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Ma usMa usMaximizing Intelligence

For FMS Industry

MaxFinancial ERP

Awarded Best Emerging ERP Company - IERDA 2012

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Challenges & Issues for FMS Industry

Centralized Solu�on

Real Time & Online Solu�ons

Process Integra�on

MIS Repor�ng



Material Management

Machinery Management

Uniform Management

Payroll Management from Hire to Re�re

Auto Billing System

Site wise Profitability

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MaxFinancial ERP Modules

Comprehensive Financial Accounts

Agreement & Contract Module

New Employee Registra�on

Site Deployment

Site A�endance System

HR Payroll Management

Material Module

Machinery Module

Uniform Module

Auto Billing Module

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MaxFinancial ERP Features

Robust RDBMS database. Highly scalable. Fast Access. Automa�c scheduled backup for safety. Your Data is in goodhands.

Audit Trail

Complete tracking of all user's ac�vity – be it the Masters or the Transac�on Entries. A detailed Audit trail is now just a click away

Anywhere Access

Assign specific rights to each user on a Profile basis. Restrict a user from seeing another user's entries or Control save, delete, export, print and email op�ons on a Profile basis. Now users see only what you allow them to see

Sales Office in Delhi. Head Office in New York. Warehouse in Mumbai. No problem. Seamless control by centralserver. No third party remote access so�ware required.

Client Server Technology Unlimited User Rights

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Business spread all across the globe. Customers dealing in Dollars, Pounds, Yen, Rupees, Dinars and so on. Raise Invoices in mul�ple currencies withability to track Balances in a Common Currency as well as Party Currency.

Cost Centre wise Reporting

Complete Drill Down

Cost Centre reports are tailored to suit your needs. Account wise, Cost Centre wise gives you varie�es of reportsand analysis.

Drill down from all on-screen reports. Go right down to transac�on Edit level & Come back to the Reports as easy asit can get.

MIS Reports

Design Custom Reports

Server in USA. Enter transac�ons in India. Finance Manager approves fromSingapore. CFO authorizes from the shores of Bahamas. The Complete workflow with online instant approvals and no�fica�ons.

Developed over several years of user feedback. We have virtually every report you would like to see. Generate filtered reports which can be easily exported to PDF, Excel and other formats.

No two organisa�ons see data the same way. We design reports as per your personalized formats. No external Report Writer needed. Everything is inbuilt and integrated.

Multi Currency Multi Location Workflow

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All applica�ons & their modules have been developed using the proven Microso� tools like Visual Studio .net 2005, SQL Server 2008, Crystal Reports that ensure high levels of performances without compromising on its user friendliness. They are based on the 3-�er architecture that gives them high scalability


All Applica�ons & their modules support Mul�-Company, Mul�-Branch, Mul�-User concept and has a centralized database so that all Users can have 24X7 access to the system. They also support Anywhere Access - meaning the applica�on can be accessed from anywhere on any system by an authorizes user.


All Applica�ons & their modules come with an auto-backup feature to avoid losing data & to protect your data in case of Hardware failures. Regular backups also ensure that the system adheres to legaliza�on & compliance issue. Auto-BackUp also helps to reduce human interven�on in such an inportant task and reduce the possiblity of someone forga�ng to take a backup.


MaxFinancialMaxFinancial is a revolu�onary system that promises to take the pain out of Financial Accoun�ng Management. MaxFinancial has been designed with a view to integrate all financial related func�ons right from Work Order to actual delivery of product & services.

MaxFinancial caters to a diverse Industries such as Tex�les & Ready mades, Drugs & Pharmaceu�cals, Trading, Manufacturing, Services Industries etc.

MaxFinancial covers a variety of systems such as Financial Management System, Inventory & Stock Management System, Management Repor�ng System.

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Unmatched Power

MaxFinancial ERP is an integrated business management solu�on designed for growing companies that want the freedom to focus on their business. With real-�me upda�on of all transac�on, turn your data into business cri�cal informa�on quickly and simply. Experience the power of MaxFinancial ERP and see produc�vity jump manifold in your company.

