may 2006clint-ln parsing1 computational linguistics introduction parsing with context free grammars

May 2006 CLINT-LN Parsing 1 Computational Linguistics Introduction Parsing with Context Free Grammars

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Page 1: May 2006CLINT-LN Parsing1 Computational Linguistics Introduction Parsing with Context Free Grammars

May 2006 CLINT-LN Parsing 1

Computational Linguistics Introduction

Parsing with

Context Free Grammars

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Chomsky Hierarchy

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Weak Equivalence

• A grammar should generate all and only sentences in the language under investigation.

• Let H be language under investigation and G be the grammar we are developing.

• The grammar should generate all sentences in the language, i.e. for any s in H, s is also in L(G).

• The grammar should generate only sentences in the language, i.e. for any s in L(G), s is also in H.

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All and Only



H =

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• Basic Problem: L(G) is larger than H

• There are sentences generated by the grammar that are not in H.

• The “only” constraint is violated.

• The grammar is too weak.

• Example: a grammar which ignores number and gender

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• Basic Problem: H is larger than L(G)

• There are sentences in H that are not generated by the grammar.

• The “all” constraint is violated.

• The grammar is too strong.

• Examples (for H = NL): – a grammar which lacks recursion; – a finite state grammar

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Weak and Strong Equivalence

• A grammar/lexicon G generates a characteristic language L(G)

• Grammars G1 and G2 are said to be weakly equivalent if L(G1) = L(G2)

• A grammar G also assigns one or more phrase structures to any s in L(G)

• Weakly equivalent grammars G1 and G2 are said to be strongly equivalent if in addition they assign identical phrase structures to any s in L(G1).

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Weak Equivalence

A a

A aA

A a

A Aa

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Appropriate Structure

• The structure assigned by the grammar should be appropriate.

• The structure should

• Be understandable

• Allow us to make generalisations.

• Reflect the underlying meaning of the sentence.

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• A grammar is ambigious if it assigns two or more structures to the same sentence.

• The grammar should not generate too many possible structures for the same sentence.

• There is a tradeoff between ambiguity and clarity: too much detail can obscure the design principles.

• Too little detail means that the grammar is undercommitted,

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Limitations of CF Grammars

• Simple CF Grammars tend to overgenerate• The only mechanism available to control

overgeneration is to invent new categories.• Proliferation of categories soon becomes

intractable. Problems include– Size of grammar– Understandability of grammar

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Criteria for Evaluating Grammars

• Does it undergenerate?• Does it overgenerate?• Does it assign appropriate structures to

sentences it generates?• Is it simple to understand? How many rules are

there?• Does it contain generalisations or special cases?• How ambiguous is it? How many structures for a

given sentence?

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CF Phrase Structure Rules

s → np vpnp → d Nvp → Vvp → V np(4 rules)

• Nice grammar – but it overgenerates• Solution – invent more categories nps, nppl,

vpsn, vppl etc.

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CF Phrase Structure Ruleswith Number Agreement

s -> nps vps

s -> nppl vppl

nps -> DS NS

nppl -> DPL NPL

vps -> VS

vps -> VS nps

vps -> VS nppl

vppl -> VPPL

vppl -> VPPL nps

vppl -> VPPL nppl

(10 rules)

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Constraints andInformation Structures

• PATR2 handles this problem by augmenting CF rules with constraints between constituents.

• Basic idea is that each constituent of a CF rule is associated with an information structure

• We then express constraints between information structures.

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Example of a PATR rulewith Number Constraints


s -> np vp

<np num> = <vp num>

<s num> = <np num>

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Example of a Grammarwith Number Constraints

s -> np vp<np num> = <vp num><s num> = <np num>

np -> D N<np num> = <D num><D num> = <N num>

vp -> V<vp num> = <V num>

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• Pure CFGs become unwieldy when we try to constrain them to incorporate, for example, agreement information

• PATR2 deals with this problem by associating information structures and constraints with each rule constituent.

• Information structures are often referred to as F-structures.

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Grammar versus Parsing

• A grammar is a description of a language.• A grammar abstractly associates structures with all and

only the strings of the grammar.• A parser is an implementation of an algorithm that

actually discovers the structures assigned by a grammar to a sentence.

• Typically there may be several different parsing algorithms for achieving this.

• Top down strategy• Bottom up strategy

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Parse Tree

A valid parse tree for a grammar G is a tree– whose root is the start symbol for G – whose interior nodes are nonterminals of G – whose children of a node T (from left to right)

correspond to the symbols on the right hand side of some production for T in G.

– whose leaf nodes are terminal symbols of G.

• Every sentence generated by a grammar has a corresponding parse tree

• Every valid parse tree exactly covers a sentence generated by the grammar

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Parsing Problem• Given grammar G and sentence A find all valid

parse trees for G that exactly cover A








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Soundness and Completeness

• A parser is sound if every parse tree it returns is valid.

• A parser is complete for grammar G if for all sL(G)– it terminates– it produces the corresponding parse tree

• For many purposes, we settle for sound but incomplete parsers

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Top Down

• Top down parser tries to build from the root node S down to the leaves by replacing nodes with non-terminal labels with RHS of corresponding grammar rules.

• Nodes with pre-terminal (word class) labels are compared to input words.

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Top Down Search Space

Start node →

Goal node↓

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Bottom Up

• Each state is a forest of trees.

• Start node is a forest of nodes labelled with pre-terminal categories (word classes derived from lexicon)

• Transformations look for places where RHS of rules can fit.

• Any such place is replaced with a node labelled with LHS of rule.

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Bottom Up Search Space

fl fl

fl fl fl

fl fl

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Top Down vs Bottom UpGeneral

• Top down – For: Never wastes

time exploring trees that cannot be derived from S

– Against: Can generate trees that are not consistent with the input

• Bottom up– For: Never wastes

time building trees that cannot lead to input text segments.

– Against: Can generate subtrees that can never lead to an S node.

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Top Down Parsing - Remarks

• Top-down parsers do well if there is useful grammar driven control: search can be directed by the grammar.

• Left recursive rules can cause problems.• A top-down parser will do badly if there are many

different rules for the same LHS. Consider if there are 600 rules for S, 599 of which start with NP, but one of which starts with V, and the sentence starts with V.

• Top-down is unsuitable for rewriting parts of speech (preterminals) with words (terminals). In practice that is always done bottom-up as lexical lookup.

• Useless work: expands things that are possible top-down but not there.

• Repeated work: anywhere there is common substructure

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Bottom Up Parsing - Remarks

• Empty categories: termination problem unless rewriting of empty constituents is somehow restricted (but then it’s generally incomplete)

• Inefficient when there is great lexical ambiguity (grammar driven control might help here)

• Conversely, it is data-directed: it attempts to parse the words that are there.

• Both TD (LL) and BU (LR) parsers can do work exponential in the sentence length on NLP problems

• Useless work: locally possible, but globally impossible.• Repeated work: anywhere there is common substructure

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Development of a Concrete Strategy

• Combine best features of both top down and bottom up strategies.– Top down, grammar directed control.– Bottom up filtering.

• Examination of alternatives in parallel uses too much memory.

• Depth first strategy using agenda-based control.