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34 Case Study #40: Fractal and Lognormal Characteristics, Short-Term Maximum Concentrations, and Appropriate Time Discretization of Minesite-Drainage Chemistry Page 1 Case Study 40 Fractal and Lognormal Characteristics, Short-Term Maximum Concentrations, and Appropriate Time Discretization of Minesite-Drainage Chemistry by K.A. Morin © 2015 Kevin A. Morin Index Abstract ..................................................................... 2 1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................... 4 2. REALITY ................................................................. 5 3. TEMPORAL VARIABILITY AND DISCRETIZATION OF TIME .................... 8 4. FRACTALS AND SELF-SIMILARITY ......................................... 13 5. STATISTICS AND LOGNORMAL DISTRIBUTIONS ............................ 17 6. CONCLUSION ............................................................ 31 7. REFERENCES ............................................................ 33

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Page 1: Case Study 40 Fractal and Lognormal ... Case Study 40 - Fractal and Case Study #40: Fractal and Lognormal Characteristics, Short-Term Maximum Concentrations, Case Study #40: Fractal and Lognormal Characteristics, Short-Term Maximum Concentrations,and Appropriate Time Discretization of Minesite-Drainage Chemistry Page 1 Case Study 40

Fractal and Lognormal Characteristics, Short-Term MaximumConcentrations, and Appropriate Time Discretization of Minesite-Drainage


by K.A. Morin

© 2015 Kevin A. Morin


Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2. REALITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

3. TEMPORAL VARIABILITY AND DISCRETIZATION OF TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

4. FRACTALS AND SELF-SIMILARITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

5. STATISTICS AND LOGNORMAL DISTRIBUTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

6. CONCLUSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

7. REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Page 2: Case Study 40 Fractal and Lognormal ... Case Study 40 - Fractal and Case Study #40: Fractal and Lognormal Characteristics, Short-Term Maximum Concentrations, Case Study #40: Fractal and Lognormal Characteristics, Short-Term Maximum Concentrations,and Appropriate Time Discretization of Minesite-Drainage Chemistry Page 2


Aqueous concentrations of individual elements in minesite drainage are not measured on atime-continuous basis, but are measured after discrete time intervals, like monthly and quarterlysampling. This results in “near-instantaneous” values with much larger intervening periods of time,and leads to questions like:- What time-discretization interval should we use to understand and predict minesite-drainage

chemistry reliably, by minimizing sufficiently the discretization error?- How do we detect or predict short-term maximum concentrations of environmental significance?

These are the primary questions examined in this MDAG case study. The answers are important andtimely, because there is a strong need to improve predictions of short-term concentrations forproposed minesites. There is also a strong need for existing and closed minesites to understand andanticipate their short-term maximum concentrations that may not be detected often, or at all, by theirmonitoring programs.

The preceding questions are addressed here using large drainage-chemistry databases spanning manyyears to decades, with some including high-frequency sampling as often as every four hours. Thedatabases show that temporal trends in drainage chemistry can be orderly, generally following atrigonometric sine function over an annual period, with prominent and repeating short-term peaksand valleys. Other databases not included here show chaotic (non-orderly) trends. There areinsufficient studies to understand when orderly or chaotic chemistry can be expected at a minesite,and such understanding is often lacking for other, non-mining systems.

To examine the effects of time discretization on maximum concentrations in orderly minesitedrainage, two mathematical approaches are applied here: fractals and lognormal statistics.

A fractal is a repeating pattern that appears similar or the same as scale changes. Visualcomparisons are made of (1) the temporal trends in aqueous concentrations, emphasizing copper,zinc, and cadmium, from the databases with near-neutral and acidic monitoring stations to (2)variable, but finite, numbers of terms in the infinite fractal cosine wave. These comparisons showthe temporal trends in copper, zinc, and cadmium display fractal characteristics over time periodsof approximately days to a year. However, the data are not sufficient to determine whether thisholds at the minesites for longer times like decades or for short times like hours and minutes. Theseobservations are similar to those made elsewhere for non-mining-related watersheds. To resolvethese uncertainties, more frequent sampling for long periods of time will be needed at minesites.

Lognormal statistics apply the Gaussian distribution and probabilities to values transformedmathematically to log10 values. The large databases examined here lead to several observationsincluding:- Average-annual aqueous concentrations of elements like copper, zinc, and cadmium display trends

that were dependent on “master parameters” like pH and sulphate. - Within specific ranges of the master parameters, aqueous concentrations vary above and below

the average mean in generally lognormal distributions. The annual lognormal variabilitycould be described by a standard deviation expressed in log10 cycles, and roughly the samevalues of the log10 std dev often arise year after year.

- The log10 standard deviation can be used with probability levels to calculate short-term maximum

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concentrations, like daily and hourly maximums, even when longer-frequency sampling maynot detect these values (illustrated by the allegory of the “Lucky Mine” and the “UnluckyMine”).

- The number of water analyses from the high-frequency sampling (four hourly to daily) wasrandomly reduced to simulate less-frequent sampling, like weekly and quarterly. This showsthat the frequency of sampling would have to be at least weekly, but sometimes monthly, tocalculate a log10 standard deviation within common analytical inaccuracy. This reasonablyaccurate value can then be used to calculate shorter-term maximum concentrations that maygo undetected.

- Although shorter-term maximum concentrations can be statistically calculated, this does not meanthey actually exist and occur. For example, a maximum “ceiling”, such as solubility, maylimit maximum concentrations only to the calculated monthly or weekly maximum, with noactual occurrence of the statistical one-day or one-hour maximum. This is seen in thedatabases examined here.

- In the high-frequency database, the maximum concentrations (defined as 80-100% of measuredmaximum to allow for analytical inaccuracy) of copper, zinc, and cadmium are detected both(1) in contiguous samples representing less than a day or up to one week and (2) innon-contiguous samples separated by days to weeks of non-maximum concentrations. Thus,the simplistic concept that maximum values occur only as one continuous interval is ruledout for this database, which would be more consistent with fractals.

- The number of days that maximum concentrations should be detected, based on lognormalprobabilities, exceeds the number of actual measured days. As a result, the usage oflognormal probabilities over-predict the cumulative duration of maximum concentrations. However, there is one exception: cadmium at the monitoring station sampled every fourhours. The discrepancies between the lognormal-probability-based durations of maximumconcentrations and the actual durations generally follow power-law trends, which arecharacteristic of fractals.

Overall, the fractal and lognormal approaches both have some value in predicting and understandingshort-term maximum concentrations, but neither approach is highly successful with the currentdatabases. However, on the question of time discretization and sampling frequency, the lognormalapproach indicated weekly, and sometimes monthly, sampling would provide sufficiently reliablestatistics to calculate shorter-term maximums. Additional, larger long-term and higher-frequencydatabases of minesite-drainage chemistry are needed to address these questions more reliability, andto understand the conditions when orderly or chaotic drainage chemistry may arise.

Interestingly, this MDAG case study addresses short-term maximum concentrations withoutincluding underlying mechanisms, such as sulphide oxidation and metal leaching rates. This isattributable to the emergence of dominant processes at the full scale of minesite components that areminor at smaller scales.

