meadow mist

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  • 8/12/2019 Meadow Mist


  • 8/12/2019 Meadow Mist


    Do+t write i+ starlight, the words 'ay co'e out real

    -- .o++ie Ja'es Dio


    he wi+d howled i+ the trees as it whipped ice crystals through the rigid air, lashi+g at

    the aces o the three hooded igures 'a2i+g their way alo+g the dirt path i+ the cold

    +ight he two carryi+g bur+i+g torches hesitated as they ca'e to the bridge, but the

    thirds reusal to tur+ bac2 prodded the' o+ward .eachi+g the 'iddle o the bridge,

    the two torch bearers re'ai+ed o+ the path, while the third approached the bridges

    edge 3or'i+g a cup with its ha+ds, the dar2 igure ocused its atte+tio+, a+d ro'

    withi+ its ha+ds e'erged a blue glow 4rowi+g brighter a+d brighter, the blue light

    e#ploded with a brillia+t lash, a+d the+ co+de+sed i+to a si+gle poi+t withi+ the

    igures ha+ds, leavi+g behi+d dar2+ess a+d a s'all rou+d sto+e he dar2 igure

    parted its ha+ds, a+d the sto+e ell i+to the water below 5tari+g i+to the dar2+ess or

    several 'i+utes where the sto+e had alle+, as i sayi+g a prayer, the dar2 igure the+


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    'ade its way dow+ ro' the bridge a+d bac2 i+to the woods, with the two torch bearers

    ollowi+g close behi+d


    his la+d belo+gs to 'y people /t was o+ce ours, ta2e+ ro' us u+7ustly /t is rightully

    ours or the ta2i+g 'i+e to do with as / please

    As the two-'asted schoo+er rou+ded the roc2y poi+t, a+ u+e#pected gust o wi+d

    across the starboard bea' bro2e the reverie o the tall, dar2 haired wo'a+ Despite its

    i+trusio+ i+to her private thoughts, the cool resh breee elt good, a welco'e relie

    ro' the rele+tless heat o the su+ he sails caught the wi+d, +ow co'i+g ro'

    behi+d the ship, a+d wood a+d rope crea2ed u+der the strai+ he blac2 hull o the

    (iards Ba+e plowed through the waves, se+di+g spray a+d oa' i+to the wo'a+s

    ace 5he tasted its salti+ess, lic2i+g it ro' her lips

    :aste good;< ca'e a voice ro' beside her 4ivi+g the large woode+ wheel a ull tur+,

    the hel's'a+ loo2ed toward her with a 'ischievous gri+ =+li2e the wo'a+, who

    wore the brightly colored clothi+g o a gypsy da+cer, his clothi+g was 'uch 'ore subtle

    -- si'ple brow+s a+d a plai+ shirt, so'ethi+g li2e a ho'egrow+ Be+7a'i+ 3ra+2li+ >is


  • 8/12/2019 Meadow Mist


    lo+g hair was tied behi+d his head hers was +ot, a+d a+other gust o wi+d blew her

    shi+y blac2 hair straight i+to his ace

    :'', sort o li2e potato chips,< she replied, :without the potatoesell itsel risi+g out o the la'es (hat 'iserable a+d hideous

    bei+gs could i+habit such a place; (hat despicable horrors a+d u+spea2able deeds

    could be co''itted withi+ the la'i+g towers a+d dar2e+ed streets that ra+ through

    the city li2e crac2s i+ 'olte+ lava;

    A+d the+, cal' 5alvatio+ "+ the wi+gs o a+gels, the og drited toward shore,

    'erciully obscuri+g the horrid spectacle 3irst it tra+sor'ed the glowi+g i+er+o i+to

    a dull 'o+ochro'e o grays, the+ covered it altogether li2e a cat coveri+g its waste he

    sile+t, driti+g 'ist brought peace at last

    (hy is it, .obi+ia as2ed the swirli+g void, that i+ stories, og always carries with it ear

    a+d dread; !erhaps it is because og is li2e a bou+dary, a poi+t at which +ot o+ly water

    'eets air, but the 2+ow+ 'eets the u+2+ow+ /t always bri+gs with it a+ ele'e+t o the

    u+2+ow+, a gateway to what lies beyo+d the ordi+ary / suppose, she a+swered or the

    'ist, that i o+e really li2es the ordi+ary world, the og would be a earso'e thi+g /

    o+e i+ds the u+2+ow+ 'ore appeali+g, however, the+ the og is li2e good ici+g o+ a

    cheap ca2e


  • 8/12/2019 Meadow Mist



    "+e thi+g that ca++ot be de+ied is that the og provides cover or certai+ activities o a+

    u+scrupulous +ature o the seaso+ed +avigator, it is li2e a cloa2 o i+visibility 5o it

    was that a s'all rowboat pulled away ro' the (iard u+der cover o 'ist, beari+g its

    u+scrupulous hu'a+ cargo

    he two sailors i+ the boat 'ade or a+ i+teresti+g co+trast he so'ewhat stoc2y

    !hi+eas ca'e ro' a respectable acade'ic bac2grou+d, havi+g studied both the

    scie+ces a+d philosophy i+ several 'a7or u+iversities 3or hi', however, the phrase

    :ter'i+al degree< had ta2e+ o+ a particularly bitter 'ea+i+g :his is +ot philosophy,is wor2 had do+e 'ore to irritate, rather tha+ i+terest a+d i+trigue, the 'e'bers o his

    doctoral co''ittee >e revived the old uestio+s -- about the +ature o 'i+d a+d bei+g


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    -- a+d largely ridiculed or ig+ored the co+te'porary silli+ess that, i+ a +utshell,

    supposed everythi+g could be u+derstood i+ ter's o la+guage :(e shall +ot have

    gotte+ rid o 4od, as lo+g as we still have gra''ar,< proclai'ed the sarcastic Eietsche,

    a+d 'oder+ philosophy was deeply aithul to its ob7ect o adoratio+

    Despite this, !hi+eas had bee+ gra+ted his doctoral degree, 'ore tha+ li2ely because his

    co''ittee 'e'bers either had+t read, or were asha'ed to ad'it they could+t

    u+dersta+d, what he had writte+ But with typical acade'ic cowardice -- which the

    acade'ic co''u+ity proudly, i parado#ically, calls :acade'ic reedo'< -- they had

    writte+ hi' bad letters o reere+ce, e+suri+g that his advisors threat would be

    realied 5o he had tur+ed to other pursuits, each a 'ore 'iserable ailure tha+ the last,

    u+til by cha+ce he stu'bled across so'ethi+g that allowed hi' to use his 2ee+ se+se o

    reaso+, a+d his ability to uic2ly u+dersta+d a+d lear+ ro' e#perie+ce &ve+ i it

    was+t e#actly what he had prepared or, it suited hi' well

    /+ co+trast to the philosopher, +o o+e 2+ew 'uch about 5t Joes bac2grou+d, 'uch less

    what his real +a'e was, or i he eve+ had o+e all a+d lea+, he ashio+ed his

    appeara+ce ater the philosopher Descartes, with beard a+d lo+g, lowi+g hair

    Descartes had atho'ed the world o drea's, a+d it was i+ the drea' world that 5t Joe

    was 'ost at ho'e i2e !hi+eas, he had co'e up through the traditio+al ra+2s u+li2e

    !hi+eas, he had graduated ro' the se'i+ary with ho+ors, had bee+ accepted i+to the


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    "rders, a+d had begu+ his career as a parish priest he+ ate dealt the tru'p card

    3ro' the 'e'bers o his parish, located i+ o+e o the poorer sectio+s o a Eew &+gla+d

    tow+ he +ever 'e+tio+ed by +a'e, ca'e earso'e tales o i+e#plicable happe+i+gs --

    thi+gs that held his parishio+ers i+ utter terror o what each +ight would bri+g he

    righte+i+g tales o his parishio+ers i+cluded hau+ti+gs, stra+ge +oises, eerie lights,

    wi+dows shattered, ur+iture s'ashed, a+d eve+ 'ysterious wou+ds i+ hu'a+ lesh

    that would +ot heal he police had ruled out the 'ore obvious e#pla+atio+s eve+ the

    lowest o thieves a+d cri'i+als eared the place, a+d would +ot go i+to that sectio+ o

    tow+ "+ly those who could +ot aord to leave re'ai+ed, trapped by their poverty i+

    so'e biarre theater o horror, without the e#it to2e+

    he parish priest was +aturally s2eptical, or the teachi+gs o his aith had 'oved away

    ro' such thi+gs &vil, accordi+g to the e+lighte+ed theology, +o lo+ger wore the 'as2

    o the devil, but rather hid behi+d hu'a+ railties such as ear a+d 7ealousy he

    wro+gs o the world, he had lear+ed, are rooted i+ the thoughts a+d co+duct o people,

    a+d +ot i+ the prese+ce o 'alevole+t orces or e+tities -- or so the :+ew< teachi+gs

    proclai'ed .eligio+ thus 'oved, u+der the guida+ce o these ideas, ro' the real' o

    the spiritual to the real' o the social /t had beco'e the provi+ce o culture, a+d +ot o

    4od he socialiatio+ o religio+ let +o roo' or the i+terere+ce o bei+gs outside the

    social ra'ewor2 A+d, li2e the harbor tow+ besieged by Brechts blac2 reighter, whe+


  • 8/12/2019 Meadow Mist


    such bei+gs -- who had +ever really accepted a+y theology a+yway -- 'ade their

    prese+ce elt, orthodo# religio+ was u+able to resist the'

    he priest thus ou+d hi'sel u+able to either e#plai+, or to resolve, the situatio+ that

    was causi+g so 'uch pai+ a+d ear a'o+g his parishio+ers /+ desperatio+, he tur+ed,

    +ot to the social a+d psychological scie+ces to which the :+ew< theology appealed, but

    to the teachi+gs o his ow+ aith ro' ages past 3ro' thi+gs writte+ whe+ evil was

    spelled with a capital &, he lear+ed o possessio+s, o hau+ti+gs, o de'o+ic bei+gs

    a+d their rightul activities >e studied the rites o 'ysterious occult societies, a+d

    their 'ethods or dispersi+g such powers /+ the e+d, he tur+ed to the 'ethod

    traditio+ally avored by his ow+ aith -- e#orcis' >e peror'ed a series o e#orcis'

    rites throughout the hau+ted sectio+ o tow+, which succeeded i+ ba+ishi+g the ghastly

    occurre+ces, a+d relieved the sueri+g o his loc2

    hey also succeeded i+ drawi+g the a+ger o his Church superiors Called beore his

    bishop, he was ordered to reca+t his belies a+d apologie or his co+duct >e reused,

    argui+g that his 'issio+ as a priest was irst a+d ore'ost the care o souls, a+d +ot the

    e+orce'e+t o dog'a 3or that, he was stripped o his "rders, e7ected ro' his parish,

    a+d war+ed +ever to spea2 o 'atters releva+t to >oly Church agai+ As should have

    bee+ a+ticipated, he too2 the oe+sive >e publicly criticied Church policy, a+d

    allegedly pri+ted up lealets describi+g the 'arriages a+d childre+ o so'e o the


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    Churchs highest a+d 'ost celibate 'e'bers /+ the e+d, he was e#co''u+icated a+d

    co+de'+ed by his ow+ aith

    /t was said by those privy to the dar2er secrets o the Church, however, that duri+g his

    studies o a+cie+t rites, 5t Joe had discovered coded 'essages suggesti+g the e#iste+ce

    o a certai+ secret "rder, a+d those 'essages had e+abled hi' to co+tact a 'e'ber o

    that "rder Eow this "rder -- spo2e+ o o+ly i+ ru'or -- was +ot e#actly withi+ the

    Church, but secretly e#isti+g alo+gside it /ts 'e'bers were draw+ ro' the Church

    a+d elsewhere, a+d they 2ept the a+cie+t teachi+gs -- a+d practices -- alive /t was eve+

    said -- uietly a+d u+der the breath -- that o+e o his accusers, a high oicer o the

    Church, was actually a 5ecret Chie o the "rder who had supervised his trai+i+g i+ the

    orbidde+ arts his secret "rder did +ot recog+ie oicial Church e#co''u+icatio+s,

    a+d 5t Joe co+ti+ued as a 'e'ber a act attested to by the ruby-7eweled ri+g he +ever

    re'oved, sig+iyi+g +ot o+ly so'e arca+e level o i+itiatio+, but also proicie+cy i+ the

