may harvester 2015 (corrected)

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  • 7/21/2019 May Harvester 2015 (corrected)


    Orchard HarvesterOrchard HarvesterMonthly Newsletter of Orchard United Methodist Church

    May 2015May 2015

    MAYYOUGOWITHGODby Rev. Suzanne Goodwin

    T he tulips are up, and the trees are bloomingsigns of new life. High school andcollege graduates are making plans for the next phases of their livessigns of livingforward. Families are making plans for camps and summer vacationspreparing to go.Even our own Rev. Carol is preparing to move forward in her journey of ministry, just asPastor Amy is readying herself to come here.

    Each week the church breathes in and breathes out. It draws us in to reconnect with Godand to be filled with the Holy Spirit. And then it exhales us back out into the world to live

    the lives we were created for. Each of us has a journey and a purpose. We were notmeant to live inside the walls of the church. We were meant to go and doto live and tolove.

    Each week we are sent forth to go. The question isas we move through the glass doorsto head back out into the world, do we take God with us? Or do we leave God right hereso well know where to find Him when we need Him? New life, new beginnings, newchallenges, going, living, loving, and doing are what we are aboutby design: Godsdesign. God is our strength, our purpose, our roadmap, and our fuel. When we go withGod, we are uniquely and powerfully abled to go and live.

    As you look ahead and make plans to go; may you be fully reminded of who and whoseyou are. And may you always Go with God!


    Auction ...................... 4

    Celebrations for

    Rev. Carol .................. 2

    Childrens Ministry...... 6

    CROP Walk ................. 4

    Flower Sale ................ 4

    Funtastiks .................. 5

    Graduates .................. 6

    In the Life of Orchard .. 7

    LAF Activities .............. 5

    Mark Your Calendar .... 8

    New Member Class ..... 3

    Orchard in Mission ...... 4

    Prayer Concerns ......... 7

    Promotion Sunday ...... 6

    Pull Tabs .................... 3

    Social Media ............... 8

    Spotlight Orchard ....... 2

    Summer Choir ............ 1

    Summer Worship ....... 1

    VBS ........................... 6

    SUMMERWORSHIPHOURSBEGIN5/24(office closed 5/25 for Memorial Day)

    As regular programs start to wind down and we headinto Orchards summer season, its time to switch toour summer worship schedule. Beginning May 24,Memorial Day Sunday, we will have a casual worshipservice at 9 am and a more traditional service at 10:30 am.

    SUMMERCHOIRBEGINS5/24Sundays at 9:45 for the 10:30 service

    Have you always wanted to sing with thechoir but dont have time for a weeklycommitment to rehearse? Now is your chance!Summer choir begins on May 24 at 9:45 towarm up and run through the music. Sit withyour family until the time of singing. ContactJamie Reed at (248) 998-3600 for moreinformation.

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    Each month we highlight a group, a friend, or member of Orchard to see how they are finding waysto shine Gods light out in the world. Contact Deanna Kohl if you have a suggestion for a future Spotlight candidate!


    Page 2

    In early December, Rev. Carol announced to herOrchard family that she felt it was time to retire.But God laughs, and Rev. Carol has agood sense of humor. After nineteenyears of serving here at Orchard, Rev.Carol will now be providing part-timeleadership for the United MethodistUnionthe organization that providesspecial funding for new ministry projectsin the Detroit Renaissance District. Nogolf clubs needed.

    Over the nearly two decades of servicehere, Rev. Carol has seen Orchard andits people through growth and change,thick and thin, baptisms, weddings,funerals, a new building addition, andeven (gasp!) the addition of a screen inthe sanctuary! She has preached passelsof sermons, created multitudesof memories, and impacted livesin ways too numerous to count.And through years andchallenges, she has proven to be a visionary andmultifaceted leader as adept in the pulpit as she ischairing the Council on Finance Administration. Butperhaps the most outstanding hallmark of Rev. Carols

    ministry, is her faithful response to Gods leading. In allthings, prayer, grace, and faith-centered discernmentare the foundations of her leadership.

    In nearly forty-three years of ministry, Rev. Carol hasserved just four churches. (In Methodist speak, that

    means wherever shes been, shes been the rightperson for the job!) Mentored by her Aunt Elsie thesecond woman to be ordained as an elder in the Detroit

    Annual ConferenceCarol learned what it was possiblefor a woman to do, and when she felt Gods call at Lak

    Louise one summer, she knew thatordained ministry was her path as well.And when she was ordained in 1973, shwas just the seventh woman to achievesuch an accomplishment! Carol hasworked hard and she is well known andrespected in the Detroit AnnualConference.

