measure of distance east and west of the prime meridian

Measure of distance East and West of the Prime Meridian

Upload: anna-phillips

Post on 25-Dec-2015




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Measure of distance East and West of the Prime Meridian


•The measure of distance north and south of the equator


• Basic systems needed to keep an economy running(water, transportation and electricity

• Infrastructure

The typical weather conditions at a particular location as observed over time


Government where people freely choose leaders and decide public policy


A city and its surrounding suburbs

Metropolitan Area

The total of all goods and services produced by a country in a year

Gross National Product

Mexican factories set up near the United States’ border by foreign businesses which use the cheaper labor there


Persons of mixed French and Native American Ancestry


The head of a government and the majority party’s leader in Parliament

Prime Minister

Person of mixed Spanish and Native American Ancestry


Breaking up large land holdings and redistributing the land to the poor

Land Reform

Goods sent out of a country for sale


Jamaican music dealing with social problems and religion


Goods brought into your country from another


Poorly planned development that spreads a city’s population over a wider and wider area

Urban Sprawl

Serbian leader who went to war in the 1990’s and allowed his troops to commit war crimes

(murder, atrocities)

Slobodan Milosevic

The Policy of trying to eliminate an ethnic group through violence

Ethnic Cleansing

European religious movements which led to the formation of Protestant churches


Three hundred year period in Europe of renewed interest in the arts and classical



Brown haze caused by the reaction of sunlight with gasses from burning fossil fuels


A hot desert wind from North Africa which blows northward over the Mediterranean Sea into southern Europe


Discrimination against or hatred of Jewish people

Anti- Semitism

Eastern European region breaking into small hostile units


How do geographers use the system of Latitude and Longitude?

It allows them to determine an absolute location.

Was the birthplace of the Renaissance.


Where is the Mid- Atlantic Ocean Ridge system found on land?


Most countries in Latin America have economies based on


Most of South America’s people live

Along the coastline.

Croats are _____,

Roman Catholics

Serbs are _____,

Orthodox Christians

Albanians are _______.


Taxes are very high in some European countries because

of all the social welfare programs provided to citizens.

What European organization allows for Easy movement of people among member nations and Competition in the world


European Union

What do map projections have in common?

They all have some distortion and inaccuracy.

Why was Panama chosen as the site for the canal?

Panama had the shortest route between the oceans.

Eastern European countries have many environmental problems because

the Soviet Union cared more about production than pollution.

Immediately after World War II the region of Eastern Europe became

A buffer zone of Communist countries.

List some dances and/or types of music African culture has given Latin American

Reggae, Calypso, Samba

Eastern Europe has diverse cultures because

the area is a crossroads for trade and invasions.

The province of Quebec has the customs and culture of


In order to explain how large landforms were formed, scientists use the theory of

plate tectonics

The earth’s revolution and tilt cause

the seasons

The farther north of the equator a place is located, the

colder its average temperatures will be.

You are living in the Arctic circle and tomorrow you have 24 hours of day light. What day will it


Summer Solstice

North America and South America are continents in which hemisphere?

the Western Hemisphere

Cartographers use symbols on maps to show

natural and man-made features on the earth’s surface

The most accurate representation of the earth’s surface is found on a


You are taking the most direct cruise from the United States to Europe. You must cross which


Atlantic Ocean

You are driving from Chicago to Denver. In order to determine how long it will take to drive there in your

car, you would need to use which item on a map?


What happens as you travel farther north of the equator?

It becomes colder

What is the ancient technique used to grow crops on hillsides or mountain slopes?

terraced farming

List some factors that effect climate

Temperature and precipitationElevation

Continental or maritime location

The United States has which form of government structure?


Zero population growth occurs when

The birth rate and the death rate are almost the same

Opening a McDonalds in India is an example of ?

cultural diffusion

Many people relocate to Houston because they get better jobs and higher salaries. This would

be an example of

pull factor.

The country which would have the highest Gross National Product would be a Developed

or Developing country?

Developed country.

The very first people to come to what is now North America migrated from __________ by crossing

the ___________.

Asia, Bering Strait land bridge.

What is a postindustrial economy?

an economic phase where manufacturing no longer plays a dominate role in society and service

industries dominate the country’s economy.

