maximize personal branding and networking for professional development digitally

Maximize Personal Branding and Networking for Professional Development Digitally Will Patch Assistant Director of Admissions and Social Media Coordinator Manchester University

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Post on 31-Jul-2015



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Maximize Personal Branding and Networking for Professional

Development Digitally

Will Patch

Assistant Director of Admissions and Social Media Coordinator

Manchester University

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What is their brand purpose?

“At McDonald's, we strive to be more than just a restaurant  - we're a first job for many,

a community partner, a model for other restaurants around the world, and a

company seeking new ways to fulfill our brand promise of Quality, Service,

Cleanliness, and Value.”

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Donald Trump

Attached to luxury, power, wealth in excess.

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What is a Personal Brand?

Your unique package of strengths, skills, and experiences.

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A Personal Brand…

• Tells your compelling story

• Should show your authentic self

• Share your experience

• Is necessitated by anonymity of online personas

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How You Portray Yourself Online Matters

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Find the neutral zone

Share your accomplishments and knowledge

Don’t exaggerate

Don’t #HumbleBrag

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Step 1: Know Yourself

• Know your values

• Know what you’re passionate about

• Know your strengths

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Step 2: Your Story

• Step 1 was “who”

• What your vision of growth is

• Where you have been

• When - “Riding into the sunset” moment

• Why does this matter to you

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Step 3: Verify

• Look over what you have and ask:

• Are my values and strengths authentic or aspirational?

• Is my story complete and compelling?

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• Visual storytelling

• Personal branding site

• Aggregator

• Networking and mentoring

• Not a replacement for LinkedIn

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• Use your story from Steps 1 and 2 and a photo to set up an account

• Backstory – can be filled in later, essentially your resumé

• Use the search bar to find similar interests, locations, jobs, or search by name

• Find mentors or just learn more

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Networking for Professional Development

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Traditional vs Digital Development


• Flexible and versatile

• Worldwide expertise

• Often free


• Fixed

• Local and regional expertise

• Often expensive

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They compliment each other!

Don’t hide behind a keyboard, but don’t ignore opportunities online either.

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Active and Passive

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Follow leaders in your areas of interest

Interact and ask questions

Participate in Twitter chats

Search hashtags

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Suggested follows:








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Use actively, interact with group discussions

Endorse others, but be honest

Post articles to start discussions and share ideas

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Suggested groups

Chegg Social Admissions

College Admissions Experts

CollegeBound Experts

Council for Advancement and Support of Education

Higher Education Management

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Live video discussions


Various topics throughout higher ed each week

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Keep updated on new trends and research

Find job opportunities

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Professional Organizations


Attend conferences

Learn from other professionals

Take advantage of mentorship

Get involved on committees

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Take That First Step!

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Take That First Step

• Connect with people you actually know first

• You can use LinkedIn to get introduced

• AboutMe – Can’t passively follow

• Be authentic and ask for thoughts or insights

• Ask questions, and follow up

• Groups, blogs, Twitter chats, and webcasts

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What have you found most helpful in your development and networking?