mechanisms in the size segregation of a binary granular

Mechanisms in the size segregation of a binary granular mixture Matthias Schröter, * Stephan Ulrich, Jennifer Kreft, Jack B. Swift, and Harry L. Swinney Center for Nonlinear Dynamics and Department of Physics, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712, USA Received 4 February 2006; published 26 July 2006 A granular mixture of particles of two sizes that is shaken vertically will in most cases segregate. If the larger particles accumulate at the top of the sample, this is called the Brazil-nut effect BNE; if they accu- mulate at the bottom, it is called the reverse Brazil-nut effect RBNE. While this process is of great industrial importance in the handling of bulk solids, it is not well understood. In recent years ten different mechanisms have been suggested to explain when each type of segregation is observed. However, the dependence of the mechanisms on driving conditions and material parameters and hence their relative importance is largely unknown. In this paper we present experiments and simulations where both types of particles are made from the same material and shaken under low air pressure, which reduces the number of mechanisms to be consid- ered to seven. We observe both BNE and RBNE by varying systematically the driving frequency and ampli- tude, diameter ratio, ratio of total volume of small to large particles, and overall sample volume. All our results can be explained by a combination of three mechanisms: a geometrical mechanism called void filling, transport of particles in sidewall-driven convection rolls, and thermal diffusion, a mechanism predicted by kinetic theory. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.74.011307 PACS numbers: 45.70.Mg, 05.20.Dd I. INTRODUCTION A variety of mechanisms have been proposed to describe the separation of particles of two sizes in a mixture of verti- cally shaken particles. Section II discusses proposed mecha- nisms, including void filling, static compressive force, con- vection, condensation, thermal diffusion, nonequipartition of energy, interstitial gas forcing, friction, and buoyancy. Our aim is to determine which are the important segregation mechanisms for diverse conditions. We study a mixture of two sizes of brass spheres, using image analysis to count the number of large particles visible at the top and bottom surfaces of the sample after shaking. These results are then compared with molecular dynamics simulations, which yield quantities unaccessible in experi- ment. Comparing our results for a range of control param- eters with various proposed segregation mechanisms reveals which mechanisms are important in our system. The control parameters studied are: frequency f and amplitude A of the sinusoidal shaking, the diameter ratio of the spheres d L / d S the subscripts L and S refer to large and small particles, the total layer depth h total , and V L / V S , the ratio of the total vol- ume of large to small particles in the container. The last parameter has not been examined in previous experiments, which were either performed with about equal numbers of particles of each size 16, or in the case called the intruder limit, where there is one large sphere in a bed of smaller particles 723. This paper is organized as follows: different proposed segregation mechanisms are reviewed in Sec. II. Section III discusses the interplay of these mechanisms in two recent models 24,25. The experimental setup and the details of our simulation are described in Sec. IV. Section V discusses how the experimental and simulation results depend on the driving parameters, and Sec. VI discusses the dependence on d L / d S , V L / V S , and h total . We conclude in Sec. VII. II. SEGREGATION MECHANISMS To reduce the number of segregation mechanisms to be considered we use large and small particles of the same ma- terial brass and therefore the same density and mechanical properties. This excludes segregation effects due to Archimedean buoyancy 18,23,2528 or due to different frictional properties 28,29. As the interstitial fluid was also found to have a strong effect on segregation 5,1922,30, we reduced the pressure in our experiment to less than 8 Pa, well below the 130 Pa where the effect of air on the segre- gation vanishes 21. This step also ensures comparability with our molecular dynamics simulations where the only in- teractions between particles are collisions. The remaining seven mechanisms are reviewed below, and their predicted dependence on d L / d S , V L / V S , and h total is summarized in Table I. For a recent review see also 31. A. Geometrical mechanism 1. Void filling Void filling is a local geometric effect that was first clearly identified in Monte Carlo simulations 32. During the ex- pansion phase of the shaking cycle all particles move up- wards, but during the compaction phase a large particle has a smaller probability of finding a suitable void in the layer below it than a small particle. This leads to the large particles accumulating at the top of the sample. As pointed out in 31, void filling works only for weak excitation; for strong driving the voids become larger and the probability that they accommodate a large particle becomes similar to that of a small particle. The void filling effect becomes stronger with increasing diameter ratio d L / d S , as shown by the increase in the rise velocity of an intruder 13. For d L / d S 3 the intruder seems to undergo a transition from intermittent to continuous ascent, which indicates a change in the microscopic details of the mechanism 8,9. Compar- ing in a thought experiment the situation of a single large intruder in a bed of small particles with a mixture which *Electronic address: [email protected] PHYSICAL REVIEW E 74, 011307 2006 1539-3755/2006/741/01130714 ©2006 The American Physical Society 011307-1

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Page 1: Mechanisms in the size segregation of a binary granular

Mechanisms in the size segregation of a binary granular mixture

Matthias Schröter,* Stephan Ulrich, Jennifer Kreft, Jack B. Swift, and Harry L. SwinneyCenter for Nonlinear Dynamics and Department of Physics, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712, USA

�Received 4 February 2006; published 26 July 2006�

A granular mixture of particles of two sizes that is shaken vertically will in most cases segregate. If thelarger particles accumulate at the top of the sample, this is called the Brazil-nut effect �BNE�; if they accu-mulate at the bottom, it is called the reverse Brazil-nut effect �RBNE�. While this process is of great industrialimportance in the handling of bulk solids, it is not well understood. In recent years ten different mechanismshave been suggested to explain when each type of segregation is observed. However, the dependence of themechanisms on driving conditions and material parameters and hence their relative importance is largelyunknown. In this paper we present experiments and simulations where both types of particles are made fromthe same material and shaken under low air pressure, which reduces the number of mechanisms to be consid-ered to seven. We observe both BNE and RBNE by varying systematically the driving frequency and ampli-tude, diameter ratio, ratio of total volume of small to large particles, and overall sample volume. All our resultscan be explained by a combination of three mechanisms: a geometrical mechanism called void filling, transportof particles in sidewall-driven convection rolls, and thermal diffusion, a mechanism predicted by kinetic theory.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.74.011307 PACS number�s�: 45.70.Mg, 05.20.Dd


A variety of mechanisms have been proposed to describethe separation of particles of two sizes in a mixture of verti-cally shaken particles. Section II discusses proposed mecha-nisms, including void filling, static compressive force, con-vection, condensation, thermal diffusion, nonequipartition ofenergy, interstitial gas forcing, friction, and buoyancy. Ouraim is to determine which are the important segregationmechanisms for diverse conditions.

