meaning of data - web semantics in typo3

Meaning of Data - Web Semantics in TYPO3 Oliver Hader, 09/2015 Meaning of Data Web Semantics in TYPO3

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Page 1: Meaning of Data - Web Semantics in TYPO3

Meaning of Data - Web Semantics in TYPO3 Oliver Hader, 09/2015

Meaning of DataWeb Semantics in TYPO3

Page 2: Meaning of Data - Web Semantics in TYPO3

Meaning of Data - Web Semantics in TYPO3 Oliver Hader, 09/2015

session:~$ whoami

• freelance software engineer

• since 2007 TYPO3 Core Developer / Active Contributor

• from 2010 to 2015 Leader of the TYPO3 Core Team

• 2002-2007 studies in computer science

• since 2014 studies in internet web science

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Meaning of Data - Web Semantics in TYPO3 Oliver Hader, 09/2015


• “What is it all about?!“

• Linked Open Data - An idea…

• Boring Theory - Technology Stack

• Reasoning & Examples

• Possibilities for TYPO3

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Meaning of Data - Web Semantics in TYPO3 Oliver Hader, 09/2015

“What is it all about?!“

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Google Search for “palma de mallorca“

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… for “weather in palma de mallorca“

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DBpedia - basically Wikipedia extraction

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DBpedia - basically Wikipedia extraction

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DBpedia - basically Wikipedia extraction

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“brad pitt fighting with his wife in a movie“

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Meaning of Data - Web Semantics in TYPO3 Oliver Hader, 09/2015

• works quite well

• has limitations on

• combinations

• finding relevant data

• reusing relevant data

Searching in Google

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Meaning of Data - Web Semantics in TYPO3 Oliver Hader, 09/2015

Linked Open Data

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Linked Open Data Graph 2009

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Linked Open Data Graph 2014

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Meaning of Data - Web Semantics in TYPO3 Oliver Hader, 09/2015

Linked Open Data

• synonyms: “car” vs. “automobile“

• homonyms: “jaguar“ could be car, animal or Mac OS X

• hierarchy: “car“ and “bicycle“ are known as “vehicle“

• language: “visualize“ vs. “visualise“

• language: “visualisieren“@de vs. “visualiser“@fr

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Meaning of Data - Web Semantics in TYPO3 Oliver Hader, 09/2015

Linked Open Data• Wikipedia has lots of information already

• HTML just represents and links information

• HTML does not provide further meaning of data

• DBpedia is basically a semantic extract of Wikipedia

• DBpedia provides meaning on various resources

• data can be fetched using SPARQL (“semantic SQL“)

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Meaning of Data - Web Semantics in TYPO3 Oliver Hader, 09/2015

Linked Open Data• many variants like WikiData, GeoNames/GeoSPARQL, …

• information is stored at different locations/hosts

• information is linked all across the internet

• URIs are used to identify “things“ for machines

• URLs are used to provide information for humans

• goal is to have a massive graph of linked data

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Meaning of Data - Web Semantics in TYPO3 Oliver Hader, 09/2015

Very Boring Theory

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Meaning of Data - Web Semantics in TYPO3 Oliver Hader, 09/2015

Technology Stack

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Meaning of Data - Web Semantics in TYPO3 Oliver Hader, 09/2015

Technology Stack

• XML & XSD (XML Schema Definition) - valid & well-formed

• RDF (Resource Description Framework) - meaning

• RDF-S (RDF Schema) - add own concepts

• OWL (Ontology Web Language) - vocabulary

• SPARQL - fetch results from the above

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Meaning of Data - Web Semantics in TYPO3 Oliver Hader, 09/2015

RDF Triples• 3 components create a particular meaning • <Subject>  <Predicate/Property>  <Object>  .  

• <:Oliver>  <:hasFirstName>  <“Oliver“>  ;                    <:talksAbout>  <:SemanticWeb>  ;                    <:talksAt>  <:T3CampMallorca15>  .  

• <:T3CampMallorca15>  <:starts>  <“2015-­‐09-­‐25“^^xsd:date>  ;                                        <:ends>  <“2015-­‐09-­‐27“^^xsd:date>  ;                                        <:happensIn>  <:PalmaDeMallorca>  .  

• <:PalmaDeMallorca>  <owl:sameAs>  <dbr:Palma,_Majorca>  .  

• <dbr:Palma,_Majorca>  <rdf:type>  <dbo:City>  .

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Meaning of Data - Web Semantics in TYPO3 Oliver Hader, 09/2015

RDF Schema• What’s a “City“ actually? • <dbr:Palma,_Majorca>  <rdf:type>  <dbo:City>  .  

• <dbo:City>  <rdf:type>  <rdfs:Class>  ;                      <rdfs:subClassOf>  <dbo:Settlement>  .  

• <:name>  <rdf:type>  <rdf:Property>  ;                <rdfs:domain>  <dbo:City>  ;                <rdfs:range>  xsd:string  .  

• <:isPartOf>  <rdf:type>  <rdf:Property>  ;                        <rdfs:domain>  <dbo:City>  ;                        <rdfs:range>  <:Region>  ;                        <rdfs:subPropertyOf>  <:belongsTo>  .

