matthew constancio m. santamaria - · 2 2 lecturer, associated kyoto program of the...

1 1 MATTHEW CONSTANCIO M. SANTAMARIA Doctor of Law (Kyoto University) Unit AA3-304, Hardin Ng Rosas U.P. Diliman, Quezon City telephone: (632) 426-4787 email: [email protected] Professor, Asian Center, University of the Philippines Diliman Quezon City, Philippines (63)2-927-0909 or 920-3535 Handled classes in Japanese Politics and Governance, Japanese Culture and Society, Japanese Economic Development and Social Change, Southeast Asian Culture and Society, Philippine Artistic Expressions, Philippine Intercultural Encounters, Special Problems: Politics and Religion in East Asia, Theater and Society in East Asia, Readings in Philippine Socio-Cultural Studies Personal Information Birth Date: October 8, 1966 Place of Birth: Manila, Philippines Education Doctor of Law in Political Science, Graduate School of Law, Kyoto University, Japan (July 23, 1999) Master of Law in Political Science, Graduate School of Law, Kyoto University, Japan (March 17, 1993) Certificate in Japanese Language and Culture, Osaka University of Foreign Studies, (September 21, 1990) Master in International Studies, Department of Political Science, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of the Philippines, (May 31, 1989) Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, Department of Political Science, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of the Philippines, (October 25, 1985) Teaching Experience Full Professor, Asian Center, University of the Philippines Diliman (from April 2009 to present). Associate Professor, Asian Center, University of the Philippines Diliman (2004 to 2009) Professorial Lecturer, Ateneo de Manila University for the Japanese Studies Program, Political Science, Fine Arts, Interdisciplinary Studies departments (2001 to 2009). Associate Professor, International Studies Department, De La Salle University-Manila (Chair of the Department for the 3 rd term, 1999-2000).

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MATTHEW CONSTANCIO M. SANTAMARIA Doctor of Law (Kyoto University)

Unit AA3-304, Hardin Ng Rosas U.P. Diliman, Quezon City

telephone: (632) 426-4787 email: [email protected]

Professor, Asian Center, University of the Philippines Diliman

Quezon City, Philippines (63)2-927-0909 or 920-3535

Handled classes in Japanese Politics and Governance, Japanese Culture and Society, Japanese Economic Development and Social Change, Southeast Asian Culture and Society, Philippine Artistic Expressions, Philippine Intercultural Encounters, Special Problems: Politics and Religion in East Asia, Theater and Society in East Asia, Readings in Philippine Socio-Cultural Studies

Personal Information Birth Date: October 8, 1966 Place of Birth: Manila, Philippines

Education Doctor of Law in Political Science, Graduate School of Law, Kyoto University, Japan (July 23, 1999) Master of Law in Political Science, Graduate School of Law, Kyoto University, Japan (March 17, 1993) Certificate in Japanese Language and Culture, Osaka University of Foreign Studies, (September 21, 1990) Master in International Studies, Department of Political Science, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of the Philippines, (May 31, 1989) Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, Department of Political Science, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of the Philippines, (October 25, 1985)

Teaching Experience Full Professor, Asian Center, University of the Philippines Diliman (from April 2009 to present). Associate Professor, Asian Center, University of the Philippines Diliman (2004 to 2009) Professorial Lecturer, Ateneo de Manila University for the Japanese Studies Program,

Political Science, Fine Arts, Interdisciplinary Studies departments (2001 to 2009).

Associate Professor, International Studies Department, De La Salle University-Manila (Chair of the Department for the 3rd term, 1999-2000).



Lecturer, Associated Kyoto Program of the American Universities Consortium, Doshisha University, (1998-1999). Instructor, Graduate School of Law, Kyoto University, Japan (1996-1999) Lecturer, the Language Institute, Kinki University, Higashi, Osaka City, Japan (1995-1999) Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, College of Social Sciences and

Philosophy, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines (1989-1990).

Senior Lecturer, Department of Political Science, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines (1989).

Teaching Assistant, Department of Political Science, College of Sciences and Philosophy, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines (1988-1989).

Publications (Not including Conference Papers) (Articles in Journals) “From Tortillier to Ingsud-Ingsud: Creating New Understandings Concerning the Importance of Indigenous Dance Terminology in the Practice and Kinaesthetics of the Sama Igal Dance Tradition.” Asian Studies (2013) Vol. 49, Nos. 2: 116-145. “W(i)elding Bretch and Igal in The Caucasian Chalk Circle: From Conversations to Rich Collaborations in Directing and Choreography. [Written with Ricardo G. Abad) Tirai Panggung (2011) Vol. 11: 61-79.

