mdia p3-03 education 150721

Download MDIA p3-03 EDUCATION 150721

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Post on 11-Aug-2015



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  1. 1. MULTI DIMENSION IMPACT ACCOUNTING MDIA EDUCATION File: MDIA-p3-03-EDUCATION-150722.odp Peter Burgess (c) All rights reserved
  2. 2. EXPLANATION This slideset is A WORK-IN-PROGRESS. It will be upgraded periodically. It is part of a series of more than 50 slidesets. Navigation to all of these is available here: FEEDBACK is welcome. Please email to Peter Burgess [email protected] with a catchy phrase in the subject line so that it gets attention, and please identify the specific slideset(s) involved. This explanation is version v150801. The most current text is available at: MULTI DIMENSION IMPACT ACCOUNTING
  3. 3. The PURPOSE of EDUCATION More than anything else EDUCATION should prepare PEOPLE so that they are ready for anything. MULTI DIMENSION IMPACT ACCOUNTING
  4. 4. EDUCATION should open a person's mind so that they learn throughout their lives and enjoy doing it MULTI DIMENSION IMPACT ACCOUNTING
  5. 5. There is a lot to learn but is the conventional classroom the best way to do it? MULTI DIMENSION IMPACT ACCOUNTING
  6. 6. Classrooms are not the most inspiring pkaces MULTI DIMENSION IMPACT ACCOUNTING
  7. 7. MULTI DIMENSION IMPACT ACCOUNTING Sun University Classroom Sun BOP Financial Capital Human Capital Man Built Capital Natural Capital Sun SunSun EOP Financial Capital Human Capital Man Built Capital Natural Capital Sun USA
  8. 8. MULTI DIMENSION IMPACT ACCOUNTING Sun University Classroom Sun BOP Financial Capital Human Capital Man Built Capital Natural Capital Sun SunSun EOP Financial Capital Human Capital Man Built Capital Natural Capital Sun USA
  9. 9. MULTI DIMENSION IMPACT ACCOUNTING Sun School Classroom Sun BOP Financial Capital Human Capital Man Built Capital Natural Capital Sun SunSun EOP Financial Capital Human Capital Man Built Capital Natural Capital Sun China
  10. 10. a little bit more color MULTI DIMENSION IMPACT ACCOUNTING
  11. 11. MULTI DIMENSION IMPACT ACCOUNTING Sun Nursery School Classroom Sun BOP Financial Capital Human Capital Man Built Capital Natural Capital Sun SunSun EOP Financial Capital Human Capital Man Built Capital Natural Capital Sun In the UK
  13. 13. MULTI DIMENSION IMPACT ACCOUNTING Sun Classroom under a tree Sun BOP Financial Capital Human Capital Man Built Capital Natural Capital Sun SunSun EOP Financial Capital Human Capital Man Built Capital Natural Capital Sun In Malawi
  14. 14. MULTI DIMENSION IMPACT ACCOUNTING Sun Classroom under a tree Sun BOP Financial Capital Human Capital Man Built Capital Natural Capital Sun SunSun EOP Financial Capital Human Capital Man Built Capital Natural Capital Sun In Philippines
  15. 15. from nature in gardens MULTI DIMENSION IMPACT ACCOUNTING
  16. 16. MULTI DIMENSION IMPACT ACCOUNTING Sun Learning in the garden Sun BOP Financial Capital Human Capital Man Built Capital Natural Capital Sun SunSun EOP Financial Capital Human Capital Man Built Capital Natural Capital Sun In Philippines
  17. 17. MULTI DIMENSION IMPACT ACCOUNTING Sun Learning from nature Sun BOP Financial Capital Human Capital Man Built Capital Natural Capital Sun SunSun EOP Financial Capital Human Capital Man Built Capital Natural Capital Sun In Atlanta, GA
  18. 18. MULTI DIMENSION IMPACT ACCOUNTING Sun Watch the garden grow Sun BOP Financial Capital Human Capital Man Built Capital Natural Capital Sun SunSun EOP Financial Capital Human Capital Man Built Capital Natural Capital Sun USA
  19. 19. and using technology MULTI DIMENSION IMPACT ACCOUNTING
  20. 20. MULTI DIMENSION IMPACT ACCOUNTING Sun Hi-tech learning center Sun BOP Financial Capital Human Capital Man Built Capital Natural Capital Sun SunSun EOP Financial Capital Human Capital Man Built Capital Natural Capital SunUSA
  21. 21. EDUCATION is about sharing knowledge enabling the student to learn as much as possible and as fast as possible MULTI DIMENSION IMPACT ACCOUNTING
  22. 22. about learning stuff that is interesting and useful MULTI DIMENSION IMPACT ACCOUNTING
  23. 23. and there is school sport learning teamwork ... MULTI DIMENSION IMPACT ACCOUNTING
  24. 24. a cricket team ... MULTI DIMENSION IMPACT ACCOUNTING
  25. 25. MULTI DIMENSION IMPACT ACCOUNTING Sun Westlake House, Blundell's Cricket Team - 1957 Sun BOP Financial Capital Human Capital Man Built Capital Natural Capital Sun SunSun EOP Financial Capital Human Capital Man Built Capital Natural Capital Sun
  26. 26. a very winning shooting Bisley team MULTI DIMENSION IMPACT ACCOUNTING
  27. 27. MULTI DIMENSION IMPACT ACCOUNTING Sun Blundell's Bisley Success c. 1958 Sun BOP Financial Capital Human Capital Man Built Capital Natural Capital Sun SunSun EOP Financial Capital Human Capital Man Built Capital Natural Capital Sun
  28. 28. REMINDER This slideset is A WORK-IN-PROGRESS. It will be upgraded periodically. It is part of a series of more than 50 slidesets. Navigation to all of these is available here: FEEDBACK is welcome. Please email to Peter Burgess [email protected] with a catchy phrase in the subject line so that it gets attention, and please identify the specific slideset(s) involved. This explanation is version v150801. The most current text is available at: MULTI DIMENSION IMPACT ACCOUNTING
  29. 29. THANK YOU Some links and contact information: Peter Burgess [email protected] Peter Burgess LinkedIn profile Link to website Link to navigation to other slides in this series: MULTI DIMENSION IMPACT ACCOUNTING