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Meaning of Data - Web Semantics in TYPO3 Oliver Hader, 09/2015

Annotations• describe current document or node

• Rich Snippets

• Microformat (limited vocabulary)

• Microdata

• RDFa Lite (RDF Annotations)

• JSON-LD (Linked Data)

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Meaning of Data - Web Semantics in TYPO3 Oliver Hader, 09/2015

Microdata• <div  itemscope  itemtype="">    <h1  itemprop="name">Avatar</h1>    <div  itemprop="director"  itemscope              itemtype="">        Director:  <span  itemprop="name">James  Cameron</span>,        born  <span  itemprop="birthDate">August  16,  1954</span>    </div>    <span  itemprop="genre">Science  fiction</span>    <a  href="../movies/avatar-­‐theatrical-­‐trailer.html"          itemprop="trailer">Trailer</a></div>  

• <:something  rdf:type>  .<:something  “Avatar“>  .

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Meaning of Data - Web Semantics in TYPO3 Oliver Hader, 09/2015

RDFa Lite• <p  vocab=""  typeof="Person">      My  name  is      <span  property="name">Manu  Sporny</span>      and  you  can  give  me  a  ring  via      <span  property="telephone">1-­‐800-­‐555-­‐0199</span>      or  visit        <a  property="url"  href="">          my  homepage</a>.</p>  

• <:something  rdf:type>  .<:something  “Manu  Sporny“>  .<:something  “…“>  .

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Meaning of Data - Web Semantics in TYPO3 Oliver Hader, 09/2015

JSON-LD• {    "@context":  {        "name":  "",        "homepage":  {            "@id":  "",            "@type":  "@id"        }    },    "name":  "Manu  Sporny",    "homepage":  "",    "image":  ""}

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Meaning of Data - Web Semantics in TYPO3 Oliver Hader, 09/2015

OWL• effectively working with RDF/RDF-S

• classes & individuals (“instances“)

• properties & data-types (“predicates“)

• ranges & domains

• required for proper reasoning and inference

• comes in 3 dialects - lite, description logic, full

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Meaning of Data - Web Semantics in TYPO3 Oliver Hader, 09/2015

OWL• equivalents by rules

• Spaniard:  Person  and(inhabitantOf  some  SpanishCity)  

• meaning of properties

• inverse, symmetric, transitive, disjoint, … • <Palma  isPartOf  Mallorca>  &  <Mallorca  contains  Palma>  

• cardinalities of properties - minimum, maximum, exact • <:hasParent  owl:cardinality  “2“^^xsd:integer>

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Meaning of Data - Web Semantics in TYPO3 Oliver Hader, 09/2015

Assumptions• Closed World Assumption (CWA)

• “everything is said, there’s nothing more“

• Open World Assumption (OWA)

• “there might still be more unknown facts“ • <:Bob  :hasSister  :Alice>  .  

• <:Bob  :hasSister  :Cassandra>  .  #  what  he  does  not  know…

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Meaning of Data - Web Semantics in TYPO3 Oliver Hader, 09/2015

SPARQL• “it’s like SQL, but very different…“ • PREFIX  dbo:  <>PREFIX  dbr:  <>SELECT  DISTINCT  ?subject  ?objectWHERE  {    ?subject  rdf:type  dbo:Automobile  .    ?subject  dbo:manufacturer  ?object  .    FILTER(?object  =  dbr:SEAT)}  

• dbr:SEAT_Ibiza    #  ?subject      dbr:SEAT  #  ?objectdbr:SEAT_Exeo                              dbr:SEATdbr:SEAT_IBE                              dbr:SEAT

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Meaning of Data - Web Semantics in TYPO3 Oliver Hader, 09/2015

Storage• MySQL seems to be possible, but gets slow

• Stanbol, Virtuoso, Sesame, Allegro, Jena

• choosing the proper storage depends

• frequency of loads and amount of tripples

• level of inferencing

• query language

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Meaning of Data - Web Semantics in TYPO3 Oliver Hader, 09/2015

Reasoning & Examples

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Meaning of Data - Web Semantics in TYPO3 Oliver Hader, 09/2015

Reasoning & Examples

• Demo in Protégé

• Tool to model ontologies

• Developed at Standford University

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Meaning of Data - Web Semantics in TYPO3 Oliver Hader, 09/2015

Possibilities for TYPO3

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Meaning of Data - Web Semantics in TYPO3 Oliver Hader, 09/2015

Activities in the past• extension “semantic“ # discontinued

• SPARQL endpoint handling to import RDF triples

• extension „scotty“ # discontinued

• bring semantic technologies into TYPO3 CMS

• categories, taxonomies, identities

• diploma thesis by Sebastian Kurfürst # Flow & Neos“Exposing Domain Models as Linked Data“

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Meaning of Data - Web Semantics in TYPO3 Oliver Hader, 09/2015

Future possibilities• linking custom domain models with ontologies

• enriches the meaning of your data

• allows more sophisticated search statements

• exposing data by having an own SPARQL endpoint

• adds more meaning to your data than REST does

• automatically enrich your markup with RDFa

• SEO at it’s best & makes Google happy… maybe…

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Just a “VroomVroom“ model example…

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Just a “VroomVroom“ view example…

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Meaning of Data - Web Semantics in TYPO3 Oliver Hader, 09/2015

Future possibilities

• project by Johannes Goslar

• RTE with Named Entity Recognition (NER)

• “Alex bought a Jaguar in 2011“

• “Alex[Person] bought[verb] Jaguar[Thing] in 2011[Date]“

• Jaguar could be a car, an animal or Mac OS X version

• automated annotation of written text with RDF tripples

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NER example in TYPO3 CMS RTEMeeting, Date, Location

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Meaning of Data - Web Semantics in TYPO3 Oliver Hader, 09/2015




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