    "rders 'ost secret a+d powerul rites

    (hile the philosophical !hi+eas was always uic2 to oer his opi+io+ o+ +early

    everythi+g, 5t Joe or the 'ost part preerred to re'ai+ sile+t >is i+te+se, dar2 eyes

    belied his i+diere+t sile+ce he had a+ opi+io+ o+ al'ost everythi+g, too, but 2ept it to

    hi'sel >is secret trai+i+g had taught hi' that spea2i+g a+d doi+g are opposite e+ds,

    a+d idle chatter +ot o+ly e'pties the thoughts ro' o+es 'i+d, but e'pties the' o


  • 8/12/2019 Meadow Mist


    their power !ower is o+e o those traits that disti+guishes the truly wise ro' the

    rivolous 2+ow-it-all a+d the trivial babbler, a+d he had wor2ed too hard to lose that

    power 5pewi+g orth o+es thoughts i+to the air also 'a2es o+e vul+erable to

    'alig+a+t spirits, a+d a+ e#orcist 'ust avoid u++ecessarily e#posi+g hi'sel to these


    (he+ he did spea2, it was ro' the pulpit with the ull authority o traditio+ behi+d

    hi', or such was the air he eected >is 'a++er would have see'ed trivially bori+g,

    save that, coupled with his appeara+ce, it see'ed to activate so'e late+t ear i+ his

    liste+ers 3or those who heard hi' spea2, every word carried the weight o sacred

    prophecy 3or that po'posity, his co'rades ridiculed hi' 'ercilessly he ridicule was

    o+ly s2i+ deep, however, or all too well did they 2+ow his abilities "+ 'ore tha+ o+e

    occasio+, o+e o the' had crossed i+to that other world that the e#orcist calls ho'e, a+d

    owed their sa+ity, or perhaps 'ore, to his s2ill a+d deter'i+atio+ i+ bri+gi+g the'



    &'ergi+g ro' the swirli+g og, the boat uietly approached the di'ly lit woode+ pier,


  • 8/12/2019 Meadow Mist


    with 5t Joe at the bow, sitti+g erect a+d proud, a+d !hi+eas strai+i+g at the oars As

    they tied up at o+e o the doc2s, they i+sti+ctively loo2ed to see i they were bei+g

    observed -- a uite u++ecessary precautio+ i+ the thic2 eve+i+g og 5ile+tly, the two

    wal2ed alo+g the pier toward the shore

    he sou+ds o the waterro+t -- the oghor+, the waves ge+tly splashi+g o+ the beach

    below -- the s'ells, a+d the stor'-battered shops alo+g the pier all stirred old 'e'ories

    or !hi+eas his was the place that he, as a child, had spe+t 'ost o his ti'e >ere, he

    had wa+dered i+ a+d out o stra+ge waterro+t shops that sold ha+d-blow+ glass

    tri+2ets a+d other 7u+2 +o o+e could possibly wa+t, a+d through the 'ari+e 7u+2yards

    that had the really good stu -- pieces o rusted 'etal a+d bro2e+ glass hauled up ro'

    su+2e+ ships, each o which had a real story to tell

    >e re'e'bered the hours he had spe+t sitti+g i+ the old ships store, where sailors

    ro' wars past told tales that really were true, or so they said iste+i+g to the ships

    radios, where voices ro' people he would +ever 'eet told o disasters a+d other eve+ts

    too ar away to i'agi+e (al2i+g alo+g the pier that, eve+ bac2 the+, loo2ed as i it

    would all i+to the water at a+y 'o'e+t (atchi+g as childre+ poi+ted at the ta+2s o

    live lobsters i+ the ish 'ar2ets, chuc2li+g with a+ticipatio+ as they i+evitably got too

    close >e re'e'bered the greasy, wa#-paper wrapped ha'burgers a+d sot dri+2s

    that, +o 'atter what he ordered, always 'a+aged to taste li2e root beer, devoured as the


  • 8/12/2019 Meadow Mist


    su+ set i+to the slowly adva+ci+g og ba+2s

    Best o all, though, was the rele+tless sou+di+g o the og hor+s 5o'e close, so'e

    dista+t, but always those repeati+g, deep to+es ro' deep withi+ the wet, gray 'ist that

    ra'ed a+d authe+ticated lie at the waterro+t (as it the reassura+ce a+d guida+ce

    they provided, that 'ade the sou+ds so i+trigui+g; Eo, 'ore tha+ that it was a calli+g

    orth that the sou+ds sig+iied, a calli+g orth i+to the u+2+ow+ he oghor+s stood as

    beaco+s at the edge o the i+visible a+d the u+2+owable, guidi+g travelers both ways

    he sou+d o the oghor+ proclai'ed the li'it o the 'u+da+e world, a+d the

    begi++i+g o that stra+ge waterro+t world, situated at the borderli+e o reality A place

    where the a'iliar world o the city a+d the u+2+ow+ world o the og-shrouded sea

    coe#isted a+d i+ter'i+gled a place where the u+wary a+d the dari+g could slip easily

    betwee+ the two

    herei+ lay !hi+eas u+da'e+tal rustratio+ with lie, a+d the te+sio+ betwee+ hi'sel

    a+d the other 'e'bers o the group &ach o the' was what he or she wa+ted to be 5t

    Joe had always drea'ed o bei+g a priest, a+d a priest he was, eve+ i a+

    e#co''u+icated o+e .obi+ia had a+tasied about bei+g a witch a+d ortu+e teller

    throughout her childhood, a+d that was what she had i+deed beco'e A+d so o+ or

    the others o+ the ship cept or !hi+eas he was the o+e whose i++er bei+g was at

    odds with what he had beco'e >e had always really wa+ted to be a lighthouse 2eeper


  • 8/12/2019 Meadow Mist


    to be a 2eeper o the beaco+, de+ie+ o the og, dweller i+ the space betwee+ la+d a+d

    sea, betwee+ sight a+d i+visibility o hear the oghor+s was o+e thi+g, but to actually

    be the o+e i+ co+trol, the guy with the switch -- well, that 'ust be a 'ystical e#perie+ce

    to surpass all others

    he world had de+ied hi' his wish he :'oder+iatio+< o the lighthouse service had

    resulted i+ the selli+g o o 'a+y o the la+d'ar2s, a+d the replace'e+t o 2eepers i+

    those re'ai+i+g with co'puters a+d electro+ics Bei+g thus robbed o the uture he

    had drea'ed o, his lie had ta2e+ o+ a 'orose to+e that occasio+ally e'erged i+ a+ger

    a+d rustratio+ /+ his dar2er 'o'e+ts, .obi+ia tried to co+sole hi' that his

    philosophy was i+deed a beaco+ i+ the dar2+ess, but the atte'pt was utile he rit

    betwee+ what o+e has beco'e, a+d what o+e at so'e very deep level is, is +ot a wou+d

    that heals with ti'e, but o+e that cuts ever deeper a+d deeper i+to the soul he old

    ways -- the o+es replaced by :'oder+iatio+

  • 8/12/2019 Meadow Mist


    the thi+g so esse+tial to its e#iste+ce -- the soul, which spea2s through the i'agi+atio+

    All go+e, orever go+e, lie orever a wastela+d o shallow+ess pu+ctuated by idiotic

    babble a+d boredo'

    Fuh huh /' getti+g to be li2e her, heari+g those da'+ voices, thought !hi+eas to

    hi'sel >e catapulted out o his 'e+tal solilouy as the woode+ pier abruptly e+ded

    at the co+crete sidewal2 5t Joe, wal2i+g i+ ro+t, had +ot +oticed his sel-co+versatio+,

    but he dropped bac2 +e#t to !hi+eas as they e+tered the city hey ca'e to the spot

    where the old ships store had bee+ i+ its place was a +ew buildi+g, all co+crete a+d

    glass, but still a ships store /+side, the old woode+ shelves had bee+ replaced by steel

    a+d plastic Eo table a+d ric2ety chairs i+ the cor+er, +o old sea dogs a+d their tales o

    ar away a+d ar awhe+ this place was all busi+ess /+teresti+g, +o+etheless 4lass

    cases with roc2ets, lares, s'o2e bo'bs, a+d other such toys that could prove

    e+tertai+i+g i+ the wro+g ha+ds

    5t Joe had re'ai+ed outside, while !hi+eas browsed the aisles this was 'ore or old

    ti'es sa2e tha+ or busi+ess .ows o shelves stac2ed with glea'i+g chro'e hardware

    a+d sterile white plastic parts, +eatly arra+ged plu'bi+g a+d electrical euip'e+t /t

    was while e#a'i+i+g a+ oddly shaped piece o pipe that his co+ce+tratio+ was


    :>''',< ca'e a dry voice ro' behi+d hi' :&verythi+g so co'plicated, +owadays


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    "+e ca+ o+ly wo+der, what such thi+gs ca+ be< he voice belo+ged to a+ elderly 'a+,

    so'ewhat thi+ a+d o average height, who see'ed healthy i+ every way, but gave the

    i'pressio+ that he should have bee+ be+t a+d decrepit >is clothes radiated a si'ilar

    aura though his coat a+d pa+ts see'ed uite clea+, they gave the i'pressio+ that they

    should be dirty >is u+2e'pt lo+g, gray hair a+d beard did +ot help the i'age 'uch

    /ts or hoo2i+g up a toilet, you idiot, thought !hi+eas u+der the guise o a polite gri+

    hough the old 'a+s 'a++er was rie+dly e+ough, !hi+eas rese+ted the i+trusio+ i+to

    his private 'editatio+ >e had co'e to re'i+isce, +ot to co+verse :Fes, everythi+g is

    co'plicated,< he said, :but so'eo+e 2+ows what it is / suppose i its the thi+g youre

    loo2i+g or, well, its 7ust what you wa+t< hat should hold hi' or a while, he hoped

    :Ahh,< ca'e the reply, :i o+e 2+ows what o+e wa+ts, the+ o+e 2+ows whe+ he has

    ou+d it;er to+e, while +ot hostile, suggested that tryi+g


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    what could be a very short te'per would +ot be a good idea

    :='', yeah, well, 'ostly 7ust loo2i+g arou+d< .ealii+g he probably did+t i'press

    her as bei+g a+ i+tellige+t bei+g, he tur+ed a+d 'ade his way out o the store

    "utside, 5t Joe was waiti+g o+e o his virtues was patie+ce, i+i+ite patie+ce !hi+eas

    7ust stood there with hi', loo2i+g arou+d, u+til a voice caught his atte+tio+

    :(hat is it youre loo2i+g or;< he red haired girl, alo+g with the old 'a+, had both

    co'e out o the shop >e +oticed o+ her i+ger a ri+g that, oh horrible thought,

    suggested she 7ust 'ight be 'arried to the cray 'a+ A+other a+tasy bubble popped

    i+ a+ i+sta+t

    :Boo2s, boo2s o+ celestial +avigatio+,< said !hi+eas :here used to be a boo2store

    hereave you tried the Bro+e io+;< as2ed the girl !hi+eas puled loo2 a+swered or


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    hi' :he Bro+e io+, the boo2store i+ the +ew !aciic "cea+ !alace 'all,< said the

    girl :"h, they have every boo2 a+yo+e could possibly wa+t /ts dow+ that street,

    theree 'ade his way i+ the ge+eral directio+ the wo'a+ had i+dicated here, he ou+d yet

    a+other overilled shel Boo2s with disi+tegrati+g covers, papers shoved i+ every


  • 8/12/2019 Meadow Mist


    which way >'', he thought, 'aybe theyve got a irst editio+ Bowditch i+ there

    so'ewhere o his a'ae'e+t, he pulled a volu'e with a rotti+g cover o the shel,

    a+d there it was A irst editio+ o Bowditchs A'erica+ !ractical Eavigator +ot i+ the

    best o shape, but there +o+etheless aybe theres a+ origi+al Chap'a+ i+ there, too,

    he thought Eo soo+er was the thought co'plete, tha+ a large volu'e o+ top o the

    shel caught his eye a irst editio+ o Chap'a+s !iloti+g

    his was too weird >e :ou+d< a ew 'ore boo2s, boo2s out o pri+t or at least a

    hu+dred years /t see'ed that as soo+ as he thought o a boo2 -- +ot i+ ge+eral ter's,

    but a speciic boo2 by a speciic author -- it so'ehow appeared o+ the shel, a'o+g the

