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Employee Climate Survey Open Mic: Listening to Your Opinions Mecklenburg County 2015

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Employee Climate Survey

Open Mic: Listening to Your Opinions

Mecklenburg County


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FY15 Employee Climate Survey

Monica R. Allen, Strategic Planning & Evaluation Director

Amira Barnett, Enterprise Management Analyst

Michael Boger, Enterprise Management Analyst

Emily Burns, Enterprise Management Analyst

John Chesser, Enterprise Management Analyst

Monica Croskey, Strategic Planning & Evaluation Manager

Mecklenburg County Government

County Manager’s Office

Office of Management and Budget

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Special thanks to the following individuals:

Mecklenburg County Leadership

Dena R. Diorio, County Manager

Chris Peek, Deputy County Manager/Chief of Staff

Mark Foster, Assistant County Manager

Leslie Johnson, Assistant County Manager

Office of Management and Budget Staff

Public Information Department

Rossana Seitter, Public Information Specialist

Mike Taylor, Webmaster

Internal Consultants and other department staff

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In April 2015, the thirteenth annual Employee

Climate Survey was conducted. The purpose

of the survey is three-fold: (1) to assess

employee motivation and satisfaction with

working for Mecklenburg County; (2) to

gauge employee perceptions of services

provided by the departments of Human

Resources, Public Service and Information,

and Information Services and Technology;

and (3) to gain an understanding of where the

organization is in achieving corporate

scorecard goals.


The survey was emailed to more than 5,160

full-time and part-time employees and of that

number, 4,151 employees completed the

survey, equating to an 80% response rate.

Prior year response rate was 80%. The

response rate has been consistently above 80%

for the past four years.

The high response rate is primarily due to

various strategies used to attain a high

response rate such as:

Work closely with department directors and

department Internal Consultants before the

survey, provide ongoing status updates to

department directors, target low response rate

areas, and encourage departments to use low-

cost/no-cost incentives to encourage

employees to participate in the annual survey.


The information in the following report is

outlined in two core sections:

Corporate analysis

Response rates


Results at a glance

Corporate responses

Job level responses

Corporate enterprise scorecard measures

Corporate trend analysis

Corporate red and yellow light “drivers”

Departmental/Divisional analysis

Benchmark Comparison

In addition to assessing the County’s

performance over time, it is important to

compare the organization’s performance to

industry peers. The Federal Government’s

Office of Personnel Management is one of few

public agencies that measures employee

motivation and satisfaction on a regular basis.

The table below contains some of the

County’s motivation and satisfaction results

compared to the biennial Federal Human

Capital Survey. Overall, County employees

are generally more satisfied than Federal

Government employees.

Motivation Questions







The work I do is important 98% 99% 93%

My workload is reasonable 80% 81% 61%

Recommend organization as a good place to work

90% 89% 70%

My supervisor provides the

flexibility I need to balance work and personal life.

92% 92% 88%

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Table of Contents

Corporate Analysis

1 How to Use this Document

2 Response Rates

3 Demographics

5 Results at a Glance

7 Corporate Responses

11 Job Level Responses

15 Corporate Enterprise Scorecard Measures

16 Corporate Trend Analysis

18 Corporate Red and Yellow Light “Drivers”

Departmental Analysis

19 AFM – Asset and Facility Management

21 ATT – Attorney’s Office

23 AUD – Internal Audit

25 BHD – Behavioral Health Division

27 CAO – County Assessor’s Office

CAO – Admin and Information Systems

CAO – Personal Property

CAO – Real Property

35 CJS – Criminal Justice Services

CJS – Drug Treatment Court

CJS – Forensic Evaluation

CJS – Other (includes Criminal Justice

Planning, DA support staff)

CJS – Pretrial Services (includes Fine


45 CSE – Child Support Enforcement

47 CSS – Community Support Services

49 DSS – Department of Social Services

DSS – Administration

DSS – Community Resources

DSS – Economic Services

DSS – Services for Adults

DSS – Youth and Family Services

61 ELE – Elections

63 FIN – Finance

FIN – Departmental Financial Services


FIN – Finance Division

FIN - Procurement

71 HLT – Public Health

HLT – Clinical Services

HLT – Community Health (Other than

School Health)

HLT – Environmental Health

HLT – Informatics & Administration

HLT – School Health

83 HRS – Human Resources

85 IST – Information Technology

IST – Applications and Databases

IST – Business Analysis

IST – Customer Support Center

IST – Networks, Servers,

Telecommunications and Security

95 LIB – Public Library

97 LUE – Land Use & Environmental

Services Agency

LUE – Air Quality

LUE – Code Enforcement

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Table of Contents

LUE – Geospatial Information Systems

LUE – Solid Waste

LUE – Support Services

LUE – Water & Land Resources

111 MED – Medical Examiner

113 MGR – Manager's Office

MGR – Business Process Management

MGR – Enterprise Project Management

MGR – Manager's

Office/Clerk/Economic Development

MGR – Office of Management and


123 PID – Public Information Department

125 PRK – Park & Recreation

PRK – Admin and Financial Services

PRK – Community and Recreation

Center Services

PRK – Enterprise Services

PRK – Nature Preserves and Natural


PRK – Park Operations

PRK – Park Repair and Maintenance

139 PSO – Provided Services Organization

PSO – Administration/Operations


PSO – Children’s Developmental

Services Agency

PSO – Community/Shelter Substance

Abuse Treatment Programs

PSO – Health Information Services

PSO – Jail Substance Abuse Treatment


PSO – Substance Abuse Services


PSO – Trauma and Justice Partnerships


PSO – Trauma and Justice Partnerships


157 REG – Register of Deeds

159 SHF – Sheriff's Office

SHF – Administrative

SHF – Arrest Processing

SHF – Court Operations

SHF – Detention Staff

SHF – Field Operations

SHF – Inmate Programs

SHF – Work Release

175 TAX – Office of the Tax Collector

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Corporate Analysis

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How to use this document

Each survey question is ranked in descending order based on the aggregate percentage of

favorable responses (strongly agree/agree responses) and color-coded by the organization’s

performance standards (see tables below). Missing values, not applicable and do not know

responses were not included in the calculations.

Questions FY15 FY14 FY13



Results Results Results Overall

My workload is reasonable.

96% 95% * 85%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department.

94% 94% 89% 91%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 88% 89% 88% 90%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other.

87% 91% 90% 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 81% 79% 80% 81%

My department director values employees in our department. 75% 83% 82% 77%

I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 69% 60% 70% 65%

I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 68% 85% 80% 87%


Dark Green 88 - 100% Exemplary

Light Green 80 - 87% Successful

Yellow 70 - 79% Mixed Results

Red 69% and below Needs Improvement

Grey No Target

* New Measure


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Department N Responses FY15 FY14 Difference (% points)

Asset and Facility Management 28 26 93% 89% 4Attorney's Office 21 19 90% 82% 8Behavioral Health Division 5 5 100% 75% 25Child Support Enforcement 104 91 88% 63% 25Community Support Services 64 64 100% 89% 11County Assessor's Office 98 91 93% 80% 13Criminal Justice Services 51 51 100% 84% 16Elections 24 23 96% 86% 10Financial Services1 127 118 93% 97% -4Human Resources 48 42 88% 71% 16Information Technology 133 98 74% 63% 11Internal Audit 10 10 100% 78% 22Land Use and Environmental Services Agency2 406 344 85% 79% 6Manager's Office3 53 53 100% 90% 10Medical Examiner 14 14 100% 100% 0Office of the Tax Collector 41 40 98% 96% 2Park and Recreation 295 289 98% 88% 10Provided Services Organization 202 156 77% 83% -6Public Health 603 526 87% 66% 21Public Information Department 18 18 100% 89% 11Public Library 458 409 89% 88% 1Register of Deeds 33 33 100% 88% 12Sheriff's Office 1,181 717 61% 75% -15Social Services 1,142 902 79% 85% -6

Response Rates4,151 employees (80% of the organization) completed the survey online. The following results reflect responses with valid departmental demographic information.

3 Manager's Office includes the Clerk's Office, Office Staff, Business Process Management, Enterprise Project Management, Economic Development and Office of Management and Budget.

1 Financial Services includes Central Finance, Departmental Financial Services, and Procurement. 2 Geospatial Information Services is included within the Land Use and Environmental Services Agency.


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Under 25 2% 2%25-34 21% 19%35-44 29% 29%45-54 29% 30%55 or older 19% 20%

Male 38% 36%Female 62% 64%


Front-line 84% 81%Supervisor/Manager 15% 18%Senior/Executive 1% 1%

Less than one year 15% 13%More than 1 year, up to 2 years 13% 10%More than 2 years, up to 5 years 14% 17%More than 5 years, up to 10 years 20% 20%More than 10 years, up to 15 years 15% 15%More than 15 years, up to 25 years 18% 20%More than 25 years 5% 5%

Black/ African-American 50% 46%Non-Hispanic / White 43% 43%Hispanic/Latino 5% 4%Asian/Pacific Islander 1% 1%Other1 1% 4%


1 Other includes American Indian, Alaskan Native, and multiracial.

Demographics4,151 employees (80% of the organization) completed the survey online. The following results reflect responses with valid demographic information.

Age Population Respondents


Job Level

Length of Service


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Increases & Decreases from 2014

Corporate Indices Average Scores

Response Rates

Items with higher

scores than in 2014

Items with lower

scores than in 2014

Notable increases: ▪ Mecklenburg County’s public website looks visually

appealing.86% ⇨ 91% (5 percentage point increase)

▪ I have the necessary technology (hardware andsoftware) to do my job well.

85% ⇨ 89% (4 percentage point increase)

Notable decreases: ▪ Restrooms are typically well stocked with paper products

and soap.91% ⇨ 85% (6 percentage point decrease)

▪ Restrooms are typically clean.83% ⇨ 79% (4 percentage point decrease)

Exemplary Performance

44 questions

Successful Performance

25 questions

Mixed Results

5 questions

Needs Improvement

2 questions

Most positively rated question The work I do is important.

Most negatively rated question I know a member of my

safety committee.

Index FY13 FY14 FY15

Employee Development (5 questions) 90% 89% 90%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction (11 questions) 89% 88% 89%

4,151 Employee Responses

Mecklenburg County

2015 Employee Climate Survey

Results at a Glance


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Corporate Responses

Employee Climate SurveyFiscal Year 2015



Stongly Agree



AgreeAgree Disagree



Mecklenburg County

1 I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 89%▼ 36% 53% 7% 3%

2 Most days I feel good about coming to work. 87% ▬ 36% 51% 10% 3%

3 The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 79%▲ 19% 60% 16% 6%

4 The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 85%▲ 21% 63% 11% 4%

5 My department director values employees in our department. 87%▲ 39% 47% 9% 4%

6 My supervisor values me.2 91%▲ 50% 41% 6% 3%

7 My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 93%▲ 50% 43% 6% 2%

8 The work I do is important. 99%▲ 66% 32% 1% 0%

Workplace Security & Safety

9 Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 85%▲ 23% 62% 11% 3%

10 Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 91%▲ 25% 66% 7% 2%

11 Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 77%▲ 19% 58% 17% 6%

12 Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 93%▲ 24% 69% 5% 2%

13 Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 71%▲ 18% 54% 21% 8%

14 I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 96%▲ 46% 51% 3% 1%

15 Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 92%▲ 33% 58% 7% 1%

16 I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 95%▲ 32% 63% 5% 1%

17 I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 92%▲ 30% 62% 7% 1%

Yes No

18I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb

threat).1 83% ▬ 17%

19 I know how to report a safety hazard in my workplace.*1 88%* 12%

20 I know a member of my safety committee.*1 60%* 40%



Stongly Agree



AgreeAgree Disagree



Employee Learning & Development

21 My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 92%▲ 46% 47% 6% 2%

22 I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 93%▲ 39% 54% 5% 2%

Yes No

23 I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 90%▲ 10%

24 My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 96% ▬ 4%

Due to rounding percentages may not equal 100%.

▲ = Increase from FY14 ▼ = Decrease from FY14 ▬ = No change from FY14

* = New Measure. 1

Result reflects % Yes response. 2

Question worded differently on 2014 survey.3Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


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Corporate Responses

Employee Climate SurveyFiscal Year 2015



Stongly Agree



AgreeAgree Disagree




25 My co-workers are respectful of each other. 88%▲ 33% 55% 9% 3%

26 My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 90%▲ 39% 51% 7% 2%

27 Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 89%▲ 37% 52% 9% 2%

Organizational Diversity

28My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values &

beliefs).*93%* 45% 48% 5% 2%

29My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values &

beliefs).*92%* 37% 55% 6% 2%

Leadership Practices

30 My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 80%▲ 32% 48% 15% 6%

31 My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 92% ▬ 56% 36% 5% 2%

32 My supervisor treats me with respect. 93%▲ 55% 38% 5% 2%

33 My supervisor treats me fairly. 91%▲ 53% 38% 6% 3%

34 My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 88% ▬ 46% 42% 9% 3%

35 My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 88%▲ 42% 46% 9% 3%

36 My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 86%▼ 43% 43% 10% 3%

37 My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 86%▼ 42% 44% 11% 3%

38 My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 85%▼ 41% 45% 11% 4%

39 I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 87%▲ 50% 38% 8% 5%

40 My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 87%▲ 46% 40% 9% 4%

41 My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 87%▲ 47% 40% 10% 4%

42 My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 85%▲ 45% 40% 11% 4%


43 My workload is reasonable. 81%▲ 22% 59% 13% 6%

Due to rounding percentages may not equal 100%.

▲ = Increase from FY14 ▼ = Decrease from FY14 ▬ = No change from FY14

* = New Measure. 2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


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Corporate Responses

Employee Climate SurveyFiscal Year 2015



Stongly Agree



AgreeAgree Disagree



Human Resources

44 I find the County's human resource information easily accessible. 84%▼ 20% 64% 13% 3%

45 The MyHR online self-service portal meets my needs. 92%▼ 25% 67% 7% 1%

46 The services provided by Employee Services Center (2-myHR) meet my needs. 92% ▬ 23% 70% 6% 1%

47 Human Resources effectively communicates benefits information during open enrollment. 93% ▬ 26% 67% 6% 1%

48 I am satisfied with learning opportunities provided by Mecklenburg County.* 86%* 30% 56% 12% 2%

Yes No

49 I am aware of the Mecklenburg County Leadership Competencies.*1 66%* 34%


Stongly Agree



AgreeAgree Disagree



Awareness of County Initiatives

50 The Fraud Awareness training helped me understand the indicators (or red flags) of fraud. 97%▲ 38% 59% 3% 1%

51The Fraud Awareness training provided clear information for how employees can report

concerns of fraud.2 99%▲ 42% 57% 1% 0%

52 The Ethics training helped me understand the County Code of Ethics.* 98%* 38% 60% 2% 0%

Yes No

53I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical

activity.* 1 99%* 1%

54From the Ethics training, I learned there are resources (e.g., Ethics Officer, County legal

staff, etc.) available to assist me when faced with ethical decisions.*1 98%* 2%

55I understand that I should not be afraid to report any suspected violation of any law, rule,

or regulation.*1 99%* 1%


Stongly Agree



AgreeAgree Disagree




56 County-wide news and information provided on MeckWeb is useful. 92% ▬ 16% 77% 7% 1%

57 I am satisfied with the frequency of Employee News Now (email messages). 95%▲ 19% 76% 4% 1%

58 I am satisfied with the content of Employee News Now (email messages). 94%▲ 18% 76% 5% 1%

59 The MeckWeb pages are easy to navigate. 85%▲ 15% 71% 12% 2%

60 The content on MeckWeb is well organized. 85%▲ 14% 71% 12% 2%

Employee News


Radio, TV,








61 My primary source for County-wide news and announcements is: 53% 27% 8% 7% 3%

Due to rounding percentages may not equal 100%.

▲ = Increase from FY14 ▼ = Decrease from FY14 ▬ = No change from FY14

* = New Measure. 1 Result reflects % Yes response.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


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Corporate Responses

Employee Climate SurveyFiscal Year 2015

Question6+ times in the

past 3 months

2 to 5 times

in the past 3


Once in the

past 3



Public Website

62 How often do you visit Mecklenburg County’s public website? 29% 33% 27% 10%


Stongly Agree



AgreeAgree Disagree



63 Mecklenburg County’s public website provides sufficient information. 96%▲ 16% 80% 4% 0%

64 Mecklenburg County’s public website provides accurate information. 95% ▬ 17% 78% 5% 1%

65 Mecklenburg County’s public website is easy to navigate. 86% ▬ 15% 71% 12% 2%

66 Mecklenburg County's public website is well organized. 87% ▬ 15% 72% 11% 2%

67 Mecklenburg County's public website looks visually appealing. 91%▲ 17% 74% 8% 2%

68 Mecklenburg County's public website is free of errors. 82% ▬ 14% 68% 16% 2%


Stongly Agree



AgreeAgree Disagree



Technology & Resources

69 I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 93%▲ 30% 63% 6% 1%

70 I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 89%▲ 28% 60% 9% 2%

71 The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 83%▲ 24% 58% 14% 4%

72 Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 86%▲ 26% 60% 11% 3%

73 Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 87%▲ 26% 61% 10% 3%

Facility Maintenance

74 Restrooms are typically well stocked with paper products and soap. 85%▼ 24% 61% 11% 4%

75 Restrooms are typically clean. 79%▼ 21% 58% 14% 7%

76 The interior of the facility where I work is generally clean in appearance. 88%▼ 22% 65% 9% 3%

77 The exterior (grounds) of the facility where I work is generally well maintained. 89%▼ 21% 67% 9% 3%

78 I know how to place a work order for Facility Maintenance.* 72%* 23% 49% 24% 4%

Due to rounding percentages may not equal 100%.

▲ = Increase from FY14 ▼ = Decrease from FY14 ▬ = No change from FY14

* = New Measure.

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Corporate Responses

Employee Climate SurveyFiscal Year 2015



Stongly Agree



n = 3358



n = 765



n = 28

Mecklenburg County

1 I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 89%▼ 88% 95% 96%

2 Most days I feel good about coming to work. 87% ▬ 86% 92% 93%

3 The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 79%▲ 77% 84% 88%

4 The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 85%▲ 84% 90% 96%

5 My department director values employees in our department. 87%▲ 85% 92% 92%

6 My supervisor values me.2 91%▲ 90% 93% 100%

7 My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 93%▲ 92% 97% 100%

8 The work I do is important. 99%▲ 99% 100% 100%

Workplace Security & Safety

9 Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 85%▲ 85% 88% 100%

10 Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 91%▲ 90% 95% 100%

11 Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 77%▲ 77% 78% 85%

12 Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 93%▲ 92% 95% 100%

13 Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 71%▲ 71% 70% 78%

14 I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 96%▲ 96% 98% 100%

15 Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 92%▲ 91% 95% 96%

16 I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 95%▲ 94% 97% 96%

17 I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 92%▲ 92% 93% 100%


18I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb

threat).1 83% ▬ 83% 86% 96%

19 I know how to report a safety hazard in my workplace.*1 88%* 86% 92% 100%

20 I know a member of my safety committee.*1 60%* 56% 77% 85%



Stongly Agree



n = 3358



n = 765



n = 28

Employee Learning & Development

21 My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 92%▲ 92% 96% 93%

22 I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 93%▲ 92% 97% 96%


23 I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 90%▲ 89% 91% 96%

24 My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 96% ▬ 97% 93% 100%

3Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

* = New Measure. 1

Result reflects % Yes response. 2

Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

▲ = Increase from FY14 ▼ = Decrease from FY14 ▬ = No change from FY14

Due to rounding percentages may not equal 100%.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


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Corporate Responses

Employee Climate SurveyFiscal Year 2015



Stongly Agree



n = 3358



n = 765



n = 28


25 My co-workers are respectful of each other. 88%▲ 87% 91% 100%

26 My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 90%▲ 90% 92% 100%

27 Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 89%▲ 88% 90% 100%

Organizational Diversity

28My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values &

beliefs).*93%* 93% 95% 100%

29My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values &

beliefs).*92%* 91% 95% 93%

Leadership Practices

30 My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 80%▲ 78% 85% 92%

31 My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 92% ▬ 92% 95% 100%

32 My supervisor treats me with respect. 93%▲ 93% 95% 96%

33 My supervisor treats me fairly. 91%▲ 91% 93% 100%

34 My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 88% ▬ 88% 87% 96%

35 My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 88%▲ 87% 91% 100%

36 My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 86%▼ 85% 89% 96%

37 My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 86%▼ 86% 87% 96%

38 My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 85%▼ 85% 87% 96%

39 I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 87%▲ 87% 90% 96%

40 My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 87%▲ 86% 90% 96%

41 My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 87%▲ 86% 90% 93%

42 My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 85%▲ 84% 90% 96%


43 My workload is reasonable. 81%▲ 81% 81% 92%

Due to rounding percentages may not equal 100%.

▲ = Increase from FY14 ▼ = Decrease from FY14 ▬ = No change from FY14

* = New Measure. 2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


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Corporate Responses

Employee Climate SurveyFiscal Year 2015



Stongly Agree



n = 3358



n = 765



n = 28

Human Resources

44 I find the County's human resource information easily accessible. 84%▼ 85% 79% 85%

45 The MyHR online self-service portal meets my needs. 92%▼ 93% 89% 92%

46 The services provided by Employee Services Center (2-myHR) meet my needs. 92% ▬ 93% 90% 100%

47 I am satisfied with learning opportunities provided by Mecklenburg County.* 86%* 85% 91% 100%

48 Human Resources effectively communicates benefits information during open enrollment. 93% ▬ 93% 94% 92%


49 I am aware of the Mecklenburg County Leadership Competencies.*1 66%* 62% 84% 100%


Stongly Agree



n = 3358



n = 765



n = 28

Awareness of County Initiatives

50 The Fraud Awareness training helped me understand the indicators (or red flags) of fraud. 97%▲ 97% 97% 100%

51The Fraud Awareness training provided clear information for how employees can report

concerns of fraud.2 99%▲ 99% 100% 100%

52 The Ethics training helped me understand the County Code of Ethics.* 98%* 98% 99% 100%


53I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical

activity.* 1 99%* 99% 100% 96%

54From the Ethics training, I learned there are resources (e.g., Ethics Officer, County legal

staff, etc.) available to assist me when faced with ethical decisions.*1 98%* 98% 99% 100%

55I understand that I should not be afraid to report any suspected violation of any law, rule,

or regulation.*1 99%* 99% 99% 100%


Stongly Agree



n = 3358



n = 765



n = 28


56 County-wide news and information provided on MeckWeb is useful. 92% ▬ 92% 93% 92%

57 I am satisfied with the frequency of Employee News Now (email messages). 95%▲ 95% 95% 100%

58 I am satisfied with the content of Employee News Now (email messages). 94%▲ 94% 94% 96%

59 The MeckWeb pages are easy to navigate. 85%▲ 87% 80% 88%

60 The content on MeckWeb is well organized. 85%▲ 87% 80% 88%

Employee News


Radio, TV,








61 My primary source for County-wide news and announcements is: 53% 27% 8% 7% 3%

* = New Measure. 1 Result reflects % Yes response.