Ÿ Real-�me Upda�on for transac�onsŸ Online modifica�on and dele�on with Audit TrailŸ Mul�-Tasking work simultaneously in different moduleŸ Filter Data and Report with Powerful DimensionsŸ Memorandum Entries – Maker & ApproverŸ Customized vouchers, invoices etc.Ÿ Pre-printed sta�onery compa�ble (vouchers, invoices etc.)Ÿ Customized for all masters and documentsŸ Extensive Data Import and Export CapabilityŸ Extensive Data BackupŸ Mul�-company Data backupŸ Export all reports to XLS, PDF, HTML, IMAGE etc.Ÿ Automa�c Year End ProcessŸ Automa�c carry forward of General Ledger, Customer,

Vendor, Inventory Balances to successive yearsPDC Management and alert

Ÿ Interac�ve and powerful Stock Status QueryŸ Vendor Quota�on ComparisonŸ Auto Raw material issue on FG receivedŸ Project Cost Es�ma�on

Unlimited Security

MaxFinancial ERP is true Mul�-Loca�on, Mul�- User so�ware. Configure deepest level of security- allow as much or as li�le you want them to see. Allow users to view allowed companies, Loca�on, Department and modules only. Control user access rights to enter and view transac�on loca�on-wise, department-wise, General Ledgerwise etc.

Ÿ Robust and Secured Database on MSSQLŸ Create Users with custom access rightsŸ Automa�c menu configura�on based on user access rightsŸ Definable Password Configura�onŸ Set up Ac�ve Date Range for all usersŸ Allow users to make post dated entriesŸ Allow back dated access to transac�ons for specified number of

daysŸ Block users from making modifica�on or dele�onŸ Restrict users to enter transac�ons with specific General LedgerŸ Restrict users to enter transac�ons with specific loca�on

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General Ledger

MaxFinancial ERP gives you powerful financial control by Real-�me upda�on of General Ledger. Define Mul�ple Dimensions. Zoom into transac�on from Report. View reports Loca�on- Wise, departments-wise etc. Export report to Excel, PDF and other formats.

Ÿ Unlimited Line Items in Journals and VouchersŸ Journal Book including auto-posted entriesŸ Day BookŸ Print Payment & Receipt VouchersŸ Mul�-level General Ledger Repor�ngŸ Enter Opening Balances for Sub LedgersŸ Interest Calcula�on for Loan AccountsŸ Trail Balances, Profit & Loss Account and Balances Sheet with Automa�c:

Ÿ Stock Valua�onŸ Revalua�on of Foreign Currencies Documents and Bank BalancesŸ Un-Invoiced Sales delivery Orders & Purchase GRNs

Approval System

Set up approval procedures as per user profile. With the levels of authoriza�on based on parameters you set up, control document and approvals as per your own company guidelines.

Ÿ User specific MakerŸ User Specific CheckerŸ Authoriza�on on the basis of Maker & CheckerŸ Grant overwrite permissions for checker.Ÿ Define approval rules with compulsory or criteria

based checking.

Ÿ Mul�ple User-Definable Profit & Loss Account, Balances Sheet and Cash Flow Statement

Ÿ Data-to-Data Trail Balances, Profit & Loss Account, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement

Ÿ Quarterly Profit & Loss Account and Balances SheetŸ Zooming in from Trail Balances down to transac�onŸ Consolida�on of Trail Balances, Profit & Loss and Balances Sheet Add,

Modify and delete from Zoom-in screensŸ Month-wise General Ledger

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SalesIn depth Sales Cycle right from Enquiry, Quota�on, Sale Order, Sale Challan, Stock and Service Invoice gives you complete control overthe sales opera�ons. Real-�me update of respec�ve General Ledgerand Customer Ledger instantly gives you unmatched power to generate reports instantaneously, any�me.

Ÿ Sales Enquiry, Quota�on, Sale Order, Delivery Challan, Sale InvoiceŸ Sale Return, Sale order Cancella�onŸ Convert Enquiry to Quota�on, Quota�on to Sale Order, Sale Order to Delivery

Challan, Delivery Challan to Sales InvoiceŸ Convert Mul�ple Sale Order to Challan, Mul�ple Challan to Sales InvoiceŸ Create project es�ma�on by calcula�ng the actual cost of material requiredŸ Mul�ple Payment TermsŸ Mul�ple Sales Order Terms at Line item Level or Global LevelŸ VAT/Sales Tax as per Statutory RulesŸ Mul�-currency in all Sale EntriesŸ Single Invoice for Stock Product & Services ChargesŸ Mul�ple Sales Pricing SchemesŸ Sale Order Alarm Trigger on Expected Delivery DateŸ Auto Set-Off Single/ Mul�ple invoice against Single /Mul�ple Receipts and

