simone Rusconi CRK

Page 9: Mathematical modeling of Chemical Reactions Kinetics€¦ · Chemical Reactions Kinetics Simone Rusconi Supervised by Elena Akhmatskaya1 and Dmitri Sokolovski2 1Basque Center for

Controlled Radical Polymerization

Video: CRP polymers chains growth

Simone Rusconi CRK

Page 10: Mathematical modeling of Chemical Reactions Kinetics€¦ · Chemical Reactions Kinetics Simone Rusconi Supervised by Elena Akhmatskaya1 and Dmitri Sokolovski2 1Basque Center for

The freezing agent effect

I Experimental evidencefor the reduction of thebranching fraction

I A small branchingfraction leads to betterfinal products

I Experimental dataprovided by the BasqueCenter forMacromolecular Designand Engineering(POLYMAT)

Simone Rusconi CRK

Page 11: Mathematical modeling of Chemical Reactions Kinetics€¦ · Chemical Reactions Kinetics Simone Rusconi Supervised by Elena Akhmatskaya1 and Dmitri Sokolovski2 1Basque Center for

Our aim

I The Basque Center for Macromolecular Design and Engineering(POLYMAT) provides us the experimental data for the branchingfraction Bl and the corresponding parameters to be used

I Our aim is to fit these data with the proper model

Simone Rusconi CRK

Page 12: Mathematical modeling of Chemical Reactions Kinetics€¦ · Chemical Reactions Kinetics Simone Rusconi Supervised by Elena Akhmatskaya1 and Dmitri Sokolovski2 1Basque Center for

Memoryless Kinetics Model

Branching fraction Bl := mean number of occurred backbitings nbmean number of occurred propagations np

Memoryless model ⇒ P (Xj+1 = k) = λk∑n−1i=0 λi

∀k = 0, .., n − 1

Mean proportion of backbitings ≈ rp+r+f+q

Mean proportion of propagations ≈ pp+r+f+q

Bl ≈ rp ⇒ independent from f and freezing concentration

[Rem] The rate f is proportional to freezing concentration

Simone Rusconi CRK

Page 13: Mathematical modeling of Chemical Reactions Kinetics€¦ · Chemical Reactions Kinetics Simone Rusconi Supervised by Elena Akhmatskaya1 and Dmitri Sokolovski2 1Basque Center for

A Kinetics Model with Memory

I Remove the memoryless property

I Introduce a linear delay in the requested time pdf

T ∼ Linexp(d , λ)

fT (t) =

{kt if 0 ≤ t < b

kbe−τ(t−b) if t ≥ b

k = k(d , λ)

b = b(d , λ)

τ = τ(d , λ)

Simone Rusconi CRK

Page 14: Mathematical modeling of Chemical Reactions Kinetics€¦ · Chemical Reactions Kinetics Simone Rusconi Supervised by Elena Akhmatskaya1 and Dmitri Sokolovski2 1Basque Center for

A Kinetics Model with Memory

I The following table shows the pdf chosen for each reaction:

event requested time pdf

propagation Tpind.∼ Linexp(dp, p)

backbiting Trind.∼ Linexp(dr , r)

freezing Tfind.∼ Linexp(df , f )

termination Tqind.∼ Linexp(dq, q)

Table: The independent linear exponential pdf

I As before, the (j + 1)th event of the sequence is the one that realizesthe minimum time of occurrence

Simone Rusconi CRK

Page 15: Mathematical modeling of Chemical Reactions Kinetics€¦ · Chemical Reactions Kinetics Simone Rusconi Supervised by Elena Akhmatskaya1 and Dmitri Sokolovski2 1Basque Center for

Coarse Analytical Solution


1 Omit the termination event: Tq = +∞

2 Omit the following constraint: at least three previous propagationsare required in order to have a backbiting occurrence

Simone Rusconi CRK

Page 16: Mathematical modeling of Chemical Reactions Kinetics€¦ · Chemical Reactions Kinetics Simone Rusconi Supervised by Elena Akhmatskaya1 and Dmitri Sokolovski2 1Basque Center for

Coarse Analytical Solution

I As before, it is possible to compute the probability for backbiting andpropagation occurrence:

P (back) = P (Tr < Tp,Tr < Tf ) = β(dp, p, dr , r , df , f )

P (prop) = P (Tp < Tr ,Tp < Tf ) = ρ(dp, p, dr , r , df , f )

I Thus, the branching fraction can be calculated as function of theparameters:

Bl =β(dp, p, dr , r , df , f )

ρ(dp, p, dr , r , df , f )= rc(dp, p, dr , r , df , f )

Simone Rusconi CRK

Page 17: Mathematical modeling of Chemical Reactions Kinetics€¦ · Chemical Reactions Kinetics Simone Rusconi Supervised by Elena Akhmatskaya1 and Dmitri Sokolovski2 1Basque Center for

