may 2013 global report

MAY 2013 Thanks to everyone who has donated so far toward the God’s Truth for Africa Matching Challenge! Your gifts will be DOUBLED by the $500,000 fund so every dollar will present God’s Word to SIX children and youth in the heart of Africa! We have made good progress toward the goal, but we still have far to go before the May 31 deadline, and the need is critical. Spanning several nations as it runs from west to east — from West Africa to the Red Sea in the east — is the dangerous region where Christianity, Islam and ancient animist practices clash. Both spiritual darkness and economic need are pervasive. Many within this region have yet to hear the Gospel’s message of hope for the first time. Oil-rich Muslim nations are building schools, mosques, and hospitals in Africa ... But at the same time, by His grace, our partners are using OneHope Scripture Engagement programs to sponsor Bible clubs, bring children into Sunday School, and help plant new churches. This year, we want to reach more than 7.2 million children and youth with God’s Word in this volatile area, known as the Sahel — and the matching challenge will DOUBLE every dollar to help make it happen! PLEASE PRAY: God will provide and meet the need. For the safety of our partners in the region who may be at risk because of Islamic extremism. And for children, youth, and their families to receive the Good News and choose to follow Jesus! God’s Truth for Africa — Matching challenge deadline looms! New hope in Gospel-resistant areas ............... 2 A personal word from President Rob Hoskins............................................... 3 National Day of Prayer................................................ 5 INSIDE THIS ISSUE We cannot share the exact names of nations, villages, or partners with you — the threat of radical Islam is real, and our partners have been greatly persecuted for their faith! Thank you for standing with them, in the face of opposition, to share the Good News with the next generation. Every dollar doubled in impact before May 31!

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OneHope's most recent updates, programs and testimonies from around the world can be found in our Global Report.


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Thanks to everyone who has donated so far toward the God’s Truth for africa matching Challenge!

your gifts will be DOUBLED by the $500,000 fund so every dollar will present God’s Word to SIX children and youth in the heart of africa!

We have made good progress toward the goal, but we still have far to go before the may 31 deadline, and the need is critical.

Spanning several nations as it runs from west to east — from West africa to the Red Sea in the east — is the dangerous region where Christianity, Islam and ancient animist practices clash.

Both spiritual darkness and economic need are pervasive. many within this region have yet to hear the Gospel’s message of hope for the first time.

Oil-rich muslim nations are building schools, mosques, and hospitals in africa ... But at the same time, by His grace, our partners are using OneHope

Scripture Engagement programs to sponsor Bible clubs, bring children into Sunday School, and help plant new churches.

This year, we want to reach more than 7.2 million children and youth with God’s Word in this volatile area, known as the Sahel — and the matching challenge will DOUBLE every dollar to help make it happen!

Please Pray:

God will provide and meet the need.

For the safety of our partners in the region who may be at risk because of Islamic extremism.

and for children, youth, and their families to receive the Good News and choose to follow Jesus!

God’s Truth for africa —Matching challenge deadline looms!

New hope in Gospel-resistant areas ...............2

A personal word from President Rob Hoskins ...............................................3

National Day of Prayer ................................................ 5

InsIde ThIs Issue

We cannot share the exact names of nations, villages, or partners with you — the threat of radical Islam is real, and our partners have been greatly persecuted for their faith! Thank you for standing with them, in the face of opposition, to share the Good News with the next generation.


New hope in Gospel-resistant areas

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A OneHope partner in a traditionally Muslim and

animistic region of Africa reports that a great revival is taking place — and you are part of it!

“One particular village I have known since I was 12 years old,

100% animist,” Pastor Bomani remembers.

“Parents scar their children’s faces in animistic rituals, genital mutilation of girls is

commonplace. But one day they heard that a neighboring village had

a church, and they became jealous, so they wanted one!”

They asked Pastor Bomani to launch a church in their village. He sent a young man from his

congregation to take the God’s Big Story program to the village, and the children

learned every story by heart! He then showed The GodMan film and distributed the companion Storying Edition Book of Hope.

Today, there is a thriving church of 100 in the village! The new Christians have stopped scarring their faces and practicing female circumcision and are learning to live new, healthier lives in Christ.

Thank you for shining the light of God’s Word in the darkness.


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A personal word from

President Rob Hoskins“The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray.” (I peter 4:7, NIV)

It’s different from what the world tells you if “the end of all things” is near — the world says to rush around checking items off your “bucket list,” or to “eat, drink and be merry.”

But we in the Church have the counter-cultural message of the Gospel to guide us, and it says that we ought to be serious and watchful — and peter goes on to say:

“Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed.” (1 peter 4:12-13, NIV)

The apostle knew that at the end of all things, we’d be living in dangerous times —

I thank God that you are here, with me and OneHope, in this hour of “living dangerously” for His work and His will, willing to suffer for His message, and willing to stand with those who are persecuted for it.

We see it happening in Islamic regions such as africa’s Sahel ... and we place ourselves seriously, watchfully, alongside our african brothers and sisters, in prayer, and in providing the Scripture engagement programs they need so that their sacrifice won’t be in vain.