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Although philosophers and physicists still ponder the meaning of time, we can view thedimension of time as a continuous function moving in one direction: from past to future. We can,and do, discretize time into discrete intervals, like milliseconds, minutes, months, and years, just aswe do with spatial dimensions (millimeters, kilometers, etc.). However, time is not static within ourarbitrary intervals, unlike a video shown at one frame per second where each second displays staticconditions. Thus, discretization of time (and spatial dimensions) inevitably results in some degreeof error (“discretization error”).

At minesites, surface waters flow through ditches, and into and from reservoirs and holding ponds. Subsurface groundwaters flow around and through open spaces in rock walls, rock piles, tailings,sediments, and bedrock. “Flow” is spatial dimension(s) divided by time, and is also a continuousfunction. However, flow is often measured at discrete times, such as hourly or monthly. Even“continuous” flow recorders typically require some discrete time interval for measuring andrecording flow. There are implications to this discretization of time on our understanding ofminesite drainage.

Superimposed on minesite flow is the chemistry of the drainage: the chemical elements andcompounds dissolved or suspended in the water. (Dissolved vs. suspended is also a discretizationof a continuous condition.) Even if a particular flowrate remains constant, the aqueous chemistrywithin that flow can vary significantly as a continuous function.

All this leads to an interesting question: What discretization interval should we use to understandand predict minesite-drainage chemistry reliably, by minimizing sufficiently the discretization error? An ancillary question is: How do we detect or predict short-term maximum concentrations ofenvironmental significance? These questions are far from trivial, and the answers can have majorimpacts on the reliability of environmental assessments and predictions.

A simple illustration of these impacts is a trigonometric sine wave with a certain wavelength andamplitude (solid wavy line in Figure 1). This wavy line can represent temporal variations, includingminimum and maximums values, in aqueous concentrations (mg/L) or flow (m3/s) at a minesite. Discrete sampling of this variability (dashed wavy line in Figure 1) produces “near-instantaneous”(relative to the time between sampling events) datapoints. These datapoints (solid points on thedashed line in Figure 1), can falsely suggest an incorrect variability, or an incorrect higher minimumand lower maximum, depending on how they are connected by interpretation.

Furthermore, how informative would a long-term average be in this case (thick horizontal line inFigure 1)?

These issues are examined in this MDAG case study. We will see that the current state-of-the-artat minesites is not sufficient to ensure the protection and maintenance of the surroundingenvironment and aquatic ecosystems.

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Figure 1. A hypothetical example of minesite-drainage chemistry (or flow)varying through time (solid wavy line). Depending on the length andfrequency of the sampling events (solid dots on dashed wavy line),incorrect interpretations on variability and minimum-maximum canresult. A long-term average (solid horizontal line) provides noinformation on variability or minimum-maximum.


Over decades of monitoring, minesite-drainage chemistry can be relatively orderly throughtime (e.g., Figures 2 and 3) or chaotic (not shown), due to “nonlinear science” (Morin, in prep).

“We currently have no general techniques (and very few special ones) for telling whethera particular nonlinear system will exhibit the complexity of chaos, or the simplicity oforder.” (Meiss, 2003)

Thus, we cannot currently predict whether trends in drainage chemistry at a proposed minesite willbe orderly or chaotic. This is partly due to the general lack of large, detailed monitoring databasesto show us how to reliably distinguish order from chaos at existing minesites. Even simplisticFigure 1 shows that infrequent sampling of a sine wave could suggest a chaotic trend where orderreally exists.

Because the current understanding of drainage chemistry at minesites is relatively poor due to thelack of large, detailed monitoring databases, how does the standard approach of predicting thechemical trends shown in Figures 2 and 3 fare? Surprisingly, the standard approach, accepted byprovincial and federal governments in my country of Canada, is simply the prediction of the annualaverage (see the horizontal line in Figure 1). There is often little consideration to short-termvariations and maximum concentrations.

The common approach to estimate aqueous annual-average concentrations for full-scale minesitecomponents is seriously unreliable (Morin, 2014). It frequently under-predicts the severity ofconcentrations and thus frequently underestimates the environmental effects of minesite drainage(Morin, 2010).

Moreover, water-quality guidelines and criteria in Canada (and many other jurisdictions) are basedon “near-instantaneous” samples (e.g., collected over one minute) or on 30-day averages of a certainnumber of near-instantaneous samples. Therefore, no matter how reliably predicted the aqueousannual-average concentration may be, it is of little value in determining whether downstreamecosystems might be harmed by shorter-term (e.g., one-month or one-week) higher concentrations. This is reinforced by the observation that shorter-term variability in the few large, detailed databasescan approach and exceed a factor of ten to one hundred above the annual average (shown later).

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10 11 12 13YEAR







10 11 12 13YEAR










10 11 12 13YEAR












10 11 12 13YEAR









um (



10 11 12 13YEAR











10 11 12 13YEAR








c (m


One concentration, 62 mg/L,late in Year 11 is not shown

Figure 2. Examples of temporal trends in full-scale acidic minesite-drainage chemistry at oneminesite, spanning a few years, based on near-instantaneous samples (e.g., one-minutecollection time) from one monitoring location, collected as frequently as every fourhours. Note: y-axis is arithmetic, not logarithmic like Figure 3.

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01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14YEAR







c (m


| Frequency of sampling increased

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14YEAR









| Frequency of sampling increased

03 04

05 06

07 08

09 10

11 12

13 14 15 16 17

18 19

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32

33 34

35 36










ed Z




Any values less than detection areshown at one-half detection limit.

Readily apparent errors in datahave been corrected or deleted.

Operational Phaseof Minesite

Closure Phaseof Minesite

03 04

05 06

07 08

09 10

11 12

13 14 15 16 17

18 19

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32

33 34

35 36















Any values less than detection areshown at one-half detection limit.

Readily apparent errors in datahave been corrected or deleted.

Operational Phaseof Minesite

Closure Phaseof Minesite

01 02 03


05 06 07 08 09 10

11 12


14 15

16 17 18 19

20 21 22

23 24 25 26

27 28


30 31








r (m



If data was reported as < detection limithalf the detection limit is shown.

Dissolved data are shown when available,otherwise total data are shown.

General temporal trendof maximum values

General temporal trendof minimum values

Operational Phaseof Minesite

Closure Phaseof Minesite

Long-TermAverage = 112 mg/L

01 02 03


05 06 07 08 09 10

11 12


14 15

16 17 18 19

20 21 22

23 24 25 26

27 28


30 31







c (m



If data was reported as < detection limithalf the detection limit is shown.

Dissolved data are shown when available,otherwise total data are shown.

General temporal trendof maximum values

General temporal trendof minimum values

Operational Phaseof Minesite

Closure Phaseof Minesite

Long-TermAverage = 176 mg/L

Figure 3. Examples of temporal trends in full-scale minesite-drainage chemistry, spanning atleast one decade, based on near-instantaneous samples (e.g., one-minute collection time)from three minesites, collected as frequently as every four hours. Upper row (Minesite1): acidic drainage; middle (Minesite 2) and lower (Minesite 3) rows: near-neutraldrainage. Left column (note: y-axis is log10 (concentration)): copper; right column:zinc. Data from Morin and Hutt (2010a and 2010b) and Morin et al. (1993, 1994, 2010).

