mauimonthly online magazine no.96 april 2013

April 2013, Maui, Hawaii #96

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MauiMonthly Online Magazine no.96 April 2013


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April 2013, Maui, Hawaii


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Photos by B

ogo and Jimm

y Heep

April was another action packed month here on Maui. With photoshoot season in full effect the beaches were stacked with windsurfing’s best talent, making for some of the most fun sessions of the season for me. And of course there’s the new gear! Easter felt more like Christmas as I had the opportunity to ride almost every sail in the lineup for 2014- Mutant, Legend, Global, Ghost XT, Loco, Pursuit, and TR-9!


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From Hookipa to Lanes to Mamas to Secrets to Camp One and Kanaha, the first half of the month was spent chasing glimpses of sunshine and epic conditions up and down the coast with the team, under Master Bogo’s command, and all the new toys. Typically every year I have a favorite new sail that I fall in love with during the shoot, last year it was the 2013 4.5 Legend. However, with such varying conditions this year, I had a hard time picking just one. From chest-high 15mph onshore to mast high 30mph side-off Hookipa, as corny as it sounds I found myself in love with the Mutant, Ghost XT, Legend, and Global depending on the day. When the waves died and the wind backed off, I had a blast flying at Hookipa on the 7.0 Pursuit and having a couple freestyle sessions down at Lanes on the all new 4-batten Loco 4.8! And, growing up a slalom racer at heart with my parents and friends at Lake Isabella, nothing compared to blasting at Kanaha on the new TR-9s with Micah and Phil - don’t mean to be lame but that’s just a childhood dream come true right there! I’ve had some time over the winter to train on the TR-9 8.4, but this was my first time out on the 6.3, and I have to say the handling is just amazing! Every year Art blows my mind, but the performance and look of the lineup just keeps getting better and better.

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I also wanted to take a moment to remember a good friend and mentor, Tom Krebbs, who passed away this month in a tragic accident. Tom was and always will be the King of Kuau in my book - on any half-decent day to the most epic you could be sure that Tom would be on the water at the peak just below the channel (now called Tom’s), unless he was of course golfing or off on a ski trip somewhere. He had the uncanny ability to make anyone around him, from a best friend to someone he had just met at the log, feel like they were exactly where they were suppose to be, and reminded us all each and everyday with his bullshitting, witty banter, and good times, how good we all really have it. Tom, you will truly be missed.

Cya on the water,

Casey HauserUS-634

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Taty Frans at PWA Podersdorf 2013 - Airchacho

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Ferdinando - The Aerial Master

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video2014 MauiSails LocoPro freestyle sail test run by

Casey HauserWatch it

bye bye gopro

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April on Maui started off being quite promising with big swells, trade winds and blue sky; perfect conditions just in time for photoshoot season to start. I am stoked I was able to be part of the shoot this year and sail with the rest of the mauisails team. We had a few amazing days at hookipa and a couple jumping sessions at Secrets.


Casey Rerher and myself were switching back and forth between the 2 smallest 2014 sizes available for the shoots; the 4.2 mutant and 4.5 legend. It was so fun to sail the legend again after being on the mutant only lately. The legend is such a great sail; light and well balanced, with the power and pull coming in from different area of the sail.

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The difference is noticeable during jumping also. I really like the lift that the mutant provides and whips me around when doing a forward loop! The 2014 "aloha" finally arrived the day before I had to leave. I had a blast on that freeride sail, out at lanes, jumping around and throwing old school moves that I hadn’t done in years! April is a busy month for sure on Maui and sailing during the photoshoots can be challenging at times trying to find a wave that hasn’t already been claimed and then trying to line yourself up with Bogo who’s swimming out there along with 8 other photographers!! Almost every pro from all over the world seem to be at hookipa, shredding and ripping every single wave, making Hookipa, once again, quite a spot to just watch and admire the skills.

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My last few days on Maui were pretty uneventful condition-wise which helped make my departure on April 17th a bit easier. I flew back home to Hood River for a quick turn around, leaving 2 days later for North Carolina. Makani fins had organized events, clinics and demos as part of the OBX-wind festival and had set us, the Makani fins team, up for what would be a great 2 weeks in Hatteras.

From the moment I landed in Norfolk, I regretted not packing warmer clothes. I am not just getting too spoiled and used to Maui, it was exceptionally cold with strong North wind for the whole first week of the trip. Unfortunately, the wind direction and

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waves didn’t line up quite right for wavesailing on the Ocean, but we had several days sailing flat water on the sound side. I got to test the 100 L freestyle boards on overpowered 3.7 conditions which didn’t make it easy for someone who hadn’t’ done freestyle in a while. The wind finally switched south for the week-end of the windfest and allowed for a pleasant time hanging out at the beach all day. There was all kind of fun races and expression sessions and even "board toss". Fun times!

