mbackup user's guide v1.2

mBackup 1.0 User's Guide Contents Introduction Feature Summary Requirements Installation Quick Start Using mBackup Troubleshooting Support Release Notes Default Types

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mBackup 1.0 User's Guide



Feature Summary



Quick Start

Using mBackup



Release Notes

Default Types

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mBackup is a Mac or Windows desktop application that allows users to backup and restore their mSecure information to a desktop computer.

With mBackup, you can restore your data without having to go through the full iTunes restore process. mBackup also allows importing and exporting of your mSecure data from various text file formats such as CSV, XML and other third party apps.

Feature Summary

• Easy backup of your mSecure data directly from your iPhone and iPod touch device to your local machine.

• Industry-standard encryption to protect the confidentiality of your personal information.

• Password protected.• Ability to backup via Wi-Fi and email.• Ability to restore via Wi-Fi.• Mac and Windows compatible.


mBackup 1.0.7 (Mac)mBackup 1.0.6 (Windows)mSecure 2.0.1

mBackup for Mac supports Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger), OS X 10.5 (Leopard) and OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) on Intel or Power PC processors.

mBackup for Windows supported Windows XP (SP2 or better), Windows Vista (32bit or 64bit) or Windows 7 (32bit or 64bit).

Note: Before using mBackup for the first time, it is recommended that you backup your data with iTunes. For help in backing up your iPhone or iPod touch, please visit:

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For Macintosh computers:

1. Go to and download this file to your local computer.

2. Mount the disk image by double-clicking the file.3. Copy the mBackup application to your Macintosh Applications folder.4. Double-click the mBackup app to start.

For Windows computers:

1. Go to and download the file to your local computer.

2. Unzip the file with your preferred zip utility.3. Double-click the Setup.exe file and follow the instructions. Note: mBackup for

Windows requires Microsoftʼs .NET Framework 3.5 and will automatically install it if itʼs not already present.

4. After the installation is complete, launch the program by going to your Start menu and click on the “All Programs” item. mBackup will be listed in this menu.

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Quick Start

The most common thing for users to want to do with mBackup is to make a backup of your mSecure data. The general procedure for this is to do the following:

- Install and launch mBackup on your desktop computer. Make sure youʼve set the same password as used in mSecure.- Run mSecure on your iPhone or iPod touch.- Make sure that both the device and desktop computer are on the same local network

and that there isnʼt a Firewall blocking mBackup.- Go into mSecure Preferences (little “i” at the bottom of the main view) and tap on the "Backup Data" item. (mBackup does not respond to the “Sync with Desktop” item.)- mSecure should automatically find mBackup on the local network.- Tap on the desktop name that it finds.- Confirm that you want to make the backup.

For more detailed instructions, please read the next section, “Using mBackup.”

Using mBackup

Making a Backup:

When you launch mBackup for the first time, mBackup will prompt you to set a password. This password must match the password that has been set in mSecure on your iPhone or iPod touch.

This password is used for four purposes:

- Prevents unauthorized use of mBackup. mBackup will prompt you each time you launch it and will not continue without entering the correct password.

- Prevents unauthorized connections to mBackup. When mBackup is running, itʼs broadcasting its services on the local LAN (WiFi) connection and mBackup will refuse any connection requests if the password is incorrect.

- Encrypts any data imported into mBackup from unencrypted sources. For example, if you import a CSV text file, mBackup will automatically encrypt the data when bringing it into mBackup. Please note that when you change your mBackup password, it doesnʼt change the current list of backups. They will continue to be encrypted with the password set at the time of backup.

- Encrypts any data sent over the network with mBackup and mSecure.

After youʼve set your password, you will see the main mBackup window.

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This view will list any backups that are made from the mSecure iPhone app and any imports that youʼve made.