    'ess o other boo2s a+d papers /t 'ust be a tric2, he thought aybe the girl a+d the

    old 'a+ had so'ethi+g to do with it they 2+ew what he was loo2i+g or 5o he

    decided to try a+other sub7ect he shel behi+d hi' appeared to hold boo2s o+ the

    occult >is co'rade &ri2a had 'e+tio+ed a certai+ boo2 by Aleister Crowley, the Blue

    &ui+o#, a+d she had said that the origi+al editio+ held certai+ i+or'atio+ +ot

    available i+ the repri+ts Eo way, he thought, they could have that o+e

    (ro+g !arti+g a group o brittle, yellowed papers, there it was Blue cover, gold i+laid

    letters, the word &K=/E"L /t was the real thi+g, all right "h 'a+, this was too

    stra+ge (hat the old 'a+ had said, about 2+owi+g whe+ o+e has ou+d what o+e

    wa+ts !hi+eas had the sudde+ urge to get out o the store, +ot o+ly because o its


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    stuy overcrowdi+g, but or 'ore u+settli+g reaso+s his 7ust could+t be happe+i+g

    >e ca'e to the cashier, a+d put the stac2 o boo2s i+ ro+t o hi', realii+g at that poi+t

    he had+t bothered to chec2 the price

    :>ow 'uch are these;< !hi+eas as2ed

    :=sed boo2s Dollar ity,< replied the cashier

    >uh; /'possible A+y o+e o these could have go+e or hu+dreds, so'e or thousa+ds,

    he thought to hi'sel

    :heyre used boo2s,< the cashier repeated i'patie+tly :A dollar ity each Fou wa+t

    e';e paid or the boo2s, a+d 'et 5t Joe, waiti+g or

    hi' i+ ro+t o the shop

    :Fou wo+t believe that place< !hi+eas was so e#cited he could hardly catch his breath

    :/ts so'e 2i+d o tric2, has to be &very ti'e you thi+2 o a boo2, its there o+ the shel

    A+d the prices e+ce, the bica'eral 'i+d the right a+d let brai+s wor2i+g together to

    produce socially co+or'i+g behavior /+ those ti'es, behavior was co+trolled +ot by

    relectio+ a+d reaso+, but by the voices o the gods, which were really the society-

    sustai+i+g co''a+ds o the right brai+ he characters o the /liad, or e#a'ple, did

    +ot co+te'plate or cogitate upo+ their actio+s hey acted i+ respo+se to co''a+ds

    ro' god-voices -- voices origi+ati+g, accordi+g to Jay+es, i+ their ow+ brai+s, relecti+g

    socially acceptable behaviors

    (he+ hu'a+ co+scious+ess arose, it ractured the bica'eral 'i+d, a+d the a+cie+t

    societies disi+tegrated he voices disappeared as co+scious i+dividuals bega+ to thi+2

    a+d evaluate their behavior i+ ter's o their ow+ selves, rather tha+ ollowi+g the

    brai+s co''a+ds or social order Co+scious+ess evolved speciically to brea2 the rules


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    o social order its purpose is to allow the i+dividual to survive i+ situatio+s where the

    social order ails he evolutio+ o co+scious+ess 'ea+t that hu'a+ bei+gs had evolved

    beyo+d social order >u'a+itys reusal to aba+do+ the urba+ paradig' let the

    co+scious i+dividual hopelessly at odds with society, a+d both struggli+g rele+tlessly

    agai+st each other or survival

    he proble's o 'oder+ society could be solved, or so so'e 'ight have thought, i

    i+dividual co+scious+ess could be pushed out o the picture a+d the world could retur+

    to the do'estic tra+uillity o the bica'eral 'i+d Kuite u+co+sciously, without a+y

    aware+ess o+ the part o i+dividuals, social pressures bega+ suppressi+g i+dividual

    co+scious+ess Co+scious+ess reuires privacy to e#ist a+d u+ctio+, a+d i+ rece+t

    years, privacy had all but bee+ destroyed by surveilla+ce tech+ologies such as drug

    testi+g a+d video ca'eras &+dless social chatter about i+dividual private 'atters,

    e'a+ati+g ro' televisio+ a+d radio tal2 shows a+d wor2i+g its way i+to the abric o

    i+dividual lives, obliterated the private 'e+tal space o the i+dividual so +ecessary or

    co+scious+ess to e#ist 5ocial chatter about 'orality, a+d its co+sta+t pryi+g i+to the

    'ost private 'atters o the i+dividual, eeds the very patter+-i+di+g 'echa+is's the

    bica'eral 'i+d +eeds to operate >idi+g behi+d their veil o po'pous righteous+ess,

    'oral crusades appeal to u+co+scious 'e+tal processes, de'a+di+g auto'atic

    respo+ses a+d shu++i+g relective e#a'i+atio+


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    /+ the abse+ce o privacy a+d critical evaluatio+, the 'i+d beco'es society, a+d that is

    what the bica'eral 'i+d +eeds to u+ctio+ (ithout 2+owi+g it -- without a+y

    co+scious aware+ess o+ a+yo+es part -- the old brai+ had 'oved agai+st i+dividual

    co+scious+ess, a+d the bica'eral 'i+d retur+ed -- the 'i+d o the i+dividual had bee+

    reca'eralied hough the voices were +o lo+ger heard, the co+trol 'echa+is's were

    still there, wor2i+g through subtle eeli+gs a+d behavioral cues

    (ithout a si+gle shot bei+g ired, society succeeded i+ tur+i+g its 'e'bers i+to

    u+co+scious robots Co+ti+ui+g to believe the 'yth o perso+al reedo', the 'e'bers

    o society beca'e slaves to social +or's, their behavior co+trolled by society

    u+co+sciously he shooti+g stopped, at least i+ places li2e the !alace, whe+

    co+scious+ess lost co+trol o behavior, a+d society too2 over he gut eeli+g, the

    u+co+scious urge a+d the desire or social approval too2 the place o co+scious co+trol

    over behavior

    (hile co+scious+ess still co+ti+ues to e#ist, it is +o lo+ger i+ co+trol ore ote+ tha+

    +ot, it creates proble's or the 'e'ber o society, ote+ co'i+g to the surace as

    pathological behavior or depressio+ he root cause o depressio+ is +ot :che'ical

    i'bala+ce< Depressio+ is the despo+de+cy o the i+dividual struggli+g or survival

    agai+st overpoweri+g socialiatio+ pressures -- it is co+scious+ess at war with the brai+

    a+d its socially-drive+ behavior patter+s he :cure< or depressio+ is thereore


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    :therapy< to :i+tegrate< the i+dividual i+to society, a+d where that ails, :'edicatio+s&.& E"(er ha+d

    clasped his tightly, or 7ust a 'o'e+t, a+d the+ she disappeared i+to the sae &ri2a

    pushed the 'a+ager i+ ater her, a'id gru+ts a+d other guttural sou+ds o displeasure,

    a+d shut the door hey 'ade their way to the ro+t o the ba+2, a+d saw through the

    glass, the boat still i+ the ca+al, awaiti+g their retur+

    "utside the ba+2, .obi+ia waited here had bee+ +o o+e o+ the wal2way, +o sig+ o

    a+ythi+g u+usual, u+til so'ethi+g caught her atte+tio+ ro' above A yellow strobe

    light over the ba+2s door bega+ to lash, a+ alar' evide+tly havi+g bee+ triggered i+

    so'e way o'e+ts later, ro' arou+d the cor+er, ca'e sou+ds o rapid ootsteps, as a


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    hal doe+ gray-u+ior'ed security guards appeared o+ the wal2way, ru++i+g at ull

    speed toward the ba+2 .obi+ia reached i+to the bag slu+g over her shoulder, pulled

    out a rou+d blac2 ob7ect, ya+2ed out its protrudi+g circular pi+, a+d tossed it dow+ the

    wal2way toward the adva+ci+g troops he grease gre+ade e#ploded, coveri+g the

    wal2way with shi+y blac2 ooe he guards could+t stop i+ ti'e, a+d a'o+g curses

    each ell a+d slid i+ the 'uc2, u+able to sta+d or 'a+euver, writhi+g li2e pigs i+ 'ud

    3ro' the opposite directio+ appeared a+other suad o guards, rapidly adva+ci+g, with

    steel bato+s draw+ .obi+ia slipped a white a+d brass shell i+to her gu+, poi+ted

    upward, a+d ired 5he gave a pai+ul sigh as the gu+s recoil sla''ed her bac2wards

    i+to a co+crete pillar, over which was plastered posters or the roc2 group playi+g that

    +ight /t was worth the pai+ the double-'ag+u' Bre++e2e slug ou+d its target,

    2+oc2i+g a sto+e statue o so'e po'pous idiot o its shel high above the ba+2 /t hit

    the wal2way a+d e#ploded li2e a la+d 'i+e, 2+oc2i+g the adva+ci+g guards o their


    .obi+ia leaped across the +arrow ca+al, o+to the opposite wal2way, darti+g betwee+ the

    pillars a+d storero+ts, ast e+ough to avoid a clea+ shot, but slowly e+ough to 2eep i+

    sight oo2i+g over her shoulder as she rou+ded a cor+er, she saw that it had wor2ed

    All eyes were o+ her, a+d +o+e o+ our igures e'ergi+g ro' the ba+2, or o+ a s'all

    boat uic2ly 'a2i+g its way bac2 through the ca+al 5he led the co+ti+ge+t o guards


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    dow+ hallway ater hallway, always 2eepi+g a sae but visible dista+ce, passi+g poster

    ater poster or the soo+-to-begi+ 'usic peror'a+ce

    he+, the 'usic bega+ 3irst dru's, the+ bass guitar, the+ rhyth' the peror'a+ce

    was begi++i+g he 'usic thu+dered throughout the !alace, as .obi+ia headed or a

    steel-doored elevator at the e+d o the wal2way, guards i+ close pursuit 5he bolted

    i+side 7ust as the doors sla''ed shut, o+ly to i+d hersel i+ the co'pa+y o our

    tee+age girls

    :"h we saw you,< they giggled :(e 2+ow who you aree has give+ up;istorically, 'ost witches

    were hereditary, the 2+owledge bei+g passed ro' o+e a'ily 'e'ber to a+other As

    with a+y other 2i+d o i+breedi+g, the traditio+ ote+ beca'e diluted by perso+al

    issues, a+d the whole :witch< thi+g ca'e to 'ea+, at least or .obi+ia, a 2i+d o

    dege+eratio+ o a sacred art 5he preerred to thi+2 o the Crat i+ ter's o its 4er'a+ic

    root -- Hrat, 'ea+i+g orce or power he path o the Crat is the path o the u+see+

    orces a+d powers that lie be+eath the ordi+ary world

    5he had +ot bee+ pushed i+to the path, she had chose+ it 5he had chose+ to lear+ it

    with as broad a bac2grou+d as possible, always loo2i+g or the hidde+ 'ea+i+gs

    behi+d what was taught hrough her studies, she had beco'e a spellcaster, a weaver

    o ates >er psychic abilities e+abled her to see thi+gs hidde+ ro' view, whether i+

    ti'e, space or 'i+d a+d through 'agic2 she had lear+ed to pull the stri+gs that


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    co++ect the ordi+ary world with the hidde+ 5uch 'ade or a very da+gerous

    co'bi+atio+, o+e that had ear+ed her the ear o every group she had tried to wor2


    5till, they had bee+ e#citi+g ti'es 5ta+di+g i+ the circle at the 3east o 5a'hai+, the

    cool +ight breee a++ou+ci+g the arrival o wi+ter Ca+dles bur+i+g, blac2 robed

    igures i+ a circle cha+ti+g he s'ell o oils, the gli+t o steel daggers i+ the bo+ire

    5'o2e risi+g ro' bur+i+g i+ce+se, coalesci+g i+to the or' o a a'iliar ace, laughi+g

    a+d 'oc2i+g

    :Da''it< e#clai'ed .obi+ia, bolti+g out o her visio+, to i+d 5t Joe sta+di+g beore

    her :Do+t do that, god da''ite has +o right to reappear, o+ce >is words

    are laid dow+ he Church has beco'e the authority, has ta2e+ >is words a+d ru+ with

    the' o+ its ow+, a+d >e has +o right to i+terere i+ its wor2i+gs Christ 7ust sta+ds

    there /+ the e+d, >is bei+g is too powerul, a+d the /+uisitor collapses hats what

    would happe+ i a+ archetype were to show up i+ the 'oder+ world 3irst disbelie,

    the+ co+de'+atio+, the+ suppressio+, a+d i+ally collapse he archetype has i+i+ite