▲ = Increase from FY14 ▼ = Decrease from FY14 ▬ = No change from FY14

Due to rounding percentages may not equal 100%.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


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Corporate Responses

Employee Climate SurveyFiscal Year 2015

Question6+ times in the

past 3 months

2 to 5 times

in the past 3


Once in the

past 3



Public Website

62 How often do you visit Mecklenburg County’s public website? 29% 33% 27% 10%


Stongly Agree



n = 3358



n = 765



n = 28

63 Mecklenburg County’s public website provides sufficient information. 96%▲ 96% 94% 92%

64 Mecklenburg County’s public website provides accurate information. 95% ▬ 95% 93% 100%

65 Mecklenburg County’s public website is easy to navigate. 86% ▬ 87% 82% 83%

66 Mecklenburg County's public website is well organized. 87% ▬ 88% 84% 79%

67 Mecklenburg County's public website looks visually appealing. 91%▲ 92% 88% 92%

68 Mecklenburg County's public website is free of errors. 82% ▬ 83% 78% 100%


Stongly Agree



n = 3358



n = 765



n = 28

Technology & Resources

69 I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 93%▲ 93% 94% 100%

70 I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 89%▲ 88% 90% 100%

71 The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 83%▲ 82% 85% 96%

72 Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 86%▲ 87% 79% 80%

73 Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 87%▲ 88% 83% 77%

Facility Maintenance

74 Restrooms are typically well stocked with paper products and soap. 85%▼ 85% 83% 92%

75 Restrooms are typically clean. 79%▼ 79% 79% 88%

76 The interior of the facility where I work is generally clean in appearance. 88%▼ 88% 86% 92%

77 The exterior (grounds) of the facility where I work is generally well maintained. 89%▼ 89% 87% 92%

78 I know how to place a work order for Facility Maintenance.* 72%* 68% 88% 84%

Due to rounding percentages may not equal 100%.

▲ = Increase from FY14 ▼ = Decrease from FY14 ▬ = No change from FY14

* = New Measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


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N = 4151

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 96% 96% 94% 96%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 92% 91% 92% 92%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 90% 86% * 90%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 86% 87% 87% 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 85% 86% 86% 85%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor treats me with respect. 93% 92% 94% 93%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 92% 92% 92% 92%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 91% 90% 92% 91%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 90% 89% 91% 90%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 89% 90% 91% 89%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 88% 86% 87% 88%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 87% 87% 87% 87%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 87% 85% 88% 87%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 87% 86% 87% 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 87% 85% 87% 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 86% 88% 88% 86%

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Employee Climate SurveyFiscal Year 2015

Enterprise Scorecard Measures

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

90% 89% 90% 89% 88% 89%







Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


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Employee Climate SurveyFiscal Year 2015

Corporate Trend Analysis

Question FY15

Results †


Results †


Results †

The work I do is important. 99% 98% 98%

I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 99% * *

I understand that I should not be afraid to report any suspected violation of any law, rule, or

regulation.*1 99% * *

The Fraud Awareness training provided clear information for how employees can report concerns of

fraud.299% 98% *

From the Ethics training, I learned there are resources (e.g., Ethics Officer, County legal staff, etc.)

available to assist me when faced with ethical decisions.*1 98% * *

The Ethics training helped me understand the County Code of Ethics.* 98% * *

The Fraud Awareness training helped me understand the indicators (or red flags) of fraud. 97% 95% *

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 96% 95% 96%

My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 96% 96% 94%

Mecklenburg County’s public website provides sufficient information. 96% 95% *

I am satisfied with the frequency of Employee News Now (email messages). 95% 94% 93%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 95% 94% 93%

Mecklenburg County’s public website provides accurate information. 95% 95% *

I am satisfied with the content of Employee News Now (email messages). 94% 93% 92%

Human Resources effectively communicates benefits information during open enrollment. 93% 93% 96%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 93% 89% 89%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 93% 92% 91%

My supervisor treats me with respect. 93% 92% 94%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 93% 91% 89%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 93% 91% 93%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 93% * *

County-wide news and information provided on MeckWeb is useful. 92% 92% 94%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 92% 91% 89%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 92% 92% 92%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 92% 91% 92%

The MyHR online self-service portal meets my needs. 92% 93% 95%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 92% * *

The services provided by Employee Services Center (2-myHR) meet my needs. 92% 92% 95%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 92% 89% 89%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 91% 90% 92%

My supervisor values me.2 91% 88% 88%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 91% 90% 77%

Mecklenburg County's public website looks visually appealing. 91% 86% *

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 90% 86% *

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 90% 89% 91%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 89% 88% 88%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 89% 85% 85%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 89% 90% 91%

The exterior (grounds) of the facility where I work is generally well maintained. 89% 91% *

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 88% 86% 87%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 88% 88% 88%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 88% 86% 87%

The interior of the facility where I work is generally clean in appearance. 88% 89% *

I know how to report a safety hazard in my workplace.*1 88% * *

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 87% 85% 87%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 87% 86% 87%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 87% 87% 87%

3Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

* = New Measure. 1

Result reflects % Yes response. 2

Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Due to rounding percentages may not equal 100%.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


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Employee Climate SurveyFiscal Year 2015

Corporate Trend Analysis

Question FY15

Results †


Results †


Results †

My department director values employees in our department. 87% 86% 81%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 87% 86% 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 87% 85% 87%

Mecklenburg County's public website is well organized. 87% 87% *

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 86% 82% 85%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 86% 88% 88%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 86% 87% 87%

I am satisfied with learning opportunities provided by Mecklenburg County.* 86% * *

Mecklenburg County’s public website is easy to navigate. 86% 86% *

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 85% 84% 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 85% 86% 86%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 85% 84% 83%

Restrooms are typically well stocked with paper products and soap. 85% 91% 89%

The content on MeckWeb is well organized. 85% 83% 87%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 85% 81% 77%

The MeckWeb pages are easy to navigate. 85% 83% 86%

I find the County's human resource information easily accessible. 84% 85% 91%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 83% 83% 85%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 83% 80% 81%

Mecklenburg County's public website is free of errors. 82% 82% *

My workload is reasonable. 81% 80% *

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 80% 75% 74%

Restrooms are typically clean. 79% 83% *

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 79% 74% 70%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 77% 76% 84%

I know how to place a work order for Facility Maintenance.* 72% * *

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 71% 70% *

I am aware of the Mecklenburg County Leadership Competencies.*1 66% * *

I know a member of my safety committee.*1 60% * *

Due to rounding percentages may not equal 100%.

* = New Measure. 1

Result reflects % Yes response. 2

Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


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Enterprise Scorecard Measures - Red and Yellow Light "Drivers"

Department Corporate

AFM - Asset

and Facility


ATT - Attorney's


AUD - Internal




Health Division

CAO - County



CJS - Criminal

Justice Services

CSE - Child





Support Services


Department of

Social Services

ELE - Elections FIN - FinanceHLT - Public


% of Corporate Response 100.00% 0.63% 0.46% 0.24% 0.12% 2.19% 1.23% 2.19% 1.54% 21.71% 0.58% 2.84% 12.67%

Employee Development

My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3

96% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 95% 96% 98% 94% 100% 96% 98%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 92% 92% 100% 100% 100% 100% 98% 94% 93% 91% 95% 95% 89%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 86% 92% 100% 100% 100% 87% 88% 82% 84% 85% 82% 87% 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 85% 92% 93% 100% 100% 82% 92% 83% 78% 84% 81% 89% 85%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1

90% 86% 50% 100% 80% 98% 96% 94% 92% 82% 57% 95% 93%

Average Score: 90% 92% 89% 100% 96% 93% 94% 90% 89% 87% 83% 92% 90%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor treats me with respect. 93% 96% 94% 88% 100% 92% 94% 86% 89% 94% 84% 96% 92%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 91% 96% 88% 100% 100% 94% 94% 92% 82% 90% 79% 90% 90%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 88% 96% 100% 100% 100% 95% 94% 89% 84% 91% 80% 86% 89%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 90% 92% 100% 100% 100% 95% 96% 90% 85% 92% 85% 87% 90%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 87% 96% 76% 100% 100% 86% 89% 88% 87% 86% 89% 88% 82%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 86% 96% 100% 100% 100% 88% 88% 85% 84% 86% 89% 92% 82%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 87% 92% 82% 100% 100% 84% 90% 90% 86% 86% 78% 89% 85%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 92% 96% 83% 100% 100% 94% 94% 97% 89% 91% 100% 96% 93%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 87% 96% 82% 100% 100% 86% 90% 81% 85% 83% 78% 92% 86%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 87% 96% 89% 100% 100% 85% 85% 85% 83% 84% 81% 91% 86%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 89% 83% 84% 100% 100% 92% 87% 96% 89% 86% 95% 89% 91%

Average Score: 89% 94% 89% 99% 100% 90% 91% 89% 86% 88% 85% 91% 88%

Department HRS - Human





LIB - Public


LUE - Land Use &


Services Agency

MED - Medical



Manager's Office

PID - Public



PRK - Park &


PSO - Provided



REG - Register

of Deeds

SHF - Sheriff's


TAX - Office of

the Tax


% of Corporate Response 1.01% 2.36% 9.85% 8.29% 0.34% 1.20% 0.43% 6.96% 3.76% 0.79% 17.27% 0.96%

Employee Development

My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3

97% 97% 98% 97% 100% 100% 83% 90% 98% 100% N/A 97%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 100% 91% 95% 91% 92% 100% 94% 94% 97% 75% 91% 95%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 78% 88% 88% 86% 83% 100% 94% 81% 94% 66% 86% 95%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 80% 88% 88% 84% 91% 100% 94% 81% 92% 63% 86% 92%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1

97% 89% 98% 91% 78% 98% 100% 83% 94% 44% N/A 100%

Average Score: 90% 91% 94% 90% 89% 100% 93% 86% 95% 70% 88% 96%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor treats me with respect. 98% 95% 94% 93% 100% 100% 94% 92% 96% 87% 94% 90%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 88% 94% 91% 92% 83% 100% 94% 92% 95% 71% 91% 95%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 100% 97% 83% 91% 100% 100% 100% 93% 93% 65% 79% 92%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 98% 98% 92% 92% 100% 100% 100% 91% 93% 74% 83% 97%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 90% 91% 92% 86% 91% 100% 94% 87% 93% 75% 84% 95%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 83% 92% 86% 87% 75% 100% 94% 85% 92% 67% 85% 92%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 90% 92% 89% 88% 91% 100% 94% 86% 90% 73% 84% 95%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 95% 96% 93% 96% 100% 98% 94% 89% 95% 90% 90% 85%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 86% 92% 86% 89% 91% 100% 94% 88% 90% 80% 90% 89%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 88% 88% 92% 89% 100% 98% 94% 89% 90% 69% 87% 92%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 90% 84% N/A 88% 100% 96% 94% 93% 93% 84% 90% 89%

Average Score: 91% 93% 90% 90% 94% 99% 95% 90% 93% 76% 87% 92%

Employee Climate SurveyFiscal Year 2015

Please note that the Corporate Enterprise Scorecard Measures are calculated from the raw data; this is not the average of the department ratings.

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question. Italicized Department Names = Fewer than 10 Responses

1 Result reflects % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

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Department Analysis

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N = 26

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 100% 100% 100% 96%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 92% 100% 100% 92%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 92% 88% 80% 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 92% 82% 75% 85%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 86% 94% * 90%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor treats me with respect. 96% 100% 100% 93%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 96% 100% 100% 92%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 96% 100% 88% 88%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 96% 100% 94% 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 96% 100% 75% 87%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 96% 100% 88% 91%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 96% 94% 93% 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 96% 100% 80% 86%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 92% 100% 94% 90%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 92% 94% 88% 87%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 83% 100% 94% 89%

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

AFM - Asset and Facility Management

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.


93% 92%90%









Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


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N = 26







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * * 99%

The work I do is important. 100% 100% 94% 99%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 100% 100% 100% 93%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 100% * * 92%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 100% 100% * 91%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 100% 93% 100% 85%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 96% 100% 100% 96%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 96% 100% 100% 93%

My supervisor values me.2 96% 100% 82% 91%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 96% 94% 80% 85%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 96% 100% 75% 88%

My department director values employees in our department. 96% 100% 94% 87%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 96% * * 93%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 92% 100% 88% 93%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 92% 94% 82% 93%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 92% 100% 88% 88%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 92% 88% 80% 83%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 92% 87% 86% 95%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 92% 94% 88% 89%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 91% 79% 93% 92%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 88% 94% 81% 89%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 83% 71% 80% 80%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 81% 92% 94% 85%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 79% 73% 73% 92%

My workload is reasonable. 76% 65% * 81%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 70% 85% 93% 77%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 68% 69% 63% 87%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 68% 56% 69% 86%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 64% 90% 71% 79%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 48% 64% 93% 71%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 45% 43% 86% 83%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

AFM - Asset and Facility Management

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


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N = 19

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 100% 100% 83% 96%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 100% 100% 95% 92%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 100% 100% 89% 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 93% 100% 84% 85%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 50% 64% * 90%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 100% 94% 89% 90%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 100% 94% 83% 88%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 100% 100% 89% 86%

My supervisor treats me with respect. 94% 100% 95% 93%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 89% 94% 100% 87%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 88% 100% 89% 91%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 84% 100% 95% 89%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 83% 100% 95% 92%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 82% 100% 89% 87%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 82% 100% 89% 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 76% 100% 89% 87%

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

ATT - Attorney's Office (includes attorneys in DSS, MGR,CSE, HR, and SHF)

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.












Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 32: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 19







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * * 99%

The work I do is important. 100% 100% 94% 99%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 100% 100% 83% 96%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 100% 100% 89% 93%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 100% * * 92%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 95% 100% 89% 93%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 94% 100% 100% 93%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 94% * * 93%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 94% 100% 100% 93%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 94% 100% 94% 89%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 94% 100% 88% 95%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 94% 100% 88% 92%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 94% 100% 89% 85%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 94% 93% 93% 92%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 94% 100% 79% 88%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 94% 80% 94% 77%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 89% 94% * 91%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 89% 93% 88% 89%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 89% 100% 84% 88%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 89% 88% 100% 87%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 89% 81% 100% 86%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 89% 93% 94% 85%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 89% 87% 94% 83%

My supervisor values me.2 88% 100% 95% 91%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 88% 80% 64% 83%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 82% 93% 89% 85%

My department director values employees in our department. 81% 93% 84% 87%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 79% 88% 79% 80%

My workload is reasonable. 78% 94% * 81%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 76% 73% 76% 71%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 64% 58% 65% 79%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

ATT - Attorney's Office (includes attorneys in DSS, MGR,CSE, HR, and SHF)

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


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N = 10

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 100% 100% 88% 96%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 100% 100% 100% 92%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 100% 100% * 90%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 100% 100% 89% 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 100% 100% 78% 85%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 100% 100% 100% 92%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 100% 100% 89% 91%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 100% 100% 88% 90%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 100% 100% 89% 89%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 100% 100% 78% 88%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 100% 100% 78% 87%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 100% 100% 89% 87%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 100% 100% 88% 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 100% 100% 89% 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 100% 100% 89% 86%

My supervisor treats me with respect. 88% 100% 89% 93%

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

AUD - Internal Audit

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.


100% 100%


100% 99%







Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 34: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 10







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * * 99%

The work I do is important. 100% 100% 100% 99%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 100% 100% 100% 96%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 100% 100% 88% 95%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 100% 83% 100% 93%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 100% * * 93%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 100% 100% 78% 93%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 100% 100% 78% 93%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 100% 100% 100% 93%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 100% * * 92%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 100% 100% 89% 92%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 100% 100% * 91%

My supervisor values me.2 100% 100% 89% 91%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 100% 100% 89% 89%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 100% 100% 89% 89%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 100% 100% 78% 88%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 100% 100% 89% 88%

My department director values employees in our department. 100% 83% 75% 87%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 100% 100% 100% 85%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 100% 100% 89% 85%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 100% 83% 89% 85%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 100% 100% 100% 83%

My workload is reasonable. 100% 100% * 81%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 100% 75% 88% 79%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 100% 100% 100% 77%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 89% 100% 100% 87%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 89% 67% 100% 83%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 88% 83% 63% 80%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 78% 100% 100% 86%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 71% 80% 71% 92%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 67% 67% 100% 71%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

AUD - Internal Audit

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 35: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 5

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 100% 100% ‡ 96%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 100% 100% ‡ 92%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 100% 100% ‡ 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 100% 100% ‡ 85%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 80% 33% ‡ 90%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor treats me with respect. 100% 100% ‡ 93%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 100% 100% ‡ 92%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 100% 100% ‡ 91%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 100% 100% ‡ 90%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 100% 100% ‡ 89%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 100% 100% ‡ 88%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 100% 100% ‡ 87%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 100% 100% ‡ 87%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 100% 100% ‡ 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 100% 100% ‡ 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 100% 100% ‡ 86%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

‡ = Division breakout not conducted in previous years.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

BHD - Behavioral Health Division

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.



100% 100%







Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 36: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 5







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * ‡ 99%

The work I do is important. 100% 100% ‡ 99%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 100% 100% ‡ 96%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 100% 100% ‡ 95%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 100% * ‡ 93%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 100% 100% ‡ 93%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 100% 67% ‡ 93%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 100% 100% ‡ 93%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 100% 100% ‡ 92%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 100% * ‡ 92%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 100% 100% ‡ 92%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 100% 100% ‡ 91%

My supervisor values me.2 100% 100% ‡ 91%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 100% 100% ‡ 89%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 100% 100% ‡ 88%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 100% 100% ‡ 88%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 100% 100% ‡ 87%

My department director values employees in our department. 100% 100% ‡ 87%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 100% 100% ‡ 86%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 100% 100% ‡ 85%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 100% 100% ‡ 85%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 100% 100% ‡ 85%

My workload is reasonable. 100% 100% ‡ 81%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 100% 100% ‡ 80%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 100% 100% ‡ 79%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 100% 100% ‡ 77%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 100% 100% ‡ 71%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 80% 100% ‡ 93%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 80% 100% ‡ 89%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 80% 100% ‡ 83%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 80% 100% ‡ 83%

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.

* = New measure. ‡ = Division breakout not conducted in previous years.1

Results reflect % Yes response. 2

Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

BHD - Behavioral Health Division

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 37: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 91

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 100% 100% 91% 96%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 100% 96% 84% 92%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 98% 92% * 90%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 87% 90% 70% 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 82% 90% 75% 85%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 95% 93% 80% 88%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 95% 97% 85% 90%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 94% 91% 90% 92%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 94% 87% 78% 91%

My supervisor treats me with respect. 92% 91% 88% 93%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 92% 90% 74% 89%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 88% 88% 75% 86%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 86% 87% 80% 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 86% 88% 73% 87%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 85% 88% 69% 87%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 84% 92% 80% 87%

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

CAO - County Assessor's Office

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.


94% 93%


90% 90%







Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 38: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 91







FY15 County


The work I do is important. 100% 98% 90% 99%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 100% 93% 86% 96%

I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 99% * * 99%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 96% * * 92%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 95% 100% 73% 93%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 94% 96% 76% 89%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 94% * * 93%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 94% 90% 90% 93%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 94% 82% 60% 85%

My department director values employees in our department. 93% 94% 65% 87%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 93% 87% 83% 93%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 93% 89% 90% 95%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 92% 93% 76% 93%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 92% 92% 90% 87%

My supervisor values me.2 91% 88% 76% 91%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 91% 91% 75% 88%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 91% 90% * 91%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 90% 89% 82% 92%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 90% 80% 70% 89%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 89% 83% 93% 86%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 87% 86% 82% 85%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 86% 93% 81% 92%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 86% 87% 73% 85%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 86% 78% 50% 80%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 83% 80% 66% 88%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 81% 75% 80% 77%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 80% 86% 59% 83%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 74% 62% 75% 71%

My workload is reasonable. 70% 75% * 81%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 70% 60% 29% 79%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 64% 56% 71% 83%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

CAO - County Assessor's Office

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 39: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 17

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 100% 100% ‡ 96%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 100% 86% ‡ 92%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 100% 100% ‡ 90%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 93% 92% ‡ 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 93% 92% ‡ 85%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 100% 92% ‡ 92%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 100% 86% ‡ 91%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 100% 93% ‡ 90%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 100% 93% ‡ 88%

My supervisor treats me with respect. 94% 86% ‡ 93%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 94% 93% ‡ 89%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 94% 92% ‡ 87%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 94% 86% ‡ 87%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 94% 92% ‡ 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 94% 85% ‡ 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 94% 85% ‡ 86%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

‡ = Division breakout not conducted in previous years.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

CAO - Admin and Information Systems

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.










Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 40: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 17







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * ‡ 99%

The work I do is important. 100% 100% ‡ 99%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 100% 92% ‡ 96%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 100% 92% ‡ 95%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 100% 100% ‡ 93%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 100% 100% ‡ 92%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 100% * ‡ 92%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 100% 100% ‡ 92%

My department director values employees in our department. 100% 100% ‡ 87%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 100% 92% ‡ 85%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 94% 100% ‡ 93%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 94% 100% ‡ 93%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 94% 85% ‡ 93%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 94% 100% ‡ 91%

My supervisor values me.2 94% 85% ‡ 91%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 94% 86% ‡ 89%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 94% 100% ‡ 89%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 94% 92% ‡ 85%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 94% 85% ‡ 80%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 93% * ‡ 93%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 93% 86% ‡ 88%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 93% 67% ‡ 77%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 88% 71% ‡ 88%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 88% 91% ‡ 87%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 88% 75% ‡ 86%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 88% 100% ‡ 85%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 87% 50% ‡ 83%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 87% 58% ‡ 71%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 85% 82% ‡ 79%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 81% 92% ‡ 83%

My workload is reasonable. 63% 75% ‡ 81%

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.