Letʼs start by making your first backup. To do so, run mSecure on your device and tap on the Preferences icon (little “i” at the bottom of the main view). In the Preferences view, you will see an item titled “Backup Data”. If you tap on this item, mSecure will search your local LAN for mBackup “servers” running on your desktop computer. Note: In order for mSecure to find mBackup, your device must be connected via WiFi on the same LAN as your desktop computer running mBackup. In addition, if you have a Firewall set on your desktop computer, you must allow mBackup to receive incoming connections. If mSecure is unable to find mBackup on the local network, please see the companion guide “Network Troubleshooting Guide” available here.

Note: mSecure also has a “Sync with Desktop” function. Sync with Desktop only works with our full desktop version of mSecure and not mBackup. Instead be sure to use “Backup Data”.

In the “Backup Data” view, mSecure will show any instances of mBackup that it finds on the local LAN. To make a backup to that computer, just tap on the computer name. mSecure you confirm you want to send the back up. Tap on the Continue button to send the backup.

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If the backup is received on your desktop computer, mBackup will automatically update itʼs list view and show the backup item.

Thatʼs it! Youʼve just made a backup of your mSecure data.

Restoring from a backup:

In the event that you need to restore your data, you simply need to go back into the Preferences section in mSecure and tap on the “Restore Data” option. When doing this, mSecure will search for any computers running mBackup and display in the Restore Data view. You then want to tap on the appropriate computer to get a list of the available backups on that computer. (Note: if your mSecure password doesnʼt match the password set in mBackup, you will get an authorization error when trying to get the list of available backups.)

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To do the restore, simply tap on the appropriate backup. mSecure will prompt you to confirm that you want to restore from the backup. (Note: doing a restore clears all current mSecure data and restores to the backed up data. It doesnʼt combine the two sets of data.)

When you confirm the restore by tapping Yes, mSecure will show that the data is being downloaded and then will display an alert that the restore was completed.

Importing data from a text file:

Although mBackupʼs primary function is to allow you to backup and restore your mSecure data, it also has the added ability of allowing you to import your data from various text file formats. We currently support CSV (comma separated values), our own mSecure XML format, our own mSecure Email Backup format, SplashIDʼs VID format, Dataviz Passwords Plus (Windows only) and Handy Safe 1.2 XML (Windows only).

If you have a format that isnʼt currently supported, please feel free to contact us and let us know your needs. We are always open to improving our products.

CSV Files:

A CSV file is a very simple file format. Itʼs just a series of text separated by commas. You typically will want to create a CSV file by exporting from a spreadsheet program. You just create the spreadsheet and then export it as a CSV file. You can also create a CSV manually in a text editor as long as you save it as plain text (most text editors support this).

Each row in a spreadsheet will represent a record in mSecure. For each row, the columns will be the parts of the record. The first column is the name of the mSecure

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“Type” that the record will belong to. The second column is the description of the record. The third column is the note for the record (this is the default). The next columns are the recordʼs field data. (For a list of the fields in all of mSecure default types, see the section “Default Types” at the end of this document.)

Note: mBackup used to expect the note field to be the last field in the record. This caused some confusion since each record can have a variable number of fields. Starting in mBackup 1.0.7 (Mac) and 1.0.6 (Windows), mBackup expects the note field to be the third field. For backwards compatibility, thereʼs a settings in the Preferences dialog that allows you to continue to use it the older way. This guide will focus on the note being in the third field.

For example, letʼs say we want to create some records that are of the default “Web Logins” type in mSecure.

In mSecure, the default “Web logins” type has a description (every mSecure record has a description), 3 fields and a note. The 3 fields are “URL”, “Username” and “Password” respectively.

We could do this by creating a spreadsheet like this:

As you can see here, the first column (“A”) is the name of the type that the record will belong to on the device. If the type doesnʼt already exist, mSecure will create a new type with that name and with default fields. You can always edit the type after importing and any records belonging to that type will automatically be updated.

The second column (“B”) is the description of each record. Here we have 3 records; Amazon, Ebay and Yahoo.

