
MEASUREMATTERS #8 A collection of must read articles highlighting the importance of webperformance for your online business

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A collection of must read articles highlighting the

importance of webperformance for your

online business

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Web Performance Links

• Infographic: Mobile Web Disappointing Global Users

• New findings: Mobile web users are more disappointed than ever

• Velocity wrap-up: Mobile, third parties, and browsers

• Luxury retailers deliver strong website performance in Q2

• 15 Incredible Mobile Statistic

• Why Mobile Ux Is More Than “Users On-the-go

• Page Speed Service: Web performance, delivered

• Google’s new Page Speed service: A handy resource for smaller site owners

• FAQs: The 12 most-asked questions about how Google factors page speed into its search rankings

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Source: Compuware,


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Source: Compuware,


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Source: Compuware,


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Two years ago, Gomez commissioned Equation Research to conduct a survey of more than a thousand mobile web users to get a sense of people’s performance expectations. Thereport has been widely referenced (including here: see myperformance cheat sheet, as well as Strangeloop’s mobile webinfographic), so it’s no surprise that Gomez’s new follow-up report is being welcomed by the performance community.This time around, Gomez once again commissioned Equation to survey mobile users, this time more than 4,000 from around the world. Theresulting report doesn’t contain any huge surprises — it’s not news that mobile sites are too slow — but it’s still worth checking out in order to validate this fact.I was curious to see how the 2009 and 2011 surveys compared when it came to several key questions, so I plotted the changes below. (Bear with my Photoshop 101 skills. At least I have the sense to stick with Arial.)

This change isn’t surprising. It goes without saying that due to the proliferation of wifi networks and better devices, people’s mobile expectations are increasing.

Source: Joshua Bixby, WebPerformance Today,posted: july 20,2011

New findings: Mobile we users are more disappointed than ever

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I was much more taken by this next change:

From 20% to 74% in just two years is a massive jump. At the same time, Keynote’s performance index for m-commerce sites has been fluctuating between 8 and 10 seconds for the past several months. There’s a huge disconnect here — and a huge opportunity for m-commerce sites that can solve their performance problems.

A bit of optimistic news here, as we see that users are struggling somewhat less. Still, 57% is significant enough to be concerned about.

New findings: Mobile we users are more disappointed than ever

Source: Joshua Bixby, WebPerformance Today,posted: july 20,2011

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This next chart shows similarly hopeful findings:

I can’t help wondering if part of the reason why people are somewhat less likely to bail and try out a competitor is because they’re more jaded now. They realize that the competitor is probably just as likely to have a slow mobile site.

This may not seem like a major change, until you realize that it’s creeping toward the 50% mark. If you have a bricks-and-mortar store, imagine that half of the people who come to your shop are so disgusted by your customer service that they pledge never to return. That, in essence, is what’s happening here.

New findings: Mobile we users are more disappointed than ever

Source: Joshua Bixby, WebPerformance Today,posted: july 20,2011

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The great thing about this year’s Velocity conference was that it almost doubled in size over last year. The down side was that there was no way to get to every session I wanted to check out. So for the past month, I’ve been using my spare time to pore over the videos and slide decks for the sessions I wish I’d had time to attend.Similar to last year’s Velocity wrap-up, here’s a collection of my favourite slides from this year. These days, I’m particularly interested in third-party content, mobile, and browser performance, and these slides reflect that. Interestingly, if last year’s collection represented a snapshot of our industry, I’d say that this year’s is more like a series of microscope slides. Almost every one offers a granular perspective that reflects how our industry has entered a phase where the nuances are as important as the big picture.The Impact of Ads on Performance and Improving Perceived Performance

Julia Lee, Senior Director of Engineering, Yahoo! MailWith almost two billion page views a day, the cumulative effects of latency can hit Yahoo mail hard. They found that 73% of their overall latency was due to ads. No surprise when you look at how convoluted an ad’s server call can be (as I’ve written about here), as seen in this slide:

What does this convolution add up to, performance-wise? Julia shared that in the old days, before redirects, the average ad experienced about 464ms of latency. Over time, that number grew to 2.7 seconds.