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In simplistic terms using Figure 1:- the solid wavy line represents reality at minesites, reflecting the variability that can span up to

orders of magnitude and representing the associated potential toxicity exposure ofdownstream ecosystems by minesite drainage;

- the dashed wavy line is indicative of current sampling at existing minesites that may or may notreliably characterize the variability and the short-term minimum-maximum; and

- the solid horizontal line is the current standard predictive practice for proposed minesites.

There is a strong need for improvement here, both to protect the surrounding environment and toimprove public confidence in mining companies. There are ways to predict or explain short-termconcentrations even when they are not detected. This was the intent of Morin and Hutt (1998) whenthey discussed the hypothetical “Lucky Mine” and “Unlucky Mine”:

“The Lucky Mine collects grab samples of drainage once a month, but by coincidence hasnever collected one during the [short-term maximum, such as the hourly maximum]. TheUnlucky Mine happened to collect one monthly sample during [a short-term maximum] andthere is panic. The analytical laboratory is asked to repeat the analysis, and the laboratoryconfirms a high concentration. The mining company suspects contamination duringcollection or analysis, and collects another sample days or weeks after the [short-termmaximum]. Of course, the concentration in this new sample is much lower, and the formeranalysis is dismissed as anomalous and erroneous.”

A better understanding and estimation of short-term maximum concentrations would have shownthe Lucky and Unlucky Mines have about the same drainage chemistry. Therefore, short-termmaximum concentrations should receive greater attention at proposed, operating, and closedminesites.


When we look at Figures 2 and 3, we see significant temporal variability in aqueousconcentrations that generally range from high to low each year, year after year. This cannot usuallybe seen from samples collected twice a year, for example.

Site-specific toxicity studies show aquatic organisms can be adversely affected, acutely orchronically, after a day or week of exposure. Therefore, how often should water samples becollected at a monitoring station to determine if toxic minewater is being released during one day? Does this require intensive and constant daily sampling?

The first step in answering this question is to look more closely at the discretization of time. In thesimplistic step-wise example of Figure 4, the maximum concentration at a minesite station (100mg/L, or log10 = 2) occurs only on the first day of each year, and the minimum (0.01 mg/L or log10= -2) occurs only on Day 182. There is a logarithmic distribution between these extremes, repeatingyearly, with a geometric annual-average concentration of 1 mg/L (log10 = 0).

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0 1 2 3 4 5












s C








Semi-annual sampling (dashed line):two near-instantaneous

samples per year, at Month 0 [log(Conc) = +2] and

Month 6 [log(Conc) = -2]

Quarterly sampling (solid line):four near-instantaneous

samples per year, at Month 0 [log(Conc) = +2]

Month 3 [log(Conc) = 0]Month 6 [log(Conc) = -2]

and Month 9 [log(Conc) = 0]

Monthly sampling (dashed line):twelve near-instantaneous

samples per year

Daily sampling (solid line)365 near-instantaneous

samples per year

Average Annual Concentration

Figure 4. A simplistic step-wise example of concentrations at a hypotheticalminesite monitoring station. Concentrations vary orderly from a highof 100 mg/L (log10 = +2) only on the first day of each year, to a low of0.01 mg/L (log10 = -2) only on Day 182 of each year, with a geometricaverage-annual concentration of 1 mg/L (log10 = 0). One sample ayear would not likely coincide with the real annual average. Fortuitous semi-annual sampling exactly at Month 0.0 (log10 = +2)and Month 6.0 (log10 = -2) would yield the real maximum andminimum concentrations, and the geometric annual average. However, this is unlikely, and thus the two samples would yield anunreliable annual average and likely erroneously low statistics onmaximum short-term concentrations. As sampling frequencyincreases to daily, the real shape of the daily distribution becomesapparent, with a suggestion that monthly or weekly sampling may besufficient to estimate the statistics for daily or hourly sampling. Thisis discussed in detail in the following Section 5.

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What is the probability that one sample a year would yield the real average annual in Figure 4? There are two days each year when this is possible with a combined probability of 0.5% (2/365). So it is unlikely. Even if successful, it would say nothing about the substantial, potentially toxicconcentrations that occur each year on shorter intervals.

As explained in Section 2 above, a single prediction of average-annual concentration is standardpractice today for proposed minesites, accepted by regulatory agencies. Figure 4 illustrates howuninformative and potentially environmental degrading this is.

Semi-annual sampling would not likely take place on the two days with the highest and lowestconcentrations in Figure 4. Thus, statistical values like daily maximum would very likely beinaccurately low.

Figure 4 shows that, as sampling frequency increases to daily, the real daily distribution becomesapparent. Two important questions arising at this point are:- Can the real daily distribution be detected by a frequency less than daily, perhaps by monthly

sampling, to within an acceptable discretization error as suggested visually by Figure 4?- What if there is variability on a shorter time discretization than daily (e.g., Figure 5)? This is

actually documented at minesites (see Figures 2 and 3, and Section 5) and in streams belowminesites (e.g., Nimick et al., 2010; Shope et al., 2006; Nimick et al., 2003). What can wedo then?

These questions are answered in the following sections.

As a final note in this section, it is important to understand that this MDAG case study focusses ontemporal discretization. Spatial discretization (Zone 2 of Figure 6; also, e.g., Li, 1999), and theeffects of homogenizing flowpaths with differing aqueous chemistries (Zones 4 and 5), can alsoaffect temporal trends of aqueous concentrations but are not discussed here. In this MDAG casestudy, all data (e.g., Figures 2 and 3) are from Zones 4 and 5 (Figure 6), external to the componentand subjected to some spatial homogenization. For more details on spatial discretization, see Morin(2014 and in prep) and Morin and Hutt (2007).

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0 1

Elapsed Time Between Sampling(Near-Instantaneous Samples Collected at Time 0 and Time 1)









0 (









Some of the infinite possible trendsin aqueous concentration between

two discrete sampling events

Figure 5. Possible variations in minesite-drainage concentrationsbetween two near-instantaneous sampling events relative to thetime between sampling. To resolve this, the sampling frequencycan be increased, but unless it becomes continuous the possiblevariations between the more frequent samples remains. This isdiscussed further in Sections 4 and 5, with potentialmathematical resolutions.

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Zone 1: Lines represent seven flowpaths of water entering

Different colours/shades of boxes represent differing solid-phase compositions, such as acid-generating and acid-neutralizing material

Zone 3 (effluent): Each of the five exiting flowpaths can have a different aqueous chemistry depending on the solid-phase compositions of the boxes they touch, the sequence of those boxes, and the convergence with any other flowpath

Zone 4: Flowpaths combine so that the composite chemistries of the remaining two paths represent flow-weighted mass balance, modified by any process like mineral precipitation or ion exchange

Zone 5: Flowpaths combine into one so that the composite chemistry represents flow-weighted mass balance, modified by any process like mineral precipitation or ion exchange

Zone 2 (internal): The aqueous chemistry of an internal flowpath will change along its length, reflecting the solid-phase compositions of the boxes it touches, the sequence of those boxes, and the convergence with any other flowpath

This line represents an arbitrary scale of length L

Figure 6. Schematic diagram of adjoining blocks of differing chemical composition, withflowpaths for water and air, showing Zones 4 and 5 as becoming spatiallyhomogenized and thus not spatially discrete (from Morin and Hutt, 2007).