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    stre+gth hu'a+ity a+d its social 'achi+atio+s ca+ ight o+ly so lo+g a+d o+ly so hard

    &verythi+g has to all apart i+ the e+d what co'es ater is a+other story, which / really

    thi+2 ca++ot be predicted / have aith i+ the pote+tial o i+dividuals =+der the right

    co+ditio+s they ca+ beco'e so 'uch 'ore tha+ they are here really ca+ be a better

    worlde was

    very 'uch araid

    :"h co'e o+, what is it;< she as2ed, ta2i+g his ha+d >e ge+tly pulled his ha+d away,

    co'posi+g hi'sel to tell the story


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    :/ do +ot 2+ow what it was,< bega+ 5t Joe, :but / 2+ow that it is the worst thi+g / have

    ever see+, a+d / ear very 'uch what it porte+ds or this world / saw it o+ly a ew

    +ights ater 'y irst e#orcis' / have see+ 'a+y thi+gs, so'e beore this, a+d 'a+y

    ater it, but +othi+g so terriyi+g he worst o it is, we 'ay have brought it upo+

    ourselves a+2i+d 'ay have brought its ow+ death to this worlde sat uietly through what 'ust have bee+ 'ostly

    i+cohere+t babble (he+ / i+ished, he sat bac2 i+ his chair, a+d told 'e the story o

    three wise 'e+ who ca'e across a child cho2i+g to death >ow horrid said the irst,

    (e 'ust do all we ca+ to save this child Eo said the seco+d, this child will grow up

    to be >itler 5tra+gle hi' +ow he third re'ai+ed sile+t, realii+g that there is a

    certai+ low o eve+ts i+ the world, with which we 'ust +ot i+terere here is a certai+

    2i+d o 7ustice i+ the world, the 5uperior said, i+ which we 'ust +ot i+terve+e (e ca+

    act as acilitators, we ca+ help to clear away bloc2ages, but i+ the e+d, the orce o 7ustice

    'ust prevail / had, i+ all li2elihood, allowed so'eo+e elses 7ustice to proceed, a+d or


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    that / should be tha+2ul or havi+g bee+ give+ the opportu+ity >e was right that was,

    i+ act, the e+d o the situatio+ (he+ a perso+ is wro+ged, they have a right to 7ustice,

    eve+ i+ the aterlie (e have +o right to i+terere i+ their aairs / had 'erely acted as

    acilitator or so'eo+e elses 7ustice'',< said .obi+ia, :that re'i+ds 'e o the te+de+cy i+ society today, that it is

    politically correct to bla'e yoursel or everythi+g that goes wro+g hat is crap other

    people have ree will, they choose to do what they do, a+d whe+ they choose to wro+g

    so'eo+e, the victi' has the right to dispe+se appropriate pu+ish'e+t !eople are

    taught that whe+ thi+gs go wro+g, they should bla'e the'selves hat is absolutely

    wro+g people who spe+d their lives doi+g whatever they wa+t to who'ever they wa+t,

    deserve to have it bac2 i+ their aces 5ociety has the victi's ba'booled, teaches the'

    to bla'e the'selves or it, to as2, (hats wro+g with 'e that such thi+gs should

    happe+; (o'e+ who are raped are 'ade to eel u+clea+, as though it is their ault

    "+ top o that, society stig'aties sel-dee+se a+d protectio+ !eople who carry gu+s

    or other weapo+s or protectio+ are bad -- they are +ot supposed to protect the'selves

    agai+st attac2 hey ba+ gu+s a+d other weapo+s, preerri+g to co+sole the victi's

    with therapy, tha+ e+able i+dividuals to protect the'selves "+e bullet ca+ be worth

    a+ i+i+itude o words / say, i so'eo+e does you wro+g, retur+ the avor, te+ ti'es

    over (hat goes arou+d, co'es arou+d, a+d / do+t 'i+d bei+g the spi++er o that


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    wheel Justice is so'ethi+g that has all but va+ished ro' the picture the idea that

    those who do wro+g should be pu+ished gets swallowed up i+ sel-bla'ee will +ot be told :+o,< he does +ot care about :i+terperso+al s2ills

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    5o it was that late i+ the ater+oo+, a+ u+usual clie+t 'ade a+ appeara+ce at the door o

    .obi+ias te+t here had bee+ +o visitors or so'e ti'e, a+d .obi+ia had thought that

    'aybe it was ti'e to old up shop, whe+ the door o her te+t grew o'i+ously dar2 he

    curtai+s parted, a+d i+ the doorway stood the igure o a tall 'a+ >e was weari+g the

    blac2 robes o a 'edieval 'o+2, a+d carried a lo+g, croo2ed sta But the blac2+ess o

    those robes -- they were so utterly blac2, u+soiled by the dusty wal2ways o the

    airgrou+d A blac2+ess she had see+ i+ a drea' o+ce beore

    :ay / co'e i+;< he igure spo2e sotly a+d slowly, but with such a deep reso+a+ce

    that .obi+ia thought the earth itsel would sha2e, had he spo2e+ i+ a +or'al volu'e

    :!lease do,< replied .obi+ia :!lease co'e i+ a+d sit dow+ / a' .obi+iae thought or a+other 'i+ute, a+d co+ti+ued :5o

    we are partly 5pirit A+d everythi+g else, it 'ust be partly 5pirit, too, or you would+t

    be able to see thi+gs i+ your visio+s, right; A+d everythi+g, us a+d everythi+g else, is

    'ag+iied i+ u+iversal 5pirit -- 4od, i you will 4od is li2e a co'i+g together o all the

    orces o 5pirit, a gra+d u+ity o ti'e a+d space a+d everythi+g that lies withi+ the';e the+ loo2ed up at .obi+ia, with a 'ischievous loo2 i+ his eyes asers,


    :hats a beautiul visio+, which u+ortu+ately 'a2es +o se+se at all,< said the Brother

    .obi+ia too2 a deep gulp, a+d he we+t o+ :he 'ost obvious reaso+ or this is that,

    accordi+g to your ow+ view, we ca+ i+teract with ob7ects through the 'ediu' o 5pirit

    hats the theory behi+d the spell casti+g stu you have here, as well as the divi+atio+

    practices / thats right, i eve+ a si'ple ob7ect ca+ be +udged through 'agic2, it

    ollows the 'i+d, itsel partly 5pirit, should be capable o +udgi+g thi+gs o+ its ow+ /+

    which case, all o this 'agic2 stu would be irreleva+t we would i+teract with 5pirit as

    directly as the physical ob7ects you see a+d 'a+ipulate with your ha+ds hus ow could

    'agic2 or divi+atio+ wor2 at all;e see'ed to 2+ow a lot about so 'a+y

    diere+t thi+gs, a+d how they all it together he voices i+ her head, a+d +ow thi+gs

    she had see+ (ere these actually visio+s o a+other reality, voices ro' its i+habita+ts;

    he riar obviously had+t co'e or his ortu+e >ad he really co'e to pla+t thoughts

    a+d ideas, a+d i so why; >e see'ed so a'iliar, i+ a way that voice, those eyes


    >er thought trai+ was derailed by the appeara+ce o a+other igure i+ the door his

    o+e was 'uch less 'e+aci+g /t was a tall, you+g wo'a+, with lo+g blac2 hair a+d

    spar2i+g gree+ eyes >er light gree+ dress trailed i+ the breee behi+d her, li2e a+



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    :A+gela< shouted .obi+ia, as she 7u'ped out o her chair he two e'braced tightly,

    a+d loose+ed their grip o+ly whe+ tears had begu+ to low :/ve 'issed you so 'uch,

    too 'uche thought that 'yths were

    pri+cipally 'etaphors or what goes o+ i+ the 'i+d he story gets i+teresti+g whe+

    Ju+g gets i+to the picture, or Ju+g thought that what lies behi+d 'yths are archetypes

    Archetypes are spiritual orces that co+stellate the'selves i+ the 'i+d i+ the or' o

    sy'bols / you put the two together, you get the idea that 'yths are a 2i+d o coded

    record or the i+teractio+ o 5pirit with 'i+d A+d, accordi+g to Ju+g, that is how

    hu'a+ co+scious+ess ca'e i+to bei+g / you ollow this, the co+clusio+ o+e co'es to is

    that the story o the "ld .eligio+ is actually the story o the hu'a+ 'i+d beco'i+g

    co+scious hat is what is really e+coded i+to the 'ythological recordere, a'o+g pea2s reachi+g

    to te+ thousa+d eet, the air ca+ be re'ar2ably clea+, especially i+ early all, i the

    weather is cool he weather was i+deed cool a+d breey who could say whether this

    was the eect o so'e stra+ge weather phe+o'e+o+, or certai+ 'editatio+s .owee+a

    had 'ade i+ the days beore;

    5he had a ull bac2pac2, a+d wa+ted to eel the e+ergy o the orest as 'uch as possible

    /+to the 5a+ 4orgo+io wilder+ess she headed, a+ area with +o vehicles, +o power, a+d

    'ost i'porta+tly, very ew people i+ the chilly a+d breey weather Cli'bi+g the trails

    a+d switchbac2s, the eel o the orest was good &verywhere were the sights a+d

    s'ells o the woods i+ the dista+ce, that ai+t pipi+g, visio+s o little creatures out the

    cor+er o the eye, busyi+g the'selves o+ the orest loor his was ho'e, ho'e i+ the

    woods, a+d the close+ess to the city 'ade +o diere+ce !erhaps, she thought, so'eday

    the tre+d o urba+ e#pa+sio+ would reverse i+stead o the city crowdi+g the orest,

    'aybe the orest would start pushi+g the city away

    As she +eared the tree li+e, a s'all spur o the trail led to a clear blue la2e /t loo2ed

    'ost i+viti+g the cli'b had bee+ hard, a+d she did+t really wa+t to ca'p above the

    tree li+e a+yway 5o she too2 the detour, a+d ou+d hersel i+ a s'all valley, with the


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    la2e at its loor Arou+d the la2e were clu'ps o trees, a+d she pic2ed o+e with a good

    view to set up her ca'p

    (iggli+g out o her bac2pac2, with a sigh o relie as the heavy load was o her bac2,

    so'ethi+g 'ovi+g i+ the trees caught her eyes 5he loo2ed closer, a+d a'o+g the tree

    tru+2s appeared a shape, the shape o a 'a+ >e was dressed i+ gree+ ca'oulage

    clothi+g, which e#plai+ed why she had +ot see+ hi' >e loo2ed toward her a+d

    s'iled his was +ot e#actly what she had wa+ted -- she wa+ted to be alo+e -- but who

    2+ows what sort o perso+ 'ight be i+ the woods this ti'e o year aybe o+e +ot so

    diere+t ro' hersel;

    :>i /' .owee+a,< she said

    :4reeti+gs /', well, /' a gree+ 'a+,< he said, with a 'ischievous gri+ a+d a twi+2le

    i+ his eye that told her 'aybe he really was a gree+ 'a+

    :"h, a orest spirit / see Fou do+t loo2 'uch li2e a+ el or a g+o'e, a+d /' really

    hesita+t to as2 i youre a airy,< she said, i+ as light-hearted a to+e as she could 'a+age

    :/ wish / had the poi+ted ears, that would 'a2e it easy Eo, 7ust a gree+ 'a+, thats all

    Are you ca'pi+g here to+ight;ow

    could he have 2+ow+ she was co'i+g; hat 'ade +o se+se aybe he was really 7ust a

    shy wa+derer, wa+ti+g really the sa'e thi+g she did -- reedo' ro' the city -- 'ore

    tha+ a+ythi+g else

    :.owee+a< 5he elt a ha+d o+ her shoulder she realied she had alle+ asleep

    :.owee+a,< the gree+ 'a+ repeated her +a'e :he lights have started Co'e a+d

    loo2e thought or

    a 'o'e+t, the+ added, :hat is a act you 'ight wa+t to 2eep stored away so'ewhere


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    /t could, u+der the right circu'sta+ces, co'e i+ useul so'edayere is the uture i+

    your ow+aw2i+g proclai'ed, :(hat a co'edow+ or the great

    traditio+ o philosophy ro' Aristotle to Ha+te co+siste+tly or'ulated theories that have +o i+al

    'ea+i+g (ill-to-power is o+e o those ideas (hat it 'ea+s is, o course, i'possible to

    say /t is a co+stellatio+ o ideas, ro' which each i+dividual 'ust arra+ge his or her

    ow+ 'ea+i+g (hat these ideas poi+t toward is a 2i+d o strivi+g a u+da'e+tal

    pri+ciple that whatever e#ists, carves the u+iverse out accordi+g to its ow+ ualities /t