    Perhaps one of the most gratifying,rewarding, and heartrending storylines oRev. Carols ministry at Orchard was herfriendship and mentorship of Rev. MargoDexter. Rev. Carol came to Orchard asMargo was preparing to go to seminaryand pursue ordination as a deacon. Ovetime they became close friendshiking,

    climbing, leading tours to theHoly Land, and ministeringtogethersisters by choice, ifnot by blood. Their journey

    together through Margos fight with, and ultimate loss

    to breast cancer led both women to a deeperunderstanding of what it means to live as people offaith, certain of the promise of the resurrection.

    Disclaimer: This Spotlight article does not serve as aeulogy to a career, but as an invitation to celebrate acommitment to ministry that is too large to becontained in a short article. We hope that you willconsider attending one or both of the celebrations

    listed below, where we will celebrate Rev. Carolsservice with Orchard and her life-long commitment toministry in the United Methodist Church.

    A Legacy of Faithfulness

    Friday, May 29 @ 7:00 pmGlen Oaks Country Club

    $40/person + cash barRSVP and payment due nolater than Sunday, May 24

    This event is for adults only.

    Rev. Carols Last SundaySunday, June 14

    Join us in sharing someof Rev. Carols favorite

    worship traditionsat the 9 & 10:30worship services.

    Your invitation and further details about these events will be arriving in your mailbox soon!

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    Approximately 27.6 pounds of aluminum pull tabshave been collected from Orchard members overthe past 18 months. These tabs are now packaged andready to deliver to the Ronald McDonald House next toChildrens Hospital, part of the DMC Detroit Medical

    Center. The funds generated from recycling thesealuminum pull tabs help offset Ronald McDonald Houseexpenses which helps benefit the families who staythere while their children are hospitalized.

    Since 2003, Orchard has donated quantities of pull tabs

    to the McDonald House at the DMC about every 18 -24months. We thank all the OUMC members who havecontributed in the past and will continue to contributein the future. So every time you open a soup can,

    pop can or aluminum can with a tab, save it in a familydesignated spot and drop them off at Orchard in theChildrens Ed Office. There are containers just inside

    the door on the left side marked for Ronald McDonald


    2014 VBS drama used 5000 pull tabs when DavidAlbery retold the Feeding of the 5000 in order toillustrate to our children the amount of 5000 of

    something. Those 5000 tabs weighed about 3 lbs.

    and 3 oz. Consequently, we are guesstimating that th27.6 pounds being donated is approximately 41,000-42,000 pull tabs. What FUN! Keep helping us collectthose tabs!

    Page 3

    Sunday, May 3 at 6:30 pm

    Considering membership at Orchard UMC? Join Rev. Car

    and Rev. Suzanne on Sunday, May 3 for an informal

    discussion about faith and connection at Orchard. Well

    gather in the parlor for some refreshments and discussio

    and be done by 8:00 pm Childcare is available upon req

    Thank YouDear Church Family,

    Just wanted to say Thank You! for your generosity andsupport. Because of you, our Kitchen Shower was a greatsuccess!

    I am happy that so many of you came down to see theMAC Kitchen. Your support for the changes that beenmade in the MAC Kitchen policies is greatly appreciated.

    I want to thank Barbara Van Haren, Peggy Conrad, SueDarold, Sue Scott, and Joyce Frazee for helping me detailand wash everything before putting them back in thekitchen. A special thanks goes to Randy Hall for giving

    200+ hours of his time to help me get the kitchencleaned and organized.

    It is my privilege to serve as your Kitchen Facilitatorand help your event run smooth from the kitchenside. There is an Information/Training class scheduledfor Sunday, May 17 at 10:10,between services. If you haveany questions about the MACKitchen, please don't hesitate tocall me at (502) 648-9607.

    Love in Christ,

    Frances Childress


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    Orchard in MissionOrchard in Mission

    Page 4

    CROP HUNGERWALKSunday, May 3 at 1:30 pm

    It is NOT too late to sign up to walk in the May 3rdCROP Hunger Walkor to sponsor someone who is walking in this 2 or 6 mile trek! This walk,

    now in its 30th year in Farmington/West Bloomfield, is part of the nearlyseven decades of effort by Church World Service to "build a world wherethere is enough for all." Please help us to support their goal of meetingpeople where they are and helping them create solutions they canmaintain --- and build on. Visit their website at donate by scanning the code, or going online to www.cropwalk.organd locating our Orchard team! 25% of the money raised goes to supporthunger programs in our own community.

    Donate online by scanning above codor go to Clion Michigan, then Farmington/WestBloomfield Walk, then Donate by Tea(look for Orchard UMC and click on ateam member). You can even addyourself to Team Orchard!

    Strolling Under the Stars

    Our community outreach auction isSaturday, May 2, 2015. The doors open at6:30 pm to begin strolling under the star-litdecorations in the MAC. Youll enjoy delicioushors doeuvres and dessert, beverages, liveentertainment, and the company of friendsand family!