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As a noun:“A fractal is a natural phenomenon or a mathematical set that exhibits a repeating patternthat displays at every scale. It is also known as expanding symmetry or evolving symmetry.If the replication is exactly the same at every scale, it is called a self-similar pattern. . . .Fractals can also be nearly the same at different levels. . . . Fractals also include the idea ofa detailed pattern that repeats itself.” (Wikipedia, 2015a).

Also,“A fractal is a never-ending pattern. Fractals are infinitely complex patterns that areself-similar across different scales. They are created by repeating a simple process over andover in an ongoing feedback loop . . . Fractal patterns are extremely familiar, since natureis full of fractals. For instance: trees, rivers, coastlines, mountains, clouds, seashells,hurricanes, etc. Abstract fractals – such as the Mandelbrot Set – can be generated by acomputer calculating a simple equation over and over.” (Fractal Foundation, 2015).

One can wonder if “repeating patterns at every scale” and “infinitely complex patterns” can applyto temporal trends in minesite-drainage chemistry. The answer is yes, and the easiest way to showthis with an early fractal equation known as “the Weierstrass function” (, 2015b).

The general form of the fractal Weierstrass function is:

(Equation 1)f x a b xn n


( ) cos( )


Based on Figures 1 to 4 above, coefficients a and b can be specified to represent a fractal sine(cosine) wave (Daulton, 2015), with x (time in years) multiplied by 2 to represent a one-year cycle:

(Equation 2)f x xn n


( ) ( / ) cos( )

2 3 9 20

In theory, the summation of n in Equation 2 should continue to infinity. However, starting simplywith n=0, we obtain a simple sine curve (upper left diagram of Figure 7). With n=1, in effect eachpart of the sine curve is divided up into a series of sine curves (upper right diagram of Figure 7). With increasing n, we can see the complexity of the curve growing, but representing a sine curveon all temporal scales.

Figure 7 is based on one year of time. As the time increases to five years (Figure 8), the fractalcharacteristics are not as apparent, but are still there.

Visual comparisons of Figure 2 with Figure 7, and Figure 3 with Figure 8, show that temporal trendsin orderly minesite-drainage chemistry display fractal characteristics.

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0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1








10 (








n in


/L) Fractal Sine Equation:

n = 0

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1












s C





in m



Fractal Sine Equation:n = 1

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1












s C





in m



Fractal Sine Equation:n = 3

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1












s C





in m


) Fractal Sine Equation:n = 2

Figure 7. The fractal sine wave applied the logarithmic aqueous concentration through asingle year. As an additional term (n) is added to the abbreviated infinite sum (3) ofEquation 2, each wavelength is partitioned into several wavelengths, leading to the self-similarity with scale, or fractal characteristic. Note the minimum and maximum valuesincrease with increasing n. Compare this diagram to Figure 2 for the potential ofminesite-drainage chemistry to have fractal characteristics in the temporal dimension.

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0 1 2 3 4 5








10 (








n in



Fractal Sine Equation:n = 1

0 1 2 3 4 5












s C





in m



Fractal Sine Equation:n = 3

0 1 2 3 4 5












s C





in m



Fractal Sine Equation:n = 5

0 1 2 3 4 5












s C





in m



Fractal Sine Equation:n = 4

Figure 8. The fractal sine wave applied the logarithmic aqueous concentration across severalyears. The self-similarity is more obscured on this scale than in Figure 7. Comparethis diagram to Figure 3 for the potential of minesite-drainage chemistry to havefractal characteristics in the temporal dimension.

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However, because Figures 2 and 3 are based on near-instantaneous measurements as frequently asevery four hours, fractal characteristics below roughly one day cannot be reliably assessed with thecurrent databases (the “Nyquist frequency”). Also, there may be cycles on a scale larger thanseveral years, such as over several decades (e.g., Minesite 3 in Figure 3), but the monitoring recordis not yet long enough to assess this. Additional, longer-term and more frequent data are needed.

Therefore, orderly minesite-drainage chemistry can display fractal characteristics over time scalesof at least days to years. However, the calculation of the short-term maximum concentrationdepends on how far the self-similarity extends into decreasing time intervals. Without long-termcontinuous monitoring, this cannot be addressed. Perhaps a simplistic approach would be to extendthe infinite series of Equation 2 out to some value of n that approximates the time duration ofinterest, or the minimum time duration over which chronic or acute toxicity would arise. This issue,as well as a non-fractal alternative, are discussed in Section 5.

Fractals have been applied in geochemistry, almost invariably to solid-phase samples. Thesesamples are taken from sources such as from ore zones, soil anomalies, and mineral intergrowths.One of many examples is Birdi (2013).

In contrast, the application of fractals to minesite-drainage chemistry is virtually non-existent. However, the application of fractals to the aqueous geochemistry of natural elements, draining fromrelatively undisturbed and non-mining-disturbed watersheds, has been discussed by a fewresearchers, such as Aubert et al., (2013), Kirchener and Neal (2013), and Kirchener et al. (2000). These researchers reached conclusions such as:- In one studied watershed, combined high- and low-frequency sampling “revealed 1/f spectral

[fractal] scaling of streamwater concentrations clear across the periodic table” (dozens ofelements were analyzed). Also, “The dominant spectral slopes appear to vary surprisinglylittle among diverse solutes characterized by different export processes, widely varyingchemical reactivity and widely differing natural and anthropogenic sources.”

- Despite the limited number of intensively studied watersheds, the occurrence of fractals indrainage-water time series was considered “universal”.

- “Time series that exhibit 1/f [fractal] scaling . . . are ‘nonself-averaging’; that is, measurementsaveraged over longer and longer periods of time do not converge to stable averages. . . . Animportant implication is that averages and trends in such time series are not nearly as reliableas conventional statistics would suggest.” This has implications for Section 5 of this study.

- However, nonself-averaging did not apply to all aqueous elements at all time scales in a monitoredwatershed: “. . . these three solutes (sulphate, nitrate, and dissolved organic carbon) shouldexhibit conventional self-averaging behavior, with more stable means and reliable trends,over time scales much longer than 1 year. For the fourth solute, Cl [chloride], 1/f scalingextends to the lowest measured frequencies [and thus the longest measured time scales],suggesting that there is no end in sight to its nonself-averaging behavior, even on decadaltime scales.”

- “[A]lthough our results argue for the generality of fractal 1/f scaling of stream chemistry at timescales of years to days, they also point to deviations from 1/f scaling for some solutes at bothlong and short wavelengths.”

- “This occurrence of universal fractal scaling demands a mechanistic explanation. The mechanismsinvolved must be general across watersheds . . . as well as the range of sites. . . . It has beenpreviously shown . . . that random chemical fluctuations occurring across a landscape canbe transformed by downslope advection and dispersion acting across a range of transport

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length scales to yield 1/f time series in streamwater. Downslope advection and dispersionare clearly dominant transport processes in a wide range of watersheds . . . and also for awide range of solutes except, perhaps, for those that are very strongly retained by adsorptiononto soil particles, or those that are dominantly controlled by in-stream processes. Thus, thismechanism is a plausible candidate for the origin of widespread fractal scaling in streamchemistry time series.”