What happened to the USA as a result of the Louisiana Purchase?

The United States nearly doubled in size.

Some French of Quebec are attempting to

separate from the rest of Canada

When were Germany and Berlin divided?

after WWII.

The shifting of national boundaries in Eastern Europe was changed mainly by

wars caused by ethnic differences.

Most people in Latin America speak ________ and practice the ______ religion.

Spanish, Catholic

In which country is most of the South American rainforest located?


Most people in the northern part of Western Europe are ___________ and those in the

southern part of Western Europe are__________.

Protestant, Catholic

The Canadian territory of Nunavut has the customs and culture of

Native Americans.

Christianity is subdivided into _____________ groups. (List some groups)

Protestant, Orthodox and Roman Catholic

List some things that Spanish conquistadors brought to Latin America.

European diseases.Their religion.

Their language.

At the end of World war II Germany was divided amongst the Allied Powers of

France, United States, Soviet Union and the United Kingdom.

Farmers using _____ in the tropics exhaust the soil and must relocate.

slash and burn

Because Mexico sits on four tectonic plates, the region

experiences many volcanoes and earthquakes

Most of Canada’s urban and industrial growth took place close to the border of the United

States because of

1. the milder climate and fertile soils.2. proximity to the United States.

Because prevailing winds blow from west to east on the U.S Pacific coast, the side of the coastal

mountains which get the most rainfall would be the

Western side.

Define Columbian Exchange

Movement of plants, animals and diseases between Europe and the New World.

Heavy industry (steel, cars) has developed in the U.S Great Lakes region because of natural

resources such as

Iron ore and coal.

A ______ is a mid-latitude grassland while a ______ is a tropical grassland.

chaparral, savanna

The Allied powers responded to the Berlin Blockade by

Airlifting supplies to West Germans.

Which is the Great Plains’ most valuable resource?

Fertile soil

List some landforms shared by both the U.S and Canada

Rocky Mountains.Great Plains.


Define the Continental Divide

The point where the flow of rivers to the east or west is decided.

Most people in Latin America practice what religion?


Cattle production is important in what South American Counties

Argentina and Brazil.

Large scale ethnic fighting amongst Serbs, Bosnians and Croats occurs on the ____



What resource is found in the North Sea?


Where did large cities of the American West and the Canadian Prairie provinces developed

in the late 1800’s

Along transcontinental railroads.

List some Romance languages


The only ISLAMIC country in Europe is


Why did East Germans build the Berlin Wall?

To keep the East Germans from escaping to the West.

Define Weathering

Physical and chemical processes change rocks.

Haiti and the Dominican Republic are located on the island of


The physical feature that separates the Gulf of Mexico from the Caribbean Sea is

Yucatan Peninsula.

Farmers in the Great Plains Region of U.S and Canada produce

Grains and cattle.

A population pyramid is used to display a country’s

Ages and genders of its population.

List some activities that causes to deforestation of the rainforest?

Logging.Clearing land for farming.

Clearing forest for cattle grazing.

How are the Rocky Mountains and the Appalachians different?

The Rockies are much younger and higher than the Appalachians.

Definer the Treaty of Tordesillas

Divided the Western hemisphere between Portugal and Spain.

The term “ethnic cleansing” was used in Kosovo to describe the large-scale murder

______ by the Serbs.


In a command economy all decisions are made by the


Houston is a major refiner of petroleum products. When cotton is made into cloth (clothing) it is an example of

the _________ level of economic activites.


Shipping clothing to stores is an example of the _________ level of economic activity.


Growing cotton is an example of the _________ level of economic activity.


A periodic climatic change that causes the waters off the west coast of South America to

warm is

El Nino.

Houston, Texas is in the ________ climate zone.

Humid Subtropical

If you wanted to visit a South American country where you could swim in both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans you would go to which country?


Portuguese is the most common language spoken in what South American Country?


Which three nations signed the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in 1994 to make

trade easier among these nations?

United States, Canada and Mexico

Define megalopolis

Where several large cities and their suburbs develop together.

Canada’s climates are generally colder than those of the United States because

Canada is located farther north of the Equator than is the United States.