Velocity wrap-up: Mobile, third parties, and browsers

Source: Joshua Bixby, WebPerformance Today,posted: july 22,2011

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Performance Measurement and Case Studies at MSNPaul Roy, Alex Polak, Gregory BershanskyMSN Performance & Reliability TeamIn that vein, MSN shared some case studies that showed how speeding up load time affected page clicks. I live for these kinds of case studies, so I was happy to learn that:In an experiment with implementing synchronous jQuery load, they experienced a +0.5% increase in search clicks and page clicks.In another experiment with improving JavaScript execution time, they experienced a +1.2% increase in search clicks and a +0.5% increase in page clicks.But what I thought was particularly interesting was the case study around delaying ad loading. They experimented with delaying the loading of a major ad by 1 second, which improved the time to onload by 500ms. As a result, they saw an increase page clicks and views, but a 15% dropoff in ad clicks.Obviously this kind of ad performance hit isn’t viable for a site that relies on CTR for revenue, but what grabbed my attention was MSN’s takeaway from this exercise:

What I like about this is that, rather than being scared off by the initial 15% hit to CTR, Microsoft persists in looking for the sweet spot that yields faster load time without hurting advertisers. This improvement may end up just being a hundred or so milliseconds, but the message here is that it’s a goal worth chasing.

Velocity wrap-up: Mobile, third parties, and browsers

Source: Joshua Bixby, WebPerformance Today,posted: july 22,2011

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Mobile Web & HTML5 Performance OptimizationMaximiliano FirtmanIf you’re in mobile web development, this slide deck is a must-see. Starting at slide 51, mobile performance expert Maximiliano Firtmangives an impressively thorough breakdown of optimization tips, from handling images to deferring content. There’s no one slide that sums it up better than this one:

Web Site Acceleration with Page Speed TechnologiesBryan McQuade and Joshua Marantz, GoogleThis session was where I heard a nice little case study in which DoubleClick removed one client-side redirect and cut 1.5 seconds off ad load time. As a result, they increased click-throughs by 12% on mobile. (More details here.)But what I thought was really cool was this slide, which included a nifty video that showed the delay caused by synthesized screen clicks on mobile devices:

The video demonstrates how the click event on touch-screen smart phones will not fire until a roughly 300-500 ms delay. (You can see the video yourself here.)This is a good reminder of the little ways that perceived performance can be affected, which are beyond our control. And it’s a great reminder of why synthetic mobile browser tests can’t give you a complete performance picture.

Velocity wrap-up: Mobile, third parties, and browsers

Source: Joshua Bixby, WebPerformance Today,posted: july 22,2011

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Modernizing Internet ExplorerJason Weber, Performance Lead, Internet ExplorerI missed this session, but our CTO Kent Alstad went, and he was so impressed that afterward he insisted I check out this video (which is, unfortunately, only available by purchase). IE gets a lot of flak, but Jason does a great job of explaining why IE6 and IE7 made sense at the time. He goes on to talk about the fact that IE9 isn’t just a tarted-up version of IE8, but is in fact a complete teardown and rebuild. The bulk of the session is his explanation of exactly how his team did it. The most impressive part of his session is this pair of slides.The first shows two websites that the IE team monitors internally every day, The New York Times and CNN. The different slices of the pie illustrate the CPU usage of various subsystems when the sites are viewed on Internet Explorer 8:

And these are the same sites viewed on IE9:

Velocity wrap-up: Mobile, third parties, and browsers

Source: Joshua Bixby, WebPerformance Today,posted: july 22,2011

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The grey areas shows all the CPU time that disappears, when you compare IE9 to IE8. According to Jason, because of the lighter CPU load, these sites load twice as fast on IE9, and his team monitors other sites that they say load up to ten times faster in IE9.Creating the Dev/Test/PM/Ops Supertribe: From Visible Ops To DevOpsGene Kim, Visible IT FlowIf you ever need to explain to naysayers why performance matters, this slide pretty much sums it up:

Velocity wrap-up: Mobile, third parties, and browsers

Source: Joshua Bixby, WebPerformance Today,posted: july 22,2011

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For the second consecutive quarter, we monitored the website performance of luxury retailers and automobile manufacturers to see which companies are providing the fastest and best user experience. Which companies came out on top?On the retail side, Ralph Lauren was both the fastest, with 1.15 second average response times, and the most reliable, with 99.97 percent availability. In terms of website speed, Prada and Chanel came in a close second and third, with 1.23 and 1.30 average second response times, respectively. In the reliability measurement, Louis Vuitton, with 99.96 percent availability, and Prada, with 99.95 availability, took silver and bronze.

Luxury retailers deliver strong website performance in Q2

Source: Gary Beerman , , AlertSite Blog ,posted: july 22,2011

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Luxury retailers deliver strong website performance in Q2

Source: Gary Beerman , , AlertSite Blog ,posted: july 22,2011

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Luxury retailers deliver strong website performance in Q2

Source: Gary Beerman , , AlertSite Blog ,posted: july 22,2011

n the luxury automobile sector, the reigning number one and number two position holders in website reliability, Porsche and Lamborghini, came out on top once again. Both sites improved their availability during the quarter and tied for the number one spot with 99.99 percent availability. BMW and Rolls-Royce tied for third with 99.98 percent availability. In addition, those same two sites–Rolls-Royce and BMW–retained their number one and two positions on the website speed chart, delivering 0.81 second and 1.91 second response times during Q2.

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Luxury retailers deliver strong website performance in Q2

Source: Gary Beerman , , AlertSite Blog ,posted: july 22,2011

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Luxury retailers deliver strong website performance in Q2

Source: Gary Beerman , , AlertSite Blog ,posted: july 22,2011

Impressively, all the sites monitored during the quarter delivered availability upwards of 99 percent, and most were right around the 4.4 second response time threshold at which business performance starts to decline. A full analysis of the results is featured on Luxury Daily today. Check out “Rolls-Royce, Ralph Lauren post quickest Web site response times in Q2” by Rachel Lamb for more discussion on the fastest and most reliable online luxury retailers.

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Love your smart phone? Debating a tablet? Gone app crazy? Check out these stats on the mobile market …1. Smart phones“Of the world’s 4 billion mobile phones in use, 1.08 billion are smartphones.”

2. Smart phonesOf those, 3.08 billion are SMS enabled.

3. MobileOne half of searches are done via a mobile device: smartphone,tablet, etc.

4. Mobile86% use their mobile devices (smartphone/tablet) in conjunction with watching TV. My question, aren’t most of them watching TV on their mobile device too?

15 Incredible Mobile Statistics

Source: Pam Sahota,, SocialNomics ,posted: july 25,2011

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5. Mobile Apps Over  300,00 mobile apps have been developed in three years. Apps have been downloaded 10.9 billion times. But demand for download mobile apps is expected to peak in 2013.

6. Mobile WebThe number of people accessing the mobile Internet is growing fast and is expected toovertake the PC as the most popular way to get on the Web within five years.

7. Mobile HoursAverage Americans spend 2.7 hours a day “socializing” on a mobile device.My thought…that’s all?

8. Mobile Use61% use their mobile devices to play games.

9. Mobile UseAlmost 50% use for social networking.Like it, Share it, Tweet it, + it.

10. Mobile DemographicsWomen 35-54 most active in social networking on a mobile device.

15 Incredible Mobile Statistics

Source: Pam Sahota,, SocialNomics ,posted: july 25,2011

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10. Mobile DemographicsWomen 35-54 most active in social networking on a mobile device.

11. Mobile Marketing

Search ads and location ads (paid-for positioning on maps and augmented reality apps) will deliver the highest revenue, while video/audio ads will see the fastest growth through 2015.

12. Mobile Search Engine and AdvertisingGoogle’s gross revenue from mobile advertising is over US$1 billion per year.

13. Mobile Marketing71 percent of smartphone users that see TV, press or online ad, do a mobile search for more information.