Credit NotesŸ Print Product Images in Sale InvoiceŸ VAT/Sales Tax RegistersŸ Debit Notes Entry & Debit Note RegisterŸ Outstanding Sale Order reportŸ Uni-Invoiced Challan ReportŸ Sales register- Enquiry, Order, Challan, Invoice: sort on Date,Ÿ Number, Product Group, Sub Group, Customer, Agent, City,Ÿ Country, Loca�on

Accounts Receivable

MaxFinancial ERP gives you unprecedented complete control over receivables. Maintain separate customer ledger for different customer types. Keep up-to-the-minute track of customer and reduce credit risk. Monitor Days Sales Outstanding (DSO) and speed up collec�ons.

Ÿ Maintain Loca�on wise CustomerŸ Have Customer wise General Ledgers Control AccountŸ Customer Credit Control Checks- Warn, ignore, block-on

amount and credit daysŸ ADJUST Bank Charges in customer receipt entryŸ Customer Ledger with full details and summaryŸ Customer Reminder Le�ersŸ Customer Statement of Account with direct emailŸ Credit Note RegisterŸ Credit Receipt RegisterŸ Map Agent to CustomersŸ Top 'N' customer reportŸ Powerful Customer Query

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Inventory control

MaxFinancial ERP gives you complete mul�loca�on, mul�-group, mul�-type, mul�warehouse inventory management system. Includes extensive on-screen enquiry and repor�ng func�ons to give you detailed real�meinforma�on important for effec�ve inventory management.

Ÿ Integrated with Purchase, Sale, Manufacturing, WIP and Warehousing Modules

Ÿ Stock Below Minimum Control-Warm, Block, IgnoreŸ Unlimited Mul�-Tagged Product Grouping & Sub GroupingŸ Store Product Image, search & create catalogŸ Selling & Buying Price in Product MasterŸ Different Units of Measure for buying, selling and stockingŸ Interac�ve Stock Status Query-Prepare Retailer Invoice, Sales Invoice,

Sales Order, Dispatch Note, Purchase OrderŸ Stock Valua�on FIFO, Weighted, AverageŸ Stock valua�on & quan��es-accurate to four decimal placesŸ Generate indents for items below Reorder levelŸ Landed Cost Calcula�on –appor�on unlimited addi�onal costsŸ Ÿ Stock valua�on loca�on-wise with or without Invoicing TermsŸ Transfer of StockŸ Assign unlimited Mark Up Price Percentages at every BOM levelŸ Assign unlimited Discounts Price levels per item and price listŸ Warranty management through serial numbersŸ Batch Control through Batch Numbers/Produc�on Lot NumbersŸ Manufacturing Dates and Expiry Dates ControlŸ Material In/Out Register(Stock Card)Ÿ Stock LedgerŸ Warehouse-wise StocksŸ Manufacturing WIP Stocks

Warehouse management

The warehouse management module allows you to create your very own warehouse structure. Create a structure such as loca�on, warehouse,row, back & bin.Seamlessly integrated with Sales Delivery, Purchase Delivery and Stock Transfer reduces data entry �me and takes organiza�onal efficiency to the next level.

Ÿ User-definable Warehouse Layout - Mul�-loca�on, mul�user

Ÿ Unlimited Loca�ons, WarehousesŸ Real-�me update of Stock Status across all Loca�ons,

WarehousesŸ Stock Valua�on - Warehouse-wiseŸ Stock Ledger - Warehouse-wise

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Accounts PayableMaxFinancial ERP helps manage your vendors with ease. Vendor Ledgers get updated automa�cally with every transac�on. Get real�me reports on vendor.

Ÿ Maintain Loca�on wise vendorsŸ Have vendor wise General Ledger Control

Account.Ÿ Vendor Credit Control Checks-display Credit Limit

and Outstanding AmountŸ Vendor Mul�-Currency Outstanding ReportŸ Vendor wise Foreign Currency Exposure

StatementŸ Outstanding Vendor Advances ReportŸ Vendor Credit Limit ReportŸ Vendor Ledger with full details and summaryŸ Interest Calcula�on on Vendor outstandingŸ Vendor statement of Account with email directlyŸ Map Agents to vendorsŸ Powerful Vendor Query


MaxFinancial ERP has the complete purchase order star�ng from Indent / Requisi�on, leading to Enquiry to Mul�ple Vendors, Recoding of Quota�on received, Quota�on comparison, purchase order, GRN, Stock and Service Invoice. Instant & Automa�c update of General Ledgers and Venders Ledger.