“From the Philippines to Borneo and Back (Or, Is it the Other Way Around and All Over the World?!!): The Sama Dilaut Sangbay-Igal[Tribute Song-Dance] Performance across Real and Cyber Spaces,” Borneo Research Journal, Volume 4 (December 2010), pp. 160-192. “Visual Signification of Multiple Identities in the Southern Philippines:The Case of the Mural Painting Competition in the Kamahardikann 2009 of Bongao, Tawi-Tawi,” [written with Hanafi Hussin], Journal of Maritime Geopolitics and Culture, Volume 1: No. 1 (December 2010), pp. 93-123. “Igal-Pangalay: Reconstituting Culture via the Appropriation of Traditional Dances of the Sulu Sea,” Tirai Panggung, Volume 10 (2010), pp. 62-79. “Digital Fabulation: Examining Endemism and Hybridity in the Sama Dilaut Igal Dance Tradition in the Virtual Space of YouTube,” The Loyola Schools Review: Humanities, Vol 8, pp. 103-126, (2009), pp. 103-126.



“Dancing with the Ghosts of the Sea: Experiencing the Pangkanduli Ritual of the Sama Dilaut (Bajau Laut) in Sikulan, Tawi-Tawi, Southern Philippines,” [written with Hanafi Hussin], JATI, Volume 13, (University of Malaya, 2008), pp. 159-172. “Expanding Circles of Goodwill,” A Study of Social Capital in a Filipino Community in Kyoto,” [written with Cailda Luzares-Nebres], Asian Studies Journal, Volume 39, No. 1-2, (2006). “The Old Kingdom Ryukyu: Memory Strands in Okinawan Traditional Dance,” Asian Studies Journal, Volume 39, No. 1-2 (2006). “Pursuing Rama: A Study of Appropriation in a Philippine Context,” Humanities Diliman, Volume 3, No. 2 (2006.) “Framing Ethnic Conflict and the State in Southeast Asia,” Kasarinlan, Volume 19, No. 1 2004.) (Reviews) Book Review: “Popular Culture and the State in East and Southeast Asia,” Nissim Otmazgin and Eyan Ben-Ari, eds. 2012. London: Routledge, in Asian Politics and Policy, (2013) Vol. 5: No. 1, 135-149. Book Review: “America’s Informal Empires: Philippines and Japan,” Kiichi Fujiwara and

Yoshiko Nakano, eds. 2012. Manila: Anvil Publishing, in Philippine Political Science Journal, (2013) Vol 34: No. 1, 117-119.

Book Review: Hwei-Fe’n Cheah, “Phoenic Rising: Narratives in Nyonya Beadwork from the Straits Settlements,” in Hukay: Journal for Archaeological Research in Asia and the Pacific, Volume 17 (2012). Book Review: Fernando Zialcita, “Authentic but not Exotic,” in Kasarinlan, Volume 22, No. 1 (2007). Book Review: Helen Rivera, “Patterns of Continuity and Change: Images of the Japanese in Philippine Editorial Cartoons, 1930-41, 1946-1956,” in Kasarinlan, Volume 20, No. 1 (2005). Book Review: “Dance in Revolution, Revolution in Dance” in Asia-Pacific Social Science Review, Volume 1, No. 1 (February 2000). (Articles in Japanese) “Yori Yoki Seido wo Motomete -- Seidoki no Fuiripin Kohin Toroku Gyosei” (In Search of a Better System: Institutionalizing Philippine Personal Documentation), Ajia Keizai Kenkyujo/Institute of Developing Economies), no. 46, June 1999, pp. 10-13.



“Firipin ni okeru Kojin Toroku Gyosei no Henyo --- Chiho Bunken no choryu no Hitotsu toshite” (Personal Documentation in the Philippines: the trend towards decentralization), Toshi - Mondai Kenkyu (Journal of Municipal Problems), Vol. 48, No. 7, July 1996, pages 89 to 102. “Shiirareta Deai -- Zainichi Begun Kichi to Shikaigiin: Mondai to Kenkyu Hoho no Saikento" (Forced Meetings: US Military Bases in Japan and the City Assembly -- reexamining the problem and research methods), Part I, Hogakuronso (Kyoto Law Review), Vol. 135, No. 1, April 1994, pages 68 to 91. “Shirareta Deai -- Zainichi Beigun Kichi to Shikaigiin: Mondai to Kenkyu Hoho no Saikento"(Forced Meetings: US Military Bases in Japan and the City Assembly -- model building and survey results), Part II, Hogakuronso (Kyoto Law Review), Vol. 135, No. 6, September 1994, pages 90 to 109. (Book Chapters) “Igal Campur: Interrogating Hybridity in Sama Traditional Dance,” [written with Hanafi Hussin] in Mohd Anis Md. Nor ed., (Re)Producing Southeast Asian Performing Arts and Southeast Asian Bodies, Music, Dance and Other Movement Arts: Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Performing Arts of Southeast Asia (Manila: Philippine Women’s University, 2013). “Re-imag[in]ing the Nation, Sulu Sojourns: Examining Discourses of Nation in the Ethnographic Slide Collection of the Philippine Center for Advanced Studies (PCAS),” [written with Reuben Ramas Cañete and Marc San Valentin], in Hanafi Hussin and others, eds., Southeast Asia Rising!: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of Southeast Asia 2013 (Kuala Lumpur: Department of Southeast Asian Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya, 2013). “From Tortillier to Ingsud-Ingsud: Creating New Understandings Concerning the Importance of Indigenous Dance Terminology in the Practice and Kinaesthetics of the Sama Igal Dance Tradition.” In Hanafi Hussin and others, eds., Southeast Asia Rising!: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of Southeast Asia 2013 (Kuala Lumpur: Department of Southeast Asian Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya, 2013). “Introduction: Sama Identities,” [written with Hanafi Hussin], in Hanafi Hussin and MCM Santamaria, eds., Sama Celebrations: Ritual, Music and Dance of Sama Dilaut and Sama Bajau in Southern Philippines and North Borneo (Kuala Lumpur: Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences, 2012).



