may07 news

I have always wondered how God could have created everything out of nothing. Though I totally believe and have believed the creation account from my earliest youth, I never quite understood how this could be. I knew that if one day I could understand how God did create something out of seemingly nothing then we could also use the same principles to see the creative handiwork of God again in our day. It says in Hebrews 11:3 that everything that was made was made of things that are not visible. It does not say that God created everything out of nothing. It simply states what kind of things He used — invisible things. The more I meditated on this the more the entire creation account made perfect sense. It clearly says, “things which are seen were not made of things which do appear .” So what are these invisible things that He used to create everything? To get a glimpse let’s check out the creation account in Genesis 1:1-2: “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the eart h was witho ut form, and void ; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.” The first invisible thing God did was to send His own Spirit or Glory upon the earth. The first ingredient is the Glory . Once you are in a Glory Zone anything is possible. God used His own Spirit as the first major ingredient that is not visible . Let’s look at the next verse: “And God said, Let there be light: and there was light” (Genesis 1:3). The second invisible ingred ient is sound or sound waves News from Sid Roth’s Messianic Vision and It’s Supernatural! Television The family with a Jewish heart. Who says to Zion,“Your God reigns!” ISAIAH 52:7 Number 0703, May 2007 Extreme Creative Miracles By David Herzog Excerpt from David Herzog’s brand new book, Glory Invasion. (See orde r information on page 3.) David and Stephanie Herzog continued on page 2 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. Hebrews 11:3 For He Himself is our peace, who has made both [Jews and Gentiles] one, and has broken down the middle wall of division …so as to create in Himself one new man from the two…. EPHESIANS 2:14-15 Welcome to the Family with a Jewish Heart! In 1977, Sid Roth started Messianic  Vis ion . Si d’s hea rt’s des ire is to r eac h out with the good news of the Messiah, “to the Jew first” (Romans 1:16 KJV ). This is not just God’s historical order for spreading the gospel, but also His eternal spiritual order. When we follow this “law of evangelism,” God opens a supernatural door to reach greater numbers of Gentiles. God’s heart is to reach all people. His strategy is “to the Jew first.” Yeshua (Jesus) creates “The One New Man” from Jews and Gentiles.  Jes us c ame to br eak down the wall of separation between Jew and Gentile. The Messiah was a Jew, and the first believers were Jews. But how did something that started so Jewish become the opposite of Jewishness? God’s answer for restoration is the creation of “One New Man” congregations in Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) as stated in Ephesians 2:14-16. He wants to reconcile His “family” which has grown apart for centuries.  Whe n th is h app ens , th e sta ge i s set for worldwide revival.

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Page 1: May07 News


Ihave always

wondered how God

could have created

everything out of nothing.

Though I totally believe

and have believed the

creation account from my earliest youth, I never quite understood how this could be.

I knew that if one day I could understand how God did create something out of 

seemingly nothing then we could also use the same principles to see the creative

handiwork of God again in our day.

It says in Hebrews 11:3 that everything that was made

was made of things that are not visible. It does not say

that God created everything out of nothing. It simply

states what kind of things He used — invisible things.

The more I meditated on this the more the entire creation

account made perfect sense.

It clearly says, “things which are seen were not made

of things which do appear.” So what are these invisible

things that He used to create everything?

To get a glimpse let’s check out the creation account

in Genesis 1:1-2: “In the beginning God created the heaven

and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void;

and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon

the face of the waters.”

The first invisible thing God did was to send His own Spirit or Glory upon the

earth. The first ingredient is the Glory. Once you are in a Glory Zone anything is

possible. God used His own Spirit as the first major ingredient that is not visible.

Let’s look at the next verse: “And God said, Let there be light: and there was light”

(Genesis 1:3). The second invisible ingredient is sound or sound waves

News from Sid Roth’s Messianic Vision and It’s Supernatural!  Television

The family with a Jewish heart. Who says to Zion,“Your God reigns!” ISAIAH 52:7 

Number 0703, May 2007 

ExtremeCreativeMiraclesBy David Herzog

Excerpt from David Herzog’s

brand new book, Glory

Invasion. (See order

information on page 3.)