- However, explanations other than advection-dispersion are also plausible. “Laboratoryinvestigations and field studies have called into question the advection-dispersion equationas a description of chemical transport in fracture networks and other highly heterogeneousenvironments. . . . [A] random series of perturbations, when filtered by the catchment, shouldhave a 1/f power spectrum above a low-frequency limit [and] there should be ahigh-frequency limit as well, determined by the duration of the original perturbationsthemselves, or by dispersion occurring within the channel network.”

It will be interesting to see if such conclusions also apply to minesite-drainage chemistry as higher-frequency databases spanning longer times become available. This would lead to a newunderstanding of minesite drainage and to new approaches for predicting short-term, potentiallytoxic peaks in aqueous concentrations. This would be welcome, particularly because the currentstandard approach of scaling factors is unreliable and often wrong (Morin, 2014).


As explained in Section 4 above, orderly minesite-drainage chemistry can generally resemblea sine wave over a one-year period, with fractal characteristics showing self-similarity in decreasingtime intervals (e.g., compare Figure 7 with Figure 2). There is another way to mathematicallyexamine this annual cycling.

Based on large databases containing decades of drainage analyses from individual minesites,statistical patterns appeared relative to “master parameters” like pH and sulphate (e.g., Figures 9 and10). These patterns generally appeared as lognormal distributions of individual chemical elementswithin particular ranges of a master parameter, with the lognormal distribution approximatelyrepeating year after year (Morin and Hutt, 1997, 2001, 2010a, and 2010b; Morin et al., 1993, 1994,1995, and 2010).

Most or all monitoring stations at each minesite could be combined into one scatterplot, signifyinglarge-scale spatial statistical consistency. An average-annual “best-fit” equation could be fittedthrough the data, providing a mean annual concentration at a particular value of the masterparameter. More important to this MDAG case study is the logarithmic standard deviation that wasalso calculated, statistically representing the shorter-term variability of aqueous concentrations(bottom of Figures 9 and 10). The compilation of average-annual equations and log standarddeviations was called an “Empirical Drainage Chemistry Model” (EDCM) for that minesite (e.g.,Table 1).

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0 4 8 12Lab/Field pH











ed C


er (



Tailings and Related Dams

Rock Dumps and Related

Surficial Pit Lake


If data was reported as < detection limithalf the detection limit is shown.

Readily apparent errors in datahave been corrected or deleted.

When lab data was available it isshown, otherewise, field was used.

Two erroneousdatapoints


Best-Fit Equation for 3.0=>pH =>5.5, and Cu-D > 1 mg/L: log(Cu-D) = -0.48982*pH + 3.32581 Log standard deviation = 0.43962 Count = 499 Sum of prediction errors = -1.0E-06

Best-Fit Equation for pH <3.0, and Cu-D > 10 mg/L: log(Cu-D) = -1.17265*pH + 5.37432 Log standard deviation = 0.37011 Count = 137 Sum of prediction errors = +1.0E-06

Best-Fit Equation for pH>5.5: log(Cu-D) = -1.04518*pH + 6.38030 Log standard deviation = 0.81956 Count = 4757 Sum of prediction errors = -8.9E-13

-2 -1.8 -1.6 -1.4 -1.2 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1Measured Minus Predicted Values

Above (+) or Below (-) the Best-Fit Line







of V



Best-Fit Equation for pH <3.0, ignoring Cu-D < 10 mg/L: log(Cu-D) = -1.17265*pH + 5.37432 Log standard deviation = 0.37011 Count = 137 Sum of prediction errors = +1.0E-06

-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2Measured Minus Predicted Values

Above (+) or Below (-) the Best-Fit Line







of V



Best-Fit Equation for 3.0=>pH =>5.5, and Cu-D > 1 mg/L: log(Cu-D) = -0.48982*pH + 3.32581 Log standard deviation = 0.43962 Count = 499 Sum of prediction errors = -1.0E-06

-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4Measured Minus Predicted Values

Above (+) or Below (-) the Best-Fit Line








of V



Best-Fit Equation for pH>5.5: log(Cu-D) = -1.04518*pH + 6.38030 Log standard deviation = 0.81956 Count = 4757 Sum of prediction errors = -8.9E-13

a) Best-fit equation for dissolved copper vs. pH,representing the pH-dependent average-annual concentration

b) Lognormal distributions around the average-annual concentration (zero on the x-axis),for pH less than 3.0 (left diagram), between 3.0 and 5.5 (middle), and above 5.5 (right diagram)

Figure 9. An example of (a) pH-dependent annual-average values for dissolved copper, with(b) shorter-term (sub-annual) lognormal distributions around the annual average(from Morin and Hutt, 2010b).

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Figure 10. An example of pH-dependent annual-average values for acidity (upper left) withshorter-term (sub-annual) lognormal distribution around the annual average (lowerleft), and for copper (right side) (from Morin et al., 1995).

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TABLE 1Example of an Empirical Drainage-Chemistry Model (EDCM),

including an open pit, several waste-rock dumps, and a tailings impoundment(from Morin and Hutt, 1997 and 2001)

Parameter pH Range Best-Fit Equation Log(Std Dev)

AciditypH < 3.5 log(Acid) = -0.932pH +5.864

0.345pH > 3.5 log(Acid) = -0.360pH + 3.862

Alkalinity pH > 4.5 log(Alk) = +0.698pH - 3.141 0.654

Dissolved AluminumpH < 6.0 log(Al) = -0.925pH + 4.851

0.429pH > 6.0 Al = 0.2 mg/L

Dissolved Arsenic < 0.2 mg/L 0

Dissolved CadmiumpH < 3.0 Cd = 0.07 mg/L

0pH > 3.0 Cd = 0.015 mg/L

Dissolved Calcium log(Ca) = +0.619log(SO4) + 0.524 0.375

Dissolved CopperpH < 3.4 log(Cu) = -1.485pH + 6.605

0.6923.4<pH<5.4 log(Cu) = -0.327pH + 2.666

pH > 5.4 log(Cu) = -1.001pH + 6.307

Total Copper log(CuT) = +0.962log(CuD) + 0.180 0.23

Dissolved IronpH < 4.4 log(Fe) = -1.429pH + 6.286

0.807pH > 4.4 log(Fe) = -0.455pH +2.000

Total Iron If diss Fe>1.0, total Fe=diss Fe 0

Dissolved Lead Pb = 0.05 mg/L 0

Dissolved Nickel log(Ni) = -0.317pH + 0.853 0.607

Total Nickel total Ni = diss Ni 0.613

Dissolved Selenium Se = 0.2 mg/L

Dissolved Silver Ag = 0.015 mg/L

Dissolved Zinc log(Zn) = -0.441pH + 1.838 0.667

Total Zinc total Zn = diss Zn 0.144

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Morin et al. (1993 and 1994) and Morin and Hutt (1997 and 2001) narrowed this approach andlooked at a single one-year cycle at one minesite. At this minesite, drainage ditches were mostlydry about half the year, from roughly April through September, and thus sampling during this drysemi-annual period was minimal. During the wet semi-annual period (the “hydrologic year”),samples were collected at least daily and as often as every four hours at some locations, exceptduring mechanical failures and other problems.