“Sangbay-Igal (Tribute Song-Dance) Performance Across Real and Cyber Spaces,” in Hanafi Hussin and MCM Santamaria, eds., Sama Celebrations: Ritual, Music and Dance of Sama Dilaut and Sama Bajau in Southern Philippines and North Borneo (Kuala Lumpur: Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences, 2012). “Igal Kata-Kata (Narrative Igal): Examining approaches to the Interpretation of Folk Tales in Sama Traditional Dance Choreography,” [written with Hanafi Hussin], in Hanafi Hussin and MCM Santamaria, eds., Sama Celebrations: Ritual, Music and Dance of Sama Dilaut and Sama Bajau in Southern Philippines and North Borneo (Kuala Lumpur: Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences, 2012). “Pamansak (Pangalay or Igal): On Labels, Dominant Discourses and Diversity in Philippine Dance Research,” in Hanafi Hussin and MCM Santamaria, eds., Sama Celebrations: Ritual, Music and Dance of Sama Dilaut and Sama Bajau in Southern Philippines and North Borneo (Kuala Lumpur: Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences, 2012). “Conclusion: Change Continuity and Creative Preservation of Sama Traditions,” [written with Hanafi Hussin] in Hanafi Hussin and MCM Santamaria, eds., Sama Celebrations: Ritual, Music and Dance of Sama Dilaut and Sama Bajau in Southern Philippines and North Borneo (Kuala Lumpur: Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences, 2012). “Expanding Knowledge, Extending Ties: Exploring Contexts and Forces that Shape the Sama Dilaut Igal Dance Tradition,” in Abels, Birgit with Hanfi Hussin and MCM Santamaria eds., Oceans of Sound: Sama Dilaut Performing Arts (Hildesheim: George Olms Verlag, 2012). “Asie De Sud-Est: Sources Historiques et Juridiques de la Liberte de Religion,” (Southeast Asia: Historical and Legal Sources of the Freedon of Religion) in Francis Messner, ed., Droit des Religions [Law of Religions](Paris: CNRS Editions, 2010). “Capturing Ryukyu: (Re)Interpretations and Receptions of Okinawan Culture and Identity in Cyberspace and the Case of ‘Shima Uta’ in YouTube,” in Yamada, Shoji and John Breen, eds., Understanding Contemporary Japan: Selected Papers from the International Symposium in Indonesia 2010 (Kyoto: International Center for Japanese Studies, 2010), pp. 141-156. “Between Two Seas: Integrative Elements in the Pagkanduli Ritual of the Sama DIlaut (Bajau Laut) of Sitangkai,” [with Hanafi Hussin] in Hanafi Hussin, MCM Santamaria, Abraham Sakili and Paul H. Mason, eds., Southeast Asian Religion, Culture and Art of the Sea (Kuala Lumpur: Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences, University of Malaya, 2008).



