matthew 28:18-20. has been given to me go therefore and make disciples of all the nations… matthew...

Matthew 28:18-20

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Page 1: Matthew 28:18-20. has been given to Me Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations… Matthew 28:18-20 All authority in heaven and on earth

Matthew 28:18-20

Page 2: Matthew 28:18-20. has been given to Me Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations… Matthew 28:18-20 All authority in heaven and on earth

has been given to Me

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations…

Matthew 28:18-20

All authority

in heaven and on earth.

Page 3: Matthew 28:18-20. has been given to Me Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations… Matthew 28:18-20 All authority in heaven and on earth


From Latin “auctor” (augeo): one who creates or causes has authority over that which was created or caused

[Webster’s] “Legal power: a right to command or to act…”

From Greek “exousia” (exesti “it is lawful”):

› [Strong’s] “…delegated influence: authority, jurisdiction, liberty, power, right, strength”


Page 4: Matthew 28:18-20. has been given to Me Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations… Matthew 28:18-20 All authority in heaven and on earth


God, as “Author”, is the source of absolute AUTHORITY



› The Father: Author of CREATION- Mt 7:21 “…he who does the will of My Father”

› The Son: Author of our FAITH, our SALVATION - Mt 28:18 “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore…”

› The Spirit: Author of the revealed COMMAND (Word) - Ep 3:5 “…has now been revealed by the Spirit to His holy apostles and prophets…”

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God, as “Author”, is the source of absolute AUTHORITY



God-revealed word: how He chose to express His authority

› Hebrews 1:1-2: “God has spoken”

› 2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is “God-breathed”

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Necessary any time someone speaks or writes to us

› How much more so when speaker is not here to ask him!


Page 7: Matthew 28:18-20. has been given to Me Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations… Matthew 28:18-20 All authority in heaven and on earth

Illustrating the needFather leaves a note for 16-year-old son:“I’ll be home a little late today. Take the station wagon, use this debit card, and pick up two pizzas for dinner.”

Instructions Station wagon Debit card


- this one

- two - for dinner

Friend suggests Dad’s Ferrari!

Credit card

Chinese food

“Conservative” son

“No! Dad didn’t say Ferrari, credit card, or Chinese food!”

“Liberal” friend

“C’mon! He didn’t say we couldn’t do any of that stuff!”

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Illustrating the needConstitution of the United States is written:“We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union…do ordain and establish…”

Instructions VII articles Bill of rights - amendments

Treasurer Alexander Hamilton suggests

T. JeffersonConstitution is supreme law of the land; “…we cannot establish a nation bank, because there is no provision for it”A. Hamilton

Nothing in Constitution prohibits it; Constitution has not a single word about a national bank; No “thou shalt not”

“We need a Nation Bank to deal with all of our country’s new revenue.”

Conservative Anti-Federalist Republican

Liberal Federalist Democrat

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Illustrating the needGod prescribes specific acts of worship:“You shall make an altar to burn incense on; …Aaron shall burn on it sweet incense…” [Exodus 30:1, 7]

Instructions Altar of incense Aaron burns the incense - the priest [Lv. 4:7] - Aaron’s sons [Nm. 4:16]

Uzziah, in pride I am the king; I can also burn incense for the Lord! [2 Ch 26:16-19]

“Conservative” priest

“It is not for you…but for the priests, the sons of Aaron.”

“Liberal” king

“Then Uzziah became furious; and he had a censer in his hand to burn incense.”

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Necessary any time someone speaks or writes to us

› How much more so when speaker is not here to ask him!



Page 11: Matthew 28:18-20. has been given to Me Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations… Matthew 28:18-20 All authority in heaven and on earth

HermeneuticsFrom Greek hermeneus – interpreter[“Hermes” the eloquent messenger of the gods – cp. Acts 14:12]The study of interpretation theory.Traditional hermeneutics [inc. Biblical hermeneutics] refers to the study of the interpretation of written texts, especially texts in the areas of literature, religion and law.

The Bible is uniquelyall three

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Necessary any time someone speaks or writes to us

› How much more so when speaker is not here to ask him!

“Hermeneutics” The study of interpretation theory


All our examples used interpretation

Page 13: Matthew 28:18-20. has been given to Me Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations… Matthew 28:18-20 All authority in heaven and on earth

Use of Interpretation

SonI will do only what dad says

Son’s friendLet’s do what he hasn’t prohibited!

T. JeffersonNo provision for a national bank

A. HamiltonNo prohibition of a national bank

Priest AzariahNot for you but sons of Aaron!