Based on time discretization in Figure 4, evenly spaced semi-annual (twice-a-year) sampling wouldbe sufficient if there were only two concentrations, with each persisting for six months each year. Monthly sampling would be needed if 7 different concentrations each persisted for an entire monthduring the downward trend and 5 repeated each for an entire month during the upward trend. Theminimum and maximum concentrations each occur only for one month during an annual period. Note that the peak one-month concentration is of particular interest in this case study.

At sampling frequencies up to every four hours in this one-year period and hydrologic year, realisticannual “mean values” and log10 standard deviations were calculated using these high-frequencydata, and the maximum measured concentration identified. However, what if these monitoring siteswere not sampled daily or every four hours? What if they were sampled only quarterly or monthlyor weekly? Would this less frequent sampling still yield means, log standard deviations, andmaximum values similar to the most frequent sampling?

To answer these questions, Morin et al. (1993 and 1994) and Morin and Hutt (1997 and 2001) useda random-number function as follows.

- To simulate quarterly sampling, one random sample was chosen from each of the twohydrologic quarters when there was active drainage, and the resulting mean, logstandard deviation, and maximum were determined. This was done 25 times, plusa 26th set was based on calendar midpoints to simulate equally spaced sampling. These were then compared to the high-frequency (entire-database) values.

- To simulate monthly sampling, one random sample was chosen from each of the sixhydrologic months when there was active drainage, and the resulting mean, logstandard deviation, and maximum were determined. This was done 25 times, plusa 26th set was based on calendar midpoints to simulate equally spaced sampling. These were then compared to the high-frequency (entire-database) values.

- The same procedure was followed for weekly sampling, and for daily sampling when morethan one sample was collected daily.

This multi-frequency, random-number-generated sampling was conducted for copper, zinc, andcadmium, at an acidic monitoring station (Station E, high-frequency mean pH = 3.96, Figure 11) andat two near-neutral stations (Station N, high-frequency mean pH = 5.29, Figure 12; Station W,high-frequency mean pH = 6.75, Figure 13). Of note, the Central Limit Theorem and the Law ofLarge Numbers likely play a role in the results.

The results show that quarterly sampling may or may not yield realistic statistics compared to thehigh-frequency sampling, and the reliability could not be known in advance without thehigh-frequency sampling. Calendar mid-point sampling is similarly of uncertain reliability. However, as simulated sampling frequency increases, the range (vertical spread) of the 26 valuesdecreases and in most cases converges on the high-frequency values (Figures 11 to 13). Forexample, the high-frequency maximum concentration (upper-right plots) is rarely or not detectedwith lower-frequency sampling, but is more closely approached as frequency increases.

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Figure 11. One hydrologic year of near-instantaneous sampling, on a daily basis, at acidicMonitoring Station E, with simulated quarterly, monthly, and weekly sampling(explained in text). Upper left: geometric mean values; upper right: maximummeasured values; lower left: log10 standard deviation of copper; lower right: log10standard deviation of zinc.

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Figure 12. One hydrologic year of near-instantaneous sampling, on a daily basis, atnear-neutral Monitoring Station N, with simulated quarterly, monthly, and weeklysampling (explained in text). Upper left: geometric mean values; upper right:maximum measured values; lower left: log10 standard deviation of copper; lower right:log10 standard deviation of zinc.

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Figure 13. One hydrologic year of near-instantaneous sampling, on an every-four-hour basis,at near-neutral Monitoring Station N, with simulated quarterly, monthly, weekly, anddaily sampling (explained in text). Upper left: geometric mean values; upper right:maximum measured values; lower left: log10 standard deviation of copper; lower right:log10 standard deviation of zinc.

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Based on general analytical inaccuracies of 10-20%, the authors concluded that weekly, and in somecases monthly sampling, may be sufficient to obtain statistics allowing the realistic calculation ofshorter-term maximum concentrations. This can be seen visually in Figure 4, where monthlysampling resembles daily sampling, and this is examined mathematically below.

The next step is to use these statistics to estimate shorter-term peaks which may not have beenmeasured at lower-frequency sampling. Based on a normal (Gaussian) distribution and annual sinewaves discussed in Sections 3 and 4, the maximum one-month aqueous concentration each yearwould be +1.73 log10 standard deviations above the annual mean (Table 2), and the maximumone-day concentration each year would be +3.00 log10 standard deviations above the annual mean.

TABLE 2Probability levels and corresponding time intervals within a year

Time interval 1 Year 1 Month 1 Week 1 Day 1 Hour

Probability 100% 8.3% 1.9% 0.27% 0.011%

No. of std. deviationsabove/below mean1 0.00 1.73 2.34 3.00 3.85

1 From normal-distribution tables after dividing probability by 2

The question is whether the statistical maximum one-day concentration actually exists and persistsfor an entire one-day period. If it persists, this would cast doubt on the fractal approach in Section4.

It is already obvious that Figures 2 and 3 only approximate Figure 4, and do not show persistentmaximum values over an entire period like a week or month. However, it is informative to lookmore closely at shorter periods of time. This involves two questions:1) How often was the maximum value (defined here as 80-100% of the measured maximum to allow

for analytical error) detected by daily or four-hourly sampling in the hydrologic year, andwere those occurrences contiguous?

2) According to Table 2, how often should the maximum value (again, 80-100% of measuredmaximum) have been detected if Gaussian statistics applied?

For the first question, Figures 11, 12, and 13 show the dates when the maximum was detected at thethree monitoring stations, by displaying a step function (yes or no) through time for each station.

For acidic Station E with daily sampling (upper plot in Figure 11), maximum copper was detectedsix times, the five in November being contiguous. Maximum zinc was detected only on three days,two being contiguous. In contrast, maximum cadmium was detected in 14 daily samples, with thelongest contiguous interval of 7 days. All three elements produced maximums in early November,with cadmium also sharing one maximum with copper in early December and one maximum withzinc in later October.

For near-neutral Station N (Figure 12), two-day maximums of copper and zinc occurred just beforeNovember 15, followed shortly thereafter by five-day maximums of zinc and cadmium. Singlemeasurements of maximums were also made for zinc and cadmium near mid-December.

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1-Oct 1-Nov 1-Dec 1-Jan 1-Feb 1-Mar 1-Apr

1-Oct 1-Nov 1-Dec 1-Jan 1-Feb 1-Mar 1-Apr

1-Oct 1-Nov 1-Dec 1-Jan 1-Feb 1-Mar 1-Apr

Maximum Concentration Not Detected

Maximum Concentration (80-100% of Maximum) Detected








n = number of continuous days the maximum was detected(sharp peaks = only one daily detection of maximum)

Concentrations for any missing daily samples assumed to be theaverage concentration of the two measured endpoints)

n = 5

n = 2

n = 2

n = number of continuous days the maximum was detected(sharp peaks = only one daily detection of maximum)

Concentrations for any missing daily samples assumed to be theaverage concentration of the two measured endpoints)

n = number of continuous days the maximum was detected(sharp peaks = only one daily detection of maximum)

Concentrations for any missing daily samples assumed to be theaverage concentration of the two measured endpoints)

Maximum Concentration Not Detected

Maximum Concentration (80-100% of Maximum) Detected

Maximum Concentration Not Detected

Maximum Concentration (80-100% of Maximum) Detectedn = 4 n = 7

Monitoring Station E (pH ~ 3.96)Daily Sampling

Figure 11. Step-function yes-no plots showing the daily sampling dates when the maximumaqueous concentration was detected at acidic Monitoring Station E; top: copper,middle: zinc, lower: cadmium.