14. Mobile MarketingBut 79 percent of large online advertisers still do not have a mobile optimized site.

15. Mobile AppsOne in four mobile apps once downloaded is never used again.In short, Mobile devices, mobile marketing, and mobile apps are not going away. My advice, get in while it’s hot…!

15 Incredible Mobile Statistics

Source: Pam Sahota,, SocialNomics ,posted: july 25,2011

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It’s a common misconception that UX for mobile is all about creating something for users on-the-go—users with little time, checking in on their mobile on the train or at the bus stop waiting for a bus.But today’s mobile user is so much more than that, with the rise in tablet usage further contributing to the growth and variety of their needs. No longer can UX practitioners expect to satisfy the mobile user with added pinch-and-zoom functionality or bigger call-to-action buttons; these things are expected, and don’t improve UX.So as mobile use continues to grow in popularity and capability, how can we better appeal to a mobile audience?Understanding the AudienceIt makes sense to imagine that mobile users are busy, checking their phones when they have a spare minute, and that everything they do during their journeys will therefore be about quick wins and easy finds.Yet have we not all, at some point, used our phone at home to browse the Web much like we would on a laptop? And with the evolution of mobile websites and apps creating far more practical and usable functions on the phone, is it beyond the realms of possibility that we might actually prefer to use our phone to perform a task or fulfil a need?The mobile user is no longer limited, and mobile experiences are just as key as the desktop counterparts. Understanding how our users behave and how we might engage them is therefore imperative.Understanding the DeviceThe most basic level of information UX practitioners need to bear in mind when designing for mobile is the functionality of the device on which they will work. Whether the phone is a touchscreen is the first question to consider, and it will require audience research to understand who’s using what. A Blackberry user, for example, will be using a mouse-style function and will thus respond well to hover states, whereas iPhones and many other smartphones don’t support such a function.Speed is also a contributing factor in UX. From an SEO and UX perspective, a fast-loading page is far better than a slow one. This becomes even more important on mobile devices, where users are typically even less patient than they are on desktop computers. Many will conclude that a slow-performing site simply isn’t working, or that they don’t have the right level of connectivity. Pages that are too content-rich will download slower and use more memory, so ask yourself: “Is this really going to enhance the user’s experience?”Longer Pages… Is More Better?Whilst desktop websites are still trending toward multipage site structures, mobile is far more ready to embrace fewer, longer pages. The act of scrolling on a mobile is, for a lot of users, more intuitive and easier to do than on a desktop computer.But this doesn’t mean every piece of content should be condensed onto one static page. This could be overwhelming for users and actually be detrimental to their experiences. Instead, consider how best to structure content to present it in a manageable, engaging way, utilizing functionality such as drop-downs or accordion panels to make content easily available but not necessarily immediately in view.


Source: Laura Hampton, UXmag,posted: july 22,2011,

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Update 7/29/11: We were notified of a bug in the measurement tool that sometimes causes incorrect measurements. If your results indicated a slowdown on your pages, please run the tests again, and make sure you specify a fully qualified domain such as We apologize for any inconvenience and confusion this may have caused.

Details:Measurement tests run for bare domains (such as, without the prefix www) previously indicated that pages were loading more slowly, rather than speeding up, when using Page Speed Service. The test results page now prominently notifies you of this when you visit this page, if this error applies to you. Please check your old measurement results page if this bug applies to you. Running the tests again with the fully qualified domain such as www.example.comusually fixes the issue and gives you the correct measurement. 

Two years ago we released the Page Speed browser extension and earlier this year the Page Speed Online API to provide developers with specific suggestions to make their web pages faster. Last year we released mod_pagespeed, an Apache module, to automatically rewrite web pages. To further simplify the life of webmasters and to avoid the hassles of installation, today we are releasing the latest addition to the Page Speed family: Page Speed Service.

Page Speed Service is an online service that automatically speeds up loading of your web pages. To use the service, you need to sign up and point your site’s DNS entry to Google. Page Speed Service fetches content from your servers, rewrites your pages by applying web performance best practices, and serves them to end users via Google's servers across the globe. Your users will continue to access your site just as they did before, only with faster load times. Now you don’t have to worry about concatenating CSS, compressing images, caching, gzipping resources or other web performance best practices.

