mba 2 sem research methodology (bangalore university) (6)

Report writing Module-7

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Report writing


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Research Reports

Meaning :

A research report is a formal statement of the research process and its results. It narrates the problem studied methods, used for studying it and the findings and conclusion of the study.

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purpose :-

The purpose of a research report is to

communicate to interested persons the

methodology and the results of the study in

such a manner as to enable them to

understand the research process and to

determine the validity of the conclusions.

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The aim of the is not to convince the

reader of the value of the result, but to

convey to him what was done, why it

was done, what was its outcome.

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Characteristics of a Report

A research report is a narrative but authoritative

document on the outcome of a research effort

It presents a highly specific information for a

clearly designated audience.

It is non persuasive as a form of communication.

It is simple, readable and accurate form of


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Functions of a report

It serves as a means for presenting the

problem studied, methods and techniques

used for collecting and analyzing data, the

findings, conclusions & suggestions in an

organized manner.

It serves as a basic reference material for

future use in developing research proposals

in the same or related areas.

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A report serves as a means for judging the

quality of the completed research projects.

It is a means for the evaluating the researcher’s

ability and competence to do research.

It provides factual base for formulating policies

and strategies relating to the subject matter


It provides systematic knowledge on problems

and issues analyzed

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Types of reports

Technical Report :-

this is a comprehensive full report of the

research process and its outcome.

It is primarily meant for academic


It is a formal long report covering all the

aspects of the research process:-

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Contd :-

Introduction, Statement of the problem, Review of

the literature, Scope of the study, Objective of the

study, Conceptual model, Hypotheses, Operational

definition concept.

It is so comprehensive and complete that the study

can be replicated by others.

It follows a specified pattern and consists of several

prefatory sections with appropriate headings and


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Popular report :-

This type of report is designed for an audience

of executive / administrators and other non-

technical users.

The reader is less concerned with

methodological details, but more interested in

studying quickly the major finding and


He is interested in applying the findings to the


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Complicated statistical techniques and tables

need not be used.

Instead pictorial devices may be extensively


The format of this report is different from

that of a technical report :-

After a brief Introduction, Statement of the

problem, Objective of the study,

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An abstract of the findings, conclusion and

recommendations is presented. The methodological details, data analysis

and their discussion are presented in the second part.

More headlines, underlining, pictures and graphs may be used.

Sentences & paragraphs should be short.

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Interim Report :-

When there is a long time between data

collection and the presentation of the result

in the case of the sponsored project, the

study may lose its significance and usefulness

& the sponsor may also lose interest in it.

One of the most effective ways to avoid such

eventualities is to present an interim report

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This short report may contain either the

first results of the analysis or the final

outcome of the analysis of some aspects

completely analyzed.

It facilitates the sponsoring agency to take

action without waiting for the full report.

It helps to keep alive the agency’s interest in

the study and prevent misunderstanding

about delay.

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Summary Report

Is generally prepared for the consumption of

the lay audience i….e the general public.

It is written in non-technical, simple

language with a liberal use of pictorial


It just contains a brief reference to the

objective of the study, its major findings and

their implications.

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It is a short report of two or three

pages. Its size is so limited as to be

suitable for publication in daily


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Steps in planning report writing

1) The target audience :-

The first step in planning report writing is

to determine the target audience.

The forms and style of reporting and other

aspects depends upon the type of the

reader, for whom the report is intended.

The target audience can be classified as

academics, sponsors of research, the

general public.

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2) The communication characteristics of the


The second step in planning report writing is

to consider the selected audience’s

communication characteristics.

What is their level of knowledge and


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What is the gap in knowledge on the

subject between the readers and the


The greater the knowledge gap, the

more difficult it is to convey the full

findings meaningfully and concisely.

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3) The intended purpose of the report

It is used as a reference material by

researcher. It is meant for evaluation by

experts for the award of a degree or


4) The type of report

With reference to the intended use, the type

of report to be prepared should be


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5) The scope of the report

The next step is to determine the scope of the

contents with reference to the type of the

report and its intended purpose.

e.g. a research thesis or dissertation to be

submitted for the award of a degree or

diploma should narrate the t

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6) The style of reporting :-

What should be the style of reporting?

Should be clear, simple or elegant

Should it be technical or journalistic

Richness of word usage

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A page should not be fully filled in form top

to bottom

Wider margin should be provided both sides

Margin headings & paragraph headings may

be used to indicate subject shift.

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7) The format of report :- the next step is to

plan the format of the report, which varies

according to the type of report.

8) outline/Table of contents :- the final step in

planning report writing is to prepare a

detailed outline for each of the proposed

chapters of the report.

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Research report format

Report outline :-

A. Prefactory items:

1. Title page

2. Researcher’s declaration

3. The certificate of the research supervisor

4. Acknowledgement

5. Table of contents

6. List of tables, graphs and charts

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Title page



A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of degree




2007 – 2009 SUBMITTED BY


REG No. - 07KUCM6051

Under the Guidance



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Researcher declaration DECLARATION

I hereby declare that the research report entitled “A study

on Impact of Rebranding of Axis bank on consumers” has

been done by me under the direct supervision and guidance


Dr. Rajasulochana A L, Head of the Department & faculty of

MSRCASC, Bangalore. This project report has been

submitted to Bangalore University as a part of partial

fulfilment for the award of the degree of Master of Business


I also hereby declare that this project report has not been

submitted at any time to any other university or institute for

the award of any degree.

