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  • 7/28/2019 Me Tarzan. You Jane. Basta!


    Me Tarzan.You Jane. Basta!Why women cant be like men, no matter how hard they try and vice versa

    Dr. Celeste Fabrie

    This subject has fascinated man since the dark ages. So many books, articles and

    research papers have been written about this topic but yet we fail to understand

    that basic differences do exist and we just cannot change these facts no matter

    how hard we try to integrate man and woman into one harmonious unit.

    So here are the basic common facts again:

  • 7/28/2019 Me Tarzan. You Jane. Basta!


    Men Have Bigger Brains, but It Doesnt Make Them Smarter

    On average, mens brains are 8 to 10 percent bigger than womens brains. While that may

    not seem surprising, given that mens bodies tend to be larger overall, even after correcting

    for body weight, its been estimated that men have about 4 percent more neurons than

    women do.

    But before men jump on these findings as proof of brain superiority, scientists point out that

    these size differences arent distributed uniformly in all brain regions. Ina study using MRI

    scans, Dr. Jill Goldstein at Harvard Medical School found that compared to men, women

    have larger volume in both the frontal cortex (the inner CEO) and the limbic cortex, involved

    in emotional responses.

    This may explain why women tend to be less impulsive and more concerned with emotionsthan men are, says Dr. Amen, who theorizes that a bigger and more active frontal cortex

    suggests that women are wired for leadershipand may actually be better bosses than men.

    Consider the intriguing result of a recent study in which teams of men and women were

    assigned tasks that involved brainstorming, decision-making, and solving visual puzzles.

    Teams were given collective IQ scores based on their performance.

    Conventional wisdom would infer the team made up of people with the highest individual IQ

    scores (thus the highest total IQ) should emerge victorious. However, the collective IQ scores

    were based on how they completed the assigned tasks as a team. And the teams with thehighest collective IQs were those with more women,Harvard Business Reviewreports.

    Women Have Better Memories, Worse Sense of Direction

    Dr. Amens research shows that women have greater activity in the brains hippocampus.

    Guys, if you wonder why your wife or girlfriend never forgets anything, heres your answer:

    The hippocampus is the part of the brain that helps store memories.

    In a 2008 study, Swedish psychologists found significant sex differences in several types of

    memory, favoring women in all almost all of the areas studied.

    Specifically, women excelled at recalling words, pictures, objects, and everyday events. They

    also outperformed men on such tasks as recalling the location of car keys or remembering

    faces (particularly those of other women).

    However, the psychologists also found that men have the edge in a type of memory called

    visuospatial processing. For example, the study results suggested that a man would be more

    likely to remember how to find his way out of the woods.

    Theres quite a bit of scientific evidence that men have a keener sense of direction than

    women do, adds Dr. Amen. Overall, men are better at getting from point A to point B, but

    are also less likely to realize it if they take the wrong turn. Thats why men are famously

    reluctant to ask for directions: They dont realize theyre lost.

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    Warning Signs of Alzheimer's Disease

    Women Live Longer, But On Average Men Are Happier

    Studies suggest that women have greater self-control and levels of what Dr. Amen terms

    appropriate worry. For example, women tend to take better care of their health, visit the

    doctor more often, and behave less recklessly.

    Women also have lower rates of substance abuse, anti-social personality disorder, and

    ADHD. And theyre 14 times less likely to go to jailand even get fewer traffic tickets than

    men do.

    These points are actually quite fascinating, says Dr. Amen, because appropriate worry

    about negative consequences could be a key factor in why women outlive men. In one largestudy, researchers found that those with a dont worry, be happy attitudei.e. young men

    with motorcyclesdied earlier from fatal accidents and preventable illness.

    However, the dark side of womens higher level of worry is that they are more prone to

    anxiety disorders and depression, which strikes women at nearly double the rate it does

    men,according to the Mayo Clinic. At some point in life, about 1 in 5 women develop clinical


    One reason why women may be more vulnerable is that mens brains, on average, produce

    52 percent more serotonin, according to a recent study by University of Montrealresearchers. This feel-good brain chemical has been dubbed the happy hormone.

    How are the most important 10 points about Tarzan and Jane:

    Most people are intrigued by the thought processes of the opposite sex. Despite rumors to

    the contrary, men and women are from the same planet. However, there are many

    differences between the brains of men and women.

    1. Brain size: The male brain is typically about ten percent larger than the female brain.

    Although the extra mass does give males more processing power, this doesnt make men

    more intelligent. Rather, science believes the reason for the increased brain mass is to

    accommodate the bigger body mass and muscle groups of the male (human).

    2. Brain hemispheres: Many men are sharply left-brain dominant, while women tend to be

    more evenly balanced between left and right-brain processing. Women are

    therefore thought to be slightly more intuitive and sometimes better communicators. Men

    are often less socially adept, and are more task-oriented thinkers than females.Mens brains

    exist in boxes: Women try to open up those boxes. They are made up of a big ball of wire,

    connected to everything. They need to care about everything.

    3. Relationships: Women are purported to have better communication skills and emotionalintelligence than men. Women tend to be group-oriented, and apt to seek solutions by

    talking through issues. Men can have trouble picking up on emotional cues unless theyre

    clearly verbalized making for tricky communications between the sexes.