In our testing we have seen speed improvements of 25% to 60% on several sites. But we know you care most about the numbers for your site, so check out how much Page Speed Service can speed up your site. If you’re encouraged by the results, please sign up. If not, be sure to check back later. We are diligently working on adding more improvements to the service.

At this time, Page Speed Service is being offered to a limited set of webmasters free of charge. Pricing will be competitive and details will be made available later. You can request access to the service by filling out this web form. 

Page Speed Service: Web performance, delivered.

Source:By Ram Ramani, Engineering Manager, Posted by Scott Knaster,Google Code, posted: july 29,2011,

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What Nielsen SaysEd. (7/26/11 1705 GMT): Changes made to this section in response to Jakob's comment on 7/25.

Jakob Nielsen has long been at the forefront of information architecture innovation, and his interaction elasticity theory (December 2008) is arguably his most influential in terms of mobile journey design.Nielsen's theory states that UX is optimized by clear, easy-to-follow journeys. An easy three-step flow is preferable to an easy five-step flow, but a longer journey is far preferable where shortening it causes confusion or complexity. UX practitioners in recent times have put less emphasis on this guideline because Internet users have become more comfortable with longer site navigation, but because of factors such as longer load times, sticking to Nielsen’s theory is a smart move for those designing mobile UX. Keep journeys short and focused to allow users to reach information quickly and easily; anything less and they’re going to go elsewhere.Stripping Back Is Not the AnswerA common misconception when architecting the UX for mobile is it needs to be a ”stripped back” version of the desktop web page. Some practitioners take content back to its bare bones, removing “nonessential” images, videos, text blocks, graphics, and so on, to leave just the “essential” stuff.An example of this is the refactoring of Wordpress sites for mobile. Thestandard Wordpress mobile plugin removes all multimedia content and instead provides a long list of articles for the user to click on. Whilst this is clearly a very usable version of the site, is it providing the user experience the user deserves?Much of the content we provide to users, though not essential to their journey, adds to the experience because it gives content and visual diversity. That means videos, images, and other media should be included; it’s just that use of screen real estate and page layouts require additional, careful thought and design.The Future of MobileThere are better ways to engage the mobile user, ways that do not differ greatly from the methods we follow on the traditional web. Far from simply labelling the mobile user a “user-on-the-go,” UX practitioners should afford the mobile user the same level of diligence as they do for desktop experiences.And as the understanding of the mobile audience continues to grow, so does the technology and functionality around it. Recent updates to JQuery, which offer far more flexibility for a more native-app-like experience, provide an excellent example of how development on mobiles is evolving (take a look atGoogle’s mobile homepage for examples of this in practice). Many developers are already suggesting that the uptake of HTML5 and the implementation of the canvas tag on mobiles will also enhance experience by allowing more adaptability and faster speeds.Mobile isn’t a fad. It’s here to stay and it’s continuing to grow. But its staggering popularity shouldn’t lead us to rest on our laurels; we’ve now moved past the “I’ll use mobile because it’s cool” user to the mobile savvy, technologically aware users who won’t settle for a bad experience on mobile anymore than they would on their laptops or PCs. As UX practitioners, it’s our responsibility to ensure they get great experiences


Source: Laura Hampton, UXmag,posted: july 22,2011,

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I wasn’t planning to write a post about Google’s new Page Speed service, but a number of people have asked me for my thoughts, so if you’re following all the discussions, you can add this post to the pile.The main, and most obvious, question I’ve been asked is, “Is the Page Speed service a threat?” In short, no.