    'eshes well with certai+ pri+ciples o ua+tu' physics that suggest that the u+iverse

    does +ot e#ist i+ so'e pre-deter'i+ed, i#ed way, but i+stead e#ists accordi+g to the

    way it is observed he act o observatio+ creates reality, or so physicists say, a+d that is

    a or' o will-to-power the i+dividual does +ot e#ist withi+ the u+iverse, but rather the

    u+iverse 'olds itsel arou+d i+dividual e#iste+ce

    3or the social a+i'al, e#iste+ce is si'ply ge+etics plus relatio+ships Both are 'i+dless

    4e+etics is a 'atter o 'olecular biology, a give+-+ess i+to which the body is bor+

    relatio+ships are the curre+cy o social chatter But co+scious+ess is will-to-power -- its

    very esse+ce is strivi+g beyo+d what it is /t is that strivi+g that 'olds the u+iverse

    arou+d it /+deed, it is the will-to-power o co+scious+ess that creates reality, that

    creates the u+iverse i+ which it lives (ill-to-power is the i+herita+ce o


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    co+scious+ess, ro' the creative 5pirit out o which it was bor+ (he+ 5pirit touches

    'i+d, co+scious+ess is created whe+ co+scious+ess touches the world, reality is


    (hat +urtures co+scious+ess, a+d thereore reality itsel, are its i+here+t co++ectio+s

    with the world o 5pirit o 2eep that e+ergy lowi+g -- a+d co+scious+ess itsel alive --

    'a+y tur+ to the ways o 5pirit, to 'ea+s o 2eepi+g i+ co+tact with the creative orces

    ro' which co+scious+ess e'erges 3or so'e, this 'ea+s aba+do+i+g the ways o

    urba+ lie, a+d or others, a retur+ to old belies a+d traditio+s But 2eepi+g

    co+scious+ess alive is +ot e+ough -- co+scious+ess is will-to-power, +ot stag+a+t bei+g

    Co+scious+ess always strives beyo+d itsel, to close the gap betwee+ itsel a+d the

    creative 5pirit ro' which it arose Co+scious+ess is also i+ the world, a+d the 'ag+u'

    opus o the co+scious 'i+d -- its 4reat (or2 -- is to bri+g the' all together he u+io+

    o world, 'i+d, a+d 5pirit is the ulti'ate will-to-power o co+scious+ess

    he pursuit o that 4reat (or2 is a discipli+e u+to itsel /t is the discipli+e called

    'agic2, the 2 bei+g added by its 'ost a'ous 'oder+ practitio+er, Aleister Crowley,

    to disti+guish it ro' other pursuits which have :attracted too 'a+y diletta+ti,

    ecce+trics, a+d wea2li+gs< agic2 goes beyo+d 'ystical e#perie+ce -- it is +ot si'ply

    u+io+ with a orce or bei+g, but a willed i+terco++ectio+ a+d participatio+ i+ all aspects

    o orce a+d bei+g editatio+ is waiti+g or the u+iverse to co'e to you 'agic2 is


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    ta2i+g the u+iverse by orce /t is the ulti'ate e#pressio+ o the will-to-power o

    co+scious+ess 3or the social a+i'al, 'agic2 is u+thi+2able, u+i+telligible a+d

    i'possible that is because co+scious+ess itsel is u+thi+2able, u+i+telligible a+d

    i'possible or the 'ere 'e'ber o society 3or the co+scious 'i+d, 'agic2 is the very

    e#pressio+ o the sel, the pursuit o the ull+ess o i+dividuality a+d bei+g

    /t is, thereore, +ot surprisi+g that the theories a+d practices o 'agic2 should have

    beco'e e+shrouded i+ a+ aura o evil a+d secrecy he social a+i'al rightly ears the

    i+dividuality that the :blac2 arts< bri+g orth, or that i+dividuality is the very opposite

    o social co+or'ity /+ the battle betwee+ the will-to-power o the i+dividual a+d the

    will-to-sualor o culture, the 'agus is 'ar2ed as a+ age+t o evil, a+d it is to escape the

    pryi+g eyes o 'i+dless society that the 'agus disappears u+der a cloa2 o secrecy

    hat disappeara+ce, it will be recalled, is the i+sulatio+ o the sel ro' the world that

    'a2es co+scious+ess possible /t is the withdrawal ro' the social world that is the irst

    'ove'e+t toward u+io+ with the u+iverse

    5hould a+y co+scious 'i+d ever actually succeed at the 4reat (or2 -- should a+yo+e

    ever really co++ect world, 'i+d a+d 5pirit -- so'e say it would sha2e the very

    ou+datio+s o the u+iverse itsel that the world as we 2+ow it would cease to e#ist

    hat could be a bad or a good thi+g, depe+di+g upo+ whether o+es bei+g is i''ersed

    i+ the i+ite world o social chatter, or i+ the i+i+ite sile+ce o 5pirit


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    As is usual or those who see2 the ways o 5pirit, &ri2as lie had always bee+ solitary --

    there is so'ethi+g about ru++i+g with the herd that opposes shepherdi+g o+es ow+

    sel /+ school, her i+terest had always bee+ e#cited by the 'ore theoretical a+d abstract

    sorts o studies +ot o+ly 'athe'atics, but also the study o history a+d philosophy /+

    the u+dersta+di+g o thi+gs, she ou+d asci+atio+ /t also created a 2i+d o aloo+ess

    that served as a+ i+sulator ro' the social e'pti+ess arou+d her Despite her lo+g, iery

    red hair a+d physical attractive+ess, she was always alo+e, always i+side so'e roo' or

    other, always readi+g a+d thi+2i+g

    College had +ot proved to be the liberator o the 'i+d or which she had hoped /+stead

    o bei+g challe+ged by +ew a+d asci+ati+g ideas, she was outright bored with the act

    'e'oriatio+ a+d 'e+tal drudgery o te#tboo2s a+d lectures /t was perhaps because

    o that i+tellectual despo+de+cy that she beca'e curious about the world o drugs Eot

    the party drugs, +or the soporiics a+d pai+ 2illers, or it was +ot e+tertai+'e+t +or

    dull+ess that she sought 5he sought sti'ulatio+, +ew e#perie+ces a+d +ew se+satio+s,

    a+d or those, she tur+ed to the psychedelics he days o the popular drug 'ove'e+t

    were still about, a+d she had ou+d 'agai+es a+d boo2s o+ the sub7ect, oeri+g both


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    educated a+d si'ple 'i+ded opi+io+s a+d philosophies o+ the sub7ect hey also

    oered 'aterials or sale

    3irst, it had bee+ +itrous o#ide, the gas lauded by (illia' Ja'es i+ his Iarieties o

    .eligious perie+ce or produci+g 'ystical visio+s &ri2a +ever had a+y visio+s o+ the

    stu, a+d +ever 'uch laughter, either 3or her it had see'ed 'ore +auseati+g tha+

    e+lighte+i+g 'ore re'i+isce+t o a trip to the de+tist tha+ a voyage i+to the heave+s

    Ee#t ca'e 'ari7ua+a Eot particularly trusti+g i+ her ellow 'a+, she opted or

    growi+g her ow+ pla+ts i+stead o buyi+g the i+ished product 5he ordered seeds

    through a+ advertise'e+t, a+d set up a closet as a gree+ house /+ ti'e, she had her

    ow+ source o psychedelic herbs heir eects were wo+derul visio+s o colored

    wheels spi++i+g about i+ the air, arra+gi+g the'selves i+to shapes a+d sy'bols But it

    o+ly we+t so ar he visio+s stopped at the bri+2 o so'e great revelatio+, as though

    co'i+g to a gate reuiri+g a+ u+2+ow+ password

    he e#perie+ce was e+cha+ti+g, though, a+d pro'pted her i+terest i+ the sub7ect Ater

    readi+g a course descriptio+ i+ the class catalog, she e+rolled i+ a+ eth+obota+y class

    &th+obota+y is the e#a'i+atio+ o the relatio+ships betwee+ pla+ts a+d hu'a+ culture

    he irst part o the class had co+cer+ed the relatio+ship o cultivated crops to the

    develop'e+t a+d survival o pri'itive cultures he+ ca'e the sub7ect o psychoactive

    pla+ts hroughout history, it appeared, the use o various pla+t 'aterials had bee+


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    saety -- the a'ou+t you +eed to ta2e or a visio+ is perilously close to the a'ou+t that

    will 2ill you hat led 'e to thi+2 that, i+ the "ld (orld, 'a+y pri'itive religio+s deal

    with pu+ishi+g a+d ve+geul deities / got the idea that 'aybe the reaso+ or the

    hostility o the divi+e lies i+ the to#icity o the pla+ts used to e+cou+ter it

    :Eow i+ the Eew (orld,< co+ti+ued the proessor, :we have 'a+y o those sa'e

    pla+ts, a+d they were also used or visio+s a+d so orth But we also have a +u'ber o

    ar less to#ic pla+ts, that are 'uch 'ore i+te+sely psychoactive a2e this o+e, the

    peyote cactus (hile it is so'ewhat u+palatable, a+d i+ act usually produces +ausea

    a+d vo'iti+g ater eati+g it -- its o+e o the ew thi+gs they say tastes better co'i+g up

    tha+ goi+g dow+ -- /' +ot aware o a+y atalities ro' havi+g co+su'ed it A+d this

    o+e,< he said as he poi+ted to a picture o a brow+ 'ushroo', :is pretty 'uch +o+-

    to#ic /t ta2es less tha+ a ha+dul o !silocybe 'ushroo's to produce a+ i+te+se

    psychoactive eect, but you would have to eat +early your ow+ body weight i+ the' to

    put yoursel i+ a+y real physical da+ger /+ the religious use o these 'aterials, you

    seldo' see the 2i+d o authoritaria+, pu+ishi+g a+d ve+geul deities co''o+ i+ the

    "ld (orld 5o / thi+2 that 'aybe, the 2i+ds o drugs used i+ produci+g these visio+s

    'ay have had so'ethi+g to do with what those people ca'e to believe about the

    spiritual side o the world

    :(ho ca+ say, whe+ we loo2 at these pla+ts, that we are+t really loo2i+g 4od i+ the


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    ace; /t 'ight be eve+ worse tha+ that whe+ you get right dow+ to it, 'aybe were

    really o+ly their ar's a+d legs oly 4uardia+ A+gel

    itsel his is the 'ost earso'e rite i+ all o ritual 'agic2 !art o the reaso+ or this is

    that it 'ar2s the tra+sitio+ ro' stude+t to adept ro' o+e who see2s 2+owledge, to

    o+e who actually has discovered it /t is the irst 'eeti+g, withi+ the real' o the

    'agic2al circle, with so'ethi+g that is 'etaphysically other tha+ the 'agicia+ he

    i'ages a+d bei+gs o the astral world are o the sa'e 2i+d as the 'agicia+s ow+

    thoughts while they are perso+ally diere+t ro' the 'agicia+, they still have the

    a'iliar ualities o 'e+tal co+te+ts he >oly 4uardia+ A+gel does +ot co'e ro' the

    order o the 'i+d it co'es ro' so'ewhere else /t is so'ethi+g that has +ever bee+

    e+cou+tered beore a dweller i+ a di'e+sio+ o reality that is u+thi+2able a+d

    u+atho'able he calli+g orth o the >oly 4uardia+ A+gel is the irst serious step i+

    'ovi+g beyo+d the ordi+ary world, a+d it is a step that carries with it the u+easi+ess o

    steppi+g across a thousa+d oot deep precipice

    !erhaps the 'ost righte+i+g thi+g about it, though, is the ritual itsel /t does +ot rely

    heavily upo+ gestures or prayers, there are +o special i'ages or procedures /+stead, it

    uses the :barbarous +a'es

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    e+ergy betwee+ the worlds /t is o+ that e+ergy low the 'agicia+ 'ust travel, to 'eet

    the A+gel ro' beyo+d the astral pla+e /t is 'ost distressi+g that, because o+e ca++ot

    2+ow the 'ea+i+g o these ter's, o+e ca+ +ever be sure e#actly what e+ergy is bei+g

    vibrated "+e has to trust the author o the ritual, or at least the author o the boo2 i+

    which it is pri+ted, that he will have gotte+ the +a'es right /+ this case, it 'ea+t

    trusti+g Aleister Crowley, the :wic2edest 'a+ i+ the world< >e had toyed with

    stude+ts regardi+g the +ature o ritual 'agic2 itsel ight he +ot have toyed with the

    barbarous +a'es as well;