We study a mixture of two sizes of brass spheres, usingimage analysis to count the number of large particles visibleat the top and bottom surfaces of the sample after shaking.These results are then compared with molecular dynamicssimulations, which yield quantities unaccessible in experi-ment. Comparing our results for a range of control param-eters with various proposed segregation mechanisms revealswhich mechanisms are important in our system. The controlparameters studied are: frequency f and amplitude A of thesinusoidal shaking, the diameter ratio of the spheres dL/dS�the subscripts L and S refer to large and small particles�, thetotal layer depth htotal, and VL/VS, the ratio of the total vol-ume of large to small particles in the container. The lastparameter has not been examined in previous experiments,which were either performed with about equal numbers ofparticles of each size �1–6�, or in the case called the intruderlimit, where there is one large sphere in a bed of smallerparticles �7–23�.

This paper is organized as follows: different proposedsegregation mechanisms are reviewed in Sec. II. Section IIIdiscusses the interplay of these mechanisms in two recentmodels �24,25�. The experimental setup and the details ofour simulation are described in Sec. IV. Section V discusseshow the experimental and simulation results depend on thedriving parameters, and Sec. VI discusses the dependence ondL/dS, VL/VS, and htotal. We conclude in Sec. VII.


To reduce the number of segregation mechanisms to beconsidered we use large and small particles of the same ma-terial �brass� and therefore the same density and mechanicalproperties. This excludes segregation effects due toArchimedean buoyancy �18,23,25–28� or due to differentfrictional properties �28,29�. As the interstitial fluid was alsofound to have a strong effect on segregation �5,19–22,30�,we reduced the pressure in our experiment to less than 8 Pa,well below the 130 Pa where the effect of air on the segre-gation vanishes �21�. This step also ensures comparabilitywith our molecular dynamics simulations where the only in-teractions between particles are collisions. The remainingseven mechanisms are reviewed below, and their predicteddependence on dL/dS, VL/VS, and htotal is summarized inTable I. For a recent review see also �31�.

A. Geometrical mechanism

1. Void filling

Void filling is a local geometric effect that was first clearlyidentified in Monte Carlo simulations �32�. During the ex-pansion phase of the shaking cycle all particles move up-wards, but during the compaction phase a large particle has asmaller probability of finding a suitable void in the layerbelow it than a small particle. This leads to the large particlesaccumulating at the top of the sample.

As pointed out in �31�, void filling works only for weakexcitation; for strong driving the voids become larger and theprobability that they accommodate a large particle becomessimilar to that of a small particle. The void filling effectbecomes stronger with increasing diameter ratio dL/dS, asshown by the increase in the rise velocity of an intruder �13�.For dL/dS�3 the intruder seems to undergo a transition fromintermittent to continuous ascent, which indicates a changein the microscopic details of the mechanism �8,9�. Compar-ing in a thought experiment the situation of a single largeintruder in a bed of small particles with a mixture which*Electronic address: [email protected]

PHYSICAL REVIEW E 74, 011307 �2006�

1539-3755/2006/74�1�/011307�14� ©2006 The American Physical Society011307-1

Page 2: Mechanisms in the size segregation of a binary granular

contains predominantly large particles hints that increasingVL/VS will decrease the strength of void filling. In contrast,the overall layer height htotal should not influence this mecha-nism.

There exists no theoretical model for void filling, butTrujillo et al. �25� identify in their kinetic-theory-basedanalysis of the gravitational force a “dynamic tensile” force;for an intruder this upward force increases with �dL/dS�3.This term vanishes in the limit of a highly expanded mixture.They compare the dynamic tensile force with the void fillingmechanism.

2. Static compressive force

Trujillo et al. �25� find that in the presence of gravity, anysize disparity will give rise to another term, which they namestatic compressive force. The static compressive force willalways lead to the RBNE; in the intruder limit it is propor-tional to �dL/dS�3−1.

B. Convection

Friction at the container walls can induce convection rollsin vertically shaken mixtures; during the upward accelerationthe mixture gets compacted and shear forces induced by theside walls extend through the whole sample. During the sub-sequent downward motion the mixture is more expanded andconsequentially those particles adjacent to the walls experi-ence stronger shear forces than those in the center of thecontainer. Both phases combined give rise to a convectionroll going downward at the sidewalls and upward in the cen-ter.

The relevant geometrical control parameter seems to bethe ratio of the size of the downstream layer to the diameterof the large particles. If the large particles are too large to beentrained by the downstream, they become trapped at the topsurface and consequently convection leads to BNE �10–12�.However, if the size of the downward moving regions is big

enough to accommodate large particles, these particles per-form convective cycles �10,14,17,33,34�, which can lead tomixing �4�.

Magnetic resonance imaging indicates that the size of thedownward moving layer is independent of total layer depthand shaking acceleration �11�. However, increasing htotalmight reduce the efficiency of both mechanisms as thestrength of the convection roll vanishes at the bottom �33�.Increasing the ratio of large to small particles VL/VS in agedanken experiment �31� increases the size of the down-stream layer and therefore suppresses the BNE and fostersmixing.

C. Kinetic-energy-driven mechanisms

For driven granular media one can define a kinetic granu-lar temperature T which corresponds to the average kineticenergy of the random motion of the particles �35�,

T =m

3Š�v − �v��2

‹ , �1�

where m is the particle mass and v their velocity. Numericalstudies �36–38� and experiments �39–41� have shown that Tin a vertically shaken granular sample depends not only onthe position in the sample and the phase of the shaking cycle,but also on the shaking acceleration and the number of par-ticles in the container.

In binary granular mixtures the equipartition of energybreaks down �40–43�; in general the heavier particles have ahigher granular temperature than the lighter ones. Nonequi-partition increases with decreasing restitution coefficient andincreasing mass difference �44�.

Two different types of segregation mechanisms driven bythe granular temperature of the sample have been suggested,based either on a phenomenological model of solid-liquidphase transitions �24� or on analyzing momentum balanceequations derived from kinetic theory �25,44–49�.

TABLE I. Effect of an increase of the diameter ratio, volume ratio, and total layer depth on the segrega-tion mechanism discussed in Sec. II. The symbols �, 0, and � correspond to an increase, constance, ordecrease of the effect in the second column.

Mechanism Effect IncreasedL



VSIncrease htotal

Void filling BNE � � 0

Static compressiveforce

RBNE � ? ?