Last fall, when Google announced mod_pagespeed, we here at Strangeloop opened our arms wide to give it a great big hug. The entire Page Speed suite offers some good basic content optimization treatments. Because mod_pagespeed is open source, we were happy to have the opportunity to cherry pick the few treatments we didn’t already offer in our Site Optimizer products and integrate those.Page Speed will be a handy resource for smaller sites with little to no complexity, whose owners don’t have developer time to pour into hand-tuning their sites, or the money to put into investing in an advanced performance automation solution. It fills an important gap in the market, and while it may not solve every performance pain, it should solve some — hopefully giving small business owners a chance to level the playing field by speeding up their sites enough to remain competitive in an increasingly brutal online marketplace.To me, what’s most compelling about this announcement is that it offers still more validation that site speed is a crucial business issue. With all the press Page Speed is getting, it’s great to know that this message is getting out to the general public.

Google’s new Page Speed service: A handy resource for smaller site owners

Source: Joshua Bixby,, Webperformance Today: july 28,2011,

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It’s a well-known fact that site speed is a critical ranking factor for organic search. The big question has been how exactly Google does this. This is probably one of the most-asked questions I receive, and the answers aren’t easy to find.Over the last year and a bit, I’ve done quote a bit of digging to get the answers, and I thought it would be useful to create an FAQ-style repository for the answers.(Note: Google is, understandably, not 100% forthcoming with how it works. I’ve tried my best to fact-check my answers with Google employees and outside sources. If you think my answers are incorrect, let me know in the comments.)1. Does the Google search bot track page load time?No. The Google search bot has nothing to do with speed.2. Does Google use synthetic test or real end user monitoring to gather its data?I’ve talked in the past about how misleading speed metrics can be. Google actually uses real end user monitoring (RUM) to check site speed. This is the right thing to do. They’re measuring from users’ actual web browsers from real bandwidths — no simulations.3. How does Google gather the data?Google crowdsources page measurement by measuring site speed using the Google toolbar with Pagerank checking activated on the public’s computers. The results are “radioed” back to the mothership.4. What browsers does the Google toolbar use?The toolbar is available on Internet Explorer and Firefox only. More specifically, the toolbar is available on IE 6+ and Firefox 2-4. It is not supported on Firefox 5 which has led to speculation that Google has another plan for capturing this data but no other details have emerged.5. What does the Google toolbar measure?It measures onload time. This also includes third-party display ads, third-party scripts, etc.6. What pages does Google measure?They measure all pages visited by users on your site.7. Do they measure pages marked as non-crawlable?Yes. They measure pages your users use, not what you have told Google is crawlable

FAQs: The 12 most-asked questions about how Google factors page speed into its search rankings

Source: Joshua Bixby,, Webperformance Today: august 5,2011,

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8. What if my page is personalized and has very different content for authenticated users but the same URL?The measurement makes no distinction for personalized content if the URL remains the same. The results will be averaged together.9. Does Google use its new Google Analytics page speed feature?No, to the best of my knowledge they do not use any of the new data collected in Google Analytics for this purpose, but they should as it would allow them to sample more modern browsers.10. Will pre-loading content on a page hurt my ranking?No, because the results are based on the onload time measurement.11. Will deferring a call help my rankings?Yes. Anything that helps the page get to the onload event faster will help.12. Will having pages start render faster help my rankings?Unfortunately, no. It would be great to augment the system with some way to benefit pages that start loading faster.Do you have any new/different/conflicting answers? Questions that aren’t answered here? Let me know in the comments.For more reading on this subject, check out these articles:SEOmoz: Site Speed – Are you fast? Does it matter for SEO?Google: Using site speed in web search rankingMatt Cutts: Gadgets, Google and SEOTim Morrow: How does Google measure site speed?

FAQs: The 12 most-asked questions about how Google factors page speed into its search rankings

Source: Joshua Bixby,, Webperformance Today: august 5,2011,

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MeasureMatters is the blog of MeasureWorks focusing on the importance of web performance optimization for your online revenue. About MeasureWorksMeasureWorks provides Web Performance Optimization.MeasureWorks measures, analyzes and improves the quality of experience of online retailers, travel agencies, financial institutions and other online services. We observe their visitors closely, find out how they perceive quality, and identify which areas require improvements. We enable our clients to create loyal customers by improving their services proactively from a business perspective.

Do you want to maximize revenue and drive customer loyalty by identifying problems before customers do? And quantify how web performance impacts your business results? Please view to see what we can do for you!