Coarse Analytical Solution

I Compare the solution rc [•] with the experimental data [•][•]I Overestimation of the experimental values: in the real process

backbiting can only occur after at least three previous propagations

Simone Rusconi CRK

Page 18: Mathematical modeling of Chemical Reactions Kinetics€¦ · Chemical Reactions Kinetics Simone Rusconi Supervised by Elena Akhmatskaya1 and Dmitri Sokolovski2 1Basque Center for

Refined Analytical Solution

I Approximation: omit the termination event, Tq = +∞

I Constraint: consider the three previous propagations required in orderto have a backbiting occurrence

Simone Rusconi CRK

Page 19: Mathematical modeling of Chemical Reactions Kinetics€¦ · Chemical Reactions Kinetics Simone Rusconi Supervised by Elena Akhmatskaya1 and Dmitri Sokolovski2 1Basque Center for

Refined Analytical Solution

I nb := mean number of occurred backbitings

I np := mean number of occurred propagations

I nT := mean number of occurred events

I nc := number of required propagations to have a backbiting (=3)

I nbev := mean number of events that can not be a backbiting

Simone Rusconi CRK

Page 20: Mathematical modeling of Chemical Reactions Kinetics€¦ · Chemical Reactions Kinetics Simone Rusconi Supervised by Elena Akhmatskaya1 and Dmitri Sokolovski2 1Basque Center for

Refined Analytical Solution

nb = P(Tr < Tp,Tr < Tf )

[nT − nbev

]nbev = ncnb + P(Tf < Tp) nbev

np = ncnb + P(Tp < Tr ,Tp < Tf )[nT − nbev



nb =P(Tr<Tp ,Tr<Tf )

1+ncP(Tr<Tp ,Tr<Tf )

1−P(Tf <Tp)


np =ncP(Tr<Tp ,Tr<Tf )

1+ncP(Tr<Tp ,Tr<Tf )

1−P(Tf <Tp)

nT + P(Tp < Tr ,Tp < Tf ) nT −

− ncP(Tr<Tp ,Tr<Tf )P(Tp<Tr ,Tp<Tf )


ncP(Tr<Tp ,Tr<Tf )

1−P(Tf <Tp)

] nT

Simone Rusconi CRK

Page 21: Mathematical modeling of Chemical Reactions Kinetics€¦ · Chemical Reactions Kinetics Simone Rusconi Supervised by Elena Akhmatskaya1 and Dmitri Sokolovski2 1Basque Center for

Refined Analytical Solution

I As nc = 3, nT can be simplified and the probabilities can beanalytically computed, the ratio Bl can be obtained as function of theparameters:

Bl =nbnp

= r(dp, p, dr , r , df , f )

Simone Rusconi CRK

Page 22: Mathematical modeling of Chemical Reactions Kinetics€¦ · Chemical Reactions Kinetics Simone Rusconi Supervised by Elena Akhmatskaya1 and Dmitri Sokolovski2 1Basque Center for

Refined Analytical Solution

I Compare the solution r [•] with the experimental data [•][•]

Simone Rusconi CRK

Page 23: Mathematical modeling of Chemical Reactions Kinetics€¦ · Chemical Reactions Kinetics Simone Rusconi Supervised by Elena Akhmatskaya1 and Dmitri Sokolovski2 1Basque Center for

MC approach

In order to have a better fitting of the data, it is possible to implement aMonte Carlo (MC) simulation algorithm that includes the following events:

I consider the termination event

I consider the constraint of the three propagations required to have abackbiting

Simone Rusconi CRK

Page 24: Mathematical modeling of Chemical Reactions Kinetics€¦ · Chemical Reactions Kinetics Simone Rusconi Supervised by Elena Akhmatskaya1 and Dmitri Sokolovski2 1Basque Center for

MC approach


1 draw independent realizations from the Linexp pdf

2 choose the reaction that realizes the shortest occurrence time

3 draw the time required for a backbiting only if at least threepropagations have occurred

4 end the drawing of a chain if the occurred event is a termination

5 repeat the previous points until obtain a sample on which to computethe desired statistics

Simone Rusconi CRK

Page 25: Mathematical modeling of Chemical Reactions Kinetics€¦ · Chemical Reactions Kinetics Simone Rusconi Supervised by Elena Akhmatskaya1 and Dmitri Sokolovski2 1Basque Center for

MC approach

Simone Rusconi CRK

Page 26: Mathematical modeling of Chemical Reactions Kinetics€¦ · Chemical Reactions Kinetics Simone Rusconi Supervised by Elena Akhmatskaya1 and Dmitri Sokolovski2 1Basque Center for


I The Exponential Function and its memoryless property are usefultools to describe a big set of chemical reactions kinetics

I This memoryless model does not describe the full set of the possibleprocesses

I A time delay and the loss of memoryless property are needed, in thecase of Controlled Radical Polymerization carried out in presence offreezing agent

I The introduced linear delay fits well the provided experimental data

Simone Rusconi CRK

Page 27: Mathematical modeling of Chemical Reactions Kinetics€¦ · Chemical Reactions Kinetics Simone Rusconi Supervised by Elena Akhmatskaya1 and Dmitri Sokolovski2 1Basque Center for

Simone Rusconi CRK