“Southeast Asian Religion, Culture and Art of the Sea [Introductory Chapter written with Hanafi Hussin, Abraham Sakili and Paul H. Mason] in Hanafi Hussin, MCM Santamaria, Abraham Sakili and Paul H. Mason, eds., Southeast Asian Religion, Culture and Art of the Sea (Kuala Lumpur: Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences, University of Malaya, 2008). “Lam-ang: A Study of Grief in Three Texts,” in Consuelo Paz (ed) Ginhawa, Kapalaran, Dalamhati (QC: University of the Philippines Press, 2008). “Temples of Dance: Encripting Knowledge and Shaping Destiny,” in Consuelo Paz (ed) Ginhawa, Kapalaran, Dalamhati (QC: University of the Philippines Press, 2008). "Commentary," in Lydia Yu-Jose and Rosalina Palanca-Tan, eds. Philippines and Japan: Directions and Challenges (QC: ADMU-ORP, 2000). “Reaction to Panell II (Mis)Appropriation of Tradition,” Hudhud and Noh – A Dialogue of Cultures (Colloquia and Performances). Ed. Amparo Adelina C. Umali III and Naohiko Umewaka. Manila: University of the Philippines Center for International Studies, Palabas and Japan Foundation, Manila, 2007. Other Published Works (Featured Articles in Newspapers and Magazines) “Oneness in Dance,” Business Mirror, Dec 06, 2013, p. E4, “Exploring the Art of Found Objects at the GT-Toyota Asian Cultural Center,” Business Mirror, Nov 15, 2013, p. E4 “A Journey to a Bajau Village,” Business Mirror, May 25, 2011, p. E4. “Regatta Lepa: Celebrating Sama-Bajau Culture in Semporna, Sabah, Malaysia,” Philippine Business Mirror, 12 May 2011, p. D4. “Pesta Igal: Music and Dance of the Southern Seas,” Business Mirror, Jul 14, 2010, p. E4. “Art, Expression and Singapore,” Business Mirror, Apr 21, 2010, p. D4. “Sparkling Sentosa,”Business Mirror, Apr 15, 2010, p. E4. “A Soaring Sesquicentennial Celebration: ‘Walang Sugat’ at Ateneo’s Irwin Theater,”Business Mirror, Mar 19-20, 2010, p. D1 –D2. “A UP Centennial Treat: Mother and Child at the Gateway,” Philippine Business Mirror, 7 January 2009, p. E4. “Perceiving and Receiving the Divine: Epifanie at Galleria Duemila,” Philippine Business Mirror, 11 February 2009, p. E4. “Ryan Rubio at Artiscorpus Gallery: (Re)Making Existence,” Philippine Business Mirror, 24 February 2009, p. E4. “Stirring the Upper Reaches of the Sea: Ateneo Theater Arts at the 5th Shanghai International Experimental Theater Festival,” Philippine Business Mirror, 30 June 2009 “Mulling Education and Indigenous Expression,” Philippine Business Mirror, 16 April



2008, p. E4. “Creating Art, Designing Memory: 100 Years of UP Fine Arts at the Met,” Philippine Business Mirror, 7 May 2008, p. E4. “Opening Spaces: Tony Twigg’s Standing Sticks,” Philippine Business Mirror, 21 May 2008, p. E4. “Form and Substance: Designers at the Met,” Philippine Business Mirror, 4 June 2008, p. E4. “100 Nudes, 100 Years: Celebrating the Body,” Philippine Business Mirror, 18 June 2008, p. E4. “Beyond Wedding Gowns: Patis Tesoro Back to Back with Mulong Galicano in the MET’s ‘POSTURA’ Exhibit, 30 June 2008, p. E4. “Locating Sulu in Philippine History,” Philippine Business Mirror, 16 July 2008, p. E4. “Conjuring Beauty in the Bizarre,” Philippine Business Mirror, 13 August 2008, p. E4. “Moon-Water, East-West,” Philippine Business Mirror, 5-6 September 2008, p. E3. “Barge Ramos’ (Re) Interpretation of the ‘Baro ng Filipino,’” Philippine Business Mirror, 15 September 2008, p. E4. “The Passion of Juvenal Sanso, Master of Expressionism,” Philippine Business Mirror, 24 September 2008, p. E4. “Privileging Place: Glorious Batanes at the Met,” Philippine Business Mirror, 22 October 2008, p. E4. “Expanding the Canon: UP Filipiniana Sandaan Concert,” Philippine Business Mirror, 26 November 2008, p. E3. “A Most Necessary Debate: Confrontations at the Met,” Philippine Business Mirror, 3 December 2008, p. E4.

(Others) “Editor’s Notes.” Asian Studies. (2010) Vol. 45, Nos. 1 & 2: iv-vi. “Pesta Igal,” Asian Scholarship Foundation Newsletter: Nov. 2010. “Welcoming a Concert of Okinawan Traditional Songs and Dances in Manila,” SUKI (the official Newsletter of the Japan Foundation, Manila), Vol. XII, Issue 1 (June 2008), p. 4.

“The Essence of Pangalay,” in Earthian, Vol. 1, No. 3 (Water Issue) ISSN 0119-7541.

Editing Work and Editorial Board Membership Hussin, Hanafi, MCM Santamaria, Abraham Sakili and Paul H. Mason eds. Southeast Asian Religion, Culture and Art of the Sea (Kuala Lumpur: Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences, University of Malaya, 2008).

Membership in the International Advisory Board of the “Borneo Research Journal.”