Thank you for being a part of it! as you read this Global Report, rejoice and praise God with us for what He is doing, and then, please respond to His leading with your gift and your prayers!

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Thank you for your prayers for China — and especially for your prayers for OneHope Founders Bob and Hazel Hoskins as they’ve worked in China and other parts of asia.

Outreaches to young people were forbidden in China for many years, and consequently ministry was concentrated mainly on adults. The problem is that now many Christian parents or grandparents are seeing the younger generation fall away from the Church because they’ve not received proper discipleship and have low Bible literacy.

By God’s grace, our programs can help change this, and bring the next generation of “church” young people back to the faith!

Our spiritual state of the World’s Children research in China shows ...

Chinese young people say they are influenced by the Internet (52%) and movies (54%).

48% say faith is not important.

75% can’t recall a time religious belief changed their behavior.

58% don’t believe spiritual development is necessary for a satisfied life.

you’re touching China’s next generation with the Good news


national day of Prayer for the united statesMay 2, 2013please be sure to be a part of it — the theme is “pray for america,” and the theme Scripture is matthew 12:21, “In His name the nations will put their hope.”

What a great verse for a ministry like OneHope, which proclaims the hope of the Gospel in america and globally! OneHope was birthed out of prayer, and we continue to thrive on the prayers of God’s people.

among our latest partners in global outreach is praise Fm, a radio and internet ministry focused on prayer and worship. They’ve united their 400,000 listeners in prayer for the ministry of OneHope and for reaching the next generation with the Good News.

as you join with them, and millions of believers across the United States, in prayer on that day, please keep these requests in mind ...

pray for america’s leaders, the leaders of our ministry, churches, and partner ministries working with OneHope Scripture engagement programs across america, and the leaders of countries where OneHope is at work.

pray for america’s next generation to turn to God, and for the global youth culture to be redeemed by the power of God’s life-transforming Word.

pray for unity in the Body of Christ and workers of the harvest.

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God’s Word. every Child.a healing ... and two transformations!It was a typical Indian friendship: 12-year-old Hindu and muslim boys who lived in the same neighborhood and were best buds.

(although India’s population is about 80% Hindu, there’s also a strong muslim minority of over 100 million.)

The muslim boy, Salarjung, had gone to play at the house of palasharajan, his Hindu friend, but things were tense there: palasharajan’s sister had been suffering a high fever for weeks on end, and the family feared for her life.

When a Christian pastor came to the house, the family even allowed him to pray for her, hoping to find anything

that would make her well — and just two days later, she was completely healed!

Salarjung and palasharajan were so impressed with the pastor’s prayer, and the results! They went to thank him, and received a gift from him: the Book of Hope. They devoured the stories in the book and went to church to find out more.

Today, both Salarjung and palasharajan have chosen to follow Christ as Savior! They’re attending the local church. palasharajan has even told his family about Jesus and is praying they will soon come to know the Lord as well.


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May 15: International Day of Families ...Global Research Reveals Families Hold Most Sway with Teens


Family experience directly correlates to substance use, sexual experience and academic drive.

Think your teenager is looking to their peers and the internet to solve all of life’s problems? Think again. Teens around the world are still looking to their families for answers.

In honor of International Day of Families, OneHope is sharing its Spiritual State of the World’s Children research findings: the teenage “norm” has gone global — crossing cultural and religious boundaries — and family-life is one of the biggest influences of teen behavior.

“It shows some encouraging results regarding the attitudes and values of youth globally,” said OneHope president Rob Hoskins. “parents are still considered to be

the top influencers in their children’s lives.”

This study of the more than 152,000 13 – 19-year-olds in 44 countries revealed that teens with positive family experiences report more positive

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* Some photos used in this publication are representative of the people whose stories are told. In some cases,

names and location details have been changed to protect those involved.

Founded in 1987, OneHope is an international ministry that is changing lives by sharing Scripture with young

people around the world. Each Scripture program is age specific and customized based on research OneHope

conducts among children and youth, leaders and educators in the countries it works. In collaboration with

churches and ministries — and working with local governments, schools and non-governmental organizations —

OneHope has reached nearly a billion young people in more than 125 countries with a relevant Gospel message.

43% report being very close to their father

63% report being very close to their mother

56% of teens describe their home as a place where they feel safe and loved.

Teens who read the Bible tended to have closer relationships with their parents

outcomes — less substance abuse, sexual behavior and suicidal thoughts and stronger academic drive.

Teens with divorced, unmarried or deceased parents and those that say they have negative family experiences, however, report the most lying, substance abuse and sexual experience.

“Divorced parents should take some comfort in knowing that teens who say they have positive family experiences, report similar positive outcomes to those with married parents,” adds Research Specialist mindy Chandler.

Worldwide, only 56% of teens describe their home as a place where they feel safe and loved. and 63% report being very close to their mother — 43% report being very close to their father. The study also revealed that teens who read the Bible tended to have closer relationships with their parents, especially their mothers, compared to those who do not read the Bible.

The Spiritual State of the World’s Children research is available at no cost to churches and ministries who share OneHope’s vision to reach every child in the world with the Gospel.

May 15: International Day of Families (Continued)