The third column (“C”) is the note for each record.

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The next 3 columns are the fields for each record; column “D” is the URL field, column “E” is the Username field and column “F” is the password field.

Since each “Type” in mSecure can have a different number of fields, it will depend on the type that the record will belong to as to what the fields mean and the number of fields.

For another example, letʼs add a Credit Card record to our spreadsheet. In mSecure, a “Credit Cards” type has a description, 6 fields and a note. The 6 fields are “Card No.”, “Expiration Date”, “Name”, “PIN”, “Bank” and “Security Code”.

Weʼll add an additional record to our spreadsheet for a Visa credit card:

Once again, the “A” column contains the name of the type. The “B” column contains the record description. The “C” column contains the note. Since the Credit Cards type has a different number of fields, it has data in columns D through I to match the fields in the type.

If you have a record that doesnʼt have data for a given field, just leave that column blank as a placeholder. For example here, if we didnʼt want to list the “Bank” for our Visa card, we would leave the column H empty.

With Excel, it will only export a CSV field up to the last column that has data. So for example, in the above spreadsheet, the last column that has data is the “I” column. When exporting, Excel will create a CSV file up to that last column even though columns “J” and “K” exist.

However, with the Numbers app on the Mac, it will export a CSV for all columns in the spreadsheet regardless if they have data. Therefore, you should delete any extra columns. For example, the same file would look like:

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Once you have your data set, you simply choose the “Save as...” (Excel) or “Export...” (Numbers) command in your spreadsheet and export the document as a CSV file.

mSecure Email Backup files:

mSecure has the ability to email yourself a backup. This is useful if youʼre in a situation where you currently donʼt have access to a WiFi connection and would like to do a backup. You may do this if donʼt have regular access to WiFi but want to ensure you have a backup of your data. Itʼs typical for a user to make numerous backups and would only need to restore in the event of data loss.

To make an email backup, tap on the “Email Backup” item in the mSecure Preferences. mSecure will encrypt your data using your current password and then compress it. Lastly, it will open up the Mail app on your iPhone or iPod touch and put the data in the body. Note: this data can be large and it might take a moment for the mail app to fully load all the data.

You simply need to send the email to yourself and file it away when you receive it.

Itʼs important to realize that the data is sent as part of the body of the email message. Some clients will try and do special handling of a body of a message when you forward the message. Itʼs a requirement that the body remain as it was and not have an extra characters inserted into it. mSecure will add a header and footer so it know where the data begins and ends. You need to leave this markers in the data or it wonʼt be recognized by mBackup as a valid file.

In the event that you need to restore to that backup, you simply need to open the email and select all of the text (everything) and copy it to the clipboard. Then choose File->Import->mSecure Email Backup from Clipboard and mBackup will read it from the

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clipboard and create a backup item for it. Then restore the data normally with the method described in “Restoring from a backup”.

As mentioned, this is a great way to make a backup when you donʼt have a regular access to WiFi. In the rare situation that you need to restore the backup, you can hopefully find a friend or some other resource that has WiFi access. Unfortunately, depending on how the WiFi connection is setup, mSecure might not be able to find mBackup on any WiFi network. The administrator of the network might be blocking various connection types. For example, we tested this in our local Starbucks and their WiFi is blocking the needed ports for one computer to talk to another.

mSecure XML Files:

mSecure XML Files are used for extra backup purposes and not suggested for users to modify (although that is possible for an advanced user). To import an mSecure XML file that was previously exported with mBackup, simply choose the Import->mSecure XML File menu.

Note: mSecure XML files follow the XML standard but are a special “flavor” of XML. If you try to import another XML file (there are lots out there), unexpected results may occur.

SplashID VID Files:

SplashID is a competing product and allows the user to export SplashID data to a SplashID VID file. This file is very similar to CSV but has more structure and will import Type data along with Record data. To import a SplashID VID, make sure you export from SplashID without setting a password. mBackup canʼt read encrypted SplashID VID files. Also make sure you are using at least SplashID 3.0 or greater.