Recent Conferences (Speaker/Lecturer/Paper Reader) (Plenary Presentation) “Igal Binungahan: Reconstituting Culture via the Appropriation of Expressive Dance Forms of the Sulu Sea,” PACIA 08 International Conference on Performing Arts as Creative Industries in Asia, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, 27-28 February 2008. (Plenary Presentation: Scripted Conversation) “W[i]elding Bretch and Igal: From Conversations to Rich Collaborations in Directing And Choreography,” PACIA 08 International Conference on Performing Arts as Creative Industries in Asia, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 27-28 February 2008. (With Ricardo Abad) (Plenary Presentation) “The Rise of Pangalay and the Pedagogy of Ligaya Fernando Amilbangsa,” International Council of Kinetography Laban/ Labanotation 28th Biennial Conference, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Bangkok, Thailand, 3-8 August 2009. (Plenary Presentation) “Expanding Knowledge, Extending Ties: Sama Dilaut Music and Dance in the 21st Century,” Oceans of Sound: Sama Dilaut Performing Arts Conference, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 9 September 2010. (Plenary Presentation) “Magpai-bahau, Magpa-igal Jin and Pagkanduli: Balancing the Spiritual and the Physical Worlds in the Rituals of the Sama Dilaut (Bajau) in Sitangkai, Tawi-Tawi, Southern Philippines and Semporna, Sabah, Malaysia,” [Seminar and Workshop on Research Methodology and Fieldwork on the Performing Arts of Maritime Communities] 3rd International Seminar on Maritime Culture and Geopolitics,” University of Malaya, Malaysia, 27 September 2010. (With Hanafi Hussin) (Lecture) “Special Screening of Research on Maritime Community,” [with Hanafi Hussin], 3rd International Seminar on Maritime Culture and Geopolitics, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya, 29 September 2010. (Plenary Presentation) “Pamansak (Pangalay or Igal): On Labels, Dominant Discourses and Diversity in Philippine Dance Research,” 3rd International Seminar on Maritime Culture and Geopolitics,” University of Malaya, Malaysia, 28-29 September 2010. (Plenary Presentation) “The Japanese Reception of Okinawan Culture: Multi-Dimensional Aspects of Cultural Exchange,” The 17th Overseas Symposium, International Research Center for Japanese Studies and Japanese Studies, Universitas Indonesia, University of Indonesia, Depok, Jakarta, Indonesia,



05-07 October 2010. (Master Class) “Approaching Traditional Dance for Drama: The Philippine Igal,” Asia-Pacific Bureau Drama Schools Meet-II, National School of Drama, New Delhi, India, 03-09 January 2011. (Lecture) “Igal Movement: Dance of the Southern Seas,” 1st International University Theatre Association (IUTA) International Theatre Festival/Conference/Workshop: Strengthening University Theater; Cultural Traditions Enriching Contemporary Theater, Miriam College, Quezon City, 18 July 2011. (Paper Reader) “Igal Kata-Kata (Narrative Igal): Examining Approaches to the Interpretation of Folk Tales in Sama Traditional Dance Choreography,” [with Hanafi Hussin] 4th International Conference on Southeast Asia (ICONSEA 2011), Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya, 7 December 2011. (Speaker) “Roundtable Discussion: Diversification and Deepening of Southeast Asian Studies,” [with Eric C. Thompson, Go Beng Lan, Rommel Curaming, and Lili Yulyadi], 4th International Conference on Southeast Asia (ICONSEA 2011), Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya, 7 December 2011. (Paper Reader) “Tari, Sayaw and Igel: a Preliminary Exploration of Maritime Southeast Asian Links via Dance Research,” [with Hanafi Hussin], 4th International Seminar on Maritime Culture and Geopolitics: Ocean and Communities: Changes, Preservation and Challenges, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya, 8 December 2011. (Plenary Presentation) “Igal Campur: Interrogating Hybridity in Sama Dilaut Dance,” 2nd International Council for Traditional Music – Performing Arts of Southeast Asia Symposium, National Commission on Culture and the Arts, Manila, Philippines, 14-19 June 2012. (With Hanafi Hussin) (Plenary Presentation) “Igal is NOT Pangalay,” Philippine Literary and Cultural Traditions: A Performance Conference Honoring University Professor Emeritus Leopoldo Y. Yabes on His Centennial, University of the Philippines Diliman, 30 July 2012. (Invited Paper) “The Sama Core: An Overview of the Sama Diaspora in Maritime Southeast Asia and Some Implications to State Security in the Region,” South China Sea 2012 (2nd Conference for Regional Cooperation in Ocean and Earth Science Research in the South China Sea), University of Malaya, 21-24 October 2012. (Plenary Presentation) “Sangbaian Pangigalan: Examining Visual And Verbal Poetics in the Contemporary Sama Tribute Song-Dance Practice,” 5th International Seminar on Maritime Culture and Geopolitics, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 22-23 October 2012.