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1-Oct 1-Nov 1-Dec 1-Jan 1-Feb 1-Mar 1-Apr

Monitoring Station N (pH ~ 5.29)Daily Sampling

1-Oct 1-Nov 1-Dec 1-Jan 1-Feb 1-Mar 1-Apr

1-Oct 1-Nov 1-Dec 1-Jan 1-Feb 1-Mar 1-Apr









Maximum Concentration Not Detected

Maximum Concentration (80-100% of Maximum) Detected

n = number of continuous days the maximum was detected(sharp peaks = only one daily detection of maximum)

Concentrations for any missing daily samples assumed to be theaverage concentration of the two measured endpoints)

Maximum Concentration Not Detected

Maximum Concentration (80-100% of Maximum) Detected

n = number of continuous days the maximum was detected(sharp peaks = only one daily detection of maximum)

Concentrations for any missing daily samples assumed to be theaverage concentration of the two measured endpoints)

Maximum Concentration Not Detected

Maximum Concentration (80-100% of Maximum) Detected

n = number of continuous days the maximum was detected(sharp peaks = only one daily detection of maximum)

Concentrations for any missing daily samples assumed to be theaverage concentration of the two measured endpoints)

n = 2

n = 2 n = 5

n = 5

Figure 12. Step-function yes-no plots showing the daily sampling dates when the maximumaqueous concentration was detected at near-neutral Monitoring Station N; top:copper, middle: zinc, lower: cadmium.

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1-Oct 1-Nov 1-Dec 1-Jan 1-Feb 1-Mar 1-Apr

1-Oct 1-Nov 1-Dec 1-Jan 1-Feb 1-Mar 1-Apr

1-Oct 1-Nov 1-Dec 1-Jan 1-Feb 1-Mar 1-Apr

Monitoring Station W (pH ~ 6.75)Sampling ~ Every 4 Hours








Maximum Concentration Not Detected

Maximum Concentration (80-100% of Maximum) Detected

n = number of continuous days the maximum was detected(sharp peaks = only one four-hour detection of maximum)

Concentrations for any missing four-hourly samples assumed to be theaverage concentration of the two measured endpoints)

Maximum Concentration Not Detected

Maximum Concentration (80-100% of Maximum) Detected

n = number of continuous days the maximum was detected(sharp peaks = only one four-hour detection of maximum)

Concentrations for any missing four-hourly samples assumed to be theaverage concentration of the two measured endpoints)

Maximum Concentration Not Detected

Maximum Concentration (80-100% of Maximum) Detected

n = number of continuous days the maximum was detected(sharp peaks = only one four-hour detection of maximum)

Concentrations for any missing four-hourly samples assumed to be theaverage concentration of the two measured endpoints)

n < 1

n = 1.5 n < 1

n < 1

n = 1n = 1

Figure 13. Step-function yes-no plots showing the four-hourly sampling dates when themaximum aqueous concentration was detected at near-neutral Monitoring Station W;top: copper, middle: zinc, lower: cadmium.

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For near-neutral Station W with the highest mean pH (Figure 13), maximum values of copper, zinc,and cadmium based on four-hourly sampling were less continuous than the other two stations. Ifsix four-hourly samples were at maximum contiguously, n was set at n=1 day in Figure 13. Theinitial zinc maximums were detected about the dates as the fewer copper maximums. However, onlyone cadmium maximum was detected, in late January and not coinciding with maximums of copperand zinc. This one cadmium maximum is not considered an error, because preceding andsubsequent concentrations were elevated but not at maximum.

Some occurrences of maximums at all three stations were contiguous or separated by only a fewdays. However, some were separated by weeks. Therefore, the simplistic step-wise temporal trendof Figure 4 does not apply to these stations.

The second question implicitly rules out fractal distributions (self-similar with scale) at highsampling frequencies, such as hourly or minute sampling, simply due to the presumption of a finitemaximum between sampling events (raised in Figure 5). Also, the repeated detections of maximumvalues in Figures 11-13, some being non-contiguous, may be coincidental, but more probably(statistically speaking) reflect true maximum concentrations. Thus, it is more likely the measuredmaximum concentrations represent real quantitative “ceilings”, such as solubility constraints, thatpersist for periods longer than the sampling frequency but not necessarily over a single period. Inother words, there are no higher one-hour and one-minute maximums due to the ceilings, whichinvalidates both the fractal and lognormal approaches at shorter times.

Based on Table 2 and Figures 11-13, the difference between the log10 Measured Maximum and thelog10 Calculated Mean, expressed as the number of log10 standard deviation cycles, determines theperiod of time that the Measured Maximum statistically should be detectable (x-axis of Figure 14,in days). This can be compared to the cumulative total number of days that the MeasuredMaximums were actually detected (y-axis of Figure 14). Except for a single detection of cadmiummaximum at one station using four-hourly sampling, this comparison showed that most maximumswere not detected as often as simple probability predicted. This indicates the lognormal approachsubstantially overestimates the real durations of maximum concentrations in this database, whichweakens its reliability but remains environmentally protective under the precautionary principle.

Although the maximums were detected less often than statistically expected based on the numberof log10 std dev above the means, there is a relationship between these two parameters (Figure 15). The two power-law trends in the left plot of Figure 15 can be reconciled into one power-law trend(right side) by counting the number of times the maximum was detected instead of the number ofcontiguous or non-contiguous days. This makes a difference for four-hourly sampling, where sixnear-instantaneous samples comprised one day of monitoring instead of one near-instantaneoussample. In any case, power laws are known to play a role in Zipf’s Law, structural self-similarityof fractals, and scaling laws in biological systems.

Whereas fractal behaviour was not apparent from Figures 11-13, Figures 14 and 15 showedlognormal behaviour was also not reliably portrayed, which in turn raises the possibility of fractalcharacteristics at shorter time intervals such as hours and minutes. In summary, the fractal andlognormal approaches both have some value in predicting and understanding short-term maximums,but neither approach is highly successful with the current databases. Additional, larger long-termand higher-frequency databases of minesite-drainage chemistry are needed to address this morereliability, and to understand the conditions when orderly or chaotic drainage chemistry may arise.

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0.01 0.1 1 10 100

Number of Days the Maximum Should Be Statistically Detected Based On(log10 Measured Maximum - log10 Calculated Mean) / log10 Std Dev







l Da

ys o

f D





um C







0% o

f m






~ 1 near-instantaneous sample per day (Daily); Cu, Zn, and Cd

~ 6 near-instantaneous samples per day (Four Hourly); Cu, Zn, and Cd


Below the 1:1 line, maximumvalues were not detected asfrequently as expected basedon statistics

Above the 1:1 line, maximumvalues were detected morefrequently than expected basedon statistics

This datapoint represents a singlemeasurement of the maximum, andthus lies on the horizontal line representingits sampling frequency (four hourly). All otherpoints lay above their sampling frequency of atleast daily, indicating the maximums were detectedmany times at the sampling frequency.