Convection BNE � � �

mixing � � �

Condensation BNE � � 0

RBNE � � 0

Thermal diffusion ? ? ? ?

NonequipartitionBrey et al.

RBNE � ? 0

NonequipartitionTrujillo et al.

BNE � � 0

SCHRÖTER et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 74, 011307 �2006�


Page 3: Mechanisms in the size segregation of a binary granular

1. Condensation

A mechanism suggested by Hong et al. �24� is based onthe observation that as the shaking acceleration is increased,a solidlike sample of monodisperse particles will becomevibro-fluidized. Assuming that the granular temperature isspatially homogeneous throughout the sample, they postulatethe existence of a critical temperature Tc above which allparticles are fluidized. For T smaller than Tc an increasingfraction of the particles should condense at the bottom of thecontainer. By equating the average kinetic energy of the par-ticles with the potential energy of a particle in the top layer,they find Tc to be proportional to �d3h, where � is the mate-rial density and h is the height of the particular layer.

Hong et al. �24� argued that in a binary sample the shak-ing parameters can be adjusted such that T is between thecritical temperatures of the two species. Then one kind staysfluidized while the other condenses at the bottom. Assumingequipartition and that the values of Tc are not influenced bythe presence of the other species, they identify the ratio ofthe two Tc’s as the control parameter �cond,

�cond =TL


TSc = �dL




hS, �2�

where the height ratio hL/hS of the particles filled in sepa-rately is equal to VL/VS in a container of constant width.

For �cond�1, which corresponds to TLc �TS

c , the small par-ticles are still condensed and sink to the bottom while thelarge particles are completely fluidized; the system showsBNE. For �cond�1 the large particles will condense at thebottom and the RBNE takes place. However, these effectswill only occur in an intermediate driving regime where T isin between the two critical temperatures; otherwise there willbe no segregation as a result of condensation.

2. Mechanisms predicted by kinetic theory

Kinetic theory of binary granular mixtures is an activearea of research with competing predictions. As kinetictheory is limited to a regime where binary collisions prevail,these mechanisms are only applicable for dilute mixtures andhence large shaking amplitudes.

Diffusion in a granular temperature gradient. It was firstshown by Hsiau and Hunt �45� that in a gradient of thegranular temperature the heavier particles move to placeswith lower T and thereby expel the lighter particles. Strongvertical temperature gradients in vertically shaken sampleshave been found in simulations �36–38� and experiments�39,43�. Due to the complicated spatio-temporal develop-ment of the T field, it is not possible to decide a priori whattype of segregation this effect will lead.

Segregation due to nonequipartition. The derivation in�45� assumes equipartition. Recent simulations by Galvin etal. �44� have shown that nonequipartition leads to additionaldriving forces that are comparable in strength to the forces inthe calculations assuming equipartition.

An explicit solution for the thermal diffusion coefficientsin the case of a single intruder and nonequipartition wasgiven by Brey et al. �48�, who found the ratio of mean squarevelocities,

� =mSTL

mLTS, �3�

to be the control parameter. For particles with the same den-sity, they predict ��1, which leads to RBNE; � decreaseswith increasing diameter ratio.

Trujillo et al. �25� identify in their hydrodynamic model aso-called pseudothermal buoyancy force, which is propor-tional to the ratio of the granular temperatures of the twospecies. They calculate this temperature ratio using the ki-netic theory results of Barrat and Trizac �50�, where TL isalways larger than TS so that the pseudothermal buoyancyleads to BNE. Barrat and Trizac also find that nonequiparti-tion increases strongly with dL/dS and decreases weakly withVL/VS.


To predict the state of segregation in an experiment thedifferent mechanisms in Sec. II have to be compared in theirrelative strength for a given set of control parameters. Herewe focus on the phenomenological model from Hong et al.�24� and the approach based on kinetic theory from Trujilloet al. �25�.

We could not compare our results to predictions of hardsphere lattice models �51–54�, which are based on a statisti-cal mechanics approach to granular media �55�. Their maincontrol parameter is a configurational temperature, which wewere unable to determine in our experiments and simula-tions.

A. The model of Hong, Quinn, and Luding

While Hong et al. do not deny the presence of other seg-regation mechanisms in specific situations, they propose thata theory based on void filling �percolation in their nomencla-ture, discussed in Sec. II A 1� and the condensation mecha-nism �Sec. II C 1� will provide the general framework to pre-dict if the BNE or the RBNE is observed. Interpreting theresults from Rosato et al. �32�, they assume void filling to becontrolled by �vf

�vf = �dL


. �4�

Equating �vf and �cond �Eq. �2�� results in an equation forthe phase boundary between the two effects which is





with the RBNE if the left-hand side is larger than the right-hand side and the BNE for the opposite case. Hong et, however, the more special case where the layer heightratio is chosen to be equal to the diameter ratio hL/hS=dL/dS. Consequently they obtain for the phase boundary




�L, �6�

which is in agreement with their molecular dynamics simu-lations �24� and a variational approach minimizing a binarymixture free energy functional �56�.



Page 4: Mechanisms in the size segregation of a binary granular

An experimental test of Eqs. �5� and �6� is complicated bythe fact that the condensation mechanism can only be ob-served for an intermediate granular temperature, which isdifficult to achieve in experiment. Consequently Breu et al.�6� did a first study of Eq. �6� by manually preparing binarymixtures in the layer sequence predicted to be unstable forthis diameter and density ratio. Then they searched for acombination of the control parameters f and A where theconfiguration changed to that predicted. This search suc-ceeded for 82% of the 178 different particle combinationstested. However, they also observed that for the same mix-ture both BNE and RBNE can occur, depending on the driv-ing parameters. Other experimental �22,57� and numerical�28� studies could not verify the existence of the condensa-tion mechanism.

B. The model of Trujillo, Alam, and Herrmann

All segregation mechanisms discussed in this paper origi-nate from the presence of a gravitational field parallel to thedirection of shaking; in the framework of kinetic theory theinfluence of this field was first studied by Jenkins and Yoon�46�. Starting from the same momentum balance equations,Trujillo et al. �25� decompose the net gravitational force intofour physical mechanisms. Two of them are geometric innature: the static compressive force �discussed in Sec. II A 2�and the dynamic tensile force, which they compare with thevoid filling mechanism �see Sec. II A 1�. The third termstems from the nonequipartition of energy and is propor-tional to TL/TS; it is called pseudothermal buoyancy �Sec.II C 2�. Finally, there is the classical Archimedean buoyancy,which is not relevant for particles of the same material den-sities. The model of Trujillo et al. does not account for con-vection or spatial inhomogeneities of the kinetic temperaturein the sample.