David and Stephanie Herzog

continued on page 2

Through faith we

understand that the

worlds were framed

by the word of God,

so that things which

are seen were not

made of things

which do appear.

Hebrews 11:3For He Himself is our peace, who has

made both [Jews and Gentiles] one,

and has broken down the middle wall

of division …so as to create in Himself 

one new man from the two….


Welcome to the Familywith a Jewish Heart!

In 1977, Sid Roth started Messianic

 Vision. Sid’s heart’s desire is to reach

out with the good news of the

Messiah, “to the Jew first” (Romans

1:16 KJV ). This is not just God’s

historical order for spreading the

gospel, but also His eternal spiritual

order. When we follow this “law

of evangelism,” God opens a

supernatural door to reach greater 

numbers of Gentiles. God’s heart

is to reach all people. His strategy

is “to the Jew first.”

Yeshua (Jesus) creates

“The One New Man”

from Jews and Gentiles.

 Jesus came to break down the wall

of separation between Jew and

Gentile. The Messiah was a Jew, and

the first believers were Jews. But how 

did something that started so Jewish

become the opposite of Jewishness?

God’s answer for restoration is the

creation of “One New Man”

congregations in Messiah Yeshua

(Jesus) as stated in Ephesians 2:14-16.

He wants to reconcile His “family”

which has grown apart for centuries.

 When this happens, the stage is set

for worldwide revival.

Page 2: May07 News


as they are called

today. God spoke

and everything was

created. How did

sound create the earth

and stars and then

everything else in

the same manner by

simply declaring them

to be created? Once

the atmosphere of the

Glory and presence of 

God was on the earth,

all God had to do was

speak into His own

cloud of Glory. Once

you are in the Glory

Zone and you also

speak things out

that God is telling

or showing you,

they start to be created at that moment.

There is a difference in just saying

words flippantly as opposed to prophetically

declaring with conviction those same words

when you are in a zone or atmosphere of His

Glory. Why is that? He is the Creator so, if you

follow the same pattern of waiting for His

Glory to come and then speak out what He

is saying, the same things will follow.

Recent discoveries have revealed that the

smallest particle that exists is not the electron

or the neutron.When you take the smallest

atom known to man and split it up one more

time, there is one particle inside the smallest

particle.This smallest particle is known as

sound or sound waves. Sound waves are the

smallest living substance unseen by the

human eye that is at the core of every created

thing. Now the Scripture that says,“the stones

would…cry out” (Luke 19:40) makes more

sense. Sound was the main ingredient that is

the base composition of all created things.

God spoke them and then they were created.

Therefore, sound waves are imbedded in

every created thing.

According to Genesis, man was created

from the dust. In Hebrew the word dust does

not mean dirt. It actually means,“smallest

created particle.” We now know that the

smallest particle is a sound wave, the building

block and first ingredient of all things created.

So now we can say that man was created

with the ingredient of “sound waves.”

Also, it is now being discovered that

sound waves actually respond to the spoken

word. So if this is true then every created

thing can “hear” in a sense and respond in

some way as all things created were first

created with the same core ingredients —

sound and the Glory or presence of God.

In the book of Psalms, God commands the

sun, moon and stars to praise Him. He even

commands mountains and hills to praise Him.

Why would an intelligent God command an

object that cannot respond to worship Him?

In fact creation has the ability to hear, listen,

obey, respond and worship.Every living thing

actually can and does respond. In quantum

physics, it is now a known fact that if you

study an object it will respond in a certain

way because you were observing it, thus it

knows it is being observed.

Recently, an experiment was conducted

to see what kinds of sounds were coming

from cancer cells in cancer patients. What

the scientists found was startling.The sounds

were morbid,dark and out of tune playing

almost evil melodies of confusing and terrible

sounds. Cancer is a destructive force that is

releasing bad sound waves and not worship

to God.You can command the cancer to die in

 Jesus’ name. If you speak to the cancer while

in the presence of God and in faith, believing


St. Joseph of 


(1603-1663) was

often referred to

as “the flying

Friar.” He was

known as an

“air head” in the

sense that he was always in the

Spirit and seemed oblivious and

unshaken by anything in the

natural world. He was not

accepted into the Franciscan order 

because they considered him too

focused on God. He was sent

from one monastery to another 

and finally they let him become

a priest by the age of 25.