(Lecture/Dance lecture-workshop) “Igal: Dance of the Southern Seas,” 2nd International University Theatre Association (IUTA) Philippine Center Conference: The Role of Theater in the Campus and Community, University of San Agustin, 14 February 2013. [ref extension mixed b]. (Paper Reader) “Pag-Jamu Bohey Deya: Observing Socialization and Memory in the Music-Dance Ritual of the Sacred Well among the Sama of Tabawan Island, Municipality of South Ubian, Tawi-Tawi Province, Southern Philippines,” Seeing-Sounding Social Transformation in (The Music of) Philippine “Theaters,” Plaridel Hall, College of Mass Communications, 19 September 2013. (Paper Reader) “Expanding the Canon: Revisiting Sama Kulintangan Music(s) Across Island Communities in the Southern Philippines and East Malaysia,” 6th International Seminar on Maritime Culture and Geopolitics: Sustaining Maritime and Coastal Communities---Changes, Adaptations, Security and Challenges, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya, 10 December 2013. (Paper Reader) “A Tale of Two Festivals: Examining Sama-Bajau Culture in the Kamahardikaan Festival of Bongao, Tawi-Tawi Province, Philippines and the Regatta Lepa Festival of Semporna, Sabah State, Malaysia,” [with Hanafi Hussin], 6th International Seminar on Maritime Culture and Geopolitics: Sustaining Maritime and Coastal Communities---Changes, Adaptations, Security and Challenges, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya, 10 December 2013. (Paper Reader) “From Tortillier to Ingsud-Ingsud: Creating New Understandings Concerning the Importance of Indigenous Dance Terminology in the Practice and Kinaesthetics of the Sama Igal Dance Tradition,” 5th International Conference on Southeast Asia (ICONSEA 2013), Department of Southeast Asian Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya, 11 December 2013. (Paper Reader) “Re-imag[in]ing the Nation, Sulu Sojourns: Examining Discourses of Nation in the Ethnographic Slide Collection of the Philippine Center for Advanced Studies (PCAS),” [with Reuben Ramas Cañete and Marc San Valentin], 5th International Conference on Southeast Asia (ICONSEA 2013), Department of Southeast Asian Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya, 11 December 2013. (Speaker) Roundtable Discussion [with Adrian Vickers, Charnvit Kasetsiri, Reynaldo C. Ileto, Lowell B. Bautista, and Mala Rajo Sathian], 5th International Conference on Southeast Asia (ICONSEA 2013), Department of Southeast Asian Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya, 12 December 2013. Recent Conferences (Discussant/Moderator)



Moderator, Session 2 (History, Cultural and Religion of the Sea), 3rd International Seminar on Maritime Culture and Geopolitics, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya, 28 September 2010. Discussant/Reactor, Panel 5: Special Topics, International Graduate Students’ Conference: Asian Security, Asian Center, UP Diliman, 14 August 2011. Moderator, Parallel 3D: Culture, Arts, Literature and Language in Southeast Asia, Panel on Textile in Southeast Asia, 4th International Conference on Southeast Asia (ICONSEA 2011), Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya, 6 December 2011. Moderator, Session 4 (Social Development and Culture), 4th International Seminar on Maritime Culture and Geopolitics: Ocean and Communities: Changes, Preservation and Challenges, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya, 8 December 2011. Moderator/Chair, Session 1C (Maritime and Coastal Societies, Geopolitics, Culture and Economy), The 2nd Conference for Regional Cooperation in Ocean and Earth Science Research in the South China Sea, IPPP, University of Malaya, 22 October 2012. Moderator/Chair, Session 5, 5th International Seminar in Maritime Culture and Geopolitics: Maritime and Coastal Communities: Knowledge, Changes and Challenges, Institute of Graduate Studies, University of Malaya, 23 October 2012. Moderator/Chair, Session 6, 6th International Seminar in Maritime Culture and Geopolitics: Maritime and Coastal Communities: Knowledge, Changes and Challenges, Institute of Graduate Studies, University of Malaya, 23 October 2012. Moderator/Chair, Session 3, 6th International Seminar on Maritime Culture and Geopolitics: Sustaining Maritime and Coastal Communities---Changes, Adaptations, Security and Challenges, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya, 10 December 2013. Moderator, Parallel 1B: Maritime Issues in Southeast Asia, 5th International Conference on Southeast Asia (ICONSEA 2013), Department of Southeast Asian Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya, 11 December 2013. Recent Conferences (Working Committee) 5th International Conference on Southeast Asia (ICONSEA 2013), Department of Southeast Asian Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya, 11-13 December 2013. Recent Conferences (Participant)



Rizal in the 21st Century, UP Rizal Sesquicentennial and International Conference, GT-Toyota Asian Center Auditorium, 22 to 24 June 2011. General Education Conference, NIPS, CS, UP Diliman, 17 to 18 October 2013. Bonifacio 150: Alay sa Bayan, GT-Toyota Asian Center Auditorium, UP Diliman, 21 to 23 November 2013. International Festival Project Director, Pesta Igal: a Concert-Festival for the Popularization and Preservation of Sama Performing Arts, GT-Toyota Asian Center Auditorium, UP Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines, 14 and 15 July 2010. Fund-giving Institution: Asian Scholarship Foundation under the Royal Patronage of H.R.H. Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Research Sole Researcher, “Pesta Igal-Philippines 2013: Collaborative Explorations in Sama Music and Dance,” [R-2012-04], (Asian Center Research Grant), 5 November 2012 – 7 May 2013.