For the two-dimensional �2D� case they find that for smalldL/dS the static compressive force, which leads to RBNE, isstronger than the other two terms, which favor BNE. How-ever, the pseudothermal buoyancy grows faster with increas-ing dL/dS, so there exists a critical diameter ratio abovewhich the system exhibits BNE. They also predict that in-creasing the fraction of large particles will strongly increasethe range of diameter ratios where the RBNE is observed.The same effect should apply for lowering the packing frac-tions by means of stronger shaking.


A. Experimental setup

The experimental setup is shown in Fig. 1. The particlesare shaken in a 25 mm�25 mm square glass tube �Pyrex®borosilicate� with a height of 360 mm. The bottom plate ismade out of sapphire, the top cover of acrylic glass. The cellis mounted on an electromechanical shaker �Vibration TestSystems vg100c� and shaken sinusoidally with an amplitudeA and frequency f . The dimensionless shaking acceleration is= �2f�2A /g, where g is the acceleration due to gravity. is controlled by a feedback loop to better than 0.4%.

All particles were made of brass �alloy 260� with a den-sity � of 8.4 g/cm3. The diameter dL of the large particleswas 2.38 mm; the small particle diameters ds were 0.79,1.19, and 1.59 mm, corresponding to diameter ratios of 3, 2,and 1.5.

All experiments were performed with the same protocol:after filling with particles, the container was sealed andevacuated to a pressure below 8 Pa. Then a sequence of mea-surements was performed, each corresponding to a specificset of driving parameters f and . Each individual measure-ment started with the generation of an approximately mixedstate by shaking 30 s at f =15 Hz and =4.5. Then the par-ticles were shaken with the specific f and until a steadystate was reached. After the shaker was stopped the particlescame immediately to rest and images were taken from thetop and bottom surface of the sample with a resolution of40 pixels per dL. Three more sets of images were taken, eachafter shaking for another 20 s. The average number of par-ticles counted in the four sets of images was considered oneindependent measurement.

To identify the position and type of all particles we usetwo images taken with different illumination. A first image,taken with a single point light source, marks the center ofeach particle with a light spot. A second image, taken withdiffuse illumination, is then used to distinguish betweensmall and large particles. The algorithm makes this decisionautomatically by comparing the correlation between everyfound particle and template images of small and large par-ticles. The right side of Fig. 1 shows a result of this imageprocessing. The error rate of the algorithm, as determined bycomparing the number of large particles to the results ofcounting them by eye, is smaller than 6%.

To quantify the amount of convection we took additionalimages of a sidewall of the sample during the shaking pro-cess. Using a Phantom high speed camera we resolve theparticle dynamics with a resolution of 24 pixels per dL at1077 frames per second. The high frame rate allowed iden-tification of the motion of individual particles. A small depthof field helped to distinguish particles near the sidewallsfrom particles in the bulk. Figure 2 gives four examples.

FIG. 1. Left: Experimental setup. The particles are shaken ver-tically in an evacuated square glass tube. Pictures are taken from thetop and the bottom �using a mirror� of the granular sample. Right:An image of the bottom plate. All large particles detected by theimage processing are marked with black circles.

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Page 5: Mechanisms in the size segregation of a binary granular

In order to get reproducible results the brass particles hadto be treated in two ways. First, all new particles were agedby shaking them for 24 h at 20 Hz and =5 to exclude ef-fects due to work hardening. Second, after about every 8 h ofshaking the particles were cleaned for 10 min in an ultra-sonic bath with a concentrated solution of Alconox powderedcleaner. This removed the fine metal dust which had accu-mulated in the sample. The resultant reproducibility is illus-trated in the top row of Fig. 3.

B. Molecular dynamics simulation

A molecular dynamics code described in �58� is used forthe simulations. In the simulation the container size, numberof particles, diameter ratio, mass ratio, and shaking param-eters are all identical to those in the experiment. Collisionsare assumed to be binary and instantaneous to permit the useof an event-driven algorithm to decrease calculation time.The velocities before and after an event are calculated usingthe collision model proposed by Walton, which does not takeinto account the details of an interaction but does account forfriction and rotation �59�.

For both particle-particle and particle-wall collisions,three constants each �a total of 6� must be defined in thismodel. First is the coefficient of normal restitution, e, whichis the ratio of the relative normal velocity �vn� after the col-lision to the value before the collision. This coefficient inboth cases varies with vn as described in �58�: the coefficientof restitution is the maximum of e and 1− �1−e��vn /gd�3/4.The changes in relative surface velocity are determined bythe coefficient of friction � and the minimum coefficient oftangential restitution �. The ratio of the value after to beforethe collision is the maximum of −� and � times the normalimpulse. This allows a transition from sliding to rolling con-tact.

C. Comparison of experiment and molecular dynamicssimulation

The collision parameters were systematically varied untiloptimal agreement was obtained between simulation and ex-periment; the results are shown in Fig. 3 lower row. This led

to a choice of coefficient of normal restitution, e=0.78, andfriction coefficient, �=0.3, for both particle-particle andparticle-wall collisions.

For particle-particle interactions, the minimum tangentialrestitution, �p, was set to 0.5; the results were only weaklydependent on �p. Critical to the match was �w, the tangentialrestitution for particle-wall interactions, which was set to 0.9.This sensitivity to �w hints towards the importance ofsidewall-driven convection in the system. For a detailed dis-cussion of the significance of � in this collision model, see�60�.

To mimic the experiment, was reduced to 0.5 after1000 cycles for simulations at 15 Hz and 40,000 cycles for80 Hz. In the event-driven simulation the particles did notfully come to stop as quickly as they did in the experiment.The simulation continued until the time between collisionswith the plate became too small to be handled by the algo-rithm. For =2, f =15 Hz, and =8, f =80 Hz, this collapsehappened quickly as the layer was dense and close to theplate. The results from these simulations differ from experi-ment more than for higher shaking amplitudes as some of thedynamics involved in the layer coming to rest are not cap-tured.

