mathematical problems of decision making

Mathematical Problems of Decision Making Tyler McMillen California State University at Fullerton April 25, 2007

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Mathematical Problems of Decision Making. Tyler McMillen California State University at Fullerton April 25, 2007. Questions. How do you choose between multiple alternatives? Is there a “best” way to choose? Is the brain “hard-wired” to choose in the best way? (or not such a good way…). - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Mathematical Problems of Decision Making

Mathematical Problems of Decision


Tyler McMillenCalifornia State University at FullertonApril 25, 2007

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How do you choose between multiple alternatives?

Is there a “best” way to choose?

Is the brain “hard-wired” to choose in the best way? (or not such a good way…)

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Overview1. Description of problem2. Modeling perceptual choice3. Hypothesis testing4. Decision making5. Sequential effects

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run … or … fight

hit … or … stay


door number 1,2 or 3?whose face is that?

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90 or 0

45 or 25

45 or 40

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90 or 0

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45 or 40

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Bars on a circle

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Models of decision making

• Hard! Simplest types of decisions only partially understood

• Statistical regularities:

•Reaction Times (RT), Error Rates (ER), etc.•Hick’s Law: RT ~ log(N)•Loss avoidance•Magic number 7 (plus or minus 2)

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Hick’s Law & Information Transmission

RT ~ A log(N) + B

(up to a point…)

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Threshold Crossing

QuickTime™ and aCinepak decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

dx = a dt + c dW(drift-diffusion equation)

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Stochastic Differential Equations (SDEs)

dx = f (x, t)dt + c(x, t)dW


= − ∂x i f i(x, t)p[ ]i

∑ +1

2∂x i∂x j{[c(x, t)cT (x, t)]ij p}

i, j

(Fokker-Planck equation)

Drift-diffusion equation

dx = Adt + cdW


= −A ⋅∇p+1

2c 2∇ 2p


∂t= −a




2c 2 ∂


∂x 2

1-D Ornstein-Uhlenbeck equation

dx = λx + a[ ]dt + cdW


= −∂

∂x(λx + a)p[ ] +


2c 2 ∂


∂x 2

dW =W (t + dt) −W (t) ~ N 0, dt( )

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Perceptual model for 2 choices


Decay: k

Inhibition: w Neural unitsx1 x2

Q: Which is larger, I1 or I2?

+ noise

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Perceptual model for 2 choices

Collapse to a line:

Dynamics determined by: x = x1 – x2

Equivalent to SPRT – optimal test! (Best when k=w.)(Can calculate explicitely ER, RT, RR. Behavior of humans, chimps, seems to fit that predicted by the drift-diffusion model. Cf. Ratcliff,

dx = [(w-k) x + a] dt + c dW

dx = a dt + c dW (when “balanced”, w = k)

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no noise noisy

x1 correct

Dashed - no inhibition or decaySolid - inhibition & decayInhibition “sharpens” acuity (spreads alternatives)

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I1 I2Input


Neural units: x1 x2



Q: Which is larger, I1, I2, … , IM?

+ noise

Neural models of perceptual choice


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Neural models of perceptual choice

Does the model capture observed behavior, e.g., Hick’s Law?

Can we show that the model performs optimally? (or not?)

Two different kinds of tasks:Free-response (make a decision any time)Interrogation (forced to decide at a given time)

What does the model say about the difference in behavior in the two kinds of tasks?

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The optimal decision making algorithm is the one that minimizes the time needed to make the decision (RT) for a given error rate (ER). This is equivalent to maximizing the reward rate (RR), the ratio of the probability of being correct to the time needed to make a decision:

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Hypothesis Testing

Neyman & Pearson (1933) – optimal tests for fixed sample sizes

Wald, Friedman, Wallis, Barnard, Turing (1940’s) – optimizing the sample size in tests between two alternatives

Wald, Sobel, Armitage, Lorden, Dragalin, … (1940’s-present) – nearly optimizing tests for more than two alternatives

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Ave: -1.22

Testing between M alternatives: H1, H2, … , HM

Know: pi(x) = P(x|Hi)

Which is the correct distribution?Suppose we draw 5 samples:







Ave: 2.48

Example: 3 hypotheses

How confident can we be in our decision?How many trials should we make before we stop?

(If Hi is true, the density of x’s is pi(x) )

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Another way to view the problem.

Decision will depend on the “path” of the sum of samples:

Drift-diffusion equation:


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Test between two hypotheses H1 and H2:

(likelihood ratio)

(a) Fixed Sample Size TestsIf the number N of samples x1,…,xN is fixed,Neyman-Pearson Lemma (1933) says the best result will be obtained by taking

Value of K determines accuracy.

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Test between two hypotheses H1 and H2:

SPRT: Continue testing until 21 crosses an upper or lower threshold

SPRT Optimality Theorem: (Wald) Among all tests with a given bound on the error rate, the SPRT minimizes the expected number of trials

Q: Is there a generalization of the SPRT, an “MSPRT,” with the same optimality property?