King UzziahAs king, I can do what I determine!

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Necessary any time someone speaks or writes to us

› How much more so when speaker is not here to ask him!

“Hermeneutics” The study of interpretation theory


All our examples used interpretation

Conservative or Liberal?

Page 15: Matthew 28:18-20. has been given to Me Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations… Matthew 28:18-20 All authority in heaven and on earth

Use of Interpretation

Jesus“If I will that he remain till I come, what is that to you?”[John 21:22]

BrethrenApostle John will not die![John 21:23]

Jesus“You are…greatlymistaken.”[Mark 12:24-27]

Sadducees“There is no resurrection.”[Mark 12:18]

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Necessary any time someone speaks or writes to us

› How much more so when speaker is not here to ask him!

“Hermeneutics” The study of interpretation theory


All our examples used interpretation

Conservative or Liberal?

Correct or Mistaken?

Page 17: Matthew 28:18-20. has been given to Me Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations… Matthew 28:18-20 All authority in heaven and on earth

Use of Interpretation

Paul“…when you read, youmay understand…”[Ephesians 3:4]

Cynic“It’s impossible to understand the Bible”

Jesus“He that believes and is baptized will be saved.”[Mark 16:16]

Religious person“That’s just your interpretation!”

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Necessary any time someone speaks or writes to us

› How much more so when speaker is not here to ask him!

“Hermeneutics” The study of interpretation theory


All our examples used interpretation

Conservative or Liberal?

Correct or Mistaken?

Objective or Subjective?

Page 19: Matthew 28:18-20. has been given to Me Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations… Matthew 28:18-20 All authority in heaven and on earth

Hermeneutics and Interpretation

Modern critics increasingly deny the very possibility of discovering the original, or intended, meaning of a text. …while the original authors had a definite meaning in mind when they wrote, that is now lost to us because they are no longer present to clarify and explain what they wrote. The modern reader cannot study the text from the ancient perspective but constantly reads into that passage modern perspectives.

Page 20: Matthew 28:18-20. has been given to Me Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations… Matthew 28:18-20 All authority in heaven and on earth

Hermeneutics and Interpretation

Therefore, critics argue, objective interpretation is impossible and the author’s intended meaning is forever lost to us. Every community provides traditions to guide the reader in comprehending a text, and these produce the meaning. That “meaning” differs from community to community, so in actuality any passage might have multiple meanings, and each is valid...

The Hermeneutical Spiral,Grant R. Osborne, 1991

Page 21: Matthew 28:18-20. has been given to Me Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations… Matthew 28:18-20 All authority in heaven and on earth

Hermeneutics and Interpretation

“All religions lead to God”

“No one religion is

right or wrong”

“We really just need religious


Based on what the Bible claims to be [Jn 17:17;1 Co. 2:12; 2 Tm. 3:16-17], the Bible itself must be our guide to proper interpretation of God’s will!

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Necessary any time someone speaks or writes to us

› How much more so when speaker is not here to ask him!

“Hermeneutics” The study of interpretation theory


All our examples used interpretation

Conservative or Liberal?

Correct or Mistaken?

Objective or Subjective?

Page 23: Matthew 28:18-20. has been given to Me Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations… Matthew 28:18-20 All authority in heaven and on earth



Necessary any time someone speaks or writes to us

› How much more so when speaker is not here to ask him!

“Hermeneutics” The study of interpretation theory


All our examples used interpretation

Conservative or Liberal?

Correct or Mistaken?

Objective or Subjective?

Lev. 18:4-5; Deut. 29:29

Lk 10:25-29; 2 Tim. 2:15

Jer. 10:23; John 12:48

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Interpretation of Authority

Conservative approach necessary: where doubt exists, God expects respect of what He said over

what He has not said! [Rom 14:23; Heb 7:12-14]

It has been said that men are not divided over what the Bible says, but

over what the Bible does not say!

Must labor to be Correct: it is impossible for any 2 contradictory doctrines both to be right! It does matter WHAT we believe! [Gal 1:6-9; 2 Jn 9-11]

It is axiomatic that truth can never contradict itself! Either a thing is true or it is a lie: it cannot be both at once!

True authority is Objective: the standard upon which judgment is based is knowable, impartial,

and available to all! [Rom 3:21-23; Acts 17:30-31]

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Next Time:Biblical methods for

determining Conservative, Correct,

and ObjectiveBible Authority

Page 26: Matthew 28:18-20. has been given to Me Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations… Matthew 28:18-20 All authority in heaven and on earth

Acts 10:34-35

God’s Authority to save or to judge!!

Romans 1:16-17