The number of particles on top and bottom were deter-mined in simulation from the heights of the particles. If thecenter of a large particle was within 0.7dL of the base, it was

FIG. 2. Side view of the shaken sample while it is most ex-panded. The labels give the shaking frequency and amplitude, cor-responding to =20, 1.7, 2.5, and 7, respectively. The container isfilled with 128 large and approximately 1040 small brass spheres�corresponding to equal volumes�; their diameter ratio is 2. Theelongated appearance of the particles in the horizontal direction is aconsequence of the illumination. The height of the images is one-eighth of the overall tube length; this height is large enough so thatthe spheres do not collide with the top of the container.

FIG. 3. �Color online� Top row: Test of the reproducibility inthree experimental runs, each starting with washed particles as de-scribed in Sec. IV A. Open symbols correspond to the average num-ber of large particles detected at the bottom; closed symbols to thenumber at the top. Each set of points represents experiments withidentical shaking acceleration. Bottom row: Comparison of the av-erage of the experimental results in the top row �squares� and themolecular dynamics simulations �triangles�. The sample contains 64large and 1540 small brass spheres with a diameter ratio of 2.



Page 6: Mechanisms in the size segregation of a binary granular

considered to be in the reverse state; if more than 0.3dLabove the mean height of the small particles, in the Brazil-nut state. This measure was determined by making images ofthe simulation results with the ray-tracing program POV-Ray

�61�, which were then analyzed in the same fashion as in theexperiment. The cutoff values used minimized the differencebetween the two methods.


In this section we will discuss the influence of the drivingparameters on the segregation in a “typical” sample consist-ing of each one monolayer �measured in units of dL� of smalland large particles with a diameter ratio of two: dL/dS=2,VL/VS=1, and htotal=2dL. We will first describe our experi-mental results and then use our molecular dynamics simula-tions to understand the role of convection and granular tem-perature inside the sample. In Sec. V E we will then explainour findings in terms of the segregation mechanism dis-cussed in Sec. II. Section VI examines how these resultschange with the diameter ratio, the fraction of large particles,and the overall filling height.

A. Relaxation into a steady state

An assumption of the measurement protocol described inSec. IV A is that the initial shaking period of 1 min is longenough for the system to reach a steady state. This is dem-onstrated in Fig. 4 where the shaker was stopped every 30 sto take images and count the number of large particles visibleat the bottom and top surface. The time the sample needs torelax to a steady state decreases strongly with increasing ac-celeration. In experiments with 2.5 at 15 Hz and 8 at80 Hz, we reach a steady state in less than 1 minute, forlower accelerations we increased the shaking time accord-ingly. We also find this steady state in agreement with �1,2�to be history independent: Starting from samples prepared ina BNE or RBNE configuration results in the same averagenumber of particles.

B. Dependence on the driving amplitude

Figure 5 demonstrates that the segregation behavior isrelatively complicated when plotted as a function of theshaking acceleration. For f =15 Hz there is a crossover froma strong BNE to a weak RBNE at �4.5. In contrast forhigher values of f we find the steady state always to be BNEand largely independent of .

To characterize the segregation behavior we introduce theprobability that an observed large particle is at the top sur-face, p=nt / �nt+nb�, where nt and nb correspond to the aver-age number of large particles detected at the top and bottomsurfaces. Consequently p=1 identifies a complete BNE, p=0 a RBNE state.

The results for the probability p as a function of the driv-ing amplitude A are shown in Fig. 6: with increasing shakingamplitude the system passes from a strong BNE to a weakRBNE. Qualitatively similar results have been found in the

experiments of Breu et al. �6� and the soft-core moleculardynamics simulations of Pica Ciamarra et al. �28�.

Plots of p as a function of �compare Fig. 5�, the averageplate velocity or the particle velocity at lift-off do not col-lapse the data as well as the dependence on A �Fig. 6�; there-fore, for the remainder of this paper we will describe ourresults using A.

C. The role of convection

Convection driven by the sidewalls of the container can-not be switched off in experiment. To estimate the relativeimportance of this mechanism we therefore rely on the mo-lecular dynamics simulations described in Sec. IV B, wherewe can suppress convection by using periodic boundary con-ditions for the lateral walls of the container �28�. Figure 7

FIG. 4. Relaxation into a steady state exhibiting the BNE. Theshaking frequency in the experiment is 15 Hz. The container isfilled with 128 large and approximately 1040 small brass spheres�corresponding to equal volumes�; their diameter ratio is 2.

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shows again good agreement between experiment and simu-lations with frictional sidewalls for all but the smallest shak-ing amplitude at both 15 Hz and 80 Hz. However, the role ofconvection is different at the two frequencies.

Switching off convection in the simulations at 15 Hz re-sults in a significantly lower probability for a large particle tobe on top. For shaking amplitudes smaller than 1.2dL,switching off convection makes the system go from BNE toa mixed state. At higher amplitudes another RBNE mecha-nism eventually becomes stronger than convection so thatthe overall effect even with convection becomes RBNE.

Simulation results at 80 Hz with frictional sidewalls andperiodic boundaries agree quite well, showing that convec-tion is not responsible for the strong BNE observed there.This agrees with the experimental observations: in high-speed movies of the top and bottom surface of the sample thedriving mechanism was identified as void filling.

This dependence of the segregation mechanism on fagrees with the previous experimental observations: Vanel etal. �13� found the motion of an intruder to be governed byconvection for frequencies below 40 Hz and by void fillingabove. Other experiments observing convection were per-formed with well separated taps �10,11,20–22� or at 10 Hz�12�.

Figure 8 shows the experimentally measured average ver-tical velocities in the layer adjacent to the sidewalls. Forsmall A the observed velocities are comparable in size to themeasurement errors. However, for f =15 Hz and A�dL, thesmall particles start to become dragged down significantly,which is in agreement with the findings in Fig. 7. For shak-ing amplitudes larger than 1.5dL, large particles also get en-trained in the downward flow. At these amplitudes the systemshows a slight RBNE, so we are unable to decide if convec-tion still drives the system towards BNE or if it has becomea mixing mechanism.

D. The granular temperatures of the two species

Figure 9 shows the height dependence of the number den-sity and the granular temperature in simulations with peri-odic boundaries. Because gravity and shaking differentiatesbetween vertical and horizontal motion, we analyze thegranular temperature in these two directions separately. Theupper frame characterizes the fields at f =80 Hz and A

FIG. 5. �Color online� Experimental segregation results as afunction of the shaking acceleration. The different symbols corre-spond to different shaking frequencies; the open version of a sym-bol represents the average number of large particles visible at thebottom, the closed version the number at the top. These experimentsexhibit the BNE except for those with f =15 Hz and �4. Thecontainer is filled with 128 large and approximately 1040 smallbrass spheres �corresponding to equal volumes�; their diameter ratiois 2. All data points for �2.5 are averaged over 19 independentexperiments. For the measurements at 1.7��2.5 we used relax-ation curves of the type shown in Fig. 4, where the initial shakingtime necessary to reach a steady state �up to 15 min� was discarded.