Aloha Ingrid Larouche

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BUSY MONTH IT SURE HAS BEEN FOR METhe wind could have dropped a bit but never did it go so light that it was not sailable. This month the Loco 4.4 / 4.8 was pretty much used and at times of the week I was even powered up on both sizes. Freestyle sailing is just so enjoyable that you learn more and more about windsurfing so you can understand what you could make better or improve on the sails each year.

With my time in Bonaire I spent time with my daughter, the most I can, but latetly is been really not that much. I am at the beach the whole time, practicing and coaching two Curacao racers with tuning their gear and making them sail better and more. Everything seems to be working smoothly with their four days training with Kiri and I. They have become faster and their first race in Curacao they were on the podium in 1st and 2nd place so that makes me feel great.:)

I sailed on my TR-8 6.6 about five days for the whole day because of the Curacao boys, and still I truly love how these TR-8s feels so fast and easy to use. Can’t wait to get on those TR-9.

I have been pressuring Art for a new four batten Loco for two years and I finally got him fired to do it, so hopefully I will have a new Loco that could be magical in every possible way. Yes mid March is the time of the year when I head back to the island of Aloha, Maui for the Starboard photoshoot and as well to test the new freestyle Loco sail, :) thanks Art.

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Maui always surprises with great conditions even though the forecast always looked bad this time, but we got perfect wind, and the right amount of sun during the the whole time we did the

photoshoot. The new Loco are amazing light, nice colors, easy handling, super manueravble and makes you want to sail the whole day. AAaaandd.... I finally got my hands on the TR-9 6.3 and 7.0. I am pretty much speechless. I really don’t know what to say... they are incredible.

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Well writing this I am on the plane heading towards Dallas-Miami-Curacao-Bonaire. The plane is shaking a lot so I will stop writing and get me ready in case something happens :) hahahaha.

Catch you all later on the next one, Taty Frans NB-9 :)

Taty Frans at Chiemsee European Tow-in

Championship in Podersdorf Watch it

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Adjustable Outhaul System

$79 USDUS customers

$98 USDInt. customers

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MauiSailsBoom Front End


$115 USDUS customers

$135 USDInt. customers

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IN APRIL I TURNED 16!April was a pretty good month. I turned 16, got my first truck and managed to get a few good sailing days too, I also got a leading role in a German movie. Since January, my go to sail has been my 2013 4.2 mutant. Its quite a powerful sail and its pretty wide for me as well but on the wave it feels like it’s not even there, its light, compact, durable and extremely powerful. I have sailed it in all conditions the past few months and it works great in them all. I was fortunate to get of test some of the 2014 sails. Wow. I didn’t think the sails could get any better. They did and they look great. The first 2 weeks were great for sailing, plenty of wind and super fun waves, after that the wind died down and the swells came in less and less. Summer is right around the corner and so is the start of the AWT’s first event in Santa Cruz, California. Im super stoked for this event, the sandbars have reformed which will make the waves super clean. I hope there are a few more swells before summer gets here. More to come next month.

AlohaCasey Reher

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Photo shoot time of year again and luckily the wind came back just in time to allow for some good sailing. First it was the Maui Sails photo shoot with Bogo and the rest of the team. Everyone was in town and the wind and waves cooperated nicely. We had quite a few good days of wave sailing at Ho’okipa, I got to try out the new Legend, Global and Ghost. All different from each other but all had very good aspects and fit nicely into their categories. We also managed some very good TR9 sessions as well, the most memorable moment came at Kanaha while we were trying out a new harness mount for the GoPro and half way through the session the GoPro disappeared from the mount and sunk. It was bad enough that Bogo lost his brand new GoPro Black edition but the worst part was the card in the camera still had all the footage from a good morning session at baby beach, so if anyone happens to find this at Kanaha can we please have the card back......


bye bye gopro

Watch it

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Micah Buzianis talks about 2013 PWA racing season plansWatch it at

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The JP photo shoot was next for me and took up the second half of April and again we had some great conditions with wind and light. I got to sail some of the new Super Sports and other freeride boards as well as the new slalom and speed board graphics. But with JP it was not only photo shoot time Werner Gnigler the shaper for JP was also in town for some board testing and we were working on finalizing the new slalom boards. With a couple rounds of boards already done these were the final shapes and with a couple small tweaks we found what we were looking for, more speed and easier to ride!!!

I also didn’t forget the most important part and this was the racing training. With Korea starting the first of May I had to make sure and fit in training time with all the photo shoots. After not getting much sailing in March I had a lot of work to do to get all my new TR9’s tuned up, test some new fins and get as many starts and buoy roundings in as possible. I had some good days and managed to sail all the sizes I am going to register around the marks and get them matched up with my new boards and new fins. So I am ready to go for the first race of the year, going to be hard to match the performance I had last year but I am feeling up to the task!!!