Exporting data to a text file:

CSV Files:

You can export your mSecure data to a CSV file. This file can then be opened in a spreadsheet or test editor. You can use this data for long term storage or for printing. You can also use this as a technique for updating your mSecure data. For example, if you have data currently in mSecure, you can do a backup to mBackup and then export that data to a CSV file. Then open the CSV file in a spreadsheet and add additional records to the file and save it. You could then reimport that data into mBackup and restore to mSecure.

mSecure XML Files:

mSecure XML Files are a very structured file type and will allow you to further backup your data. All aspects of your mSecure data will be exported to the mSecure XML file. In

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addition, mSecure XML Files are exported in an encrypted form so they are safe from prying eyes.


mBackup requires permission to receive incoming connections on your desktop computer. Depending on your Firewall settings, your Firewall may block mBackup (or Appleʼs Bonjour) from receiving these connections.

This can be resolved by adding mBackup (and Appleʼs Bonjour) as an exception to the Firewall.

For more information on using mBackup with a Firewall or if youʼre having trouble making a backup or doing a restore, see our Network Troubleshooting Guide.


If you run into a problem using mBackup please email us at [email protected]. We are always here to help.

Release Notes

mBackup for Mac

Version 1.0.1- Fixed issue when exporting to csv files- mBackup window is centered on the desktop- Added Preferences for specifying a dynamic/static port number

Version 1.0.2- Fixed csv issue on PPC platform

Version 1.0.3- Fixed issue with importing/exporting with international character sets

Version 1.0.4- Implemented use of “\n” for carriage returns in notes- Fix for iPhone names with international characters- Bette lock icon

Version 1.0.5- Fixed issue exporting to a CSV file

Version 1.0.6

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- Changed CSV import/export to expect the note in the third field to match mSecure for the desktopʼs behavior. Added Preference for backward compatibility.

- Added IP address to Preferences- Added Import from email backup clipboard feature

mBackup for Windows

Version Implemented CSV export- Added support for Vista 64bit OS- Fixed an issue importing mSecure Email Backups

Version Implemented use of “\n” for carriage returns in notes

Version Added Dataviz Passwordʼs Plus importer- Fix for iPhone names with international characters

Version Fixed a minor bug with the Dataviz Passwordʼs Plus importer

Version 1.0.5- Fixed a few minor issues

Version 1.0.7- Changed CSV import/export to expect the note in the third field to match mSecure for

the desktopʼs behavior. Added Preference for backward compatibility.- Added IP address to Preferences- Added Import from email backup clipboard feature- Updated to use MS .NET 3.5 Framework

Default Types

The following is the list of default types in mSecure and their fields.

Bank Accounts


Calling Cards

Clothes Size


Credit Cards

Email Accounts

Frequent Flyer




Description Note Account Number PIN Name Branch Phone No.Phone No.

Description Note Date

Description Note Access No. PIN

Description Note Shirt Size Pant Size Shoe Size Dress Size

Description Note Code

Description Note Card No. Expiration DateName PIN Bank Security Code

Description Note Username Password POP3 Host SMTP HostSMTP Host

Description Note Number URL Username Password Mileage

Description Note Policy No. Group No. Insured Date Phone No.Phone No.

Description Note Account No. Name Date

Description Note

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Registration Codes

Vehicle Info

Voice Mail

Web Logins


Description Note RX Number Name Doctor Pharmacy Phone No.Phone No.

Description Note Number Date

Description Note License No VIN Date PurchasedTire Size

Description Note Access No. PIN

Description Note URL Username Password

Description Note Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5 Field 6

Copyright © 2009-2010 mSeven Software LLC. All rights reserved.Apple, the Apple logo, iPod and iTunes are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the

U.S. and other countries. iPhone is a trademark of Apple Inc.