FIG. 6. �Color online� Experimental segregation results as afunction of the shaking amplitude. The data presented are the sameas in Fig. 5. (pmix=0.523 �62�).

FIG. 7. �Color online� At 15 Hz �to the right of the verticaldotted line�: simulations with frictional sidewalls ��� agree withexperiment ���, while simulations with periodic boundary condi-tions ��� differ. This shows the importance of sidewall-driven con-vection rolls at this frequency. At 80 Hz �to the left of the verticaldotted line�: the simulations are independent of the boundary con-ditions. The experimental results are the same as in Fig. 6. Allsimulation results are averaged over 10 runs starting from differentinitial conditions.



Page 8: Mechanisms in the size segregation of a binary granular

=0.33dL; their behavior is independent of the phase of thedriving. The center of mass of the large particles is higherthan that of the small particles, corresponding to the BNEfound after switching off the shaking. While this BNE isgenerally attributed to the void-filling mechanism, it is inter-esting that the center of mass of the large particle has also thesame height as the minimum of granular temperature in bothhorizontal and vertical directions. This hints that the realm ofthermal diffusion and therefore kinetic theory might extendto relatively dense samples.

At f =15 Hz and A=3.25dL the results do depend on thephase of the shaking cycle. However, after the initial shockwave induced by the plate hitting the sample has traveledupwards �36�, the remaining 5/6 of the shaking cycle is wellrepresented by the data in Fig. 9. Two features are character-istic for this “free flight” phase: First, the center of mass ofthe large particles is always below that of the small particles;this agrees with the RBNE found in experiment and simula-tion. Second, the center of mass of the large particles is atapproximately the same height as the minimum of granulartemperature in both horizontal and vertical directions.

These two features point clearly to the thermal diffusionmechanism suggested by Hsiau and Hunt �45� to be thecause for the observed RBNE. Minima of granular tempera-ture are a generic feature of vertically vibrated granularsamples �37–39,43�, so thermal diffusion can be expected tobe a relevant segregation mechanism in many systems.

Characterizing the degree of nonequipartition is difficultdue to the strong spatio-temporal dependencies of the granu-lar temperatures of both species. For a first estimate we havecomputed a weighted ratio:


TS= �



, �7�

where nL�z� is the height dependent number density of largeparticles. Averaged over the whole cycle, the simulations at

f =15 Hz and A=3.25dL yield a temperature ratio of 5.4±2.2in a vertical direction and 2.8±0.6 in a horizontal direction.The larger standard deviation in a vertical direction resultsfrom a threefold increase of TL/TS during the initial shockwave. At f =80 Hz and A=0.33dL the temperature ratio is 2.2in a vertical direction and 1.7 in a horizontal direction.

Predictions of TL/TS from kinetic theory assume a dilutegranular gas either driven by a stochastic thermostat �Barratand Trizac �50�� or shaken at high frequencies and high am-plitudes �Brey et al. �48��. Figure 2 demonstrates that agranular gas is most closely realized by shaking with f=15 Hz and A=3.25dL. With our diameter ratio, coefficientof restitution, and number of particles, the polynomial equa-tion given by Barrat and Trizac predicts TL/TS=2.62, whichis in good agreement with our result of 2.8±0.6 for the hori-zontal temperature ratio �which depends less on the phase ofthe shaking cycle�. The cubic equation for the ratio of themean square velocities given by Brey et al. �48� results inTL/TS=1.28; however, their result was derived for the case

FIG. 8. Convection becomes important as the shaking amplitudeincreases. These measurements, performed using high-speed imagesas in Fig. 2, show the downward velocity of the particles at thesidewalls of the container. The sample is the same as in Fig. 5. Thevelocities are averaged over all phases of 6 cycles �15 Hz� or30 cycles �80 Hz�.

FIG. 9. �Color online� Number density and granular temperaturein vertical and horizontal directions in simulations with periodicboundaries. As predicted by thermal diffusion, the larger particlesaccumulate preferentially at the minimum of the granular tempera-ture. The sample contains one monolayer �measured in units of dL�each of small ��� and large ��� particles with a diameter ratio oftwo. The RBNE observed in the experiment at 15 Hz is in accordwith the relative positions of the arrows, which show the height ofthe centers of mass for the small and large particles. The granulartemperatures were only computed for heights where there was inaverage at least one particle in a height interval of dL of the giventype at a time; their values are scaled by the energy needed to raisea large particle its own diameter. Zero height corresponds to thelowest position of the vibrating plate. Data are averaged at a singlephase of the cycle for 1200 �80 Hz� or 434 �15 Hz� cycles. At15 Hz this phase corresponds to the most expanded sample at theupper turning point; at 80 Hz no dependence on the phase wasobserved.

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of a single large intruder, not equal volumes of small andlarge particles. We will return to this question in Sec. VI A.

E. Relevance of the different mechanisms

The following overall picture emerges: at high frequen-cies and small shaking amplitudes the sample shows a strongBNE due to void filling. At low frequencies and small shak-ing amplitudes, sidewall driven convection also leads to aBNE. However, with increasing shaking amplitude, thermaldiffusion becomes relevant. Because the minimum of granu-lar temperature is lower than the center of mass of the wholesample, thermal diffusion results in a RBNE that eventuallybecomes stronger than the BNE due to convection.

By Eqs. �2� and �4� the control parameters for both con-densation and void filling have the same numerical value of8. Therefore, the theory of Hong et al. predicts a strong BNEexcept for some intermediate driving range where condensa-tion takes place and is of equal strength as void filling, whichshould lead to a mixed state. Figure 2 shows that a conden-sation of large particles is only conceivable for shaking am-plitudes smaller than 1.16dL. Neither the experimental datain Fig. 6 nor the simulations in Fig. 7 show signs of conden-sation taking place at any frequency and amplitude.

The effect of nonequipartition and static compressiveforce on the RBNE at high shaking amplitudes can be moreappropriately studied by their dependence on the diameterratio, as described in the next section.


A. Dependence on diameter ratio

The dependence of the experimental segregation resultson the diameter ratio is shown in Fig. 10. At f =80 Hz achange of the diameter ratio from 1.5 to 3 always increasesthe BNE, which is in agreement with our interpretation ofvoid filling as the relevant mechanism.