* = New measure. ‡ = Division breakout not conducted in previous years.1

Results reflect % Yes response. 2

Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

CAO - Admin and Information Systems

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 41: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 32

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 100% 100% ‡ 96%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 100% 96% ‡ 92%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 97% 100% ‡ 86%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 97% 100% ‡ 90%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 94% 100% ‡ 85%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor treats me fairly. 100% 93% ‡ 91%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 100% 92% ‡ 89%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 100% 92% ‡ 86%

My supervisor treats me with respect. 97% 96% ‡ 93%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 97% 96% ‡ 92%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 97% 93% ‡ 87%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 97% 100% ‡ 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 97% 96% ‡ 87%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 93% 96% ‡ 87%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 93% 96% ‡ 88%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 93% 100% ‡ 90%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

‡ = Division breakout not conducted in previous years.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

CAO - Personal Property

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.


96% 97%







Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 42: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 32







FY15 County


The work I do is important. 100% 100% ‡ 99%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 100% 96% ‡ 96%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 100% * ‡ 93%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 100% 100% ‡ 93%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 100% 100% ‡ 93%

My supervisor values me.2 100% 96% ‡ 91%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 100% 100% ‡ 88%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 100% 85% ‡ 85%

I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 97% * ‡ 99%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 97% 92% ‡ 93%

My department director values employees in our department. 97% 96% ‡ 87%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 97% 96% ‡ 85%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 97% 96% ‡ 87%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 97% 96% ‡ 86%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 93% 92% ‡ 89%

My workload is reasonable. 93% 78% ‡ 81%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 93% 95% ‡ 95%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 93% * ‡ 92%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 93% 100% ‡ 89%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 90% 93% ‡ 88%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 90% 88% ‡ 80%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 89% 100% ‡ 92%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 85% 74% ‡ 85%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 83% 92% ‡ 92%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 83% 79% ‡ 91%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 82% 77% ‡ 93%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 80% 92% ‡ 83%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 79% 65% ‡ 79%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 70% 62% ‡ 77%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 66% 73% ‡ 83%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 60% 41% ‡ 71%

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.

* = New measure. ‡ = Division breakout not conducted in previous years.1

Results reflect % Yes response. 2

Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

CAO - Personal Property

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 43: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 42

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 100% 100% ‡ 96%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 100% 100% ‡ 92%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 98% 81% ‡ 90%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 78% 77% ‡ 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 68% 78% ‡ 85%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 95% 96% ‡ 90%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 95% 90% ‡ 88%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 90% 86% ‡ 92%

My supervisor treats me with respect. 88% 90% ‡ 93%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 88% 82% ‡ 91%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 85% 85% ‡ 89%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 78% 85% ‡ 86%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 76% 79% ‡ 87%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 76% 81% ‡ 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 75% 80% ‡ 87%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 71% 85% ‡ 87%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

‡ = Division breakout not conducted in previous years.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

CAO - Real Property

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.









Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 44: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 42







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * ‡ 99%

The work I do is important. 100% 97% ‡ 99%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 100% 90% ‡ 96%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 100% 96% ‡ 93%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 98% * ‡ 92%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 95% 97% ‡ 89%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 95% 96% ‡ 91%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 93% 100% ‡ 93%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 90% * ‡ 93%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 90% 78% ‡ 93%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 90% 83% ‡ 95%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 90% 89% ‡ 87%

My department director values employees in our department. 88% 89% ‡ 87%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 88% 75% ‡ 92%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 88% 89% ‡ 85%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 87% 75% ‡ 85%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 85% 59% ‡ 89%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 85% 91% ‡ 77%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 85% 89% ‡ 93%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 85% 75% ‡ 86%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 83% 92% ‡ 92%

My supervisor values me.2 83% 83% ‡ 91%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 83% 85% ‡ 88%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 80% 67% ‡ 80%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 80% 79% ‡ 83%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 79% 83% ‡ 71%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 76% 76% ‡ 85%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 74% 72% ‡ 88%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 58% 46% ‡ 79%

My workload is reasonable. 56% 72% ‡ 81%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 53% 44% ‡ 83%

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.

* = New measure. ‡ = Division breakout not conducted in previous years.1

Results reflect % Yes response. 2

Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

CAO - Real Property

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 45: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 48

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 100% 95% * 90%

My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 98% 97% 97% 96%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 98% 77% 95% 92%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 94% 76% 89% 85%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 89% 84% 89% 86%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 96% 86% 97% 92%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 96% 92% 95% 90%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 96% 92% 89% 88%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 94% 84% 95% 91%

My supervisor treats me with respect. 93% 87% 97% 93%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 91% 87% 95% 87%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 91% 85% 89% 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 91% 84% 86% 87%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 89% 85% 97% 89%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 89% 83% 89% 86%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 87% 73% 85% 87%

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

CJS - Criminal Justice Services

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.












Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 46: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 48







FY15 County


The work I do is important. 100% 97% 95% 99%

My workload is reasonable. 98% 71% * 81%

I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 96% * * 99%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 96% * * 92%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 95% 89% 91% 96%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 95% 82% 86% 95%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 95% 75% 84% 86%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 94% 79% 97% 93%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 93% 92% 89% 93%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 93% * * 93%

My supervisor values me.2 93% 74% 89% 91%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 93% 85% 95% 88%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 93% 81% 92% 85%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 91% 97% 100% 93%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 91% 84% 76% 87%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 91% 89% 94% 85%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 90% 94% 84% 79%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 89% 90% 89% 93%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 89% 84% 92% 89%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 89% 92% 87% 85%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 87% 89% * 91%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 87% 90% 89% 77%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 86% 67% 82% 92%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 86% 72% 83% 92%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 84% 94% 81% 89%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 83% 69% 92% 88%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 80% 69% 74% 83%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 79% 82% 86% 71%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 76% 80% 73% 83%

My department director values employees in our department. 68% 69% 76% 87%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 54% 66% 71% 80%

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.1

Results reflect % Yes response. 2

Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

CJS - Criminal Justice Services

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 47: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 14

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 100% 86% 100% 96%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 100% 78% 92% 92%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 100% 88% * 90%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 100% 100% 92% 85%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 93% 88% 92% 86%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor treats me with respect. 100% 100% 100% 93%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 100% 100% 100% 92%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 100% 89% 92% 91%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 100% 100% 100% 90%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 100% 100% 100% 89%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 100% 100% 92% 88%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 100% 100% 92% 87%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 100% 100% 92% 87%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 100% 100% 92% 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 100% 100% 85% 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 100% 100% 92% 86%

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

CJS - Drug Treatment Court

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.





99% 100%







Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 48: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 14







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * * 99%

The work I do is important. 100% 100% 100% 99%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 100% 100% 100% 95%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 100% * * 93%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 100% 89% 92% 93%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 100% 100% 92% 93%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 100% 100% 100% 93%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 100% * * 92%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 100% 100% 92% 92%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 100% 100% * 91%

My supervisor values me.2 100% 89% 92% 91%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 100% 100% 92% 89%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 100% 89% 92% 88%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 100% 100% 92% 87%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 100% 100% 100% 86%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 100% 100% 100% 85%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 100% 100% 92% 85%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 100% 100% 100% 85%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 100% 88% 100% 83%

My workload is reasonable. 100% 88% * 81%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 100% 100% 100% 79%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 100% 100% 100% 77%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 93% 100% 92% 96%

My department director values employees in our department. 93% 100% 83% 87%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 93% 100% 100% 71%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 92% 100% 82% 92%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 86% 100% 85% 88%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 86% 100% 77% 80%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 79% 100% 100% 93%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 62% 100% 100% 89%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 57% 86% 92% 83%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

CJS - Drug Treatment Court

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 49: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 5

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 100% 100% ‡ 96%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 100% 100% ‡ 92%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 100% 100% ‡ 90%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 100% 100% ‡ 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 100% 100% ‡ 85%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor treats me with respect. 100% 100% ‡ 93%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 100% 100% ‡ 92%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 100% 100% ‡ 91%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 100% 100% ‡ 90%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 100% 100% ‡ 89%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 100% 100% ‡ 88%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 100% 100% ‡ 87%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 100% 100% ‡ 87%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 100% 100% ‡ 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 100% 100% ‡ 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 100% 100% ‡ 86%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

‡ = Division breakout not conducted in previous years.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

CJS - Forensic Evaluation

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.

100% 100% 100% 100%







Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 50: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 5







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * ‡ 99%

The work I do is important. 100% 100% ‡ 99%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 100% 100% ‡ 96%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 100% 100% ‡ 95%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 100% 100% ‡ 93%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 100% * ‡ 93%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 100% 100% ‡ 93%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 100% 100% ‡ 93%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 100% * ‡ 92%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 100% 100% ‡ 92%

My supervisor values me.2 100% 100% ‡ 91%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 100% 100% ‡ 89%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 100% 100% ‡ 89%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 100% 100% ‡ 88%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 100% 100% ‡ 88%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 100% 100% ‡ 87%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 100% 100% ‡ 86%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 100% 100% ‡ 85%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 100% 100% ‡ 83%

My workload is reasonable. 100% 100% ‡ 81%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 80% 75% ‡ 92%

My department director values employees in our department. 80% 100% ‡ 87%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 80% 100% ‡ 85%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 80% 100% ‡ 83%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 80% 100% ‡ 80%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 67% 67% ‡ 79%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 60% 100% ‡ 93%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 60% 100% ‡ 91%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 60% 75% ‡ 85%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 50% 75% ‡ 77%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 40% 50% ‡ 71%

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.

* = New measure. ‡ = Division breakout not conducted in previous years.1

Results reflect % Yes response. 2

Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

CJS - Forensic Evaluation

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 51: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 10

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 100% 100% ‡ 96%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 100% 89% ‡ 90%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 89% 100% ‡ 92%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 80% 78% ‡ 85%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 70% 78% ‡ 86%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor treats me with respect. 80% 100% ‡ 93%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 80% 100% ‡ 92%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 80% 100% ‡ 91%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 80% 100% ‡ 90%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 80% 100% ‡ 89%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 80% 100% ‡ 87%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 78% 100% ‡ 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 78% 100% ‡ 87%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 70% 100% ‡ 88%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 70% 100% ‡ 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 67% 100% ‡ 86%

* = New measure. ‡ = Division breakout not conducted in previous years.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

CJS - Other (includes Criminal Justice Planning, DA support staff)

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

89% 88%









Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 52: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 10







FY15 County


The work I do is important. 100% 100% ‡ 99%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 100% 100% ‡ 96%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 100% 100% ‡ 95%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 100% 89% ‡ 93%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 100% 100% ‡ 93%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 100% 89% ‡ 92%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 100% 100% ‡ 85%

My workload is reasonable. 100% 89% ‡ 81%

I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 89% * ‡ 99%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 89% 100% ‡ 93%

My supervisor values me.2 89% 100% ‡ 91%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 88% 78% ‡ 92%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 88% 67% ‡ 86%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 86% 100% ‡ 77%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 86% 86% ‡ 71%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 80% 100% ‡ 85%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 78% * ‡ 93%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 78% * ‡ 92%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 78% 100% ‡ 91%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 78% 89% ‡ 89%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 78% 67% ‡ 83%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 78% 78% ‡ 83%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 75% 100% ‡ 93%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 75% 78% ‡ 88%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 75% 78% ‡ 87%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 75% 100% ‡ 79%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 70% 67% ‡ 88%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 70% 90% ‡ 85%

My department director values employees in our department. 67% 100% ‡ 87%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 60% 89% ‡ 89%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 44% 78% ‡ 80%

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.

* = New measure. ‡ = Division breakout not conducted in previous years.1

Results reflect % Yes response. 2

Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

CJS - Other (includes Criminal Justice Planning, DA support staff)

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 53: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 19

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 100% 59% ‡ 92%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 100% 100% ‡ 90%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 95% 59% ‡ 85%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 94% 82% ‡ 86%

My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 94% 100% ‡ 96%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 100% 69% ‡ 92%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 100% 82% ‡ 90%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 100% 82% ‡ 88%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 94% 71% ‡ 91%

My supervisor treats me with respect. 94% 69% ‡ 93%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 89% 71% ‡ 87%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 89% 65% ‡ 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 88% 65% ‡ 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 88% 63% ‡ 86%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 81% 65% ‡ 89%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 81% 33% ‡ 87%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

‡ = Division breakout not conducted in previous years.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

CJS - Pretrial Services (includes Fine Collection)

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.











Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 54: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 19







FY15 County


The work I do is important. 100% 94% ‡ 99%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 100% 87% ‡ 93%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 100% * ‡ 92%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 100% 93% ‡ 89%

I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 95% * ‡ 99%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 95% 82% ‡ 88%

My workload is reasonable. 95% 47% ‡ 81%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 94% 75% ‡ 96%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 94% * ‡ 93%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 94% 69% ‡ 89%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 94% 60% ‡ 86%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 94% 56% ‡ 85%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 94% 85% ‡ 85%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 93% 93% ‡ 79%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 89% 56% ‡ 93%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 89% 93% ‡ 93%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 89% 73% ‡ 91%

My supervisor values me.2 89% 47% ‡ 91%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 89% 75% ‡ 87%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 89% 80% ‡ 85%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 88% 57% ‡ 95%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 88% 86% ‡ 77%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 84% 76% ‡ 93%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 84% 47% ‡ 88%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 83% 73% ‡ 83%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 81% 40% ‡ 92%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 75% 80% ‡ 71%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 67% 44% ‡ 92%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 67% 54% ‡ 83%

My department director values employees in our department. 47% 31% ‡ 87%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 28% 31% ‡ 80%

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.

* = New measure. ‡ = Division breakout not conducted in previous years.1

Results reflect % Yes response. 2

Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

CJS - Pretrial Services (includes Fine Collection)

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 55: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 91

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 96% 94% 96% 96%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 94% 92% 95% 92%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 94% 95% * 90%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 83% 83% 85% 85%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 82% 90% 86% 86%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 97% 89% 95% 92%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 96% 95% 94% 89%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 92% 86% 92% 91%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 90% 82% 83% 87%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 90% 95% 88% 90%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 89% 90% 80% 88%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 88% 84% 87% 87%

My supervisor treats me with respect. 86% 90% 95% 93%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 85% 93% 88% 86%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 85% 79% 79% 87%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 81% 81% 88% 87%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

CSE - Child Support Enforcement

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

90% 91% 90%88% 88% 89%







Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 56: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 91







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * * 99%

The work I do is important. 100% 98% 98% 99%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 99% 98% 97% 93%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 98% 95% * 91%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 97% 97% 36% 85%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 96% 95% 76% 93%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 95% 89% 89% 85%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 94% 95% 96% 96%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 94% 93% 92% 86%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 94% * * 92%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 94% 95% 77% 92%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 94% 97% 91% 87%

My department director values employees in our department. 93% 91% 86% 87%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 92% 95% 89% 89%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 92% 87% 87% 89%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 92% 85% 78% 93%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 92% * * 93%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 91% 82% 89% 79%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 91% 95% 92% 95%

My supervisor values me.2 91% 89% 90% 91%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 91% 90% 94% 88%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 90% 85% 82% 83%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 90% 90% 90% 88%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 90% 81% 82% 80%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 89% 91% 92% 93%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 88% 85% 79% 92%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 84% 80% 84% 85%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 83% 81% 53% 77%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 75% 82% 44% 71%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 75% 61% 73% 83%

My workload is reasonable. 46% 53% * 81%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

CSE - Child Support Enforcement

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 57: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 64

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 98% 100% 92% 96%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 93% 93% 88% 92%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 92% 90% * 90%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 84% 93% 92% 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 78% 95% 92% 85%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor treats me with respect. 89% 93% 100% 93%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 89% 96% 96% 89%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 89% 98% 96% 92%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 87% 91% 94% 87%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 86% 91% 92% 87%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 85% 89% 96% 87%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 85% 91% 92% 90%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 84% 91% 92% 86%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 84% 93% 89% 88%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 83% 94% 92% 87%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 82% 93% 94% 91%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

CSS - Community Support Services

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.



94% 93%








Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 58: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 64







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * * 99%

The work I do is important. 100% 100% 98% 99%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 95% 96% 93% 93%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 93% 96% 85% 93%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 93% 78% 89% 93%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 92% 95% 100% 96%

My supervisor values me.2 90% 95% 92% 91%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 90% 96% 93% 89%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 90% 86% 87% 85%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 87% * * 92%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 87% * * 93%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 87% 85% 81% 93%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 87% 74% 80% 79%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 86% 76% * 91%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 86% 89% 86% 92%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 84% 87% 94% 85%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 82% 89% 90% 88%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 82% 87% 79% 95%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 82% 84% 81% 89%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 80% 80% 86% 83%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 79% 72% 82% 85%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 78% 68% 73% 86%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 78% 91% 92% 88%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 78% 78% 75% 87%

My department director values employees in our department. 77% 91% 85% 87%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 76% 81% 66% 92%

My workload is reasonable. 76% 91% * 81%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 74% 91% 75% 80%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 72% 82% 60% 83%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 66% 54% 83% 77%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 64% 56% 78% 71%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

CSS - Community Support Services

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 59: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 901

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 94% 93% 96% 96%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 91% 88% 92% 92%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 85% 85% 86% 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 84% 83% 86% 85%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 82% 74% * 90%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor treats me with respect. 94% 90% 95% 93%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 92% 90% 88% 90%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 91% 85% 86% 88%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 91% 89% 92% 92%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 90% 87% 92% 91%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 86% 85% 88% 89%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 86% 82% 86% 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 86% 82% 86% 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 86% 86% 88% 86%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 84% 80% 83% 87%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 83% 82% 87% 87%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

DSS - Department of Social Services

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.


84%87% 88%








Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 60: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 901







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 99% * * 99%

The work I do is important. 99% 99% 99% 99%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 96% 93% 96% 96%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 93% * * 92%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 92% * * 93%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 92% 93% 91% 95%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 92% 88% 85% 93%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 92% 89% 91% 93%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 91% 93% 90% 92%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 90% 87% 89% 87%

My supervisor values me.2 90% 86% 86% 91%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 90% 89% 90% 83%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 90% 83% 85% 86%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 90% 88% 85% 89%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 89% 84% 88% 93%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 89% 89% 93% 93%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 89% 84% 86% 88%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 88% 85% * 91%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 87% 85% 86% 92%

My department director values employees in our department. 86% 84% 73% 87%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 86% 81% 85% 89%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 86% 83% 88% 88%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 84% 79% 84% 85%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 83% 73% 68% 85%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 78% 79% 79% 85%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 77% 75% 82% 83%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 76% 66% 63% 80%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 74% 65% 59% 79%

My workload is reasonable. 67% 62% * 81%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 66% 66% 80% 77%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 58% 60% 71% 71%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

DSS - Department of Social Services

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 61: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 45

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 100% 94% ‡ 92%

My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 97% 83% ‡ 96%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 89% 83% ‡ 90%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 86% 94% ‡ 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 85% 88% ‡ 85%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 98% 94% ‡ 90%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 95% 88% ‡ 87%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 93% 81% ‡ 89%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 93% 91% ‡ 88%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 91% 94% ‡ 92%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 91% 84% ‡ 86%

My supervisor treats me with respect. 89% 88% ‡ 93%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 88% 87% ‡ 91%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 81% 81% ‡ 87%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 77% 81% ‡ 87%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 77% 83% ‡ 87%

* = New measure. ‡ = Division breakout not conducted in previous years.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

DSS - Administration

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.









Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 62: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 45







FY15 County


The work I do is important. 100% 94% ‡ 99%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 100% 88% ‡ 93%

My department director values employees in our department. 100% 83% ‡ 87%

I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 98% * ‡ 99%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 98% 94% ‡ 96%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 98% 97% ‡ 95%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 98% 81% ‡ 83%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 97% 78% ‡ 85%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 95% 90% ‡ 93%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 95% 84% ‡ 93%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 95% 90% ‡ 93%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 95% * ‡ 92%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 95% 88% ‡ 92%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 95% 84% ‡ 91%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 95% 84% ‡ 87%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 95% 84% ‡ 86%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 95% 91% ‡ 83%

My supervisor values me.2 93% 87% ‡ 91%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 93% 81% ‡ 89%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 93% 59% ‡ 80%

My workload is reasonable. 91% 88% ‡ 81%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 90% * ‡ 93%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 90% 93% ‡ 92%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 90% 87% ‡ 85%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 89% 90% ‡ 89%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 89% 72% ‡ 88%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 86% 77% ‡ 85%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 86% 77% ‡ 79%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 85% 71% ‡ 77%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 84% 81% ‡ 88%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 77% 67% ‡ 71%

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.