    /t is poi+tless to worry about it the stude+t 'ust go orth 5o &ri2a prepared hersel or

    this, the 4reat (or2 o 'agic2 the 'eeti+g with the higher 5el >avi+g lear+ed to use

    the body o light, she had dispe+sed with 'ost o the ritual 'agic2 tools, preerri+g a

    s'all cloth pad placed i+ ro+t o the ireplace upo+ which rested i+ce+se bur+er,

    ca+dle, bell, tarot cards, a+d her silver dagger 3or a wee2 beore the ritual itsel, she

    ceased her risi+g o+ the pla+es wor2, ocusi+g upo+ 'editatio+s a+d 'i+d-uieti+g

    e#ercises, a+d perecti+g her body o light i'age 5he studied the ritual careully &ach

    o the barbarous +a'es had a+ i+terpretatio+, which 'ust be ocused upo+ as the +a'e

    is spo2e+ 5he did +ot try to 'e'orie the rite, or it is da+gerous to do so -- a

    'o'e+ts co+usio+ or orgetul+ess ca+ disrupt the whole procedure he

    acco'plished stude+t ca+ read with the physical eyes, a+d 'ai+tai+ a ully co+scious


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    body o light at the sa'e ti'e

    he irst +ight o the ritual arrived 5eated i+ her chair beore the ireplace, she bega+

    the ba+ishi+gs that uiet the 'i+d Ee#t ca'e the visualii+g, a+d the breathi+g o lie

    i+to the body o light "+ce she was ully co+scious i+ the body o light, +e#t ca'e the

    pe+tagra' a+d he#agra' rituals, co'pleti+g the 'agic2al circle he+ bega+ the ritual

    itsel irst with the "ath, proclai'i+g the purpose o the rite 3ollowi+g this, the calls

    to the ele'e+tal orces, usi+g the barbarous +a'es irst Air, the+ 3ire, the+ (ater, the+

    &arth As she spo2e the terrible +a'es, she elt hersel vibrati+g, a pulsati+g glow

    risi+g withi+ her as each +a'e was spo2e+ he+ the calls o 5pirit, a+d the calli+g

    orth o the >oly 4uardia+ A+gel itsel As she read these, she elt a rushi+g o e+ergy

    about her 'ulti-colored light+i+g lashes a+d la'es whirli+g about her, a'id the

    sou+ds o a thu+deri+g te'pest 5he thrust her ha+ds upward, as she screa'ed the

    words o attai+'e+t 5he stood there, her ha+ds reachi+g toward the s2y, awaiti+g the

    arrival o the spectacular bei+g toward which all o her studies a+d eorts had bee+


    5he stood there, a+d stood there, or what see'ed li2e several 'i+utes, ha+ds reachi+g

    upward But there was +o respo+se ro' the heave+s, 7ust the rushi+g o e+ergy about

    her Despite the spiritual pyrotech+ics, the rite had ailed here was +o i+rushi+g o

    power or i+sight, +o 'eeti+g with the u+2+ow+ /+ disappoi+t'e+t, she co+cluded the


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    ritual, shutti+g dow+ the 'agic2al circle a+d recalli+g the body o light (ell, this is

    the 'ost diicult rite i+ all o 'agic2, a+d 'aybe it would ta2e 'ore tha+ o+e try, she

    thought 5o, over the +e#t several +ights, she repeated it &ach ti'e she did the rite,

    although there was +o >oly 4uardia+ A+gel, it did see' as though so'e 2i+d o

    gateway was ope+i+g above her (ith each repetitio+, a eeli+g o cold rushi+g air ro'

    above beca'e 'ore +oticeable, as did a ti+gli+g throughout her body, +ot u+li2e the

    eects o the 'ushroo's

    "+ the ith +ight, thi+gs cha+ged >avi+g 'ade the i+al call to 5pirit, she thrust her

    ha+ds upward, as beore his ti'e, whe+ she ope+ed her eyes, there were +o lashi+g

    lights or rushi+g te'pest o e+ergy &verythi+g was dar2, pitch dar2, the blac2est o

    blac2s there was o+ly sile+ce, a+d +o se+satio+s o wi+d or air 5he stood there i+

    a'ae'e+t, a+d so'ewhat righte+ed the oracles had 'e+tio+ed :all thi+gs growi+g

    dar2,< a+d thi+gs could +ot grow 'uch dar2er tha+ this Ater a ew 'o'e+ts, she

    retur+ed to her body a+d co+cluded the ritual

    5i# is the cabalistic +u'ber o the Adept -- the o+e who has achieved 'astry over the

    sel, a+d e+tra+ce i+to the world o 5pirit -- a+d it was o+ the si#th +ight o the ritual

    that &ri2as lie was irreversibly cha+ged 5he peror'ed the ritual as usual, co'pleti+g

    the calls to 5pirit, a+d thrust her ha+ds upward "+ce agai+, she elt the cold rushi+g o

    air, but this ti'e a de+se, gray og desce+ded upo+ her ro' above 5he waited i+


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    a+ticipatio+, but +othi+g 'ore happe+ed 4rowi+g tired, she bega+ loweri+g her ha+ds

    to co+clude the ritual o her surprise, she ou+d she could +ot lower her ar's

    so'ethi+g had grabbed hold o her wrists, a+d she could +ot 'ove A pair o ha+ds

    had ir'ly clasped her wrists, a+d as soo+ as she realied this, she elt a+ upward pull

    Air a+d 'ist bega+ rushi+g dow+ward arou+d her, as so'ethi+g pulled her up, up

    through the clouds, up out o the roo', up out o the 'agic2al circle 5he was 'ovi+g

    so ast, she could hardly 2eep her breath /t was the+ she realied she had bee+ ighti+g

    the orce that was doi+g this she closed her eyes, a+d surre+dered to its power

    As she did so, she elt her eet co'e to rest upo+ solid grou+d he rushi+g air stopped,

    a+d as whatever had held her wrists released its grip, her ar's ell to her sides 5he

    bega+ to repeat the words o attai+'e+t :/ a' 5he, the Bor+less 5pirit, havi+g sight i+

    the eet aw2->eaded

    4od / a' the prophet A+2h-e tur+ed bac2 toward his

    house As he reached the door, &ri2a could see hi' swi+gi+g viole+tly i+ the air with

    his ca+e /t loo2ed as i a loc2 o blac2 birds was attac2i+g hi' >e ope+ed the door,

    pushed the dog i+side, a+d the+ hi'sel, sla''i+g it shut behi+d hi'

    &ri2a was +o less tha+ terriied at this poi+t 5he closed the door, loc2i+g the bolt he

    rai+ bega+, pelti+g the wi+dows a+d the roo with huge droplets that sou+ded li2e

    roc2s oo2i+g out o+e o the wi+dows, she could see o+ly the trees blowi+g i+ the

    wi+d, the gray s2y above he+ so'ethi+g caught her eye it loo2ed as though a patch

    o dar2+ess was 'ovi+g i+ the s2y above the trees -- a s'all loc2 o birds lyi+g close

    together, perhaps 5he sat dow+ i+ a woode+ roc2i+g chair, her bac2 to the ire, aci+g

    the sto+e wall Just to her side were the stairs leadi+g to the lot the wi+dow at the top

    was rattli+g viole+tly i+ the ull orce o the gale a+d drivi+g rai+


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    (hat could the old 'a+ have 'ea+t, about the birds; A bad o'e+ o so'e 2i+d,

    'aybe so'ethi+g to do with viole+t sea stor's i+ the area; he part about so'ethi+g

    bei+g called that was a ter' ro' 'agic2 -- calli+g orth spirits 5o'ethi+g had called

    the birds out, or the other way arou+d A+d that part about suc2i+g your soul, that

    was pretty stra+ge he whole place was stra+ge, i+ act (hy would the birds have

    attac2ed the old 'a+; (hat about the dogs i+sa+e behavior; aybe it was 7ust a

    stor' 'aybe this 2i+d o weather 7ust 'a2es people a+d a+i'als cray, she thought

    "utside, the i+te+sity o the stor' 'ou+ted the wi+dow i+ the lot was rattli+g still

    louder, a+d the sou+d o rai+ o+ the roo was beco'i+g deae+i+g &ri2a could do +o

    'ore tha+ sit aci+g the wall, as the ire war'ed her bac2 5tari+g at the sto+es, she

    thought they were begi++i+g to or' a+ i'age a 2i+d o 'ural, depicti+g a story o

    so'e 2i+d or other As she rela#ed, despite the sou+ds o the stor', the story i+ the

    sto+es u+olded withi+ her 'i+d

    "+ a hilltop withi+ a great orest, there arose a s'all city /+ the ce+ter o the city was a

    sto+e te'ple, te+ded by priests a+d priestesses /+ the te'ple was a large thro+e, upo+

    which sat the >igh !riest Arou+d the te'ple, ro' bur+i+g bowls, rose the 5'o2e o

    Iisio+ produced by sacred pla+ts, it co+erred prophetic sight o+ those breathi+g it

    he priests a+d priestesses, aided by the 5'o2e o Iisio+, gave advice a+d directio+ to

    the city, a+d it prospered he+ the story too2 a+ o'i+ous tur+ he city bega+ to grow,


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    crowdi+g itsel, a+d pushi+g bac2 the orest out o which it had e'erged Buildi+gs

    we+t higher a+d higher, the old woode+ houses bei+g replaced by towers o gray sto+e

    As the city grew, the orest arou+d it bega+ to die, poiso+ed by the activities o the

    growi+g tow+

    he priests a+d priestesses struggled agai+st the blight, argui+g that the city should +ot

    be growi+g, but i+stead should re'ai+ such a sie that it could survive without i+7uri+g

    the orest upo+ which it depe+ded But other voices e'erged ro' the city, voices

    co+de'+i+g the priests a+d priestesses, a+d the >igh !riest i+ whose +a'e they acted

    (e do +ot +eed the 5'o2e o Iisio+, these voices said we do +ot +eed guida+ce ro'

    the gods (e ca+ guide our ow+ uture, a+d should +ot liste+ to those who would

    hi+der our prosperity a+d great+ess

    A+d so the priests a+d priestesses were beate+ a+d 2illed, a+d the 5'o2e o Iisio+ was

    outlawed But all eared the >igh !riest, or it was ru'ored that he had 'a+y powers

    Although there was a+ outcry that the >igh !riest should be destroyed, +o+e would

    ve+ture i+to the te'ple 5o a huge sto+e wall was built arou+d the te'ple, growi+g

    higher a+d higher, a+d i+ally a roo was added to the walls he te'ple had beco'e a

    sto+e to'b, with the >igh !riest securely i+side he tow+ re7oiced the >igh !riest had

    bee+ eli'i+ated, the 5'o2e o Iisio+ was go+e hey had 'ade the'selves the 'asters

    o their ow+ desti+y


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    Desti+y is o+e thi+g, however, the greedy a+d the short-sighted ca+ +ever 'aster As

    the city grew, the orest arou+d it died ore a+d 'ore people 'ea+t taller a+d taller

    buildi+gs o gray sto+e, a+d although the e+to'bed te'ple stood i+ the ce+ter o the

    city, +o+e would eve+ thi+2 o de'olishi+g it As the citys waste polluted the la+d

    arou+d it, the woods too2 o+ a+ aura o death trees beca'e twisted a+d blac2, a+i'al

    a+d pla+t lie were +owhere to be ou+d he whole sce+e too2 o+ a dull, grayish to+e,

    as i e+veloped by a 'usty, decade+t og "+e +ight, out o the 'ist ca'e a blac2+ess, a

    or'less void desce+di+g upo+ the city As the dar2+ess desce+ded, all beca'e still

    Doo' had co'e to the ill-ated tow+

    "utside &ri2as house, the stor' raged with greater i+te+sity he house shoo2 i+ the

    wi+d ro' the roo ca'e a crashi+g sou+d, a+d the' 'ove'e+t a+d brushi+g about,

    as though a tree had alle+ he wi+dow i+ the lot rattled still louder, although it

    sou+ded less li2e a wi+d rattle, tha+ so'ethi+g pushi+g o+ it, tryi+g to orce it ope+