Place: Bangalore


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This is to certify that the project entitled

“A study on Impact of Rebranding of Axis bank on consumers”

done by VASUDEVA.M, Reg No. 07KUCM6051 has been

conducted under my direct supervision and guidance.

This study is in partial fulfilment for the award of “Master of

Business Administration” from Bangalore University.

Further it is certified that this project has not been previously

submitted to any other university for the requirement of Master of

Business Administration.



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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTIts human bound duty to acknowledge those personalities who

contribute immensely in ambitious endeavour.


Principal of MSRCASC for her indispensable help, without

which this project would not have been made possible.

I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to Dr. RAJA

SULOCHANA A L, Head of the Management Department

and also Project Guide for her kind help and assistance for

the completion of the project successfully.

Place: Bangalore



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Table of contents1) INTRODUCTION 1 – 34


2.1 Statement of the Problem

2.2 Objectives

2.3 Research Design

2.4 Sampling Technique

2.5 Data Collection Process

2.6 Limitations


3.1 Industry Profile

3.2 Profile of Axis Bank

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5) FINDINGS 79 - 81





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List of tables, graphs and charts

List of Tables page


Table 1: Percentage of account holders 59

Table 2: Percentage of specific type of account holders 60

Table 3: Percentage of Customers’ visit to the Bank 61

Table 4: Percentage of duration of account holders 62

Table 5: Percentage of awareness of bank 63

Table 6: Percentage of influential factors 64

Table 7: Rating of Products provided by the Bank 65

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B. Body of the report :-

1. Introduction2. The research design :- title of the study statement of the problem review of the literature the scope of the study objective of the study hypothesis

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methodology sources of data sampling plan

3. Industry profile

4. Data analysis & interpretation

5. Finding conclusion and suggestion

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1. Introduction

Re branding is often necessary after an M&A or if

the brand has outgrown its identity/marketplace.

What is a brand?

Developing a Brand

'Seven Steps to Brand-Led Marketing'

Corporate rebranding

Product rebranding

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The research design :-

title of the study : “A study on Impact of Re branding of Axis bank on consumers”

statement of the problem : Re-branding is a critical

element in the process of implementing newer

business strategies, hence the study has been

undertaken to evaluate the impact of the re-

branding exercise on the business.

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review of the literature : According to V. Basil Hans re branding have come to

realize the importance of quality changes and value addition in banking industry. Risk and uncertainty being inevitable parameters of modern business, serving customers has become the need of the hour.

the scope of the study : To implement the findings of the study in axis bank.

Improves the companies with re branding

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objective of the study : To study the major constraints perceived by

companies in re branding. To study the profile of the companies after re

branding. To offer suggestions for the improvement of the

companies with re branding.

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Methodology :


The type of research method used for this project is

Quantitative research technique. In this

methodology, people have been chosen randomly

and data have been collected from responds

through questionnaires.

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CONTD:-sources of data :

Primary Data :Primary data regarding the service will be collected with the help of questionnaires, direct interview with the members and non-members of the portal and also interviewing the employees of the portal in Bangalore.

Secondary Data :Secondary data is the information that already exist somewhere, which has been collected for another purpose. In this study, secondary data has been collected from Company Website, Various Search Engines, Journals and Business Magazines.

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Contd:- sampling plan

Sampling Technique:- The sampling technique

used for this research is Stratified random


Sample Size:- The chosen sample size is 100. The

sample is derived from the respondents within

Bangalore city.

Sample Description :- The subjects for the

sampling would be provided by the company

which covers a spectrum of Customer Satisfaction,

Customer Perception, etc.

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3. Industry profile


Current Scenario

Aggregate Performance of the Banking Industry

Interest Rate Scene

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Data analysis & interpretation

Do you have an account with Axis Bank?

Table 1: Percentage of account holders

Yes No

65 35

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Graph 1: Percentage of account holders

Do you have an account





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CONTD:-Analysis: It can be observed that 65% of the respondents hold an account in Axis bank and 35% of the respondents don’t have an account in Axis bank.

Interpretation: It can be inferred that almost two- third of the respondents are members of Axis Bank. The bank have concentrated on a specific target area and not focused on the entire geographical area of India even though they are set up to provide the benefits to the entire population of India.

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Finding conclusion and suggestion


From the survey which was made through the questionnaire method and by interviewing respondents about the Axis bank, the research has given all the findings individually.

The bank have concentrated on a specific target area and not focused on the entire geographical area of India even though they are set up to provide the benefits to the entire population of India.

The bank is providing various range of products which is suited according to the needs and demands of the customers.

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The study points that the brand recall value of Axis bank is less hence this issue needs to be addressed through effective promotional strategies.

The bank should call for effective marketing communication of the brand’s USP to the consumer.

The bank should concentrate more on providing innovative and better products which should conform to the needs of the Customers.

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The future looks brighter than ever before….

India’s consumer markets are witnessing a lot of churn. New product categories have cropped up. The consumer is not behaving like earlier. In an age of media fragmentation, companies have to rethink how to reach out to their consumers. Trust the Axis bank to come out with a trump because of which they are successful in-reinventing themselves as one of the leaders in banking industry.

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C. Terminal items


MARKETING RESEARCH by Harper W Boyd & Jr.Ralph Westfall, 4th edition, Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd

Philip Kotler, 2000, Millennium Edition, “Marketing Management”.

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1. Copies of data collection instrument

2. Technical details on sampling plan

3. Glossary of new terms used in the report