Ÿ Purchase Indent, Enquiry, Quota�on, Purchase Order, Good Received Note (GRN), Purchase Invoice, Purchase Return, Purchase Order Cancella�on and Purchase Service Invoice

Ÿ Convert Quota�on to Purchase Order, Purchase Order to GRN, GRN to Purchase InvoiceŸ Convert mul�ple Purchase Order directly from the compare quote windowŸ Calculate landed Cost with Addi�onal Purchase Expense entryŸ Check for Duplicate Vender Invoice NumberŸ Mul�ple Rates of VAT/Sales tax as per statutory rulesŸ Mul�-currency in all Purchase EntriesŸ Automa�c genera�on of Debit Note on entry of Purchase ReturnŸ One Invoice for Service and Stock itemsŸ Mul�ple Purchase Pricing SchemesŸ Purchase Order Alarm Trigger on Expected Delivery DateŸ Adjust Bank Charges in Vendor Payment EntryŸ Auto Set Off Single/Mul�ple Invoices Against Single/Mul�ple Payment and Debit NotesŸ Outstanding Purchase Indent ReportŸ Outstanding Purchase Invoice ReportŸ Un-Invoiced Goods Received Note (GRN) ReportŸ Outstanding Purchase Invoice ReportŸ Purchase Registers- Indent, Enquiry, Quota�on Order, GRN, Invoice Sorted on Date,

Number, Product, Product Group, Sub Group, Vendor, Loca�on, Agent, City, CountryŸ Credit Note Entry & Credit Note RegisterŸ Vendor Payment RegistersŸ VAT / Sales Tax RegistersŸ Powerful vender query

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Pay Max Payroll is a very simple, flexible and user-friendly Payroll Management so�ware specially for INDIA, that takes care of all your requirements rela�ng to accoun�ng and management of employees' Payroll Processing. PayMax stores complete records of the employees, generates Pay-slips and A�endance Register, Computes all allowances and deduc�ons and generates all Statutory and MIS reports.

Ÿ Online Applica�on with Anywhere AccessŸ Centralized & secure DatabaseŸ Mul�-Company, Mul�-Branch, Mul�-UserŸ Consistent & Quick Data RetrievalŸ Reliable ArchitectureŸ Fast & Accurate ReportsŸ Month-wise General Ledger


Ÿ Pay Slip ReportsŸ A�endance ReportsŸ Salary Slip Genera�onŸ Statutory & Tax Reports

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PayMax lets you specify paydays for each designa�on, department or the en�re organiza�on. Employee details like basic pay,investments, arrears, standard allowances, deduc�ons, special allowances, bonus, Leaves, etc. are used to generate the PaySlip.

One Click Payroll Process

PayMax can compute taxes due based on the major prevalent taxa�on laws. It comes with the ability to add mul�ple categories, user definable salary slabs, sec�ons and sub sec�ons which aid in staying up-to-date with all the latest Taxa�on laws and changes, even in the future.

Tax Calculation

PayMax has a very robust module for management of Employee details. All the employee informa�on you may ever need is available right at your finger�ps. This module also allows for upda�ng employee informa�on like marital status, employee status, residence informa�on, contact informa�on etc. along withphotographs. Even vital documents related to the Employee such as Address Proofs can be a�ached directly with the Employee details.

Employee Management

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PayMax Features

Define Salary Structure Increments & Arrears Payroll Processing Time & Attendance Biometric/Smart Card Leave Management

Allowances Deduction Reimbursements

Monthly Reports

Periodic Reports

Annual Reports

Employee Reports

Employee Reports

Employee Reports

Statutory Forms

Provident Fund


Payslip FormatsSalary StatementSalary RegisterTemporary Allowance

Loan DetailIncome Tax DetailsLeave Details

Leave HistoryEmployee AdvancesMIS Reports

Form 16 Form 16AA

Employee ProfileEarned Allowance

Gratuity InformationFull & Final Settlement

Form 3 (Professional Tax)Form 5A (PF/EPF/DLI)Form IF (DLI)