AlohaMicah Buzianis

Micah Buzianis talks about 2013 PWA racing season plansWatch it at

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Akinori Osada, Japan Greg Martin Cape Sebastian, Oregon

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Greg Martin Cape Sebastian, Oregon Kaj Van Der, Curacao Lubbe

Romain Pinocheau, PWA Podersdorf

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Julien Lefeuvre, Pungarehu, New Zealand

Aurelien Nicoul, Maui, Hookipa

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James Dinnis, Pungarehu, New Zealand

Rosengarten Rügen, Germany

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This spring as been a really good experience for me, starting with a shoulder injury where i couldn’t sail for the first good swell of the season in the begening of April. Then no more conditions for a while and then an ankle injury. So all of this make me hade not the best season but for me the must importante was to make my sponsors happy with at least couple of good picturs with the new gear wich they really improve. It was hard to get the good timing for the photographer between my injurys and the conditions but in the end we manage to have couple good shot.

INJURY AFTER INJURYMaui Monthly no.96. April ’13.34

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But the experience I got it’s that I know now how to do for not to be in this situation again and I’m lucky I have the month of May to recover at 100% and come back stronger from my injurys. I can’t wait to see who’s gonna do the AWT tour this year and to have fun with them.. starting in Santa Cruz from may 30 until june 2.

Stay tuned Camille Juban


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Fortunately, we were delivered a solid week of wind and waves right at the beginning of the month and were able to make the most of it. Everyone sailed like maniacs and concentrated as much action as possible into that first stretch. It was nice to see much of our team on Maui and get some good sessions together at Hookipa. On the good days the Hookipa circus was in full swing and provided some additional excitement to the mix like sailing out through helicopter turbulence in front of mast and a half sets or waveriding around buoys.

On the development front we are approaching the end of the wave sail R and D and the sails are more tuned than ever. Some notable points to look forward to in 2014 are refinements to the sail designs for excellent range, perfect balance and construction improvements for lighter weight and more responsive performance. The revolutionary Mutant, ultra-light Ghost-XT, iconic Legend, powerful Global, versatile Switch and brand new Loco Pro will emerge soon.

On a personal note, our daughter celebrated her 8th birthday and it was great to have plenty of family and friends to make it special. She’s been telling everyone that she is going to windsurf this summer so it should be exciting.

Aloha,Artur Szpunar

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APRIL IS A TAXING MONTHThe March winds blow in all the wonderful folks that help us to create the visual and motion images that will be seen all year long from our April photo shoots. Of course every company finds April in Maui to be right for their own version, and thus everyone is here at the same time. NP probably started this, but now the whole world is in on it. There are thrashed sails to repair for the rest of the sessions, lots of casual meetings, and a ton of direct feedback on the new development from the folks who will depend on the performance to help them win. The production deadline is still a good ways in the future and the on-the-water experience with the users, and their remarks, give us a chance to make the small adjustments that are so essential to getting it as right as possible every year.

Looking through the pics, and we got some awesome days with big swell and wind, I am blown away by the Art of Art when it comes to hot graphics. So much else of what I see from others is more mindless decoration, while each of Art’s creations become an active part of the action. The colors are vibrant, the unique materials leap out to the eye. 2014 wave/free is hot and the performance got raves. Finally Taty got his four batten Loco Pro!

Cornelia had a day with the crew from JP Australia. Micah arranged to get Martin Brandner and his inflatable stand-up paddle board team out for some ’lifestyle’ shots. That’s marketing talk for ’go out and have some fun, and we will document every second’. We took them up to a nice cove far out on the West shore, found a white sandy bottom, anchored and ’lifestyled’. The best part was the sail back to Lahaina, close hauled going the wrong way in the channel because of SE wind. His media people (Thorsten Indra, Lars Pedersen) and their product manager Marco, all had boat sailing experience and we had a most well handed return home to the harbor. There they found nice surf and a brilliant sunset at Breakwall. Look for the photos in the new JP Australia brochures.

AlohaBarry Spanier

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Micah Buzianis about 2013 TR-9 XT

"I will race on the XT versions from 7.0 and up. Speed was better on the XT but the biggest difference I felt was that the XT was a lot softer and more forgiving. It would trim better in the chop absorbing the chop so you wouldn’t have to change your stance or trim and then in the puffs it would accelerate so much better because you could hold the sail down and just feel the leech twisting off excess power while accelerating rather than having to sheet out at all.".

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MauiSails.comTel: +1-808-573-0295 Fax: +1-808-573-0894

810 Haiku Road, Suite 113-302, Haiku, Hawaii, 96708, USA