At f =15 Hz the situation is more complex: for A=1.16dL, the system exhibits BNE; its strength increaseswith diameter ratio. At larger shaking amplitudes we observeRBNE at small and BNE at larger diameter ratios. This gen-eral behavior is the same for a single large intruder and equalvolumes of large and small particles; however, the effects aremore pronounced for the single intruder.

We know from Figs. 7 and 9 that the results at f =15 Hzinvolve at least two mechanisms: convection and thermaldiffusion. Since we want to use the dependence on the diam-eter ratio to study the role of nonequipartition and staticcompressive force, we first try to isolate the contribution ofconvection. In analogy to Fig. 7, we do this by comparingthe experimental results with simulations with rigid and pe-riodic boundaries, as shown in Fig. 11. We consider only thecase of the largest shaking amplitude because it can be ex-pected to resemble best the driving assumed in �25,48�.

The agreement in Fig. 11 between the experimental re-sults and the simulations with rigid boundaries decreases fordiameter ratios of 1.5 and 3. This is probably due to tworeasons: First, we kept the collision parameters in the simu-

FIG. 10. �Color online� Dependence of the observed segregation on the diameter ratio. The samples in the upper plot contain a singlelarge particle in two layers �measured in dL� of small particles. The samples in the lower plot consist of equal volumes of each 1 monolayerof small and large particles. All data points are averaged over 19 independent experiments.



Page 10: Mechanisms in the size segregation of a binary granular

lation at the values obtained from the fit with data for adiameter ratio of two; however, the coefficient of restitutionis known to change with the particle diameter �35�. Second,the large size discrepancy leads to increased probability ofmultiparticle collisions, thus the Tc model of Luding andMcNamara was implemented for the simulations with a di-ameter ratio of 3 �60�. In this scheme, the restitution coeffi-cient was set to 1 if a particle encountered a second collisionwithin a short time frame. Still only a subset of the simula-tions ran successfully.

Despite these caveats Fig. 11 shows that the BNE for adiameter ratio of 3 is due to an increase in convection. Thiseffect can also be seen in the average particle velocity mea-sured at the sidewall of the container in Fig. 12. At smallshaking amplitudes the convection is again negligible as inFig. 8. For A�dL the difference in the downward velocityfor small and large particles increases significantly with thediameter ratio.

Aside from the effect of convection, the main result inFig. 11 is that the slight RBNE in strongly shaken mixtures isrelatively independent of the diameter ratio. Yet nonequipar-tition increases by a factor of six for the diameter ratiosstudied, as shown in Table II, which also shows that TL/TS isin good agreement with the kinetic theory based predictionsof Barrat and Trizac �50�.

Together this relative independence of p on dL/dS andthe strong dependence of TL/TS on dL/dS indicates thatnonequipartition has only a weak influence on our results.This is in contrast to the predictions of Trujillo et al. �25�,who expect the static compressive force which leads toRBNE to be dominant at small diameter ratios. However,nonequipartition grows faster with increasing diameter ratiothan the static compressive force, so the system should showa crossover to BNE.

For the reasons given above, we were unable to gathermeaningful statistics for simulations of a single intruder in acontainer with periodic boundaries. Therefore, we cannotcomment on the predictions of Brey et al. �48�, who foundfor an intruder that nonequipartition leads to a RBNE thatincreases in strength with increasing diameter ratio.

B. Dependence on the volume ratio VL/VS

The dependence of the segregation results on the compo-sition of the sample measured as the ratio between the vol-umes of the large and small particles VL/VS is shown in Fig.13. For each volume ratio the same behavior as in Fig. 6 canbe observed: the probability p of a large particle to be at thetop of the sample decreases with increasing A. For volumeratios in the range from a single intruder up to 20% largerparticles, p depends only weakly on VL/VS.

At higher volume ratios, p shows a trend from BNE to-wards a mixed state with increasing VL/VS. This effect is inagreement with the suggested segregation mechanism: at f=15 Hz the size of the convective downstream layer in-creases and more large particles can get entrained �31�, while

FIG. 11. �Color online� Dependence of the segregation on thediameter ratio with and without convection. The closed circles ���correspond to the experimental results for f =15 Hz, A=3.25dL andequal volumes of small and large particles �Fig. 10�. The opencircles ��� are the results of the MD simulations using frictionalsidewalls. The open squares ��� represent the simulation results ifperiodic boundary conditions are used to suppress convection. Allsimulation results are averaged over 10 runs starting from differentinitial conditions.

FIG. 12. �Color online� Segregation due to sidewall driven con-vection increases with diameter ratio. The mean vertical velocity forsmall and large particles was measured in experiment at the side-wall of the container for diameter ratios of 1.5 ��� and 3 ���. Smalland large symbols represent the respective particles. Both samplescontain equal volumes of small and large particles. The velocitiesare averaged over all phases of 6 cycles �15 Hz� or 30 cycles�80 Hz�.

TABLE II. Comparison of the ratio of granular temperaturesTL/TS between our simulations and the kinetic-theory-based predic-tions by Barrat and Trizac �50�. The samples consist of one layer ofeach of small and large particles and are shaken at f =15 Hz andA=3.25dL. The simulations use periodic boundary conditions;TL/TS is calculated using Eq. �7� and the horizontal temperatures.

dL/dS 1.5 2 3

Barrat and Trizac 1.51 2.62 9.11

MD simulation 1.3±0.1 2.9±0.6 8.9±3.8

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Page 11: Mechanisms in the size segregation of a binary granular

at f =80 Hz an increase of VL/VS results in larger voids inthe sample and, therefore, the void-filling mechanism be-comes less effective. A comparison of the two frequenciesshows that convection is more impaired by an increase inVL/VS than void filling.

An increasing RBNE with increasing diameter ratio wasnot found for any of the combinations of volume ratios anddriving parameters in Fig. 13. Therefore, a static compres-sive force is not needed to explain our results.

Figure 13 provides another test of the theory of Hong etal. �24�. According to Eq. �5� the condensation mechanismleading to RBNE will become stronger than the void-fillingmechanism for volume ratios larger than 1. The rightmostpoints in Fig. 13 have VL/VS=1.5; therefore, we should seehere at some intermediate driving regime a clear drop-off

from a BNE to RBNE and back to BNE for a further increasein A.