* = New measure. ‡ = Division breakout not conducted in previous years.1

Results reflect % Yes response. 2

Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

DSS - Administration

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 63: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 50

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 100% 96% 97% 96%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 96% 94% 98% 92%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 93% 96% * 90%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 93% 94% 90% 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 91% 94% 93% 85%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 98% 94% 96% 88%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 98% 94% 95% 92%

My supervisor treats me with respect. 96% 98% 93% 93%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 94% 96% 98% 90%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 93% 94% 91% 91%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 93% 94% 91% 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 93% 96% 91% 86%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 91% 92% 84% 87%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 90% 92% 93% 89%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 89% 92% 89% 87%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 72% 88% 87% 87%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

DSS - Community Resources

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

95% 95% 95%92%








Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 64: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 50







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * * 99%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 100% * * 93%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 98% 100% 100% 96%

My supervisor values me.2 98% 93% 96% 91%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 98% * * 92%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 96% 90% 91% 88%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 95% 90% 87% 93%

The work I do is important. 94% 100% 100% 99%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 94% 91% 91% 89%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 93% 92% 97% 83%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 93% 92% 91% 93%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 93% 94% * 91%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 93% 94% 93% 92%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 93% 88% 96% 87%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 91% 98% 91% 95%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 91% 80% 93% 86%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 91% 94% 96% 93%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 91% 87% 86% 83%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 88% 96% 88% 92%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 88% 83% 89% 89%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 87% 96% 73% 85%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 86% 86% 93% 85%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 85% 96% 96% 93%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 85% 88% 83% 85%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 84% 92% 88% 88%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 76% 79% 73% 79%

My department director values employees in our department. 72% 90% 74% 87%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 70% 85% 79% 77%

My workload is reasonable. 62% 87% * 81%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 62% 78% 72% 71%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 55% 69% 62% 80%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

DSS - Community Resources

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 65: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 440

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 94% 96% 96% 96%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 92% 90% 90% 92%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 87% 87% 87% 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 86% 85% 86% 85%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 85% 77% * 90%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor treats me with respect. 95% 90% 95% 93%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 93% 87% 92% 91%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 92% 91% 91% 92%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 92% 91% 87% 90%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 91% 87% 85% 88%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 89% 83% 85% 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 89% 87% 88% 86%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 88% 84% 85% 87%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 87% 83% 86% 89%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 85% 75% 80% 87%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 84% 83% 85% 87%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

DSS - Economic Services

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.











Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 66: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 440







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 99% * * 99%

The work I do is important. 98% 98% 99% 99%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 95% 92% 96% 96%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 94% 89% 91% 93%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 93% * * 93%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 93% 94% 88% 92%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 93% * * 92%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 93% 95% 90% 95%

My supervisor values me.2 92% 85% 82% 91%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 92% 88% 88% 87%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 91% 83% 82% 86%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 91% 88% 88% 83%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 90% 84% 88% 88%

My department director values employees in our department. 90% 81% 71% 87%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 90% 83% 81% 93%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 90% 90% 83% 89%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 89% 87% 90% 88%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 89% 89% 89% 92%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 88% 82% 84% 93%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 87% 89% 93% 93%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 87% 80% 85% 89%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 86% 85% * 91%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 86% 83% 85% 85%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 85% 71% 66% 85%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 81% 62% 60% 80%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 78% 82% 81% 85%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 74% 70% 76% 83%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 74% 65% 56% 79%

My workload is reasonable. 68% 55% * 81%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 66% 71% 83% 77%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 56% 66% 77% 71%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

DSS - Economic Services

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 67: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 105

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 95% 95% 94% 96%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 83% 81% 88% 92%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 81% 83% 82% 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 79% 79% 80% 85%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 78% 69% * 90%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 96% 86% 80% 88%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 93% 88% 83% 90%

My supervisor treats me with respect. 88% 87% 91% 93%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 88% 85% 86% 92%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 86% 87% 83% 87%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 83% 86% 84% 91%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 79% 77% 77% 87%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 78% 85% 86% 89%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 78% 76% 81% 87%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 75% 80% 84% 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 71% 79% 83% 86%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

DSS - Services for Adults

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.


82% 83% 83% 83% 83%







Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 68: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 105







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * * 99%

The work I do is important. 100% 100% 98% 99%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 97% 90% 91% 95%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 97% * * 92%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 95% 91% 90% 96%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 94% 92% 93% 92%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 94% 89% 91% 83%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 91% 95% 88% 93%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 91% 85% * 91%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 89% 88% 94% 93%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 89% 82% 82% 87%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 88% * * 93%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 87% 84% 80% 93%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 87% 83% 87% 92%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 87% 87% 87% 93%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 86% 75% 80% 86%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 85% 83% 85% 85%

My department director values employees in our department. 84% 79% 69% 87%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 83% 87% 75% 89%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 83% 73% 63% 85%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 82% 86% 76% 88%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 82% 81% 84% 88%

My supervisor values me.2 82% 84% 79% 91%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 82% 78% 80% 89%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 80% 76% 81% 83%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 76% 59% 57% 79%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 76% 72% 76% 85%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 71% 72% 63% 80%

My workload is reasonable. 71% 71% * 81%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 70% 65% 78% 77%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 69% 57% 78% 71%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

DSS - Services for Adults

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 69: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 260

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 91% 88% 96% 96%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 89% 86% 94% 92%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 81% 79% 86% 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 80% 78% 84% 85%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 76% 66% * 90%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor treats me with respect. 94% 89% 96% 93%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 91% 88% 90% 90%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 90% 86% 94% 92%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 88% 86% 94% 91%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 88% 88% 90% 89%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 87% 81% 87% 88%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 86% 79% 89% 87%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 86% 80% 89% 87%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 85% 79% 91% 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 85% 83% 87% 86%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 83% 82% 87% 87%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

DSS - Youth and Family Services

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.













Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 70: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 260







FY15 County


The work I do is important. 100% 100% 100% 99%

I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 98% * * 99%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 96% 94% 98% 96%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 94% 91% 89% 93%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 92% 87% 93% 93%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 91% 85% 90% 89%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 91% 89% 92% 93%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 90% * * 92%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 90% * * 93%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 89% 89% 90% 93%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 89% 82% 87% 88%

My supervisor values me.2 89% 86% 91% 91%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 88% 84% * 91%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 88% 90% 91% 95%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 87% 89% 92% 87%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 87% 86% 91% 86%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 87% 91% 91% 92%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 86% 89% 93% 83%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 85% 82% 86% 89%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 83% 76% 84% 85%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 83% 77% 80% 92%

My department director values employees in our department. 81% 90% 74% 87%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 81% 78% 86% 88%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 78% 70% 68% 85%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 76% 81% 87% 83%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 73% 71% 69% 85%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 72% 69% 66% 80%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 70% 62% 59% 79%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 62% 55% 75% 77%

My workload is reasonable. 59% 62% * 81%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 53% 47% 59% 71%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

DSS - Youth and Family Services

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 71: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 24

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 100% 100% 100% 96%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 95% 100% 94% 92%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 82% 94% 89% 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 81% 86% 89% 85%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 57% 67% * 90%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 100% 100% 100% 92%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 95% 100% 94% 89%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 89% 93% 89% 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 89% 94% 94% 86%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 85% 93% 89% 90%

My supervisor treats me with respect. 84% 93% 94% 93%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 81% 93% 94% 87%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 80% 75% 83% 88%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 79% 87% 94% 91%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 78% 88% 94% 87%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 78% 87% 89% 87%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

ELE - Elections

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.




92% 91%








Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 72: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 24







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * * 99%

The work I do is important. 100% 100% 94% 99%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 100% 100% 100% 93%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 100% 100% * 91%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 100% 81% 100% 83%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 95% * * 92%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 95% 94% 100% 96%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 95% 88% 100% 93%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 94% 88% 100% 89%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 94% * * 93%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 94% 86% 94% 87%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 94% 86% 94% 86%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 94% 100% 100% 77%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 94% 100% 100% 95%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 90% 94% 89% 93%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 90% 93% 81% 85%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 90% 100% 94% 85%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 89% 75% 89% 89%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 88% 86% 89% 88%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 88% 94% 89% 71%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 86% 86% 89% 79%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 84% 94% 89% 93%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 83% 93% 100% 92%

My department director values employees in our department. 83% 87% 88% 87%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 82% 88% 88% 92%

My supervisor values me.2 82% 88% 89% 91%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 82% 81% 89% 88%

My workload is reasonable. 80% 100% * 81%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 78% 93% 89% 85%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 67% 81% 83% 80%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 56% 87% 91% 83%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

ELE - Elections

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 73: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 118

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 96% 89% 93% 96%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 95% 92% 89% 92%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 95% 99% * 90%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 89% 80% 80% 85%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 87% 84% 83% 86%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor treats me with respect. 96% 90% 88% 93%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 96% 95% 91% 92%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 92% 84% 82% 86%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 92% 75% 78% 87%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 91% 78% 83% 87%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 90% 82% 82% 91%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 89% 82% 81% 87%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 89% 87% 87% 89%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 88% 83% 83% 87%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 87% 90% 91% 90%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 86% 82% 85% 88%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

FIN - Finance

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.



84% 84%








Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 74: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 118







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 99% * * 99%

The work I do is important. 98% 97% 97% 99%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 98% 99% 97% 96%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 97% 91% 92% 93%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 95% * * 93%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 95% 82% 95% 89%

My workload is reasonable. 95% 79% * 81%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 94% 88% 88% 93%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 93% 91% 96% 95%

My supervisor values me.2 92% 78% 77% 91%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 91% 81% 86% 93%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 90% 90% 87% 83%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 90% 86% 85% 88%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 90% 89% 94% 93%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 90% * * 92%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 87% 88% * 91%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 87% 78% 84% 88%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 87% 77% 78% 79%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 87% 86% 94% 92%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 87% 78% 84% 85%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 86% 84% 87% 92%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 85% 75% 82% 85%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 84% 78% 83% 87%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 83% 75% 82% 86%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 82% 80% 83% 85%

My department director values employees in our department. 82% 75% 81% 87%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 79% 80% 84% 89%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 78% 84% 78% 83%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 73% 67% 80% 80%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 69% 69% 77% 71%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 68% 70% 82% 77%

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.1

Results reflect % Yes response. 2

Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

FIN - Finance

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 75: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 70

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 98% 98% * 90%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 97% 94% 87% 92%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 95% 83% 77% 85%

My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 95% 90% 93% 96%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 91% 88% 80% 86%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 97% 97% 92% 92%

My supervisor treats me with respect. 95% 92% 92% 93%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 92% 78% 77% 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 92% 89% 80% 86%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 91% 82% 78% 87%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 90% 89% 85% 89%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 88% 84% 83% 91%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 86% 84% 80% 87%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 86% 86% 78% 87%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 82% 83% 76% 88%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 81% 90% 84% 90%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

FIN - Departmental Financial Services Division (formerly Human Services Finance)

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.












Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 76: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 70







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 99% * * 99%

The work I do is important. 99% 97% 97% 99%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 98% 98% 100% 96%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 96% 92% 90% 93%

My workload is reasonable. 95% 86% * 81%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 95% * * 93%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 94% 84% 86% 93%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 94% 87% 95% 95%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 93% 94% 84% 88%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 92% 88% 82% 93%

My supervisor values me.2 91% 81% 73% 91%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 91% 86% 94% 89%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 89% * * 92%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 89% 78% 80% 88%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 88% 95% 85% 83%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 88% 75% 77% 79%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 87% 81% 80% 85%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 86% 85% 92% 93%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 86% 86% 83% 92%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 83% 86% 91% 92%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 83% 84% * 91%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 83% 77% 76% 85%

My department director values employees in our department. 82% 80% 81% 87%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 78% 76% 84% 87%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 77% 84% 69% 83%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 77% 72% 83% 86%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 76% 75% 76% 80%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 75% 74% 75% 85%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 73% 82% 78% 89%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 57% 60% 60% 71%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 54% 63% 75% 77%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

FIN - Departmental Financial Services Division (formerly Human Services Finance)

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 77: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 32

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 95% 88% 93% 96%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 90% 89% 87% 92%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 89% 100% * 90%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 79% 75% 83% 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 75% 74% 82% 85%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor treats me with respect. 97% 85% 86% 93%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 97% 89% 93% 90%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 93% 89% 86% 92%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 93% 73% 83% 87%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 93% 77% 79% 91%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 90% 69% 80% 87%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 89% 67% 76% 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 89% 80% 83% 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 89% 70% 85% 86%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 86% 82% 80% 89%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 86% 79% 87% 88%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

FIN - Finance Division

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

86% 85% 86%83%









Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 78: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 32







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * * 99%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 100% 89% 90% 93%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 100% 75% 97% 89%

The work I do is important. 97% 96% 94% 99%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 96% 100% 96% 96%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 96% 96% 100% 93%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 96% 81% 82% 87%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 96% 81% 79% 86%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 96% 85% 90% 71%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 96% 85% 90% 77%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 96% 89% 86% 93%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 93% 93% 93% 85%

My workload is reasonable. 93% 64% * 81%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 93% * * 93%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 93% 85% 74% 83%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 90% 96% * 91%

My supervisor values me.2 90% 70% 77% 91%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 90% 79% 92% 83%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 89% 100% 93% 95%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 88% 86% 93% 92%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 86% 81% 76% 79%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 86% 72% 86% 85%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 85% 80% 85% 92%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 85% 71% 83% 85%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 84% * * 92%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 83% 75% 77% 93%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 81% 76% 86% 89%

My department director values employees in our department. 81% 65% 71% 87%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 79% 78% 89% 88%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 79% 68% 86% 88%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 63% 52% 85% 80%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

FIN - Finance Division

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 79: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 16

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 100% ‡ ‡ 96%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 94% ‡ ‡ 92%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 88% ‡ ‡ 90%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 88% ‡ ‡ 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 88% ‡ ‡ 85%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor treats me with respect. 100% ‡ ‡ 93%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 100% ‡ ‡ 92%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 100% ‡ ‡ 90%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 100% ‡ ‡ 88%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 94% ‡ ‡ 91%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 93% ‡ ‡ 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 93% ‡ ‡ 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 93% ‡ ‡ 86%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 93% ‡ ‡ 87%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 92% ‡ ‡ 87%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 86% ‡ ‡ 89%

‡ = Division breakout not conducted in previous years.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

FIN - Procurement

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.








Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 80: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 16







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% ‡ ‡ 99%

The work I do is important. 100% ‡ ‡ 99%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 100% ‡ ‡ 96%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 100% ‡ ‡ 95%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 100% ‡ ‡ 93%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 100% ‡ ‡ 93%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 100% ‡ ‡ 93%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 100% ‡ ‡ 92%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 100% ‡ ‡ 92%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 100% ‡ ‡ 91%

My supervisor values me.2 100% ‡ ‡ 91%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 100% ‡ ‡ 89%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 100% ‡ ‡ 89%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 100% ‡ ‡ 88%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 100% ‡ ‡ 83%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 94% ‡ ‡ 93%

My workload is reasonable. 94% ‡ ‡ 81%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 93% ‡ ‡ 93%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 93% ‡ ‡ 88%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 93% ‡ ‡ 85%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 93% ‡ ‡ 85%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 87% ‡ ‡ 87%

My department director values employees in our department. 87% ‡ ‡ 87%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 86% ‡ ‡ 92%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 86% ‡ ‡ 85%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 85% ‡ ‡ 79%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 80% ‡ ‡ 86%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 80% ‡ ‡ 80%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 73% ‡ ‡ 77%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 58% ‡ ‡ 71%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 54% ‡ ‡ 83%

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.

* = New measure. ‡ = Division breakout not conducted in previous years.1

Results reflect % Yes response. 2

Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

FIN - Procurement

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 81: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 526

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 98% 98% 94% 96%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 93% 75% * 90%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 89% 85% 95% 92%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 86% 86% 88% 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 85% 84% 91% 85%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 93% 90% 94% 92%

My supervisor treats me with respect. 92% 90% 96% 93%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 91% 92% 92% 89%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 90% 89% 88% 90%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 90% 87% 95% 91%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 89% 87% 86% 88%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 86% 80% 90% 87%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 86% 88% 85% 87%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 85% 82% 87% 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 82% 79% 88% 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 82% 85% 85% 86%

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

HLT - Public Health

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.



90% 90%86%








Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 82: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 526







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * * 99%

The work I do is important. 98% 98% 99% 99%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 97% 96% 98% 96%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 97% 94% 96% 95%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 96% 92% 96% 92%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 95% 94% 91% 93%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 95% 90% 96% 92%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 95% * * 93%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 94% 93% * 91%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 94% 93% 89% 93%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 93% 90% 86% 93%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 93% * * 92%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 92% 87% 81% 89%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 92% 85% 97% 93%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 90% 87% 90% 85%

My supervisor values me.2 90% 84% 94% 91%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 88% 88% 80% 85%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 88% 87% 91% 88%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 88% 84% 81% 89%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 87% 85% 91% 87%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 86% 81% 62% 79%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 86% 80% 64% 83%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 86% 84% 88% 88%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 84% 78% 94% 83%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 82% 79% 88% 86%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 82% 79% 87% 85%

My department director values employees in our department. 81% 79% 74% 87%

My workload is reasonable. 80% 75% * 81%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 76% 71% 86% 77%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 72% 70% 62% 71%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 72% 64% 66% 80%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

HLT - Public Health

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 83: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 121

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 96% 96% ‡ 96%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 92% 76% ‡ 90%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 87% 83% ‡ 92%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 81% 88% ‡ 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 81% 83% ‡ 85%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 92% 87% ‡ 92%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 92% 92% ‡ 89%

My supervisor treats me with respect. 89% 91% ‡ 93%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 88% 87% ‡ 87%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 86% 85% ‡ 91%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 86% 85% ‡ 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 84% 81% ‡ 87%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 84% 74% ‡ 87%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 80% 85% ‡ 90%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 78% 83% ‡ 88%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 76% 84% ‡ 86%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

‡ = Division breakout not conducted in previous years.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

HLT - Clinical Services

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.


85% 85%







Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 84: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 121







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * ‡ 99%

The work I do is important. 99% 99% ‡ 99%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 98% 94% ‡ 95%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 96% 96% ‡ 96%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 96% 95% ‡ 92%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 95% 93% ‡ 92%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 95% 93% ‡ 93%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 95% 97% ‡ 93%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 95% 91% ‡ 89%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 93% * ‡ 93%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 92% 90% ‡ 87%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 89% 83% ‡ 86%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 89% * ‡ 92%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 89% 93% ‡ 93%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 89% 87% ‡ 93%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 88% 92% ‡ 91%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 88% 88% ‡ 89%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 88% 89% ‡ 88%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 86% 85% ‡ 85%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 85% 86% ‡ 88%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 85% 86% ‡ 83%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 83% 81% ‡ 79%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 83% 79% ‡ 83%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 83% 81% ‡ 85%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 82% 88% ‡ 85%

My supervisor values me.2 81% 82% ‡ 91%

My department director values employees in our department. 80% 78% ‡ 87%

My workload is reasonable. 77% 78% ‡ 81%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 73% 75% ‡ 80%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 66% 77% ‡ 77%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 57% 76% ‡ 71%

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.

* = New measure. ‡ = Division breakout not conducted in previous years.1

Results reflect % Yes response. 2

Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

HLT - Clinical Services

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 85: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 113

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 99% 98% ‡ 96%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 97% 88% ‡ 90%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 91% 86% ‡ 92%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 82% 84% ‡ 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 81% 81% ‡ 85%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 96% 89% ‡ 90%

My supervisor treats me with respect. 90% 88% ‡ 93%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 90% 94% ‡ 89%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 87% 85% ‡ 88%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 86% 81% ‡ 91%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 85% 88% ‡ 92%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 82% 78% ‡ 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 79% 85% ‡ 86%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 78% 77% ‡ 87%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 77% 90% ‡ 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 73% 75% ‡ 87%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

‡ = Division breakout not conducted in previous years.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

HLT - Community Health (Other than School Health)

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.


84% 84%







Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 86: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 113







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * ‡ 99%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 98% 96% ‡ 91%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 98% 95% ‡ 93%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 98% 93% ‡ 95%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 98% 89% ‡ 92%

The work I do is important. 97% 99% ‡ 99%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 97% 95% ‡ 96%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 96% 90% ‡ 93%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 96% 96% ‡ 87%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 96% 93% ‡ 85%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 96% 91% ‡ 92%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 93% * ‡ 92%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 93% 87% ‡ 83%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 93% * ‡ 93%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 92% 87% ‡ 86%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 90% 90% ‡ 89%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 90% 81% ‡ 89%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 89% 81% ‡ 93%

My supervisor values me.2 89% 83% ‡ 91%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 87% 79% ‡ 79%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 86% 91% ‡ 93%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 84% 90% ‡ 85%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 84% 83% ‡ 88%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 84% 82% ‡ 88%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 83% 77% ‡ 83%

My department director values employees in our department. 83% 82% ‡ 87%

My workload is reasonable. 79% 81% ‡ 81%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 74% 76% ‡ 85%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 71% 70% ‡ 77%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 70% 58% ‡ 80%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 69% 67% ‡ 71%

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.

* = New measure. ‡ = Division breakout not conducted in previous years.1

Results reflect % Yes response. 2

Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

HLT - Community Health (Other than School Health)

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 87: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 66

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 95% 94% 92% 96%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 91% 92% 98% 92%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 87% 83% 89% 86%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 85% 80% * 90%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 81% 85% 93% 85%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 92% 90% 82% 88%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 90% 96% 92% 92%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 89% 91% 82% 90%

My supervisor treats me with respect. 89% 87% 96% 93%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 89% 94% 96% 91%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 88% 85% 94% 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 84% 87% 83% 86%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 84% 83% 91% 87%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 80% 75% 80% 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 77% 88% 89% 87%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 77% 84% 88% 89%

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

HLT - Environmental Health

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.


87% 88% 88% 87%85%







Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 88: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 66







FY15 County


I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 100% 96% 98% 95%

The work I do is important. 98% 98% 98% 99%

I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 97% * * 99%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 97% 88% 89% 93%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 97% 98% 98% 96%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 97% 94% 98% 92%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 96% * * 93%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 93% 90% * 91%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 93% 88% 94% 85%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 93% 87% 94% 92%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 92% 92% 92% 93%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 91% * * 92%

My supervisor values me.2 90% 90% 95% 91%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 90% 87% 93% 88%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 89% 92% 100% 93%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 87% 73% 71% 89%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 85% 83% 78% 93%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 83% 96% 100% 83%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 79% 82% 88% 88%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 75% 78% 87% 85%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 73% 69% 45% 83%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 71% 79% 76% 89%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 69% 67% 88% 77%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 69% 86% 78% 85%

My workload is reasonable. 67% 53% * 81%

My department director values employees in our department. 61% 70% 65% 87%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 60% 52% 64% 71%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 54% 61% 67% 79%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 52% 58% 56% 80%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 50% 71% 88% 87%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 36% 71% 84% 86%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

HLT - Environmental Health

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 89: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 68

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 100% 100% ‡ 96%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 88% 83% ‡ 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 88% 82% ‡ 85%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 85% 77% ‡ 92%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 73% 76% ‡ 90%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 97% 87% ‡ 92%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 95% 96% ‡ 89%

My supervisor treats me with respect. 94% 87% ‡ 93%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 94% 87% ‡ 91%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 92% 86% ‡ 87%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 91% 81% ‡ 88%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 85% 78% ‡ 87%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 84% 84% ‡ 90%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 82% 78% ‡ 86%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 80% 73% ‡ 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 78% 65% ‡ 87%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

‡ = Division breakout not conducted in previous years.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

HLT - Informatics & Administration

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.










Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 90: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 68







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * ‡ 99%

The work I do is important. 100% 96% ‡ 99%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 98% 91% ‡ 96%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 98% 89% ‡ 93%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 97% 95% ‡ 93%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 97% 87% ‡ 89%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 97% 95% ‡ 91%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 94% 90% ‡ 85%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 94% 85% ‡ 79%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 93% * ‡ 92%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 93% 88% ‡ 92%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 92% 94% ‡ 93%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 92% * ‡ 93%

My supervisor values me.2 92% 76% ‡ 91%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 92% 93% ‡ 95%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 92% 93% ‡ 87%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 92% 77% ‡ 83%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 91% 90% ‡ 92%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 91% 79% ‡ 93%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 90% 91% ‡ 85%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 90% 83% ‡ 86%

My workload is reasonable. 89% 83% ‡ 81%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 88% 75% ‡ 89%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 87% 74% ‡ 88%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 86% 76% ‡ 77%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 84% 74% ‡ 71%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 84% 85% ‡ 88%

My department director values employees in our department. 83% 79% ‡ 87%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 80% 70% ‡ 80%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 80% 70% ‡ 85%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 76% 66% ‡ 83%

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.

* = New measure. ‡ = Division breakout not conducted in previous years.1

Results reflect % Yes response. 2

Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

HLT - Informatics & Administration

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 91: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 158

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 99% 63% ‡ 90%

My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 98% 96% ‡ 96%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 91% 90% ‡ 85%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 91% 90% ‡ 92%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 90% 90% ‡ 86%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 97% 100% ‡ 90%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 97% 96% ‡ 92%

My supervisor treats me with respect. 97% 95% ‡ 93%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 95% 97% ‡ 91%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 95% 99% ‡ 88%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 94% 94% ‡ 89%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 91% 88% ‡ 87%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 91% 86% ‡ 87%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 90% 93% ‡ 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 90% 86% ‡ 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 88% 90% ‡ 86%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

‡ = Division breakout not conducted in previous years.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

HLT - School Health

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.


94% 93% 93%







Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 92: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 158







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * ‡ 99%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 99% 99% ‡ 96%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 99% 96% ‡ 93%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 99% 92% ‡ 85%

The work I do is important. 98% 99% ‡ 99%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 98% 94% ‡ 95%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 97% 97% ‡ 93%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 97% 91% ‡ 79%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 97% 91% ‡ 92%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 97% * ‡ 93%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 97% * ‡ 92%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 97% 92% ‡ 93%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 96% 90% ‡ 91%

My supervisor values me.2 95% 90% ‡ 91%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 94% 91% ‡ 92%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 94% 93% ‡ 89%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 93% 91% ‡ 88%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 93% 89% ‡ 89%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 93% 79% ‡ 85%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 91% 89% ‡ 93%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 91% 87% ‡ 85%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 90% 91% ‡ 88%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 90% 79% ‡ 83%

My department director values employees in our department. 89% 86% ‡ 87%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 89% 72% ‡ 87%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 87% 71% ‡ 71%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 86% 66% ‡ 77%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 85% 78% ‡ 83%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 85% 68% ‡ 86%

My workload is reasonable. 84% 75% ‡ 81%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 76% 58% ‡ 80%

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.

* = New measure. ‡ = Division breakout not conducted in previous years.1

Results reflect % Yes response. 2

Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

HLT - School Health

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 93: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 42

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 100% 93% ‡ 92%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 97% 93% ‡ 90%

My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 97% 100% ‡ 96%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 80% 86% ‡ 85%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 78% 86% ‡ 86%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 100% 93% ‡ 88%

My supervisor treats me with respect. 98% 96% ‡ 93%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 98% 97% ‡ 90%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 95% 97% ‡ 92%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 90% 86% ‡ 87%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 90% 90% ‡ 89%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 90% 90% ‡ 87%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 88% 83% ‡ 91%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 88% 89% ‡ 87%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 86% 83% ‡ 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 83% 86% ‡ 86%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

‡ = Division breakout not conducted in previous years.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

HRS - Human Resources

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.

92% 90% 90% 91%







Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 94: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 42







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * ‡ 99%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 100% * ‡ 92%

The work I do is important. 98% 100% ‡ 99%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 98% * ‡ 93%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 97% 96% ‡ 93%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 97% 90% ‡ 85%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 95% 70% ‡ 89%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 95% 97% ‡ 93%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 95% 97% ‡ 93%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 95% 83% ‡ 89%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 95% 93% ‡ 96%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 92% 93% ‡ 91%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 90% 86% ‡ 88%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 90% 63% ‡ 87%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 89% 83% ‡ 85%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 88% 87% ‡ 93%

My supervisor values me.2 88% 90% ‡ 91%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 87% 62% ‡ 86%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 87% 67% ‡ 83%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 86% 86% ‡ 85%

My department director values employees in our department. 85% 89% ‡ 87%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 83% 76% ‡ 79%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 81% 87% ‡ 95%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 80% 70% ‡ 92%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 79% 86% ‡ 88%

My workload is reasonable. 77% 93% ‡ 81%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 77% 77% ‡ 77%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 68% 63% ‡ 80%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 68% 64% ‡ 71%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 50% 64% ‡ 92%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 32% 41% ‡ 83%

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.

* = New measure. ‡ = Division breakout not conducted in previous years.1

Results reflect % Yes response. 2

Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

HRS - Human Resources

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 95: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 98

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 97% ‡ ‡ 96%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 91% ‡ ‡ 92%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 89% ‡ ‡ 90%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 88% ‡ ‡ 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 88% ‡ ‡ 85%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 98% ‡ ‡ 90%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 97% ‡ ‡ 88%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 96% ‡ ‡ 92%

My supervisor treats me with respect. 95% ‡ ‡ 93%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 94% ‡ ‡ 91%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 92% ‡ ‡ 86%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 92% ‡ ‡ 87%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 92% ‡ ‡ 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 91% ‡ ‡ 87%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 88% ‡ ‡ 87%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 84% ‡ ‡ 89%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

‡ = Division breakout not conducted in previous years.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

IST - Information Technology

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.








Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 96: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 98







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% ‡ ‡ 99%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 99% ‡ ‡ 93%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 99% ‡ ‡ 96%

The work I do is important. 98% ‡ ‡ 99%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 98% ‡ ‡ 87%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 98% ‡ ‡ 86%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 98% ‡ ‡ 92%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 97% ‡ ‡ 93%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 96% ‡ ‡ 91%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 95% ‡ ‡ 95%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 95% ‡ ‡ 92%

My supervisor values me.2 95% ‡ ‡ 91%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 94% ‡ ‡ 88%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 93% ‡ ‡ 89%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 93% ‡ ‡ 92%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 93% ‡ ‡ 83%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 93% ‡ ‡ 93%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 91% ‡ ‡ 85%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 91% ‡ ‡ 93%

My workload is reasonable. 89% ‡ ‡ 81%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 89% ‡ ‡ 93%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 89% ‡ ‡ 85%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 88% ‡ ‡ 88%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 87% ‡ ‡ 89%

My department director values employees in our department. 86% ‡ ‡ 87%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 82% ‡ ‡ 85%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 75% ‡ ‡ 79%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 75% ‡ ‡ 80%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 70% ‡ ‡ 83%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 70% ‡ ‡ 77%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 67% ‡ ‡ 71%

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.

* = New measure. ‡ = Division breakout not conducted in previous years.1

Results reflect % Yes response. 2

Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

IST - Information Technology

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 97: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 33

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 100% 100% 100% 96%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 97% 96% 92% 92%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 94% 88% 92% 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 94% 88% 92% 85%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 93% 96% * 90%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 100% 100% 100% 92%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 100% 96% 100% 90%

My supervisor treats me with respect. 97% 100% 92% 93%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 97% 92% 96% 91%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 97% 88% 96% 88%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 97% 96% 88% 87%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 94% 92% 88% 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 94% 92% 88% 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 94% 92% 92% 86%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 90% 92% 85% 87%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 90% 82% 77% 89%

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

IST - Applications and Databases

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

94% 94%95%









Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 98: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 33







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * * 99%

The work I do is important. 100% 96% 96% 99%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 100% 100% 100% 96%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 100% 100% 100% 93%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 100% * * 93%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 100% * * 92%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 100% 100% 100% 87%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 100% 100% 100% 86%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 97% 92% 92% 85%

My workload is reasonable. 97% 92% * 81%

My supervisor values me.2 97% 96% 88% 91%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 97% 88% 92% 88%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 96% 96% * 91%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 96% 95% 90% 92%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 96% 100% 95% 95%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 96% 83% 89% 92%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 94% 88% 92% 93%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 94% 96% 88% 89%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 94% 88% 96% 88%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 94% 88% 92% 93%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 94% 96% 96% 89%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 93% 92% 96% 93%

My department director values employees in our department. 93% 86% 81% 87%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 90% 96% 100% 83%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 89% 96% 88% 85%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 86% 88% 82% 80%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 86% 80% 67% 79%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 80% 84% 75% 85%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 70% 58% 82% 83%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 63% 65% 75% 77%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 58% 63% 64% 71%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

IST - Applications and Databases

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 99: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 23

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 100% ‡ ‡ 96%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 90% ‡ ‡ 92%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 89% ‡ ‡ 85%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 89% ‡ ‡ 90%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 85% ‡ ‡ 86%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 100% ‡ ‡ 88%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 100% ‡ ‡ 86%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 95% ‡ ‡ 90%

My supervisor treats me with respect. 95% ‡ ‡ 93%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 95% ‡ ‡ 92%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 95% ‡ ‡ 91%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 90% ‡ ‡ 87%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 89% ‡ ‡ 87%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 86% ‡ ‡ 87%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 85% ‡ ‡ 89%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 85% ‡ ‡ 87%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

‡ = Division breakout not conducted in previous years.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

IST - Business Analysis (includes Administration, Customer Experience Management, and IT Project Management)

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.








Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 100: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 23







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% ‡ ‡ 99%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 100% ‡ ‡ 96%

The work I do is important. 95% ‡ ‡ 99%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 95% ‡ ‡ 93%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 95% ‡ ‡ 91%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 95% ‡ ‡ 89%

My supervisor values me.2 95% ‡ ‡ 91%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 95% ‡ ‡ 83%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 95% ‡ ‡ 95%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 95% ‡ ‡ 93%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 95% ‡ ‡ 88%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 94% ‡ ‡ 92%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 94% ‡ ‡ 92%

My department director values employees in our department. 94% ‡ ‡ 87%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 90% ‡ ‡ 93%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 90% ‡ ‡ 93%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 90% ‡ ‡ 87%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 90% ‡ ‡ 86%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 89% ‡ ‡ 92%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 89% ‡ ‡ 85%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 85% ‡ ‡ 89%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 85% ‡ ‡ 85%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 84% ‡ ‡ 88%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 83% ‡ ‡ 80%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 82% ‡ ‡ 77%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 81% ‡ ‡ 93%

My workload is reasonable. 81% ‡ ‡ 81%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 80% ‡ ‡ 85%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 68% ‡ ‡ 79%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 67% ‡ ‡ 71%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 58% ‡ ‡ 83%

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.

* = New measure. ‡ = Division breakout not conducted in previous years.1

Results reflect % Yes response. 2

Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

IST - Business Analysis (includes Administration, Customer Experience Management, and IT Project

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 101: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 19

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 92% ‡ ‡ 96%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 86% ‡ ‡ 90%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 83% ‡ ‡ 92%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 75% ‡ ‡ 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 69% ‡ ‡ 85%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 94% ‡ ‡ 90%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 94% ‡ ‡ 88%

My supervisor treats me with respect. 89% ‡ ‡ 93%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 89% ‡ ‡ 92%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 89% ‡ ‡ 87%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 88% ‡ ‡ 91%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 88% ‡ ‡ 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 88% ‡ ‡ 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 83% ‡ ‡ 86%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 82% ‡ ‡ 89%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 81% ‡ ‡ 87%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

‡ = Division breakout not conducted in previous years.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

IST - Customer Support Center

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.









Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 102: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 19







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% ‡ ‡ 99%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 100% ‡ ‡ 93%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 100% ‡ ‡ 93%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 100% ‡ ‡ 91%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 100% ‡ ‡ 89%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 100% ‡ ‡ 87%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 100% ‡ ‡ 86%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 100% ‡ ‡ 83%

The work I do is important. 94% ‡ ‡ 99%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 94% ‡ ‡ 96%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 94% ‡ ‡ 88%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 94% ‡ ‡ 85%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 94% ‡ ‡ 92%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 94% ‡ ‡ 93%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 93% ‡ ‡ 95%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 93% ‡ ‡ 92%

My supervisor values me.2 88% ‡ ‡ 91%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 88% ‡ ‡ 85%

My department director values employees in our department. 87% ‡ ‡ 87%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 86% ‡ ‡ 92%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 86% ‡ ‡ 83%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 83% ‡ ‡ 93%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 83% ‡ ‡ 89%

My workload is reasonable. 83% ‡ ‡ 81%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 82% ‡ ‡ 71%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 80% ‡ ‡ 79%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 76% ‡ ‡ 88%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 75% ‡ ‡ 93%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 75% ‡ ‡ 85%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 75% ‡ ‡ 77%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 64% ‡ ‡ 80%

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.

* = New measure. ‡ = Division breakout not conducted in previous years.1

Results reflect % Yes response. 2

Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

IST - Customer Support Center

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 103: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 23

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 94% 100% 100% 96%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 91% 100% 100% 92%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 91% 89% 83% 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 91% 95% 78% 85%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 86% 94% * 90%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 100% 90% 100% 90%

My supervisor treats me with respect. 96% 100% 95% 93%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 96% 100% 100% 92%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 96% 80% 96% 88%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 96% 95% 91% 87%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 96% 100% 100% 87%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 95% 100% 100% 91%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 91% 95% 88% 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 91% 100% 96% 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 91% 95% 91% 86%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 76% 89% 79% 89%

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

IST - Networks, Servers, Telecommunications and Security

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.



91%94% 95%








Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 104: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 23







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * * 99%

The work I do is important. 100% 100% 100% 99%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 100% 100% 100% 96%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 100% 94% 96% 93%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 100% 100% 96% 93%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 100% * * 92%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 100% 93% 86% 92%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 100% 88% 100% 87%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 100% 100% 100% 86%

My supervisor values me.2 96% 100% 92% 91%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 95% 93% 86% 95%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 95% * * 93%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 95% 73% 71% 92%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 91% 90% 91% 93%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 91% 100% 87% 83%

My workload is reasonable. 91% 89% * 81%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 91% 94% 78% 93%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 91% 88% * 91%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 91% 89% 91% 88%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 91% 95% 78% 88%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 91% 88% 74% 85%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 91% 100% 91% 85%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 87% 94% 88% 89%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 82% 68% 65% 85%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 81% 70% 74% 89%

My department director values employees in our department. 71% 70% 57% 87%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 70% 75% 58% 83%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 67% 65% 59% 79%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 64% 38% 74% 77%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 64% 31% 68% 71%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 61% 50% 38% 80%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

IST - Networks, Servers, Telecommunications and Security

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 105: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 409

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 98% 98% 99% 96%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 98% 97% * 90%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 95% 97% 96% 92%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 88% 88% 91% 85%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 88% 90% 92% 86%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor treats me with respect. 94% 93% 96% 93%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 93% 93% 95% 92%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 92% 90% 97% 90%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 92% 93% 93% 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 92% 89% 94% 87%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 91% 93% 96% 91%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 89% 90% 94% 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 86% 91% 93% 86%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 86% 88% 91% 87%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 83% 87% 93% 88%

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

LIB - Public Library

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

95% 94% 94% 94%91% 90%







Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 106: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 409







FY15 County


The work I do is important. 98% 98% 97% 99%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 98% 96% 94% 93%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 97% 94% 96% 93%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 97% 95% 99% 96%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 95% 96% 96% 95%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 94% 95% 94% 93%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 94% * * 93%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 93% 94% 88% 93%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 92% 91% 96% 89%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 92% 92% 96% 92%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 92% 92% 92% 88%

My workload is reasonable. 92% 94% * 81%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 92% 90% * 91%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 92% 92% 92% 88%

My supervisor values me.2 91% 91% 94% 91%

My department director values employees in our department. 91% 93% 94% 87%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 91% 89% 91% 85%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 90% 94% 91% 83%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 89% * * 92%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 88% 88% 81% 92%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 88% 88% 87% 80%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 86% 82% 87% 71%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 85% 83% 90% 77%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 84% 77% 71% 89%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 82% 78% 88% 85%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 82% 77% 75% 83%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 79% 87% 86% 87%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 75% 85% 83% 86%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

LIB - Public Library

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 107: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 344

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 97% 96% 96% 96%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 91% 92% 90% 92%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 91% 94% * 90%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 86% 90% 87% 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 84% 88% 86% 85%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 96% 97% 94% 92%

My supervisor treats me with respect. 93% 94% 95% 93%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 92% 91% 92% 90%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 92% 94% 94% 91%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 91% 91% 91% 88%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 89% 92% 89% 87%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 89% 86% 91% 87%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 88% 89% 92% 89%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 88% 91% 88% 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 87% 91% 89% 86%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 86% 89% 89% 87%

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

LUE - Land Use & Environmental Services Agency

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.


90%91% 91% 90%







Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 108: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 344







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * * 99%

The work I do is important. 99% 99% 99% 99%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 98% 98% 98% 95%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 97% 97% 97% 92%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 96% 97% 96% 96%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 95% 92% 93% 93%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 95% 95% 95% 92%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 95% * * 93%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 94% 95% 96% 93%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 93% 93% * 91%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 93% 89% 87% 93%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 93% * * 92%

My supervisor values me.2 92% 91% 88% 91%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 91% 93% 89% 93%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 90% 89% 92% 89%

My department director values employees in our department. 89% 86% 86% 87%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 89% 87% 90% 85%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 88% 91% 91% 88%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 87% 86% 84% 89%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 85% 86% 88% 88%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 85% 79% 78% 80%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 85% 85% 84% 85%

My workload is reasonable. 83% 80% * 81%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 82% 83% 81% 85%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 79% 85% 81% 83%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 79% 78% 84% 87%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 78% 87% 83% 83%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 77% 72% 78% 86%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 74% 76% 89% 77%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 69% 63% 72% 79%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 65% 65% 76% 71%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

LUE - Land Use & Environmental Services Agency

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 109: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 22

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 95% 90% 100% 92%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 91% 95% 95% 86%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 89% 95% * 90%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 86% 90% 100% 85%

My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 81% 94% 92% 96%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 100% 100% 100% 90%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 100% 100% 100% 88%

My supervisor treats me with respect. 95% 90% 100% 93%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 95% 95% 100% 91%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 95% 86% 95% 87%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 95% 86% 95% 87%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 91% 95% 100% 92%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 91% 86% 95% 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 91% 90% 100% 86%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 90% 90% 100% 87%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 81% 95% 100% 89%

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

LUE - Air Quality

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.




92% 93%







Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 110: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 22







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * * 99%

The work I do is important. 100% 100% 95% 99%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 100% 100% 100% 96%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 100% 100% 100% 93%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 100% * * 93%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 100% 100% 100% 92%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 100% * * 92%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 100% 90% 100% 88%

My department director values employees in our department. 100% 100% 100% 87%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 100% 95% 100% 80%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 95% 100% 100% 95%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 95% 90% 91% 93%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 95% 95% 100% 92%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 95% 100% * 91%

My supervisor values me.2 95% 89% 100% 91%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 95% 84% 90% 88%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 95% 90% 91% 85%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 91% 95% 100% 93%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 91% 95% 95% 93%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 91% 74% 91% 85%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 91% 90% 95% 85%

My workload is reasonable. 91% 80% * 81%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 90% 95% 100% 89%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 86% 90% 100% 89%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 86% 90% 100% 83%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 79% 95% 83% 83%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 77% 90% 86% 87%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 68% 86% 81% 86%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 56% 75% 73% 79%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 45% 58% 84% 77%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 24% 37% 53% 71%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

LUE - Air Quality

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 111: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 152

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 100% 99% 98% 96%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 96% 93% * 90%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 90% 86% 81% 92%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 89% 89% 84% 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 88% 88% 81% 85%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 95% 95% 91% 92%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 94% 92% 93% 90%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 94% 91% 91% 88%

My supervisor treats me with respect. 93% 94% 94% 93%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 93% 92% 92% 91%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 91% 91% 82% 87%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 91% 90% 83% 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 88% 90% 84% 86%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 88% 87% 83% 87%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 87% 80% 86% 87%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 80% 81% 90% 89%

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

LUE - Code Enforcement

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.


91% 92%

88% 89% 90%







Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 112: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 152







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * * 99%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 100% 97% 99% 95%

The work I do is important. 99% 99% 99% 99%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 99% 97% 96% 92%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 97% 92% 94% 93%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 96% 95% 96% 92%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 95% 94% 93% 89%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 95% 97% 95% 96%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 95% 96% 99% 93%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 94% * * 93%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 94% * * 92%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 93% 90% * 91%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 93% 89% 96% 85%

My supervisor values me.2 92% 88% 82% 91%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 90% 91% 88% 88%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 90% 81% 78% 93%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 89% 96% 81% 93%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 86% 87% 83% 88%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 85% 88% 77% 89%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 85% 77% 76% 85%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 84% 80% 76% 87%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 84% 74% 67% 80%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 83% 75% 69% 86%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 83% 86% 92% 77%

My department director values employees in our department. 82% 73% 75% 87%

My workload is reasonable. 79% 76% * 81%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 75% 78% 86% 71%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 75% 79% 76% 83%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 73% 85% 69% 83%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 69% 73% 75% 85%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 59% 54% 68% 79%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

LUE - Code Enforcement

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 113: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 38

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 94% 92% 97% 92%

My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 90% 100% 95% 96%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 82% 96% 96% 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 82% 92% 96% 85%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 81% 78% * 90%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor treats me with respect. 100% 100% 100% 93%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 100% 100% 100% 92%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 97% 92% 97% 89%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 95% 96% 97% 91%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 95% 91% 97% 90%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 92% 88% 87% 88%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 92% 88% 100% 87%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 92% 100% 97% 87%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 92% 96% 96% 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 92% 96% 96% 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 86% 100% 100% 86%

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

LUE - Geospatial Information Systems

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.




