mba 1semster smu assignment

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  • 8/3/2019 MBA 1semster Smu Assignment


    Master of Business Administration Semester IMB0039 - Business Communication (4 credits)Assignment - Set 2Marks 60Note: Each Question carries 10 marks each1. You are the Marketing Manager of a consumer durables company, manufacturing washing

    machines. Write a routine adjustment letter to a customer in response to his routine claim letterrequesting replacement of a defective product (10 marks)

    2. Write a one page press release, highlighting the launch of an innovative new product by yourorganization. (10 marks).

    3. List and briefly explain ten guidelines for writing effective business reports.

    (10 marks).4. You have just completed your MBA from SMU. Write a job application letter in response to anappointment advertisement for a position in your area of specialization, addressed to the HRManager of the organization. (10 marks).

    5. What is a case-based group discussion? What are some of the skills required to participate in acase-based GD? ( 10 marks).

    6. Write your resume with a specific career objective, including all the other standard components.(10 marks).

  • 8/3/2019 MBA 1semster Smu Assignment


    MBA SEMESTER 1MB0040 STATISTICS FOR MANAGEMENT- 4 Credits(Book ID: B1129)Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks)Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions1. (a) Statistics is the backbone of decision-making. Comment.

    (b) Statistics is as good as the user. Comment.2. Distinguish between the following with example.

    (a) Inclusive and Exclusive limits.(b) Continuous and discrete data.(C) Qualitative and Quantitative data(d) Class limits and class intervals.3. In a management class of 100 students three languages are offered as an additional subject viz.Hindi, English and Kannada. There are 28 students taking Hindi, 26 taking Hindi and 16 taking English.There are 12 students taking both Hindi and English, 4 taking Hindi and English and 6 that are takingEnglish and Kannada. In addition, we know that 2 students are taking all the three languages.

    i) If a student is chosen randomly, what is the probability that he/she is not taking any of these threelanguages?ii) If a student is chosen randomly, what is the probability that he/ she is taking exactly one language?4. List down various measures of central tendency and explain the difference between them?

    5. Define population and sampling unit for selecting a random sample in each of the following cases.

    a) Hundred voters from a constituencyb) Twenty stocks of National Stock Exchangec) Fifty account holders of State Bank of Indiad) Twenty employees of Tata motors.6. What is a confidence interval, and why it is useful? What is a confidence level?

  • 8/3/2019 MBA 1semster Smu Assignment


    MBA- I semesterMB0041- Financial & Management Accounting 4 CreditsBook ID- ( B1130 )Assignment Set 1- (60 Marks)Note: Answer all the questions.

    1. Accounting Principles are the rules based on which accounting takes place and these rules are universallyaccepted. Explain the principles of materiality and principles of full disclosure. Explain why these two principles are

    contradicting each other. Your answer should be substantiated with relevant examples. (10 Marks)

    2. Journalize the below transactions, prepare relevant ledger accounts and finally trial balance. . ( 6+6+3 = 15


    M/s Ventak Enterprise Pvt Ltd. 01.01.2009 Started business with cash Rs. 2,00,000

    Goods Rs. 1,00,000 Furniture Rs. 50,000

    01.01.2009 Opened Current Account with Rs. 1,00,000

    02.01.2009 Placed an order with Ritik for the supply of

    goods of the list price of Rs. 1, 00, 00.In

    this connection, we paid 9% of the listprice as an advance by cheque.

    03.01.2009 Ritik supplied goods of the list price of Rs.

    1, 00,000 less 12% trade discount. Packing

    and delivery charges Rs. 1,000.

    04.01.2009 Purchased goods from Murali of the list

    price of Rs. 1,00,000 less 12% trade

    discount and paid him by cheque under a

    cash discount of 5%

    05.01.2009 Received an order from Shyam for supply

    of goods of the list price of Rs. 1, 00,000

    with an advance of 10% of list price.06.01.2009 Supplied the above goods at 10% trade

    discount. Packing and delivery charges Rs.