One Day

One Month

One Week

One Hour

One Quarter

Four Hours

1 2 3 4

(log10 Maximum - log10 Mean) / Log10 Standard Deviation







er o

f Sa



at M










0% o

f m






~ 1 near-instantaneous sample per day

~ 6 near-instantaneous samples per day


e m




3 lo

g st

d d



e w




4 lo

g st

d d



e d

ay (








e h








Datapoint ignoredfor best-fit line

Best-Fit Power Equation: ln(Y) = -2.665864106 * ln(X) + 3.417566407 or Y = pow(X,-2.665864106) * 30.49511195Residual sum of squares = 0.251723Regression sum of squares = 5.9624Coef of determination, R-squared = 0.959492Residual mean square, sigma-hat-sq'd = 0.0419539

1 2 3 4

(log10 Maximum - log10 Mean) / Log10 Standard Deviation





l Da

ys o

f De


ed M










0% o

f m






~ 1 near-instantaneous sample per day

~ 6 near-instantaneous samples per day


e m




3 lo

g st

d d



e w




4 lo

g st

d d




y (+


0 lo

g s

td d



e h








Datapoint ignoredfor best-fit line

Best-Fit Power Equation: ln(Y) = -2.504507465 * ln(X) + 3.241405691 or Y = pow(X,-2.504507465) * 25.56963952 Residual sum of squares = 0.155432 Regression sum of squares = 0.572184 Coef of determination, R-squared = 0.786382

Best-Fit Power Equation: ln(Y) = -2.712206001 * ln(X) + 1.792782187 or Y = pow(X,-2.712206001) * 6.006139448 Residual sum of squares = 0.000985348 Regression sum of squares = 5.46911 Coef of determination, R-squared = 0.99982

Figure 14. Total number of days that the maximum concentrations were detected vs. thenumber of days that maximums were expected based on the number of log10 standarddeviations separating the maximums and their means (see Table 2).

Figure 15. Total number of days (left side) or total number of sampling events (daily orfour-hourly, right side) that the maximum concentrations were detected vs. the numberof log10 standard deviations separating the maximums and their means. (When Table2 is applied to the x-axis to the left plot, Figure 14 is obtained.)

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This MDAG case study has focussed on two primary questions: - What time-discretization interval should we use to understand and predict minesite-drainage

chemistry reliably, by minimizing sufficiently the discretization error?- How do we detect or predict short-term maximum concentrations of environmental significance?

The answers are important and timely, because there is a strong need to improve predictions ofshort-term concentrations for proposed minesites. There is also a strong need for existing and closedminesites to understand and anticipate their short-term maximum concentrations that may not bedetected often, or at all, by their monitoring programs.

The questions on time discretization and short-term maximum concentrations were addressed hereusing large minesite-drainage-chemistry databases spanning many years to decades, and includinghigh-frequency sampling as often as every four hours. These showed that temporal trends indrainage chemistry can be orderly, generally following a trigonometric sine function over an annualperiod, with prominent and repeating short-term peaks and valleys. Other databases showed chaotic(non-orderly) trends. There are insufficient studies to understand when orderly or chaotic chemistrycan be expected at a minesite, and such understanding is often lacking for other, non-miningsystems.

To examine the effects of time discretization on maximum concentrations in orderly minesitedrainage, two mathematical approaches were applied here: fractals and lognormal statistics.

For fractals, visual comparisons were made of (1) the temporal trends in aqueous concentrations,emphasizing copper, zinc, and cadmium, from the databases with acidic and near-neutral monitoringstations to (2) variable, but finite, numbers of terms in the infinite fractal sine wave. Thecomparisons showed the temporal trends in chemistry display fractal characteristics over days toyears for copper, zinc, and cadmium. However, the data were not sufficient to determine whetherthis holds for longer times like decades or for short times like hours and minutes. Theseobservations were similar to those made elsewhere for non-mining-related watersheds. To resolvethese uncertainties, more frequent sampling for long periods of time will be needed at minesites.

With lognormal statistics, large databases of minesite-drainage chemistry showed thataverage-annual aqueous concentrations of elements like copper, zinc, and cadmium displayed trendsthat were dependent on “master parameters” like pH and sulphate. Within specific ranges of themaster parameters, aqueous concentrations varied above and below the average mean in generallylognormal distributions. The annual lognormal variability could be described by a standarddeviation expressed in log10 cycles, and the log10 std dev often repeated year after year. Thisinformation was used with probability levels to calculate short-term maximum concentrations ofspecific durations.

With a random-number function, the number of water analyses from the high-frequency samplingwas reduced to simulate less-frequent sampling, like weekly and quarterly. This showed that thefrequency of sampling would have to be at least weekly, but sometimes monthly, to calculate a log10standard deviation within common analytical inaccuracy. This reasonably accurate value could thenbe used to calculate shorter-term maximum concentrations that may go undetected.

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Although shorter-term maximum concentrations can be statistically calculated, this does not meanthey actually exist and occur. For example, a maximum “ceiling”, such as solubility, may limitmaximum concentrations only to the calculated monthly or weekly maximum, with no actualoccurrence of the statistical one-day or one-hour maximum. This was seen in the databasesexamined here.

The high-frequency database showed that the maximum concentrations (defined as 80-100% ofmeasured maximum to allow for analytical inaccuracy) of copper, zinc, and cadmium were detectedboth (1) in contiguous samples representing less than a day or up to one week and (2) innon-contiguous samples separated by days to weeks of non-maximum concentrations. Thus, thesimplistic concept that maximum values occurred only as one continuous interval was ruled out forthis database, which would be more consistent with fractals.

Furthermore, the number of days that maximum concentrations should be detected, based onlognormal probabilities, exceeded the number of actual measured days. As a result, the usage oflognormal probabilities over-predicted the cumulative duration of maximum concentrations. However, there was one exception: cadmium at the monitoring station sampled every four hours.

Notably, the discrepancies between the lognormal-probability-based durations of maximumconcentrations and the actual durations generally followed power-law trends. Power laws arecharacteristic of fractals.

In summary, the fractal and lognormal approaches both have some value in predicting andunderstanding short-term maximum concentrations, but neither approach is highly successful withthe current databases. However, on the question of time discretization and sampling frequency, thelognormal approach indicated weekly, and sometimes monthly, sampling would provide sufficientlyreliable statistics to calculate shorter-term maximums. Additional, larger long-term and higher-frequency databases of minesite-drainage chemistry are needed to address these questions morereliability, and to understand the conditions when orderly or chaotic drainage chemistry may arise.

Interestingly, this MDAG case study has addressed short-term maximum concentrations withoutincluding underlying mechanisms, such as sulphide oxidation and metal leaching rates. This isattributable to emergent processes that arise and dominate as scale increases up to full-scale minesitecomponents (Morin and Hutt, 2007; Morin, 2014 and in prep).

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