Form 6AForm 10Form 12A

Form 3Form 16

Bank Payment StatementEmployee Payment DetailAttendance RegisterTemporary Deduction

Arrears DetailsBonus DetailsEx-Gratia Details

Bonus RegisterEx-Gratia RegisterAttrition Rate

Employee Present Salary StructureEmployee Past SalaryStructure

Employee Nominee Details

Form 13 (Revised)Form 19Form 20

Form 5 (pension Schema)Form 10CForm 10D

Form 6 (ESIC)Form 9 (EPF/PS)ESIC Challan

Leave HistoryLoan & AdvancesArrear Information

Allowance SummaryDeduction Summary

Over Time DetailsNet Salary PaidPaid Days

PF StatementESIC StatementPT Statement

Provident FundProfessional TaxESIC

Provident Fund HistoryProfessional Tax HistoryLoan History

Form 31

Form 2Form 3AForm 5

Form A1(Labour Welfare Fund)MTR-6

Leave Application FormEmployee ID Card

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Online A�endance System has a very robust module for management of Employee a�endance details. All the employee a�endance informa�on you may ever need is available right at your finger�ps. Also over �me details of employee can be manage in this system.

With help of Online A�endance System, you can get informa�on about the employee �me a�endance report, employees on leave & many more.

Ÿ Save �me and resources Ÿ Consistent & Quick Data RetrievalŸ Reliable ArchitectureŸ Fast & Accurate Reports

Online Attendances System (OAS)

Ÿ Monthly A�endance.Ÿ Site Wise Summary.Ÿ Reliever Monthly Details.Ÿ Difference between previous and selected month

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Easy to use & understand

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Flow Chart TC/ATC

Check Sites Wiseshortage Manpower

Opera�on Head can assign reliever employees to a par�cular

site where there is shortage manpower on daily base

Enter A�endance as par�cular site wise and employees

Enter Over�me of par�cular employees

Enter Fixed Conveyance

PayMax Fetch all the data for Salary Process Automa�ons

Yes No

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The OMR is a very simple, flexible and user-friendly web applica�on that is used for Material Management on Pan India basis.Users can check the details such as material costs, purchase history and purchase rate, vendor and site informa�on for which material was purchased at any �me anywhere.

Ÿ User can perform authorized task only.Ÿ Higher User can set limit value for a site so lower user can purchase uniform within the limit and get no�fica�on if

cross the limit.Ÿ User can set product rate as per respected vendor.Ÿ Consistent & Quick Data Retrieval.Ÿ Reliable Architecture.Ÿ Fast & Accurate Reports

Online Material Requisition (OMR)

Ÿ Purchase Order.Ÿ Delivery Challan.Ÿ At Actual/Regular Monthly Bill.Ÿ Limit v/s Actual.Ÿ Site wise and Purchase wise Summary.

Benefits of Online Uniform Requisi�on

Ÿ Site Wise and Material Amount Summary

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Ÿ Easy Material Purchase Request process.

Ÿ Any TC/ATC can easily request for Purchase a Materials by specifying the Branch, Zone & Site for which the Material is needed.

Ÿ During Material Purchase Request TC/ATC get no�fica�on of Site limit and also get total ordered cost and balance amount for that site �ll current date.

Ÿ A unique Tracking Number is generated to track this Material Purchase Request.Ÿ The Material Purchase Request automa�cally goes to the higher authori�es for Approval.Ÿ Once Approvals are done, mail will sent to respected vendor with a�achment of purchase order in PDF


Ÿ Approval and Rejec�on process.

Ÿ During Approval process Approver can easily get details about ordered items previous approved detail of lower approver by one click.

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Material Request

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Material Approval


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Flow Chart Material Request for a par�cular Site by Respec�veTC/ATC at the �me material request system

will be Check Site balance budget, ordered amountand display balance amount

Purchase Order Request with RequestedMaterial Details by PO pdf format

will send to Respec�ve

Request will be Forworded to Zonal Head

Zonal Head/ RM /Procurement Head

Approve Rejected

Ÿ Request will be send to Previous Approver and Request will Approved

Ÿ Suppose ordered amount is greater than the site budget then give the no�fica�on as a and Approver must RED COLORmen�on the reason

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The OUR is a very simple, flexible and user-friendly web applica�on that is used for Uniform Management on Pan India basis.Users can check the details such as uniform costs, purchase history, purchase rate, vendor and site informa�on for which uniforms was purchased at any �me anywhere.

