maximising your leadership potential - from caution to courage

Marijo Bos Bos Advisors [email protected] President – EPWN Learn, Connect, Share, Advance – Globally Follow us Twi@er: @bos_leadership, @europeanpwn

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Post on 20-Jun-2015




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The Women in Business (WIB) Committee of the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce hosted the 2nd Women Leader Luncheon with Marijo Bos, President, European Professional Women’s Network (EPWN) on September 26, 2013 at the Hotel Grande Bretagne. Marijo Bos provided an inspiring and dynamic speech on maximizing leadership potential: from caution to courage, and stressed during these challenging times executives should exercise their potential to be more courageous in realizing their vision and goals.


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Marijo  Bos  Bos  Advisors  -­‐  [email protected]  

President  –  EPWN    Learn,  Connect,  Share,  Advance  –  Globally  

 Follow  us  Twi@er:    @bos_leadership,  @europeanpwn  

Page 2: Maximising Your Leadership Potential - From Caution to Courage

Courage  Means  AcHon  

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 Purposeful    Forethought  Intui?on  Prudence  Wisdom  

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Our  Top  5  Character  Strengths  in  AcHon  

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Page 9: Maximising Your Leadership Potential - From Caution to Courage

125  Human  Traits  

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Page 13: Maximising Your Leadership Potential - From Caution to Courage


VIAs  Character  Strengths    

   Your  mental  model  ma@ers  !  


Page 14: Maximising Your Leadership Potential - From Caution to Courage

VIAs  Character  Strengths      

 Courage  on  Video  and  Unacceptable  Behavior  

�h@p://  �h@p://      


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Page 16: Maximising Your Leadership Potential - From Caution to Courage

ReflecHon  Exercise  on  assessing                and  tapping  into  Courage