 Joseph had extensive visions

and heavenly trances triggered

by simple things such as music

or hearing the name of Jesus.

He would be found floating off the

 ground simply upon hearing the sweet 

name of Jesus. There are more than

70 recorded instances of Joseph

floating in air, along with

numerous miraculous healings

that were “not paralleled in the

reasonably authenticated life of 

any other saint,” according to

Butler’s Lives of the Saints.*

 The most radical instance of 

flight was when a group of monks

was trying to place a large cross

on the top of a church building.

 The cross was 36 feet high, taking

the efforts of 10 men to lift, when

suddenly, Joseph flew 70 yards,

picked it up “as if it were straw”

and put it in place.

*New York: Harper Collins, © Burns and Oates, 1991.

I knew that if 

one day I could

understand how

God did create

something out

of seemingly

nothing then we

could also use

the same

 principles to see

the creative

handiwork of 

God again in

our day.

Extreme Creative Miracles

Look closer Page one continued

By David Herzog

Page 3: May07 News


and understanding that the cancer can hear

you and respond, it will die.

So if created objects can respond because

they themselves have sound emanating from

them,then God is showing us more of how

He operated through Jesus and the prophets.

When Jesus commanded the fig tree to wither,

it was actually able to respond because it was

created with the capacity to hear and obey.

Objects that can worship like the rocks,

mountains and trees then are able to

communicate to God.They not only hear and

understand but also reply and worship God.

Human bodies also respond to the

spoken Word of God. We are seeing many

people receive instant weight loss in our

meetings. One man in Tennessee lost 70

pounds in one service after a word of 

knowledge. In the first night of meetings in

Las Vegas, about 20 people lost 5 dress sizes.

God can take the fat cells off people just as

easily as they can put them on.

As you start to meditate on how big God

really is, you begin to believe and then you

start to see the same miracles in your own

life.We have also seen many miracles of 

financial provision in our meetings.Some will

give in the offering and then immediately find

money in their pockets and purses. Others

later discover thousands of dollars in their

bank account that were not there before.

In the Scriptures,God did the same types

of miracles such as supernaturally providing

resources for the widow, multiplying the

loaves and fish,and

turning water into wine.

 Jesus prospered Peter

with so many fish He

could not hold them all,

when the night before

He could catch nothing.

And the list goes on.

We are seeing more and more bald people

receive instant hair growth in our meetings.

In Prescott,Arizona one lady received hair

growth as we watched!! We actually

witnessed her bald spots filling in before our

eyes. Another man in Augusta, Georgia had

hair appear instantly on top of his head where

he was totally bald and

the color of his hair

turned back to its

original dark color

from white.We have

also seen white haired

people receive their

hair color back. It is

an amazing thing to

watch. God cares about

every hair on our head,

how much more the

more pressing needs

and problems in our life?

I truly believe that these examples

from the Bible and recent history are only

foreshadows and glimpses of what the last

day church will look like and do.Many

unbelievers are now being seduced by the

New Age as they search for the supernatural.

Will we rise to the occasion as Moses did

with his rod and challenge the current power?

Or will we run away from opportunities to

demonstrate God’s Glory? Who will lead

the next generation to the one true God

of all power and love?

Scriptures from the King James Version, emphasis added.

Family resources

David Herzog has learned how

to speed up the manifestations

of our prayers by speaking God’s

 Word when you enter God’s Glory.

 While in God’s Glory, David received

revelation to help us enter this

dimension. Glory Invasion is a

mandatory mentoring tool for the

next and greatest and perhaps final

move of God’s Spirit. Available for

a donation of 

$20 ($28


 When you order 

David’s book,

we will include

a free audio

CD with an

excerpt from

an interview

I recorded with

R.W. Schambach.