Ÿ Higher User can set limit value for a site so lower user can purchase uniform within the limit and get no�fica�on if cross the limit.Ÿ Higher User can set Opening cost for a site.Ÿ User can set Uniform rate as per respected vendor.Ÿ Consistent & Quick Data Retrieval.Ÿ Reliable Architecture.Ÿ Fast & Accurate Reports

Online Uniform Requisition (OUR)

Ÿ Site Wise and Uniform Summary.Ÿ Site Wise and Uniform Amount Summary.Ÿ Uniform Purchase Order.Ÿ Uniform Delivery Challan.Ÿ Monthly Bill.

Benefits of Online Uniform Requisi�on

Ÿ Easy Uniform Purchase Request process.

Ÿ Any TC/ATC can easily request for Purchase a Uniform or mul�ple Uniforms by specifying the Branch, Zone & Site for which the Uniform is needed. Ÿ During Uniform Purchase Request TC/ATC get no�fica�on of Site limit and also get total ordered cost and balance amount for that site �ll current date.Ÿ A unique Tracking Number is generated to track this Uniform Purchase Request.Ÿ The Uniform Purchase Request automa�cally goes to the higher authori�es for Approval.Ÿ Once Approvals are done, mail will sent to respected vendor with a�achment of purchase order in PDF format.

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Uniform Request

Product Name Quantity


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Approval and Rejection process. During Approval process Approver can easily get details about ordered items previous approved detail of lower approver by one click.


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Flow Chart Uniform Request for a par�cular Siteby Respec�ve TC/ATC

Purchase Order Request with Requested Uniform Details by PO pdf format will be

send to Respec�ve

Request will be Forworded to Zonal Head

Zonal Head

UniformIn charge Select Vendor &

Approve Request as well as checkSite uniform balance budget and

ordered amount

RM / GM / COO / Procurement Head

Request will send to Previous andNext Approver and Request will be

forwarded to uniform In charge

Approve Rejected


Request will send to Previous Approverand Request will be approved




Ÿ Request will be send to Previous and Next Approver and Request will be forwarded to Higher Approver

Ÿ Suppose ordered amount is greater than the site budget then it will give no�fica�on as a RED COLOR

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The OMS is a web-based applica�on for Machinery Management on sites for Pan India basis. It has been designed to be simple to use, flexible and user-friendly. OMS also keep track of Machine Stock Godown-wise.

User can check the Machine Details, track the Maintenance Costs & Ageing of machine, Current Loca�on of Machines, Purchase History, Purchase Rates, Vendor & Godown details for which that machine was purchased and Status of the Machine at any�me.

Ÿ Reliable Architecture.Ÿ Fast & Accurate Reports.Ÿ Godown Stock Report.Ÿ Site Stock Report.Ÿ New Machine Purchase Order Report.Ÿ Machine History Card Report.Ÿ Machine Service Report.Ÿ Complain Requisi�on Report.Ÿ Machine Request Report.

Online Machinery System (OMS)

Benefits of Online Machinery System

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Easy Machine Request process Ÿ Any TC/ATC can easily request for a Machine or mul�ple Machines by specifying the Branch, Zone & Site for which the Machine

is needed. Ÿ A unique Tracking Number is generated to track this Machine Request.Ÿ The Machine Request automa�cally goes to the higher authori�es for Approval.Ÿ Machine Request Report.

Machine Name



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Once Approvals are done, the Machine In-charge can allot the Machine as per the request that was raised.

Machine Name Machine Model


Machine Make

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New Machine Purchase Request processŸ Any Machine In-Charge can easily request for Purchase a Machine or mul�ple Ÿ Machines by specifying the Godown for which the Machine is needed. Ÿ A unique Tracking Number is generated to track this Machine Request.Ÿ The New Machine Purchase Request automa�cally goes to the higher authori�es for Approval.Ÿ Once Approvals are done, mail will sent to respected vendor with a�achment of purchase order in PDF format.

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Once Approvals are done and machine received, the Machine In-charge can receive the Machine and done entry details of machine.

Machine Name Machine Model


Machine Make

Purchase Rate

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Machine Repair Request process Ÿ Any TC/ATC can easily request for Repair a Machine by specifying the Branch, Zone & Site for which the Machine is needed. Ÿ A unique Tracking Number is generated to track this Machine Request.Ÿ The Machine Repair Request automa�cally goes to the higher authori�es for Approval.Ÿ Between Approval process Machine In-Charge will get details about warranty period of machine and if applicable then

Machine In-Charge will enter the repair amount.