Choose H1 Choose H2

(b) Sequential TestsIf testing can stop at any time, SPRT gives best result:

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As the number of samples increases, SPRT approaches threshold test on drift-diffusion equation (sampling at each instant).

Test between two hypotheses H1 and H2:

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Two Approaches

• Continue testing until one hypothesis is preferred to all others. (Use SPRT’s as component tests between the hypotheses.)

Sobel-Wald Test on 3 hypotheses (1949) Armitage Test on multiple hypotheses (1950) Simons Test on 3 hypotheses (1967) MSPRT (1990’s)• Continue testing until all but one hypothesis can be rejected. (In the

spirit of significance testing, based on generalized likelihood ratios.) Lorden Test (1972) m-SPRTs

Test between more than two hypotheses:

No optimal test!

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Multi-Sequential Probability Ratio Tests (MSPRT’s)

THEOREM: (Dragalin, Tartakovsky and Veeravalli, 1999) The MSPRT’s are “asymptotically optimal”: As the error rate approaches zero, the expected sample size in the MSPRT’s is bounded by the infimumum over all tests.

j: prior probability of Hj

Note: Both tests reduce to SPRT when M=2

Continue testing until pnj or Lj(n) cross

threshold, choose the first one that crosses.

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MSPRT on 3 alternatives

Equal prior probabilities(unbiased)

Unequal prior probabilities1=.8, 2=.15, 3=.05


Samples: x1,x2, …

red - a

blue - b

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Boundaries for M alternatives

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I1 I2Input:

Decay: kInhibition: w

Neural units: x1 x2



… Q: Which is larger, I1, I2, … , IM?+ noise

Perceptual model for M>2 choices

(Usher & McClelland, ’01)

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Connectionist Model

This model has been successful in modeling response time, error rate, etc., statistics, in several cases. Additionally captures loss-avoidance phenomenon.Q: Is it optimal? Can we say anything about what happens when the number of alternatives increases?

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Connectionist Model

MSPRT b test on : Choose first i that satisfies

M=2 model performs the optimal test.What about for M>2?

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Absolute and relative tests



relative tests perform better (because of noise)

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0.6 0.6

0.1 0.6



Max-vs-next is better (more information), but computationally more expensive.

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Collapse to a HyperplaneTransform on eigenvectors:

On xi threshold crossing is equivalent to the “max vs average” test.

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3 choices

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Calculating RR

For 2 alternatives, can write (backward Kolmogorov) equations for 1st passage time (RT) and error rate (ER) as BVP’s:

For M>2 alternatives, backward Kolmogorov equations are drift-diffusion BVP’s on (hyper) triangles:

Can be solved explicitely to give expressions for RR as function of parameters.

No explicit solution. Solving numerically not easier than Monte Carlo simulations.

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Pr(correct) = 0.95

Hick’s Law

4 alternatives

Best: max-vs-nextGood: max-vs-ave

(same as threshold crossing)Worst: “unbalanced”Balanced (w=k) gives best result.

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Interrogation Protocol

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TI = time to reach a given accuracyOptimal when w=k(magnitude of w,k irrelevant)

Interrogation Protocol

Hick’s “type” Law

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Interrogation vs. Free Response

(2 choices)

Time to reach a given accuracy P.

Free-response does better – a particular example of the fact that sequential tests perform better than fixed sample size tests – That’s why they were invented!

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Sequential effects

Cho, Mechanisms underlying dependencies of performance on stimulus history in a two-alternative forced-choice task. (2002)

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Effects of inter-trial delay

W. SOMMER, H. LEUTHOLD and E. SOETENS, Covert signs of expectancy in serial reaction time tasks revealed by event-related potentials Perception & Psychophysics 1999, 61 (2), 342-353

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A “simple” model

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dx = −λx + a[ ]dt + cdW

Basic idea: Stable OU process with varying threshold

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Why it “works”…

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Conclusions & Questios

• The simple threshold crossing test in the connectionist model is not optimal, but pretty good.

• Suboptimality is compensated by simplicity.• Decay--if balanced by inhibition--is an

advantage.• What are the accumulators? Are there

accumulators!?• What is the actual mechanism underlying

sequential effects?

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• Hick, W. (1952). On the rate of gain of information. Quart. J. Exp. Psych, vol. 4, pp. 11-26• McMillen, T. and Holmes, P. (2006). The dynamics of choice among multiple

alternatives. J. Math. Psych. vol. 50, pp 30-57• Miller, G.A. (1956). The magical number 7 (plus or minus 2), The Psychological Review,

vol. 63, pp. 81-97• Teichner, W. and Krebs, M. (1974). Laws of visual choice reaction time. Psych. Rev., vol

81, pp. 75-98• Usher, M. and McClelland, J. (2001). On the time course of perceptual choice: The leaky

competing accumulator model. Psych. Rev., vol 108, pp. 550-592


The Princeton neuroscience crew: Philip Holmes, Jonathan Cohen, Juan Gao, Patrick Simen,