    The money raised at this event will be used tohelp others through mission outreachprograms, including Rebuilding Together andthe Fusion Mission Teams trip this summer.You can purchase tickets by calling the churchoffice at (248) 626-3620, or at the door!

    Tickets available at the door!

    Invite family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors so they can see howwere making a difference in the world!

    Pick up your flowers on Saturday, May 16

    from 9 am to Noon

    Childrens Ministry Fundraiser 2015
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    Page 5

    Opportunities at Orchard!Opportunities at Orchard!

    Saturday, June 6 @ 6 pm

    Join LAF (Life After Fifty) for their second annual KickOff the Summer potluck! This event is hosted byDonna and John You. Please bring $5/couple or$3/single to cover the cost of meat and paper produc

    More details for this event are on the LAF page ofOrchard website! RSVP to the Youngs by May 31 at(248) 489-0881 [email protected].

    FUNTASTIKSPLANNINGEVENTSFORMAY& JUNEThe Funtastiks, our Seniors social group, are planning more outings for May and June!

    On Sunday, May 3 at 2 pm, "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying"

    at the Farmington Players Barn. Only two tickets left! Contact Jo Ann Cline at (248

    553-3686 if you want to get in on this fun!

    Wednesday, June 3 at 11:30 am will be lunch and a movie at Orchard.

    Come and join your Funtastik friends as they watch Elsa and Fred, the

    story of two people who, at the end of the road, discover that its nevertoo late to love and make dreams come true. Salad and dessert will beprovidedbring a sandwich if youd like. Sign up in the church office;contact JoAnn Cline for more details.

    Page 5

    Thursday, May 7 beginning at 10 am

    The National Day of Prayer is deeply rooted in our countrys

    history, from the Second Continental Congress resolution in1775 to observe a day of humiliation, fasting and prayer to 1952,when a federal statute recognized a day of prayer to be observed

    annually, to 1988, when that law was amended making the first

    Thursday of May the Annual National Day of Prayer.

    Orchard will observe this special prayer time on Thursday, May 7 at

    10 am when our chapel (south end of south wing) will be available all

    day for individuals use. You are encouraged to come in and pray forour nation, our leaders, our people.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    Page 6


    In this season of graduation, Orchard is proud to acknowledge all of its high school and college graduates as

    they move on to new and exciting challenges in their lives. Please hold them in your prayers, and join us at the

    11:00 service on Sunday, May as we recognize thirteen local high school graduates from the class of 2015:

    Garrett Center (North Farmington-NFHS), Cameron Derian (Bloomfield Hills HS), Brooke Dunning (NFHS),

    Maura Erlich (NFHS), Kristen Gallett (Farmington HS), Julianna Jackson (West Bloomfield HS), Allison Mann

    (NFHS), Lauren Mann (NFHS), Kara McGlashan (NFHS), Evan McMurray (NFHS), Miranda Roode

    (Clarenceville), Beth Shrosbree (NFHS), and Spencer Wright (Catholic Central).

    Promotion SundayMay 17 at both services

    A ll children, Nursery through 6th grade, are askedto come to church and enjoy a celebration oftheir Power Progress as they are promoted into nextyears program.Graduates will receive a gift from thecongregation to recognize their hard work and begreeted by their next years teacher. Cake and lem-onade will be provided for kids during Power Hour.

    Summer ScheduleBegins Sunday, May 24

    Memorial Weekend begins our summer schedule wa hiatus from Power Hour for the summer. HoweveWOW will continue to Worship Our Waythroughoutthe summer as we review what we have learned, docrafts and even get outside for some fun activities!

    VBS Coming Your Way!July 13-17

    Its coming fast and with great G-Force! Vacation Bible SchoolEarly Registration begins May 1! Your$40 registration fee includes a logo T-Shirt and a CD with all the exciting VBS music! Maximum familyprice will be $75. Late Registration will be accepted after June 15, and will include a CD and a t-shirttransfer for you to make your own t-shirt. VBS is for children preschool through 5thgrade. (Minimum age is3 years.) You can register by going to (you can get there by scanningthe code above) or by visiting our table in the Narthex beginning Sunday, May 17.

    To find out how you can volunteer or help by donating to our decoration wish list, please stop by the tablein the Narthex or see Meghann Snyder. Copies of our wish list will also be available at the Connection Pointand at the table outside of the WOW room.

    Its time to fuel up and get ready for VBS!