    &ri2as gae retur+ed to the sto+es hey had or'ed a+other i'age, a 2i+d o tablet

    upo+ which were i+scribed stra+ge words, writte+ i+ great haste 5he could +ot 'a2e

    out all the words, but those she could u+dersta+d told a righte+i+g tale here is a

    5ee2er o Dead 5ouls, or so'e such thi+g, seei+g bac2wards through the 5'o2e o

    Iisio+ /t sees whe+ the gods have aba+do+ed so'ethi+g, or whe+ so'ethi+g has

    aba+do+ed the gods, a+d co'es orth li2e a blac2 +ight ro' the s2ies to clea+se the


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    earth o its oul+ess 5o'ethi+g about birds bei+g its watchers, a+d it co'i+g i+ a great

    wi+d ro' the seas &ri2a could 'a2e out +o 'ore there was a li+e o stra+ge ru+es

    appe+ded to the writi+g, o i+decipherable 'ea+i+g

    he stra+ge story o the dead city, e+di+g with the desce+t o a dar2 thi+g ro' the

    s2ies had she +ot see+ a dar2+ess loati+g about i+ the stor'y s2y; A 5ee2er o Dead

    5ouls, a thi+g that suc2s your soul -- what had the old 'a+ bee+ tal2i+g about; he

    wi+dow i+ the lot was +ow ba+gi+g viole+tly, a+d &ri2a had the terrible eeli+g that

    so'ethi+g was loo2i+g i+, through the wi+dow, at her 5he was petriied, a+d could +ot

    'ove to loo2 >ad so'ethi+g i+deed bee+ su''o+ed, bee+ brought orth had her

    prese+ce catalyed so'e a+cie+t horror, a+d brought it to lie i+ this place; Could the

    sto+e house i+ which she +ow sat have bee+ the re'+a+t o so'e a+cie+t place, where

    a+ u+spea2able horror had ru+ its course;

    wo sharp raps o+ the upstairs wi+dow were ollowed by the sou+d o brea2i+g glass,

    a+d through the howl o the stor', &ri2a was certai+ she heard so'ethi+g hit the loor

    i+ the lot As this happe+ed, she i+sti+ctively bega+ to trace over the li+e o

    u+i+telligible ru+es with her silver dagger as she did so, they bega+ to glow a bright,

    purplish blue raci+g the ru+es careully, her ha+d sha2i+g, she was sure so'ethi+g

    was 'a2i+g its way dow+ the stairs behi+d her a+ ooi+g, slitheri+g sou+d as so'e

    abhorre+t sli'i+ess i+ched its way closer a+d closer 5he traced the last ru+e as


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    so'ethi+g la+ded o+ the loor behi+d her with a loud splat, releasi+g the ste+ch o

    rotti+g corpses

    he grou+d bega+ to sha2e, a+d &ri2a elt her head bei+g seied by a stro+g orce he

    visio+ o the city retur+ed dar2, cold a+d lieless he sto+es surrou+di+g the te'ple

    bega+ to 'ove, a+d the walls ell, reveali+g the te'ple withi+ 3ro' the te'ple

    e'erged irst o+e, the+ a+other a+d a+other, bright gree+ish yellow te+tacle-li2e

    strea's o 'ist "+e by o+e, the te+tacles wrapped the'selves arou+d the towers o

    sto+e, bri+gi+g the' dow+ i+ a crash o sto+e a+d dust 5oo+, the city was leveled, save

    the sto+e te'ple i+ its ce+ter, ro' which the te+tacles had e'erged he gree+ish

    yellow light bega+ to glow brighter a+d brighter, a+d as a white 'ist rose up ro' the

    orest a+d e+guled the e+tire city, the whole sce+e e#ploded i+ a lash o gree+ light

    a+d the sou+d o a pai+ul screa' - the i+al shrie2 o the decade+t city as it va+ished

    ro' e#iste+ce orever Eothi+g was let but stars i+ a dar2 s2y, betwee+ which drited

    whisps o glowi+g white 'ist A ai+t sou+d o cha+ti+g could be heard, alo+g with a

    rushi+g sou+d that 'ight have bee+ uiet laughter

    &ri2a ope+ed her eyes it was 'or+i+g 5he had alle+ asleep i+ her chair oo2i+g up

    the stairs, the wi+dow was i+tact, with the bright blue 'or+i+g s2y shi+i+g through

    he sto+es i+ ro+t o her had beco'e uiet, solid sto+es o+ce 'ore "utside, the

    brillia+t golde+ rays o the 'or+i+g su+ cut through the trees he se+se o broodi+g


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    'isortu+e was go+e it was a +ew day As she stood up, she elt so'ethi+g i+ her lap

    >er silver dagger was there, but there was so'ethi+g else a dar2 leather pouch, tightly

    closed by a drawstri+g =+doi+g the drawstri+g, &ri2a saw what was i+side /t was a

    bag o ru+e sto+es, s'all lat roc2s beari+g odd sy'bols, sy'bols she recog+ied ro'

    the drea' as those that had bee+ upo+ the wall -- the very o+es she had traced out with

    her dagger he sy'bols were pai+ted with a glitteri+g pai+t, that gave the eect o

    glowi+g a+d 'otio+ whe+ placed i+ the light

    5he heard the sou+d o a dog bar2i+g, a+d, closi+g the bag o sto+es, we+t to the ro+t

    door a+d ope+ed it he old 'a+ was co'i+g dow+ the road, with his dog /+stead o

    bei+g a+gry, the dog was playul, etchi+g stic2s as the old 'a+ threw the'

    :5o'e stor', eh;< he said :A+d that earthua2e, we do+t get 'a+y li2e that Eeed

    the stor's though, o+ce i+ a while Heeps everythi+g clea+ad there bee+ a+ earthua2e; 5he had elt the house sha2e 'aybe it had +ot bee+ a

    drea' ater all &ri2a elt a sudde+ urge to get bac2 to the (iard, a+d to her co'rades

    A eeli+g ca'e over her that whatever the drea' had 'ea+t, orces had bee+ set i+

    'otio+ that would alter the course o her uture, a+d the uture o her rie+ds as well

    (hether or good or or ill, powers had begu+ co+stellati+g the'selves, powers that

    could crush a+d destroy e+tire civiliatio+s !erhaps it was the will-to-power, the power

    o the 5pirit world, that was readyi+g itsel or its i+al pou+ce o+ the civiliatio+s o


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    hu'a+ity -- the great dar2+ess co'e calli+g or the dead soul o the world


    cerpt ro' eta-Co+scious+ess he Eot !hilosophy o !hi+eas the !irate

    :he prese+t age,< wrote Da+ish philosopher 5ore+ Hier2egaard i+ 18*G, :is esse+tially

    a se+sible, relecti+g age, devoid o passio+, lari+g up i+ supericial, short-lived

    e+thusias' a+d prude+tially rela#i+g i+ i+dole+ce< /t was +ot 'ea+t as a co'pli'e+t

    /+ co+trast to the age o revolutio+, whe+ passio+ate deter'i+atio+ drove i+dividuals to

    heroic deeds a+d i'passio+ed struggle brought orth u+da'e+tal cha+ges i+ the

    +ature o the world, culture i+ the prese+t has dege+erated i+to a stag+atio+ o

    ratio+alied i+actio+ !u+ctuated by the e'erge+ce a+d disappeara+ce o :causes,< so

    see'i+gly i'porta+t a+d so realistically i+sig+iica+t, society has beco'e a passive

    bysta+der, so sure that it is better to do +othi+g a+d 2eep what it has, tha+ to 'ove

    orward a+d ris2 losi+g everythi+g

    5i+ce Hier2egaards ti'e, there have bee+ i'passio+ed struggles, both or a+d agai+st

    o+e idea or a+other, a+d the ace o the world has bee+ cha+ged by the' But +ot so i+


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    the prese+t world, where everythi+g is subsu'ed u+der the ba++er o +egotiatio+

    Cha+ge is +ot wrought by +egotiatio+, cha+ge is preve+ted by 'ovi+g the theater o

    actio+ ro' the battleield to the puppet show o e+dless debate 3reedo' a+d liberty

    are absolutes, they ca++ot be ratio+alied or traded away A+d so, i+ the prese+t age,

    the struggle or ideals has bee+ replaced by i+dole+t rela#atio+ i+ +egotiated co'ort

    (hatever valor a+d progress could have bee+ brought orth by those struggles has bee+

    traded or the 'o+oto+y a+d e'pti+ess o careully policed :peace

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    / the prese+t age is o+e o stag+atio+, the+ it is also o+e o a+ticipatio+ -- o waiti+g o+

    the bri+2, as though so'ethi+g is about to happe+ A +ews lash o a death o so'eo+e

    ar away, o a+ arrest or o a trial stirs e'otio+s to the boili+g poi+t aybe +ow

    so'ethi+g is goi+g to happe+, it is thought, but it +ever does Just a+other 7olt o

    e+thusias' that uietly si+2s i+to the 'ire o e+dless chatter he reaso+ or this

    stag+atio+ is that by aba+do+i+g the i+dividual or the collective, will-to-power has

    bee+ lost he 'otivati+g orce that drives i+dividuals orward disappears whe+

    i+dividuality si+2s i+to the social slough hus, all that is let to do is to watch a+d

    wait, to re'ai+ o+ the bri+2 o what 'ight happe+, si+ce there is +o passio+ate drive to

    'a2e a+ythi+g happe+ at all

    5o the world waits All art, scie+ce, religio+ a+d 2+owledge are, accordi+g to Dr

    >oward >e+dri# i+ he &cstasy o Catastrophe, ulti'ately about three uestio+s :>ow

    did it begi+;< :>ow is it goi+g;< a+d :>ow will it e+d;< he i+dole+t 'i+d delights i+

    history, or its ratio+aliatio+ ca+ toy e+dlessly with re-writi+g its ow+ i+evitability "

    how it is goi+g Hier2egaard writes, :(e 'ust say that o the prese+t age that it is goi+g

    badly< :/ts co+ditio+ is li2e that o the stay-abed i+ the 'or+i+g,< writes Hier2egaard

    i+ wo Ages, :who has big drea's, the+ torpor, ollowed by a witty or i+ge+ious

    i+spiratio+ to e#cuse stayi+g i+ bed< he prese+t age is goi+g badly because it is +ot

    goi+g at all it is 'erely holdi+g its place, waiti+g or so'e uture that will e#te+d the


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    prese+t i+to the eter+al he e+d is u+thi+2able, a+d yet that is all that is let (he+

    will-to-power is go+e, passio+ is stilled, a+d 'ove'e+t is halted, the o+ly thi+g let to

    wait or is the e+d o the world

    he popularity o apocalyptic literature will attest to this he social 'i+d ca++ot wait

    or cha+ge cha+ge is i'possible i+ a state o rela#ed i+dole+ce /t ca+ o+ly wait or the

    e+d 5ociety 'ust e'brace its e+d e+thusiastically, or it is esse+tially i+co'plete it is

    'issi+g so'ethi+g, so'ethi+g that will i+ally ratio+alie its e#iste+ce 5ocial order ca+

    o+ly be i+ally co'pleted whe+ it is destroyed o+ce the i+dividual has bee+ subsu'ed

    u+der the collective, the o+ly ave+ue or the e#pressio+ o will-to-power is a++ihilatio+

    he world thereore waits with its breath held the +ews o a stray co'et or asteroid, o

    a+ earthua2e or a plague bri+gi+g orth a cultural shiver that 'aybe +ow, at last,

    so'ethi+g will i+ally happe+ Kuoti+g >e+dri# agai+, the public waits :ecstatically or

    their tic2ets o+ the 4od Bus to be pu+ched by global catastropheavi+g lost the i++er -- havi+g

    sacriiced will-to-power a+d i+dividual co+scious+ess or rela#atio+ a+d i+dole+ce --

    there is +o i++er to tra+sor' here will be +o Day Ater the 5eco+d Co'i+g, +o A+gel


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    o+ the other side o the Abyss everythi+g that :ought-to-be< has bee+ +egotiated away

    (ithout i+dividuality there is +o ought-to-be i+dole+t chatter a+d i+diere+t propriety

    have e'ptied the uture o salvatio+ Just as or the a+cie+t cultures that va+ished ro'

    the ace o the earth, whe+ the &+d i+ally co'es, it will be pu+ctuated by a period, +ot

    a se'icolo+


    he &+d was o+ 5t Joes 'i+d, as he lay o+ the bed i+ his hotel roo' at the waterro+t

    (as the world really doo'ed; All the prophecies describi+g the e+d o the world were