97%95% 94%







Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 114: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 38







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * * 99%

The work I do is important. 100% 100% 97% 99%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 100% 100% 96% 96%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 100% 92% 97% 93%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 97% 96% 97% 93%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 97% 96% * 91%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 97% 96% 100% 93%

My workload is reasonable. 97% 96% * 81%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 97% * * 93%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 97% 90% 93% 92%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 94% 95% 100% 93%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 92% 96% 96% 85%

My supervisor values me.2 91% 96% 93% 91%

My department director values employees in our department. 91% 96% 97% 87%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 91% 78% 97% 85%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 91% 95% 90% 95%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 91% 84% 89% 92%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 91% * * 92%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 91% 96% 90% 85%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 89% 69% 80% 79%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 89% 81% 100% 83%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 87% 88% 93% 89%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 87% 91% 97% 88%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 86% 91% 100% 89%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 84% 96% 93% 88%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 81% 75% 86% 80%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 81% 78% 93% 87%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 77% 68% 90% 77%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 77% 74% 87% 86%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 77% 86% 97% 83%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 70% 55% 82% 71%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

LUE - Geospatial Information Systems

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 115: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 48

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 100% 94% 98% 96%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 87% 92% * 90%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 85% 98% 100% 92%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 80% 98% 92% 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 78% 91% 92% 85%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 96% 89% 94% 89%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 89% 100% 96% 92%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 89% 91% 96% 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 89% 96% 92% 86%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 88% 82% 88% 90%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 84% 93% 96% 91%

My supervisor treats me with respect. 83% 96% 96% 93%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 81% 80% 85% 88%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 76% 91% 92% 87%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 74% 96% 92% 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 73% 93% 96% 87%

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

LUE - Solid Waste

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

95% 94%


93% 92%








Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 116: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 48







FY15 County


The work I do is important. 100% 100% 100% 99%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 100% 98% 98% 95%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 100% 96% 100% 92%

I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 98% * * 99%

My department director values employees in our department. 98% 95% 92% 87%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 98% 100% 96% 92%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 96% 96% 96% 93%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 95% 98% 98% 93%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 94% 93% 98% 93%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 93% 98% 100% 96%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 91% 96% * 91%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 91% * * 92%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 91% * * 93%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 90% 92% 83% 85%

My workload is reasonable. 87% 93% * 81%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 87% 81% 92% 93%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 87% 93% 90% 83%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 84% 76% 88% 89%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 84% 78% 88% 83%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 83% 90% 96% 85%

My supervisor values me.2 83% 91% 92% 91%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 82% 67% 83% 79%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 82% 82% 84% 80%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 81% 96% 92% 85%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 80% 82% 92% 89%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 80% 91% 94% 88%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 78% 93% 94% 88%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 73% 85% 96% 77%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 63% 77% 90% 71%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 59% 50% 91% 87%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 57% 49% 88% 86%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

LUE - Solid Waste

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 117: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 21

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 100% 100% 84% 96%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 95% 88% 91% 92%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 86% 87% 80% 86%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 81% 91% * 90%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 71% 87% 80% 85%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 100% 100% 89% 92%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 95% 100% 100% 89%

My supervisor treats me with respect. 90% 96% 90% 93%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 90% 100% 89% 91%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 85% 100% 88% 87%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 85% 88% 90% 87%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 80% 92% 91% 90%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 80% 92% 96% 88%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 80% 90% 95% 86%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 79% 95% 84% 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 79% 87% 84% 87%

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

LUE - Support Services

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.













Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 118: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 21







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * * 99%

The work I do is important. 100% 100% 100% 99%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 100% 96% 94% 96%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 100% 92% 100% 93%

My department director values employees in our department. 100% 95% 96% 87%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 100% 76% 85% 85%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 95% 92% 91% 93%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 95% 88% 100% 89%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 94% 95% 100% 92%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 94% 96% 100% 95%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 94% 76% 95% 77%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 94% 55% 80% 71%

My supervisor values me.2 90% 92% 92% 91%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 90% * * 93%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 89% 92% 100% 93%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 89% 95% 90% 92%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 85% 96% 92% 93%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 85% * * 92%

My workload is reasonable. 85% 83% * 81%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 84% 88% * 91%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 84% 80% 85% 88%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 84% 85% 100% 83%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 83% 87% 95% 85%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 80% 72% 80% 80%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 79% 88% 90% 83%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 77% 59% 78% 79%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 76% 87% 91% 89%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 76% 95% 90% 88%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 72% 91% 79% 85%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 68% 85% 100% 87%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 68% 81% 100% 86%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

LUE - Support Services

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 119: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 63

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 95% 98% 97% 92%

My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 93% 91% 98% 96%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 89% 96% * 90%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 84% 90% 89% 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 83% 85% 86% 85%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor treats me with respect. 100% 98% 95% 93%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 100% 98% 98% 92%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 97% 98% 90% 89%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 95% 94% 95% 91%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 93% 100% 97% 87%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 92% 91% 92% 90%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 92% 94% 92% 88%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 92% 92% 93% 87%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 87% 96% 95% 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 86% 94% 92% 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 85% 90% 91% 86%

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

LUE - Water & Land Resources

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

92% 92%89%

94% 95%93%







Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 120: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 63







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * * 99%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 98% * * 93%

The work I do is important. 97% 98% 97% 99%

My supervisor values me.2 97% 98% 91% 91%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 96% 94% 89% 93%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 95% 98% 96% 96%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 95% 98% 97% 92%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 95% 98% * 91%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 95% 98% 95% 95%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 94% 96% 92% 93%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 94% 91% 90% 93%

My department director values employees in our department. 92% 98% 94% 87%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 92% * * 92%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 91% 92% 89% 92%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 90% 91% 89% 93%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 90% 85% 91% 88%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 89% 89% 84% 89%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 89% 88% 85% 80%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 89% 85% 91% 89%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 88% 94% 83% 85%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 87% 85% 84% 83%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 87% 83% 85% 87%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 85% 73% 79% 86%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 85% 78% 72% 85%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 85% 91% 92% 85%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 84% 84% 94% 88%

My workload is reasonable. 81% 75% * 81%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 74% 77% 70% 79%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 72% 90% 86% 83%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 59% 65% 79% 77%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 53% 52% 58% 71%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

LUE - Water & Land Resources

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 121: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 14

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 100% 90% 88% 96%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 92% 100% 100% 92%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 91% 100% 92% 85%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 83% 100% 92% 86%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 78% 91% * 90%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor treats me with respect. 100% 100% 100% 93%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 100% 100% 100% 92%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 100% 92% 100% 90%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 100% 100% 100% 89%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 100% 83% 100% 88%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 100% 100% 100% 87%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 91% 92% 100% 87%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 91% 100% 91% 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 91% 100% 91% 87%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 83% 100% 100% 91%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 75% 92% 92% 86%

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

MED - Medical Examiner

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.



98% 96%94%







Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 122: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 14







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * * 99%

The work I do is important. 100% 100% 100% 99%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 100% 100% 91% 96%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 100% * * 93%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 100% 100% 100% 93%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 100% 100% 100% 93%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 100% 100% 100% 93%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 100% 92% 100% 89%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 100% 82% 92% 87%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 100% 91% 100% 86%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 100% 80% 92% 85%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 100% 100% 83% 85%

My workload is reasonable. 100% 100% * 81%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 100% 73% 75% 79%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 92% 92% 92% 93%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 92% 92% 92% 89%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 92% 83% 92% 83%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 92% 100% 100% 95%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 92% * * 92%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 92% 100% * 91%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 92% 100% 100% 88%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 92% 100% 100% 88%

My department director values employees in our department. 92% 92% 100% 87%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 92% 83% 92% 80%

My supervisor values me.2 91% 100% 100% 91%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 91% 88% 100% 77%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 90% 100% 91% 85%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 90% 70% 100% 83%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 83% 100% 100% 92%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 83% 100% 100% 92%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 73% 89% 92% 71%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

MED - Medical Examiner

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 123: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 49

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 100% 100% 100% 96%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 100% 96% 89% 92%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 100% 74% 89% 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 100% 78% 84% 85%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 98% 85% * 90%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor treats me with respect. 100% 80% 89% 93%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 100% 88% 83% 91%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 100% 96% 95% 90%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 100% 96% 95% 88%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 100% 81% 89% 87%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 100% 85% 89% 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 100% 85% 94% 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 100% 92% 89% 86%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 98% 81% 89% 92%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 98% 96% 100% 89%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 98% 92% 95% 87%

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

MGR - Manager's Office

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.












Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 124: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 49







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * * 99%

The work I do is important. 100% 92% 100% 99%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 100% 100% 100% 96%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 100% 96% 88% 95%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 100% * * 93%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 100% 89% 100% 93%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 100% 96% 95% 93%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 100% * * 92%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 100% 100% * 91%

My supervisor values me.2 100% 81% 89% 91%

My department director values employees in our department. 100% 78% 100% 87%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 98% 96% 100% 85%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 98% 78% 89% 88%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 98% 100% 100% 93%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 98% 81% 100% 88%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 98% 88% 95% 85%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 98% 96% 85% 92%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 96% 96% 89% 93%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 96% 88% 89% 89%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 96% 92% 50% 83%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 95% 68% 44% 79%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 94% 85% 94% 85%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 92% 86% 95% 89%

My workload is reasonable. 91% 89% * 81%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 91% 67% 83% 80%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 88% 70% 79% 83%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 86% 92% 63% 92%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 84% 93% 100% 77%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 83% 73% 88% 87%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 74% 69% 94% 86%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 67% 82% 89% 71%

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.1

Results reflect % Yes response. 2

Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

MGR - Manager's Office

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 125: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 14

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 100% ‡ ‡ 96%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 100% ‡ ‡ 92%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 100% ‡ ‡ 90%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 100% ‡ ‡ 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 100% ‡ ‡ 85%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor treats me with respect. 100% ‡ ‡ 93%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 100% ‡ ‡ 92%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 100% ‡ ‡ 91%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 100% ‡ ‡ 90%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 100% ‡ ‡ 89%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 100% ‡ ‡ 88%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 100% ‡ ‡ 87%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 100% ‡ ‡ 87%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 100% ‡ ‡ 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 100% ‡ ‡ 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 100% ‡ ‡ 86%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

‡ = Division breakout not conducted in previous years.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

MGR - Business Process Management

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.

100% 100%







Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 126: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 14







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% ‡ ‡ 99%

The work I do is important. 100% ‡ ‡ 99%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 100% ‡ ‡ 96%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 100% ‡ ‡ 95%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 100% ‡ ‡ 93%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 100% ‡ ‡ 93%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 100% ‡ ‡ 93%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 100% ‡ ‡ 93%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 100% ‡ ‡ 93%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 100% ‡ ‡ 92%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 100% ‡ ‡ 92%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 100% ‡ ‡ 92%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 100% ‡ ‡ 91%

My supervisor values me.2 100% ‡ ‡ 91%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 100% ‡ ‡ 89%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 100% ‡ ‡ 88%

My department director values employees in our department. 100% ‡ ‡ 87%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 100% ‡ ‡ 85%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 100% ‡ ‡ 85%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 100% ‡ ‡ 83%

My workload is reasonable. 100% ‡ ‡ 81%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 100% ‡ ‡ 79%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 93% ‡ ‡ 89%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 93% ‡ ‡ 88%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 93% ‡ ‡ 85%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 93% ‡ ‡ 83%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 93% ‡ ‡ 80%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 82% ‡ ‡ 77%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 79% ‡ ‡ 87%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 79% ‡ ‡ 86%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 45% ‡ ‡ 71%

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.

* = New measure. ‡ = Division breakout not conducted in previous years.1

Results reflect % Yes response. 2

Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

MGR - Business Process Management

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 127: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 12

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 100% ‡ ‡ 96%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 100% ‡ ‡ 92%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 100% ‡ ‡ 90%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 100% ‡ ‡ 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 100% ‡ ‡ 85%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor treats me with respect. 100% ‡ ‡ 93%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 100% ‡ ‡ 92%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 100% ‡ ‡ 91%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 100% ‡ ‡ 90%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 100% ‡ ‡ 89%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 100% ‡ ‡ 88%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 100% ‡ ‡ 87%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 100% ‡ ‡ 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 100% ‡ ‡ 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 100% ‡ ‡ 86%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 91% ‡ ‡ 87%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

‡ = Division breakout not conducted in previous years.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

MGR - Enterprise Project Management

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.

100% 99%







Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 128: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 12







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% ‡ ‡ 99%

The work I do is important. 100% ‡ ‡ 99%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 100% ‡ ‡ 96%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 100% ‡ ‡ 95%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 100% ‡ ‡ 93%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 100% ‡ ‡ 93%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 100% ‡ ‡ 93%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 100% ‡ ‡ 93%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 100% ‡ ‡ 92%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 100% ‡ ‡ 91%

My supervisor values me.2 100% ‡ ‡ 91%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 100% ‡ ‡ 89%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 100% ‡ ‡ 88%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 100% ‡ ‡ 88%

My department director values employees in our department. 100% ‡ ‡ 87%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 100% ‡ ‡ 85%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 100% ‡ ‡ 85%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 92% ‡ ‡ 80%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 91% ‡ ‡ 93%

My workload is reasonable. 91% ‡ ‡ 81%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 90% ‡ ‡ 92%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 89% ‡ ‡ 79%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 83% ‡ ‡ 85%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 82% ‡ ‡ 89%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 82% ‡ ‡ 83%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 73% ‡ ‡ 87%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 73% ‡ ‡ 83%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 70% ‡ ‡ 92%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 55% ‡ ‡ 77%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 45% ‡ ‡ 86%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 45% ‡ ‡ 71%

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.

* = New measure. ‡ = Division breakout not conducted in previous years.1

Results reflect % Yes response. 2

Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

MGR - Enterprise Project Management

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 129: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 17

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 100% 100% 100% 96%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 100% 94% 100% 92%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 100% 88% 100% 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 100% 88% 90% 85%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 92% 76% * 90%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor treats me with respect. 100% 93% 90% 93%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 100% 100% 100% 92%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 100% 94% 90% 91%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 100% 100% 100% 90%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 100% 94% 100% 89%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 100% 100% 90% 88%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 100% 88% 90% 87%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 100% 88% 90% 87%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 100% 88% 90% 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 100% 88% 100% 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 100% 94% 90% 86%

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

MGR - Manager's Office/Clerk/Economic Development

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.




94% 93%








Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 130: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 17







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * * 99%

The work I do is important. 100% 94% 100% 99%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 100% 100% 100% 96%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 100% 93% 90% 95%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 100% * * 93%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 100% 94% 100% 93%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 100% 94% 90% 93%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 100% * * 92%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 100% 100% 78% 92%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 100% 100% * 91%

My supervisor values me.2 100% 94% 100% 91%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 100% 100% 100% 89%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 100% 88% 80% 88%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 100% 88% 100% 88%

My department director values employees in our department. 100% 86% 100% 87%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 100% 100% 100% 85%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 100% 81% 89% 85%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 100% 87% 33% 83%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 100% 94% 100% 77%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 94% 100% 100% 93%

My workload is reasonable. 94% 94% * 81%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 94% 100% 100% 93%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 93% 87% 100% 85%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 93% 76% 78% 80%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 92% 56% 33% 79%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 88% 87% 67% 92%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 88% 82% 90% 83%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 88% 89% 89% 71%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 87% 81% 100% 89%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 87% 88% 90% 87%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 80% 75% 90% 86%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

MGR - Manager's Office/Clerk/Economic Development

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 131: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 6

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 100% 100% 100% 96%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 100% 100% 78% 92%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 100% 100% * 90%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 100% 50% 78% 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 100% 60% 78% 85%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor treats me with respect. 100% 60% 88% 93%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 100% 78% 75% 91%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 100% 90% 89% 90%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 100% 90% 100% 88%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 100% 100% 100% 87%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 100% 70% 89% 87%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 100% 80% 89% 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 100% 80% 88% 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 100% 90% 89% 86%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 80% 50% 78% 92%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 80% 100% 100% 89%

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

MGR - Office of Management and Budget

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

83% 82%











Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 132: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 6







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * * 99%

The work I do is important. 100% 89% 100% 99%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 100% 100% 100% 96%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 100% 100% 86% 95%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 100% 90% 78% 93%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 100% * * 93%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 100% 80% 100% 93%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 100% 100% 100% 93%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 100% 100% 100% 93%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 100% * * 92%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 100% 89% 100% 92%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 100% 100% * 91%

My supervisor values me.2 100% 60% 78% 91%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 100% 100% 75% 89%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 100% 60% 100% 88%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 100% 50% 86% 87%

My department director values employees in our department. 100% 67% 100% 87%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 100% 60% 100% 86%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 100% 90% 100% 85%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 100% 90% 89% 85%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 100% 100% 67% 83%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 100% 50% 67% 83%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 100% 89% 56% 79%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 100% 90% 100% 77%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 100% 70% 89% 71%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 83% 60% 89% 89%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 83% 90% 100% 85%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 80% 100% 57% 92%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 80% 70% 100% 88%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 80% 50% 89% 80%

My workload is reasonable. 50% 80% * 81%

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.1

Results reflect % Yes response. 2

Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

MGR - Office of Management and Budget

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 133: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 18

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 100% 93% * 90%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 94% 100% 92% 85%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 94% 100% 100% 92%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 94% 94% 92% 86%

My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 83% 100% 92% 96%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 100% 100% 100% 90%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 100% 100% 100% 88%

My supervisor treats me with respect. 94% 100% 100% 93%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 94% 100% 100% 92%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 94% 100% 92% 91%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 94% 87% 93% 89%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 94% 88% 93% 87%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 94% 81% 92% 87%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 94% 94% 100% 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 94% 100% 100% 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 94% 100% 100% 86%

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

PID - Public Information Department

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.



97%95% 95%







Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 134: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 18







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * * 99%

The work I do is important. 100% 100% 100% 99%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 100% 100% 100% 96%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 100% 100% 100% 95%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 100% 100% 100% 93%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 100% 100% 100% 93%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 100% 100% 93% 93%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 100% 100% 100% 93%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 100% * * 92%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 100% 100% 100% 89%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 100% 94% 100% 89%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 100% 81% 85% 87%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 94% * * 93%

My supervisor values me.2 94% 100% 100% 91%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 94% 88% 100% 88%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 94% 93% 92% 88%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 94% 94% 100% 85%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 94% 100% 100% 80%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 94% 75% 93% 85%

My workload is reasonable. 94% 94% * 81%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 93% 100% * 91%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 93% 75% 77% 86%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 92% 93% 100% 92%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 92% 94% 77% 92%

My department director values employees in our department. 88% 94% 86% 87%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 88% 47% 36% 79%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 87% 88% 77% 85%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 87% 69% 92% 83%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 69% 64% 100% 83%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 69% 57% 75% 77%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 69% 38% 75% 71%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

PID - Public Information Department

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 135: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 289

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 94% 92% 93% 92%

My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 90% 94% 91% 96%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 83% 90% * 90%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 81% 88% 90% 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 81% 89% 88% 85%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 93% 94% 96% 89%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 93% 92% 90% 88%

My supervisor treats me with respect. 92% 95% 93% 93%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 92% 92% 92% 91%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 91% 91% 90% 90%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 89% 90% 92% 87%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 89% 92% 90% 92%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 88% 90% 89% 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 87% 93% 89% 87%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 86% 89% 85% 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 85% 93% 92% 86%

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

PRK - Park & Recreation

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

90% 91%


91% 92%90%







Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 136: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 289







FY15 County


The work I do is important. 99% 99% 97% 99%

I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 99% * * 99%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 97% 93% 93% 93%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 96% * * 92%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 96% 94% 94% 95%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 95% 97% 97% 96%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 94% 93% 94% 93%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 94% * * 93%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 94% 95% 96% 93%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 94% 95% 92% 92%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 93% 93% 89% 93%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 93% 90% 90% 92%

My department director values employees in our department. 92% 91% 87% 87%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 91% 84% 82% 85%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 90% 90% * 91%

My supervisor values me.2 89% 92% 89% 91%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 89% 87% 85% 89%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 88% 82% 79% 79%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 86% 89% 86% 85%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 85% 86% 89% 89%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 84% 81% 83% 86%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 84% 81% 82% 83%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 83% 87% 86% 87%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 83% 91% 90% 88%

My workload is reasonable. 83% 80% * 81%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 81% 71% 79% 80%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 80% 89% 87% 88%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 79% 73% 81% 71%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 79% 72% 80% 85%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 75% 72% 82% 77%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 69% 73% 66% 83%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

PRK - Park & Recreation

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 137: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 23

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 100% 89% ‡ 92%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 95% 100% ‡ 86%

My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 92% 100% ‡ 96%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 90% 100% ‡ 85%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 71% 82% ‡ 90%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 100% 100% ‡ 92%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 100% 100% ‡ 90%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 100% 89% ‡ 89%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 100% 94% ‡ 88%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 100% 100% ‡ 86%

My supervisor treats me with respect. 95% 100% ‡ 93%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 95% 100% ‡ 91%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 95% 100% ‡ 87%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 95% 100% ‡ 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 95% 100% ‡ 87%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 91% 95% ‡ 87%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

‡ = Division breakout not conducted in previous years.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

PRK - Admin and Financial Services (includes Capital Planning, and Volunteer Services)

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.



98% 97%







Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 138: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 23







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * ‡ 99%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 100% 100% ‡ 96%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 100% 83% ‡ 93%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 100% * ‡ 93%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 100% 100% ‡ 93%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 100% 94% ‡ 93%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 100% * ‡ 92%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 100% 95% ‡ 92%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 100% 89% ‡ 91%

My supervisor values me.2 100% 100% ‡ 91%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 100% 95% ‡ 88%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 100% 94% ‡ 79%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 100% 75% ‡ 71%

The work I do is important. 95% 100% ‡ 99%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 95% 100% ‡ 95%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 95% 88% ‡ 85%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 95% 94% ‡ 89%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 95% 89% ‡ 89%

My department director values employees in our department. 95% 89% ‡ 87%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 95% 100% ‡ 85%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 94% 75% ‡ 77%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 91% 95% ‡ 93%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 91% 72% ‡ 87%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 91% 74% ‡ 86%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 91% 92% ‡ 85%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 91% 74% ‡ 83%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 90% 100% ‡ 92%

My workload is reasonable. 86% 68% ‡ 81%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 84% 95% ‡ 88%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 82% 79% ‡ 80%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 74% 100% ‡ 83%

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.

