maya global pd 1

A.M- downfall, religion S.C-geography, government S.S- Global pd 1 1200 BC- 400 BC

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our global project for 1st period on the mayan society.


Page 1: Maya global pd 1

A.M- downfall, religionS.C-geography, governmentS.S-

Global pd 1

1200 BC- 400 BC

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Located in the Guatemala. Tikal is bounded by rivers to the east and west that go into the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico.Wetlands provided fertile areas for agriculture.Maya’s homeland was from southern Mexico to northern Central America.Had a highland and lowland region; located on the Yucatan Peninsula.In peninsula is hot and humid because it is in the tropics and near the coast. The climate of the Highlands greatly contrasted with that of the Lowlands as it was much cooler and drier. The highlands were rich in obsidian, jade, and other valuable metals that Mayans used to develop a lively trade. They also grew squash, beans, chili peppers, amaranth, manioc, cacao, cotton for light cloth.The lowlands are a limestone shelf bordered on the north and west by the Gulf of Mexico and on the east by the Caribbean Sea. The northern lowland climate is hot and has little to no rain. They only had cenotes which were large sinkholes filled with rainwater.The southern lowlands consist of rainforest and savannas and their rivers were linked to the Usumacinta River.

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Mayan society was divided into seperate city-states. Each city-state was ruled by a noble family. The kingdoms were controlled by dynasties which claimed they descended from The Hero TwinsOne of the most famous Maya rulers was Lord Pacal.

Pacal was a king for about 50 years before he died. When his tomb was discovered he was wearing a jade death mask

Each king was regarded as a holy figure, and the throne was passed down to the eldest sonThe government was ruled by priests and kings - the priests had fantastic power; they ruled cities, led ceremonies, and performed other jobs.Others were elected to help the nobles run the city-states; judges, warriors and a council or elders were necessary

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Religion was a key factor in Mayan lifeThe king was a holy figure and on the top of the social classes although that did not ensure him a place in heaven.The Mayans were polytheistic, believing in many god such as the gods of corn, death, rain and war.Games were played in ball courts to maintain the cycles of the sun and moon and to bring rain.Believed that each day represented a different god, so they made a calendar to be prepared for the behavior of the different god each day.Worshipped in temple-pyramids, palaces and observatories, all hand made w/out metals tools and all contain beautiful stone carvings, representing religious beliefs.

They also believed that Jaguar was their underworld in which people would have their afterlife, after going a dangerous soul expedition.The Mayans had religious rituals that included human sacrifice, where they nourished the gods with their blood.Their religious beliefs gradually connected with astronomy, mathematics and the production of their calendar.Believed that each day represented a different god, so they made a calendar to be prepared for the behavior of the different god each day.The religious calendar was created based on the position of the planets, sun and moon and was a 260 day calendar.Solar calendar: 18, 20 day monthsIn addition, both calendars were linked and helped to determine the best time to plant crops, the best time to interact in war, and the beginning of new rulers reign.

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Maya cities were linked together by trade alliances - trade played an important role in connecting the empireSalt, flint, feathers, shells, honey, cotton, textile, and jade ornaments were popular productsCacao beans sometimes severed as currencyThe Maya farmed maize, beans, and squash - these crops were the foundation of Mayan life. Used different farming techniques, some unique to their society (see Advancements and Innovations), such as slash-and-burn agriculture and a method of planting crops of raised beds above swamps and hillside terraces. Having several productive farming techniques allowed Mayan farmers to produce copious amounts of food

Trade and Agriculture

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Sophisticated farming technique of planting crops on raised beds above swamps and on hillside terraces that allowed farmers to grow large amounts of food Used obsidian to make tools and weaponsUsed glyphs, which stood for whole words or syllables, as a writing systemUsed codex (bark paper book) to record historical events Developed a calendar and math system, and also ideas in astronomy

260 day religious calendar, consisting of twelve 13 day monthsa second 365 day solar calendar, consisting of eighteen 20 day monthsbased calendars off study of the moon, planets and sun; made possible by using a math system that included the concept of zero

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The Maya were influenced strongly by the Olmec. The Maya were also incredibly in touch with nature - in their religion, government, agriculture, and innovations During the Classic Period (AD 250 - 900) the Maya flourished

built Tikal (major city)cities were full of giant pyramids, temples, palaces and elaborate stone carvings of the gods, and even ball courtsurban centers were often found in the rainforest

The Maya were knowledgeable of mathematics and astronomy Their population was relatively small, and very few actually lived in the urban centersNoble class (priests, leading warriors) followed by Merchants, and then peasants made up class systemThe Mayan had specific ideas about beauty

prized a long, backward sloping foreheadcrossed-eyesbabies would be altered to achieve these characteristics


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In the late 800's the Mayans deserted a few of their cites, although other cities ( Yucatan. etc.) continued to flourish. No one knows for sure why. Soon the northern Toltec's moved in on the Maya. As a result, culture was changed and the existence of certain cities completely wiped out. The civilization slowly began to weaken. Violence became a problem and people were forced to live in jungles in poverty and famine.When the Spanish arrived in 1500, The Maya were merely a fraction of what they used to be. They were easily overcome.

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"Introduction, Mayan" Welcome to Mayan Kids. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Apr. 2011. <>. "Mayan Religion - ReligionFacts." Religion, World Religions, Comparative Religion - Just the facts on the world's religions.. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Apr. 2011. <>. "The Mayan Calendar | Calendars." Webexhibits. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Apr. 2011. <>. "Tikal Information." CyArk. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Apr. 2011. <>. "heritage key." HK. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Apr. 2011. <>. "Mayan Empire." Mayancountdown. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Apr. 2011. <>. "Mayan Geography and Landscape." MAYAN INDIANS. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Apr. 2011. <>. "Geographical orientation." N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Apr. 2011. <>.