    +ot optio+al they were +ot there to oer choices, but rather to describe what would

    co'e to pass (hy would so'eo+e oer, to bei+gs with ree will a+d ratio+al choice,

    such a picture; he whole poi+t o those abilities is havi+g the capacity to alter o+es

    uture (hat purpose could be served by the i+evitability o the uture, i o+e could +ot

    choose otherwise;

    he televisio+ +ews was o+, a+d so'e public igure was tal2i+g about the +eed or

    ce+sorship /t was, accordi+g to this 'a+s view, +ot so 'uch a+ issue o ree speech, as

    it is o+e o :shared values

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    we, as a co''u+ity, are, said the 'a+ hat certai+ views, words, a+d pictures should

    be 2ept ro' the public is esse+tial to 2eepi+g us, as a group, together, he proclai'ed

    " course it was +ever stated what these :shared values< really were /t see'ed as

    though they could +ot be stated, or to do so would ope+ the' up to e#a'i+atio+

    5hould they be peculiar to o+e religio+, or e#a'ple, they would provo2e reactio+s ro'

    all the others should they be speciic or o+e race, o+e eco+o'ic class, or so'e other

    category, they would i''ediately provo2e a reactio+ ro' all others o clai' that

    child por+ography is oe+sive to all, or e#a'ple, is to ig+ore the e#iste+ce o the

    pedophile, as 'uch a part o the :co''u+ity< as the parish priest !reve+ti+g the

    e#pressio+ o racist views 'erely hides the e#iste+ce o racis' !arado#ically, ce+sori+g

    racis' belittles a+d ridicules all who have suered discri'i+atio+, pushes the' out o

    picture a+d protects the racist ro' public scruti+y

    o bri+g :shared values< out i+ the ope+ would i''ediately bri+g orth the obvious

    act that they are +ot :shared

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    'ea+i+gul phrase it is a psychological trigger, a sti'ulus to the 'echa+is's o the

    brai+ that co+trol social behavior /t serves +either to i+struct +or to persuade, but to

    sy+chro+ie the behavior o 'e'bers o society u+co+sciously /ts i+te+t is to provo2e a

    behavioral reactio+, +ot to sti'ulate thought or relectio+

    Jesus, thought 5t Joe, 'aybe !hi+eas is right -- 'aybe people i+ society really have lost

    co+scious+ess his is how bees a+d ter'ites behave, +ot se+tie+t bei+gs hey 'a2e

    +oises a+d physical 'ove'e+ts that trigger late+t behaviors >o+ey bees do +ot e#plai+

    where they have ou+d ood, they carry out a da+ce that sti'ulates a+ already wired-i+

    behavioral patter+ i+ the other bees to go out a+d get the ood here was +o choosi+g

    i+volved a+d that idea se+t a shiver through 5t Joes body aybe that was the poi+t o

    the a+cie+t prophecies +ot so 'uch to war+ co+scious bei+gs o what will happe+, but

    to tell the' o what will happe+ whe+ the ability to choose o+es uture is lost

    >e 'ust have alle+ asleep with these thoughts, or 5t Joe awo2e i+to a drea',

    wa+deri+g a deserted city street, i+ a gray-'isted drile here were large buildi+gs

    a+d vaca+t lots, with a+ occasio+al vehicle o o+e 2i+d or a+other 'a2i+g its way dow+

    the street As he tur+ed a cor+er, 5t Joe saw a li+e o people at the e+tra+ce to o+e o

    the buildi+gs, ili+g i+side >e had so'ethi+g i+ his ha+d -- a tic2et, it appeared to be --

    a+d so he 7oi+ed i+ the li+e As he e+tered the buildi+g, so'eo+e too2 his tic2et, a+d he

    proceeded through a doorway he door led i+to a large auditoriu' +o, it was a stage,


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    a televisio+ studio he rows o audie+ce seati+g desce+ded toward the stage itsel,

    with lights, televisio+ ca'eras, a+d other euip'e+t bei+g set up "+ the stage were

    several chairs a+d a couch it was evide+tly i+te+ded or so'e 2i+d o discussio+, rather

    tha+ a ga'e show or actio+ 'ovie 5t Joe too2 a seat toward the bac2 o the roo'

    As the audie+ce seats bega+ illi+g up, the stage lights ca'e o+, a+d ca'eras o+ lo+g

    boo's bega+ 'ovi+g about the buildi+g A 'a+ dressed i+ a chec2ed coat a+d pa+ts,

    o to the side o the stage, was ad7usti+g a lapel 'icropho+e he 'a+ gave a sig+al,

    a+d the :applause< light over the stage ca'e o+ As the +oise ro' the audie+ce rose,

    the 'a+ wal2ed ro' the side o the stage to its ce+ter, wavi+g as he did so &vide+tly

    the shows host, he bega+ spea2i+g to the audie+ce, both i+ the buildi+g a+d i+ the

    ether he applause died dow+ eve+ so, 5t Joe could +ot clearly hear what the host was

    sayi+g 5o'ethi+g about a 'a+ with a+ u+usual bac2grou+d, who o+ly through the

    stra+gest o circu'sta+ces could be with us to+ight >e 'otio+ed with his ha+d to the

    side o the stage, the applause light a+d respo+se ro' the audie+ce ca'e o+, a+d

    everyo+es atte+tio+ tur+ed to the spotlight

    3ro' the side o the stage e'erged a+ u+2e'pt, dirty loo2i+g 'a+ dressed i+ blue 7ea+s

    a+d a gray, lo+g sleeved shirt he applause ro' the audie+ce rose to deae+i+g

    proportio+s as he tur+ed a+d showed the bac2 o his shirt, upo+ which the words :5tate

    Correctio+s< were ste+ciled his 'a+ is a priso+er, thought 5t Joe, a co+vict o so'e


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    sort, a+d yet theyre applaudi+g hi';

    :adies a+d ge+tle'e+,< said the host, 'otio+i+g toward the priso+er, addi+g with a

    to+e o sarcas', :a+d +ot-so-ge+tle 'e+, 'ay / prese+t, the .ed ight 5tra+gler< he

    audie+ce +ot o+ly applauded, but stood up a sta+di+g ovatio+ or a elo+ 5t Joe sat

    bac2 i+ his chair, partly horriied a+d partly curious, as the host shoo2 the 'a+s ha+d,

    a+d they sat dow+ i+ ad7ace+t chairs

    :5o, how did you co'e by the +a'e, .ed ight 5tra+gler;< as2ed the host :/ 2+ow

    'ost o your victi's were prostitutes, so / guess that e#plai+s the .ed ight part, but /

    thought e ope+ed the bo# a+d re'oved a 'etal cross ea+i+g i+to the hole,

    he plu+ged the cross i+to the bodys +ec2 /+sta+tly, la'es e#ploded ro' the hole

    he pastor 7u'ped bac2 a+d stood :his is perectio+,< he shouted triu'pha+tly, :this

    is the power o 4ode said i / showed you this, it 'ight cha+ge your 'i+d,< said the bi2er

    :>e was right,< said 5t Joe :/' sorry, its bee+ a rough 'or+i+g ets +ot 2eep hi'


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    waiti+ge could +ot see the e+d

    o the pier i+ the og, but could see that it was 7ust a woode+ pier, with areas or ishi+g

    alo+g its sides As he wal2ed dow+ the pier, boards crea2ed be+eath his eet, a+d 'ore

    tha+ o+e see'ed to be+d alar'i+gly, as though about to brea2 a+d drop hi' i+to the

    sea he s'ell o greasy, ried ish e+tered his +ose as the lights o the restaura+t

    e'erged ro' the og /t loo2ed to be a ilthy place rotti+g boards covered with u+eve+


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    coats o pai+t, large plate glass wi+dows overloo2i+g the sea, reveali+g cheap tables a+d

    chairs i+side But the clie+tele loo2ed dece+t e+ough, a+d they had the good taste to be

    playi+g the 'usic o his ow+ troupe, albeit through a sou+d syste' to which the word

    uality could i+ +o way be applied As he e+tered, he was ushered to a table by a busy

    waitress >e ordered soup, a+d tur+ed to stare out the wi+dow a+d wait

    :A+d so, have you 2illed the A+tichrist;< said a low, uiet voice, i+terrupti+g his

    'i+dless stare i+to the og :A+d twice yet, i+ so 'a+y days;ave you +ot see+ it yoursel; >ave you +ot, Brother, see+


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    that which will be the &+d o your world;ad the 5uperior a+d his Brothers called

    it orth had they bee+ the o+es that se+t it i+ the irst place; (as the hi+g +ot

    'i+dless &vil ater all, but so'e destructive orce u+der co+scious co+trol, doi+g the

    biddi+g o those be+t o+ hu'a+itys dow+all;

    :Fou 2+ow what / 'ea+, you have see+ it yoursel,< replied the 5uperior, sta+di+g up

    ro' his seat :hi+gs are i+ 'otio+, a+d what is see+ will co'e to pass /t is +ot so

    'uch what co'es to pass, as how o+e reacts to it, that dei+es o+es ate &very death is

    a 'ystical u+io+, every catastrophe is a+ ecstasy, i o+e chooses that path (hat you

    saw i+ the church today -- i'agi+e i that happe+ed o+ a global scale (hat is co'i+g

    this ti'e is +ot a savior it is +ot co'i+g i+ peace, a+d it is +ot co'i+g alo+e /t will +ot

    sta+d i+ sile+ce beore the 4ra+d /+uisitors ravi+g (ar+i+gs have bee+ give+, a+d

    they will co+ti+ue, but they are 'ostly ig+ored Fou 'ust +ot watch or the sig+s, you

    'ust lear+ to watch through the' or what they co+cealeise+berg !ri+ciple is, i+ the e+d, the re-

    i+troductio+ o participatio+ 'ystiue i+to the world o scie+ce /t is the idea that

    reality is a part+ership betwee+ 'i+d a+d ob7ect, the very sa'e idea that gave rise to

    'agic2, a+d perhaps to co+scious+ess itsel, i+ the a+cie+t world

    >owever bitter a pill this has bee+ or both scie+ce a+d philosophy to swallow,


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  • 8/12/2019 Meadow Mist


    'oder+ tech+ology / we accept the tech+ology, the+ we accept the rules that give it to

    us, a+d we 'ust ta2e their co+seue+ces, +o 'atter how biarre they 'ay see' hat

    choice 'ay, i+ the e+d, prove our u+doi+g /+ atte'pti+g to 'a2e the world, as o+e

    politicia+ put it, i+to a+ i'age o what wed li2e to be, we 'ay have 'ade it i+to our

    worst +ight'are "urs is +ot the o+ly world, a+d we are +ot +ecessarily the o+ly

    observers =lti'ately, :our< world 'ay +ot be ours at all !erhaps eve+ worse, we 'ay

    +ot be 'a2i+g the world i+to what wed li2e to be, but i+to what we, at so'e very deep

    level -- so'e level hidde+ ro' ordi+ary u+dersta+di+g -- are A+d that 'ay be

    so'ethi+g very diere+t ro' what we thi+2 wed li2e to be


    !hi+eas had a lo+g sta+di+g i+terest i+ astro+o'y >is studies i+ philosophy had led to

    a+ i+terest i+ astrophysics, a+d there was a certai+ asci+atio+ i+ watchi+g the ob7ects

    that had give+ rise to such elega+t theorii+g Beyo+d that, his ow+ theory suggested

    that the e+ergy eedi+g co+scious+ess 'ight co'e ro' the cos'ic ur+aces at the

    ce+ters o gala#ies oo2i+g at the stars, !hi+eas thought, he 'ight 7ust be loo2i+g at a

    part o hi'sel


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    >e pac2ed his telescope, star i+di+g guide, a+d such thi+gs as would be +eeded or a+

    over+ight stay, re+ted a car, a+d headed or the desert 5outher+ Calior+ias high

    desert oers both reedo' ro' the pollutio+ o the city, a+d ro' the pollutio+ o

    e#cess hu'a+ity, 'a2i+g it a+ ideal place or viewi+g the cos'os he weather had

    bee+ cool, which would 'i+i'ie disturba+ces i+ the air ro' the hot desert loor that

    are co''o+ i+ the su''er 'o+ths

    Drivi+g i+to the desert, he ou+d a+ e#it ro' the /+terstate leadi+g to a s'all side road

    Alo+g that road, a dirt road led away ro' the /+terstate, out i+to the desert itsel >e

    drove several 'iles alo+g the dirt road, a+d ca'e to a s'all tur+out /t was