* = New measure. ‡ = Division breakout not conducted in previous years.1

Results reflect % Yes response. 2

Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

PRK - Admin and Financial Services (includes Capital Planning, and Volunteer Services)

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 139: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 90

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 94% 90% 86% 92%

My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 90% 89% 90% 96%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 79% 95% * 90%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 79% 83% 88% 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 77% 82% 86% 85%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor treats me with respect. 93% 95% 92% 93%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 91% 90% 94% 89%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 90% 88% 88% 91%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 90% 89% 88% 92%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 89% 89% 82% 88%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 88% 90% 86% 87%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 86% 85% 88% 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 85% 88% 94% 86%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 83% 84% 86% 87%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 83% 85% 86% 87%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 78% 86% 76% 90%

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

PRK - Community and Recreation Center Services

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

88% 88%

84%87% 88% 87%







Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 140: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 90







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * * 99%

The work I do is important. 100% 100% 100% 99%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 99% 87% 92% 93%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 95% 98% 95% 96%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 95% 91% 96% 93%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 95% 78% 77% 85%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 94% * * 92%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 94% 92% 97% 95%

My department director values employees in our department. 93% 88% 91% 87%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 92% * * 93%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 92% 89% 86% 93%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 90% 78% 86% 79%

My supervisor values me.2 89% 87% 82% 91%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 89% 95% 92% 92%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 88% 86% 92% 93%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 88% 80% 79% 89%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 86% 85% 85% 85%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 85% 84% 83% 92%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 84% 85% 84% 87%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 84% 81% * 91%

My workload is reasonable. 82% 83% * 81%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 82% 73% 77% 86%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 80% 70% 80% 83%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 78% 89% 89% 88%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 75% 69% 74% 80%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 74% 89% 85% 88%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 71% 70% 75% 89%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 63% 66% 73% 83%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 61% 58% 67% 71%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 60% 60% 67% 77%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 56% 54% 57% 85%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

PRK - Community and Recreation Center Services

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 141: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 21

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 100% 88% * 90%

My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 94% 100% 94% 96%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 89% 100% 100% 92%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 84% 100% 95% 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 84% 94% 100% 85%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 100% 88% 100% 90%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 100% 100% 95% 88%

My supervisor treats me with respect. 95% 100% 95% 93%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 95% 93% 80% 92%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 95% 88% 90% 91%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 95% 94% 95% 89%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 90% 94% 95% 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 90% 94% 95% 87%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 89% 94% 90% 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 89% 100% 95% 86%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 85% 94% 85% 87%

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

PRK - Enterprise Services (includes Athletic Services and Pools)

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

97% 96%


94% 93%







Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 142: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 21







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * * 99%

The work I do is important. 100% 88% 90% 99%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 100% 94% 95% 93%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 100% 100% 95% 93%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 100% * * 92%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 100% 94% 95% 92%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 95% 94% 100% 96%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 95% 94% 100% 95%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 95% 100% * 91%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 95% 94% 100% 89%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 95% 81% 80% 89%

My department director values employees in our department. 95% 93% 95% 87%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 95% 94% 95% 92%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 95% 93% 89% 85%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 94% * * 93%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 94% 86% 95% 85%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 94% 81% 100% 85%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 93% 80% 79% 79%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 90% 100% 95% 93%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 90% 100% 95% 88%

My supervisor values me.2 89% 94% 95% 91%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 85% 100% 95% 93%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 85% 75% 75% 83%

My workload is reasonable. 85% 69% * 81%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 84% 94% 95% 88%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 84% 63% 85% 80%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 75% 56% 90% 71%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 74% 63% 100% 77%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 68% 80% 85% 86%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 65% 80% 90% 83%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 63% 73% 95% 87%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

PRK - Enterprise Services (includes Athletic Services and Pools)

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 143: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 33

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 97% 89% 100% 92%

My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 90% 100% 90% 96%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 79% 88% * 90%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 77% 86% 92% 85%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 75% 82% 96% 86%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 97% 93% 96% 90%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 97% 100% 97% 87%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 94% 100% 96% 88%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 94% 85% 100% 87%

My supervisor treats me with respect. 94% 92% 100% 93%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 94% 96% 93% 91%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 94% 100% 97% 89%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 91% 96% 93% 92%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 91% 89% 93% 87%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 91% 81% 93% 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 82% 89% 96% 86%

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

PRK - Nature Preserves and Natural Resources

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.




96%93% 92%







Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 144: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 33







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * * 99%

The work I do is important. 100% 100% 100% 99%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 100% * * 93%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 100% 100% 96% 93%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 100% 78% 82% 92%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 97% 96% 97% 93%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 97% * * 92%

My supervisor values me.2 97% 92% 97% 91%

My department director values employees in our department. 97% 96% 93% 87%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 97% 96% 100% 96%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 97% 100% * 91%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 97% 85% 82% 95%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 94% 96% 96% 93%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 94% 82% 96% 85%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 93% 78% 86% 71%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 93% 81% 75% 92%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 93% 71% 89% 85%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 93% 89% 90% 85%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 90% 77% 89% 77%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 84% 89% 82% 93%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 84% 82% 93% 88%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 81% 93% 88% 88%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 79% 79% 86% 89%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 77% 59% 68% 80%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 75% 82% 86% 79%

My workload is reasonable. 73% 82% * 81%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 71% 96% 79% 89%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 70% 69% 78% 86%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 67% 77% 74% 87%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 65% 67% 61% 83%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 57% 63% 29% 83%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

PRK - Nature Preserves and Natural Resources

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 145: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 72

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 89% 92% 91% 92%

My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 85% 92% 85% 96%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 82% 87% * 90%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 75% 86% 86% 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 74% 89% 81% 85%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 96% 89% 94% 90%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 94% 89% 89% 88%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 90% 97% 97% 89%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 89% 92% 90% 91%

My supervisor treats me with respect. 85% 91% 89% 93%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 84% 87% 84% 87%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 83% 85% 93% 87%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 79% 88% 86% 92%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 77% 89% 76% 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 76% 92% 84% 86%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 72% 95% 80% 87%

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

PRK - Park Operations

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.











Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 146: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 72







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 99% * * 99%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 98% * * 92%

The work I do is important. 97% 100% 96% 99%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 96% 97% 96% 92%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 96% 97% 93% 95%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 95% 97% 94% 93%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 94% 95% 90% 93%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 94% 94% 93% 93%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 92% 90% 91% 89%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 91% 92% 96% 89%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 91% 93% 94% 92%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 91% 95% 90% 83%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 90% 95% 94% 93%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 89% 97% 87% 86%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 89% * * 93%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 88% 90% * 91%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 88% 95% 95% 96%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 86% 100% 87% 87%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 82% 86% 78% 85%

My workload is reasonable. 81% 78% * 81%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 81% 78% 76% 79%

My department director values employees in our department. 79% 92% 80% 87%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 79% 75% 80% 85%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 79% 75% 79% 71%

My supervisor values me.2 79% 92% 85% 91%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 77% 86% 89% 88%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 77% 69% 81% 80%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 76% 71% 76% 77%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 73% 88% 78% 88%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 71% 89% 78% 85%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 69% 72% 69% 83%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

PRK - Park Operations

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 147: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 50

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 96% 97% 100% 92%

My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 94% 96% 96% 96%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 94% 97% 97% 85%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 93% 93% * 90%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 92% 94% 97% 86%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 98% 94% 97% 89%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 98% 97% 94% 87%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 98% 94% 97% 87%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 98% 94% 94% 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 98% 97% 97% 87%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 96% 100% 97% 90%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 96% 97% 100% 92%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 96% 97% 100% 91%

My supervisor treats me with respect. 96% 97% 94% 93%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 94% 94% 100% 88%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 94% 97% 97% 86%

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

PRK - Park Repair and Maintenance

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.


94%97% 96% 96%







Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 148: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 50







FY15 County


The work I do is important. 100% 100% 100% 99%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 100% 97% 97% 95%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 100% 100% 100% 93%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 100% 100% 97% 92%

My department director values employees in our department. 100% 94% 85% 87%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 98% 97% 100% 96%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 98% 97% 94% 93%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 98% 97% 97% 92%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 98% 97% 85% 93%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 98% * * 93%

I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 96% * * 99%

My supervisor values me.2 96% 97% 97% 91%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 96% 97% 100% 93%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 96% 88% 87% 80%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 95% 83% 82% 85%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 95% 89% 69% 79%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 94% 100% 94% 89%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 94% 97% 94% 88%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 94% 88% 93% 87%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 94% 81% 93% 86%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 94% * * 92%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 93% 97% 93% 85%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 93% 97% 97% 71%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 93% 90% 88% 89%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 93% 85% 88% 85%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 92% 94% 97% 88%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 91% 94% * 91%

My workload is reasonable. 90% 86% * 81%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 87% 93% 91% 83%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 87% 81% 79% 83%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 86% 94% 100% 77%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

PRK - Park Repair and Maintenance

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 149: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 156

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 98% 96% 98% 96%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 97% 93% 95% 92%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 94% 91% * 90%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 94% 90% 90% 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 92% 90% 90% 85%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor treats me with respect. 96% 94% 97% 93%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 95% 93% 93% 92%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 95% 92% 96% 91%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 93% 97% 99% 89%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 93% 86% 93% 88%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 93% 87% 97% 90%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 93% 86% 88% 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 92% 91% 94% 86%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 90% 94% 94% 87%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 90% 89% 89% 87%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 90% 88% 91% 87%

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

PSO - Provided Services Organization

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

93% 92%95% 94%








Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 150: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 156







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * * 99%

The work I do is important. 100% 99% 99% 99%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 98% 93% 94% 93%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 98% 98% 98% 96%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 97% 93% 95% 93%

My supervisor values me.2 97% 93% 95% 91%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 96% 96% 94% 93%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 95% 93% 98% 93%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 95% 91% * 91%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 95% * * 93%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 95% 97% 96% 95%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 95% 97% 95% 92%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 95% 91% 94% 87%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 95% * * 92%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 94% 94% 96% 92%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 94% 92% 91% 88%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 94% 91% 91% 89%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 93% 90% 93% 88%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 93% 87% 91% 85%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 92% 87% 93% 86%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 92% 89% 95% 83%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 92% 83% 95% 89%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 91% 93% 93% 85%

My department director values employees in our department. 90% 94% 94% 87%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 88% 82% 91% 83%

My workload is reasonable. 88% 89% * 81%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 87% 88% 89% 80%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 87% 90% 93% 79%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 85% 83% 87% 85%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 69% 71% 81% 77%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 64% 66% 73% 71%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

PSO - Provided Services Organization

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 151: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 9

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 100% 100% ‡ 96%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 100% 100% ‡ 92%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 100% 100% ‡ 90%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 100% 100% ‡ 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 100% 100% ‡ 85%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor treats me with respect. 100% 100% ‡ 93%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 100% 100% ‡ 92%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 100% 90% ‡ 91%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 100% 82% ‡ 90%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 100% 100% ‡ 89%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 100% 100% ‡ 88%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 100% 100% ‡ 87%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 100% 82% ‡ 87%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 100% 90% ‡ 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 100% 90% ‡ 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 100% 100% ‡ 86%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

‡ = Division breakout not conducted in previous years.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

PSO - Administration / Operations Management

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.

100% 100%









Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 152: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 9







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * ‡ 99%

The work I do is important. 100% 100% ‡ 99%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 100% 100% ‡ 96%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 100% 100% ‡ 95%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 100% 80% ‡ 93%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 100% * ‡ 93%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 100% 82% ‡ 93%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 100% 100% ‡ 93%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 100% 89% ‡ 93%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 100% 100% ‡ 92%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 100% * ‡ 92%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 100% 100% ‡ 92%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 100% 90% ‡ 91%

My supervisor values me.2 100% 90% ‡ 91%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 100% 82% ‡ 89%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 100% 100% ‡ 89%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 100% 90% ‡ 88%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 100% 100% ‡ 88%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 100% 100% ‡ 87%

My department director values employees in our department. 100% 100% ‡ 87%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 100% 80% ‡ 86%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 100% 82% ‡ 85%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 100% 100% ‡ 85%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 100% 100% ‡ 83%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 100% 70% ‡ 83%

My workload is reasonable. 100% 100% ‡ 81%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 100% 75% ‡ 79%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 88% 90% ‡ 85%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 88% 82% ‡ 80%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 57% 70% ‡ 77%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 43% 56% ‡ 71%

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.

* = New measure. ‡ = Division breakout not conducted in previous years.1

Results reflect % Yes response. 2

Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

PSO - Administration / Operations Management

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 153: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 73

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 100% 100% 100% 96%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 100% 99% 90% 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 99% 100% 91% 85%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 99% 94% 96% 92%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 99% 91% * 90%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor treats me with respect. 100% 99% 96% 93%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 100% 97% 97% 91%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 100% 96% 89% 87%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 100% 97% 93% 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 100% 99% 98% 86%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 99% 99% 100% 90%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 99% 94% 91% 92%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 99% 97% 99% 89%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 99% 97% 99% 88%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 99% 96% 93% 87%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 97% 95% 95% 87%

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

PSO - Children’s Developmental Services Agency

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.











Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 154: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 73







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * * 99%

The work I do is important. 100% 100% 100% 99%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 100% 99% 97% 96%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 100% 96% 97% 93%

My supervisor values me.2 100% 99% 96% 91%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 100% 97% 90% 88%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 100% 99% 96% 85%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 100% 100% 99% 85%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 99% 97% 98% 88%

My department director values employees in our department. 99% 99% 98% 87%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 99% 97% 93% 93%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 99% 96% 100% 89%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 99% 97% 96% 80%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 99% 93% 94% 93%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 99% * * 93%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 99% * * 92%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 98% 98% 98% 79%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 97% 97% 97% 93%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 97% 92% 91% 89%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 96% 97% * 91%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 96% 83% 94% 83%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 96% 86% 95% 86%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 96% 93% 94% 87%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 94% 94% 97% 92%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 94% 94% 91% 92%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 93% 99% 96% 95%

My workload is reasonable. 92% 92% * 81%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 88% 76% 93% 83%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 84% 86% 82% 85%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 60% 67% 75% 77%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 55% 57% 61% 71%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

PSO - Children’s Developmental Services Agency

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 155: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 6

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 100% 100% ‡ 96%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 100% 100% ‡ 92%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 83% 86% ‡ 90%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 83% 100% ‡ 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 83% 100% ‡ 85%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor treats me with respect. 100% 100% ‡ 93%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 100% 100% ‡ 92%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 100% 100% ‡ 91%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 100% 100% ‡ 90%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 100% 100% ‡ 89%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 100% 100% ‡ 87%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 83% 100% ‡ 88%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 83% 100% ‡ 87%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 80% 100% ‡ 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 67% 100% ‡ 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 67% 100% ‡ 86%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

‡ = Division breakout not conducted in previous years.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

PSO - Community / Shelter Substance Abuse Treatment Programs

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.











Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 156: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 6







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * ‡ 99%

The work I do is important. 100% 100% ‡ 99%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 100% 100% ‡ 96%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 100% 100% ‡ 95%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 100% 100% ‡ 93%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 100% * ‡ 93%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 100% 100% ‡ 93%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 100% 100% ‡ 93%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 100% 100% ‡ 93%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 100% 100% ‡ 92%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 100% * ‡ 92%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 100% 100% ‡ 92%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 100% 100% ‡ 91%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 100% 100% ‡ 88%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 100% 100% ‡ 87%

My department director values employees in our department. 100% 100% ‡ 87%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 100% 100% ‡ 85%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 100% 100% ‡ 83%

My workload is reasonable. 100% 100% ‡ 81%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 100% 100% ‡ 80%

My supervisor values me.2 83% 100% ‡ 91%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 83% 100% ‡ 86%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 83% 100% ‡ 85%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 80% 100% ‡ 89%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 80% 100% ‡ 88%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 80% 100% ‡ 79%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 67% 86% ‡ 89%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 50% 60% ‡ 85%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 50% 50% ‡ 77%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 50% 50% ‡ 71%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 33% 86% ‡ 83%

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.

* = New measure. ‡ = Division breakout not conducted in previous years.1

Results reflect % Yes response. 2

Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

PSO - Community / Shelter Substance Abuse Treatment Programs

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 157: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 4

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 100% 100% 100% 96%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 100% 100% 80% 92%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 100% 100% * 90%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 100% 50% 80% 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 75% 50% 80% 85%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor treats me with respect. 100% 100% 100% 93%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 100% 100% 100% 92%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 100% 100% 100% 91%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 100% 75% 100% 88%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 100% 100% 100% 87%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 100% 50% 80% 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 100% 75% 80% 86%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 75% 75% 100% 90%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 75% 100% 100% 89%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 75% 100% 80% 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 75% 50% 80% 87%

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

PSO - Health Information Services

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.












Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 158: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 4







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * * 99%

The work I do is important. 100% 75% 100% 99%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 100% 100% 100% 96%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 100% 100% 100% 95%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 100% 100% 100% 93%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 100% * * 93%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 100% 100% 100% 93%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 100% 100% 100% 93%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 100% 100% 100% 92%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 100% 75% 100% 92%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 100% 100% * 91%

My supervisor values me.2 100% 100% 100% 91%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 100% 100% 100% 89%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 100% 75% 80% 88%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 100% 75% 80% 88%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 100% 100% 100% 87%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 100% 100% 100% 86%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 100% 100% 100% 85%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 100% 100% 100% 83%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 100% 100% 100% 83%

My workload is reasonable. 100% 100% * 81%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 100% ─ 100% 77%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 100% 100% 100% 71%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 75% 100% 80% 93%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 75% * * 92%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 75% 75% 100% 89%

My department director values employees in our department. 75% 75% 100% 87%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 75% 50% 80% 85%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 75% 100% 80% 85%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 75% 50% 80% 80%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 67% 67% 80% 79%

* = New measure. ─ = No response recorded.1

Results reflect % Yes response. 2

Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

PSO - Health Information Services

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 159: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 12

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 100% 100% 100% 96%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 100% 100% * 90%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 91% 100% 100% 92%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 83% 75% 90% 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 83% 73% 91% 85%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 100% 100% 91% 89%

My supervisor treats me with respect. 83% 100% 100% 93%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 83% 100% 100% 92%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 83% 91% 82% 86%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 82% 90% 90% 87%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 75% 83% 100% 90%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 75% 100% 100% 88%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 67% 100% 91% 91%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 67% 100% 91% 87%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 58% 91% 89% 87%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 50% 92% 91% 87%

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

PSO - Jail Substance Abuse Treatment Program

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.











Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 160: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 12







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * * 99%

The work I do is important. 100% 100% 100% 99%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 100% 100% 100% 96%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 100% 100% 100% 95%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 100% 91% 100% 93%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 100% 100% 100% 93%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 100% 100% 100% 92%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 100% 100% 100% 92%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 100% 100% * 91%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 100% 75% 82% 87%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 100% 67% 82% 86%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 100% 100% 100% 85%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 92% 100% 91% 93%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 92% 73% 100% 88%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 91% 100% 100% 93%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 91% 83% 91% 89%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 91% 92% 82% 88%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 91% 91% 100% 83%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 90% 75% 91% 83%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 90% 100% 100% 77%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 83% * * 92%

My supervisor values me.2 82% 92% 100% 91%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 80% 100% 100% 71%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 75% * * 93%

My department director values employees in our department. 75% 100% 91% 87%

My workload is reasonable. 73% 67% * 81%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 73% 100% 100% 80%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 71% 100% 91% 85%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 71% 100% 82% 79%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 67% 75% 91% 89%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 67% 82% 90% 85%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

PSO - Jail Substance Abuse Treatment Program

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 161: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 27

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 96% 88% 93% 92%

My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 95% 83% 95% 96%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 92% 90% * 90%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 89% 80% 92% 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 85% 80% 88% 85%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor treats me with respect. 93% 87% 100% 93%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 93% 83% 96% 91%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 89% 89% 96% 92%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 88% 70% 84% 87%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 85% 63% 67% 88%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 85% 91% 96% 87%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 85% 73% 100% 87%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 80% 70% 81% 90%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 78% 79% 88% 87%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 77% 98% 100% 89%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 73% 80% 92% 86%

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

PSO - Substance Abuse Services Center

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.



91% 91%









Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 162: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 27







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * * 99%

The work I do is important. 100% 100% 100% 99%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 100% 87% 96% 93%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 100% 96% 100% 93%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 100% 100% 100% 83%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 96% 93% 92% 95%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 96% 98% 100% 92%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 96% * * 93%

My supervisor values me.2 96% 84% 89% 91%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 93% 93% 95% 96%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 93% 95% 96% 93%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 93% 91% 88% 89%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 92% 95% 100% 86%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 92% 95% 96% 87%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 89% * * 92%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 89% 88% 84% 92%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 89% 89% 92% 88%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 88% 76% 88% 85%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 85% 80% 96% 93%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 85% 74% * 91%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 85% 80% 88% 88%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 84% 65% 78% 89%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 81% 93% 84% 83%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 77% 82% 81% 85%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 74% 73% 88% 85%

My department director values employees in our department. 73% 86% 82% 87%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 73% 66% 80% 77%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 73% 68% 80% 71%

My workload is reasonable. 69% 86% * 81%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 63% 74% 73% 80%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 61% 79% 92% 79%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

PSO - Substance Abuse Services Center

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 163: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 19

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 94% 90% 100% 92%

My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 91% 100% 100% 96%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 89% 90% 100% 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 88% 90% 100% 85%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 79% 80% * 90%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor treats me with respect. 95% 90% 100% 93%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 95% 100% 100% 92%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 95% 90% 100% 91%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 95% 90% 100% 90%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 95% 90% 100% 87%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 94% 100% 100% 89%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 94% 90% 100% 86%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 89% 80% 100% 88%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 89% 100% 100% 87%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 89% 90% 100% 87%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 89% 90% 100% 87%

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

PSO - Trauma and Justice Partnerships (CD-CP)

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.




