meaningful online interaction

Interaction is in your mind, not in your mouse. — Thiagi

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This is my presentation on how to design meaningful online interaction


Page 1: Meaningful online interaction

Interaction is in your mind, not in your mouse.

— Thiagi

Page 2: Meaningful online interaction

Presentation Part I (20 mins)

Discussion (10 mins)

Presentation Part II (20 mins)

Discussion (10 mins)

Page 3: Meaningful online interaction

Designing Meaningful Online Interaction

Fei Gao

Michigan State University

March 2009

Page 4: Meaningful online interaction
Page 5: Meaningful online interaction
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Page 7: Meaningful online interaction


Bad TeachingGood Teaching

Page 8: Meaningful online interaction

Why Interaction?

Page 9: Meaningful online interaction

Social Interaction plays a fundamental role in the development of cognition.

(Vygotsky, 1978)

Page 10: Meaningful online interaction

Ineffective Interaction

Page 11: Meaningful online interaction

Interaction is meaningful when

it leads to learning.

Page 12: Meaningful online interaction

In Reality…



Page 13: Meaningful online interaction

Example I

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(Collison, Elbaum, Haavind, & Tinker, 2000)

Page 16: Meaningful online interaction

“right on”“me too!”

“nice post”

“I could not have

said it better”

“well done”

“I agree”

“I agree”

“that was a good post”

“me 3!”

“I agree”

(Larson & Keiper, 2002)

Page 17: Meaningful online interaction

( Palinscar & Brown, 1984; Pressley, 2000)

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Adjunct Question

(Chi et al., 1989; Andre, 1979; Anderson & Biddle, 1975)

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A Text-Focused Discussion Environment

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A Text-Focused Discussion Environment

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A Text-Focused Discussion Environment

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A Comparative Study

New Environment Threaded Forum

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Total Number of Posts

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Total Number of Words

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Percentage of Text-Focused Posts

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“ [The new environment] was much easier to stay on topic, ask any questions, or add any discussion

points within the article.”

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Percentage of Posts on General Issues

Page 28: Meaningful online interaction

“In [the new environment], we're a bit more restricted to what we are supposed to discuss. I mean in the forums, we had a general discussion board, where anything could be brought up.”

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Quiz Scores


New EnvironmentThreaded Forum


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So Far…

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Example II

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(Ladousse, 1987; Ments, 1989)

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(Mellings & Alden, 2000)

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Page 36: Meaningful online interaction

3D Immersive World


Face-to-Face Environment

Page 37: Meaningful online interaction

Role-Play in the Face-to-Face Environment

1. So, why did you not do very well on the exam today?2. Umm…My grade dropped because before

when you guys have the special chart I felt that it helps me see how well my grade was, and I have confident, you know…Umm…I had a lot of stars…on the chart. My grade will be good but you dropped that, and I didn’t have any confidence. 3. In order to move on your

progress, you know, you need to do the stuff that is, you know, suggested.

4. Okay. Guess you should go talk to Student B about why his grade dropped.

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Role-Play in the 3D world

1: Juliet, what's the matter?

2: I can’t do it. 3. Well, you should really try!

4. I don’t understand the problem.

5.You have to put in some effort to get a result.

6. I don’t know where to start...

7. Don't run away from your problems. Let's read the directions.

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How much did they talk?

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Average number of Words

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How frequently did they take turns?

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Average Number of Turn-Taking


Page 43: Meaningful online interaction

Did the students learn equally?

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Role-play in 3D immersive world is more interesting.

Page 45: Meaningful online interaction

And how are we supposed

to pronounce this again?

And how are we supposed

to pronounce this again?

“I'm quite shy so I did have the opportunity to lead

people without feeling too forward or aggressive (in the

Second Life). “I'm a bit shy, it was easier to role play (in the Second Life)”

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“(In Second Life,) it is a little easier to say some things when you are talking over the internet.”

“(In Second Life,) I didn't feel embarrassed by what I said because I didn't have to say anything face to face. I felt like I could open up more.”

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How to


meaningful online interaction?

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the Problem

Page 49: Meaningful online interaction

Understand the

Affordances and Constraints

of the Technology

Page 50: Meaningful online interaction

Be Creative !

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How to

meaningful online interaction?

Page 52: Meaningful online interaction

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Page 53: Meaningful online interaction

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