While no condensation was found at an intermediate driv-ing range, this leaves open the possibility of condensation ateven smaller driving amplitudes. Hong et al. consider a par-ticle as being fluidized if it has the ability to exchange itsposition with its neighbors. Therefore, the mean square dis-placement of particles in a condensed phase should show aplateau at a small distance. Figure 14 shows the developmentof the mean square displacement of large and small particlesin simulations with periodic boundary conditions. Only at afrequency of 80 Hz and an amplitude of 0.07dL �whichpushes the limits of our simulation technique as discussed inSec. IV C� do the large particles seem to be caged by theirneighbors, while the small particles are still mobile. Accord-

FIG. 13. �Color online� Dependence of the observed segregation on the volume ratio between small and large particles. All samples havea total volume of two layers �measured in dL�. The leftmost data points in each frame correspond to a single large intruder. All results areaveraged over at least 18 independent experiments.



Page 12: Mechanisms in the size segregation of a binary granular

ing to the condensation mechanism, this should result in aRBNE. However, in experiment we find a clear BNE withp=0.67 �at a VL/VS of 1.5�. This steady state is reached afterapproximately 20 min �corresponding to 105 shaking cycles�and, therefore, unlikely to be found in simulations. Similarexperiments at f =15 Hz and shaking amplitudes down to0.61dL do not yield any signature of the condensationmechanism.

C. Dependence on the total layer height

The dependence of the segregation on the layer depth htotalis shown in Fig. 15. For a diameter ratio of 1.5 the number oflarge particles at the top is mostly independent of htotal whilethe number at the bottom drops significantly with increasinghtotal. At a diameter ratio of 3 there is a slight increase of thenumber at the top while the number at the bottom stays rela-tively constant at low levels.

The absence of the RBNE in deeper layers was also notedby Breu et al. �6�. It is compatible with thermal diffusion asthe responsible mechanism for the RBNE in shallow layers,assuming that the relative height of the temperature mini-mum stays constant when htotal is increased. Then in deepersamples the accumulation of large particles would no longerbe visible at the bottom. The condensation mechanism doesnot explain the vanishing of the RBNE in deeper layers asthe condensed fraction of large particles is assumed to accu-mulate at the bottom independent of htotal. At a diameter ratioof 3, void filling and convection are much stronger contribu-tions to the final result; therefore, the relative influence ofhtotal is smaller.

Note that the transition from two to four layers increasesthe relaxation times. Though we increased the initial shakingtime from 1 to 3 minutes, experiments with f =80 Hz, A=0.13dL still had not reached their steady state and weretherefore not included.


We have studied the segregation of vertically shaken bi-nary mixtures of brass spheres in experiment and event-driven simulation. By using the same material for small andlarge particles and evacuating the sample container, weeliminated Archimedean buoyancy, friction, and pressure ef-fects from the list of potential segregation mechanisms. Wehave found that three mechanisms are sufficient to explainour results:

�1� At a shaking frequency of 80 Hz all samples exhibiteda strong Brazil-nut effect due to the geometrical mechanismcalled void filling. The strength of the segregation increaseswith diameter ratio and decreases weakly with the shakingamplitude. Increasing the number of large particles from asingle intruder up to a mixture of equal volumes of large andsmall particles results only in a slight decrease of thestrength of the effect.

�2� At a shaking frequency of 15 Hz and shaking ampli-tudes up to 1.5 large particle diameters, a strong Brazil-nuteffect is induced by sidewall-driven convection. The strengthof the effect increases strongly with diameter ratio and de-creases with the relative amount of large particles.

�3� If the shaking amplitude is increased above 1.5 largeparticle diameters, the sample starts to resemble a granulargas and the thermal diffusion mechanism becomes signifi-cant. Thermal diffusion describes the tendency of large par-

FIG. 14. �Color online� Driving parameters adequate for thecondensation mechanism were searched in simulations �with peri-odic boundary conditions� that yielded this plot of the mean squaredisplacement. The diameter ratio is 2; the symbol size correspondsto the particle type. The sample size is two layers with a volumeratio of large to small spheres of 1.5. All data points are averagedover 200 time steps.

FIG. 15. �Color online� Dependence of the observed segregationresults on the total sample height, either two or four layers �mea-sured in dL�. All samples contain equal volumes of small and largeparticles. All data points are averaged over at least 12 independentexperiments.

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ticles to accumulate in the minimum of the granular tempera-ture profile. In a shallow layer of height two large particlediameters and for diameter ratios smaller than three, thermaldiffusion eventually becomes stronger than convection,which leads to the reverse Brazil-nut effect. Thermal diffu-sion seems to be only weakly dependent on the diameterratio. If the total layer height is increased to four large par-ticle diameters, the temperature minimum is within thesample and no increased number of large particles at thebottom is observed.

While we probed the parameter regimes where the staticcompressive force and the condensation mechanisms wereexpected to be relevant, we did not find any signature ofthese two segregation mechanisms. The apparent agreementbetween the condensation-based model in �24� and the ex-perimental phase diagram separating BNE and RBNE in �6�can be explained by the fact that they changed both fre-quency and amplitude of the driving deliberately. Then bothBNE and RBNE can occur in the same sample, as shownabove and also in �6�.

We also find nonequipartition to have no discernible in-fluence on our results. However, this might be due to eitherthe relatively high coefficient of restitution �0.7� or to thefact that we are not shaking vigorously enough for thoseeffects to be observed.

The theories presented in �24,25� lack two of the impor-tant mechanisms �convection, thermal diffusion� and at the

same time they include mechanisms which are not relevant�static compressive force, nonequipartition, condensation�;hence, these theories cannot explain our experimental andnumerical results.

In the limit of strong shaking, we believe that kinetic-theory-based approaches have the potential to explain segre-gation, though the inclusion of convection might provedaunting. A good starting point for a microscopic theory ofvoid filling might be the “random fluctuating sieve” theory ofinclined chute flow �63�, as pointed out in �31�.

Note added in proof. The assumption in VI C that therelative height of the temperature minimum is independentof the total number of spheres is supported by the analysis inRef �64�.


We thank Christine Hrenya, Javier Brey, Massimo PicaCiamarra, and Vicente Garzó for helpful discussions, the or-ganizers of the KITP program on Granular Physics 2005, andSibylle Nägle for her help with POV-Ray. This work was sup-ported by the Robert A. Welch Foundation and by the Engi-neering Research Program of the Office of Basic Energy Sci-ences of the U.S. Department of Energy Grant No. DE-FG03-93ER14312.

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