Project Leader, “Pesta Igal: Celebrating Bajau Laut Dance and Culture across Borders, (Concert with Research Component, ASIA Fellows Collaborative Work Grant), January to June 2010. Project Leader, “Re-imag[in]ing the Nation: The Philippine Center for Advanced Studies (PCAS) ethnographic Survey during the Marcos Period,” (University of the Philippines System Research and Creative Work Grant), 1 February 2012 to 31 January 2013 Recent Creative Work and Other Activities

Director, “Pesta Igal-Philippines 2013: Pesta Igal-Philippines 2013: A Celebration of Sama-Bajau Dance and Music, GT-Toyota Asian Center Auditorium, 2 March 2013,” GT-Toyota Asian Center Auditorium, 2 March 2013. [ref People’s Tonight Article in extension 2012-2013]. Choreographer, “Sintang Dalisay,” [Full-Length Dance Theatre Piece, Filipino Version], Jubilee Quadrangle, Infant Jesus Academy, Marikina City, 1 March 2013.

Choreographer, “Sintang Dalisay,” [Full-Length Dance Theatre Piece, Filipino Version],Tanghal 7: National University Theater Festival 2013, Bulwagang Balagtas, Ninoy Aquino Learning Resources Center, Polytechnic University of the Philippines, 18 February 2013. Choreographer, “Sintang Dalisay,” [Full-Length Dance Theatre Piece, Filipino Version],



University of San Agustin Auditorium, Iloilo City, 13 February 2013. Curator, “Re-imag[in]ing the Nation: Sulu Sojourns,” [with Reuben Ramas Cañete], GT- Hall of Wisdom, UP Diliman. 12 February to 30 April 2013. Choreographer, “Sintang Dalisay,” [Full-Length Dance Theatre Piece, Filipino Version], GT- Toyota Asian Center Auditorium, UP Diliman, 24 November 2012. Choreographer, “Sintang Dalisay,” [Full-Length Dance Theatre Piece, Filipino Version], National Theater Festival 2012, Tanghalang Aurelio Tolentino, Cultural Center of the Philippines, 11 November 2012. Choreographer, “Sintang Dalisay,” [Full-Length Dance Theatre Piece, Filipino Version], Rizal Mini Theater, Ateneo de Manila University, 1 to 17 August 2012. Choreographer, “Sintang Dalisay,” [Full-Length Dance Theatre Piece, Filipino Version], Far Eastern University Auditorium, Manila, 23 July 2012. Choreographer, “Sintang Dalisay,” [Full-Length Dance Theatre Piece, Filipino Version], 3rd Conference on Planning and Development of Community Based Rural Tourism, Fil- Am Theater, International School of Sustainable Tourism, Subic, Zambales, 25 April 2012. Choreographer, “Sintang Dalisay,” [Full-Length Dance Theatre Piece, Bi-Lingual Version], Teatrainy Koufar International Student Theater Festival, Trade Union Palace, Minsk Belarus, 2 to 7 July 2012. Choreographer, “Sintang Dalisay,” [Full-Length Dance Theatre Piece, Filipino Version], Igal- Igalan, 28 February 2012.

Director, “Igal-Igalan: Music and Dance of the Sama Peoples of Insular Southeast Asia,” (Pesta Igal 2012), GT-Toyota Asian Center Auditorium, 28 February 2012. Curator, “Re-imag[in]ing the Nation: Vintage Photographs from the Asian Center Collection,” [with Reuben Ramas Cañete and Michiyo Yoneno-Reyes] GT-Hall of Wisdom, UP Diliman. 17 February to 31 March 2012. Choreographer, “Sintang Dalisay,” [Full-Length Dance Theatre Piece, English Version], Holy Name University, Tagbilaran City, Bohol, 27 January 2012. Choreographer, “Sintang Dalisay,” [Full-Length Dance Theatre Piece, Filipino Version], Fil-Am Theater, International School of Sustainable Tourism, Subic, Zambales, 8 to 9 December 2011. Director, “Bunga Arts Link Igal Recital,” The First National Conference of Stakeholders on the Sama-Bajau, Holiday Inn, Clark, Pampanga, 1 December 2011. Choreographer, Igal-Igalan, 28 February 2012, GT-Toyota Asian Center Auditorium. Choreographer, Sintang Dalisay [Romeo and Juliet in Igal and Awit Forms directed by Ricardo Abad], Rizal Mini-Theater 3 -18 July 2011. Choreographer, Paean to Rizal, Pesta Igal: a Concert-Festival for the Popularization and Preservation of Sama Performing Arts, GT-Toyota Asian Center Auditorium, UP Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines, 14 and 15 July 2010. Performer, Igal Campur section, Pesta Igal: a Concert-Festival for the Popularization and Preservation of Sama Performing Arts, GT-Toyota Asian Center Auditorium, UP Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines, 14 and 15 July 2010. Co-Curator, Re-Imag(in)ing the Philippines, February to June 2012, GT-Toyota Hall of Wisdom Galleries.