    Childrens and Youth MinistryChildrens and Youth Ministry
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    Kevin Aherns friends,the Rebandt family

    Cathy Alberys friend,Cindy Grogan Early

    Beverly Browns friends,the family of HannahCampbell

    Meg Budd's husband'sgrandmother,Lorraine Budd

    Kay BurnsBob Bussers mother,

    Janet BusserSandy Catherman

    and her cousinJerry and Diana Chilsons

    daughter, Candy, andJerrys dad

    The Coleman familyValerie Costellos friends,

    the Ferriss familyJeanette DomolMorgan Drossos friendRussell GrimesMarcia Harmons great-niece,

    Jordan, and her aunt, Pat

    Melissa Harrisons niece,Marah Daniels

    Barbara Hayters son, PaulFiona Heads grandmother,

    MarleneDiane Holdens daughter, LindaLisa Jacksons father,

    Larry JacksonRev. Carol Johns cousin,

    Daniel GualdoniJean Joy

    Anthony Kosibas mother, PatJackie Lawrences aunt,

    Nellie SamsonJim LoweMary Maniers father,

    Marvin McCallumBob MarkMissie McSweeneys sister,Millie Speed and family friend,

    Paul HanoshMorells friends, Kate and

    Nick, and their unborn

    twinsThom Parkers brother,

    Jim ParkerAnn Roesers mother, Mary

    Lynn Colwell

    Michelle Rosenblums sister,Tova

    Louise RudnickBruce Sakachs father,

    Ray SakachDebbie Sakachs cousins,

    the Harris family and herfriend, Donna York

    Laurie and David SartiJohn Scotts friend, TomMarion Seeber

    Mary SlucterBrad Snider and familySusan SniderDon StacyAmy Stanis friend, Lauren

    and her parentsMargie Tatems niece, BeckyCharlene ThiedeMary Ann Trenkles friend,

    Connie Jarah, and sister,Pat May

    Mari Anne Wilks friend, Jim,

    the Dawe family, and hergrandmother,Sylvia Judd

    Karen Wagners momBetsy Watson

    INTHELIFEOFORCHARDConnecting people to God to each other and to the best parts of themselves!


    In the life of Orchard, we believe in the power of prayer.Join us in intercession, thanksgiving, celebration, and remembrance.

    Let us pray...


    Dear Church Family,Thanks to all who contributedgoodies to the wonderful Eastbaskets we delivered to theFarmington Salvation Army tobe distributed to children inneed! They were beautiful anbountiful!

    The Wednesday Lad

    Bible St


    Randy Halls cousin,Barb Crocker(April 25)

    Nancy Hubbs(April 27)

    Thom Parkers sister,Amelia Parker Copen(April 27)

    eghann and Betsy hang the kids paintings for

    aster Sunday (check out the sanctuary walls on our

    acebook page!).

    Several people stopped in for a tour of the bright and

    shiny MAC Kitchen!Construction on the MAC stage is now complete (th

    Helpers at the April 25 Rebuilding

    Together day.

    Lesley and Eli Bonsky at one of the fun activity stations in the MAC on

    Easter Sunday. Tyler rejoiced during our April 26

    Rockin the Resurrection worship


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    Orchard United Methodist Church

    30450 Farmington Road

    Farmington Hills MI 48334-1939


    The Orchard Harvesteris the newsletter of Orchard United Methodist Church.The June 2015 Harvester deadline is May 12, 2015.

    E-mail articles may be directed to Deanna Kohl at: [email protected]

    Pastors: Rev. Carol J. Johns and Rev. Suzanne K. GoodwinWorship Services at 9:00 & 11:00 am Christian Education at 10:00 am

    Summer Worship Hours beginning May 24 at 9:00 & 10:30 am

    Phone 248 626-3620 Fax 248 626-6836 Web Site:

    Non-Profit Org

    US Postage


    Farmington, M

    PERMIT No. 21


    Page 8

    Find us, like us, share with us, and shareus with others on Facebook, Twitter, andInstagram!

    Saturday, May 2 Rebuilding Together (FH)Saturday, May 2 Community Outreach Auction (6:30)Sunday, May 3 Graduation Sunday

    Crop Walk (1:30)New Members Class (6:30)

    May 14-17 Annual ConferenceSaturday, May 16 Flower Pick-Up

    Parenting with Grace (7, offsite)Sunday, May 17 Promotion Sunday

    MAC Kitchen Training

    Sunday, May 24 Summer Worship Hours Begin(9 & 10:30)

    Monday, May 25 Memorial Dayoffice closedFriday, May 29 Toast to Rev. Carol @ Glen Oaks

    (adults only reception)Sunday, May 31 ConfirmationSunday, June 14 Rev. Carols last Sunday

    Celebration of Ministry for Rev. Carol(All-Church in the Sanctuary and MAC)

    June 20-27 Youth Mission TripSunday, July 5 Rev. Amys first SundayJuly 13-17 Vacation Bible SchoolAugust 10-14 F.R.O.G. Week