92% 93%







Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 164: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 19







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * * 99%

The work I do is important. 100% 100% 100% 99%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 100% 100% 100% 95%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 100% 89% 89% 93%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 100% 100% 100% 93%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 100% 100% 100% 92%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 100% 100% * 91%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 100% 90% 100% 85%

My supervisor values me.2 95% 90% 100% 91%

My workload is reasonable. 95% 80% * 81%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 94% * * 93%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 94% * * 92%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 94% 80% 100% 89%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 94% 100% 100% 96%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 94% 100% 100% 92%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 93% 89% 100% 77%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 93% 89% 89% 79%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 89% 100% 100% 93%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 89% 90% 100% 88%

My department director values employees in our department. 89% 90% 100% 87%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 89% 90% 100% 85%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 89% 90% 89% 85%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 88% 80% 89% 89%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 88% 100% 100% 83%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 88% 70% 100% 87%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 83% 90% 88% 80%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 82% 90% 100% 93%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 82% 90% 100% 88%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 81% 89% 100% 71%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 76% 60% 78% 83%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 75% 78% 89% 86%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

PSO - Trauma and Justice Partnerships (CD-CP)

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 165: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 6

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 100% 100% 100% 96%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 100% 50% 60% 92%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 75% 50% 50% 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 75% 50% 50% 85%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 67% 100% * 90%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 100% 50% 100% 90%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 100% 50% 80% 88%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 100% 50% 60% 86%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 83% 50% 100% 89%

My supervisor treats me with respect. 75% 50% 60% 93%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 75% 0% 60% 92%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 75% 50% 60% 91%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 75% 0% 60% 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 75% 50% 60% 87%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 67% 50% 60% 87%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 50% 50% 60% 87%

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

PSO - Trauma and Justice Partnerships (JDTR)

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.














Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 166: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 6







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * * 99%

The work I do is important. 100% 50% 80% 99%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 100% 100% 100% 96%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 100% 100% 100% 93%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 100% 100% 100% 93%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 100% * * 92%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 100% 100% * 91%

My supervisor values me.2 100% 50% 60% 91%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 100% 50% 80% 89%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 100% 100% 100% 89%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 100% 50% 80% 87%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 100% 100% 67% 83%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 100% 0% 100% 83%

My workload is reasonable. 100% 100% * 81%

My department director values employees in our department. 83% 100% 50% 87%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 83% 50% 40% 80%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 80% 50% 60% 93%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 75% * * 93%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 75% 50% 60% 93%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 75% 100% 100% 92%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 75% 100% 100% 85%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 75% 0% 60% 85%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 67% 100% 80% 95%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 67% 50% 50% 88%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 67% 50% 80% 86%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 67% 33% 80% 85%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 67% 50% 60% 79%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 67% 100% 100% 77%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 67% 100% 100% 71%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 50% 100% 100% 92%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 50% 50% 60% 88%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

PSO - Trauma and Justice Partnerships (JDTR)

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 167: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 33

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 100% 83% 100% 96%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 75% 80% 97% 92%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 66% 68% 100% 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 63% 69% 91% 85%

I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 44% 37% * 90%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 90% 93% 97% 92%

My supervisor treats me with respect. 87% 93% 100% 93%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 84% 96% 100% 89%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 80% 77% 97% 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 75% 74% 91% 87%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 74% 77% 94% 90%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 73% 69% 91% 87%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 71% 74% 94% 91%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 69% 88% 88% 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 67% 71% 100% 86%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 65% 42% 69% 88%

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

REG - Register of Deeds

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.











Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 168: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 33







FY15 County


I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 97% 92% 97% 93%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 96% 79% 84% 92%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 96% 96% 100% 87%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 96% 81% 94% 93%

I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 94% * * 99%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 93% 96% 97% 89%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 93% 95% 97% 86%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 93% 82% 90% 93%

The work I do is important. 91% 100% 100% 99%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 90% 96% 91% 83%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 89% 84% 91% 95%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 88% 95% 91% 79%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 87% 96% 96% 96%

My workload is reasonable. 84% 93% * 81%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 84% 53% 83% 77%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 84% 85% 91% 85%

My supervisor values me.2 83% 92% 91% 91%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 81% 71% 93% 89%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 80% 80% 97% 88%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 79% * * 93%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 76% 55% 79% 71%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 76% 70% 91% 85%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 73% 65% 68% 85%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 72% * * 92%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 72% 89% 91% 93%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 71% 77% 53% 83%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 70% 74% 72% 92%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 67% 72% 91% 88%

My department director values employees in our department. 65% 75% 88% 87%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 63% 62% * 91%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 50% 54% 79% 80%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

REG - Register of Deeds

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 169: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 717

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 91% 91% 87% 92%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 86% 86% 82% 85%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 86% 87% 84% 86%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor treats me with respect. 94% 94% 92% 93%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 91% 92% 90% 91%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 90% 86% 83% 87%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 90% 91% 88% 92%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 90% 91% 93% 89%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 87% 87% 87% 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 85% 87% 83% 86%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 84% 85% 81% 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 84% 84% 82% 87%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 83% 84% 84% 90%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 79% 79% 78% 88%

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

SHF - Sheriff's Office

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.


88% 88%85%

87% 87%







Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 170: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 717







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 99% * * 99%

The work I do is important. 98% 98% 97% 99%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 97% 95% 93% 95%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 96% 94% 92% 96%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 95% 94% 93% 92%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 93% 93% 90% 93%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 93% 91% 85% 92%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 92% 92% * 91%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 92% 89% 86% 93%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 92% 91% 84% 87%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 92% 89% 84% 93%

My workload is reasonable. 91% 90% * 81%

My supervisor values me.2 91% 89% 84% 91%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 90% 89% 81% 86%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 90% * * 93%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 90% 89% 86% 77%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 89% 90% 81% 85%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 89% 86% 89% 93%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 88% 88% 85% 89%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 88% 89% 85% 88%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 87% 83% 87% 83%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 86% 86% 85% 88%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 85% 87% 85% 89%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 85% * * 92%

My department director values employees in our department. 84% 84% 77% 87%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 82% 80% 73% 80%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 81% 80% 78% 83%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 81% 82% 79% 85%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 81% 79% 82% 71%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 76% 78% 71% 85%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 73% 77% 68% 79%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

SHF - Sheriff's Office

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 171: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 90

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 95% 84% 84% 86%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 94% 93% 87% 92%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 94% 83% 79% 85%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 95% 94% 96% 89%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 94% 91% 87% 91%

My supervisor treats me with respect. 93% 94% 88% 93%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 92% 94% 94% 92%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 92% 89% 87% 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 91% 84% 82% 86%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 91% 87% 78% 87%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 88% 87% 81% 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 87% 87% 81% 87%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 86% 90% 90% 90%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 79% 89% 87% 88%

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

SHF - Administrative

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.



86%89% 90%







Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 172: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 90







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * * 99%

The work I do is important. 100% 98% 95% 99%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 99% 93% 93% 95%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 98% 95% 95% 93%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 97% 99% 92% 96%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 97% 95% 99% 93%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 96% 97% * 91%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 96% 94% 89% 92%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 96% 92% 86% 92%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 96% 93% 95% 85%

My workload is reasonable. 95% 93% * 81%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 95% 93% 95% 89%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 95% 92% 89% 87%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 95% 94% 95% 77%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 94% 92% 86% 93%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 94% 89% 89% 86%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 94% 85% 91% 71%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 93% 90% 83% 88%

My supervisor values me.2 93% 89% 85% 91%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 93% 89% 82% 93%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 92% 90% 85% 88%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 92% 86% 87% 83%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 91% * * 93%

My department director values employees in our department. 91% 86% 86% 87%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 88% 87% 78% 85%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 87% 88% 82% 85%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 87% * * 92%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 87% 80% 78% 80%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 86% 87% 91% 89%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 86% 85% 75% 79%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 76% 62% 67% 83%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

SHF - Administrative

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 173: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 82

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 89% 89% 83% 85%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 87% 89% 87% 86%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 84% 90% 79% 92%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor treats me with respect. 95% 92% 93% 93%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 94% 89% 91% 91%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 92% 95% 87% 92%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 91% 85% 85% 87%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 90% 85% 83% 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 88% 89% 84% 86%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 87% 89% 90% 89%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 86% 83% 68% 88%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 84% 86% 83% 87%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 83% 84% 83% 87%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 81% 86% 77% 90%

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

SHF - Arrest Processing

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.



84%87% 88%







Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 174: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 82







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * * 99%

The work I do is important. 99% 93% 94% 99%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 99% 95% 93% 96%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 97% 95% 87% 95%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 96% 93% 89% 92%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 95% 94% 91% 92%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 93% * * 93%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 93% 96% * 91%

My supervisor values me.2 92% 88% 81% 91%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 91% 86% 79% 93%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 91% 96% 83% 85%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 90% 96% 78% 93%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 89% 92% 65% 87%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 89% 93% 86% 77%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 89% 81% 71% 93%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 88% 94% 87% 93%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 88% 89% 86% 83%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 88% 86% 66% 89%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 87% 90% 65% 86%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 87% 91% 88% 88%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 86% * * 92%

My workload is reasonable. 86% 88% * 81%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 83% 84% 80% 89%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 83% 88% 92% 88%

My department director values employees in our department. 82% 80% 73% 87%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 81% 84% 82% 85%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 81% 82% 84% 71%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 80% 79% 68% 80%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 74% 78% 57% 83%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 71% 76% 67% 85%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 66% 75% 64% 79%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

SHF - Arrest Processing

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 175: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 81

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 94% 91% 94% 85%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 94% 93% 94% 92%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 91% 96% 94% 86%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor treats me with respect. 100% 98% 100% 93%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 99% 95% 96% 87%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 96% 96% 96% 91%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 94% 96% 91% 87%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 92% 96% 96% 92%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 91% 87% 89% 87%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 90% 92% 88% 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 89% 96% 92% 86%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 88% 93% 96% 89%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 80% 83% 80% 90%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 75% 78% 78% 88%

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

SHF - Court Operations

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.

94% 93% 93% 91% 92%90%







Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 176: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 81







FY15 County


The work I do is important. 100% 99% 98% 99%

My supervisor values me.2 100% 94% 92% 91%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 99% 97% 100% 96%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 99% 97% 92% 92%

My workload is reasonable. 99% 97% * 81%

I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 97% * * 99%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 97% 93% 88% 93%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 97% * * 93%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 97% 93% 94% 92%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 95% 88% 94% 88%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 94% 91% 92% 93%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 94% 94% 96% 95%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 93% 96% 98% 93%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 93% 96% 100% 88%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 92% 88% 96% 83%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 92% 96% 96% 77%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 92% 91% 91% 93%

My department director values employees in our department. 92% 92% 90% 87%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 91% 97% 87% 87%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 91% 92% 78% 86%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 90% 90% 84% 80%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 90% 98% * 91%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 89% 91% 98% 71%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 88% 95% 93% 85%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 88% 91% 88% 89%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 85% 85% 84% 85%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 84% 87% 78% 83%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 77% 89% 82% 89%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 77% * * 92%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 75% 73% 73% 85%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 66% 74% 75% 79%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

SHF - Court Operations

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 177: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 335

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 89% 88% 85% 92%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 80% 82% 78% 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 80% 81% 75% 85%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor treats me with respect. 90% 92% 89% 93%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 87% 90% 86% 91%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 87% 88% 90% 89%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 86% 85% 80% 92%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 86% 81% 78% 87%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 81% 81% 83% 87%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 78% 79% 80% 90%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 78% 82% 76% 86%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 78% 79% 76% 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 78% 78% 76% 87%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 73% 73% 71% 88%

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

SHF - Detention Staff

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.


83% 83%80%

82% 82%







Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 178: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 335







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 98% * * 99%

The work I do is important. 97% 98% 97% 99%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 96% 94% 96% 92%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 96% 94% 92% 95%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 95% 89% 89% 96%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 92% 86% 94% 83%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 92% 88% 89% 87%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 90% 91% 94% 93%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 90% 87% 82% 93%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 90% 87% 86% 86%

My workload is reasonable. 89% 85% * 81%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 89% 85% * 91%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 89% 85% 82% 93%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 88% 85% 79% 92%

My supervisor values me.2 86% 84% 78% 91%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 85% 84% 68% 85%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 85% 83% 88% 89%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 85% * * 93%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 85% 81% 77% 77%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 84% 85% 81% 89%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 83% 74% 80% 93%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 82% 82% 79% 88%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 82% * * 92%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 81% 80% 78% 88%

My department director values employees in our department. 77% 78% 66% 87%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 76% 74% 80% 83%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 75% 74% 67% 80%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 74% 75% 71% 85%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 70% 68% 70% 71%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 70% 71% 64% 85%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 68% 73% 61% 79%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

SHF - Detention Staff

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 179: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 85

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 99% 100% 96% 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 99% 100% 96% 85%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 99% 100% 99% 92%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor treats me with respect. 100% 100% 100% 93%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 100% 100% 100% 92%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 100% 99% 99% 91%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 100% 98% 96% 87%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 99% 99% 94% 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 98% 99% 95% 87%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 98% 100% 99% 86%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 97% 98% 96% 89%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 96% 97% 99% 90%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 96% 98% 99% 87%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 94% 96% 96% 88%

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

SHF - Field Operations

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.

97%100% 99% 97% 98% 98%







Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 180: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 85







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * * 99%

The work I do is important. 100% 100% 100% 99%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 100% 100% 99% 95%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 100% * * 93%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 100% 100% 99% 93%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 100% 100% 99% 93%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 100% 97% 97% 71%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 99% 98% 95% 93%

My supervisor values me.2 99% 99% 99% 91%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 99% 99% 97% 88%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 99% 100% 96% 92%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 99% 98% 97% 77%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 99% 99% * 91%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 98% 98% 96% 88%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 98% 98% 98% 96%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 97% * * 92%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 97% 100% 99% 85%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 96% 98% 95% 85%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 96% 95% 92% 80%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 95% 98% 96% 89%

My department director values employees in our department. 95% 100% 95% 87%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 95% 95% 77% 93%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 94% 96% 96% 92%

My workload is reasonable. 92% 95% * 81%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 89% 95% 68% 89%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 88% 86% 67% 86%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 87% 91% 69% 87%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 86% 94% 77% 85%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 85% 83% 75% 79%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 85% 93% 68% 83%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 80% 83% 89% 83%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

SHF - Field Operations

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 181: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 29

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 89% 100% 97% 92%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 83% 90% 87% 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 83% 87% 87% 85%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 97% 100% 97% 89%

My supervisor treats me with respect. 93% 97% 97% 93%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 93% 97% 90% 90%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 90% 97% 87% 92%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 89% 97% 94% 87%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 86% 83% 90% 87%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 85% 79% 83% 88%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 83% 90% 93% 91%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 83% 87% 93% 86%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 79% 84% 80% 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 79% 84% 83% 87%

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

SHF - Inmate Programs

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.



90% 90%87%







Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 182: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 29







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * * 99%

The work I do is important. 100% 100% 100% 99%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 100% 100% 96% 95%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 100% 100% 100% 93%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 100% 100% * 91%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 100% 100% 100% 89%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 100% 100% 100% 87%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 100% 93% 96% 86%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 100% 76% 96% 83%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 96% 97% 97% 93%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 96% 100% 97% 93%

My workload is reasonable. 96% 97% * 81%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 96% 100% 89% 92%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 96% 100% 93% 77%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 93% 87% 87% 88%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 93% 97% 96% 96%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 93% 90% 100% 93%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 92% 86% 87% 89%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 92% 96% 89% 85%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 92% 92% 93% 71%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 91% 93% 77% 85%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 89% 94% 87% 88%

My department director values employees in our department. 89% 96% 90% 87%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 89% * * 92%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 88% 100% 96% 92%

My supervisor values me.2 86% 89% 90% 91%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 85% * * 93%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 85% 96% 81% 79%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 81% 83% 83% 80%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 79% 84% 86% 85%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 70% 67% 69% 83%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

SHF - Inmate Programs

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 183: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 15

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 87% 100% 89% 92%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 73% 88% 79% 86%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 73% 88% 84% 85%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My supervisor treats me with respect. 100% 94% 95% 93%

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 93% 75% 84% 90%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 93% 100% 100% 89%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 87% 94% 89% 91%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 87% 94% 94% 87%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 86% 63% 94% 88%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 86% 81% 72% 86%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 85% 94% 79% 87%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 80% 100% 95% 92%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 79% 94% 78% 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 73% 100% 83% 87%

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

SHF - Work Release

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted.












Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 184: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 15







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * * 99%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 100% 100% 94% 96%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 100% 94% 89% 95%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 100% * * 93%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 100% * * 92%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 100% 80% 74% 92%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 100% 88% * 91%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 100% 100% 100% 89%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 100% 100% 94% 87%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 100% 100% 94% 86%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 100% 100% 100% 83%

My workload is reasonable. 100% 100% * 81%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 100% 86% 89% 77%

The work I do is important. 93% 100% 94% 99%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 93% 100% 93% 93%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 93% 93% 95% 93%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 93% 88% 89% 92%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 93% 94% 88% 93%

My department director values employees in our department. 93% 93% 83% 87%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 92% 100% 88% 93%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 87% 86% 89% 85%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 87% 94% 94% 85%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 86% 86% 94% 79%

My supervisor values me.2 85% 94% 83% 91%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 83% 73% 37% 80%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 80% 81% 84% 89%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 80% 94% 89% 88%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 79% 93% 79% 85%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 79% 85% 84% 71%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 71% 92% 91% 83%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 67% 92% 89% 88%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

SHF - Work Release

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


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N = 40

Employee DevelopmentFY15






FY15 County


I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP).1 100% 100% * 90%

My supervisor annually assesses progress on my individual development plan.1, 3 97% 98% 94% 96%

My supervisor provides sufficient feedback regarding my performance. 95% 88% 86% 86%

My supervisor supports my participation in professional development opportunities. 95% 82% 93% 92%

My supervisor provides timely feedback about my performance. 92% 84% 82% 85%

Employee Motivation & Satisfaction

My co-workers are willing to assist each other. 97% 92% 100% 90%

My supervisor treats me fairly. 95% 77% 82% 91%

My supervisor encourages an open exchange of ideas. 95% 72% 85% 87%

My supervisor encourages creative thinking. 95% 76% 89% 87%

Most days I feel good about coming to work. 92% 83% 93% 87%

My co-workers are respectful of each other. 92% 96% 98% 88%

My supervisor acknowledges my achievements. 92% 85% 83% 86%

My supervisor treats me with respect. 90% 76% 82% 93%

I would recommend Mecklenburg County to others as a good place to work. 89% 90% 93% 89%

I am able to openly communicate concerns to my supervisor. 89% 73% 79% 87%

My supervisor provides the flexibility I need to balance work and personal life. 85% 78% 92% 92%

3 Only those who respond "yes" to "I have a workplan that includes an individual development plan (IDP)" receive this question.

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Prior year averages have been updated based on revisions to the index.

Enterprise Scorecard MeasuresFiscal Year 2015

TAX - Office of the Tax Collector

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.












Average Scores Trend (FY13 - FY15)

County Target (84%)


DevelopmentEmployee Motivation &


FY13 FY132FY14 FY142FY15 FY15

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 186: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO

N = 40







FY15 County


I understand I can use the Fraud Hotline to report concerns about fraud or other unethical activity.* 1 100% * * 99%

The work I do is important. 100% 100% 100% 99%

I am comfortable talking about safety hazards with my supervisor. 100% 93% 93% 96%

My supervisor informs me about management decisions that relate to my job. 100% 83% 86% 88%

My supervisor clearly communicates my performance goals. 97% 88% 86% 88%

I am able to apply skills I learn in trainings to better perform my job. 97% 89% 98% 93%

My co-workers respect individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 97% * * 92%

My supervisor respects individuals by valuing their differences (backgrounds, values & beliefs).* 95% * * 93%

My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. 95% 92% 93% 93%

My supervisor encourages me to come up with better ways of doing things. 95% 79% 89% 85%

My supervisor values me.2 95% 77% 83% 91%

My department director values employees in our department. 95% 91% 90% 87%

My department director clearly communicates what is going on in my department. 95% 78% 85% 80%

I have received adequate training needed to perform my job safely. 94% 91% 100% 95%

I have been trained to effectively identify safety hazards in the workplace. 94% 84% 95% 92%

Employees in my division share job knowledge with each other. 92% 94% 90% 89%

Workplace safety is a priority in my department. 89% 84% 100% 92%

I have received info about what to do in the event of an emergency (tornado, bomb threat).1 89% 96% 95% 83%

I have electronic access to the information I need to do my job well. 89% 89% 98% 93%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle during regular business hours. 86% 90% 93% 93%

The executive leadership of Mecklenburg County values County employees.2 82% 83% 90% 85%

My workload is reasonable. 82% 84% * 81%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace during regular business hours. 76% 84% * 91%

I have the necessary technology (hardware and software) to do my job well. 76% 85% 95% 89%

The technology (hardware and software) I use on the job is reliable. 74% 70% 85% 83%

The Board of County Commissioners values County employees. 70% 67% 81% 79%

Information Technology solves my technology problems effectively. 69% 70% 84% 87%

Overall, I feel secure at my workplace after regular business hours. 68% 71% 87% 77%

Information Technology solves my technology problems quickly. 67% 61% 83% 86%

Overall, I feel secure going to my vehicle after regular business hours. 66% 66% 90% 71%

Overall, I am satisfied with the security personnel presence at the facility where I work. 61% 72% 88% 85%

1 Results reflect % Yes response.

2 Question worded differently on 2014 survey.

Supplemental InformationFiscal Year 2015

TAX - Office of the Tax Collector

Results █ = Exemplary performance █ = Successful performance █ = Mixed results █ = Needs Improvement

Results reflect % Strongly Agree/Agree responses, unless otherwise noted. * = New measure.

2015 Employee Climate Survey


Page 187: Mecklenburg County Employee Climate Survey -… · FY15 Employee Climate Survey . Monica R. Allen, ... 27 CAO