Curator, Ugnayan: the Philippines in Asia and Asia in the Philippines, December 2009 to March 2010, GT-Toyota Hall of Wisdom Galleries International Advisory Board Board Member, Borneo Research Journal, Department of Southeast Asian Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Board Member, JATI Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, Department of Southeast Asian Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Awards and Grants Received (Only for the last 10 Years) UP Artist II [UP Arts Productivity Award] , (2013-2015) UP Diliman Centennial Faculty Grant Award, (1 July 2013 to 30 June 2014) UP Diliman Centennial Professorial Chair, (1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013) Aliw Awards for Best Production, SINTANG DALISAY, (25 November 2012) ASIA Scholarship Foundation (ASF) Collaborative Work Grant, January to June 2010. Beyond Geographies: Okinawan Identity in the Japanese State and other Spaces, Sumitomo Foundation Japan-Related Grant, March 2008 – present) Igal Across Borders, April 2007-March 2008, Philippines and Malaysia, SEASREP Regional Collaboration Grant Dance sans Frontiers, April 2006-March 2007, Philippines and Malaysia, SEASREP Preliminary Research Grant Capturing Pangalay, January 2004- December 2005, Southern Philippines, Institute of Philippine Culture, Asian Scholarship Foundation Follow Up Grant, July 2002-January 2003, East-West Center, Hawaii (Coverage USA) ASIA Fellows Program (later Asian scholarship Foundation) Grant, July 2000 to May 2001, Cambodia

Special Training in the Arts Certificate of Dance Training In Lakhon Khol (Traditional Masked Dance), June 2001, Royal University of Fine Arts, Cambodia Certificate of Completion of a Course on Japanese “Senshoku” (Weaving and Dyeing), Kawashima Textile School, Summer 1997, Ishihara, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan



Certificate of Completion of a Basic Course on Kasuri (Japanese Ikat) Weaving, Autumn 1997, Kawashima Textile School, Ishihara, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan Trained under Nishikawa Senrei-sensei of the Nishikawa Ryu (Form and Style) of Traditional Japanese Dance, Kyoto City Trained under Yamahata Keiko-sensei of the Gyokusen Kai of the Tamagusuku Ryu (Form and Style) of Traditional Okinawan Dance, Himejima, Osaka Prefecture

Other Cultural Activities

Acted in: “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” Dulaang UP, directed by Tony Mabesa, 1983 “Sganarelle,” Dulaang UP, directed by Tony Mabesa, 1983 “Annie,” Repertory Philippines, directed by Zenaida Amador, 1984 “Woman of the Year,” Repertory Philippines, directed by Zenaida Amador, 1984 “Guys and Dolls,” Repertory Philippines, directed by Zenaida Amador, 1985 “A Chorus Line,” Repertory Philippines, directed by Zenaida Amador, 1985 “Lam-ang,” Tanghalang Ateneo, directed by Ricardo Abad, 2004 Danced in: Recitals of the “School of Ballet” under the National Artist Leonor Orosa Goquinco, “Dance Theatre Philippines” under Felicitas Radaic and Professor Steve Villaruz, “Philippine Ballet Theatre” under Eric Cruz, and “Powerdance” under Douglas Nierras, 1986-1989 “Mutsu no Kai to Ryugakusei no Kai: a recital of Japanese traditional dance,” under Nishikawa Senrei-sensei of the Nishikawa School, Kyoto, April 1999 Concerts of the “AlunAlun Dance Circle” using the Pangalay dance tradition of the Sulu Archipelago under Dance Master Ligaya Fernando-Amilbangsa, (1999-2005) Co-directed and acted in: “Loretta monogatari,” (The Story of Loretta: a Filipina wife in Japan), with Nerissa Saito, written by Charleson Ong, sponsored by the Kansai Japan- Philippines Friendship Organization and the Prefecture of Osaka, Osaka Dawn Center, 1995 “In My Father’s House," with Josefina Estrella, written by Elsa Cosculluela, produced by Kyoto-Kapatiran, sponsored by KDD, Clapbard Garden Theatre, Kyoto City, 1995 Choreographed: (only major choreography included) “Caucasian Chalk Chircle,” for Ateneo de Manila Theater Arts entry in the UNESCO Chair ITI Asia Pacific Expo of Theatre Schools and 5th Shanghai International Experimental Theatre Festival, Shanghai Theatre Academy, 6 to 12 June 2009



“Romeo and Juliet,” for Ateneo de Manila Theater Arts entry in the UNESCO Chair ITI Asia Pacific Expo of Theatre Schools and 5th Shanghai International Experimental Theatre Festival, Shanghai Theatre Academy, 6 to 12 June 2009

“Otelo: Ang Moro ng Venezia,” (Shakespeare’s Othello), Tanghalang Ateneo, Rizal Theater, ADMU, Season 2008-09. “May Day Eve,” (National Artist Nick Joaquin), Tanghalang Ateneo, Rizal Theater, ADMU, Season 2008-09. “Death of Memory,” (Palanca Awardee Glen Mas), Tanghalang Ateneo, Rizal Theater, ADMU, Season 2007-08. “Litisan Bilog ng Caucasus,” (Brecht’s Caucasian Chalk Circle), Tanghalang Ateneo, Rizal Mini Theater, ADMU, Season 2007-2008.