    07.01.2009 Goods costing Rs. 80,000 sold to Mr X at a

    profit of 20% on sales less 10% trade

    discount and 2% cash discount

    08.01.2009 Goods (cost Rs. 3,000, Sales Price Rs.

    4,000) taken away by the proprietor for his

    personal use.

    09.01.2009 Shyam became insolvent and paid 80 paise

    in a rupee in full and final settlement

    10.01.2009 Paid Ritik 80% on account.

    11.01.2009 Goods (Cost Rs. 3,000 , Sales Price Rs.

    4,000) stolen

    12.01.2009 Paid Life Insurance Premium Rs. 1,000.

    13.01.2009 Cash embezzled by an employee Rs. 1,000.

    3. Explain any two types of errors that are disclosed by trial balance with examples and rectification entry.

    Note - Avoid giving examples given in the self learning material. (10 marks) Summer 2011- May drive

  • 8/3/2019 MBA 1semster Smu Assignment


    4. Let us assume you have been recently appointed as Management Accountant of a small but upcoming firm.

    Your immediate supervisor has asked you to prepare certain financial ratios from the balance sheet of one of their

    clients M/s Vinod Enterprise.

    Liabilities Amount Assets Amount

    Equity Share Capital 50000 Fixed assets 87500

    8% Pref Share


    10000 Investments 25000

    Reserve Fund 40000 Stock 30000

    6% Debentures 20000 Sundry Debtors 13500

    Sundry Creditors 30000 Bank Balance 7000

    P & L account

    Year 2000 - 1000

    2001 - 20000

    21000 Preliminary



    Total 171000 Total 171000

    The director intent to transfer a sum of Rs.5000 out of the current years profit to provision for tax. The financial

    ratios needed are:

    a. Return on capital employed

    b. Current ratio

    c. Fixed assets to networth

    d. Debt - Equity ratio

    e. Return on owners capital. (10 Marks)

    5. A friend of you has approached to help him out in setting his books of accounts in order. Unfortunately he is

    struck with difference in trial balance. Help him in redrafting the trial balance. (5 Marks) Particulars Dr Cr

    1 Stock on 31st Dec,2008 1,92,100

    2 Capital 13,450

    3 Cash in hand 1,4004 Bank Overdraft 9,320

    5 Sales 2,36,400

    6 Purchases 106,400

    7 Returns inward 13,400

    8 Returns outward 2,960

    9 Carriage outward 2,360

    10 Carriage inward 14,260

    11 Salaries 9,600

    12 Wages 3,660

    13 Sundry debtors 16,300

    14 Sundry creditors 37,360

    15 Stock on 1st Jan 2006 94,12016 Land and building 15,000

    17 Plant and machinery 20,900

    18 Trade expenses 2,090

    3,95,540 3,95,540

    6. Explain the accounting treatment of bad debt and provision for doubtful debts with suitable example. (10


  • 8/3/2019 MBA 1semster Smu Assignment


    Masters of Business Administration- Semester 1

    MB0045 Managerial Economics - 4 Credits(Book ID: B1131)

    Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks)

    Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.

    1. Explain what is price elasticity of demand and outline the determinants of price elasticity of demand with


    2. In the newspapers we read about mergers between companies in the same line of business. What are the

    economies of scale that can be availed of with mergers.

    3. Discuss the features of monopolistic competition and the method of price determination in monopolistic


    4. If you were to buy a car, what are the factors that would affect the demand for your purchase.

    5. When factors of production are combined to produce a particular level of output, what would be the effect on

    total product when all factors are kept fixed and only one factor is varied. For example, when the amount of land

    used for producing a particular crop is kept the same, and the other factors of production like labour, fertilisers,

    etc is increased.

    6. A company wishes to project the production requirements of a particular product in the coming years. How willthe company forecast the demand in the coming years, using the trend projection method.