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Once Approvals are done and Machines will be repaired then TC/ATC will close the Repair Request.

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User Definable Approval Matrix Ÿ Approval and Rejec�on process.

Ÿ During Approval process Approver can easily get details about ordered items previous approved detail of lower approver.


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Flow Chart Of New Machine Request And Approval

New Machine Request forGodwin by Respec�ve

Machine in Charge

Machine in Charge or CPD will be Receive and EnterMachine Details as Asset Entry Machine Order

Delivered by respec�ve Vendor with the reference ofNew Machine Purchase Order Tracking No

Request will be forwardedto Higher Approver

RM/GM/COO/CPD/GM Accounts/

(CFO, CMD, Director)

PO will be generated


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Flow Chart Of Request And Approval For A Site

Machine Request for a par�cularSite by Respec�ve TC/ATC

A�er Comple�on of Approval Process Machine in charge or CPD will allocated the approved machine

to the site on bases of Order Tracking Number.

Request will be Forworded to Zonal Head

Zonal Head

MachineIn charge Allot Machinesfrom Available Stock and

Approve Request

RM / GM / COO / CPD / GM Accounts /

(CFO, CMD, Director)

Request will be Forwordedto Machine In charge

Request will be Forwordedto Higher Approvers

Approve Rejected


Request will be Approved




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Flow Chart Of Repair Request And Approval For A Site

Machine Repair Request for a par�cularMachine by Respec�ve TC/ATC

TC/ATC will Close Repair Request withthe reference of Repair Request Number.

Request will be Forworded to Zonal Head

Request will be Forworded to Zonal Head

Zonal Head Zonal Head

MachineIn charge will Approve


Machine In charge will Select Vender and Enter

Repair Amount andApprove Request

RM / GM / COO / CPD / GM Accounts /

(CFo, CMD, Director)

Systemwill check Machine's

Warranty Period

Request will be Forwardedto Machine

Request will be Forwardedto Machine


Approve Approve


Rejected Rejected

Under Warranty Out of Warranty

PO will be generated and Requestwill be approved


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Flow Chart Of

Transfer Process A Par�cular Machine from Par�cular Site to

Par�cular Godown will be Transfer by aRespec�ve TC/ATC or Machine in Charge or


Transferred Machine will be transfer from that Site to Selected Godown.

No�fica�on Mail will be Send to All HigherUsers with the details of Site, Godown and


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Flow Chart Of Scrap Process

A Par�cular Machine from Par�cular Site will be Scrap bt a Respec�ve TC/ATC

Scrapped Machine will be removefrom the Site.

No�fica�on Mail will be Send to All HigherUsers with the Site and Machine Details.

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End to End Integrated Solu�on – All the process are Integrated from Contract Management to HR & Payroll, Uniform, Material, Machinery, Auto Billing �ll final receipt of payment.

Complete Automa�on – Complete Automa�on results in avoiding duplica�on and ensures efficiency and accuracy.

Contract Management System – Contract Management System helps in tracking Contract commencement & Expiry along with addendum etc. which are crucial for smooth opera�on. Payroll will only be processed for the contract entered in the system, this helps in managing risk.

Online Site Roster & A�endance System – Helps to manage real �me site a�endance and over�me along with Reliever Management, which creates more efficiency.

Auto Invoice System linked with A�endance – Ensures accurate billing of services rendered to clients hence avoid duplica�on of work and ensuring accuracy.

Cloud based system – Highly flexible and scalable as it is not physically bounded to any par�cular loca�on.

Improve Efficiency – Effec�ve Management of these resources gives greater control over the system and thus improves overall efficiency of an organiza�on.


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Streamlined Processing – Easy escala�on and approval process through standard flow of the organiza�on.

MIS Repor�ng – Projec�on of any MIS Reports is done smoothly. Crucial Reports such as Region wise, Client Wise, Site wise Profitability & extensive MIS Repor�ng will help Top Management in taking correc�ve decision regarding cost management and other challenges or issues related to organiza�on.

Maintained Logs – Complete logs are maintained for each and every transac�ons.

Document Management System – Acts an integral part of the system and helps in easy document management tools. It plays a major role in making paperless office.

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