R.W. describes

the greatest

miracle he


under the ministry of 

A.A. Allen. He also prays for an

impartation of the miracle anointing

for those who listen.

mishpochah May 2007

Copyright ©2007. “Family” in Hebrew, Mishpochah

is the newsletter for Sid Roth’s Messianic Vision.

Please contact us to receive a complimentary 

six-month subscription. Published bi-monthly by:

Messianic Vision, Inc., PO Box 1918, Brunswick,

Georgia 31521; Phone for subscriptions and

credit card orders 800-548-1918;

Phone for other inquiries 912-265-2500;

Email [email protected];

Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture taken from the New King

 James Version. Copyright ©1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson,

Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Emphasis added.

Sid’s Selections

 As you start

to meditate on

how big God

really is, you

begin to believe

and then you

start to see the

same miracles

in your own life.

Page 4: May07 News


Fasten your seat belt. Get ready for 

the ride of your life! God’s extreme

Glory is about to invade earth.

Kathryn Kuhlman prophesied of this

day. She saw believers going into

hospitals and everyone was healed!

My friend, David Herzog, a Jewish

believer in Yeshua, asked me to speak at

a tent meeting in February in Miracle

 Valley, Arizona, the former location

of A.A. Allen’s ministry.

I saw miracles take place before my 

very eyes that I had only previously heard

about. Many people received gold teeth

or fillings. I saw one man who instantly 

lost so much weight he had to hold up

his pants. He took his pants in, but the

next day he instantly lost weight again

and again had to hold up his pants!

One woman who had long gray hair 

supernaturally had a portion turn brown.

Each day at the conference her hair 

turned more brown! (Please see photos

on page 3.)

 While worshipping God, I felt water 

being poured on my head. I turned

around to see who poured the water,

but no one was there. Then I touched

my head and it was dry. At the same

time, the air was filled with the scent of 

the most beautiful perfume. The two

people next to me also experienced the

water and perfume at the same time.

End-time anointings are being

poured out.

 The greater Glory will be

poured out when Jew and

Gentile come together to

form the One New Man.

 The Body of Messiah is

incomplete without the Jew and

incomplete without the Gentile.

 This is God’s moment for the

same Glory that was on Yeshua

to be on us!

 This is why God is

expanding our television show 

in the secular arena. As I write, a very 

creative advertising agency is preparing a

newspaper advertisement for Israel and

New York City. This is God’s moment to

have mercy on the Jewish people. Please

partner with me in the

greatest revival in history.

Reserve the dates

August 23-25, 2007 to

attend our One New Man

Celebration Conference.

I believe it will birth

something historic in the

Spirit. I have invited my most anointed

friends to teach and demonstrate the

power of God. God has put together the

major ingredients of the One New Man.

 We need a new paradigm for the church

to contain this new One New Man

extreme Glory. Those who attend will

be under the fountain of this new 

outpouring and supernaturally equipped.

 We have reserved the old PTL Grand

Hotel that has been renovated by my 

friend, Rick Joyner, in Fort Mill, South

Carolina. Speakers will include:

Paul Wilbur (many consider him the

most anointed Messianic Jewish psalmist

of our generation), David Herzog (see

lead article), Rabbi Curt Landry (travels

with T.L. Osborne and moves in the same

miracles), Diane Nutt (equips people to

walk in the Glory 24/7), Kathie Walters

(many people she has prayed for have

visited heaven), Alyosha Ryabinov

(a Russian Jewish concert pianist who

releases the Glory through music) and

many more. Visit our web site at for more details.

And speaking of our web site, you

may have noticed our brand new look 

and features! We are positioned

to mentor you to fulfill your destiny

and reach large numbers of Jewish


Many secular 


doors are

opening all

at once. We

need you to

sow into this

God-given moment for the greatest

 Jewish revival in history. I believe those

who partner with us will also partake

of the anointing on this ministry.


Sid Roth’s Perspective

Many of the pictures of the Miracle Valley event showed

strange lights in the atmosphere that we believe were angels.

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