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    4. Mathematical skills: The inferior-parietal lobule, which controls numerical brain function,

    is larger in males than in females. On standardized tests, men often score higher on

    mathematical tests than women.

    5. Stress: When faced with stressful situations, men usually employ fight or flight tactics,

    while women use a tend or befriend response that is rooted in their natural instincts forcaring for their children and establishing strong group bonds.

    6. Language: Women often excel at language-based tasks for two reasons: two brain areas

    that deal with language are larger in females, and females process language in both

    hemispheres while males favor a single brain half.

    7. Emotions: Since women tend to have a larger deep limbic system then men, theyre more

    in touch with their feelings and are better at expressing their emotions. This makes women

    better at connecting with others, but unfortunately also more prone to different types of


    The dark side:

    Empathy can morph into an overwhelming sense that the world is riding on yourshoulders and that you have to take care of everyone else before you take care of


    Intuition can make you feel anxious as you know somethings wrong...before youcheck it out. Sometimes your brain lies to you and you can be worrying about

    something that just isnt true.

    Being too collaborative can slow you down.

    Self-control can turn into trying to control those around you. And the worry that is so useful in small doses can stress you to the point where it

    hurts your brain and wont allow you to rest.

    8. Spatial abilities: The parietal region is thicker in the female brain, making it harder for

    them to mentally rotate objects an important spatial skill. Women often report difficulty

    with spatial tasks, both on tests and in real life. Want to test this theory with a loved one?

    Play HAPPYneurons visual-spatial game Points of View and test each others ability.

    9. Susceptibility to brain function disorders: Men are more likely to be dyslexic or have

    other language disabilities, since theyre more often left-brain dominant. Males are also

    more prone to autism, ADHD and Tourettes Syndrome, while women are more susceptible

    to mood disorders like anxiety and depression.

    And finally point 10!

    10. There are more fakers in business than in jail.Malcolm Forbes

    Now according to research done by Forbes, more men lie than women. When men lie, its

    often to look bigger taller, richer, more powerful and more sexually attractive. In both

    personal ads and in face-to-face conversations, men tend to inflate the numbers by saying

    they make more money than they do, are taller than they are and have had more sexual

    partners than is factual.

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    Women, by contrast, tend to use lies to minimize they pretend they are younger, weigh

    less, and have had fewer sexual partners.

    In the workplace males and females alike fib, flatter, fabricate, prevaricate, equivocate,embellish, take liberties with, bend, or stretch the truth. They boast, conceal, falsify,

    omit, spread gossip, misinform, or cover-up embarrassing (perhaps even unethical) acts.

    They lie in order to avoid accepting responsibility, to build status and power, to protect

    others from hearing a negative truth, to preserve a sense of autonomy, to keep their jobs, to

    get out of unwanted work, to get on the good side of the boss, to be perceived as team

    players when their main interest is self-interest. They lie because theyre under pressure to

    perform and because (as one co-worker observed about his teammates) they lack the guts

    to tell the boss that what is being asked isnt doable.

    It is found that men are significantly more likely than women to lie to secure a monetary benefit.

    In the workplace, men tell more self-centered lies. They lie about their accomplishments,

    salaries, and status in an attempt to appear more powerful or interesting than they are.

    Women also tell self-centered lies, but (and this is most apparent in their business dealings

    with other females) they tell more other-oriented lies. In my interviews, female managers

    frequently reported lying to protect someones feelings: Its something Im working on. I

    know how important it is to be totally candid with my staff especially during their

    performance reviews but I still hate to say anything that makes someone feel bad.

    Women are also more likely to fake positive feelings which are one reason that women

    smile more than men. While smiling can be a powerful and positive nonverbal cue

    especially for signaling likeability and friendliness women should be aware that, when

    excessive or inappropriate, smiling could also be confusing and downright deceptive. This is

    especially true if you smile while discussing a serious subject, expressing anger, or giving

    negative feedback.

    So, yes, because men are more boastful they can reasonably be described as bigger liars.

    And womens other-focused, often well-intentioned lies (because they are less blatantly self-

    serving), can reasonably be described as smaller. But that isnt the entire story. Are men

    bigger liars than women? The real answer is: it depends on the destructive effect of the lie

    being told.

    So please remember, whats true in other facets of life is just as true of lying: Size isnt



    When most people hear the word testosterone, they think of aggressive behavior.

    There is a link between the two, at least in competitive situations, such as with a peer or fora sexual partner. However, there appears to be a subtler interplay between testosterone

    and behavior in other types of situations, in both men and women.


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    Here are a few facts about the "male hormone":

    Women in love have more:

    Women in love have higher testosterone for the few months after a relationship starts than

    women who are single or in long-term relationships, a small Italian study suggests.

    The opposite is true for men; those newly in love have lower testosterone than men flying

    solo or with a long-term partner.

    As with early passion, though, the changes don't last. When the researchers tested the study

    participants again one to two years later, the differences had disappeared.

    Making money affects it:

    Young men who are futures traders get a testosterone spike on days when they make an

    above-average profit, British researchers found.

    And on the mornings when men's testosterone levels were higher than average, their

    average afternoon profits were higher than on their low-testosterone days, suggesting a

    possible cause-and-effect relationship.

    More experienced traders showed an even stronger tie between testosterone and profits.

    To conclude:

    Tarzan is Tarzan and Jane is Jane.

    Let us not confuse these differences!
